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Community ‹ Bisq - The decentralized Bitcoin exchange |
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English |
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Join our community and help build an exchange which is designed with the principles of Bitcoin in mind.
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@bisq-network on GitHub
The main Bisq network code repository@bisq_network on Twitter
Keep up-to-date with community and development announcementsBisq YouTube channel
View and participate on our weekly growth calls and watch interviews with the developers and other multimedia content
Bisq Slack workspace
Participate in the conversation on how to make Bisq betterBisq Forum
Post your opinions and questions on the Bisq forumBisq Contributor mailing list
Join our newsletter
#bisq on Freenode IRC
IRC freenode server for more decentralized chatr/Bisq Subreddit
Get support and mingle with the community in Bisq's subreddit