diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f1669d2..ccb874b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ in a Deno-compatible `.ts` or `.js` file, to make it standalone self-executable: ```typescript #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" ``` It automatically downloads a correct version of the single @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Copy/paste this two-liner, into the beginning of your TypeScript file: ```typescript #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" ``` ### Step 2: `chmod` it @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ script into `sh`: ```typescript #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' ``` Using this, you can run both run the script normally from a file, or directly diff --git a/example b/example index 390b9af..b18dea9 100755 --- a/example +++ b/example @@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ DENO_VERSION_RANGE_URL_ENCODED="$(uri_encode "${DENO_VERSION_RANGE}")" DEFAULT_DENO="$(does_deno_work "$(command -v deno)" ||:)" get_tmp_dir() { - if ! has_command findmnt; then - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" - return + # for each tmpfs filesystem, sort by available space. for each line, read available space and target mount point, filtering out any trailing whitespace from each variable. if the available bytes is at least 150000000, check if the mount point is a directory. if so, use it. + if has_command findmnt; then + findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | \ + while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r avail target; do + if [ "${avail}" -ge 150000000 ] && [ -d "${target}" ]; then + printf "%s" "${target}" + return + fi + done fi - tmpfss="$(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | cut -d\ -f2)" - for tmpfs in "${tmpfss}"; do - if [ -d "${tmpfs}" ]; then - echo "${tmpfs}" - return - fi - done - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" + + printf "%s" "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" } does_deno_on_path_satisfy() { diff --git a/example-piped b/example-piped index 39aa6f4..ade18eb 100755 --- a/example-piped +++ b/example-piped @@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ DENO_VERSION_RANGE_URL_ENCODED="$(uri_encode "${DENO_VERSION_RANGE}")" DEFAULT_DENO="$(does_deno_work "$(command -v deno)" ||:)" get_tmp_dir() { - if ! has_command findmnt; then - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" - return + # for each tmpfs filesystem, sort by available space. for each line, read available space and target mount point, filtering out any trailing whitespace from each variable. if the available bytes is at least 150000000, check if the mount point is a directory. if so, use it. + if has_command findmnt; then + findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | \ + while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r avail target; do + if [ "${avail}" -ge 150000000 ] && [ -d "${target}" ]; then + printf "%s" "${target}" + return + fi + done fi - tmpfss="$(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | cut -d\ -f2)" - for tmpfs in "${tmpfss}"; do - if [ -d "${tmpfs}" ]; then - echo "${tmpfs}" - return - fi - done - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" + + printf "%s" "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" } is_run_from_file(){ diff --git a/example-piped.min b/example-piped.min index d3f1dc7..bc65554 100755 --- a/example-piped.min +++ b/example-piped.min @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' import { readAll } from "https://deno.land/std@0.221.0/io/read_all.ts"; console.log( diff --git a/example-piped.min.ts b/example-piped.min.ts index d3f1dc7..bc65554 100755 --- a/example-piped.min.ts +++ b/example-piped.min.