From 98c6f74ea6c46bb114e015b5a67c9c923d650531 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Folyd Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 23:13:54 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Bump minifier to 0.3 --- extension/index/crates.js | 2 +- rust/Cargo.toml | 2 +- rust/src/ | 2 +- 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/extension/index/crates.js b/extension/index/crates.js index af7ef30e..91c6773d 100644 --- a/extension/index/crates.js +++ b/extension/index/crates.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -var mapping=JSON.parse('{"^K":"attribute","$k":"compatible","@s":"polkadot","$R":"file","^T":"dependency","&s":"implemented","^C":"machine","$Q":"storage","$v":"Windows","&n":"friendly","$X":"generated","^g":"working","^k":"bindgen","$t":"cryptographic","&l":"virtual","$0":"procedural","&K":"wrappers","&k":"safe","@H":"generator","^d":"sys","@T":"system","^5":"binary","$Z":"environment","^Y":"instead","&c":"implement","@n":"functions","&I":"components","@E":"from","@L":"v1.10.0","@3":"Rust","&L":"features","$l":"command","&m":"config","^c":"management","$Y":"written","$V":"Amazon","$K":"project","@2":"for","@B":"applications","@w":"based","$M":"network","$y":"crates","$J":"embedded","$n":"backend","^6":"building","$u":"testing","&R":"Runtime","&t":"accurate","$5":"serde","@P":"files","$F":"tracing","@V":"Procedural","$q":"generating","&W":"JavaScript","$L":"Macros","@c":"macro","&o":"Solana","$i":"generation","&T":"Collection","&E":"Substrate","&J":"constants","$U":"API","$e":"strings","@r":"provides","$p":"Simple","&N":"compile","^2":"decoding","^p":"structure","@M":"Provides","@g":"interface","$I":"writing","@q":"Library","@4":"bindings","^U":"without","&p":"fast","&M":"repository","@x":"platform","@h":"parser","&w":"rustc","@b":"types","^w":"program","$h":"algorithms","&S":"natural","^x":"Derive","@J":"encoding","^A":"representation","$c":"operations","^b":"contracts","@Y":"package","@m":"utilities","$4":"common","&j":"crypto","@O":"core","&4":"like","&i":"helpers","@X":"performance","$T":"interacting","^I":"Unicode","&V":"conversion","^1":"Internal","^B":"codegen","$z":"which","&f":"middleware","^Q":"values","@v":"runtime","$w":"application","$8":"between","$C":"integration","@f":"support","@S":"definitions","&Z":"directories","@1":"library","^j":"type","$j":"Utilities","&e":"lightweight","$N":"9a27044f42ace9eb652781b53f598e25d4e7e918","^z":"Protocol","&g":"Asynchronous","^P":"development","$P":"This","^y":"module","@U":"collection","@K":"parsing","@W":"level","@d":"client","&F":"thread","^r":"utils","&z":"use","^f":"compression","@D":"data","&C":"subcommand","$x":"abstraction","&1":"test","^n":"pallet","$2":"version","&Y":"concurrent","$b":"algorithm","&9":"providing","@e":"language","$o":"terminal","@N":"server","@G":"format","@A":"using","&u":"collections","@o":"simple","^N":"structs","&O":"windows","$s":"build","@l":"protocol","^7":"internal","^l":"standard","&8":"generic","^O":"proc","&y":"manager","^4":"dependencies","@R":"function","@u":"that","$O":"database","^s":"access","&G":"binding","^R":"solana","@6":"and","@j":"framework","&P":"Interface","^G":"metadata","^V":"numbers","^t":"Automatically","@t":"serialization","&H":"related","^J":"","@y":"structures","&3":"your","&q":"into","&a":"SDK","@Q":"information","&A":"encryption","@8":"macros","^H":"tools","$S":"microcontrollers","^L":"error","$B":"detection","&d":"specification","@I":"functionality","&r":"extensions","^F":"native","@k":"implementations","^W":"Common","@5":"crate","^o":"generate","$a":"Bindings","^i":"around","&D":"JSON","^a":"programming","^3":"deserialization","^e":"The","&U":"communication","&B":"shared","$D":"decentralized","&Q":"https","^u":"metrics","&v":"value","^Z":"stream","^m":"extension","$m":"engine","@i":"Implementation","$A":"libraries","@C":"async","&b":"struct","$3":"traits","$H":"handling","$9":"used","$r":"futures","^v":"AWS","&X":"graphics","^9":"model","$6":"string","@7":"the","^8":"trait","@Z":"WebAssembly","&7":"including","^X":"messages","&x":"helper","$G":"configuration","$W":"plugin","$E":"compiler","$d":"code","$f":"implementing","&5":"tree","^D":"allocator","^0":"time","$1":"asynchronous","^S":"contract","@F":"primitives","$7":"memory","^q":"utility","@z":"rust","&2":"specific","$g":"cargo","^E":"creating","@0":"implementation","&6":"efficient","&0":"builder","@p":"wrapper","^h":"tokio","^M":"process","@a":"derive","&h":"Service","@9":"with"}');var N=null;var C=["0.12.0","0.30.0","0.2.0","0.14.0","1.22.0","0.1.0","0.18.0","0.4.0","0.13.0","1.0.0","0.116.0-rc2","0.10.0","1.17.32","Rendy's @m","0.13.2","0.48.0","A ^z Buffers @0 @2 @7 @3 Language.","1.21.0","0.20.0","Please &z `gix-` ^Y ('git' -> 'gix')","0.0.26","DEPRECATED: &z ncollide2d or ncollide3d insead.","A morphological analysis @1.","Source Code Spelling Correction","0.11.0","0.0.212","0.16.19","@V @c ^K @2 converting doc comments &q $F spans","0.17.0","0.11.0-beta.5","0.21.1","A port of HdrHistogram to @3","0.15.0","0.16.0","0.25.0","0.15.1","0.19.0","0.21.0","A columnar @D @G @u is 100x faster than Parquet @2 random ^s.","Search @6 Rewrite $d at large scale @A precise AST pattern","0.14.1","0.10.1","727.0.0","Cargo &C to work @9 ^v Lambda","1.16.0-alpha.11","0.13.1","A @Y $z @r a &1 suite @u can be run against an ICRC-1 $k ledger.","A @z @5 @2 sending ^X to Slack via webhooks.","0.10.2","Pairing cryptography @9 @7 Barreto-Naehrig curve","Blockchain, Rebuilt @2 Scale","0.12.1","$U @2 managing ^I Locale Identifiers","Import lib @2 $v","0.11.2","Type $c @2 a $D &l ^C","0.11.1","0.1.16-alpha.0","0.1.0-rc.1","A cache @u holds a limited number of key-&v pairs","0.24.0","0.3.0-alpha.2","WASI @0 in @3","20.0.0","32.0.0","Generates an Anchor CPI @5 @E a &D IDL.","^1 &x @1 @2 @7 derive_builder @5.","11.0.0","0.44.0","Recursive-length prefix @J, ^2, @6 ^f","0.5.0-pre95","@3 @2 $v","0.58.0","@V @c @1 $9 to $s custom prime field @k","^1 @5 @2 zenoh.","1.0.0-rc.3","0.11.0-rc.1","Some ^H @u are '^7' @2 now because they are insufficiently refined @6 unstable, but $z are $9 by other 'public' $y.","An HTTP/2 @d @6 @N","0.36.0","Trust-DNS is a &k @6 secure DNS @N @9 DNSSEC @f. Eventually this could be a replacement @2 BIND9. ^e DNSSEC @f allows @2 live signing of all records, in it does not currently @f records signed offline. ^e @N supports dynamic DNS @9 SIG0 authenticated requests. Trust-DNS is @w on @7 Tokio @6 Futures $A, $z means it should be easily integrated &q other software @u also &z those $A.","0.16.0-threadsafe.4","0.3.0-alpha.6","1.14.17","0.0.52-alpha2","Tiny, no-nonsense, self contained, TensorFlow @6 ONNX inference","0.26.0","GlueSQL - Open source SQL $O $m fully $Y in @3 @9 pure functional execution layer, easily swappable $Q @6 web assembly @f!","0.4.0-alpha.0","@q @2 $T @9 CTAP1/2 security keys @2 Web Authentication. Used by Firefox.","31.0.0","0.25.3","0.12.2","Cranelift IR &0 &x","HTTP requests @1 @2 WASM Apps","A link aggregator @2 @7 fediverse","0.19.4-beta.5","0.2.10","Compiler $W @2 'mockers' mocking @1","0.2.12-alpha.0","Traits to Read @6 write @b @u &c $5 Serialize @6 deserialize to @P","21.0.1-preview.1","Assertion @8","^1 @5 $9 by s2n-quic","wit-^k-gen-c","@3 Custom ^x Macro $z loads @P &q @7 @z ^5 at &N ^0 during release @6 loads @7 $R @E @7 fs during dev","SPIR-V @b &B $8 spirv-std @6 spirv-std-@8","4.3.0-alpha.1","$P @5 is no longer $9 by @7 ^v &a @6 is deprecated.","$U @2 managing ^I Language Identifiers","rusty @4 to apples CADisplayLink/CVDisplayLink @g","A @U of $3 @2 ^g @9 TL @t/^3","LightSpeed","Helpful @8 @2 ^g @9 enums @6 $e","Deprecated: @5 merged &q ruma-@8","@a(Error)","1.20141219.5","Reading @6 $I at an offset","$P is an Plugin","$a to libbzip2 @2 bzip2 ^f @6 decompression exposed as Reader/Writer streams.","0.3.1-dev","^e @3 SQL Toolkit @6 ORM @q. An @C, pure @3 SQL @5 featuring &N-^0 Dynamic SQL","Driver @2 TDengine - a timeseries $O @6 analysis @x","Scripting @1 @2 deploying @6 $T @9 CosmWasm smart-^b","0.22.0-rc","0.0.9-alpha","An HTTP Signatures @1 @u leaves @7 signing to you","Fake clock @2 deterministic $u of $d depending on ^0.","Next-gen MTA. Secured, Faster @6 Greener","Playground @2 matrix multiplication $h","Substreams ^P kit @2 Ethereum chains, contains Firehose Block ^9 @6 &i as well as @m @2 Ethereum ABI @J/^2.","0.4.0-dev.2","A @z &G @2 @7 GSL (@7 GNU scientific @1)","Nix $d formatter @2 nixpkgs","A clone of @7 ^l library's `RefCell` ^j @9 extra debugging @f in non-release builds. Whenever a borrow ^L happens @7 current locations of where known borrows were created will be printed out as well.","A @3 @0 of a TAR $R reader @6 writer. $P @1 does not currently handle ^f, but it is abstract over all I/O readers @6 writers. Additionally, great lengths are taken to ensure @u @7 entire contents are never required to be entirely resident in $7 all at once.","[ink!] @3 @w eDSL @2 $I smart ^b @2 &E","pest meta @e @h @6 validator","0.3.0-beta-dev.28","Early-stage, next-$i, $d-first CAD $w. Because @7 world needs another CAD ^w.","@3 definition of SPIR-V ^N @6 enums","0.5.0-dev","0.16.0-rc.1","0.8.0-alpha.2","Metaplex Token Vault","Message Passing &P @4 @2 @3","A @1 @2 $f a Lightning signer, $z externalizes @6 secures $t $c.","Builtin init actor @2 Filecoin","^v credential tooling","Sets `jemalloc` as @7 `#[global_allocator]`","@3 @4 @2 Frida","0.9.0-beta.2","Stylist is a CSS-in-@3 styling solution @2 @Z Applications.","0.0.1-sol5","Useful @8","@i of @7 Pallas @6 Vesta (Pasta) curve cycle","Basic linear algebra routines","To be $9 @9 all variant, contains @7 @a @c","5.12.197","0.3.0-alpha.19","Binary Object Representation Serializer @2 Hashing","@3 fixture @w &1 @j. It &z $0 @c to &c fixtures @6 table @w tests.","@q @2 &8 lossless syntax trees","0.1.5-alpha.0","Wasmer @v @1","^v &a @2 @3 - Request Signing","Main @c of @7 @1 @2 $I NEAR smart ^b.","0.21.0-pre.4","Wasmer C $U @1","@q @2 @7 imag @O distribution","Chain @0 @2 grin, a @o, private @6 scalable cryptocurrency @0 @w on @7 Mimblewimble chain @G.","Cross-@x retrieval of a $M @g MAC address.","^o typescript @4 @E @z @b","A @U of @a @8 designed to enhance STD.","CID in @z","Arbitrary-precision unit-aware calculator","A quasi-quoting @c @T","0.0.123-beta","0.3.1-alpha3","Rethinking ^z Generators","Macro ^B @2 @7 include-flate @5","0.49.0-alpha.4","A @1 @2 devising derives @6 other $0 @8.","workspace-hack @Y, managed by hakari","TODO(doc): @keroro520 @5 description","pest $d @H","$p, private @6 scalable cryptocurrency @0 @w on @7 Mimblewimble chain @G.","STM32 peripheral mappings @2 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.","47.13.0+0.4.7.x","Log images, point clouds, etc, @6 visualize them effortlessly","Metaplex Metadata","Tremor Script Interpreter","0.13.0-rc.20","Safe @z $U @u @r a way to interact @9 Virtual Reality headsets @6 $C @9 vendor &2 SDKs &4 OpenVR @6 Oculus. ^e $U is inspired on @7 easy to &z WebVR $U but adapted to @3 design patterns","@3 @c to automatically &c @7 &0 pattern @2 arbitrary ^N.","Lazy query $m @2 @7 Polars DataFrame @1","Experimental Mustache-&4 templating $m.","Binary ^4 @2 @7 'deno' @5","Macro to answer @7 question: does it &c a ^8?","$a to @7 binaryen @1","2.0.0-beta.13","@q @2 ^6 @6 interfacing @9 finite fields","0.2.0-alpha.2","Base host @6 @d @k of @7 wasmRS RSocket @l.","Deprecated: @5 merged &q ruma-$4","Game ENGine","pyth price oracle @D @y @6 example usage","^v &a @2 @3 - Core","Builtin verifreg actor @2 Filecoin","A @U of ^r @2 Bevy Engine","Run &3 tests in isolation","A @1 @2 loading Zcash Sapling parameters","Abstraction over std::^0::Instant @6 $r-timer @u works on WASM","Idiomatic @6 &k LMDB @p.","Drop-in global ^D @A tcmalloc","openssh mux @d.","Basic @0 of a CosmWasm-20 compliant token","@z port of babel @6 closure $E.","A &k @p over jemalloc's control @6 introspection APIs","Control console coloring across all ^4","$P is a @1 @2 human readable elapsed ^0 $6","Structural search @6 replace of @3 $d","&e $0 @8 bringing orm-&4 &L to sqlx","shadowsocks is a &p tunnel proxy @u helps you bypass firewalls.","Automated tests of FFI @4.","zk-SNARK @1","An event-driven, non-blocking I/O @x @2 $I $1 I/O backed @B.","&T of general purpose ^H @2 solving problems. Fundamentally extend @7 @e ^U spoiling, so may be $9 solely or in conjunction @9 another ^y of such kind.","Setup @6 control loop devices","@i detail of abi_stable.","Convert a ^8 definition &q a jsonrpc api.","Adds String @w inflections @2 @3. Snake, kebab, camel, sentence, class, title @6 table cases as well as ordinalize, deordinalize, demodulize, foreign key, @6 pluralize/singularize are supported as both $3 @6 pure @n acting on String @b.","A pool of reusable ^Q","Configure const @6 static items by $Z variables.","Builtin @T actor @2 Filecoin","Helper @8: autoimpl","Virtual ^C @6 JIT $E @2 eBPF programs","&D-enabled ^j ^N @2 bitcoincore-rpc @5.","RPC @v $U @2 transaction payment FRAME ^n (@s @L)","^1 ^T to @7 r2r @5.","A @U of &W ^H $Y in @3.","A good friend @2 r2d2","^v-KMS $C @2 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1","Wasmer @v @O @1","Wasmer Engine $x","Concatenate identifiers in a @c invocation","0.1.14+deprecated","$a to @7 gcc quadmath @1","@3 SGX &a @r @7 ability to write Intel SGX @B in @3 Programming Language.","@3 @0 of RFC6570 - URI Template @u can processURI Templates up @6 to &7 ones designated Level 4.","Safe autogenerated interop $8 @3 @6 C++","A @U of typings @2 GameMaker Studio 2 YY @6 YYP @P","^v &a @2 $V Kinesis Analytics","Data @b @2 @7 Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) @l. $P @5 defines $4 @D @y @u can be reused by different IBC @k or ecosystem tooling.","A @3 XML @t @1","$L 1.1 @0 of #[@a(Serialize, Deserialize)]","An @0 of multipart/form-@D (RFC7578)","Helper @5 of sv-@h","Efficient sized chunk datatypes","Builtin reward actor @2 Filecoin","Automated typeclass derivation.","OpenGL $n @2 gfx-rs","Convenience @5 @2 ^g @9 Web Workers","0.5.0-alpha.0","0.3.0-beta-dev.43","Fast evaluation of algebraic expressions","Return @g IP addresses on Posix @6 &O systems","RISC Zero zero-knowledge VM","A @1 @2 $q x86-64 assembly @2 finite field multiplication","Peer-to-peer networking @1 @A QUIC","@3 @1 @2 $I NEAR smart ^b.","@3 @4 @2 liblmdb.","$j @2 jsonrpsee","Quasi quotation @T @2 ecmascript","Speedy web $E","DEPRECATED: replaced by @7 `cipher` @5","In-App editor ^H @2 bevy apps","^e @Y @r an @g to SQLite.","A &p, @C link checker","I/O @2 Tetcore runtimes","A convenience @1 @2 @A websockets in WASM","0.3.0-beta-dev.47","Pure @3 @0 of Gherkin @e (`.feature` $R) @2 Cucumber $u @j.","Auto-$X @z @4 @2 libpq","SQLite @6 SQLCipher @f @2 @7 r2d2 connection pool","0.206.0","File locking via POSIX advisory record locks","A blazing &p, ^j-&k template $m @2 @3.","Event listeners @6 callbacks @2 bevy","Definition @6 @b @2 @7 CosmWasm-20 @g","A Layer @2 $F-subscriber @u outputs Chrome-style traces.","A @1 @2 assisting developers @A LibIndy $U","2.0.0-beta.3","&R @1 @f @2 Wasmtime","Single assignment cells @6 lazy ^Q.","QR $d encoder in @3","$P @5 @r @n @2 normalization of ^I $e, &7 Canonical @6 Compatible Decomposition @6 Recomposition, as described in ^I Standard Annex #15.","TODO(doc): @quake @5 description","0.8.0-pre.0","Synchronization mechanisms @u rely on lock-free @6 other non-(&F)blocking techniques, such as @3 $r, to guarantee mutually exclusive or &B exclusive ^s to @D.","A pure-@3 @0 of group $c on ristretto255 @6 Curve25519","@3 @0 of JMESPath, a query @e @2 &D","^z Buffers $E $W powered by Prost!","@q @2 BIP-39 Bitcoin mnemonic codes","Wasmer @v Cranelift $E $n","An idiomatic GUI @1 inspired by Elm @6 @w on gtk4-rs","0.107.0","$P is a @1 @2 $H single-dimensional array @D. It uses mmap @6 avltriee.","Encrypts all @7 Serialize","0.11.0-pre.3","$a to libdeflate @2 DEFLATE (de)^f exposed as non-streaming buffer $c. Contains @4 @2 raw deflate, zlib, @6 gzip @D.","A @d @6 @N SSH @1.","An ^7 @5 $9 by foreign-@b","Parse $l line argument by defining a &b, @a @5.","2.0.0-beta.4","Allows @2 @7 creation of sequential @3 tests.","End-to-end &A @6 mutual authentication @2 distributed @B.","A @3 ^D backed by jemalloc","@3 @q For Event Driven TEvent Handling","Bitcoin descriptors @1 (part of descriptor-wallet)","A &p @6 &e ^u @1","Cross-@x OpenGL context provider.","An ergonomic ^L $H @1","^e liquid templating @e @2 @3","Tools @2 $T @9 @7 services of an ActyxOS node","Dynamically proxy LLVM calls &q @3 own &B @1","High-@W @4 to @7 zeromq @1","RetroArch shaders @2 all.","A CSS @h, transformer, @6 minifier","$P @5 was deprecated. It is now part of @7 `tauri-^B` @5.","0.13.0-pre.3","0.3.0-beta-dev.4","A rolling $R appender @9 customizable rolling conditions.","Xoodyak / Xoodoo - A versatile $t scheme @u can be $9 @2 hashing, &A, MAC computation @6 authenticated &A.","Arbitrary precision decimal ^V","A @h @2 @7 PRQL query @e.","Easy @f @2 $T $8 SpacetimeDB @6 @3.","Auto-$X @4 to @7 QCS OpenAPI","2.0.0-beta.6","Extra @m @2 axum","A low-@W OpenCL $U.","Newtypes @2 text offsets","Strong typed xml, @w on xmlparser.","Types @6 $3 @2 interfacing $8 @7 host @6 @7 wasm @v. (@s @L)","^e missing YAML 1.2 @h @2 @z","High-@W $U to expose @7 Wasmtime @v","Sound @1 @2 games.","^e TEA &a","0.3.0-dev.7","@3 @4 @2 EGL","Easily serialize object @2 &z @9 neon, fork of neon-$5","@c @u expands to @7 name of @7 annotated @R","Data @G $9 to communicate @9 openssh mux @N.","HashMap-&4 containers @u hold their key-&v pairs in a user controllable order","A minimal deserializer @2 inspecting `std::backtrace::Backtrace`'s Debug @G.","Peer-to-peer networking @1","RPC @2 any web @j.","@3 FFI @4 to jemalloc","0.5.4+5.3.0-patched","An ^7 @5 @2 alt:V ^y. Not intended @2 direct &z.","Annotation to easily define ad-hoc / one-shot ^m $3","Extra &I @2 &z @9 Mio","@3 @4 to @7 CoinOR CBC MILP Solveur @A @7 C $U.","AST Transforms @2 import modularizer","Wasmer Universal Engine","A double-ended queue @u Deref's &q a slice.","abandoned","$4 part of @7 veda @x","Port of stylis","Easy @l @S","copy-on-write mechanism on supported $R systems","0.3.1-alpha4","Cross-@x @3 $U @2 $7-mapped $R IO","A $0 @c @0 of quote!.","Wrapper @5 @2 SPIRV-Tools","0.19.1-rc.1","Cross-@x @Q about @7 notebook batteries","An ORM @2 people who love SQL. Use @7 `ormlite` @5, not this one.","Wiremock &s in @3","$P @5 implements basic $t @F ^F to @7 ecosystem","Easy to &z &V of ethereum ^S calls to bytecode.","A `dotenv` @0 @2 @3","A @1 @2 taking @7 crc32 of a $6 or byte literal at &N ^0","^v Lambda &R","0.3.0-beta-dev.46","Demo of ^O-@c-hack","Tools to manipulate $e.","I/O $r @2 Fluvio $K","@Z low-@W @G @1","2.0.0-alpha.0","A @c to @a Display @2 enums","Framework @2 $D @6 distributed microservices over Zenoh.","Fuel Block Executor","Reading bit sequences @E a byte slice","Look up colored console capabilities","A converter $W to @7 bson @G @2 Nushell","$P @5 is no longer $9 by smithy-rs @6 is deprecated.","&o Network $j","CBOR @f @2 $5.","Fluent &1 assertions","Channels @2 $1 &U @A $r-rs.","Hexadecimal @J/^2 @9 $5.","^1 @b @6 @8 $9 by @z-bitcoin ecosystem","An @0 of `std::hash::Hasher` $z does not hash at all.","Elastic vector backed by fixed size array","A modular picking $W @2 Bevy.","Calms a panicky I/O ^Z.","Helper @5 @2 prost to allow &D @t @6 ^3 of Well Known Types.","Wasmer Virtual Networking","&D Schema @w validation tool @A @9 $5.","RPC @d @1 @2 @7 Bitcoin Core &D-RPC $U.","A µTP (Micro/uTorrent Transport @q) @1 &s in @3","A @1 @2 printing pretty formatted tables in $o","@V @c to &c Display @6 FromStr @A $4 settings.","0.17.0-pre.43","Fast $t @1 @2 @3 (@4 to libsodium)","0.20.0-alpha.6","Cryptographic @1 @2 Zcash Sapling","Visitor @H @2 stable &w","0.6.0-pre.0","Backport of librustc_errors","Abstract ^S interfaces @6 $Q layouts","$j @2 @J @6 ^2 frames","Converts @7 candid @g description @e to &D.","2-dimensional physics $m in @3.","Official Print Nanny @3 $U Client","@i of @7 WebTransport (over HTTP3) @l","Flexible @6 Comprehensive Deep Learning Framework in @3","Tools @2 $I $0 macroses.","^t generates @3 FFI @4 to C @6 C++ $A.","Helper @5 to ^o ffi-&n &l tables","An ODM @2 MongoDB built upon @7 mongo @z driver.","FFI @4 to FFmpeg","Subcommand @2 Cargo to easily $s $d @2 `wasm32-wasi`","Easily add ^u to &3 $d @u actually help you spot @6 debug issues in production. Built on Prometheus @6 OpenTelemetry.","1.0.26-alpha","Sharded IPLD Array @0.","Minimalist ML @j.","A @1 @2 comparing @D @y in @3, oriented toward $u","System actors @2 @7 Filecoin @l","Featture toggles @2 @3, extensible @6 @9 background synchronization @6 administration UI","Raw @4 to CRoaring","Tools @2 $I @6 running tests.","@3 @4 to @7 HarfBuzz text shaping $m","Cross-@x @1 @2 running @3 tests in sub-processes @A a fork-&4 @g.","Salvo is a powerful web @j @u can make &3 work easier.","A @3 text diffing @6 assertion @1.","^e uncomplicated state ^c @1 @2 Yew.","CouchDB @1 @2 @3","@3 @0 of Apache Arrow","AMQP Worker to listen @6 provide ^8 to ^M message","Deal @9 SSH keys: load them, decrypt them, call an SSH agent.","0.9.0-pre","A @5 @2 printing tables on $l line","Raw @4 to @7 &5-sitter-web $U.","@3 @4 @2 @7 Apache Thrift RPC @T","@3 @p @2 Facebook's RocksDB embeddable $O","0.5.0-pre.3","0.5.0-rc0","0.10.16","CSS Modules @9 a @c @2 convenience.","Compile-^0 $d $i @2 Elasticsearch ^j @k.","@3 @4 @2 @7 FLTK GUI @1","A tiny mid-@W @1 @u @r @x-&2 ^l locations of &Z @2 &m, cache @6 other @D on Linux, $v @6 macOS by leveraging @7 mechanisms defined by @7 XDG base/user directory specifications on Linux, @7 Known Folder $U on $v, @6 @7 Standard Directory guidelines on macOS.","0.9.2-dev.20240425.2","A stuctured DB @9 some 'Git-&4' &L, mainly $9 in blockchain projects.","@i of @7 multihash @G","Create @6 set &O icons @6 ^G @2 executables","&g TLS/SSL streams @A Rustls.","A procmacro ^K to run &3 &1 in an isolated $Z","A minimal `syn` syntax &5 pretty-printer","Build a &m ^p @E $Z variables ^U boilerplate.","Part of miniquad rendering @1. Native @4 to a slightly modified $2 of sokol-app.","Proc @8 @2 PyO3 @Y","Utility @5 @2 graphql_client","Append-only, &Y vector","^z of modularity unifying @g of a ^y @6 introducing layers.","A @3 @5 @2 helping read ^N @E ^5 @D @A ✨@c magic✨","0.9.0-alpha.1","UnixFs &5 @f","Proc @c @2 deriving custom multihash tables.","&R @1 @f @2 Wasmer","Send $R descriptors along @9 @D over UNIX domain sockets","Automation tasks coded in @3 @e @2 @7 workflow of @3 projects","A modern replacement @2 ls","^x Debug @9 a custom @G per field","0.7.0-alpha.1","A @1 @2 @J/^2 Apple Icon Image (.icns) @P.","Hyperscan @4 @2 @3 @9 Multiple Pattern @6 Streaming Scan","Builtin miner actor @2 Filecoin","Core block @6 transaction @b @2 Ethereum.","CosmWasm @1 @9 useful &i @2 Storage patterns","Immutable @b @6 ImplicitClone ^8 similar to Copy","@3 Util Collections","Crypto @4 @2 cosmwasm ^b","Custom @a nom parsers @E &b","Lexical, to- @6 @E-$6 &V routines.","^e $1 `Sink` ^8 @2 @7 $r-rs @1.","A newtype @9 alignment of at least `A` bytes","Backport of libsyntax_pos","Interpreter @6 js ^B @2 Calcit","@3 @4 @2 GMP","Ethereum @b","A @3 toolkit @2 RDF @6 Linked Data - In-$7 Graph @6 Dataset @k","A byte-oriented, zero-copy, @h combinators @1","Serializable ^j ^A @2 ^g @9 @7 Fuel VM ABI.","A @3 @q of China's Standards of Encryption Algorithms (SM2/3/4)","A @o @5 to expunge, redact @6 transform &b fields declaratively","$a to Core Foundation @2 macOS","kafka inspired rumqtt's mqtt commitlog","Python3 fstring interpolation in @3","0.2.4-rc2","libhdfs &G @1 @6 &k @3 APIs","A @1 @2 @A a slice as a $7 pool","higher @W HTTP @d @1","Immutable @U datatypes","XDR object @t @2 @3","Optimized $H of `&[u8]` @6 `Vec` @2 Serde","$P @5 @r a very thin $x over other profiler $y.","Internet Gateway ^z @d","^t $q infrastructure @2 measuring @7 total @v size of an object on @7 heap","Visitors @2 swc ecmascript nodes $z works on stable &w","Streaming Network Overlay Connection Arbitration Tunnel","0.8.0-alpha.5","Instrument @6 transform wasm modules.","Eliminate N+1 query bugs when @A Juniper","De/serialize ^N @9 named fields as array of ^Q","@3 random &y","Safe Network Data Types","Emulate @c-rules pattern matching in $0 @8","An @0 of Apache Arrow","In-$7 patricia trie $c","It is JsonPath $m $Y in @3. it provide a similar $U @g in Webassembly @6 Javascript too. - Webassembly Demo: &Q://","A ^7 @5 $9 by numext-fixed-hash.","Fluence $n &a @2 developing $n @B @2 @7 Fluence $M","1.0.0-alpha.4","Serde @f @2 PHP's @t @G.","An @0 of $r @6 streams featuring zero allocations, composability, @6 iterator-&4 interfaces.","@V @c internals of `::safer_ffi`","@q @2 ANSI $o colours @6 styles (bold, underline)","Wasmer ^W Types","An XML @1 in pure @3","Fuzzing @3 $d @9 american-fuzzy-lop","A @1 @2 HTML entity @J @6 ^2","Big integer @0 @2 @3","A @o cross @x @1 @2 $I colored text to a $o.","A @3 @g to @7 user-space $U of @7 Mach 3.0 kernel @u underlies OSX.","Wav Modulation @2 AUTD.","Event loop @u drives Tokio I/O resources.","$L @6 @m to make Discord Interactions easy to &z @9 Twilight.","A Luhn validation @1","Rendering @j built on an extensible asset pipeline","'usb-device' @0 @2 Synopsys USB OTG IP cores","ORM-&4 $U MongoDB @2 @3.","Virtual Harness Toolkit","0.2.0-alpha.14","Test &3 @3 markdown documentation via Cargo","A @c to ^o @y $z behave &4 bitflags.","A scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph $O, @2 @7 realtime web","A &k @6 convenient store @2 one &v of each ^j","A pure-@3 @0 of Bulletproofs @A Ristretto","An obfuscated datagram transport @2 horrible networks","Elegant, clean @3 ^P @j","0.1.0-rc.11","Macro @2 dynamically loading &O dll @n","Lambda @c attributes","Builtin multisig actor @2 Filecoin","Update $2 @6 changelog @w on semantic versioning @6 conventional commits","Generic cache @k @6 simplified @R memoization","A @o to &z, &6, @6 full-featured Command Line Argument Parser","3.0.0-beta.1","I/O @2 &E runtimes (@s @L)","A @1 @2 @e @6 locale negotiation.","D-Bus & GVariant @J & ^2","CUDA Driver $U Wrapper","@3 @4 @2 @7 soloud audio $m","$p, small, @6 extremely &p template $m @2 @3","0.8.4-beta.1","DEPRECATED: replaced by @7 `aes` @5","A finite-automata-@w lexing $m.","Create Erlang NIF modules in @3 @A @7 C NIF $U.","0.1.0-alpha","&m @t @2 wezterm via dynamic json-&4 @D ^Q","Parser @6 evaluator @2 Cargo's flavor of Semantic Versioning","0.11.12","WasmEdge &R is a high-@X, extensible, @6 hardware optimized @Z Virtual Machine @2 automotive, cloud, AI, @6 blockchain @B.","Supports defining opaque typedefs","Copy-on-write datastructures, storable on disk (or elsewhere) @9 a stable @G.","Convenience @5 @2 ^g @9 &W timers","Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency (RTIC): a concurrency @j @2 ^6 real-^0 systems","^e @8 @2 @7 `inline-c` @5, @u allows to write @6 execute C $d inside @3","@8 @2 ^E @7 entry point @6 tasks @2 embassy-executor","Fuel Core PoA Coordinator","PRQL is a modern @e @2 transforming @D — a @o, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement.","CKB tool to import/export chain @D.","An easy-to-&z, 100% @3, extensible 2D GUI @1.","Types &H to @7 Internet Computer Public Specification.","A @3 ^O-@c ^K @h","&N-^0 $6 $c","@D @y @6 $h @2 ink! intermediate ^A","An ^7 @5 @2 struct_iterable","&o Bitcoin spv @K ^w","@i of @7 BLS12-381 pairing-&n elliptic curve construction","A (mostly) pure-@3 @0 of various $4 $t $h.","2.0.0-beta.1","0.8.20-pre","@Z interpreter","4.7.1-rc.3","^e trustfall query $m, empowering you to query everything.","Portable Ethereum Virtual Machine @0 $Y in pure @3.","&T of &x annotations @6 @8 @2 concise @6 yet explicit `@C fn` signatures","X25519 elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange in pure-@3, @A curve25519-dalek.","an @0 of BLAKE3 verified streaming","Low-@W @4 to @7 zeromq @1","A @U of useful @D @y.","$p $0 @8 to &z textwrap @m at &N ^0.","Ergonomic state ^c @2 Yew @B","ES3 compatibility transforms","Big integer (256-bit @6 512-bit) @0 @2 SputnikVM @6 other Ethereum Classic clients.","^W controllers we can reuse in many ^b","@7 BLAKE3 hash @R","A @D ^p validation @1 designed @2 user input","Create ridiculously &p Lexers","A localization @T designed to unleash @7 entire expressive power of &S @e translations.","A fork of Rust’s `&1` @5 @u doesn’t require unstable @e &L.","Coinbase puzzle @2 a $D &l ^C","$P @5 is no longer maintained.","Builtin account actor @2 Filecoin","Pure-@3 $3 @6 @m @2 constant-^0 $t @k.","A &8 @t/^3 @j","^e practical HTTP @d @u is fun to &z.","Wasmer @v single pass $E $n","Digital signal processing @w on real or complex vectors in ^0 or frequency domain.","2.0.0-rc.2","Serialize / deserialize Blender armatures","Advanced Raft consensus","$r $z @f ^7 references","A &p @6 correct HTTP @1.","Raw FFI @4 @2 all of $v $U.","A logging @1 @2 eBPF programs.","@q @2 reading/$I ^V in big-endian @6 little-endian.","A &8 @j @2 on-demand, incrementalized computation (experimental)","Native @4 to librocksdb","scsys lays @7 foundation @2 @7 Scattered-Systems ecosystem, delivering critical @F throughout","Fake @D @H @1 @9 130+ @n","Retryable Futures","@3 &K ^i Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Core @5","@i detail of @7 `thiserror` @5","Testing ^H @2 multi-^S interactions","2.0.0-beta.0","Builtin market actor @2 Filecoin","Fast SOCKS5 @d/@N @0 $Y in @3 @C/.await (^h)","Pairing-&n elliptic curve @1","Lightweight, event-driven WebSockets @2 @3.","Code gen @f @2 @7 &O @5","Mqtt3 is a @5 to read/write MQTT-packet @E/to a ^Z.","$a to libopus","Shell-&4 expansions in $e","@3 &k @4 @2 libappindicator","@i of @7 multiaddr @G","A super powered $u @c @2 @3","0.8.0-alpha.8","@D @y @6 $h @2 $q ink! IR $d","A @1 to garbage collect webassembly modules","A @3 @0 of @7 Khronos OpenCL 3.0 $U @6 &r.","^W $3 @2 @7 Twiggy $d size profiler.","@3 @4 @2 libffi","Primitives @2 Aura consensus (@s @L)","0.0.2-alpha.1","&g TLS/SSL streams @2 Tokio @A Rustls.","^e AST @2 @7 PRQL @e.","A tiny low-@W @1 @u @r @x-&2 ^l locations of &Z @2 &m, cache @6 other @D on Linux, $v, macOS @6 Redox by leveraging @7 mechanisms defined by @7 XDG base/user directory specifications on Linux, @7 Known Folder $U on $v, @6 @7 Standard Directory guidelines on macOS.","@V @8 @2 investments @5","a msgpack-rpc @d @6 @N @w on ^h","Lightweight @p ^i OS synchronization @F","^W reusable @b @2 $f @7 @l.","A fancy diagnostics & reporting @5","0.1.0-alpha.3","^W &i @2 other cw specs","@3 @f @2 @7 &D-RPC 2.0 @l","Fuel Block Producer","Stubs $9 @2 @7 Bollard @z @C Docker @d $U","Pure-@z ^B @2 protobuf @A protobuf-@h @5 WIP","A &k, extensible ORM @6 Query Builder @2 PostgreSQL, SQLite, @6 MySQL","$a to NNG (Nanomsg-Next-Generation) aka Nanomsg2","^v &a @2 $V $p Email &h","Fast @6 &6 ed25519 EdDSA key generations, signing, @6 verification in pure @3.","1.0.0-beta.4","A big integer @1 @9 good @X","A ^7 @5 $9 by numext-fixed-uint.","FTP @d @2 @3","A @o @5 @2 $B of a file's MIME ^j by its ^m.","MultiIndexMap: A &8 multi index map inspired by boost multi index containers","^x @c @2 `std::^L::Error`","System call @g @2 Xous","0.2.0-alpha.4","$j @2 @J @6 ^2 frames @A `@C/await`","^7 &1 @5 @2 wasm-^k","Traits @6 @k @2 unchecked downcasting.","An html @1 @2 ^6 @d side webapps","TLS $U ^U @0","0.6.0-rc","Test CLI Applications.","2.7.0-beta.3","1.0.0-beta.6","Wrapper ^i @7 PSA Cryptography $U","Generates serializeable @3 @b @E a json schema","A companion @5 @2 `membrane`","Wasm $d validator","Helper @2 macro_rules authors to chain their @8 @9 builtin ones (such as `env!`, `include!`, or `concat_idents!`).","Atomic @b of @7 FuelVM.","2.0.0-dev.32","Easy-to-&z @3 @h @2 CSS3 color $e","&x @5 @2 hawktracer profiling @1.","High @X xml reader @6 writer","Canonical @t @2 a $D &l ^C","netlink packet @b","@3 @4 @2 openapi schemas","Fast line oriented regex searching as a @1.","0.3.0-beta-dev.41","^e @O $3 @6 @b in @2 @7 `$r` @1.","X11 @1 @4 @2 @3","A Futures @0 @2 File System $c","Hyperledger Sawtooth is an enterprise blockchain @x @2 ^6 distributed ledger @B @6 networks.","$P @5 generates schema @2 @3 ^N $z can be $9 by TypeScript.","A &F-&k lazily initialized cell @A double-checked locking","Use to @a @K @2 @K &b.","Interact @9 lists of @P through a $Q-agnostic @g","High-@W rendering $m @9 multiple backends","@i detail @2 &v-bag","persistence @2 content addressable $Q @6 entity ^K &v indexes backed by pickledb-rs.","Snapshot $u toolbox","High-quality QR Code @H @1","Generate WAI glue @2 a @3 Wasmer host","Ockam is a @1 @2 ^6 devices @u communicate securely, privately @6 trustfully @9 cloud services @6 other devices.","0.17.0-beta.12","$P @5 should not be $9 directly, it is internally &H to Refinery","Load $Z variables &q &3 &b members in one shot.","Standard @1 @2 Wasm @w smart ^b on Cosmos blockchains","Parser/encoder @2 ASN.1 BER/DER @D","Raw @3 @4 @2 libffi","$U @4 @2 @7 Stripe HTTP $U","^e $x layer of exchanges.","^e newtype @9 guarantees.","Additional @m @2 ^g @9 Tokio.","A @1 @2 $q Graphviz DOT @e @P @2 graphs.","An ^7 @5 to @f auto_enums - do not &z directly","$L to auto-^o @k @2 @7 $5 @j","$P @5 @r @D @y @u represent @7 OpenAPI v3.0.x &d easily deserializable @9 $5.","$a to CoreVideo.framework @2 macOS @6 iOS","Zenoh: Zero Overhead Pub/sub, Store/Query @6 Compute.","Several of @8 to put each @R under a named @c to index every @R in a class.","0.17.0-pre.2","High @W @4 to @7 QuickJS &W $m","A &x @8 @0 @2 Value Classes in @3","SputnikVM - a Portable Blockchain Virtual Machine","0.11.0-beta.0","FFI @4 @2 libusb.","Map backed array @2 fixed size keys @9 O(1) @X","Backport of libsyntax","0.10.2+libjxl-0.10.2","Statically $X, Opt-in style @4 to @7 Dart &a","^W $d @2 xml5ever @6 html5ever","A @z $G loader","Read $7 @E another ^M.","^x-@w argument @K optimized @2 $d size","^e @3 @e @0 of TiKV @d.","0.5.0-alpha.1","A &p monadic-style @h combinator designed to work on stable @3.","Open Metrics @d @1 allowing users to natively instrument @B.","@3 @4 to V8","A &8 rope @D ^p built on top of B-Trees.","A typesafe store @2 many &v @b.","Minimal terminfo libary.","@V @8 @2 @7 salsa @5","0.17.0-pre.6","A @1 to automatically ^o C header @P @E @3 source @P.","A WebIDL Parser","Web PKI X.509 Certificate Verification.","pest's @a @c","Fuzzy Finder in @z!","Community Driven Serde Shims","@M a typemap container @9 FxHashMap","A @o event-driven @1 @2 @K @Z ^5 @P.","$j @2 interoperability @9 C++","Support `&z` in procmacros hygienically","Lightweight high-@X pure-@z transactional $J $O.","typed HTTP headers","A Storage Abstraction Layer @2 Embedded Systems","Translator @E @Z to Cranelift IR","Surf @7 web - HTTP @d @j","Primitives @b @2 @7 Node-side (@s @L)","Dharitri @Z VM $U @p","Early-stage b-rep CAD kernel.","^W @m @6 ^m $3 @2 @7 $r-rs @1.","Native @3 @5 @2 managing control groups on Linux","Unofficial flatbuffers @6 tonic $d of Apache Arrow spec","Proc @c @2 smol @v.","Tx @d @6 schema &d.","Soon to be highly flexible Entity-Component-System @j, @O lib.","0.142.0","Hyper @4 @2 Unix domain sockets","Templating @2 @7 Fluent localization @j","0.14.0-pre.0","Indented document literals","Acme aims to provide a solid foundation @2 developing robust ^C-learning systems in @3.","WCCG Data","[Deprecated] moved &q @7 @5 lyon_path.","Types @6 $3 @2 http clients.","Builtin power actor @2 Filecoin","A toolkit designed to be a foundation @2 @B to monitor their @X.","Rusty @4 @2 Apple $A","@M #[test_case(...)] $0 @c ^K @2 $q parametrized &1 cases easily","Clams help ^6 shells","0.9.0-pre.0","An interner @u deallocates unused ^Q","^e Node.js ^y resolution $b","Autofomatter @2 Dioxus RSX","A node-semver compliant semver @0 in @3.","@3 @p @2 CRoaring","A replacement of @7 #[&1] ^K @u initializes logging @6/or $F infrastructure before running tests.","Generate WAI glue @2 a @3 guest","@q @2 automating workflows @6 $u NEAR smart ^b.","A @1 @2 @7 Marlin preprocessing zkSNARK","TUN device creation @6 $H.","Flexible ^L ^c @2 @3. An middle-ground $8 failure @6 SNAFU","An in-$7 ^0 series $O @2 Rerun log @D, @w on Apache Arrow","$p index-@w arena ^U deletion.","0.106.0-alpha.5","$X REST $U @4","A tool @2 running @3 lints @E dynamic $A","URL parameters @t","@3 ^d @4 @2 libappindicator","Subsystem $3 @6 message @S (@s @L)","Flatpak @1 @2 @3.","A suite of non-$t hash @n @2 @3.","1.0.0-alpha.9","Bit-Level field packing @9 proc_macros","^x CDRS &x $3","Compile-^0 ^j-checked &0 @a","1.0.0-rc.5","Unofficial @0 of Apache Arrow spec in &k @3","A @1 @u helps you &c partial updates @2 &3 ^N.","A @3 port of @7 dlmalloc ^D","Pairing threshold cryptography","Adaptors $8 ^f $y @6 Rust's modern $1 IO @b.","0.3.0-alpha.8","Deprecated. Use @7 ripemd @5 isntead.","2.0.0-rc.9","A secured $Q DHT","@3 @1 @2 accessing USB devices.","A @o @1 @u @r perceptual hashing @6 difference calculation @2 images.","Azure Storage @5 @E @7 Azure &a @2 @3","@3 @4 @2 Metal","@3 on mobile made easy!","Pretty hex dump of bytes slice in @7 $4 style.","Compile-^0 HTML templates.","Another JS &R","A Cassandra CQL driver, built on top of @7 DataStax C++ driver @2 @X @6 @I.","Cross-@x window creation @1.","Deprecated. Use gtk-rs's CompositeTemplate @a @c ^Y.","Inkwell aims to help you pen &3 own ^a languages by safely wrapping llvm-^d.","Proc-@c @1 $9 to map a ^h-postgres row to a @3 ^j (&b)","Generate enums @9 same variants, but ^U @D.","A lenient &D @t $R @G","A ^u @U @6 distributed $F @j","@n @2 determining $o sizes @6 dimensions","1.0.0-beta.2","Fuel Chain &m @b","Tracing garbage collector $W @2 @3.","OpenCL @4 @6 interfaces @2 @3.","High-@X @Z @v","gPRC compilation made easy","&T of $l-line @m @6 corresponding @3 api @2 producing pwasm-$k executables","0.3.0-beta-dev.40","Write high-@W Deno FFI $A in @3.","0.9.0-alpha","0.6.0-rc.2","Getset, we're ready to go! A $0 @c @2 $q @7 most basic getters @6 setters on fields.","Generate random ^V quickly.","^e arena, a &p but limited ^j of ^D","$P @5 @r @8 @2 deriving additional @I @2 enums.","A @3 @0 of an @C TAR $R reader @6 writer. $P @1 does not currently handle ^f, but it is abstract over all I/O readers @6 writers. Additionally, great lengths are taken to ensure @u @7 entire contents are never required to be entirely resident in $7 all at once.","Code $i @2 PyO3 @Y","Google Cloud Platform @z @d.","^W @z commandline @8 @6 ^r, to write shell script &4 tasks easily","$a to @7 wabt @1","A @1 @2 dealing @9 $7-mapped I/O $P is a fork of a fork of @7 original @z-mmap @9 updated ^4 @6 a fix @2 @7 $v $2. $P exists only because there are no other alternative $y @2 `MAP_FIXED` allocations.","$L @2 easy operator overloading.","Conditional compilation according to &w $E $2","C# grammar @2 @7 &5-sitter @K @1","Transaction pool","Merkle-Patricia Trie &8 over key hasher @6 node @J","Executors @2 $1 tasks @w on @7 $r-rs @1.","Hex &x @n.","Awaitable ^j @9 input @6 output @u can be stored in container.","A @5 @2 measuring @7 total size of object on @7 stack @6 heap","$j @2 pbjson &V","A $g &C @u displays @7 $X assembly of @3 source $d.","0.11.0-pre.0","Core part of @7 @1 @2 $I NEAR smart ^b.","&R @2 @7 @C/await @8 in @7 `$r` @5.","Replace @9 description","$P is an @0 of @7 Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) $b. COBS is an $b @2 transforming a message &q an @J where a &2 &v (@7 \"sentinel\" &v) is not $9. $P &v can then be $9 to mark frame boundaries in a serial &U channel.","^x to clone dyn @y.","^x @c @2 bytecheck","0.8.0-alpha.9","Determines @7 MIME ^j of a $R by traversing a filetype &5.","A @1 @2 constructing polynomial commitment schemes @2 &z in zkSNARKs","A @1 @2 controlling sway through its IPC @g","A batch certificate @2 a Narwhal-style $7 pool in a $D &l ^C","Part of miniquad rendering @1. Native @4 to slightly modified sokol-app.","An $1 Docker daemon $U","^e Apache Milagro Cryptographic @q ($2 3)","Native @4 to @7 ICU4C @1 @E ^I.","JIT-style execution @2 WebAsssembly $d in Cranelift","^v &a @2 @3 - Request Mocking Helpers","bit @W @t/^3 ^O-@c @2 ^N","Mikkelsen tangent space $b","FRAME ^n @2 democracy (@s @L)","Convenience @5 @2 ^g @9 &W @P @6 blobs","InfluxDB @3 driver","High-@X browser-grade HTML5 @h","^e minimal, blazing-&p, @6 infinitely customizable prompt @2 any shell! ☄🌌️","0.2.0-beta.1","Types @2 interaction @9 a @e @N, @A VSCode's Language Server ^z","Rustyline, a readline @0 @w on Antirez's Linenoise","CBOR @K @1","^W @m @2 $u &I built off $r-rs.","^e Elegant Parser","Fuel Block Importer","0.1.0-pre.1","1.3.0-pre.1","$U @2 ^I Language @6 Locale Identifiers canonicalization","Load @P on web @6 desktop asynchronously","Fork of @3 @4 @2 Pieter Wuille's `libsecp256k1` @1. Implements ECDSA @2 @7 SECG elliptic curve group secp256k1 @6 &H @m.","@V @8 @2 fastrlp","A C99 @0 of @7 TLS/SSL protocols","&v @H @2 $u @6 fuzzing","Soroban fork of Parity @Z interpreter","A user &n @5 @u allows you to share $7 $8 processes","A Machine Learning @j @2 @3","Safe FFmpeg @p (FFmpeg 4 $k fork of @7 ffmpeg @5)","Cross-compilation made easier - see main @5 $g-dinghy","Binding @2 @7 sentencepiece tokenizer","Better Bitfields","Base $E $x @2 Wasmer @Z @v","A whitespace-aware quasiquoter @2 beautiful $d $i.","$P @5 implements @7 &d of @7 @g @u Near blockchain exposes to @7 smart ^b.","^W @b @2 HTTP $c.","@3 @4 @2 @7 minimp3 @1.","FFI &G to libsodium","@V @c @2 $q @3 @8 @2 USDT probes","Encoding @6 ^2 @f @2 BSON in @3","@3 @4 to X11","Proc-@c to write an automatic fix @2 @7 \"hidden lifetime in impl Trait\" issue","Compile-^0 assertions to ensure @u invariants are met.","Garbage collector @a $W @2 @z-gc","$P is an orm $O mysql mssql sqlite","Sharded IPLD HashMap @0.","A @1 offering readline-&4 @I.","A @p ^i @7 Mastodon $U.","0.3.0-alpha4","1.0.0-beta.5","A &F pool @2 running a number of jobs on a fixed set of worker threads.","Dead @o @C pool utitities @2 sync managers","Elliptic curve group $3 @6 @m","@V @c portion of easy-jsonrpc. Don't &z this @5 directly. Use easy-jsonrpc ^Y.","Parser @2 ISO base media $R @G (mp4)","Core @I @2 Dioxus - a &Y renderer-agnostic Virtual DOM @2 interactive user experiences","A vector $z zeroes its $7 on clears @6 reallocations.","Nova finance nToken","$J-hal @0 @2 FTDI USB devices.","Transport agnostic &D-RPC 2.0 @d @0.","Raw @T calls","OpenGL rendering $n @2 Slint","plug @6 play high @X fuzzy matcher","0.99.99","Boilerplate @2 @A SNIP-20 ^b on Secret Network","Strongly Typed Mimes","Builtin cron actor @2 Filecoin","An Aspect Toolkit @2 @3","Safe, low-@W @4 to @7 Direct Rendering Manager $U","Type &k &K @2 @b @9 a defined byte order","Use bitsized @b as if they were a feature of @z.","Extract root domain @6 suffix @E a domain name","Cross-@x $R locks @6 $R duplication.","Tool to find @6 fix @3 formatting issues","a @5 to ^o state machines enforced at &N ^0","Transform &3 ascii diagrams &q happy little SVG","^v &a @2 Elastic Load Balancing","A @o object pool @0 @u uses $1 synchronization @F only.","4.0.0-pre.1","Wasmer @a @8","Type erasure @2 @C ^8 methods","1.16.0-post-286","0.0.20230517","@3 @4 to libvpx","Global override of color control","convenient LR(1) @h @H","0.3.0-alpha.1","Fuel @3 &a ^b.","Set scope-limited ^Q can can be accessed statically","A ^O-@c @2 deriving powerful @6 &p tokenizers @9 &N-^0 regex","Fast, ergonomic ^u @2 @3!","Break @6 serialize ^Q &q content-addressable $Q","Search $m @1","0.4.0-pre.4","Portable Packed SIMD vectors","0.21.0-pre.5","0.3.0-beta.8","weblog is a @5 @u defines a set of @8 @2 calling `console.log()` @6 other members of @7 browser's console $U when targeting Wasm.","0.4.0-beta.1","Core $3 @6 ^N of libp2p","Soup FFI @5 @2 @3","TLS @f @2 ^h-postgres via ^F-tls","Singlepass $E @2 Wasmer @Z @v","Attribute @p @2 dyn-clone","Generic LSP @N scaffold.","High-@W $7-&k &G @H @2 Flutter/Dart <-> @3","Composable assertion @1","Core Kubernetes ^G $3","Easy $s a configs @E $Z variables @6 &z it in globally.","Endpoint to expose Prometheus ^u","Fork @9 new pseudo-$o (PTY)","Various &i @2 Actix @B to &z during $u","An incomplete @p over @7 WinRT toast api","Light merkle &5 @0 @9 SPV @f @6 ^T agnostic.","Drop-in replacements @2 buffered I/O in `std::io` @9 extra &L.","0.4.0-alpha.6","an @0 of @7 WireGuard® @l designed @2 portability @6 speed","Ledger Hardware Wallet - ^W APDU ^z Types","0.3.0-beta-dev.10","FRAME sessions ^n benchmarking (@s @L)","$a @2 @7 basis-universal Supercompressed GPU Texture Codec by Binomial","$a @2 emulating a ClickHouse @N.","Wasmer Virtual FileSystem","Format-preserving &A","Yet another web @N @j @2 @z","@3 OpenAPI 3.0 docs @H","A cross-@x detour @1 $Y in @3","Safe @6 user &n @4 to @7 R ^a @e."];var crateIndex={"microbit_$4":["@i details @2 @7 BBC Micro:bit board @f $y",C[3]],"aws_sdk_kinesisanalyticsv2":[C[252],C[4]],"dataloader":["@3 @0 of Facebook's DataLoader @A @C-await.",C[28]],"acme_micro":["@q @2 requesting certificates @E an ACME provider (acme-lib fork).",C[0]],"opus_headers":["Parsing @7 headers of opus @P.","0.1.2"],"&b_arithmetic":["@M a Trait to @a basic arithmetic $c @2 &3 ^N.","0.3.3"],"catgirl_$m_@d":["Client side part of @7 catgirl-$m @5","0.12.51"],"flatgeobuf":["FlatGeobuf @2 @3","4.1.0"],"rusty_money":["Parse, @G @6 perform calculations @9 money safely.","0.4.1"],"bodyparser":["Body @K &f @2 Iron.","0.8.0"],"sp_mmr_@F":["Merkle Mountain Range @F. (@s @L)","30.0.0"],"phetch":["quick lil gopher @d","1.2.0"],"structopt_@m":["Small @m &H to structopt @6 clap",C[5]],"executor_@8":["$L @2 executor","0.1.1"],"simd_adler32":["A SIMD-accelerated Adler-32 hash $b @0.","0.3.7"],"arch_&q":["&k ^j conversions $8 pointer-sized @b (usize/isize) @6 @b @9 fixed size","0.0.1-alpha.5"],"http_zipkin":["HTTP header propagation @2 Zipkin trace @Q.",C[7]],"uu_df":["df ~ (uutils) display $R @T @Q",C[20]],"ckb_chain_spec":["^e CKB block chain &d",C[10]],"sauron_vdom":["A @1 @2 diffing &l dom &5 @6 ^o patches",C[86]],"lindera_ko_dic":["A Japanese morphological dictionary @2 ko-dic.",C[1]],"macchina":["A @T @Q fetcher @9 an emphasis on @X.","6.1.8"],"bp_consensus":["Bitcoin @l consensus @1",C[29]],"rustify":["A @3 @1 @2 $T @9 HTTP $U endpoints.","0.5.3"],"typed_headers":["Typed HTTP header @t @6 ^3.",C[2]],"aws_sdk_pinpointsmsvoicev2":["^v &a @2 $V Pinpoint SMS Voice V2",C[17]],"candid_@a":["$L @0 of #[@a(CandidType)] @2 @7 Candid.","0.6.6"],"slog_extlog_@a":["Custom @a $d @2 slog-extlog","8.1.0"],"rapier2d":[C[424],C[6]],"display_^L_chain":["Formats a ^l ^L @6 its sources",C[2]],"ibc_@O_connection":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, contains @7 @0 of @7 ICS-03 Connection Semantics @6 re-exports essential @D @y @6 domain @b @E `ibc-@O-connection-@b` @5.","0.52.0"],"netlify_toml":["netlify_toml is a @h @2 netlify.toml @P",C[9]],"^L_reporter":["A @1 to print errors",C[9]],"num_bigint_dig":[C[544],"0.7.1"],"nextest_filtering":["Filtering DSL @2 $g-nextest","0.8.0"],"gpt_disk_@b":["GPT (GUID Partition Table) disk @D @b no_std @1",C[33]],"google_cloud_default":["Google Cloud Platform default &m.",C[7]],"ext_php_rs":["$a @2 @7 Zend $U to $s PHP &r natively in @3.",C[0]],"&5_magic_mini":[C[907],"3.1.4"],"parse_variants":["^x @7 syn::parse::Parse ^8 @2 enumerations @6 &z it to comfortably parse a variant of @7 enumeration","1.0.1"],"fil_actor_verifreg":[C[208],"9.0.1"],"encase_@a_impl":["^x @c @0 @2 encase","0.8.0"],"ordered_map":["A HashMap, @9 @7 capability of accessing @7 keys @6 ^Q in order","0.4.2"],"positions":["A position (finance) definition @9 some good algebraic properties.","0.2.1"],"numext_fixed_uint_@O":[C[689],"0.1.6"],"chitchat":["Cluster membership @1 @A gossip @9 Scuttlebutt reconciliation.","0.7.0"],"webrtc":["A pure @3 @0 of WebRTC $U",C[41]],"surge_lag":["surge synthesizer -- lag &b $9 @2 smoothing changes",C[99]],"evercrypt_^d":["FFI &G to HACL/Evercrypt","0.0.9"],"bugsalot":["Debugging @8 @6 APIs @2 shipping stable codebases.","0.2.2"],"hwaddr":["MAC address $H.","0.1.7"],"testbench":["Testing @6 benchmarking ^H @2 &Y @3 $d",C[9]],"glob":["Support @2 matching $R paths against Unix shell style patterns.","0.3.1"],"lightbeam":["An