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' import { readAll } from "https://deno.land/std@0.221.0/io/read_all.ts"; console.log( diff --git a/example-piped.ts b/example-piped.ts index 39aa6f4..ade18eb 100755 --- a/example-piped.ts +++ b/example-piped.ts @@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ DENO_VERSION_RANGE_URL_ENCODED="$(uri_encode "${DENO_VERSION_RANGE}")" DEFAULT_DENO="$(does_deno_work "$(command -v deno)" ||:)" get_tmp_dir() { - if ! has_command findmnt; then - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" - return + # for each tmpfs filesystem, sort by available space. for each line, read available space and target mount point, filtering out any trailing whitespace from each variable. if the available bytes is at least 150000000, check if the mount point is a directory. if so, use it. + if has_command findmnt; then + findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | \ + while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r avail target; do + if [ "${avail}" -ge 150000000 ] && [ -d "${target}" ]; then + printf "%s" "${target}" + return + fi + done fi - tmpfss="$(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | cut -d\ -f2)" - for tmpfs in "${tmpfss}"; do - if [ -d "${tmpfs}" ]; then - echo "${tmpfs}" - return - fi - done - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" + + printf "%s" "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" } is_run_from_file(){ diff --git a/example.min b/example.min index 7e3d43d..c1dad50 100755 --- a/example.min +++ b/example.min @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" import { readAll } from "https://deno.land/std@0.221.0/io/read_all.ts"; console.log( diff --git a/example.min.ts b/example.min.ts index 7e3d43d..c1dad50 100755 --- a/example.min.ts +++ b/example.min.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" import { readAll } from "https://deno.land/std@0.221.0/io/read_all.ts"; console.log( diff --git a/example.ts b/example.ts index 390b9af..b18dea9 100755 --- a/example.ts +++ b/example.ts @@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ DENO_VERSION_RANGE_URL_ENCODED="$(uri_encode "${DENO_VERSION_RANGE}")" DEFAULT_DENO="$(does_deno_work "$(command -v deno)" ||:)" get_tmp_dir() { - if ! has_command findmnt; then - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" - return + # for each tmpfs filesystem, sort by available space. for each line, read available space and target mount point, filtering out any trailing whitespace from each variable. if the available bytes is at least 150000000, check if the mount point is a directory. if so, use it. + if has_command findmnt; then + findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | \ + while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r avail target; do + if [ "${avail}" -ge 150000000 ] && [ -d "${target}" ]; then + printf "%s" "${target}" + return + fi + done fi - tmpfss="$(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | cut -d\ -f2)" - for tmpfs in "${tmpfss}"; do - if [ -d "${tmpfs}" ]; then - echo "${tmpfs}" - return - fi - done - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" + + printf "%s" "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" } does_deno_on_path_satisfy() { diff --git a/src/deno-shebang-piped.min.sh b/src/deno-shebang-piped.min.sh index 4c966cd..0fb397c 100755 --- a/src/deno-shebang-piped.min.sh +++ b/src/deno-shebang-piped.min.sh @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' diff --git a/src/deno-shebang-piped.sh b/src/deno-shebang-piped.sh index e1fbf51..56eb683 100755 --- a/src/deno-shebang-piped.sh +++ b/src/deno-shebang-piped.sh @@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ DENO_VERSION_RANGE_URL_ENCODED="$(uri_encode "${DENO_VERSION_RANGE}")" DEFAULT_DENO="$(does_deno_work "$(command -v deno)" ||:)" get_tmp_dir() { - if ! has_command findmnt; then - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" - return + # for each tmpfs filesystem, sort by available space. for each line, read available space and target mount point, filtering out any trailing whitespace from each variable. if the available bytes is at least 150000000, check if the mount point is a directory. if so, use it. + if has_command findmnt; then + findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | \ + while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r avail target; do + if [ "${avail}" -ge 150000000 ] && [ -d "${target}" ]; then + printf "%s" "${target}" + return + fi + done fi - tmpfss="$(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | cut -d\ -f2)" - for tmpfs in "${tmpfss}"; do - if [ -d "${tmpfs}" ]; then - echo "${tmpfs}" - return - fi - done - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" + + printf "%s" "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" } is_run_from_file(){ diff --git a/src/deno-shebang.min.sh b/src/deno-shebang.min.sh index 4184b85..8061428 100755 --- a/src/deno-shebang.min.sh +++ b/src/deno-shebang.min.sh @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;exec deno run $A "$0" "$@" diff --git a/src/deno-shebang.sh b/src/deno-shebang.sh index 426cb5b..fa023d5 100755 --- a/src/deno-shebang.sh +++ b/src/deno-shebang.sh @@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ DENO_VERSION_RANGE_URL_ENCODED="$(uri_encode "${DENO_VERSION_RANGE}")" DEFAULT_DENO="$(does_deno_work "$(command -v deno)" ||:)" get_tmp_dir() { - if ! has_command findmnt; then - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" - return + # for each tmpfs filesystem, sort by available space. for each line, read available space and target mount point, filtering out any trailing whitespace from each variable. if the available bytes is at least 150000000, check if the mount point is a directory. if so, use it. + if has_command findmnt; then + findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | \ + while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r avail target; do + if [ "${avail}" -ge 150000000 ] && [ -d "${target}" ]; then + printf "%s" "${target}" + return + fi + done fi - tmpfss="$(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET | sort -rn | cut -d\ -f2)" - for tmpfs in "${tmpfss}"; do - if [ -d "${tmpfs}" ]; then - echo "${tmpfs}" - return - fi - done - echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" + + printf "%s" "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" } does_deno_on_path_satisfy() { diff --git a/test/import-test-piped.sh b/test/import-test-piped.sh index dacaa16..68eb151 100755 --- a/test/import-test-piped.sh +++ b/test/import-test-piped.sh @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #!/bin/sh -// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ ! h findmnt&&echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"&&return;d="$(for i in $(findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|cut -d\ -f2);do [ -d "$i" ] && echo "$i" && break || :;done)";echo "${d:-"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' +// 2>/dev/null;DENO_VERSION_RANGE="^1.42.0";DENO_RUN_ARGS="";set -e;V="$DENO_VERSION_RANGE";A="$DENO_RUN_ARGS";h(){ [ -x "$(command -v "$1" 2>&1)" ];};g(){ u="$([ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]&&echo sudo||:)";if h brew;then echo "brew install $1";elif h apt;then echo "($u apt update && $u DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y $1)";elif h yum;then echo "$u yum install -y $1";elif h pacman;then echo "$u pacman -yS --noconfirm $1";elif h opkg-install;then echo "$u opkg-install $1";fi;};p(){ q="$(g "$1")";if [ -z "$q" ];then echo "Please install '$1' manually, then try again.">&2;exit 1;fi;eval "o=\"\$(set +o)\";set -x;$q;set +x;eval \"\$o\"">&2;};f(){ h "$1"||p "$1";};w(){ [ -n "$1" ] && "$1" -V >/dev/null 2>&1;};U="$(l=$(printf "%s" "$V"|wc -c);for i in $(seq 1 $l);do c=$(printf "%s" "$V"|cut -c $i);printf '%%%02X' "'$c";done)";D="$(w "$(command -v deno||:)"||:)";t(){ if h findmnt;then findmnt -Ononoexec,noro -ttmpfs -nboAVAIL,TARGET|sort -rn|while IFS=$'\n\t ' read -r a m;do [ "$a" -ge 150000000 ]&&[ -d "$m" ]&&printf %s "$m"&&return||:;done;fi;printf %s "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}";};z(){ m="$(command -v "$0"||true)";l="/* 2>/dev/null";! [ -z "$m" ]&&[ -r "$m" ]&&[ "$(head -c3 "$m")" = '#!/' ]&&(read x && read y &&[ "$x" = "#!/bin/sh" ]&&[ "$l" != "${y%"$l"*}" ])<"$m";};s(){ deno eval "import{satisfies as e}from'https://deno.land/x/semver@v1.4.1/mod.ts';Deno.exit(e(Deno.version.deno,'$V')?0:1);">/dev/null 2>&1;};e(){ R="$(t)/deno-range-$V/bin";mkdir -p "$R";export PATH="$R:$PATH";s&&return;f curl;v="$(curl -sSfL "https://semver-version.deno.dev/api/github/denoland/deno/$U")";i="$(t)/deno-$v";ln -sf "$i/bin/deno" "$R/deno";s && return;f unzip;([ "${A#*-q}" != "$A" ]&&exec 2>/dev/null;curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh|DENO_INSTALL="$i" sh -s $DENO_INSTALL_ARGS "$v">&2);};e;z&&exec deno run $A "$0" "$@";exec deno run $A - "$@"<<'//🔚' import whom from "./mod.ts"; console.log(`Hello, ${whom}!`); //🔚