optimising one-pass streaming $E @2 @Z",C[1]],"window_vibrancy":["Make &3 &O vibrant.","0.5.0"],"enum_assoc":["@V @c to associate &J @9 enum variants.","1.1.0"],"gtk":["@3 @4 @2 @7 GTK+ 3 @1","0.18.1"],"intaglio":["UTF-8 $6 @6 byte $6 interner @6 symbol table","1.9.1"],"i_slint_$n_selector":["Helper @5 to pick @7 default rendering $n @2 Slint","1.5.1"],"lingua_japanese_@e_^9":["^e Japanese @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"f4jumble":["@i of Zcash's F4Jumble $b",C[5]],"uf2_decode":["Basic ^2 of UF2",C[2]],"rbx_^5":["@i of Roblox's ^5 ^9 (rbxm) @6 place (rbxl) $R formats","0.7.4"],"nutmeg":["An unopinionated progress bar @1","0.1.4"],"pathsearch":["Search @2 @P in PATH",C[2]],"pyth_@d":[C[206],"0.5.1"],"$g_vendor_filterer":["`$g vendor`, but @9 filtering @2 platforms @6 more","0.5.14"],"former_meta":["Former - a variation of &0 pattern. @i of its @a @c. Should not be $9 independently, ^Y &z ^y::former $z relies on @7 ^y.",C[3]],"@o_@N":["a @o webserver.",C[7]],"wat":["@3 @h @2 @7 @Z Text @G, WAT","1.206.0"],"r3bl_ansi_color":["@3 @5 to ^o formatted ANSI 256 (8-bit) @6 truecolor (24-bit) color output to stdout","0.6.9"],"gmp_mpfr_^d":["@3 FFI @4 @2 GMP, MPFR @6 MPC","1.6.2"],"binaryen":[C[199],C[8]],"mpi":[C[145],"0.7.0"],"kittycad_unit_&V_@a":["^x @n @2 unit conversions.",C[5]],"aws_sdk_iotevents":["^v &a @2 ^v IoT Events",C[4]],"bondrewd":[C[837],"0.1.14"],"codes_iso_4217":["$P @Y contains an @0 of @7 ISO 4217 Currency Codes &d.","0.1.7"],"esrs":["A @1 to achieve cqrs/es",C[32]],"yare_@c":["Attribute @c @5 @2 @7 Yare parameterized tests @1.","3.0.0"],"$R_descriptors":["Wrapper ^i @7 $4 kinds of (mostly Linux) $R descriptors, &7 sockets, pipes, FIFOs, terminals, serial ports, character devices, epoll, POSIX message queues, timerfd, eventfd, signalfd fanotify @6 inotify","0.9.1"],"fancy_constructor":["^x a highly configurable constructor @2 &3 &b","1.2.2"],"par_^Z":["&g parallel streams analogous to rayon",C[48]],"oxide_auth":["A OAuth2 @1 @2 $4 web servers, featuring a set of configurable @6 pluggable backends.","0.5.4"],"packagemerge":["@i of @7 @Y-merge $b @2 @D ^f. It solves a problem similar to problem Huffman's $b solves: Computing a prefix-free $d. But @7 @Y-merge $b does it while satisfying an additional constraint: a maximum $d word length.",C[5]],"rs_x11_hash":["@3 @4 @2 x11 hashing $b","0.1.8"],"railwind":["Tailwind $E @2 ^q classes $Y in @3","0.1.5"],"ic_wasm":["A @1 @2 performing Wasm transformations &2 to canisters running on @7 Internet Computer","0.7.2"],"lindera_tokenizer":[C[22],C[1]],"@C_rwlock":["Async reader-writer lock","1.3.0"],"cosmian_findex":["Symmetric Searchable Encryption","6.0.0"],"fuel_@O":["Fuel @d @1 is aggregation of all fuels service. It contains @7 all business logic of @7 fuel @l.",C[91]],"dntk":["Command line's multi-@x interactive calculator, GNU bc @p.","2.2.1"],"global_hotkey":["Global hotkeys @2 Desktop Applications","0.5.3"],"log_mdc":["A mapped diagnostic context (MDC) @2 &z @9 @7 `log` @5",C[5]],"spandoc":[C[27],"0.2.2"],"rerun_cli":[C[189],C[35]],"rendy_util":[C[13],"0.4.1"],"bevy_crevice":["Create GLSL-$k versions of ^N @9 explicitly-initialized padding (Bevy $2)","0.7.0"],"ntex_router":["Path router","0.5.3"],"xts_mode":["XTS block mode @0 in @z","0.5.1"],"yew_router":["A router @0 @2 @7 Yew @j",C[6]],"virtio_vsock":["virtio vsock device @0","0.5.0"],"keycode_@c":["A @3 @5 @2 @K Chrome's mapping of keys. Used in @7 `keycode` @5.",C[7]],"typos_cli":[C[23],"1.20.10"],"envious":["Deserialize (potentially nested) $Z variables &q &3 custom ^N","0.2.2"],"fatality":["Fatality ^m to `thiserror::Error`","0.0.6"],"$5_redis":["Serde ^3 @2 redis-rs",C[8]],"expectrl":["A tool @2 automating $o @B in Unix &4 Don libes expect","0.7.1"],"double_checked_cell_@C":[C[725],"2.0.2"],"cfg_eval":["`#[cfg_eval]` in stable @3 🙃","0.1.2"],"wasmi_@O":["Core @F @2 @7 wasmi @Z interpreter",C[36]],"jja":["swiss army knife @2 chess $R formats","0.9.0"],"abstract_cw20_base":[C[216],"2.0.0-rc"],"fluence_app_service":["Fluence Application &h",C[79]],"console_subscriber":["A `$F-subscriber::Layer` @2 collecting Tokio console telemetry.",C[2]],"median":["An @0 of an &6 O(n) median filter.","0.3.2"],"ex3_blockchain_public_@b":["EX3 blockchain public @b.","0.17.21"],"$s_context":["Make $s $Z/target @Q available as &J in normal $A @6 binaries.","0.1.2"],"tough":["^e Update Framework (TUF) &M @d","0.17.1"],"laminar":["A @o semi-reliable UDP @l @2 multiplayer games","0.5.0"],"vecio":["Vector IO, scatter/gather, writev, readv",C[5]],"sealed_&1":[C[469],C[9]],"bresenham":["A &p, iterator-@w integer-only @0 of Bresenham's line $b.","0.1.1"],"helloworld":["hello world ^w",C[5]],"python_@h":["A complete Python @h @w on nom.",C[2]],"linereader":["An &6 buffered line reader.",C[7]],"ash":["Vulkan @4 @2 @3","0.38.0+1.3.281"],"mailparse":["A @o @h @2 MIME e-mail ^X",C[40]],"near_@d_@F":["$P @5 hosts NEAR @d-&H ^L @b","0.21.2"],"cannyls":["Embedded persistent key-&v $Q optimized @2 random-^s workload @6 huge-capacity HDD",C[11]],"fastfield_codecs":["Fast field codecs $9 by tantivy","0.3.1"],"deno_^O_@c_rules_@8":["Deno fork of ^O-@c-rules-@8. Emulate @c-rules pattern matching in $0 @8","0.3.2"],"sevenz_@z":["A 7z decompressor/compressor $Y in pure @z","0.6.0"],"@a_miniconf":["^x @m @2 Miniconf run-^0 settings $G","0.6.0"],"rio_xml":["RDF/XML @h @6 serializer","0.8.4"],"encodings":["A @5 containing $4 @J styles",C[5]],"elastic_@b":["A strongly-typed @0 of Elasticsearch @O @b @6 Mapping $U.",C[167]],"^5_reader":["A ^5 reader @2 @z-lang. @2 step by step. It's a minimal `byteorder` @p @2 read bytes.","0.4.5"],"^h_kcp":["A kcp @0 @2 ^h","0.9.7"],"lingua_yoruba_@e_^9":["^e Yoruba @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"ethers_^S_@a":["Proc @8 @2 ^j-&k @4 $i to Ethereum smart ^b","2.0.14"],"sauron_markdown":["A @1 @2 @K markdown &q sauron node","0.45.0"],"hmac_sha1":["A @o @p ^i @7 RustCrypto hmac @6 sha1 $y @2 @o HMAC-SHA1 $i.","0.2.2"],"polynomial_ring":["A polynomial @0","0.5.0"],"irondash_run_loop":["Consistent, @x-independent @g to @T run loop.","0.5.0"],"mdbook_katex":["mdBook preprocessor rendering LaTeX equations to HTML.","0.8.0"],"fluvio_socket":["Provide TCP socket @p @2 fluvio @l","0.14.7"],"tetsy_wasm":[C[388],"0.41.0"],"tvm_$s":["A CLI @6 @1 @2 programmatically ^6 TVM.","0.2.4"],"tiny_hderive":["Tiny BIP44/BIP32 derivation @2 BIP39 seeds","0.3.0"],"lazy_regex_^O_@8":["^O @8 @2 @7 lazy_regex @5","3.1.0"],"rc_box":["Known unique versions of Rc @6 Arc.","1.2.0"],"goldenfile":["$p goldenfile $u @1","1.7.1"],"unzip_array_of_tuple":["$P @Y currently @r one @R @u takes in an array containing tuples of two @b; @7 @R then returns two arrays, @7 first containing all @7 first elements of @7 tuples, @6 @7 second array containing @7 second elements of @7 tuples. $P @I is available in iterators through unzip, but unzip can only return &u $z &c Extend; $z primitive arrays do not. Therefore, unzip works fine @2 Vec or other dynamic @b, but not @2 @o, beautiful arrays, @9 lengths known at compiletime. My @0 is hopefully quite &6, as it just moves @D ^i, ^U @A too much costly abstractions &4 std::array::from_fn. $P @5 has 4 tests @u I think cover basically everything; still it could be unsound..",C[5]],"opensrdk_probability":["Standard probability @1 @2 OpenSRDK toolchain.","0.8.9"],"^h_^u_collector":["@M @m @2 collecting Prometheus-$k ^u @E Tokio @v @6 tasks.","0.2.1"],"bevy_debug_text_overlay":["A convenient on-screen message print @c @2 bevy","8.1.0"],"sp_&j_hashing":["Hashing @F.",C[5]],"jsonrpc_^r_@8":["Proc-@8 @2 jsonrpc-^r","0.2.4"],"mailchecker":["Cross-@e temporary (disposable/throwaway) email $B @1. Covers 2740 fake email providers.","6.0.4"],"mcp23017":["A @z driver @2 @7 MCP23017 (16-Bit I2C I/O Expander @9 Serial &P)",C[9]],"packageurl":["@3 @0 of @7 @Y url &d","0.3.0"],"websocket":["[deprecated] A WebSocket (RFC6455) @1 @2 @3.","0.27.1"],"secured_linked_list":["A cryptographically secured @6 provable linked list","0.5.4"],"sigpipe":["A single @R call to reset SIGPIPE @6 fix `failed printing to stdout`","0.1.3"],"sea_streamer_kafka":["🌊 SeaStreamer Kafka / Redpanda Backend","0.5.0"],"yadf":["yet another dupes finder","1.2.0"],"matrix_sdk":["A high @W Matrix @d-@N @1.","0.7.1"],"googletest_@c":["@V @8 @2 GoogleTest @3",C[24]],"servo_skia":["2D graphic @1 @2 drawing Text, Geometries, @6 Images","0.30000023.1"],"com_@8":["COM @5 @8","0.6.0"],"bare_metal":["Abstractions $4 to bare metal systems",C[9]],"read_write_set":["Read/write set inference @2 Move bytecode programs","0.3.2"],"redox_@o_endian":["A create @2 defining endianness within &3 @D @y, to make $H portable @D @y simpler.","0.3.0"],"bn_plus":[C[49],"0.4.4"],"gdk4_wayland_^d":["FFI @4 of GDK4 Wayland","0.8.2"],"notan_draw":["@M a @o 2D $U @2 Notan",C[0]],"moisture":["Moisture is a @3-@w @K @1 intended @2 &z @9 $0 @8!",C[5]],"impl_more":["Concise, declarative ^8 @0 @8","0.1.6"],"memmem":["Substring searching","0.1.1"],"sass_rs":["Higher @W &G @2 @7 Sass @1","0.2.2"],"tk_bufstream":["A buffered ^Z backed by contiguous buffers (netbuf) @2 ^h","0.3.0"],"termusic":["Terminal Music @6 Podcast Player $Y in @3. Can download music @E youtube(netease/migu/kugou) @6 then embed lyrics @6 album photos &q mp3/m4a/flac/wav/ogg vorbis @P.","0.9.0"],"ghp":["Import a folder to gh-pages branch easily!","0.1.2"],"@z_xlsxwriter":["A @3 @1 @2 $I Excel 2007 xlsx @P","0.64.2"],"hematite_nbt":["A full-featured @1 @2 ^g @9 Minecraft's Named Binary Tag (NBT) $R @G, &7 Serde @f.","0.5.2"],"git_attributes":[C[19],"0.8.3"],"fibers_global":["^e global executor of fibers","0.1.2"],"cbindgen":["A tool @2 $q C @4 to @3 $d.",C[86]],"riscv_rt_@8":["Attributes re-exported in `riscv-rt`","0.2.1"],"tetcore_bip39":["Converting BIP39 entropy to valid Tetcore (sr25519) SecretKeys","0.4.2"],"lang_util_@a":["^O-@8 @2 lang-util","0.5.2"],"web_logger":["A logger @2 logging in web-browsers",C[2]],"ink_$m":["[ink!] Off-chain $Z @2 $u.","5.0.0"],"oxygengine_$C_p2d_cr":["Integration ^y of 2D physics @6 composite rendering @2 Oxygengine",C[1]],"marine_^y_info_@h":["Fluence Marine Wasm ^y info (manifest @6 $2) @h",C[33]],"$g_sync_rdme":["Cargo &C to synchronize README @9 @5 documentation","0.3.4"],"emuman":["Utility @2 managing emulator ROM @P.","2.10.1"],"hashdb":["^8 @2 hash-keyed databases.","0.3.0"],"c_str_@c":["c_str @c to create C-$k $6 literals","1.0.3"],"decorum":["Total ordering, equivalence, hashing, @6 constraints @2 floating-point @b.","0.3.1"],"dup_&j":["Manage $t $c @2 DUniter Protocols @6 @7 Duniter eco-@T most broadly.",C[72]],"ink_@F":["[ink!] Fundamental primitive @b @2 ink! smart ^b.","5.0.0"],"noir_grumpkin":["An @0 @2 @7 grumpkin curve",C[5]],"jwtk":["JWT signing (JWS) @6 verification, @9 first class JWK @6 JWK Set (JWKS) @f.","0.3.0"],"rsa_fdh":["RSA-FDH is a is provably secure blind-signing signature scheme @u uses RSA @6 a full domain hash @6 @f blind signing / blind signatures","0.5.0"],"libsecp256k1":["Pure @3 secp256k1 @0.","0.7.1"],"cachemap2":["A &Y insert-only hashmap @2 caching ^Q","0.3.0"],"stacktrace":["$P $K is deprecated. Consider looking at [^L-chain](&Q://$y/^L-chain).","0.2.1"],"unic_ucd_segment":["UNIC — ^I Character Database — Segmentation Properties","0.9.0"],"strfmt":["strfmt: @z @1 @2 formatting dynamic $e","0.2.4"],"itertools_num":["Numerical iterator ^H. Extra iterators @6 iterator methods @6 @n.","0.1.3"],"$5_ini":["$v INI $R {de,}@t",C[2]],"emerald_rs":["Ethereum secure account ^c @O libary","0.25.6"],"cfg":["@q @2 manipulating context-free grammars.","0.8.0"],"nalgebra_mvn":["Multivariate normal distribution @A nalgebra",C[3]],"amethyst_^r":["Amethyst ^r","0.15.3"],"cov_mark":["Manual coverage marks.","2.0.0-pre.1"],"uuid7":["A @3 @0 of @7 proposed UUID Version 7","0.7.2"],"ockam_node":["$P @5 @r an @0 of an Ockam [Ockam][main-ockam-@5-link] Node @6 is intended @2 &z by $y @u provide &L @6 add-ons to @7 main [Ockam][main-ockam-@5-link] @1. ^e main [Ockam][main-ockam-@5-link] @5 re-exports @b defined in this @5, when @7 `\"std\"` feature is enabled.","0.113.0"],"trace4rs_&m":["trace4rs $G",C[701]],"jni":["@3 @4 to @7 JNI",C[30]],"tauri_^r":["$j @2 Tauri",C[200]],"memcached_rs":["A MemCached @q in @3","0.4.2"],"scylla":["Async CQL driver @2 @3, optimized @2 Scylla, fully $k @9 Apache Cassandra™",C[0]],"persistent_array":["Persistent array is a @1 @2 ^g @9 $7 mapped arrays","0.5.0"],"&w_ap_&w_lint_defs":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_lint_defs` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit $N ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish",C[42]],"ocaml_gen":["A @1 @2 $q OCaml $d","0.1.5"],"sampling":["Large-deviation Algorithms &4 Wang-Landau, Entropic sampling, Replica-Exchange Wang-Landau, Heatmaps, Histograms @6 bootstrap resampling. $P is intended @2 scientific simulations","0.1.1"],"notify_debouncer_mini":["notify mini debouncer @2 events","0.4.1"],"rltk":["A CP437/ASCII $o @1 @6 &i to make ^E roguelike games in @3 easy. Similar to libtcod, but aiming to be @3-^F.","0.8.7"],"$g_&C":["@q @2 ^E $g subcommands.",C[0]],"tectonic_cfg_@f":["A @f @5 @u helps deal @9 CARGO_CFG_TARGET_* variables. When cross-compiling, these variables must be $9 ^Y of constructs such as `cfg!(target_arch = ...)` because @7 script is compiled to target @7 $s host $Z, not @7 true target $Z.","0.1.4"],"macaw":["An opinionated game math @1 built on top @7 excellent glam","0.19.1"],"libmacchina":["A @1 @u can fetch all sorts of @T @Q.","7.2.2"],"yaserde_@a":["Serialization @6 ^3 @8",C[11]],"tikv_jemallocator_global":[C[149],"0.5.0"],"auxv":["Access @7 ELF auxiliary vector (aka auxv or auxval).","0.3.3"],"libmpv_^d":["Libmpv @4 $X by ^k","3.1.0"],"stm32_i2s_v12x":["Driver @2 I2S &U (@A SPI peripherals) @2 some STM32 $S","0.5.1"],"webview2_com_^d":["$a $X @9 @7 &O @5 @2 @7 WebView2 COM APIs",C[1]],"neptune_triton":["GPU @0 of neptune-$k Poseidon hashing.","2.1.0"],"uu_basenc":["basenc ~ (uutils) decode/encode input",C[20]],"allegro":["Allegro 5 @O @1 @3 @p","0.0.45"],"rusoto_cloudtrail":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v CloudTrail @ 2013-11-01",C[15]],"sc_transaction_pool_api":["Transaction pool @d facing $U. (@s @L)",C[64]],"tobj":["A &e OBJ loader in @7 spirit of tinyobjloader","4.0.2"],"variation":["A $0 @c to ^o enum variant methods","0.1.1"],"kmon":["Linux kernel &y @6 activity monitor","1.6.5"],"enterpolation":["A @1 @2 ^E @6 computing interpolations, extrapolations @6 smoothing of &8 @D points.","0.2.1"],"input_linux_^d":["$a @2 ","0.8.0"],"rspack_sources":["Rusty webpack-sources port.","0.2.14"],"$5_millis":["A $5 @p @u stores integer millisecond &v @2 timestamps @6 durations ($9 similarly to serde_bytes)","0.1.1"],"authenticator_ctap2_2021":[C[89],"0.3.2-dev.1"],"programinduction":["A @1 @2 ^w induction @6 learning representations.","0.9.0"],"tlmcmddb_cli":["C2A TlmCmd DB ^q","2.5.1"],"wasm_opt_cxx_^d":["wasm-opt @4 via cxx","0.116.0"],"distill_loader":["Loader component of @7 asset pipeline `distill`.","0.0.3"],"cardinal_paid_claim_approver":["Cardinal paid claim approver","4.4.0"],"queryst":["@3 query $6 @h @9 nesting @f, forked to update Serde","3.0.0"],"v_frame":["Video Frame @D @y, originally part of rav1e","0.3.8"],"wccg_models":[C[806],"0.10.7"],"rocket_basicauth":["A high-@W basic ^s authentication request guard @2","3.0.0"],"^h_tcp":["TCP @4 @2 ^h.","0.1.4"],"extism_convert_@8":["$L to remove boilerplate @9 Extism","1.2.0"],"wasmi_arena":["Entity arena @D @y @2 wasmi","0.5.0"],"wasm_instrument":[C[524],C[7]],"osqp":["^e OSQP (Operator Splitting Quadratic Program) solver.","0.6.2"],"protobuf_parse":["Parse `.proto` @P. Files are parsed &q a `protobuf::descriptor::FileDescriptorSet` object @A either: * pure @z @h (no ^4) * `protoc` ^5 (more reliable @6 $k @9 Google's @0)","3.4.0"],"telemetry":["Telemetry is a mechanism $9 to capture ^u in an $w, to later store @7 @D locally or upload it to a @N @2 statistical analysis.","0.1.3"],"os_units":["A @1 $z @r unit @b @2 $I OS.","0.4.2"],"bitcoin_slices":["Parse Bitcoin objects ^U allocations","0.8.0"],"sc_$Q_monitor":["Storage monitor service @2 substrate (@s @L)",C[18]],"rtic_monotonics":["A @1 @u @r @k of @7 Monotonic ^8 @E rtic-^0","1.5.0"],"ref_cast_impl":["^x @0 @2 ref_cast::RefCast.","1.0.22"],"alto":["Idiomatic @g @2 OpenAL 1.1 @6 &r (&7 EFX)","3.0.4"],"bytekind":["Containers @2 byte arrays @u are &8 over their @t @G",C[2]],"implements":[C[198],"0.7.0"],"bee_ledger":["All @b @6 &L required to compute @6 maintain @7 ledger state","0.6.1"],"tetsy_libp2p_@O":[C[1013],"0.27.1"],"holochain_persistence_mem":["persistence @2 content addressable $Q @6 entity ^K &v indexes. A @o, &F-&k in $7 store.","0.0.18"],"multistr":["Store multiple $e in @7 same heap buffer.","0.5.4"],"moka_cht":["Lock-free resizeable &Y hash table","0.4.2"],"re_log_@J":["Helpers @2 @J @6 transporting Rerun log ^X",C[35]],"aws_sdk_rdsdata":["^v &a @2 ^v RDS DataService",C[17]],"cap":["An ^D @u can track @6 limit $7 usage. $P @5 @r a &8 ^D @u wraps another ^D, tracking $7 usage @6 enabling limits to be set.","0.1.2"],"google_authz":["$P @1 @r auto-renewed tokens @2 Google service authentication.","1.0.0-alpha.5"],"glfw":["GLFW3 @4 @6 idiomatic @p @2 @3.","0.55.0"],"freedesktop_entry_@h":["A @1 @2 @K FreeDesktop entry @P","1.3.0"],"tugger_licensing":["Functionality &H to software licensing","0.6.0"],"usdt_attr_@c":[C[952],"0.5.0"],"ckb_multisig":["CKB multi-signature @1.",C[10]],"bytevec":["A @3 @t @1 @u uses byte vectors",C[2]],"avro_schema":["Apache Avro &d","0.3.0"],"^R_bloom":["&o bloom filter",C[12]],"mmap_rs":["A cross-@x @6 &k @3 $U to create @6 manage $7 mappings in @7 &l address space of @7 calling ^M.","0.6.1"],"partial_min_max":["`min` @6 `max` @n @u work @9 `PartialOrd`.",C[7]],"mc_oblivious_map":["@i of Oblivious Hash Map @D @y on top of Oblivious RAM","2.3.0"],"stm32f30x":["Peripheral ^s $U @2 STM32F30X $S","0.8.0"],"procspawn":["&F::spawn just @9 processes",C[9]],"$5_tc":["Serde @f @2 ^8 calls","0.4.1"],"libmath":["Mathematical @m","0.2.1"],"internship":["Interned $6 @6 more","0.6.0"],"dylib":["Standalone $2 of former dylib ^y","0.0.3"],"@o_mermaid":["$p Mermaid diagrams RustDoc $C","0.1.1"],"deno_webstorage":["@i of WebStorage $U @2 Deno","0.143.0"],"pallas_@F":["Ledger @F @6 cbor codec @2 @7 different Cardano eras",C[34]],"bitcoin_private":[C[402],C[5]],"swc_node_base":[C[274],"0.5.9"],"form_urlencoded":["Parser @6 serializer @2 @7 $w/x-www-form-urlencoded syntax, as $9 by HTML forms.","1.2.1"],"$g_geiger":["Detects usage of unsafe @3 in a @3 @5 @6 its ^4.","0.11.7"],"sc_rpc_@N":["&E RPC servers. (@s @L)","15.0.0"],"vsock":["Virtio socket @f @2 @3","0.5.0"],"sm3":["SM3 (OSCCA GM/T 0004-2012) hash @R",C[457]],"libudev":["@3 @p @2 libudev","0.3.0"],"jxl_bitstream":["JPEG XL bitstream reader, part of jxl-oxide",C[7]],"actix_web":["Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, @6 extremely &p web @j @2 @3","4.5.1"],"collect_mac":["$P @5 @r @7 `collect!` @c, $z can be $9 to easily construct arbitrary &u, &7 `Vec`, `String`, @6 `HashMap`. It also endeavours to construct @7 @U @9 a single allocation, where possible.",C[5]],"markup_^O_@c":[C[287],C[32]],"wasmer_singlepass_$n_near":[C[631],"0.18.1"],"libzfs_^d":["@3 @4 to libzfs","0.5.11"],"batbox_@a":["Batteries useful @2 projects (@a @8)",C[8]],"prctl":["$P @Y @r &k $x to @7 linux prctl() @g. Some @n may be architecture-&2.",C[9]],"apollo_cw_asset":["Helper @1 @2 $T @9 Cosmos assets (&a coins @6 CW20 tokens)","0.1.2"],"stats_alloc":["An ^D @p @u allows @2 instrumenting global allocators","0.1.10"],"cdylib_link_lines":["&T of link-lines useful to $s correct cdylibs on targets","0.1.5"],"libp2p_noise":["Cryptographic handshake @l @A @7 noise @j.",C[68]],"linecount":["Quickly count lines in a $R",C[5]],"glfw_^d":["An Open Source, multi-@x @1 @2 ^E &O @9 OpenGL contexts @6 receiving input @6 events","5.0.0+3.3.9"],"&F_tryjoin":["Try joining a &F","0.3.0"],"entropy":["Calculates @7 Shannon entropy of arrays of bytes @6 $e","0.4.2"],"rusoto_logs":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V CloudWatch Logs @ 2014-03-28",C[15]],"alacritty":["A &p, cross-@x, OpenGL $o emulator",C[14]],"salvo_cache":["Cache &f @2 Salvo web @N @j.","0.67.1"],"marc":["Reader @6 &0 @2 MARC 21 Bibliographic @G","3.1.1"],"contextual":["Utility @5 to deal @9 @D in context","0.1.6"],"soroban_token_sdk":["Soroban token &a containing @m @2 ^E custom tokens on Soroban.",C[101]],"impl_^H_lib":[C[235],C[11]],"deno_^k":[C[875],C[876]],"netlify_lambda":[C[383],C[2]],"libsql_^d":["Native @4 to libSQL","0.5.0"],"reqwest_&f":["Wrapper ^i reqwest to allow @2 @d &f chains.","0.3.0"],"paw_raw":["Traits to &c custom Paw @k",C[9]],"souper_ir":["A @1 @2 manipulating Souper IR","2.1.0"],"kms_aead":["KMS/AEAD envelope &A @2 GCP/^v KMS @6 Ring AEAD &A",C[6]],"afarray":["Convenience methods @2 ^g @9 ArrayFire arrays in @3",C[35]],"podcast":["A $l line podcast &y",C[18]],"$5_attributes":["Serde Attributes","0.2.1"],"accesskit_unix":["AccessKit UI accessibility infrastructure: Linux adapter","0.8.0"],"syn_mid":["Providing @7 &L $8 \"full\" @6 \"@a\" of syn.","0.6.0"],"biome_rowan":["Biome's custom Rowan definition","0.5.7"],"fastwebsockets":["A &p RFC6455 WebSocket @N @0","0.7.1"],"volition":["Minimalist input lib","0.1.4"],"icu_unicodeset_parse":["$U to parse unicode sets as defined in UTS35","0.1.2"],"fern":["$p, &6 logging","0.6.2"],"bluez_@C":["An @C @p ^i @7 D-Bus @g of BlueZ (@7 Linux Bluetooth daemon), supporting GATT @d (central) @I.","0.7.2"],"@o_accumulator":["A @o accumulator @2 incremental statistical computations","0.7.0"],"mesa":["A @1 @2 Shasta","0.35.1"],"rstest_&1":["@M some @m $9 by to write rstest crate's tests.",C[24]],"paranoid_android":["Integration layer $8 $F @6 Android logs","0.2.2"],"nmea":["$p NMEA 0183 @h","0.6.0"],"skip_^L":["Utility helping skip @6 log Result::Error in iterations","3.1.1"],"interpolate_name":["$p $0 @c ^K @2 repetitive tests","0.2.4"],"http_req":["@o @6 &e HTTP @d @9 built-in HTTPS @f","0.10.3"],"homedir":["A @5 to help get @7 home directory of any user on a @T.","0.2.1"],"$5_@9_expand_env":["Parse $Z variables in $5 @5 @A deserialize_with.","1.1.0"],"strawboat":["A ^F $Q @G @w on Apache Arrow.","0.2.6"],"rustis":["Redis @C driver @2 @3",C[45]],"vm_info":["Inspect Linux &l $7 ^p",C[2]],"oxygengine_script_flow":["Visual graph scripting ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.28.0"],"aotuv_lancer_vorbis_^d":["Low-@W FFI @4 @2 libvorbis, vorbisfile, @6 libvorbisenc C $A @9 @7 aoTuV @6 Lancer patches","0.1.4"],"atk":["@3 @4 @2 @7 ATK @1",C[6]],"http_api_problem":["A @1 to create HTTP ^L response content @2 APIs @w on RFC 7807",C[72]],"subparse":["Load, change @6 write $4 subtitle formats (srt/ass/idx/sub)","0.7.0"],"nom_recursive":["Extension of nom to handle left recursion","0.5.1"],"paypal_rs":["A @1 @u wraps @7 paypal api asynchronously.","0.2.5"],"ckb_jsonrpc_@b":["CKB $4 @b @2 &D @t.",C[10]],"pest_@H_tmp":[C[185],"2.1.0"],"perseus_warp":["An $C @u makes @7 Perseus @j easy to &z @9 Warp.","0.4.2"],"vercel_@v_@c":["Vercel @3 Function &R Macro","1.1.1"],"ipconfig":["Get $M adapters @Q @6 $M $G @2 &O.","0.3.2"],"gpsd_proto":["^e gpsd_proto ^y contains @b @6 @n to connect to gpsd to get GPS coordinates @6 satellite @Q.",C[9]],"&O_reader":[C[71],"0.31.0"],"wasmedge_@c":["^e $0 @8 @2 WasmEdge @3 @4.","0.6.1"],"locate_header":["@q to simplify locating header @P when ^6 -^d $y","0.1.1"],"pyo3_asyncio":["PyO3 @m @2 Python's Asyncio @1",C[18]],"ed":["Encode @6 Decode $3","0.3.0"],"lingua_tamil_@e_^9":["^e Tamil @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"rocket_contrib_^B":["@V @8 @2 @7 Rocket contrib $A.","0.4.11"],"uiautomation":["UI Automation Framework @2 $v",C[11]],"arrow_odbc":["Read/Write Apache Arrow arrays @E/to ODBC @D sources.","9.0.0"],"cap_&Z":["Capability-@w ^l &Z @2 &m, cache @6 other @D","3.0.0"],"sfml":["@3 &G @2 sfml",C[37]],"core2":["^e bare essentials of std::io @2 &z in no_std. Alloc @f is optional.",C[7]],"dbs_^r":["&i @6 @m $9 by dragonball-sandbox &I","0.2.1"],"pact_ffi":["Pact @g @2 foreign languages.","0.4.19"],"ark_bls12_381":["^e BLS12-381 pairing-&n elliptic curve",C[7]],"$5_valid":[C[409],C[36]],"$g_rdme":["Cargo $l to create &3 `` @E &3 crate's documentation","1.4.3"],"triehash":[C[531],"0.8.4"],"dynasm":["A $W @2 assembling $d at @v. Combined @9 @7 @v @5 dynasmrt it can be $9 to write JIT compilers easily.","2.0.0"],"altv_^7_mvalue":[C[359],"16.0.0"],"imagefmt":["Image decoders: PNG, TGA, BMP, JPEG. Encoders: PNG, TGA, BMP.","4.0.0"],"less_avc":["less Advanced Video Coding (H.264) @J","0.1.5"],"gdkx11_^d":["FFI &G @2 libgdkx11",C[6]],"did_key":["@i of @7 did:key method","0.2.1"],"ufmt_write":["`μfmt`'s `uWrite` ^8",C[5]],"cli_&1_dir":["Tools @2 $u @3 $l-line @m","0.1.8"],"touch":["A thin @p ^i $R @6 directory $c designed to take remove some of tediousness.","0.0.1"],"cty":["Type aliases to C @b &4 c_int @2 &z @9 ^k","0.2.2"],"aws_sdk_s3outposts":["^v &a @2 $V S3 on Outposts",C[17]],"include_flate_^B":[C[180],"0.3.0"],"implicit_clone":[C[492],"0.4.9"],"triton_vm":["A &l ^C @u comes @9 Algebraic Execution Tables (AET) @6 Arithmetic Intermediate Representations (AIR) @2 &z in combination @9 a STARK proof @T to allow proving correct execution of arbitrary programs in zero-knowledge.","0.42.0-alpha.1"],"^R_vote_^w":["&o Vote ^w",C[12]],"temp_testdir":["Little @5 to &z temp directory in @5. You can chose if delete it after &z or not to debugging purpose.","0.2.3"],"nu_$5":["Turn any &v &q a nu-@l::Value @9 $5",C[68]],"ed25519_dalek_bip32":["Simplified ed25519 BIP32 derivations","0.3.0"],"random_branch":["@M a @c to select a random branch &4 match","0.1.1"],"wasm_^k":["Easy @f @2 $T $8 JS @6 @3.","0.2.92"],"rawbytes":["View/^s any sized &v as a &[u8].","1.0.1"],"kernel32_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 kernel32. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.","0.2.2"],"lingua_czech_@e_^9":["^e Czech @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"const_env_impl__&v":[C[233],"0.1.2"],"&j_pair":["Parse exchange-&2 symbols to unified @G","2.3.20"],"redox_uefi":["UEFI @f @1","0.1.11"],"polylabel_cmd":["A $l-line ^q @2 finding optimum polygon label positions","1.4.0"],"disabled_^b":["A clearly stub $2 of @7 `^b` @5.",C[5]],"tantivy_jieba":["A @1 @u bridges $8 tantivy @6 jieba-rs",C[11]],"shank_render":["Renders implementaions derived @E shank @8","0.4.2"],"^R_rbpf":[C[236],"0.8.0"],"erased_set":["A set of erased @b","0.8.0"],"buildable":["Buildable ^8 definition @6 @m helpful in $s lifecycles","0.0.5"],"anchor_@a_$5":["Anchor ^x @c @2 @t @6 ^3",C[1]],"risc0_@O":["Core @b @2 RISC Zero $y",C[37]],"neon_@8":["@V @8 supporting Neon",C[9]],"hcaptcha_@a":["^x @c @2 hCaptcha. Please &z hcaptcha @5.","2.3.1"],"xsv":["A high @X CSV $l line toolkit.",C[8]],"@C_session":["Async session @f @9 pluggable &f","3.0.0"],"pqcrypto_kyber":["Post-Quantum Key-Encapsulation Mechanism kyber","0.8.1"],"hal":["hal - @7 Bitcoin companion","0.9.5"],"scm_record":["UI component to interactively select changes to include in a commit.",C[2]],"cpc":["evaluates math expressions, @9 @f @2 units @6 &V $8 units","1.9.3"],"synattra":["A Syn Attribute Parser Toolkit","0.2.1"],"$g_dinghy":["Cross-compilation made easier","0.7.1"],"aws_sdk_mediaconvert":["^v &a @2 ^v Elemental MediaConvert","1.24.0"],"^u_distributor":["Ingest logs @6 forward aggregated @D to APIs/services.","0.5.3"],"$1":["Promises Q style , @C @6 event loops","0.4.5"],"cedar_policy":["Cedar is a @e @2 defining permissions as policies, $z describe who should have ^s to what.","3.1.3"],"easyfix":["Easy FIX (Financial Information Exchange) $m.","0.8.7"],"gdnative_@4_@H":["Generates @4 @2 @7 Godot engine's gdnative classes @E a json api description $R.","0.11.3"],"bitmask":["A bitmask @H @2 enum scoped bit flags.","0.5.0"],"jemalloc_^d":[C[357],C[358]],"web_log":["$p @m to write &q browser's console","1.0.1"],"macroific":["Proc @c ^P @m","1.3.1"],"snarkvm_circuit_$M":["Network circuit @1 @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"direct_asm":["A custom assembler @2 inline asm","0.0.1-alpha"],"online":["📶 @q to check &3 Internet connectivity","4.0.2"],"flat_rs":["Flat codec","1.0.20"],"move_bytecode_^r":["Libraries @2 ^g @9 sets of Move bytecode modules","0.3.2"],"indy":[C[291],C[995]],"reedline":["A readline-&4 @5 @2 CLI text input","0.31.0"],"backtrace":["A @1 to acquire a stack trace (backtrace) at @v in a @3 ^w.","0.3.71"],"rusoto_meteringmarketplace":["^v &a @2 @3 - AWSMarketplace Metering @ 2016-01-14",C[15]],"sc_rpc":["&E Client RPC (@s @L)","33.0.0"],"trustfall":[C[608],"0.7.1"],"remoc":["🦑 Remote multiplexed objects, channels, observable &u @6 RPC making remote interactions seamless. @M multiple remote channels @6 RPC over TCP, TLS or any other transport.",C[8]],"ec_gpu_gen":["Code @H @2 field @6 eliptic curve $c on @7 GPUs","0.7.0"],"tower_http_util":["$j @2 ^g @9 HTTP services.",C[5]],"willbe2":["___",C[5]],"jnix":["High-@W &r to help @9 @7 usage of JNI in @3 $d","0.5.1"],"elasticlunr_rs":["A partial port of elasticlunr.js to @3 @2 $q static document search indexes","3.0.2"],"sbp_settings":["SwiftNav settings $U @1","0.6.24"],"lingua_slovene_@e_^9":["^e Slovene @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"wkhtmltopdf":["High-@W @4 to wkhtmltopdf",C[7]],"gdi32_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 gdi32. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.","0.1.2"],"typemap_ors":[C[772],C[9]],"bevy_rapier3d":["3-dimensional physics $m in @3, official Bevy $W.",C[34]],"various_@D_$R":["Store a dainary datas in a $R. Use mmap, optimize fragments on delete, @6 reference identical $e.",C[6]],"postgres_es":["A Postgres @0 of an event &M @2 cqrs-es.","0.4.11"],"wgpu_subscriber":["WebGPU $F subscribers",C[5]],"eth_checksum":["Ethereum address checksum","0.1.2"],"curv_kzen":["Curv contains an extremely @o @g to onboard new elliptic curves. Use this @1 @2 general purpose elliptic curve cryptography",C[11]],"opencv_ros_camera":["Geometric models of OpenCV/ROS cameras @2 photogrammetry",C[40]],"wasm_timer":[C[212],"0.2.5"],"maybe_uninit":["MaybeUninit @2 friends of backwards compatibility","2.0.0"],"to_^8":["A ^8 @9 methods similar to .&q() @6 .try_into(), except they take ^j arguments.","0.1.1"],"ash_tray":["A Tray to host Ash @9 Winit",C[36]],"regex_mutator":["^e Nautilus regex_mutator","0.3.1"],"lnpbp":["LNP/BP Core @q $f LNPBP specifications & standards","0.9.0"],"rsgen_avro":["Command line @6 @1 @2 $q @3 @b @E Avro schemas",C[8]],"gen_z":["Macro-free ^Z construction through $1 generators via an awaitable sender",C[5]],"aspotify":["Deprecated in favour of rspotify","0.7.1"],"twiggy_$3":[C[665],"0.7.0"],"enum_^r":["A set of useful ^O @8 @2 enums","0.1.2"],"remove_dir_all":["A &k, reliable @0 of remove_dir_all @2 $v","0.8.2"],"ra_ap_limit":["TBD",C[25]],"ibc_@O":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, re-exports a comprehensive set of $A @u &c IBC @O (TAO) modules, facilitating seamless $C of IBC @O business logic &q any blockchain @T.","0.52.0"],"iggy":["Iggy is @7 persistent message streaming @x $Y in @3, supporting QUIC, TCP @6 HTTP transport protocols, capable of processing millions of ^X per second.","0.4.1"],"utf16string":["String @b to work directly @9 UTF-16 encoded $e",C[2]],"bevy_obj":["A Wavefront .obj mesh asset loader $W @2 @7 Bevy $m",C[8]],"&O_i686_msvc":[C[53],"0.52.5"],"lightspeed_@O":[C[112],C[72]],"@C_ffi":["FFI-$k `Future`s","0.5.0"],"gdnative_@O":["^e Godot game engine's gdnative @O @4.","0.11.3"],"stm32f1xx_hal":["HAL @2 @7 STM32F1xx family of $S",C[11]],"jtd":["A @3 @0 of &D Type Definition","0.3.1"],"ark_&1_curves":["A @1 @2 $u ark-ec & ark-poly","0.4.2"],"enumn":["Convert number to enum","0.1.13"],"fixed_sqrt":["Square root @2 fixed-point ^V","0.2.5"],"rexiv2":["$P @1 @r a @3 @p ^i @7 gexiv2 @1, $z is a GObject-@w @p ^i @7 Exiv2 @1, $z @r read @6 write ^s to @7 Exif, XMP, @6 IPTC ^G in media @P (typically photos) in various formats.",C[11]],"^R_sdk_@c_frozen_abi":["&o &a Macro frozen abi","1.3.23"],"deadpool":["Dead @o @C pool",C[54]],"surrealdb_@O":[C[558],"2.0.0-1.4.2"],"numeric_enum_@c":["A declarative @c @2 ^j-&k enum-to-^V &V",C[2]],"oxygengine_input":["Input ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"str_indices":["Count @6 convert $8 indexing schemes on $6 slices.","0.4.3"],"&1_@9":["A lib help you run &1 @9 condition","0.12.6"],"sentry_contrib_^F_^d":["Unofficial FFI @4 to @7 Sentry Native &a @2 @3.","0.3.1"],"rez":["A convention @2 $A to bundle resource @P alongside binaries.","0.1.4"],"public_suffix":["Crate @2 &6 determination of eTLD+1 @w on @7 Mozilla Public Suffix List.","0.1.1"],"dia_semver":["For $H Semantic Versions 2.0.0","11.0.1"],"ockam_vault_@O":["^e Ockam Vault ^8.","0.35.0"],"ittapi_rs":["Deprecated: &z ittapi or ittapi-^d ^Y","0.3.0"],"@x_dirs":["A @1 @2 obtaining @x dependant directory paths @2 $w @6 user &Z","0.3.0"],"snowchains_@O":["Crate @2 accessing competitive ^a websites @6 $u &3 $d.",C[14]],"ncollide_entities":[C[21],"0.5.1"],"$5_cs":["Serde @t/^3 @2 camma separated lists","0.2.4"],"decaf377":["A prime-order group designed @2 &z in SNARKs over BLS12-377","0.9.0"],"ca_rules":["Parsing rule $e of life-&4 cellular automata.","0.3.5"],"pax_std_@F":["Primitives @5 @2 Pax's ^l @1",C[40]],"news_flash":["Base @1 @2 a modern feed reader","2.2.2"],"rusoto_autoscaling":["^v &a @2 @3 - Auto Scaling @ 2011-01-01",C[15]],"$g_sort":["Check if tables @6 items in a .toml $R are lexically sorted","1.0.9"],"snarkvm_ledger_block":["A block @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"burn_fusion":["Kernel fusion $n decorator @2 @7 Burn @j",C[45]],"gluesql_sled_$Q":[C[87],C[32]],"arctk":["Numerical simulations of physical systems","2.0.10"],"^k_cuda":["Bindgen &4 @g to $s cuda kernels to interact @9 within @3.","0.1.5"],"qmetaobject_impl":["Custom @a @2 @7 qmetaobject @5.",C[97]],"onionsalt":["^e onion salt &A scheme","0.4.2"],"axum_tungstenite":["WebSocket connections @2 axum directly @A tungstenite","0.3.0"],"aws_sdk_honeycode":["^v &a @2 $V Honeycode",C[17]],"slice_dst":["Slice-@w custom DSTs","1.5.1"],"leb128":["Read @6 write DWARF's \"Little Endian Base 128\" (LEB128) variable length integer @J.","0.2.5"],"anchor_gen":[C[65],"0.3.1"],"cxx_gen":["C++ $d @H @2 integrating `cxx` @5 &q higher @W ^H.","0.7.121"],"nbchan":["Highly optimized non-blocking &U channels","0.1.3"],"rustflags":["Parser @2 CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS","0.1.6"],"bevy":["A refreshingly @o @D-driven game $m @6 app @j",C[14]],"&N_fmt":["Compile-^0 formatting @6 derived @I (e.g., panics / assertions)",C[5]],"unwind_&k":["Readable unwind-&k $d thanks to a try-finally-looking &0 pattern",C[5]],"mdbook_i18n_&i":["Plugins @2 a mdbook translation workflow @w on Gettext.","0.3.2"],"lapack":["^e @Y @r &K @2 LAPACK (Fortran).",C[36]],"lending_iterator":["Fully general lending iterators in stable @z: windows_mut!","0.1.7"],"$r_rustls":["&g TLS/SSL streams @2 $r @A Rustls.",C[86]],"autotools":["A $s ^T to $s ^F $A @u &z configure&make-style $s systems","0.2.7"],"structmap_@a":["Proc @a @c @2 structmap @5","0.1.6"],"slack_blocks":["Models + clientside validation @2 Slack's &D Block Kit",C[34]],"^R_measure":[C[50],C[12]],"askalono":["a @1 to detect @7 contents of license @P","0.4.6"],"fasta_^H":[C[77],"0.1.8"],"byte_&b":["Pack @6 unpack ^p as raw bytes @9 packed or bit field layout.","0.9.0"],"tikv_jemalloc_ctl":[C[218],"0.5.4"],"&p_float":["Fast floating-point number @h.",C[2]],"dashu_ratio":["A big rational @1 @9 good @X","0.4.1"],"rumqttlog":[C[509],"0.9.0"],"uu_truncate":["truncate ~ (uutils) truncate (or extend) FILE to SIZE",C[20]],"ethcontract_$4":["^W @b @2 ethcontract-rs @v @6 ^O @c.","0.25.6"],"feed":["Deprecated. $P $K has been merged @9 @7 rss @5.","2.1.0"],"fsutils":["An $U @2 typical filesystem $c @w on Bash commands","0.1.7"],"redis_cli":["Redis CLI.","0.3.1"],"docker":["Docker Remote $U in @3","0.0.41"],"loupe_@a":["Profiling tool @2 @3, see @7 `loupe` @5","0.1.3"],"ntex_rt":["ntex @v","0.4.13"],"ghash":["Universal hash over GF(2^128) useful @2 constructing a Message Authentication Code (MAC), as in @7 AES-GCM authenticated &A cipher.",C[419]],"st3":["A very &p lock-free, bounded, work-stealing LIFO queue.","0.4.1"],"ros_message":["$j @2 $H MSG @6 SRV @P in ROS","0.1.1"],"axum_&1_&x":[C[339],"0.3.0"],"wikidot_normalize":["$p @1 to provide Wikidot-$k $6 normalization",C[0]],"autd3_firmware_emulator":["AUTD3 firmware emulator","22.1.0"],"re_arrow2":[C[841],"0.17.4"],"pathfinder":["Create nodes, clusters of nodes @6 connection in $8.","0.6.5"],"&5_sitter_prisma_io":["prisma grammar @2 @7 &5-sitter @K @1","1.4.0"],"oauth2":["An extensible, strongly-typed @0 of OAuth2","5.0.0-alpha.4"],"waitgroup":["Async waitgroup @2 a @U of task to finish","0.1.2"],"^5_search":["General ^5 search @0","0.1.2"],"mkdirp":["mkdir -p",C[9]],"prefix_&y":["@3 prefix &y","0.0.2"],"bevy_reflect_@a":["^x @k @2 bevy_reflect",C[14]],"sc_offchain":["&E offchain workers (@s @L)","33.0.0"],"odbc_&k":["Deprecated. Try odbc-api ^Y.","0.6.0"],"dia_kit":["Some kit...","0.29.0"],"layout_rs":["A graph visualization ^w","0.1.2"],"envmnt":["Environment variables ^q @n.","0.10.4"],"tar":[C[135],"0.4.40"],"@v_attributes":["Proc Macro attributes @2 @7 &R @5.",C[82]],"&O_permissions":["Safe @3 @4 to $v permissions APIs","0.2.4"],"sphere":["Function @2 calculating volume @6 surface area of n-sphere.","0.3.0"],"drone_cortexm_@8":["@V @8 @2 drone-cortexm.",C[40]],"minidom":["A small, @o DOM @0 on top of rxml, targeting @7 subset of XML useful @2 XMPP","0.15.2"],"teloxide":["An elegant Telegram bots @j @2 @3",C[92]],"smlang_@8":["Procedual @8 @2 @7 smlang @5","0.6.0"],"injective_cosmwasm":["$a @2 CosmWasm ^b to call &q custom modules of Injective Core","0.2.22"],"tetsy_scale_codec":["Tetsy SCALE - $p Concatenating Aggregated Little Endians","1.3.0"],"dpc_simplemap":["$p map @9 default &v @6 compacting.",C[5]],"annonars":["@3 template &M","0.36.1"],"etcommon_rlp":[C[69],"0.2.5"],"atsamd_hal":["HAL @6 Peripheral ^s $U @2 ATSAMD11, ATSAMD21, ATSAMD51, ATSAME51, ATSAME53 @6 ATSAME54 $S",C[33]],"yakia":["Tools @2 developers to manage projects.",C[5]],"&5_sitter_kotlin":["Kotlin grammar @2 @7 &5-sitter @K @1","0.3.5"],"&w_ap_&w_index":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_index` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit $N ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish",C[42]],"coap":["A CoAP @1",C[28]],"workflow_@C_^8":["Type erasure @2 @C ^8 methods (customized, see notes)","0.1.68"],"trillium_api":["an api handler @2","0.2.0-rc.11"],"usync":["&p, drop-in, synchronization @F","0.2.1"],"mammut":[C[961],C[8]],"smush":["^W @z $x ^i a variety of ^f codecs.","0.1.5"],"spsc_buffer":["Single-producer single-consumer lock-free buffer","0.1.1"],"holochain_wasmer_host":["wasm host $d","0.0.93"],"wasmer_wit_^k_gen_@z_wasm":[C[104],"0.1.1"],"cld2_^d":["Unsafe, low-@W @p @2 cld2 @e $B @1","1.0.2"],"parity_rocksdb":["A @3 @p @2 Facebook's RocksDB embeddable $O.","0.5.1"],"aktrs":["An actor ^9 @j @2 @3","0.1.0-alpha.5"],"capng":["@3 @p @2 libcap-ng","0.2.3"],"create_@z_app":["Set up a modern @z+react web app by running one $l.",C[67]],"mick_jaeger":["@3 @d @2 sending traces to a Jaeger @N","0.1.8"],"psbt":["Partially signed bitcoin transaction v0-2 @1 (bip174, bip370, bip371)",C[48]],"juniper_eager_loading_$d_gen":[C[525],"0.5.1"],"nonempty":["Correct by construction non-empty vector",C[11]],"trove_classifiers":["Python packaging classifiers as an Enum.","0.62.0"],"generational_box":["A box backed by a generational @v","0.5.1"],"mdblog":["static site @H @E markdown @P.",C[37]],"emcee":["@i of Python's emcee affine-invariant mcmc ensemble sampler","1.0.0-alpha.2"],"nom_greedyerror":["Custom ^L ^j to take a deepest ^L","0.5.0"],"zbox":["ZboxFS is a zero-details, privacy-focused in-app $R @T.","0.9.2"],"$F_forest":["Preserving contextual coherence among trace @D @E &Y tasks","0.1.6"],"renv":["Environment variable loader","0.2.3"],"wit_smith":["A WIT &1 case @H",C[285]],"uu_ls":["ls ~ (uutils) display directory contents",C[20]],"lightning_background_processor":["$j to perform required background tasks @2 @3 Lightning.",C[177]],"pallas_&j":["Cryptographic @F @2 Cardano",C[34]],"cubeb_$n":["$a to libcubeb internals to facilitate $f cubeb backends in @z.",C[0]],"memflow_@a":["@a @8 @2 @7 memflow physical $7 introspection @j",C[2]],"buffered_reader":["A super-powered Reader","1.3.1"],"ark_poly":["A @1 @2 &6 polynomial arithmetic via FFTs over finite fields","0.4.2"],"sha2ni":["SHA-2 hash @n","0.8.5"],"tz":["@q @2 @K zoneinfo @P","0.2.1"],"sequential_@c":[C[315],"0.2.4"],"vecmat":["Low-dimensional vector algebra @9 min_const_generics @f","0.7.8"],"hyperx":["Hyper's typed header ^y, eXtracted @6 improved","1.4.0"],"turbosql_impl":["^1 @0 details @2 Turbosql.",C[11]],"xmlsec":["Wrapper @2 xmlsec1 @1","0.2.3"],"sscanf_@c":["Proc-$L @2 @7 sscanf Crate. Not meant to be $9 as a standalone Crate","0.4.1"],"gluster":["A @1 to @g @9 Gluster's CLI. $P is being leveraged by a Juju charm to manage a Gluster deployment","1.0.8"],"portable_pty":["Cross @x pty @g","0.8.1"],"page_size":["@M an easy, &p, cross-@x way to retrieve @7 $7 page size","0.6.0"],"bitcoinleveldb_key":["keys @6 ^Q",C[57]],"ya_relay_proto":["Golem relay ^X","0.4.3"],"prost_@a":[C[16],"0.12.4"],"^Z_vbyte":["Compress @6 decompress ^V efficiently in @7 Stream VByte @J","0.4.1"],"chksum":["An @0 of hash @n @9 a straightforward @g @2 computing digests of bytes, @P, &Z, @6 more.","0.3.0"],"probability":["^e @Y @r a probability-theory toolbox.","0.20.3"],"bevy_mod_raycast":["Ray Casting @2 @7 Bevy Engine.",C[28]],"sysconf":["Small &k @p ^i sysconf","0.3.4"],"fvm_ipld_amt":[C[436],"0.6.2"],"ghost_cell":["Compile-^0 zero-cost borrow-checking of aliased references","0.2.6"],"rrun":["minimalistic $l launcher in @z similar to gmrun","0.2.3"],"enum_variant_^j":["Generates @b @2 each enum variant @6 &V ^8 impls.","0.3.1"],"rendy_@O":[C[13],"0.5.1"],"re_set_lib":["Data ^p @1 @2 ReSet","3.3.0"],"postgres_^F_tls":[C[1015],"0.5.0"],"flexi_logger":["An easy-to-configure @6 flexible logger @u writes logs to stderr or stdout @6/or to @P. It allows custom logline formats, @6 it allows changing @7 log &d at @v. It also allows defining additional log streams, e.g. @2 alert or security ^X.","0.28.0"],"cetkaik_@O":["DEPRECATED in favor of &Q://$y/cetkaik_fundamental @6 &Q://$y/cetkaik_naive_representation","0.9.99"],"libvips":["Safe @4 @2 libvips","1.7.0"],"libc_extra":["Additional bits @6 bobs found in libc $A @u either hasn't been submitted to Rust's official libc @5 yet, or has been rejected or requires too much work to integrate","0.3.2"],"@T_$G_^d":["Low @W @4 to SystemConfiguration @j @2 macOS","0.6.0"],"aws_smithy_@v_api":["Smithy @v @b.","1.4.0"],"highhash":["High-speed hashing $h @2 @3.",C[2]],"lzf":["DEPRECATED! An @0 of LZF, a very small @D ^f $b",C[9]],"liblzma":["@3 @4 to liblzma &9 Read/Write streams as well as low-@W in-$7 @J/^2. forked @E xz2.","0.3.1"],"servo_fontconfig":["@3 @4 @2 fontconfig","0.5.1"],"similar_asserts":["@r assert_eq! &4 @8 @9 colorized diff output","1.5.0"],"$u":["Testing @m @2 @7 swc $K.","0.35.23"],"sgxs_^H":["$j @2 ^g @9 @7 SGX ^Z @G.","0.8.6"],"@C_datagram":["Async datagram $3.","3.0.0"],"prop_check_rs":["A Property-@w $u @q in @3","0.0.559"],"finchers":["A combinator @1 @2 builidng $1 HTTP services","0.13.5"],"bootloader_locator":["Retrieves @7 $R @T location of a `bootloader` ^T","0.0.4"],"reproto":["reproto $E","0.3.36"],"case_insensitive_hashmap":["A HashMap @u uses case-insensitive $e as keys.",C[9]],"jubjub":["@i of @7 Jubjub elliptic curve group",C[11]],"fletcher":["A ^T free @0 of @7 Fletcher's checksum $b","0.3.0"],"interactive_clap_@a":["Interactive mode ^m @5 to Command Line Arguments Parser (&Q://$y/clap) (@a @8 &x @5)",C[97]],"sluice":["Efficient ring buffer @2 byte buffers, FIFO queues, @6 SPSC channels","0.5.5"],"gpiod_@O":["Linux GPIO character device interfacing","0.2.3"],"dfdx":["Ergonomic auto differentiation in @3, @9 pytorch &4 apis.",C[8]],"&j_crawler":["A rock-solid cryprocurrency crawler.","4.7.9"],"libp2p_swarm_@a":["@V @8 of libp2p-swarm","0.34.1"],"nature":["Nature is a ^P @f @x, it separates @D definition @E $d, so it decouple @7 @D @E business @T.","1.5.0"],"treeculler":["$j to help @9 frustum culling.","0.3.0"],"ergotree_interpreter":["ErgoTree interpreter","0.27.1"],"near_^k_@8":[C[166],"0.6.0"],"containers_api":["^W @I $9 in podman-api @6 docker-api $y.","0.9.0"],"mockers_^B":[C[98],"0.9.4"],"@R_name":[C[351],"0.3.0"],"actyxos_sdk_@8":[C[324],"0.2.3"],"glyph_brush_layout":["Text layout @2 ab_glyph","0.2.3"],"musli_$Q":["Partially upgrade stable @G @2 Müsli suitable @2 $Q.","0.0.117"],"sub_strs":["For finding sub $e...","0.29.2"],"sval_&1":["$j @2 $u sval::Value @k","2.13.0"],"$g_ndk":["Makes ^6 @3 $A @2 Android simpler","3.5.4"],"aws_arn":["@M @b, builders, @6 other &i to manipulate ^v $V Resource Name (ARN) $e","0.3.1"],"diesel_dynamic_schema":[C[683],"0.2.1"],"^h_$5_json":["$j needed to easily &c a Tokio &D transport @A Serde @2 &D @t @6 ^3 of frame ^Q.","0.3.0"],"membrane_@c":[C[707],"0.9.0"],"swipl":["A high-@W @1 @2 ^6 SWI-Prolog &r @6 embedding SWI-Prolog in @z @B","0.3.16"],"fixedbitset":["FixedBitSet is a @o bitset @U","0.5.7"],"@z_fsm":["A @j @2 ^6 finite state machines in @3","0.6.1"],"accesskit_&O":["AccessKit UI accessibility infrastructure: $v adapter",C[28]],"midir":["A cross-@x, realtime MIDI processing @1, inspired by RtMidi.",C[11]],"iron_csrf":["CSRF protection @2 @7 web @j Iron",C[7]],"scale_encode":["Encode @b to SCALE bytes given a desired target ^j","0.6.0"],"enum_extract":["Helper @8 @2 extracting single enum variants of an enum","0.1.1"],"oxygengine_$s_^H":["Build ^H @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"timely_&U":["Communication layer @2 timely dataflow",C[0]],"epub":["@q to @f @7 reading of epub @P.","2.1.1"],"zbase32":["@i of zbase32.","0.1.2"],"cbc":["Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) block cipher mode of operation","0.1.2"],"parameterized_@c":["Attribute @c @5 @2 parameterized tests.","2.0.0"],"sum":["General-purpose sum @b.","0.1.7"],"term_painter":["Coloring @6 formatting $o output",C[7]],"bevy_diagnostic":["@M diagnostic @I @2 Bevy Engine",C[14]],"^L_context":["Methods @6 @b @u help @9 adding additional context @Q to ^L @b","0.1.2"],"prop":["Propositional logic @9 @b in @3","0.47.0"],"coap_lite":["A &e CoAP message manipulation @5, ideal @2 $J environments.","0.11.5"],"vsdbsled":[C[786],"0.34.7-p1"],"samael":["A SAML2 @1 @2 @3","0.0.15"],"spl_discriminator":["&o Program @q 8-Byte Discriminator Management","0.2.2"],"^h_scoped":["Scoped &R @2 ^h",C[2]],"unic_locale_@8_impl":[C[52],"0.9.4"],"visible":["Attributes to override @7 visibility of items.","0.0.1"],"bevy_webgl2":["A webgl2 wasm32 render $n @2 Bevy Engine","0.5.2"],"pkcs7":["DEPRECATED: &z @7 `cms` @5 ^Y","0.4.1"],"safer_ffi_gen":["FFI @p @H @w on safer-ffi","0.9.2"],"snowflake_jwt":["Snowflake JWT token @H","0.3.0"],"bitvector":["BitVector @0 in @3","0.1.5"],"owning_ref":["A @1 @2 ^E references @u carry their owner @9 them.","0.4.1"],"^h_service":["^e @O `&h` ^8 @2 Tokio.",C[5]],"field_count":["^x @7 field count of a &b","0.1.1"],"sqs_lambda":["SQS &h &x @1",C[30]],"bendy":["A @z @1 @2 @J @6 ^2 bencode @9 enforced canonicalization rules.","0.4.0-beta.2"],"prost_amino":["An @0 of @7 Amino @t @2 Tendermint/Cosmos in @7 @3 Language. See &Q://^J/tendermint/go-amino @2 details.","0.6.0"],"cmsis_pack":["@3 @5 @2 managing CMSIS Packs","0.6.3"],"vswhom":["FFI to Jon Blow's VS discovery script",C[5]],"lettre":["Email @d","0.11.7"],"xtensa_lx":["Low-@W ^s @2 Xtensa LX processors @6 peripherals","0.9.0"],"quick_protobuf_codec":["&g de-/@J of Protobuf ^N @A $1-codec, unsigned-varint @6 quick-protobuf.","0.3.1"],"rusoto_cur":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v Cost @6 Usage Report &h @ 2017-01-06",C[15]],"egui_graphs":["Interactive graph visualization widget @2 @z powered by egui",C[18]],"fil_logger":["A logging @1 $9 by Filecoin","0.1.7"],"reproto_$n_python":[C[179],"0.3.36"],"coins_bip39":["Bip39 in @3","0.8.7"],"bork":["Pretty print syntax errors @2 &3 @h or interpreter.","0.2.1"],"atomic_$3":["^e $3 @2 &8 atomic $c",C[7]],"iso8601":["Parsing ISO8601 dates @A nom","0.6.1"],"autd3_protobuf":["^z Buffer","22.1.0"],"IOKit_^d":["FFI @4 @2 IOKit","0.1.5"],"is_docker":["Checks if @7 ^M is running inside a Docker container.",C[2]],"prost":[C[16],"0.12.4"],"sendgrid_api":["A fully $X & opinionated $U @d @2 @7 SendGrid $U.","0.7.0"],"br_$W":[C[118],"1.4.26"],"zellij_@d":["^e @d-side @1 @2 Zellij","0.40.0"],"^h_@C_await":["Experimental @C/await @f @2 Tokio","0.1.7"],"wasabi_leb128":["Read @6 write @7 variable length LEB128 number @G.",C[7]],"glyph_brush_draw_cache":["Texture draw cache @2 ab_glyph","0.1.5"],"aws_sdk_waf":["^v &a @2 ^v WAF",C[17]],"databento":["Official Databento @d @1","0.8.0"],"hdrsample":[C[31],"6.0.4"],"ptr_meta_@a":["$L @2 ptr_meta",C[61]],"owned_ttf_@h":["ttf-@h plus @f @2 owned @D",C[18]],"spa":["^e Solar Position Algorithm ^y (SPA) @2 @3 calculates @7 sunrise-sunset @6 azimuth @6 zenith-angle @2 &2 geo-position @6 ^0 (UTC); @2 example @2 solar-panel-alignment or automotive.","0.5.1"],"quic_rpc":["A streaming rpc @T @w on quic","0.8.0"],"mv_borrow_graph":["Move borrow graph","0.3.2"],"email_@J":["Low @W email @J RFCs @k","0.3.0"],"mrh":["Crawls filesystem @6 displays pending status of each git repo found",C[14]],"ifmt_impl":["@i detail of @7 ifmt @5.","0.3.3"],"unbytify":["Convert units of digital @Q @E $6 &q @7 numeric equivalent @6 @7 other way ^i",C[2]],"bitintr":["Portable Bit Manipulation Intrinsics.","0.3.0"],"fyrox_sound":[C[346],"0.34.0"],"handlebox":["A map-&4 @U @u reuses unused keys","0.3.0"],"ethereum_@b_serialize":[C[502],"0.2.2"],"zenoh_cfg_properties":[C[74],"0.7.2-rc"],"fixedstr":["$e of constant maximum size @u can be copied @6 stack allocated @A const generics","0.5.5"],"cirru_edn":["Parser/Writer @2 Cirru EDN","0.6.3"],"bytesio":["a $M io @1 @A ^h.","0.3.2"],"&q_attr_@a":["@a @2 attributes @2 graphviz-@z lib","0.2.1"],"c_$6":["C $6 &i @2 @3","0.7.2"],"$g_ament_$s":["Cargo $W @2 &z @9 colcon workspaces","0.1.6"],"meta_^H_min":["&T of general purpose meta ^H. Minimal Set.","0.2.13"],"ark_nonnative_field":["Constraints @2 nonnative field gadgets","0.3.0"],"rustyline_@C":["A minimal readline @9 multiline @6 @C @f.","0.4.2"],"math_adapter":["&T of math adapters to decouple &3 $w @E math $A' @k @6 to provide both inter-$A compatibility @6 affordable exchangeability.","0.3.8"],"exclusion_set":["a lock-free &Y set","0.1.2"],"mdns_sd":["mDNS &h Discovery @1 @9 no @C @v ^T",C[24]],"$Z":["Helper to deal @9 $Z variables.","0.1.1"],"@a_^H":[C[173],C[18]],"close_err":["Add .close() to $R-&4 @b, @2 ^L $H","1.0.2"],"ginepro":["A @d-side gRPC channel @0 @2 tonic","0.7.2"],"structmeta_@a":["@a @c @2 structmeta @5.","0.3.0"],"gpx":["@3 read/write @f @2 GPS Exchange Format (GPX)",C[11]],"clams_@a":[C[813],"0.0.6"],"cdrs_^h":["Async Cassandra DB driver $Y in @3","8.1.3"],"burn":[C[427],C[45]],"memorydb":["in-$7 @0 of hashdb","0.3.0"],"novasmt":["Storage-agnostic, highly ergonomic sparse Merkle trees","0.2.20"],"actix_multipart_@a":["Multipart form @a @c @2 Actix Web","0.6.1"],"vtable_@c":[C[430],C[2]],"netidx_netproto":["netidx wire @l","0.26.2"],"waffles_^R_sdk_@c":["Waffle Labs maintained &o &a Macro",C[44]],"varlink_cli":["varlink $l line tool","4.5.3"],"iptables":["@3 @4 @2 iptables","0.5.1"],"git_&M":["$P @5 is now named 'gix' @6 not available under this name anymore","0.35.0"],"map_@c":["Declarative @8 @2 statically initializing &u","0.3.0"],"wrpc_transport":["wRPC @O transport @I","0.24.2"],"typeshare":["Seamlessly share ^j @S across multiple languages @2 FFI interoperability","1.0.2"],"mdbook":["Creates a book @E markdown @P","0.4.37"],"pem_rfc7468":["PEM Encoding (RFC 7468) @2 PKIX, PKCS, @6 CMS Structures, $f a strict subset of @7 original Privacy-Enhanced Mail @J intended specifically @2 &z @9 $t keys, certificates, @6 other ^X. @M a no_std-&n, constant-^0 @0 suitable @2 &z @9 $t private keys.","1.0.0-pre.0"],"postgres_@b":["Conversions $8 @3 @6 Postgres ^Q","0.2.6"],"custom_@a":["(Note: superseded by `@c-attr`) $P @5 @r a @c @u enables @7 &z of custom @a attributes.","0.1.7"],"skip_ratchet":["Skip ratchet","0.3.0"],"tetsy_rlp":["Tetsy Recursive-length prefix @J, ^2, @6 ^f","0.5.1"],"mdurl":["URL @h @6 formatter @u gracefully handles invalid input.","0.3.1"],"fake_instant":[C[127],"0.5.0"],"svgfilters":["@i of various SVG filters.",C[7]],"sentry_anyhow":["Sentry $C @2 anyhow.","0.32.3"],"fdt_rs":["A flattened device &5 @h @2 $J no-std environments","0.4.5"],"jobslot":["An @0 of @7 GNU make jobserver @2 @3","0.2.17"],"trust_dns_@N":[C[80],"0.23.2"],"clipboard_win":["@M @o way to interact @9 $v clipboard.","5.3.1"],"git_@l":[C[19],"0.26.4"],"pkce":["@q @2 $q PKCE $d verifiers @6 challenges",C[2]],"netstring":["@q @2 @J @6 ^2 netstrings","0.4.1"],"uu_echo":["echo ~ (uutils) display TEXT",C[20]],"fstr":["A stack-allocated fixed-length $6 ^j",C[97]],"html5minify":["HTML5 minifier @0 @w on Servo's html5ever.","0.3.3"],"&B_bus_rtic":["@M @m @2 sharing peripheral &U buses in an RTIC $w","0.2.2"],"ra_ap_^O_@c_api":["TBD",C[25]],"arraytools":["A variety of helpful methods @2 ^g @9 fixed-size arrays.","0.1.5"],"condition_variable":["Condition Variables (CondVars) made easy","0.1.5"],"swc_visit":[C[418],"0.5.13"],"@C_priority_queue":["An @C-aware priority queue","0.1.1"],"gfx_$7":["gfx-hal $7 ^D","0.2.2"],"cudarc":["Safe &K ^i CUDA apis",C[11]],"h264_profile_@W_id":["Utility to ^M H264 profile-@W-id ^Q",C[2]],"vrp_scientific":["An ^m logic @2 solving scientific VRP","1.23.0"],"ttaw":["talking to a wall, a piecemeal &S @e processing @1","0.3.0"],"require_unsafe_in_body":["Make `unsafe fn` still require `unsafe` blocks in @7 function's body","0.3.2"],"ncollide_^r":[C[21],"0.9.1"],"@C_nats":["A @C @3 NATS @d","0.34.0"],"unic_bidi":["UNIC — ^I Bidirectional Algorithm","0.9.0"],"pcre2_^d":["Low @W @4 to PCRE2.","0.2.9"],"ini_merge":["@q to merge ini @P subject to $G.","0.4.4"],"jurisdiction":["A &e $U-&n $x @2 @7 jurisdiction in @7 world, @6 their accompanying static @Q pertaining to @u jurisdiction. Information available includes: * ISO 3166 country codes * UN M49 Region classifications","0.1.1"],"mnemonic":["Encode any @D &q a sequence of English words","1.1.1"],"syntex":["A @1 @u enables &N ^0 syntax ^m expansion","0.58.1"],"ascon_@O":["DEPRECATED: Use `ascon` ^Y","0.1.4"],"buf_read_ext":["Trait extending anything @u implements BufRead @9 stream_until_token()",C[7]],"icrc1_&1_env":[C[46],"0.1.2"],"almost":["A @5 @2 comparing floating point ^V",C[2]],"onefetch":["Command-line Git @Q tool","2.20.0"],"swc_relay":["AST Transforms @2 realy","0.44.9"],"$g_run_wasm":["Trivially run wasm @B @6 examples in @7 browser","0.3.2"],"chomp1":[C[768],"0.3.4"],"crossterm_^r":["^W logic $9 by @7 crossterm $y.",C[7]],"@z_icu_ustring":["Native @4 to @7 ICU4C @1 @E ^I. ustring.h","5.0.0"],"casserole_@a":[C[1005],C[2]],"rusoto_elb":["^v &a @2 @3 - Elastic Load Balancing @ 2012-06-01",C[15]],"webview2_com_@8":["$L $z ^o callback @k @2 WebView2 COM APIs","0.7.0"],"datamatrix":["Data Matrix (ECC 200) ^2 @6 @J @9 an optimizing encoder","0.3.0"],"^R_&m_^w":["&o Config ^w",C[12]],"machineid_rs":["Get an encrypted unique MachineID/HWID/UUID. Inspired by .Net DeviceId.","1.2.4"],"toml_&1_@D":["TOML &1 cases","1.8.0"],"vlq":["Sourcemap-style VLQ encoder @6 decoder","0.5.1"],"bigbro":["@q @2 tracking $R accesses of processes","0.5.2"],"bdf":["BDF @G $H.","0.6.0"],"zone":["@3 @4 @2 Zone ^c","0.3.0"],"redis_ts":["$U @2 Redis ^0 series @b.","0.5.4"],"lindera":[C[22],C[1]],"protoc_grpcio":["$U @2 programatically invoking @7 grpcio (grpc-rs) gRPC $E","3.0.0"],"miniz_oxide":["DEFLATE ^f @6 decompression @1 rewritten in @3 @w on miniz","0.7.2"],"$g_out_dir":["Displays Cargo's $s script out directory.",C[5]],"dconf_rs":["A @3 $U @2 $T @9 dconf.","0.3.0"],"embassy_^0_driver":["Driver ^8 @2 embassy-^0",C[5]],"$5_lite":["A general-purpose @t/de-@t @1","0.5.0"],"gtk_source_^d":["FFI @4 to libgtksourceview-3",C[11]],"rustbreak":["A modular @6 configurable $O","2.0.0"],"$5_^j_name":["lookup name of ^j @2 any &b or enum @u derives $5 Serialize",C[2]],"tonic_$s":["Codegen ^y of `tonic` gRPC @0.",C[24]],"crc8":["A CRC8 @0","0.1.1"],"pci_@b":["@q @9 @b @2 $H PCI devices","0.6.2"],"reproto_lexer":["lexer $9 @9 @7 reproto @h","0.3.36"],"wasi_cap_std_sync":[C[62],"17.0.3"],"comma":["Shell-style $l @h @9 @f @2 escaping @6 quotations.",C[9]],"discord_message":["A @5 containing @7 @m needed to $s Discord webhook ^X @E @3",C[5]],"interfaces":["A @3 @1 @2 $T @9 $M interfaces","0.0.9"],"oxygengine_$M":["Network ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"glib_^d":["FFI @4 to libglib-2.0","0.19.5"],"diff":["An LCS @w slice @6 $6 diffing @0.","0.1.13"],"fvm_actor_^r":["Utils @2 authoring ^F actors @2 @7 Filecoin Virtual Machine","10.0.0"],"ndarray_csv":["Easily read @6 write homogeneous CSV @D to @6 @E 2D ndarrays","0.5.2"],"mac_address2":[C[171],"2.0.2"],"pyo3_asyncio_@8":["Proc Macro Attributes @2 PyO3 Asyncio",C[18]],"uu_readlink":["readlink ~ (uutils) display resolved path of PATHNAME",C[20]],"fon":["@3 audio @b, resampling, processing @6 mixing @1.","0.6.0"],"ex3_&j":["EX3 &j @5.","0.15.20"],"trust_dns_^F_tls":["Trust-DNS is a &k @6 secure DNS @1. $P is an ^m @2 @7 Trust-DNS @d to &z ^F-tls @2 TLS.",C[30]],"winsafe":["$v $U @6 GUI in &k, idiomatic @3.","0.0.20"],"caffe2_c10":["xxx",C[163]],"tract_tensorflow":[C[85],"0.21.4"],"polytype":["A Hindley-Milner polymorphic typing @T.","7.0.1"],"random_pick":["Pick an element @E a slice randomly by given weights.","1.2.16"],"duckscript":["$p, extendable @6 embeddable scripting @e.","0.8.0"],"count_write":["An io::Write @p counting @7 number of bytes $Y",C[5]],"typos":[C[23],"0.10.22"],"swayfmt":["Sway @e formatter.","0.56.0"],"decanter_@a":[C[379],"0.1.6"],"realsense_^d":["@3 $x layer @2 @7 RealSense &a C @1","2.54.3"],"ast_grep_lsp":[C[39],C[30]],"intervaltree":["A @o @6 &8 @0 of an immutable interval &5.","0.2.7"],"scan_fmt":["A @o scanf()-&4 input @2 @3","0.2.6"],"xmldecl":["Extracts an @J @E an ASCII-@w bogo-XML declaration in text/html in a Web-$k way",C[2]],"&m_@a":["Proc @c $9 by Twelf @5",C[32]],"binread":[C[477],"2.2.0"],"re_entity_db":["In-$7 $Q of Rerun entities",C[35]],"secret_service":["@q to @g @9 Secret &h $U","3.0.1"],"ark_models_ext":["Replacement models @2 BLS12 @6 BW6 of ark-ec","0.4.1"],"pc_ints":["PC retro interrupts (BIOS, DOS, VGA, DPMI, etc.).","0.3.4"],"libusb":[C[850],"0.3.0"],"frame_@f_$0_^H":["Proc @c &i @2 $0 @8 (@s v1.9.0)","11.0.1"],"der_@a":["Custom @a @f @2 @7 `der` crate's `Choice` @6 `Sequence` $3",C[298]],"bardecoder":["Detect @6 decode QR Codes","0.5.0"],"vade":["VC @6 DID $m","0.1.1"],"biscuit_@h":["Datalog @h $9 in @7 biscuit-auth @6 biscuit-quote $y","0.1.2"],"lance":[C[38],C[459]],"roead":["@3 @4 @2 oead C++ @1 @2 $4 Nintendo formats","0.25.1"],"reqwest_dav":["An @C webdav @d @9 ^h @6 reqwest","0.1.11"],"vmw_backdoor":["A pure-@3 @1 @2 VMware host-guest @l (\"VMXh backdoor\")","0.2.4"],"sway_^r":["Sway $4 ^r.","0.56.0"],"conquer_once":["Synchronization @F @2 lazy @6 one-^0 initialization",C[7]],"^h_executor":["Future execution @F","0.1.10"],"enum_unitary":["Trait @6 @c @2 unitary enums","0.5.0"],"rafx_api":[C[551],"0.0.16"],"aws_sdk_marketplaceentitlement":["^v &a @2 ^v Marketplace Entitlement &h",C[4]],"simpath":["Search @2 @P on a path defined in an $Z variable","2.5.0"],"dprint_^P":["Helper @n @2 $u dprint plugins.",C[11]],"auto_^o_cdp":["experimental @5 to ^o @7 Chrome Devtools ^z.","0.4.4"],"i2c_linux_^d":["Linux i2c-dev ioctls","0.2.1"],"delay":["A @U of ^8 @6 classes to make &3 &F wait (@6 timeout).","0.3.1"],"deno_x86_64_unknown_linux_gnu":[C[197],C[60]],"jhash":["@3 @0 of Jenkins hash @9 32-bit sized optimizations.","0.1.1"],"swc_ecma_transforms":[C[217],"0.230.0"],"youtube_dl":["Runs yt-dlp @6 parses its &D output.",C[11]],"rp2040_hal_@8":["$L $9 by rp2040-hal",C[5]],"$F_tracy":["Inspect $F-enabled @3 @B @9 Tracy",C[24]],"panicking":["@M a `std::&F::panicking` analog available in @7 `no_std` context.",C[7]],"binstalk_bins":["^e binstall binaries discovery @6 installation @5.",C[7]],"link_ippi":["link ippi @1 (part of ipp-^d Intel IPP @4)","0.1.2"],"pcap_$R":["A @5 to parse, read @6 write Pcap @6 PcapNg","3.0.0-rc1"],"num_threads":["A minimal @1 @u determines @7 number of running threads @2 @7 current ^M.","0.1.7"],"docker_^o":["docker $R read/write","0.1.3"],"graph":["A @1 of high-performant graph $h.","0.3.1"],"xkeysym":["A @1 @2 ^g @9 X11 keysyms",C[2]],"sentry_contrib_breakpad":["Unopinionated crash @U @2 Sentry reporting purposes","0.9.0"],"mangadex_api_schema_@z":["Response ^N @6 &i @2 mangadex-api","0.9.0"],"rrs_lib":["A @1 @2 ^6 RISC-V instruction set simulators",C[5]],"slabigator":["A linked list @u doesn't do dynamic $7 allocations","0.9.2"],"is_$o":["Test whether a given ^Z is a $o","0.4.12"],"synopsys_usb_otg":[C[552],C[7]],"validatron":[C[621],"0.5.0"],"yew_hooks":["Hooks @2 @7 Yew web @j, inspired by react hook libs &4 streamich/react-&z @6 alibaba/hooks.","0.3.1"],"qstring":["Query $6 @h","0.7.2"],"arca":["Various @m $9 in my $y","0.3.7"],"casper_$m_&1_@f":["@q to @f $u of Wasm smart ^b @2 &z on @7 Casper $M.","7.0.1"],"librespot_tremor":["@3 @4 to tremor",C[2]],"ndarray_stats":["Statistical routines @2 ArrayBase, @7 n-dimensional array @D ^p provided by ndarray.","0.5.1"],"tauri_includedir":[C[329],"0.6.1"],"sdp_@b":["SDP (RFC 4566) @b, @h @6 serializer","0.1.6"],"benchmarking":["$P @5 can be $9 to execute something @6 measure @7 execution ^0. It does not output anything to screens @6 filesystems.","0.4.12"],"rand_seeder":["A universal random number seeder @w on SipHash.","0.2.3"],"nj_@O":["high @W @p @2 Node N-$U","6.0.0"],"nshare":["Conversion $8 n-dimensional @b in different @3 $y","0.9.0"],"dagga":["For scheduling directed acyclic graphs of nodes @u create, read, write @6 consume resources.","0.2.1"],"mouse_rs":["@q to control &3 mouse via @z","0.4.2"],"html2pango":["@q to convert html to pango.","0.6.0"],"stratum_@N":["^e @N $d @2 @7 @3 Stratum @0","5.7.5"],"int_$3":["@M a ^8 @2 extended @n on integers","0.1.1"],"static_@N":["@q @2 serve static @P by HTTP","0.0.11"],"rslint_syntax":["SyntaxKind @6 $4 rowan @S @2 rslint_parser","0.1.4"],"noosphere_@O":["Core @D @b of @7 @3 Noosphere @0","0.18.1"],"bracket_embedding":["@M resource embedding services @2 bracket-lib","0.8.7"],"eval":["Expression evaluator","0.4.3"],"sp_authorship":["Authorship @F",C[67]],"distro_info":["@q @2 @K Debian/Ubuntu distro-info-@D",C[7]],"dhat":["A @1 @2 heap profiling @6 ad hoc profiling @9 DHAT.","0.3.3"],"clocksource":["@q @2 times @6 durations @9 fixed-size representations","0.8.1"],"grpcio_health":["Health check &K @2 grpcio",C[8]],"cortex_a":["Low @W ^s to Cortex-A processors","8.1.1"],"ibc_@b_identifier":[C[253],C[8]],"wasmtime_c_api_@8":["Support @8 @2 `wasmtime-c-api`",C[63]],"mpl_^r":["MPL Core Utils @1","0.3.4"],"ra_ap_intern":["TBD",C[25]],"optfield":["A @c @u generates ^N @9 optional fields","0.3.0"],"$g_bundle":["Wrap @z executables in OS-&2 app bundles","0.6.0"],"cargo2junit":["Converts cargo's json output (@E stdin) to JUnit XML (to stdout)","0.1.13"],"snarkvm_circuit_@b_integers":["Integer circuit @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"$6_^L":["A minimal @z @1 to create errors out of $e.",C[5]],"destream":["@q @2 @C ^Z (de)@t","0.7.3"],"spandoc_^K":[C[27],"0.1.1"],"redb":["@3 Embedded DataBase","2.1.0"],"coreutils":["coreutils ~ GNU coreutils (updated); &s as universal (cross-@x) ^r, $Y in @3",C[20]],"durations":["Duration &J","0.1.1"],"aws_sdk_mediapackagevod":["^v &a @2 ^v Elemental MediaPackage VOD",C[17]],"near_rpc_^L_@c":[C[724],"0.21.2"],"openldap":["Straightforward @3 @4 to @7 C openldap @1. $P is a fork of cldap @u has been methodically fixed, extended, @6 made to be more compliant @9 openldap. It should be relatively robust @6 production ready at this point. Not heavily maintained, but feel free to send PRs if you see something missing.","1.2.2"],"oxilangtag":["$p @6 &p @0 of @e tag normalization @6 validation","0.1.5"],"odht":["A @3 @5 @2 hash tables @u can be mapped @E disk &q $7 ^U @7 need @2 up-front ^2.","0.3.1"],"www_authenticate":["missing HTTP WWW-Authenticate header @h/printer @2 hyper 0.11.x. 0.1.x @2 hyper 0.10.y, 0.2.x @2 hyper 0.11.y @6 0.3.x @2 hyperx",C[7]],"pistoncore_window":["A @1 @2 window $x",C[9]],"&j_message":["Unified @D @y @2 all cryptocurrency exchanges.","1.1.20"],"lib3h_&j_api":["lib3h abstract cryptography $3 @6 @D @b","0.0.42"],"gfx_$n_empty":["Empty $n @2 gfx-rs","0.9.0"],"aws_sdk_cognitosync":["^v &a @2 $V Cognito Sync",C[17]],"mpu6050":["Platform agnostic driver @2 MPU6050 6-axis IMU","0.1.6"],"nu_@h":["Nushell's @h","0.92.2"],"galvanic_&1":["A $u @j @2 setting up @6 tearing up &1 fixtures/environments @9 @f @2 parameterised &1 cases. $P @5 is part of galvanic---a complete &1 @j @2 @3.",C[2]],"sn_networking":["Safe Networking Infrastructure","0.15.0-alpha.5"],"geo_booleanop":["@3 @0 of @7 Martinez-Rueda Polygon Clipping Algorithm","0.3.2"],"deterministic_hash":["Create deterministic hashes regardless of architecture","1.0.1"],"chinese_variant":["An enum to represent @7 variants of @7 Chinese Language.","1.1.3"],"exocore_protos":["Protobuf @6 cap'n protos of Exocore (Distributed @B @j)","0.1.25"],"dashmap":["Blazing &p &Y HashMap @2 @3.","5.5.3"],"rendy_$l":["Rendy's queues @6 commands ^H","0.5.1"],"@z_engineio":["An @0 of a engineio @d $Y in @z.","0.6.0"],"^u_util":["Helper @b/@n $9 by @7 ^u ecosystem.","0.16.3"],"smithay_clipboard":["@M ^s to @7 wayland clipboard @2 @d @B.","0.7.1"],"protoc_@z_grpc":["protoc --@z-grpc_out=... available as $U. protoc needs to be in $PATH, protoc-gen-@z-grpc does not.","0.8.3"],"raw_sync":[C[674],"0.1.5"],"holochain_state":["Holochain persisted state datatypes @6 @n",C[384]],"descriptor_wallet":["Libraries @6 $l line tool @2 ^6 descriptor-@w bitcoin wallets",C[48]],"obfstr":["Compiletime $6 constant obfuscation @2 @3","0.4.3"],"tor_llcrypto":["Low @W cryptography &K $9 by Tor",C[28]],"rbx_dom_weak":["Weakly-typed Roblox DOM @0 @2 @3","2.7.0"],"groupable":["Easily aggregate groups of ^Q @E key-&v Iterators",C[2]],"swc_css_^B":["CSS $d @H @2 @7 swc $K","0.151.34"],"faerie":["ELF @6 Mach-o ^F ^5 object $R emitter",C[33]],"reserve_port":["For finding free local ports @6 reserving them","2.0.1"],"bet":["Helps @K @6 evaluating ^5 expression trees","1.0.3"],"$g_^S":["Setup @6 deployment tool @2 developing Wasm @w smart ^b via ink!","4.1.1"],"anybar_rs":["A @3 $w @2 controlling Anybar 0.2.3","1.0.14"],"leafwing_input_&y":["A powerfully direct stateful input &y @2 @7 Bevy game $m.","0.13.3"],"thirdkind":["Read phylogenetic &5(s) in newick, phyloXML or recPhyloXML $R @6 $s a svg ^A of @7 &5(s) allowing 1, 2 or 3 reconciliation levels.","3.5.0"],"ffi_^r":["FFI @m",C[28]],"av1_grain":["Helpers @2 $q @6 @K AV1 film grain @D","0.2.3"],"ejdb2_^d_&O":["@3 &G @2 EJDB2","2.61.75"],"sp_api":["&E @v api @F (@s @L)","30.0.0"],"commit_verify":["Commit-verify $U @2 @d-side validation",C[29]],"slave_pool":["$p &F pool","0.2.3"],"hrana_@d":["Hrana @d @2 libSQL @6 sqld","0.3.2"],"tokkit":["A @o(simplistic) OAUTH toolkit.",C[28]],"alga":["Abstract algebra @2 @3","0.9.3"],"magic_$6":["magic $6","0.3.4"],"metaboss_lib":["^e @O @1 @2 @7 metaboss cli.",C[30]],"netidx_archive":["netidx archive $R @G","0.26.2"],"pyembed":["Embed a Python interpreter",C[60]],"pilota_thrift_@h":["Pilota thrift Parser.",C[24]],"httpcodec":["Encoders @6 decoders @2 HTTP/1.x ^X @w on bytecodec @5","0.2.3"],"chksum_hash_@O":["Core $3 @6 @n @2 batch @6 ^Z hash computation.","0.0.0"],"progressing":["A &e, text-@w, counting progress-bar @2 @3","3.0.2"],"safecoin_measure":["Safecoin: Enterprise Security @2 @7 Community by @7 Community",C[83]],"$5_wasm_^k":["Native Serde adapter @2 wasm-^k","0.6.5"],"drm_fourcc":["@M an enum @9 every valid Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) @G fourcc","2.2.0"],"brawllib_rs":["Brawl character $R @h, @w on brawlbox/brawllib","0.25.1"],"napi_@a_$n":["Codegen $n @2 napi $0 @c","1.0.65"],"pyo3_$s_&m":["Build $G @2 @7 PyO3 ecosystem","0.21.2"],"xargo":["^e sysroot &y @u lets you $s @6 customize `std`","0.3.26"],"rand_@a":["`#[@a(Rand)]` @c (deprecated).","0.5.0"],"shaku":["Compile Time Dependency Injection @2 @3","0.6.1"],"gspell":["@3 @4 @2 gspell","0.7.0"],"ulid_@H_rs":["A @3 @5 @2 $q ULIDs","0.0.106"],"nrf52805_pac":["Peripheral Access Crate @2 Nordic's nrf52805 microcontroller",C[92]],"html_escaper":["HTML escaping @p @2 @O::fmt::Formatter",C[2]],"metaheuristics":["Find approximate solutions to &3 optimisation problem @A metaheuristics $h","1.1.22"],"show_image":["quickly show images in a window @2 debugging",C[3]],"posthog_rs":["An unofficial @3 @d @2 Posthog (&Q://","0.2.2"],"oasis_std":["@q @2 developing on @7 Oasis @x","0.4.1"],"libredox":["Redox stable ABI","0.1.3"],"mnist":["MNIST @D set @h.","0.6.0"],"sp_consensus_slots":["Primitives @2 slots-@w consensus (@s @L)",C[79]],"android_activity":["Glue @2 ^6 @3 @B on Android @9 NativeActivity or GameActivity","0.6.0"],"heapsize_$W":[C[520],"0.1.6"],"abomonation_@a":["A custom @a $W @2 abomonation","0.5.0"],"percentage":["A @5 to calculate percentages",C[5]],"smart_leds":["A @5 to &z smart-leds device drivers",C[7]],"minidump_writer":["@3 rewrite of Breakpad's minidump_writer","0.8.9"],"zeroconf_@8":["$L @2 zeroconf @5","0.1.4"],"$g_lock":["Self-contained Cargo.lock @h @9 optional ^T graph analysis","9.0.0"],"^R_banks_@N":["&o banks @N",C[12]],"raui_ron_renderer":["RAUI renderer @2 RON @G","0.43.0"],"trust_dns_resolver":["Trust-DNS is a &k @6 secure DNS @1. $P Resolver @1 uses @7 Client @1 to perform all DNS queries. ^e Resolver is intended to be a high-@W @1 @2 any DNS record resolution see Resolver @6 AsyncResolver @2 supported resolution @b. ^e Client can be $9 @2 other queries.","0.23.2"],"tokenizations":["Tokenizations alignments @1","0.4.2"],"tower_web":["Web @j @9 a focus on removing boilerplate","0.3.7"],"colorsys":["A ^y @2 color &V @6 mutation. Works @9 RGB(a)( as hexadecimal too), HSL(a), CMYK color models @6 @9 ANSI color codes","0.6.7"],"xous_api_names":["Xous microkernel OS inter-^M name resolution @N","0.9.57"],"anymap":[C[559],C[867]],"local_waker":["A synchronization primitive @2 &F-local task wakeup","0.1.4"],"ya_@d":["Yagna REST $U @d @C &G","0.8.0"],"osm4routing":["Convert OpenStreetMap @D &q routing &n CSV","0.6.1"],"hdrhistogram":[C[31],"7.5.4"],"cart_tmp_winit":[C[859],"0.22.2"],"desync":["A hassle-free @D ^j @2 $1 ^a","0.7.2"],"consul":["@3 @d libray @2 Consul HTTP $U","0.4.2"],"aeruginous_io":["A set of input / output @m @2 @7 Aeruginous Open Source Development Toolbox.","0.8.0"],"malloc_buf":["Structs @2 $H malloc'd $7 passed to @3.",C[9]],"@5_git_revision":["Embed git revision &q $y built @6 published.","0.0.6"],"enr":["@3 @0 of Ethereum Node Record (ENR) EIP778",C[0]],"teraron":["Genrate @3 $d @E a .tera template @6 a .ron @D",C[5]],"bus_queue":["Lock-free Bounded non-Blocking Pub-Sub Queue","0.5.3"],"symbolic_demangle":["A @1 to demangle symbols @E various languages @6 compilers.","12.8.0"],"$R_watcher":["A @5 @2 watching @P @2 changes.","0.0.18"],"libp2p_ratelimit":["Transfer rate limiting transport adapter @2 libp2p",C[0]],"bevy_framepace":["Frame pacing @6 frame limiting @2 Bevy",C[32]],"bitcoin_hashes":["Hash @n $9 by @7 @z-bitcoin eccosystem",C[3]],"aws_sdk_elasticbeanstalk":["^v &a @2 ^v Elastic Beanstalk",C[17]],"paperclip":["OpenAPI tooling @1 @2 ^j-&k &N-^0 checked HTTP APIs","0.8.2"],"dotenv_&m":["parse `env` to &m &b @2 @3","0.1.9"],"python3_dll_a":["Standalone python3(y).dll import @1 @H","0.2.9"],"mmids_@O":["Powerful @6 user &n live video @N","2.0.0-dev.7"],"awc":["Async HTTP @6 WebSocket @d @1","3.4.0"],"fun_^0_@a":["^e @c @k of fun_time","0.3.4"],"iroh":["Bytes. Distributed.",C[3]],"lexical_write_integer":["Efficient formatting of integers to $e.","0.8.5"],"splitty":["a $6 splitter taking quotes &q account","1.0.1"],"rtx_cli":["Polyglot @v &y (asdf @z clone)","2024.0.0"],"system76_ectool":["System76 EC tool","0.3.8"],"lsp_@N":[C[1018],"0.7.6"],"fly_accept_@J":["Determine @7 best @J possible @E an Accept-Encoding HTTP header.",C[2]],"sha_1":["SHA-1 hash @R. $P @5 is deprecated! Use @7 sha1 @5 ^Y.",C[41]],"neon_$s":["Build logic required @2 Neon projects.",C[41]],"stoppable_&F":["A @p @2 &F @u allows it to be easily stopped cooperatively","0.2.1"],"anstyle_query":[C[394],"1.0.2"],"red_asn1":["A little @1 to encode/decode ASN1 DER","0.3.5"],"auto_args_@a":["Parse $l line arguments by defining a &b, @a @5.","0.1.5"],"raft_$m":["A persistent $Q $m @2 Multi-Raft logs","0.4.2"],"left_pad":["@M left-padding @2 $e.","1.0.1"],"dyn_context":["$p mechanism @2 lifetimes erasing.","0.19.4"],"atsamd21e":["Peripheral ^s $U @2 ATSAMD21E $S ($X @A svd2rust)",C[0]],"^n_alliance":["^e Alliance ^n @r a collective @2 ^l-setting industry collaboration. (@s @L)",C[90]],"deluxe_@O":["Core $3 @6 &i @2 Deluxe $0 @c ^K @h","0.5.0"],"intuicio_essentials":["Essentials ^y @2 Intuicio scripting @x","0.31.6"],"tch":["@3 &K @2 @7 PyTorch C++ api (libtorch).",C[33]],"fm_index":["FM index @6 its variant @k @2 @3","0.1.2"],"android_@T_properties":["Minimal Android @T properties @p","0.1.5"],"ring_compat":["Compatibility @5 @2 @A RustCrypto's $3 @9 @7 $t $b @k @E *ring*","0.8.0"],"ciruela":["A peer-to-peer synchronization software @2 servers in datacenters.","0.6.12"],"ambient_authority":["Ambient Authority","0.0.2"],"foyer_intrusive":["intrusive @D @y @2 foyer - @7 hybrid cache @2 @3","0.5.3"],"&1_dir":["Easy creation of temporary $R ^p @2 &1 purpose.",C[2]],"zcash_spec":["Low-@W @b @2 $f Zcash specifications",C[5]],"dicom_ul":["Types @6 methods @2 $T @9 @7 DICOM Upper Layer ^z","0.7.0"],"unicode_id_start":["Determine whether characters have @7 ID_Start or ID_Continue properties according to ^I Standard Annex #31","1.1.2"],"^R_geyser_$W_@g":["^e &o Geyser $W @g.",C[12]],"savefile":["$p, convenient, &p, versioned, ^5 @t/^3 @1.",C[735]],"lexgen":["A fully-featured lexer @H &s as a ^O @c",C[32]],"sgxs_loaders":["Platform-&2 loaders @2 SGX enclaves. ^e following loaders are supported: * SGX device (Linux) * Enclave $U ($v) * libsgx_enclave_common (Linux & $v)",C[7]],"hexyl":["A $l-line hex viewer",C[3]],"openssl_^d_extras":["Extra FFI @4 to OpenSSL @u require a C shim","0.7.14"],"pipe_logger_lib":["Stores, rotates, compresses ^M logs.","1.1.17"],"witgen_@c_&x":["$L &i @2 witgen $z is a @1 to help you ^o wit @S in a wit $R @2 @Z",C[32]],"autoclap":["👏 Auto-propagate Cargo.toml infos (name, $2, author, repo) &q app.","0.3.15"],"metastruct":["Abstractions @2 iterating @6 mapping over &b fields","0.1.1"],"near_^k":[C[270],"0.6.0"],"rlimit":["Resource limits",C[41]],"bugsnag":["^e api of Bugsnag in @z.","0.2.1"],"ode_solvers":["Numerical methods to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in @3.",C[7]],"demonstrate":["Declarative $u @j","0.4.5"],"deprecate_until":["@3 ^K to force deprecated item removal at a specified $2","0.1.1"],"iced_aw":["Additional widgets @2 @7 Iced GUI @1","0.8.0"],"register":["^W @g @2 MMIO @6 CPU registers","1.0.2"],"dasp":["A @5 &9 @7 fundamentals @2 ^g @9 audio PCM DSP.",C[24]],"sp_transaction_pool":["Transaction pool @v facing $U. (@s @L)","30.0.0"],"distant_@O":["Core @1 @2 distant, enabling operation on a remote computer through $R @6 ^M manipulation",C[18]],"gluon_base":["Basic ^j @S @6 @n @2 @7 gluon ^a @e","0.18.2"],"appendlist":["An append-only list @u preserves references to its elements","1.4.0"],"uneval":["Serde serializer to embed @D as @3 $d","0.2.4"],"ckb_rpc":["CKB RPC @N.",C[10]],"blsttc":[C[844],"8.0.2"],"pkcs11":["@3 PKCS#11 @q","0.5.0"],"gvdb":["Read @6 write GLib GVariant $O @P","0.6.1"],"oso_@a":["@8 @2 oso, an open source policy $m @2 authorization that’s $J in &3 $w","0.27.3"],"parity_bytes":["byte @m @2 Parity","0.1.2"],"twapi_oauth":["A @o Twitter OAuth @1.","0.1.4"],"diesel_table_@c_syntax":["^1 diesel @5",C[5]],"bbs":["^e BBS+ signature scheme","0.4.1"],"safecoin_frozen_abi_@c":["Safecoin Frozen ABI Macro",C[83]],"glibc_$2":["Discover GNU libc $2 at $s ^0","0.1.2"],"metagoblin":["Generates ^G @2 a ^5 @G @A goblin","0.9.0"],"cron_clock":["A cron expression @h @6 schedule explorer. Rich documentation @6 case studies @6 &H upper-@W $A are available.","0.8.0"],"aws_sdk_servicediscovery":["^v &a @2 ^v Cloud Map",C[17]],"mownstr":["Maybe Owned String","0.2.1"],"pep440":["Parse @6 compare Python PEP440 style $2 ^V",C[2]],"camelpaste":["A fork of paste @A lowerCamelCase (hopefully temporary)",C[5]],"signatory":["Multi-provider elliptic curve digital signature @1 @9 ECDSA @6 Ed25519 @f","0.27.1"],"workflow_panic_hook":["Based on @7 console_error_panic_hook this @5 @r additional @I allowing panic hook to bring up an in-browser overlay displaying @7 panic hook stack trace.",C[51]],"input_^d":["Bindgen $X unsafe libinput @p","1.18.0"],"bpf_linker":["BPF static linker","0.9.12"],"bytes_cast_@a":["Safely re-interpreting &[u8] bytes as custom ^N ^U copying, @2 efficiently reading structured ^5 @D. @V @c @2 &N-^0 soundness checking.",C[2]],"orml_$3":["Shared $3 &7 `BasicCurrency`, `MultiCurrency`, `Auction` @6 more.",C[11]],"skyline":["A @1 @2 helping patch @6 modify Nintendo Switch games","0.2.1"],"prima_bridge":["A @1 to &c @7 bridge pattern",C[33]],"spirit":["Helper to create well behaved daemons @9 @v-reconfiguration @f","0.4.21"],"piston3d_cam":["A @1 @2 3D camera @6 navigation","0.6.0"],"aur_fetch":["A libary @2 downloading @6 diffing AUR packages",C[54]],"gstreamer_player":["@3 @4 @2 GStreamer Player @1","0.22.0"],"expectest":["Crate @r matchers @6 matcher @n @2 unit $u.",C[0]],"apollo_encoder":["@q to serialise GraphQL Schemas.","0.8.0"],"tetsy_libp2p":[C[355],"0.34.3"],"risc0_zkvm":[C[267],C[37]],"^n_asset_&V_tx_payment":["Pallet to manage transaction payments in assets by converting them to ^F assets. (@s @L)","14.0.0"],"cgmath":["A linear algebra @6 mathematics @1 @2 computer &X.",C[6]],"aws_sdk_backupgateway":["^v &a @2 ^v Backup Gateway",C[17]],"memcache_@C":["A no-frills @C memcached @d @2 @3.","0.7.0"],"camino":["UTF-8 paths","1.1.6"],"cw_paginate":["Helper @R @2 iterating CosmWasm $Q maps @9 pagination","0.2.1"],"wasmtime_wast":["wast $u @f @2 wasmtime",C[63]],"^R_^w_@v":["&o ^w @v",C[12]],"unsize":["A stable alternative to CoerceUnsize","1.1.0"],"cni_$W":["Framework to &c CNI (container networking) plugins in @3","0.2.1"],"ckb_util":["CKB @m @1.",C[10]],"cedarwood":["efficiently-updatable double-array trie in @3 (ported @E cedar)","0.4.6"],"chalk_@a":["A &x @5 @2 &z by chalk $y @2 `@a` @8.","0.97.0"],"flatbuffers_verifier":["Support @1 @2 @7 flatbuffers verifier $X by cfbc.","0.2.1"],"len_^8":["Len ^8 @2 collectons.","0.6.1"],"dav_@N":["@3 WebDAV @N @1. A fork of @7 webdav-handler @5.","0.5.8"],"icondata":["Icon @D @E free icon $A.","0.3.0"],"qoqo_calculator_pyo3":["Python @g to qoqo calculator, @7 calculator $n of @7 qoqo quantum computing toolkit by HQS Quantum Simulations","1.1.5"],"azure_sdk_cosmos":["@3 &K ^i Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Azure Cosmos DB @5","0.100.3"],"rustix_openpty":["Safe @3 @4 to `openpty` @6 &H @n","0.1.1"],"tl_proto":[C[111],"0.4.6"],"extended":["Extended precision 80-bit floating-point ^V (f80).",C[5]],"tendermint_&m":["tendermint-&m @r @n @2 loading @6 validating Tendermint $G @P. It is moved out of @7 tendermint @5 @2 no_std @f in @7 tendermint @5.",C[79]],"^h_stdin_stdout":["Thread- @6 future::sync::mpsc-@w AsyncRead/AsyncWrite stdin/stdout @9 little buffering","0.1.5"],"basic_dsp_vector":[C[632],C[11]],"measurements":["Handle metric, imperial, @6 other measurements @9 ease! Types: Length, Temperature, Weight, Volume, Pressure",C[24]],"bp_@s_@O":["Primitives of Polkadot-&4 @v. (@s @L)",C[24]],"unique_id":["Traits @6 @k @2 unique ID generators.","0.1.5"],"nom_pem":["PEM @h (rfc1421) @w of nom","4.0.0"],"recap_@a":["Derives FromStr impl @2 @b $z are then deserialized @A recap","0.1.2"],"jobpool":["A @o @6 &e threadpool @0","0.3.8"],"denokv_sqlite":["SQLite $Q $n @2 Deno KV","0.7.0"],"aws_sdk_firehose":["^v &a @2 $V Kinesis Firehose","1.23.0"],"rs_car":["@3 @0 of @7 CAR v1 @6 v2 specifications","0.4.1"],"fuzzcheck":["A modular, ^p-aware, @6 feedback-driven fuzzing $m @2 @3 @n",C[51]],"$g_valgrind":["A $g &C @2 running valgrind","2.1.0"],"fixedvec":["A heapless $2 of @7 @3 vector ^j.","0.2.4"],"wincolor":["DEPRECATED. Use winapi-util ^Y.","1.0.3"],"rusty_ulid":["@3 ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier) $i @6 processing","2.0.0"],"vecrem":["Cursor-&4 ^p @2 &p iterative removing of elements @E a vec",C[5]],"mc_sgx_@O_^d_@b":["FFI ^j @S $9 by SGX $A.",C[24]],"swc_cli":["Commandline @2 SWC","0.91.233"],"wasm_^k_@c":["Definition of @7 `#[wasm_bindgen]` ^K, an ^7 ^T","0.2.92"],"as_raw_xcb_connection":["Trait to facilitate interoperatibility @9 libxcb C $U","1.0.1"],"stak_device":["Devices @2 Stak Scheme","0.2.31"],"next_$2":["Determine next semantic $2 @w on conventional commits","0.2.15"],"jsonrpsee":["&D-RPC @d/@N @j","0.22.4"],"allegro_font_^d":["Allegro 5 font addon @3 &G","0.0.45"],"k":["k is @2 kinematics","0.31.0"],"noodles_gtf":["Gene Transfer Format (GTF) reader @6 writer",C[34]],"dw_^d":["FFI @4 to libdw",C[5]],"expectorate":["@q @2 comparing output to $R contents @9 @o updating","1.1.0"],"bevy_^j_registry":["@M a ^j registry @2 Bevy Engine","0.3.0"],"factori":["A factory @1 @2 @3, inspired by FactoryBot. 🤖","1.1.0"],"&j_msg_^j":["Cryptocurrenty message ^j","1.0.12"],"routefinder":["router","0.5.4"],"uu_ptx":["ptx ~ (uutils) display a permuted index of input",C[20]],"aws_sdk_comprehend":["^v &a @2 $V Comprehend",C[17]],"perlin2d":["Lightning &p 2D Perlin Noise @H","0.2.6"],"iced":["A cross-@x GUI @1 inspired by Elm",C[51]],"&1_logger":["$p &x to initialize env_logger before unit @6 $C tests. Works on stable @z.",C[5]],"schemer":["A $O schema migration @1 @9 DAG ^4","0.2.1"],"delog":["Deferred logging, an @0 @6 ^m of Rust's ^l logging facade.","0.1.7"],"uutils_term_grid":["@q @2 formatting $e &q a grid layout. Fork of term_grid.","0.6.0"],"libavif_^d":["Unsafe @p ^i libavif, @7 image codec","0.16.0+libavif.1.0.4"],"twoway":["(Deprecated - &z @5 memchr ^Y.) Fast substring search @2 $e @6 byte $e. Optional SSE4.2 acceleration (if detected at @v) @A pcmpestri. Memchr is @7 only mandatory ^T. ^e two way $b is also $9 by rust's libstd itself, but here it is exposed both @2 byte $e, @A memchr, @6 optionally @A a SSE4.2 accelerated $2.","0.2.2"],"substrate_bip39":["Converting BIP39 entropy to valid &E (sr25519) SecretKeys (@s @L)","0.6.0"],"symbolic_unreal":["Parsing @6 processing @m @2 Unreal Engine 4 crash @P.","12.8.0"],"$5_postgres":["Easily deserialize postgres rows",C[2]],"serialport":["A cross-@x low-@W serial port @1.","4.3.0"],"doc_comment":["Macro to ^o doc comments","0.4.1"],"libflate_lz77":["LZ77 encoder @2 libflate @5","2.0.0"],"lingua_greek_@e_^9":["^e Modern Greek @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"^h_sync":["Synchronization @m.","0.1.8"],"tap_reader":["Wraps an existing reader @6 copies @7 read bytes &q it's own buffer","1.0.1"],"dyn_fmt":["@M dynamic $6 @G.",C[7]],"fake":["An easy to &z @1 @2 $q fake @D &4 name, number, address, lorem, dates, etc.","2.9.2"],"cudnn":["&k @3 @p @2 CUDA's cuDNN","1.3.1"],"iconz":["A @o CLI to ^o all @7 necessary Xcode icon sizes @E one single source $R","0.2.2"],"trustfall_@a":["^x @8 @2 @7 trustfall query $m.","0.3.1"],"index_vec":["Newtype-style &i @2 `Vec` @6 `usize`.","0.1.3"],"sp_finality_grandpa":["Primitives @2 GRANDPA $C, suitable @2 WASM compilation.","16.0.0"],"hrtf":["HRTF (Head-Related Transfer Function) audio signal processor","0.8.1"],"$5_state":["Stateful @t/^3 @2 $5","0.4.8"],"sugar_cli":["Command line tool @2 ^E @6 managing Metaplex Candy Machines.","2.6.0"],"privilege":["Cross-@x @1 @2 administrative permission $H.","0.3.0"],"rbx_reflection":["Roblox reflection $O @6 ambiguous ^j resolution","4.5.0"],"rasciigraph":["Utility @R to plot ascii graphs",C[2]],"iota_lib_rs":["A @z @0 of @7 IOTA Client $U","0.4.1"],"bitflags":[C[557],"2.5.0"],"rusty_sword_arena":["@q/&M @2 @7 half-day @3 tutorial teaching you how to make a game @d in @3.","2.0.0"],"aws_sdk_evidently":["^v &a @2 $V CloudWatch Evidently",C[17]],"rustful":["A light HTTP @j, @9 some REST-&4 &L @6 @7 ambition of being @o, modular @6 non-intrusive.","0.9.0"],"sea_strum_@8":[C[113],"0.23.0"],"hdpath":["Hierarchical Deterministic Path (BIP32, BIP43, BIP44, BIP49, BIP84)","0.6.3"],"^O_status":["@o ^s to ^O/status info on unix","0.1.1"],"cardinal_stake_pool":["Cardinal stake pool","2.2.1"],"opentelemetry_prometheus":["Prometheus exporter @2 OpenTelemetry",C[32]],"libwebp":["A &G to libwebp","0.1.2"],"halfbrown":["Multi $n HashMap @2 higher @X on different key space sizes","0.2.5"],"oxc_@h":[C[240],"0.12.5"],"aws_sdk_personalizeevents":["^v &a @2 $V Personalize Events",C[17]],"^u":["A &e ^u facade.","0.22.3"],"cipherstash_@d":["^e official @d @2 CipherStash.","0.6.0"],"liboxen":["Oxen is a &p, unstructured @D $2 control, to help $2 datasets, $Y in @3.",C[35]],"bee_ternary":["Ergonomic ternary manipulation @m",C[9]],"bevy_kira_audio":["Bevy $W @2 dynamic audio",C[36]],"pathfinder_gl":["A @o cross-@x GPU $x @1: OpenGL $n","0.5.0"],"simd_json_@a_int":["procmacros @2 simd-json-@a",C[8]],"ecs":["An Entity Component System (ECS) Framework","0.23.1"],"yastl":["Yet another scoped threadpool @1","0.1.2"],"bisetmap":["BisetMap is a &p @6 &F-&k two-way hash map of sets. It is best suited where you need to associate two collumns uniquely. Each key is associated to one or more other unique ^Q. ^e ^p is interior mutable @6 all $c are &F &k. Each clone @r ^s to @7 same underlying @D. Serialize @6 Deserialize @E $5 are also &s.","0.1.6"],"detect_targets":["Detect @7 target of @7 env at @v","0.1.15"],"spirv_@b":[C[106],"0.4.0-alpha.14"],"http_body":["Trait representing an $1, streaming, HTTP request or response body.","0.4.6"],"trilean":["Kleene's three-valued logic (boolean + unknown).","1.1.0"],"bb8_lapin":["r2d2-lapin, but @2 @C ^h @w connections","0.5.0"],"abstract_account_factory":["Abstract Factory Contract",C[37]],"ruma_push_gateway_api":["Types @2 @7 endpoints in @7 Matrix push gateway $U.","0.8.0"],"aws_credential_@b":["Types @2 ^v &a credentials.","1.2.0"],"&1_case_@O":["@M @O @I @2 @K #[test_case(...)] $0 @c ^K @2 $q parametrized &1 cases easily","3.3.1"],"unic_ucd_ident":["UNIC — ^I Character Database — Identifier Properties","0.9.0"],"wtransport_proto":[C[426],"0.1.12"],"cw_orch_daemon":[C[123],C[124]],"nu_glob":["Fork of glob. Support @2 matching $R paths against Unix shell style patterns.","0.92.2"],"aws_sdk_appintegrations":["^v &a @2 $V AppIntegrations &h",C[17]],"crc16":["A CRC16 @0",C[7]],"rst_@h":["a reStructuredText @h",C[7]],"r2r_actions":[C[239],"0.8.4"],"lambda_http":["Application Load Balancer @6 $U Gateway event @b @2 ^v Lambda",C[56]],"wezterm_bidi":["^e ^I Bidi Algorithm (UBA)","0.2.3"],"wai_^k_gen_@z":["Abstractions @2 $q @3 glue $d @2 WAI","0.2.3"],"argminmax":["ArgMinMax (argmin & argmax in 1 @R) @9 SIMD @2 floats @6 integers","0.6.2"],"tub":["Async Pool","0.3.7"],"cepler":["(Capricious Environment Propagator)-ler","0.7.15"],"path_matchers":["A @U of path matchers.","1.0.2"],"postgrest":["PostgREST @d-side @1","1.6.0"],"ibc_chain_registry":["&h to fetch @D @E @7 chain-registry","0.27.2"],"oddio":["Lightweight game audio @1","0.7.4"],"winauth":["$v Authentication in @3 (NTLMv2)","0.0.5"],"^D_api":["$P is a copy of @7 unstable allocator_api (&Q://^J/@z-lang/@z/issues/32838) @6 of parts of @7 unstable alloc feature. Usable @9 stable @z, but requires 1.33.","0.6.0"],"^R_noop_^w":["&o Noop ^w","1.7.15"],"sassers":["A Sass $E in @3","0.13.5-h28"],"ark_ed_on_cp6_782":["A Twisted Edwards curve defined over @7 scalar field of @7 CP6-782 curve",C[7]],"pixglyph":["Font-rendering @9 subpixel positioning.","0.3.0"],"yaml_rust2":["A fully YAML 1.2 compliant YAML @h","0.8.0"],"dbgf":["dbg @9 a @G $6","0.1.2"],"fj_^O":[C[139],"0.46.2"],"rusoto_emr":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V Elastic MapReduce @ 2009-03-31",C[15]],"opentelemetry_http":["Helper @k @2 sending HTTP requests. Uses include propagating @6 extracting context over http, exporting telemetry, requesting sampling strategies.",C[56]],"ua_@H":["Random User Agent Spoofer in @3.","0.3.6"],"@C_signals":["@q @2 easier @6 &k Unix signal $H @9 @C Stream.",C[7]],"ntex_@8":["ntex ^O @8","0.1.3"],"chrono_tz":["TimeZone @k @2 chrono @E @7 IANA $O","0.9.0"],"malachite_nz":["^e bignum @b Natural @6 Integer, @9 &6 $h partially derived @E GMP @6 FLINT","0.4.7"],"lemmeknow":["Identify any mysterious text or analyze $e @E a $R","0.8.0"],"deserr_^7":["^x @8 @2 Deserr. Use @7 re-exports @E @7 deserr @5 ^Y.","0.7.0"],"byte_$e_^O_@8":["^1: ^O-@c $n of ::byte_strings.","0.3.1"],"voca_rs":["Voca_rs is a @3 @1 @2 manipulating [unicode] $e","1.15.2"],"reqwasm":[C[94],"0.5.0"],"doku_@a":["A @j @2 ^6 documentation (^7 @c)",C[30]],"accesskit":["UI accessibility infrastructure across platforms",C[8]],"npm_@Y_json":["A @3 @1 @2 @K npm's `package.json` $R.","0.1.3"],"unicode_security":["Detect possible security problems @9 ^I usage according to ^I Technical Standard #39 rules.","0.1.1"],"mles_^r":["Mles-^r @2 Mles @N @6 clients","1.1.7"],"eyeball_im":["Observable &u @w on @7 `im` @5.","0.4.2"],"podman_api":["@3 @g to Podman",C[11]],"rdf":["rdf is a @1 @2 @7 Resource Description Framework (RDF) @6 SPARQL &s in @3.","0.1.4"],"aws_sdk_cloudcontrol":["^v &a @2 ^v Cloud Control $U",C[17]],"aws_sdk_savingsplans":["^v &a @2 ^v Savings Plans",C[4]],"mashup_impl":[C[245],C[246]],"fixed_map_@a":["A fixed map where $Q layout is calculated by a $0 @c. $P @5 contains @7 $0 @8.","0.9.5"],"petname":["Generate human readable random names. Usable as a @1 @6 @E @7 $l-line.","2.0.1"],"gstreamer_editing_services_^d":["FFI @4 to libges-1.0","0.22.3"],"s2":["S2 geometric @1","0.0.12"],"dns_sd":["@3 &G @2 dns-sd","0.1.3"],"figlet_rs":["@3 @0 of FIGlet to create ascii art","0.1.5"],"iron_cors":["A CORS &f @0 @2 Iron.","0.8.0"],"soa_@a":["Automatic Struct of Array $i",C[8]],"rune":["^e Rune Language, an embeddable dynamic ^a @e @2 @3.",C[14]],"uu_pwd":["pwd ~ (uutils) display current ^g directory",C[20]],"caps":["A pure-@3 @1 to work @9 Linux capabilities","0.5.5"],"get_port":["Get an available TCP/UDP port","4.0.0"],"wasmer_wasi_local_networking":["An WASIX ^m @2 local networking","3.1.1"],"libp2p_websocket":["WebSocket transport @2 libp2p","0.43.0"],"staging_parachain_info":["Pallet to store @7 parachain ID (@s @L)",C[24]],"thrussh_keys":[C[451],"0.22.1"],"multiversion":["Easy @R multiversioning","0.7.4"],"hyper_sync_rustls":["Glue $d @2 Rustls @6 synchronous Hyper.","0.3.0-rc.17"],"easy_reader":["A @3 @1 @2 easily navigating forward, backward or randomly through @7 lines of huge @P.","0.5.2"],"linebased":["Add a TCP query port to any ^w","0.5.0"],"atoi":["Parse integers directly @E `[u8]` slices in &k $d","2.0.0"],"du_dust":["A more intuitive $2 of du",C[9]],"paris":["A @o logger @2 &3 CLI apps or other things you want in @7 $o","1.5.15"],"atk_^d":["FFI @4 to libatk-1",C[6]],"quil_py":["Python @4 @2 quil-rs",C[11]],"handsome_logger":["A &p, handsom @6 quite easy to &z logger","0.8.0"],"num_primes":["A @3 @q For Generating Large Prime @6 Composite Numbers @A num @9 a simplistic @g.","0.3.0"],"stm32l0":["Device @f $y @2 STM32L0 devices",C[35]],"deadpool_diesel":["Dead @o @C pool @2 diesel","0.6.0"],"gstreamer_editing_services":["@3 @4 @2 GStreamer Editing Services","0.22.3"],"tarantool_^O":["Tarantool ^O @8","3.0.0"],"starbase_styles":["$j @2 styling @7 $o.","0.3.2"],"lance_&1_@8":[C[38],C[459]],"plaintalk":["A @1 @2 @K @6 $q PlainTalk","0.0.15"],"re_space_view":["Types & @m @2 defining space view classes @6 communicating @9 @7 viewport.",C[35]],"qt_gui":["$a @2 QtGui C++ @1","0.5.0"],"&w_ap_graphviz":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `graphviz` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 10c2316a6bf7cf9255f991e06e82ce692e6f84d5 ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish","662.0.0"],"snmalloc_rs":["@z @4 of snmalloc.","0.3.5"],"winlog":["A @o @3 log $n to send ^X to @7 $v event log.","0.2.6"],"brotlic":["$a to @7 brotli @1 featuring a low-overhead encoder @6 decoder, io::Write @6 io::Read &K @2 ^f @6 decompression at customizable ^f qualities @6 window sizes.","0.8.2"],"i3ipc_@b":["@q containing all @7 @b needed to communicate @9 i3, along @9 their $5 @k @6 @k of many std $3",C[33]],"lzma":["LZMA @G $H.","0.2.2"],"elfloader":["A @z @1 to load ELF @P.",C[33]],"tailscale_api":["An $U @d @2 Tailscale","0.1.5"],"ast_grep_@O":[C[39],C[30]],"amethyst_&m":["Loading @E .ron @P &q @3 @y @9 defaults to prevent hard errors.","0.15.3"],"fake_simd":["Crate @2 mimicking simd @5 on stable @3","0.1.2"],"netlink_proto":["@C netlink @l","0.11.3"],"nrf52_hal_$4":["^W HAL @2 @7 nRF52 family of $S. More &2 HAL $y also exist.","0.8.1"],"random_choice":["Chooses samples randomly by their weights/probabilities.","0.3.2"],"newdoc":["Generate pre-populated ^y @P formatted @9 AsciiDoc @u are $9 in Red Hat @6 Fedora documentation.","2.17.0"],"prometheus_^r":["$j built on top of @7 prometheus @5","0.6.3"],"substrate_typenum":["Typenum is a @3 @1 @2 ^j-@W ^V evaluated at &N ^0. It currently supports bits, unsigned integers, @6 signed integers. It also @r a ^j-@W array of ^j-@W ^V, but its @0 is incomplete. $P substrate-typenum fork just adds SCALE codec @a @2 &z @9 substrate","1.16.0"],"smol_potat_@c":[C[797],"0.6.0"],"siwe":["@3 @0 of EIP-4361: Sign In With Ethereum","0.6.1"],"openssh_sftp_@d_lowlevel":["Lowlevel @m to communicate @9 openssh sftp @N.","0.6.0"],"sc_rpc_spec_v2":["&E RPC @g v2. (@s @L)","0.38.0"],"nlprule":["A &p, low-resource Natural Language Processing @6 Error Correction @1.","0.6.4"],"aws_sdk_route53recoveryreadiness":["^v &a @2 ^v Route53 Recovery Readiness",C[17]],"human_^0_@8":[C[220],"0.1.8"],"dharitri_wmoax_swap_sc":["Dharitri Wrapped MOAX Smart Contract",C[40]],"ls_qpack":["QPACK Field Compression @2 HTTP/3 (RFC 9204)","0.1.4"],"si_trace_print":["stack indented trace printing; a @z @1 to print ^X indented to stack depth optionally preceded by @7 @R name.","0.3.12"],"getch":["A portable @0 of getch, @A _getch on $v, @6 termios on Unix.","0.3.1"],"imgui_wgpu":["A wgpu render $n @2 imgui-rs.",C[60]],"clap_$g":["Re-usable CLI flags @2 `$g` plugins",C[3]],"libmount":["^e ^j-&k @p ^i mount @T call","0.1.15"],"ring":["Safe, &p, small &j @A @3.","0.17.8"],"gloo_dialogs":["Convenience @5 @2 ^g @9 dialogs in browser",C[2]],"broadcast":["A rustlang adapter @2 $I to multiple sources",C[5]],"yew_@c":["A @j @2 making @d-side single-page apps",C[37]],"git_date":[C[19],"0.4.3"],"apint":["Arbitrary precision integers @1.",C[2]],"aws_sdk_machinelearning":["^v &a @2 $V Machine Learning",C[17]],"esl01_vlqencoding":["VLQ @J (&Q://","0.3.0"],"ledger_bitcoin_@d":["Ledger Bitcoin $w @d","0.4.1"],"icu_locid_@8":["^O-@8 @2 icu_locid","0.5.0"],"sentry_$F":["Sentry $C @2 $F @6 $F-subscriber $y.","0.32.3"],"aws_nitro_enclaves_nsm_api":["$P @1 @r @7 $U @2 @7 Nitro Secure Module $9 in ^v Nitro Enclaves.",C[7]],"clang_ast":["Data @y @2 processing Clang's `-ast-dump=json` @G","0.1.23"],"json_pretty":["$p Json prettifier @2 @3 @e.","0.1.2"],"slack_hook2":[C[47],C[41]],"memuse":["Traits @2 measuring dynamic $7 usage of @b","0.2.1"],"wasmer_wast":["wast $u @f @2 wasmer",C[107]],"rspirv_reflect":["$p descriptor reflection @1 @2 SPIR-V","0.8.0"],"glib_@8":["@3 @4 @2 @7 GLib @1, ^O @8 @5","0.19.5"],"peresil":["A @o @6 simplistic $6 @K @1",C[88]],"tachyonix":["A very &p $1, multi-producer, single-consumer bounded channel.","0.2.1"],"&w_ap_&w_expand":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_expand` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit $N ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish",C[42]],"mips_mcu":["Low @W ^s to MIPS MCU cores","0.3.1"],"frame_^G":["Metadata @b @2 &E runtimes","16.0.0"],"controller":["Tembo Operator @2 Postgres","0.45.1"],"gag":["Gag, redirect, or hold stdout/stderr output. Currently only *nix operating systems are supported.",C[9]],"wasmer_@g_@b_fl":["@Z &P Types @1 @2 Wasmer","0.28.0"],"no_proxy":["Parses @6 evaluate no_proxy $G","0.3.4"],"abe_gpsw":["ABE GPSW scheme @2 BLS pairing &s in @z","2.0.0"],"tectonic_bundles":["Tectonic \"bundle\" (@f $R @U) @k.","0.3.1"],"@7_way":["A $d snippets &y @2 &3 $o","0.20.3"],"libiio_^d":["Native, unsafe, @4 to @7 Linux libiio @1. Used by industrial-io.","0.3.1"],"libpulse_^d":["FFI @4 @2 @7 PulseAudio libpulse @T @1.",C[17]],"twiggy_opt":["Options @2 @7 Twiggy $d size profiler.","0.7.0"],"ructe":["@3 Compiled Templates, &6 ^j-&k web page templates.",C[28]],"$g_lambda_interactive":[C[43],"1.2.1"],"lingua_nynorsk_@e_^9":["^e Nynorsk @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"@C_once_cell":["Async single assignment cells @6 lazy ^Q.","0.5.3"],"nu_cmd_extra":["Nushell's extra commands @u are not part of @7 1.0 api ^l.","0.92.2"],"trans":["Serialization @l @2 inter-@e &U",C[263]],"protofish":["Protofish is a decoder focused on ^2 arbitrary @l buffer ^X @9 ^L recovery.","0.5.2"],"minivec":["A $2 of Vec that's only @7 size of a single pointer",C[7]],"rawsql":["A @z @1 @2 reusing SQL","0.1.1"],"ff_zeroize":[C[201],"0.6.3"],"msgbox":["A multi-@x message box modal @9 a OK button, $z runs synchronously.","0.7.0"],"tui":["A @1 to $s rich $o user interfaces or dashboards",C[36]],"membrane":["Membrane is an opinionated @5 @u generates a Dart @Y @E a @3 @1. Extremely &p @X @9 strict typing @6 zero copy returns over @7 FFI boundary via bincode.",C[24]],"blunder":["Dumb @5 to make ^L $H easy","0.2.1"],"nfsserve":["A @3 NFS Server @0",C[48]],"wsl":["Detect if @7 ^w is running under $v Subsystem @2 Linux",C[5]],"$g_tarpaulin":["Cargo-Tarpaulin is a tool to determine $d coverage achieved via tests","0.28.0"],"siphasher":["SipHash-2-4, SipHash-1-3 @6 128-bit variants in pure @3","1.0.1"],"^n_beefy_mmr":["BEEFY + MMR @v @m (@s @L)",C[64]],"cio_api":["Helper @n @6 @b @2 doing @7 activities of a CIO","0.1.2"],"scribe":["Text editor toolkit.","0.8.4"],"thousands":["Adds digit separators to ^V, configurably.",C[2]],"rdkafka":["@3 @p @2 librdkafka","0.36.2"],"sort":["sort $h","0.8.5"],"pallas_multiplexer":["Multithreaded Ouroboros multiplexer @0 @A mpsc channels","0.18.2"],"bitter":["Swiftly extracts unaligned bit-@W @D @E a byte slice","0.6.2"],"slice_group_by":["Iterators over groups in slices @6 strs","0.3.1"],"unrar_^d":["FFI @4 to unrar (@9 minimal abstractions)","0.3.1"],"rsc":["A &p calculator @2 solving scientific @6 algebraic math equations in $e.","3.0.0"],"strck":["Checked owned @6 borrowed $e","0.1.2"],"^Z_cipher":[C[275],C[977]],"anchor_@a_space":["Anchor ^x @c to automatically calculate @7 size of a ^p or an enum",C[1]],"smtp":["UNMAINTAINED - Replaced by @7 'lettre' @5","0.3.2"],"icrc_ledger_@b":["Types @2 $T @9 DFINITY's @0 of @7 ICRC-1 fungible token ^l.","0.1.5"],"rs_release":["os-release @h","0.1.9"],"scoped_tls_hkt":["A more flexible $2 of `scoped-tls`, allowing @7 following additional &L: - Storage of references to dynamically sized @b. - Storage of mutable references. - Storage of @b containing unbound lifetime parameters (higher-kinded @b). - Some combination of @7 above.","0.1.4"],"todo_txt":["Parser @2 @7 todo.txt @G","3.1.0"],"weld_^B":["Code $i @2 smithy models","0.7.0"],"ya_gcp":["APIs @2 @A Google Cloud Platform services",C[54]],"slices":["Convert $6 literals to static unsigned integer slices in &N ^0.",C[2]],"bui_$n":["Brower User Interfaces (BUIs) @9 Tokio",C[32]],"pmd_sir0":["A @1 @u can read sir0 $R, $9 in pokemon mystery dungeon game","1.2.2"],"ospf_@h":["Parser @2 @7 OSPF $2 2 @l","0.5.0"],"winapi_util":["A dumping ground @2 high @W &k &K over &O-^d.","0.1.8"],"atuin_@N_postgres":["@N postgres $O @1 @2 atuin","18.2.0"],"deterministic_wasi_ctx":["A wasi-$4 WasiCtx @0 @u is fully deterministic","0.1.20"],"trillium_head":["http head handler @2","0.2.2"],"unicode_general_category":["Fast lookup of @7 ^I General Category property @2 char","0.6.0"],"rlibc":["A bare-metal @1 supplying certain libc @n &4 memcpy, memmove, memset @6 memcmp. $P is designed @2 &z in freestanding environments where another libc does not exist, since &w may implicitly insert calls to such @n.",C[9]],"parity_bip39":[C[303],"2.0.1"],"@a_&0_@O_fork_arti":[C[66],C[54]],"errno":["Cross-@x @g to @7 `errno` variable.","0.3.8"],"substrate_wasmtime_@v":[C[293],C[81]],"^R_vest_^w":["&o Vest ^w","1.6.28"],"bitcode":["bitcode is a bitwise ^5 serializer","0.6.0"],"deno_kv":["@i of @7 Deno $O $U","0.56.0"],"deadpool_sqlite":["Dead @o @C pool @2 rusqlite","0.8.0"],"http_service":["Types @6 $3 @2 standardizing @C HTTP services","0.5.0"],"gstreamer_base":["@3 @4 @2 GStreamer Base @1","0.22.0"],"sc_@d_api":["&E @d interfaces. (@s @L)",C[64]],"ioctls":["IO Control @2 POSIX-@6-beyond systems (numerous ioctl specifications, see `ioctl-^d` @2 @O @n & @8)","0.6.2"],"rls_@D":["Data @y $9 by @7 RLS @6 @3 $E","0.19.1"],"indradb_lib":["A graph $O @1","4.0.0"],"tinyset":["Size-optimized sets","0.4.15"],"spirv_cross":["Safe @p ^i SPIRV-Cross","0.23.1"],"rsteam":["rsteam is a easy to &z @C @p @2 @7 steam web api","0.2.1"],"simpl":["No ^T ^L $H, @6 own ^L construction @6 &V lib",C[5]],"nvpair_^d":["$a to (nvpair & nvlist)",C[7]],"lingua_afrikaans_@e_^9":["^e Afrikaans @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"candle_@O":[C[437],"0.4.1"],"const_panic":["const panic @9 formatting","0.2.8"],"textcode":["Text @J/^2 @1. Supports: UTF-8, ISO6937, ISO8859, GB2312","0.2.2"],"wasmrs_codec":["MessagePack Codec @0 $9 by wasmRS modules",C[28]],"cglue_@c":["FFI &k $d $i @8 @2 making plugins @6 C-$k $A","0.2.3"],"ink_eth_compatibility":["[ink!] Ethereum &H stuff.","3.4.0"],"heim_host":["Cross-@x host @Q",C[58]],"toy_rpc":["An @C RPC @u mimics golang net/rpc's usage @6 supports both @C-std @6 ^h",C[11]],"infer":["Small @5 to infer $R ^j @w on magic number signatures",C[32]],"@z_i18n_@c":["Macro @2 @z-i18n @5.","3.0.0"],"yarn_lock_@h":["yarn.lock @h","0.7.0"],"actix_ratelimit":["Rate limiting &f @j @2 actix-web","0.3.1"],"i3":["i3 Window Manager IPC @q","0.0.17"],"bootloader_x86_64_bios_stage_3":["Third BIOS stage of @7 `bootloader` @5","0.11.7"],"bpf_^d":["$a @2 libbpf","2.3.0"],"octocrab":["A modern, extensible GitHub $U @d.","0.38.0"],"datavzrd":["A tool to create visual HTML reports @E &u of CSV/TSV tables","2.36.9"],"$l_@8":["$L @2 ^E std::^M::Command @9 shell-&4 syntax","0.2.9"],"v_htmlescape":["^e simd optimized HTML escaping $d","0.15.8"],"embassy_^0":["Instant @6 Duration @2 $J no-std systems, @9 @C timer @f","0.3.0"],"cw_^r":[C[678],"2.0.0"],"rsip_derives":["rsip helpful @8, @2 ^7 &z mostly",C[7]],"keen":[" api v3.0 @2 @z","1.4.1"],"quick_junit":["Data ^9 @6 serializer @2 JUnit/XUnit XML",C[7]],"poloto":["$p 2D plotting @1 @u outputs SVG @6 can be styled @A CSS","19.1.2"],"managed":["An @g @2 logically owning objects, whether or not heap allocation is available.","0.8.0"],"zkp_u256":["Performant @0 of 256-bit unsigned integers","0.2.1"],"browser_window":["A @o, optionally @C, optionally threadsafe, electron-&4 browser toolkit @2 @3.","0.12.3"],"uu_env":["env ~ (uutils) set each NAME to VALUE in @7 $Z @6 run COMMAND",C[20]],"git_conventional":["A @h @1 @2 @7 Conventional Commit &d.","0.12.6"],"kanin":["An RPC microservice @j @2 AMQP, protobuf @6 @3 built on lapin (&Q://^J/amqp-rs/lapin).","0.32.1"],"dbn":["@q @2 ^g @9 Databento Binary Encoding (DBN)","0.17.1"],"@z_script":["Command-line tool to run @3 \"scripts\" $z can make &z of $y.","0.34.0"],"rbs":["Serialization @j @2 ORM","4.5.13"],"taos_ws":[C[122],C[584]],"dinghy_lib":[C[943],"0.7.1"],"const_crc32":["A `const fn` @0 of crc32 checksum $b","1.3.0"],"exon_$4":["^W @m @2 Exon",C[18]],"galil_seiferas":["General $6 search in constant space, linear ^0, @2 nonorderable alphabets.","0.1.5"],"minilzo_^d":["FFI @4 to minilzo",C[5]],"tuifw_screen_ncurses":["Text User &P Framework. Basic text screen @0 @2 Unix/Linux @x.",C[60]],"re_log_@b":["^e basic ^6 blocks of @7 Rerun @D @b @6 tables.",C[35]],"@G_url":["Make ^6 URLs more ergonomic.","0.6.2"],"^h_trace_@O":["Core @F @2 ^h-trace.",C[2]],"poly1305":["^e Poly1305 universal hash @R @6 message authentication $d",C[452]],"sniffglue":["Secure multithreaded packet sniffer",C[33]],"aesm_@d":["RPC @d @2 Intel SGX AESM (Architectural Enclave &h Manager). With this @d, @B can obtain launch tokens @2 enclaves @6 turn attestation reports &q quotes.","0.6.0"],"cumulus_^n_parachain_@T_^O_@c":["Proc @8 provided by @7 parachain-@T ^n","0.6.0"],"keyutils_raw":["Raw @4 to Linux keyring syscalls",C[7]],"approx":["Approximate floating point equality comparisons @6 assertions.","0.5.1"],"^Z_more":["Stream @m @2 @3","0.1.3"],"task_motel":["Opinionated (Tokio) task &y @9 nested task groups @6 stoppable tasks",C[5]],"xlru_cache":[C[59],"0.1.2"],"mpl_token_vault":[C[144],C[2]],"dubp_documents":["Handles DUBP documents (DUBP: DUniter Blockhain ^z)",C[72]],"const_oid":["Const-&n @0 of @7 ISO/IEC Object Identifier (OID) ^l as defined in ITU X.660, @9 @f @2 BER/DER @J/^2 as well as heapless no_std (i.e. $J) @f","0.10.0-pre.2"],"rkv":["A @o, humane, typed key-&v $Q solution",C[36]],"^j_layout":["Derivable ^8 to view @7 layout of a &b, useful @2 debugging.",C[2]],"bytecodec":["A tiny @j @2 $f encoders/decoders of byte-oriented protocols","0.4.15"],"unicode_normalization_alignments":[C[296],"0.1.12"],"compact_arena":["A @5 @9 some @b to allow indexed arenas @9 small $7 footprint","0.4.1"],"wasmer_api":["Client @1 @2 @7 Wasmer GraphQL $U",C[20]],"advent_of_$d":["Solutions to Advent of Code","2022.0.66"],"riscv_target":["RISC-V target $6 manipulation @m","0.1.2"],"crypt32_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 crypt32. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.",C[2]],"rbtag":["A $0 @c to add $s DateTime @6 git commit @Q at &N ^0","0.3.0"],"genetlink":["communicate @9 &8 netlink","0.2.5"],"num_cpus":["Get @7 number of CPUs on a ^C.","1.16.0"],"maybe_rayon":["Either acts as rayon or creates a single-threaded facade","0.1.1"],"condtype":["Choose @b at &N-^0 via boolean &J.","1.3.0"],"wayland_scanner":["Wayland Scanner @2 $q @z APIs @E XML wayland @l @P.","0.31.1"],"snarkvm_circuit":["Circuits @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"pcap":["A packet capture $U ^i pcap/wpcap","2.0.0"],"typescript_^H":["Tools @2 ^g @9 TypeScript monorepos","10.0.26"],"cached":[C[568],"0.50.0"],"ecc608_linux":["A @1 @2 accessing @7 ECC608 chip on Linux","0.2.3"],"ui_&1":["A &1 @j @2 $u &w diagnostics output","0.22.3"],"dwm_status":["Displays @T @Q @2 dwm status bar.","1.8.1"],"^R_libra_failure_@8":["Libra failure @8",C[153]],"console_log":["A logging facility @u routes @3 log ^X to @7 browser's console.",C[9]],"jsonrpsee_ws_@d":["&D-RPC websocket @d","0.22.4"],"interchange":["Request/response mechanism @2 $J ^P, @A atomics","0.3.0"],"$g_lambda_$s":[C[43],"1.2.1"],"linfa_kernel":["Kernel methods @2 non-linear $h","0.7.0"],"rm_rf":["Force-remove a $R/directory @6 all descendants","0.6.2"],"html":["Structured HTML encoder","0.6.3"],"datafusion_arrow":[C[449],"0.12.4"],"holochain_$F":["$x @2 distributed $F choices","0.0.24"],"^n_election_provider_multi_phase":["PALLET two phase election providers (@s @L)",C[90]],"skeletal_animation":["Skeletal character animation @1, @A gfx-rs","0.47.0"],"roqoqo":["@3 Quantum Computing Toolkit by HQS","1.11.0"],"waffles_^R_^w":["Waffle Labs maintained &o Program",C[44]],"conjure_^L":["&R @f @2 $X Conjure errors","3.6.6"],"minidump_stackwalk":["Analyzes minidumps @6 produces a report (either human-readable or &D)",C[30]],"mv_$E":["^e definition of @7 Move source @e, @6 its $E","0.3.2"],"aws_sdk_costandusagereport":["^v &a @2 ^v Cost @6 Usage Report &h",C[17]],"ami":["Useful @D @y @u are not in @7 ^l @1.",C[45]],"peniko":["Primitive @b @2 styling vector &X",C[5]],"icmp":["ICMP socket","0.3.0"],"benchmark_@o":["A tiny, super @o @6 portable benchmarking @1.","0.1.9"],"$5_bytes_ng":["Optimized $H of `[u8; N]`, `&[u8]` @6 `Vec` @2 Serde","0.1.2"],"py_spy":["Sampling profiler @2 Python programs","0.3.14"],"dlt":["DLT (direct linear transform) $b @2 camera calibration",C[0]],"holochain_util":["$P @5 is a @U of various ^q @n @u are $9 in @7 other $y in @7 holochain &M.","0.3.0-beta-dev.8"],"silverknife_fontconfig_^d":["fontconfig @4 @2 silverknife",C[5]],"azure_$Q_queues":["Azure Queue Storage @5 @E @7 Azure &a @2 @3",C[18]],"tee":["An adapter @2 readers $z delegate reads to a writer",C[5]],"monadic":["@8 to define Haskell style monadic action blocks @2 IntoIterators, Reader, Writer, State, @6 @8 @2 @7 transformers ReaderT @6 WriterT over Vec, LinkedList @6 VecDeque","0.5.5"],"env_proxy":["Determination of proxy parameters @2 a URL @E @7 $Z","0.4.1"],"metatype":["Helper methods to determine whether a ^j is `TraitObject`, `Slice` or `Concrete`, @6 work @9 them respectively.","0.2.1"],"atomig_@c":["Helper @5 @2 `atomig`. Do not &z directly, but only through main @5. $P &x does not follow semantic versioning!","0.3.0"],"pyo3cls":[C[473],"0.12.5"],"erased_$5":["Type-erased Serialize @6 Serializer $3","0.4.4"],"optimization":["&T of optimization $h",C[2]],"nanorpc":["a subset of &D-RPC 2.0, @9 magical autogeneration of servers @6 clients","0.1.12"],"cranelift_frontend":[C[93],C[306]],"ibc_@O_@d_context":["Maintaind by `ibc-rs`, contains essential APIs to @g @9 @7 host chain's store, enabling smooth @d state transitions. Additionally, @r necessary $3 @2 $f custom IBC light clients.","0.52.0"],"blake2b_simd":["a pure @3 BLAKE2b @0 @9 dynamic SIMD","1.0.2"],"termcolor":[C[545],"1.4.1"],"samotop":["SMTP @N @6 @1 built on @C-std",C[14]],"buzz":["A @o @T tray $w @2 notifying about unseen e-mail","1.7.0-rc.3"],"sea_orm_rocket":["SeaORM Rocket @f @5","0.5.4"],"rquickjs_^d":["QuickJS @4 @2 rquickjs","0.6.0"],"lexical_@O":[C[496],"0.8.5"],"fluvio_^Z_^9":["Fluvio Event Stream Model",C[56]],"deunicode":["Convert ^I $e to pure ASCII by intelligently transliterating them. Suppors Emoji @6 Chinese.","1.4.4"],"torch_^d":["Low-@W FFI @4 @2 @7 PyTorch C++ api (libtorch).",C[33]],"graphene_rs":["@3 @4 @2 @7 Graphene @1","0.19.2"],"sc_consensus_beefy":["BEEFY Client gadget @2 substrate (@s @L)","17.0.0"],"permute":["Generate permutations of vectors @6 slices in a $7-&6 @6 deterministic manner, @A Heap's $b.","0.2.1"],"lindera_@O":[C[22],C[1]],"display_link":[C[110],C[2]],"autometrics_@8":[C[434],"1.0.1"],"plotters_cairo":["Plotters Cairo $n","0.6.0"],"@C_compat":["Compatibility adapter $8 ^h @6 $r","0.2.3"],"atomic_shim":["Atomic @b @2 unsupported platforms",C[2]],"astro_dnssd":["$p & &k DNS-SD @p","0.3.4"],"rusoto_ecr":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V EC2 Container Registry @ 2015-09-21",C[15]],"arrow_udf_wasm":["@Z @v @2 Arrow UDFs.","0.2.2"],"holochain_serialized_bytes":["serialized bytes @2 holochain","0.0.54"],"tickrs":["Realtime ticker @D in &3 $o 📈","0.14.9"],"spacetimedb_@4_^d":[C[336],"0.8.2"],"xcp":["xcp is an experimental @6 incomplete clone of @7 Unix `cp` $l, @9 more user-&n feedback @6 some @X optimisations. NOTE: See @7 README @2 current limitations.","0.20.4"],"^O_lock_@c":["Macro $U @2 @7 ^O-lock @5",C[7]],"jaq_std":["Standard @1 @2 jaq","1.2.1"],"v8_api":["A @h @2 v8.h @P to extract a description of @7 V8 $U heuristically. Used in $s scripts, @2 example in v8-^d.","0.8.0"],"filecoin_proofs_api":["$U to interact @9 @7 proofs @T in Filecoin","17.0.0"],"rkyv_@a":["^x @c @2 rkyv",C[143]],"eventlog":["A log-$k @p ^i @7 $v Event Log $U","0.2.2"],"boolenum":["^x From @6 Into @2 &3 boolean enums",C[5]],"syn_solidity":["syn-powered Solidity @h","0.7.1"],"uu_&1":["&1 ~ (uutils) evaluate comparison @6 $R ^j expressions",C[20]],"esp32s3":["Peripheral ^s @5 @2 @7 ESP32-S3",C[34]],"webc":["WebContainer @0 @2","6.0.0-alpha3"],"syntex_syntax":[C[759],"0.59.1"],"aws_ip_ranges":["&Q:// as const ^N","0.234.0"],"wdg_converter":["converter",C[7]],"ic_cbor":["CBOR ^2 @2 Internet Computer clients","2.5.0"],"heron_debug":["Rendering of Heron's collision shapes @2 debugging purposes","5.0.2"],"noise_@z_&j":["Wrappers of dalek @6 RustCrypto $y @2 noise-@l","0.6.2"],"nonempty_&u":["Correct-by-construction non-empty &u.","0.2.5"],"multi_map":["Like a std::@U::HashMap, but allows you to &z either of two different keys to retrieve items.","1.3.0"],"svd2rust":["Generate @3 register maps (`&b`s) @E SVD @P","0.33.1"],"tor_linkspec":["Parts of @7 Tor @l @u indicate &2 relays on @7 $M",C[28]],"digit_group":["@M grouping (thousands separators) @2 numeric @b.",C[5]],"sqlx_mysql":["MySQL driver @0 @2 SQLx. Not @2 direct &z; see @7 `sqlx` @5 @2 details.","0.7.4"],"validated_&b":["Easily ^o nested @y @9 getters @6 predicated setters","2.1.0"],"cacaos":["Core @1 @2 CACAO $3 @6 @D @y","0.5.1"],"tls_api_stub":["TLS $U @0 @u returns ^L on any operation","0.9.0"],"zk_paillier":["&T of Paillier cryptosystem zero knowledge proofs $Y in @3","0.4.4"],"ockam_transport_ble":["Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Transport @2 @7 Ockam Routing ^z.","0.75.0"],"ipsec_@h":["Parser @2 @7 IKEv2 @l","0.7.0"],"bcrypt_pbkdf":["bcrypt-pbkdf password-@w key derivation @R",C[899]],"iced_&X":["A bunch of $n-agnostic @b @u can be leveraged to $s a renderer @2 iced",C[51]],"matches":["A @c to evaluate, as a boolean, whether an expression matches a pattern.","0.1.10"],"slice_pool":[C[513],"0.4.1"],"&5_hash":["Efficient Merkle-hashing as $9 in Ethereum consensus","0.6.0"],"@J_rs_io":["Streaming transcoding @2 encoding_rs","0.1.7"],"audio_checker":["@q checking if audio @P are broken",C[5]],"cuid2":["An @0 of @7 CUID2 @l in @z","0.1.2"],"source_map":["$j @2 ^6 source maps (v3) @2 a $E","0.14.10"],"stable_swap_@d":["StableSwap @3 @d.","1.8.1"],"mqtt_@C_@d":["An MQTT 3.1.1 @d $Y in @3, @A @C @n @6 ^h.","0.3.1"],"axum_jrpc":["A &D-RPC extractor @2 Axum","0.7.0"],"packable_@a":["^x @c @2 @7 `packable` @5.",C[11]],"rgb_@O":["RGB Core @q: confidential & scalable smart ^b on Bitcoin & Lightning (consensus layer)",C[29]],"rustdoc_json":["$j @2 ^g @9 rustdoc &D.","0.9.0"],"&k_arch":["Crate @u exposes `@O::arch` safely via `#[cfg()]`.","0.7.1"],"lib3h":["^e lib3h p2p &U @z @1.","0.0.42"],"vcard":["A pure @3 @0 of vCard @w on RFC 6350.","0.4.13"],"tarpc_plugins":["Proc @8 @2 tarpc.",C[45]],"utime":["A missing utime @R @2 @3.","0.3.1"],"ifstructs":["A @3 @1 @9 ^F @4 to unix if* @y","0.1.1"],"@C_graphql_@h":["GraphQL query @h @2 @C-graphql","7.0.3"],"postcard":["A no_std + $5 $k message @1 @2 @3","1.0.8"],"keyed_priority_queue":["Priority queue @u @f changing priority or early remove by key","0.4.2"],"iai_callgrind_@8":["Proc @8 @2 iai-callgrind, a high-precision @6 consistent benchmarking @j/harness @2 @3",C[2]],"glutin":[C[321],"0.31.3"],"google_cloud_token":["Google Cloud Platform token spec.","0.1.2"],"ckb_^L":["Underlying ^L @b $9 over ckb $y",C[10]],"apply":["A tiny @1 @2 chaining free @n &q method call chains.","0.3.0"],"fuel_@O_producer":[C[680],C[91]],"tide_@N_timing":["Server-Timing @f @2 Tide + Tracing",C[33]],"glium_sdl2":["An SDL2 $n @2 Glium - a high-@W OpenGL @p @2 @7 @3 @e.",C[32]],"raptorq":["RaptorQ (RFC6330)","2.0.0"],"scale_typegen":["Type Generation @2 SCALE encoded @3 Types","0.4.3"],"bitrate":["Extension $3 @u add convenience methods @2 ^g @9 bitrates @6 frequencies.","0.1.1"],"^j_reg":["Serializable map of any ^j.","0.7.0"],"sc_light":["&I @2 a light @d","3.0.0"],"lingua_swahili_@e_^9":["^e Swahili @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"any_cache":["Cache @9 freely typed keys @6 any associated &v","0.2.3"],"spl_discriminator_@a":["^x @c @1 @2 @7 `spl-discriminator` @1",C[2]],"wol_rs":["Wake-on-LAN ^q","1.0.1"],"ractor":["A actor @j @2 @3","0.9.7"],"arrow2_convert_@a":["Proc @8 @2 arrow2_convert","0.5.0"],"lingua_kazakh_@e_^9":["^e Kazakh @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"ckb_&j":["^e ckb &j util",C[10]],"shrust":["A @1 @2 ^E interactive $l line shells in @3","0.0.7"],"aws_sdk_licensemanager":["^v &a @2 ^v License Manager",C[17]],"cadence":["An extensible Statsd @d @2 @3","1.3.0"],"cfg_expr":["A @h @6 evaluator @2 @3 `cfg()` expressions.","0.15.8"],"rusty_audio":["Convenient sound @1 @2 small projects @6 educational purposes.","1.4.1"],"gptman":["Pure @3 @1 to read @6 modify GUID partition tables","1.1.2"],"is_close":["Determine whether floating point ^V are close in &v","0.1.3"],"databend_sql":["SQL @b @2 Databend Driver","0.17.1"],"try_match":["An expression @c to match a pattern @6 return @7 bound variables in `Result`.","0.4.1"],"icrc1_&1_suite":[C[46],"0.1.2"],"$g_when":["Cargo commands run conditionally upon @z $E $2 @6 $Z",C[5]],"sn_testnet":["^e Safe Network Tesnet Starter.","0.3.50"],"bmp_monochrome":["Encode @6 decode monochromatic bitmaps ^U additional ^4, useful @2 QR codes.","1.1.0"],"polkavm_linker":["PolkaVM offline linker","0.9.2"],"imgui":["High-@W @3 @4 to dear imgui",C[24]],"netcdf":["High-@W NetCDF @4 @2 @3","0.9.1"],"rusoto_rds":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V Relational Database &h @ 2014-10-31",C[15]],"httpmock":["HTTP mocking @1 @2 @3","0.7.0"],"bar":["status bar","0.1.1"],"uu_relpath":["relpath ~ (uutils) display relative path of PATHNAME_TO @E PATHNAME_FROM","0.0.21"],"slack_hook":[C[47],"0.8.0"],"deno_libffi":[C[666],"0.0.7"],"crucible_workspace_hack":[C[183],C[5]],"ed_@a":["^x @8 @2 @7 ed @5","0.3.0"],"typedmap":["A hash map (dash map). A ^j of &v is defined by ^8 &s on key ^j","0.5.0"],"breakpad_handler":["Allows $I of a minidump when a crash occurs",C[2]],"rusoto_sqs":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V $p Queue &h @ 2012-11-05",C[15]],"blsful":["BLS signature @0 according to @7 IETF spec on @7 BLS12-381 curve.","2.5.7"],"hermit_entry":["Hermit's loading @6 entry $U.",C[11]],"picky":["Portable X.509, PKI, JOSE @6 HTTP signature @0.","7.0.0-rc.8"],"crc_catalog":["Catalog of CRC $h ($X @E expressed as @o @3 ^N.","2.4.0"],"lonlat_bng":["Convert longitude @6 latitude coordinates to BNG coordinates, @6 vice versa","0.3.8"],"thiserror_no_std":[C[115],"2.0.2"],"mocktopus":["Mocking @j @2 @3","0.8.0"],"ra_ap_arena":["TBD","0.0.33"],"sml":["$p markup @e optimized @2 loading &m @P @6 schemas.","0.1.46"],"@C_redis_session":["redis session store @2 @C-session","0.2.2"],"conduit_hyper":["Host a conduit @w web $w on a hyper @N","0.4.2"],"ic_cdk_optimizer":["WASM Optimizer @2 @7 IC CDK (experimental).","0.3.5"],"swc_html_visit":["Visitor @2 html","0.33.19"],"dwt":["^e @Y @r an $b to compute @7 discrete wavelet transform.","0.5.2"],"msgpacker_@a":["^x @8 @2 @7 MessagePack @l @0 @2 @3.","0.3.1"],"forest_address":["Filecoin addresses @2 &z in Forest","0.3.2"],"os_^j":["Detect @7 operating @T ^j","2.6.0"],"daemonize":["@q to enable &3 $d run as a daemon ^M on Unix-&4 systems.","0.5.0"],"objc_exception":["@3 @g @2 Objective-C's throw @6 try/catch statements.","0.1.2"],"surfman":["A cross-@x, low-@W toolkit @2 GPU surface ^c","0.9.3"],"munkres":["Kuhn-Munkres (aka Hungarian) $b @2 solving @7 Assignment Problem in O(n^3)","0.5.2"],"kittycad_execution_plan_$3":["Types @2 KittyCAD execution plans","0.1.15"],"tauri_$W_dialog":["Native @T dialogs @2 opening @6 saving @P along @9 message dialogs on &3 Tauri $w.",C[338]],"vulkano":["Safe @p @2 @7 Vulkan &X $U","0.34.1"],"tiff":["TIFF ^2 @6 @J @1 in pure @3","0.9.1"],"csfml_&X_^d":["$a to csfml-&X","0.6.0"],"rusoto_eks":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V Elastic Kubernetes &h @ 2017-11-01",C[15]],"@T_^L":["A @1 @2 cross @x @T errors",C[2]],"lambda_web":["Run @3 web frameworks on ^v Lambda","0.2.1"],"@z_@G":["A @3 source $d formatting @5 @9 a unified @g @2 $6, $R, @6 TokenStream input","0.3.4"],"rp2040_pac":["A Peripheral Access Crate @2 @7 Raspberry Pi RP2040 SoC","0.6.0"],"orbtk_shell":["Window shell @5 $9 by OrbTk.",C[178]],"yukikaze":["Beautiful @6 elegant HTTP @1.","1.0.10"],"httpdate":["HTTP date @K @6 formatting","1.0.3"],"randomx_rs":["@3 @4 @2 @7 RandomX Proof-of-Work","1.3.0"],"&k_regex_$E":["Regex $E @2 @7 &k-regex @5","0.3.0"],"assert_infrequent":["Assert @u a line of $d isn't executed too many times",C[5]],"foundationdb_^d":["$a to @7 C api @2 FoundationDB","0.9.0"],"@D_^j":["&T of primal @D @b.","0.6.0"],"azure_sdk_$Q_blob":["@3 &K ^i Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Blob $Q @5","0.45.3"],"re_analytics":["Rerun's analytics &a",C[35]],"orbtk_widgets":["Base OrbTk widget @1.",C[371]],"temperature":["^e @Y @r a temperature simulator.",C[48]],"snarkvm_console_@b_scalar":[C[55],C[26]],"&I_arena":["$p @1 @2 ^E complex domain-&2 self-referential @D @y.","4.1.4"],"&8_matrix":["Manipulations @6 @D @b @u represent 2d matrix.","0.2.2"],"bn":[C[49],"0.4.3"],"@E_as_$R":[C[100],C[2]],"rusty_jsc":["@3 @4 @2 @7 JavaScriptCore $m",C[5]],"smooth_bevy_cameras":["Bevy camera controllers @9 buttery, exponential smoothing.",C[24]],"glsl":["A GLSL450/GLSL460 @h.","7.0.0"],"timer_queue":["Pure, minimal, @6 scalable timers",C[5]],"bevy_ecs_ldtk_@8":["^x @8 @2 bevy_ecs_ldtk.","0.9.0"],"afl":[C[542],"0.15.5"],"fork_&5":["Utility @1 @2 managing &5-&4 ordered @D @9 logic @2 pruning @7 &5 while finalizing nodes. (@s @L)","13.0.0"],"wasm_opt":["wasm-opt @4","0.116.1"],"rocket_db_pools":["Rocket @C $O pooling @f",C[5]],"gtmpl_&v":["^1 &v @G @2 gtmpl-@z","0.5.1"],"cs_^r":["^W @m.",C[30]],"vrf":["Fast @6 extensible Verifiable Random Function (VRF) @1; currently supporting secp256k1, secp256r1 @6 sect163k1 curves","0.2.4"],"sledgehammer_^k":["Fast batched js @4","0.5.0"],"vls_persist":[C[146],C[24]],"primal_check":["Fast standalone primality $u.","0.3.3"],"mz_rusoto_credential":[C[148],"0.46.0"],"pi_hash":["Provide unified hasher, HashMap @6 HashSet, ^e hash $b $9 can be determined by compiling conditions.","0.1.1"],"fixt":["minimum viable fixtures",C[331]],"snowflake":["A ^y @2 $q guaranteed ^M unique IDs.","1.3.0"],"comparable_&x":[C[438],"0.5.4"],"sw_composite":["a @U of software compositing routines","0.7.16"],"minidump_$4":["Some $4 @b @2 ^g @9 minidump @P.",C[30]],"openmetrics_@h":["An OpenMetrics/Prometheus Text Exposition Format Parser","0.4.4"],"GSL":[C[132],"7.0.0"],"gemachain_ed25519_^w":["Gemachain Ed25519 ^w","1.8.2"],"rustfft":["High-@X FFT @1 $Y in pure @3.","6.2.0"],"rbatis_sql":[C[121],"4.0.2"],"sp_genesis_&0":["&E RuntimeGenesisConfig &0 $U (@s @L)",C[24]],"dust":["Dust allows to $s easy @D driven tests in @3",C[5]],"tera":["Template $m @w on Jinja2/Django templates","1.19.1"],"$g_public_api":["List @6 diff @7 public $U of @3 @1 $y $8 releases @6 commits. Detect breaking $U changes @6 semver violations via CI or a CLI.","0.34.1"],"filesize":["Find @7 physical space $9 by a $R",C[2]],"clap":[C[569],"4.5.4"],"@J":["Character @J @f @2 @3","0.2.33"],"parsimonious":["Parsimonious @h combinators","0.0.8"],"hyper_multipart_rfc7578":["An @0 of multipart/form-@D (RFC7578) @2 Hyper","0.8.0"],"mc_oblivious_$3":["Traits @6 interfaces @2 &I &H to Oblivious @D @y","2.3.0"],"dioxus_html":["HTML Element pack @2 Dioxus - a &Y renderer-agnostic Virtual DOM @2 interactive user experiences","0.5.1"],"smallbox":["`Small Box` optimization: store small item on stack @6 fallback to heap @2 large item.","0.8.2"],"lava_torrent":["A @1 @2 @K/@J bencode @6 .torrent @P.",C[56]],"snarkvm_console_&u":["Collections @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"transaction_pool":["Generic transaction pool.","2.0.3"],"raui_ggez_renderer":["RAUI renderer @2 GGEZ game $m","0.40.0"],"ar_archive_writer":["A writer @2 object $R ar archives","0.3.0"],"badlog":["A @o, zero customization, colored logger.","1.1.1"],"ross_&m":["Config &i @2 @7 Rusty Old Smart System","2.29.0"],"cloudproof_ecies":["Cosmian ECIES scheme @1","0.1.4"],"assert_hex":["display assert panics in hexadecimal {:#x?} @G","0.4.1"],"generativity":["Generation of unique invariant lifetimes","1.1.0"],"crevice_@a":["^x @5 @2 @7 'crevice' @5",C[11]],"^R_cli":[C[50],C[12]],"aws_sdk_dataexchange":["^v &a @2 ^v Data Exchange",C[17]],"evm_@v":[C[755],"0.41.0"],"matrix_sdk_$4":["&T of $4 @b @6 imports $9 in @7 matrix-sdk","0.7.0"],"drum":["A bitcask inspired $Q api @2 @z.","0.4.4"],"sea_streamer":["🌊 ^e ^Z processing toolkit @2 @3","0.5.0"],"swc_html_minifier":["HTML minifier","0.135.0"],"uu_true":["true ~ (uutils) do nothing @6 succeed",C[20]],"mutex_^8":["Foundational mutex ^8 @6 &i",C[2]],"rbspy":["Sampling CPU profiler @2 Ruby",C[18]],"subenum":["A ^O-@c to create subsets of enums, @u can be converted to @6 @E.","1.1.2"],"kqueue":["kqueue @g @2 BSDs","1.0.8"],"dbg":["dbg!(expr, ..) @c @E RFC 2173 in stable @3","1.0.4"],"bender":["A ^T ^c tool @2 hardware projects.","0.28.1"],"x11_dl":[C[721],"2.21.0"],"mungos":["MongoDB in @z, simplified.","0.5.4"],"tari_curve25519_dalek":[C[300],"4.0.3"],"duckscriptsdk":["^e duckscript &a.","0.9.3"],"jack":["Real ^0 audio @6 midi @9 JACK.","0.11.4"],"conllx":["Readers/writers @2 @7 CoNLL-X ^T @G",C[51]],"gearhash":["Fast, SIMD-accelerated hash @R @2 content-defined chunking","0.1.3"],"gloo_^r":["Convenience @5 @2 $4 `web_sys` &L",C[2]],"global_counter":["Global, &F-&k counters","0.2.2"],"multiversx_chain_vm":["MultiversX VM @0 @6 tooling","0.8.3"],"write_json":["$p {^T,^8,@c}-less &D @t","0.1.4"],"&1_strategy":["@V @c to easily write higher-order strategies in proptest.","0.3.1"],"eieio":["Error Implementing `Eq + Clone` replacing `std::io::Error`",C[9]],"pdf":["PDF reader","0.9.0"],"libftdi1_source_lgpl":["libFTDI source $d bundle @2 libftdi1-^d (^7 &z only)","1.5.0"],"icu_decimal_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_decimal @5","1.4.0"],"audit":["linux audit via netlink","0.7.3"],"tame_oidc":["A (very) thin layer of OIDC &4 @I","0.7.0"],"borrown":["Borrowed or owned, simplified @2 no-std.",C[5]],"@C_backtrace":["Efficient, logical 'backtraces' of @C tasks.","0.2.7"],"^n_salary":["Paymaster (@s @L)","17.0.0"],"ecow":["Compact, clone-on-write vector @6 $6.","0.2.2"],"odoh_rs":["@3 @0 of @7 Oblivious DNS over HTTPS (ODoH) @l $2 1","1.0.2"],"unic_locale":[C[52],"0.9.4"],"icu_properties_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_properties @5","1.4.0"],"@9_locals":["Function ^K to return references to locals by @A CPS","0.3.2"],"$g_sonar":["Helper to transform reports @E @3 tooling @2 $d quality, &q valid Sonar report","1.2.0"],"libscemu":["x86 32/64bits @6 @T internals emulator, @2 securely emulating malware @6 other stuff.","0.16.1"],"vga":["Support @2 vga &2 @n, @D @y, @6 registers.","0.2.9"],"minilp":["A &p linear ^a solver @1.","0.2.2"],"timer":["A @o timer. Use it to schedule execution of closures after a delay or at a given timestamp.",C[2]],"nom_sql":["A SQL @h $Y @A nom.","0.0.11"],"enarx":["Tools @2 deploying @Z &q Enarx Keeps","0.7.0"],"needletail":["FASTX @K @6 k-mer methods","0.5.1"],"rp_pac":["Peripheral Access Crate (PAC) @2 Raspberry Pi Silicon chips.","6.0.0"],"date_^0":["Date_Time is a high-@W @z @1 @2 &z in situations where precision beyond seconds is not necessary.","2.2.0"],"libseat":["Safe libseat @4","0.2.1"],"nixpkgs_fmt":[C[133],"1.3.0"],"rustml":["A @1 @2 doing maching learning in @3.","0.0.7"],"cbor4ii":["CBOR: Concise Binary Object Representation","0.3.2"],"two_lock_queue":["A MPMC channel @w on @7 michael-scott two lock queue $b.","0.1.1"],"&O_x86_64_msvc":[C[53],"0.52.5"],"urlencoding":["A @3 @1 @2 doing URL percentage @J.","2.1.3"],"lightning_invoice":["Data @y to parse @6 serialize BOLT11 lightning invoices","0.31.0-beta"],"dump_syms":["Dump debug symbols &q Breakpad ones","2.3.1"],"aws_sdk_glacier":["^v &a @2 $V Glacier",C[17]],"netlink_packet_&8":["&8 netlink packet @b","0.3.3"],"git_testament_@a":["Record git ^g &5 status when compiling &3 @5 - inner $0 @c",C[2]],"thiserror_@O_impl":[C[647],"1.0.50"],"cosmic_text":["Pure @3 multi-line text $H",C[54]],"bart_@a":["#[@a(BartDisplay)] @0 @2 supporting @7 bart @Y","0.1.6"],"lunatic_@8":["Helper @8 @2 @7 `lunatic` @5",C[8]],"netio":["Alternative @0 of parts of `std::io`, better suited @2 blocking IO over networks.","0.6.1"],"mockito":["HTTP mocking @2 @3.","1.4.0"],"@C_dropper_@a":["^e @a @c @5 @u supplies @7 @0 @2 AsyncDrop","0.3.1"],"wedpr_l_&j_hash_keccak256":["@q of WeDPR &B Hash Function &c by keccak256.","1.1.0"],"spl_token_2022":["&o Program @q Token 2022","3.0.2"],"$5_at":["$5 serializer/deserializer @2 AT commands","0.22.0"],"winproc":["Small @p over some ^M-&H $v APIs.","0.6.4"],"datafrog":["Lightweight Datalog $m intended to be $J in other @3 programs","2.0.1"],"bzip2":[C[119],"0.4.4"],"aws_sig_auth":[C[108],"0.60.3"],"aws_smithy_@b_convert":["Conversion of @b @E aws-smithy-@b to other $A.","0.60.8"],"conduit_&1":["Testing @m @2 conduit-@w stacks",C[11]],"substrate_subxt":["Deprecated: @5 renamed to subxt.",C[33]],"vec2":["vec2","0.2.1"],"fern_logger":["Convenient @6 configurable multi-output logger","0.5.0"],"$g_cyclonedx":["CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) @2 @3 Crates","0.5.0"],"tendermint_light_@d_detector":["@i of @7 Tendermint Light Client Attack Detector.",C[79]],"lingua_georgian_@e_^9":["^e Georgian @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"nostr":["@3 @0 of @7 Nostr @l.",C[1]],"fastobo_syntax":["PEG Syntax @6 pest @h @2 @7 OBO flat $R @G 1.4","0.8.1"],"snarkvm_console_@b_address":[C[55],C[26]],"sgx":["@q @2 Intel SGX","0.6.1"],"csv_@C":["CSV @K @2 @C.","1.3.0"],"icondata_ai":["@q &9 SVG @6 corresponding ^G @2 \"Ant Design Icons\".","0.0.10"],"kble_eb90":[C[554],"0.3.0"],"shuttle_axum":["&h @0 to run an axum webserver on shuttle",C[68]],"aws_sdk_kms":["^v &a @2 ^v Key Management &h",C[4]],"subxt_^B":["Generate an $U @2 $T @9 a substrate node @E FRAME ^G","0.35.3"],"lenient_semver_@h":["Lenient @h @2 Semantic Version ^V.","0.4.2"],"surfman_chains_api":["An @0 of double-buffered swap chains @2 surfman",C[2]],"icu_collator_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_collator @5","1.4.0"],"ungrammar":["A DSL @2 describing concrete syntax trees","1.16.1"],"@C_attributes":["Experimental @e-@W polyfills @2 Async @3.","1.1.2"],"ocaml_^d":["Low-@W OCaml @4 @2 @3","0.23.0"],"^h_fs":["Filesystem $U @2 Tokio.","0.1.7"],"biome_js_unicode_table":["^I table @2 &W IDs","0.3.1"],"systemd":["A @z @g to libsystemd/libelogind provided APIs",C[11]],"slog_stdlog":["`log` @5 adapter @2 slog-rs","4.1.1"],"slog_envlogger":["Port of de facto ^l logger @0 @2 @3, to `slog-rs` @j.","2.2.0"],"enclose":["A convenient @c @2 cloning ^Q &q a closure.","1.1.8"],"nano_leb128":["Little endian base 128 variable-length $d ^f",C[5]],"light_curve_dmdt":["dm-dt maps @H @1","0.7.1"],"termize":[C[866],"0.1.1"],"webrtc_dtls":["A pure @3 @0 of DTLS","0.9.0"],"tink_proto":["^z buffer message @S @2 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1","0.2.5"],"p384":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 NIST P-384 (a.k.a. secp384r1) elliptic curve as defined in SP 800-186 @9 @f @2 ECDH, ECDSA signing/verification, @6 general purpose curve arithmetic @f.",C[8]],"merge_yaml_hash":["YAML Hash @9 merge/update capabilities","0.3.0"],"nsi":["Nodal Scene &P @2 (offline) 3D renderers – ɴsɪ.","0.8.0"],"mint":["Math interoperability ^l @b","0.5.9"],"socket":["Low-@W networking @g @2 @3","0.0.7"],"round":["$P @5 @r @m to round &3 floats @9 precision @E 1 to 10.","0.1.2"],"jni_glue":["Manually $Y glue $d to accompany @7 jni-^k $d @H @2 &G to JVM APIs @E @3","0.0.10"],"libp2p_request_response":["Generic Request/Response Protocols","0.26.1"],"aws_sdk_lookoutvision":["^v &a @2 $V Lookout @2 Vision",C[17]],"dtb":["Device &5 blob manipulation",C[2]],"wmi":["WMI @5 @2 @z.","0.13.3"],"openvpn_$W":["A @5 allowing easy creation of OpenVPN plugins in @3","0.4.2"],"factory":["`Factory` ^8 @6 its @k","0.1.2"],"stm32f1":["Device @f $y @2 STM32F1 devices",C[35]],"edge_executor":["Async executor suitable @2 $J environments.","0.4.1"],"datetime":["@q @2 date @6 ^0 formatting @6 arithmetic","0.5.2"],"@s_node_@O_parachains_inherent":["Parachains inherent @D provider @2 Polkadot node (@s @L)",C[67]],"luhn":[C[550],"1.0.1"],"stm32l0xx_hal":["Peripheral ^s $U @2 STM32L0 series $S",C[11]],"v8_^d":["Low-@W @4 to V8, @7 Javascript $m",C[32]],"unidecode":["@M pure ASCII transliterations of ^I $e.","0.3.0"],"bevy_mod_debugdump":["Visualization ^H @2 bevy",C[11]],"aws_sdk_ecrpublic":["^v &a @2 $V Elastic Container Registry Public",C[17]],"@D_rw":["io buffer write reader.","1.6.4"],"bayer":["Algorithms @2 demosaicing Bayer images.","0.1.5"],"lingua_french_@e_^9":["^e French @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"link_ipps":["link ipps @1 (part of ipp-^d Intel IPP @4)","0.1.2"],"&O_targets":["Import libs @2 $v","0.52.5"],"matrix_sdk_indexeddb":["Web's IndexedDB Storage $n @2 matrix-sdk","0.7.0"],"deltoid_@a":["^x @c @u generates $d to calculate @6 apply deltas to ^N @6 enums",C[0]],"wycheproof":["Wycheproof &1 vectors","0.5.1"],"bevy_pancam":["A camera @u allows panning by dragging @9 @7 mouse",C[56]],"eclectica":["Cool @6 eclectic $2 &y @2 any @e","0.8.6"],"sp_ark_bls12_377":["^e BLS12-377 pairing-&n elliptic curve, optimized @2 &E","0.4.1"],"wasmtime_wiggle_@c":["Macro @2 integrating Wiggle $d @H @9 Wasmtime","0.26.1"],"snarkvm_@m":["$j @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"mv_errmapgen":["Move ^L map @H","0.3.2"],"tui_input":["TUI input @1 supporting multiple backends","0.8.0"],"vc_ltl":["Shared to msvcrt.dll or ucrtbase.dll @6 optimize @7 $w $R size.","5.0.9"],"rusoto_cloudformation":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v CloudFormation @ 2010-05-15",C[15]],"envy":["deserialize env vars &q typesafe ^N","0.4.2"],"bitcoinleveldb_$R":["contains $R abstractions @E @7 bitcoin leveldb",C[57]],"heim_virt":["Cross-@x virtualization @T $B",C[58]],"burn_ndarray":["Ndarray $n @2 @7 Burn @j",C[45]],"spake2":["^e SPAKE2 password-authenticated key-exchange $b.",C[7]],"^h":[C[226],"1.37.0"],"piston_gfx_texture":["A Gfx texture ^A @u works nicely @9 Piston $A",C[68]],"lru_cache":[C[59],"0.1.2"],"clippy":["A bunch of helpful lints to avoid $4 pitfalls in @3.","0.0.302"],"^Z_assert":["$L to simplify $u of `Stream` @w APIs","0.1.1"],"hurl_@O":["Hurl Core","4.3.0"],"chan":["DEPRECATED. Use crossbeam-channel ^Y.","0.1.23"],"kv":["An $J key/&v store @2 @3",C[60]],"aws_sdk_autoscalingplans":["^v &a @2 ^v Auto Scaling Plans",C[17]],"pulldown_cmark_escape":["An escape @1 @2 HTML created in @7 pulldown-cmark $K",C[41]],"mit_lint":["Lints @2 commits parsed @9 mit-commit.","3.2.7"],"datasize_@a":["^x @8 @2 @7 `datasize` @5","0.2.15"],"topological_sort":["Performs topological sorting.","0.2.2"],"sea_orm":["🐚 An @C & dynamic ORM @2 @3",C[75]],"bevy_polyline":["Polyline Rendering @2 Bevy","0.8.1"],"apple_^k":["^k &x @2 Apple frameworks",C[2]],"ra_ap_&w_^4":["TBD","0.0.195"],"mobile_device":["Communicate @9 iOS devices",C[5]],"^n_transaction_payment_rpc_@v_api":[C[238],C[64]],"msgpack_&v":["Types @6 @8 @2 @7 MessagePack @D ^9","1.1.0"],"thingvellir":["a &Y, &B-nothing $x @u manages an assembly of things","0.0.13"],"zeropool_bn":[C[49],"0.5.11"],"icu_segmenter":["^I line breaking @6 text segmentation $h @2 text boundaries analysis","1.4.0"],"vsprintf":["@3 @4 to @7 libc vsprintf @R","2.0.0"],"mkstemp_rs":["Safe @p over mkstemp @R @E libc",C[9]],"roblox_install":["Get @7 install directory of Roblox in $d",C[9]],"positioned_io2":[C[117],"0.3.4"],"tower_sessions_$7_store":["Memory session store. Not @2 direct &z; see @7 `tower-sessions` @5 @2 details.",C[92]],"crev_wot":["Scalable, social, Code REView @T @u we desperately need - Web of Trust @1","0.25.4"],"cranelift_preopt":["Support @2 optimizations in Cranelift","0.92.1"],"miniz_oxide_c_api":["DEFLATE ^f @6 decompression $U designed to be @3 drop-in replacement @2 miniz","0.3.0"],"$g_junit":["Converts $g &1 output &q a junit report. Hard forked @E $g-&1-junit, after it went unmaintained @9 critical bugs.","0.8.0"],"whois_@z":["$P is a WHOIS @d @1 @2 @3, inspired by &Q://^J/hjr265/node-whois","1.6.0"],"ssz_rs":["ethereum's @o serialize","0.9.0"],"ttrpc_^B":["@3 ^B @2 ttrpc @A ttrpc-$E @5","0.2.4"],"git2":["$a to libgit2 @2 interoperating @9 git repositories. $P @1 is both threadsafe @6 $7 &k @6 allows both reading @6 $I git repositories.","0.18.3"],"rustworkx_@O":["@3 APIs $9 @2 rustworkx $h","0.14.2"],"dispatch":["@3 @p @2 Apple's Grand Central Dispatch.",C[2]],"wasmtime_versioned_export_@8":["$L @2 defining versioned exports in Wasmtime",C[63]],"wayland_csd_frame":["^W ^8 @6 @b @2 wayland CSD interop","0.3.0"],"ocl_@O_vector":["OpenCL-$k vector primitive @b.","0.1.1"],"kamadak_exif":["Exif @K @1 $Y in pure @3","0.5.5"],"napi_@a":["N-$U $0 @8","2.16.3"],"piston_ai_behavior":["AI behavior &5","0.33.0"],"cita_trie":["Modified Patricia Tree (aka Trie).","5.0.1"],"wasmtime_cli":["Command-line @g @2 Wasmtime",C[63]],"rbspy_ruby_^N":["Helper @5 @2 rbspy. Contains @3 @4 @2 various ^7 Ruby @y @2 $2 1.9.3 to 3.x.",C[18]],"$F_distributed":["Tracing layer @2 multiprocess telemetry",C[7]],"cairo_lang_eq_solver":["Equation solving @2 Sierra $i.","2.6.3"],"uptime_lib":["Multi-@x uptime @1","0.3.0"],"croaring_mw":[C[819],"0.4.5"],"blstrs":["High @X @0 of BLS12 381","0.6.2"],"nj_^d":["low @W &G to Node N-$U","4.0.0"],"routerify":["A &e, idiomatic, composable @6 modular router @0 @9 &f @f @2 @7 @3 HTTP @1","3.0.0"],"@N_fn_@c":[C[356],"0.6.11"],"slack_chat_api":["A fully $X & opinionated $U @d @2 @7 Slack $U.","0.7.0"],"@C_^8_fn":["A fork of @C-^8 @9 useful additional &L","0.1.77"],"actix_easy_multipart_@a":["actix-easy-multipart ^O-@c","3.0.0"],"vtkio":["Parser @6 writer @2 @7 legacy VTK $R @G","0.6.3"],"sea_query_driver":["Proc @8 @2 SeaQuery drivers","0.2.2"],"diffs":["A number of diff $h, also called longest $4 subsequence.","0.5.1"],"etcd_rs":["etcd @d @2 @z","1.0.1"],"u2f":["@3 FIDO U2F @q",C[2]],"tower_reconnect":["^t recreate a new `&h` instance when an ^L is encountered.",C[61]],"validify_@a":["^x @8 @2 @7 validify @5","1.4.0"],"idlset":["Fast u64 set $c @1","0.2.4"],"derefable":["^t @a Deref/DerefMut @k",C[5]],"tensorflow_^d":["^e @Y @r @4 to TensorFlow.",C[60]],"containers":["Containers","0.9.13"],"epub_&0":["A @3 @1 @2 $q EPUB @P","0.7.4"],"parquet":["Apache Parquet @0 in @3","51.0.0"],"filetime_creation":["An enhanced $2 of filetime, $z can set $R creation ^0 on $v before @3 1.75.",C[2]],"num_@v_fmt":["Format ^V according to a @G spec determined at @v.","0.1.2"],"sc_$M_sync":["&E sync $M @l (@s @L)","0.37.0"],"git_sec":[C[19],"0.6.3"],"uritemplate":[C[249],"0.1.2"],"$F_gstreamer":["Bridge $8 gstreamer @6 @7 $F ecosystem","0.7.0"],"yy_boss":[C[251],"0.9.1"],"check_latest":["Check if &3 @z executable is @7 latest available $2","1.0.2"],"sqlformat":["Formats whitespace in a SQL $6 to make it easier to read","0.2.3"],"$s_@D":["Include $s @D in &3 ^w: date, &w $2, git commit & branch, etc.","0.2.1"],"rskafka":["A minimal @3 @d @2 Apache Kafka","0.5.0"],"fuel_@O_executor":[C[392],C[91]],"crux_@O":["Cross-@x app ^P in @3","0.7.4"],"@z_embed_impl":[C[105],"8.3.0"],"ggml_^d_bleedingedge":["Bleeding edge low-@W @4 to GGML.","2404270046.0.0+llamacpp-release.b2749"],"interledger_settlement":["Settlement-&H &I @2","0.3.0"],"lazy_bytes_cast":["Lazy casts @E & to byte arrays","7.0.0"],"libzmq_^d":["Raw CFFI @4 @2 libzmq","0.1.8+4.3.2"],"pathfinder_simd":["A @o SIMD @1","0.5.3"],"stedi_sdk_@d_partners":["Stedi &a @2 @3 @u includes Partners @d","0.1.76"],"snarkvm_console":["Console $Z @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"nakadi_@b":["A connector @2 @7 Nakadi Event Broker","0.29.2"],"$l_run":["@q @2 running a $l in a subprocess","1.1.2"],"jrsonnet_interner":["Jrsonnet $6 interning",C[70]],"relative":["A ^j to wrap vtable references such @u they can be safely sent $8 other processes running @7 same ^5.","0.2.2"],"wasmtime_wasi":[C[62],C[63]],"procout":["Output a ^O macro's TokenStream to a $R.","0.1.13"],"iced_winit":["A @v @2 iced on top of winit",C[92]],"nokhwa":["A $p-to-&z, cross-@x @3 Webcam Capture @q","0.10.4"],"marine_@c":["Definition of @7 `#[marine]` @c",C[3]],"jep106":["A pollable @U of all JEP106 manufacturer codes.","0.2.8"],"uabs":["Absolute &v @R @u returns an unsigned integer","3.0.0"],"eth2_ssz":["SimpleSerialize (SSZ) as $9 in Ethereum 2.0",C[7]],"fixed_vec_deque":["A fixed-size, zero-allocation circular buffer @2 @3.","0.1.11"],"rustyrepl":["A @3 read, evaluate, print, loop (REPL) ^q",C[2]],"dbs_interrupt":["Traits @6 ^N to manage interrupts @2 &l devices","0.2.2"],"skrifa":["Metadata reader @6 glyph scaler @2 OpenType fonts.",C[36]],"$g_suity":["Utility to automate &1 runs @6 report results in JUnit @G","0.3.0"],"substrate_$s_script_^r":["Crate @9 ^q @n @2 `` scripts.",C[67]],"secret_toolkit_$Q":["Abstractions over $Q in Secret Contracts",C[11]],"rusty_ci":["A tool to ^o buildbot projects @E a YAML $R","0.9.6"],"holochain_dpki":["holochain dpki",C[84]],"refpool":["Efficient $7 pool @9 reference counting","0.4.3"],"rsocket_@z":["rsocket-@z is an @0 of @7 RSocket @l in @3.","0.7.5"],"mmr_rpc":["Node-&2 RPC methods @2 interaction @9 Merkle Mountain Range ^n. (@s @L)",C[64]],"anchor_^o_cpi_@5":[C[65],"0.3.1"],"observability":["Experimental $F ideas","0.1.3"],"dynasmrt":["A @o @v @2 assembling $d at @v. Combined @9 @7 $W @5 dynasm it can be $9 to write JIT compilers easily.","2.0.0"],"gokz_rs":["CS:GO KZ in @3.","0.24.3"],"triple_accel":["@3 edit distance routines accelerated @A SIMD. Supports &p Hamming, Levenshtein, restricted Damerau-Levenshtein, etc. distance calculations @6 $6 search.",C[7]],"libsql":["libSQL @1: @7 main gateway @2 $T @9 @7 $O","0.3.5"],"redis":["Redis driver @2 @3.",C[91]],"^h_rustls_wasi":[C[669],"0.25.0-alpha"],"^h_socks":["&g SOCKS proxy @f @2 @3.","0.5.1"],"extend":["Create &r @2 @b you don't own @9 ^m $3 but ^U @7 boilerplate.","1.2.0"],"tarantool":["Tarantool @z @4","4.0.1"],"gfx_$n_dx12":["DirectX-12 $U $n @2 gfx-rs","0.9.1"],"splinter":["Splinter is a privacy-focused @x @2 distributed @B @u @r a blockchain-inspired networking $Z @2 &U @6 transactions $8 organizations.","0.6.14"],"prototty_grid":["@i of prototty_render::ViewGrid @2 &z in renderers.","0.27.0"],"git_glob":[C[19],"0.5.4"],"precision":["Low overhead, high precision measurement @5","0.1.17"],"indy_&j":["$P is @7 &B &j @1 @2 Hyperledger Indy &I.","0.5.1-rc-1"],"blas_src":["^e @Y @r a BLAS source of choice.",C[11]],"poseidon_parameters":["A @5 @2 Poseidon parameters",C[9]],"ssi_ucan":["@i of UCANs @2 @7 ssi @1.","0.1.1"],"rocket_http":["Types, $3, @6 parsers @2 HTTP requests, responses, @6 headers.","0.5.0"],"bevy_atmosphere":["A $0 sky $W @2 bevy","0.9.1"],"&k_regex_@c":["Macro @2 @7 &k-regex @Y","0.3.0"],"libcruby_^d":["Ruby @4","0.7.5"],"@o_stopwatch":["Minimal stopwatch @2 @z, returns float ^Q","0.1.4"],"internment":["Easy interning of @D","0.8.3"],"ease":["A @1 @2 ^6 REST clients","0.6.1"],"huniq":["Filter out duplicates on @7 $l line. Replacement @2 `sort | uniq` optimized @2 speed (10x faster).","2.7.0"],"@a_&0_@O":[C[66],C[18]],"lichen":["Scripting DSL (@2 Dialogue Graphs, et al)","0.3.8"],"egui_demo_lib":["Example @1 @2 egui","0.27.2"],"swc_ecma_quote_@8":[C[273],"0.55.0"],"hnsw":["Fast approximate nearest neighbors",C[24]],"csv2svg":["take a csv as input @6 outputs svg","0.2.2"],"anstyle_parse":["Parse ANSI Style Escapes","0.2.3"],"sval_dynamic":["Object-&k versions of sval::Stream @6 sval::Value","2.13.0"],"globmatch":["Cross @x glob matching @9 relative path &I, against list of candidate paths determined by recursive iteration @E a root directory.","0.3.0"],"threefish":["Threefish block cipher","0.5.2"],"rowan":[C[162],"0.15.15"],"egg_mode":["@q to interact @9 @7 Twitter $U","0.16.1"],"wasmer_wasix":["WASI @6 WASIX @0 @1 @2 Wasmer @Z @v","0.18.4"],"unicode_reader":["Adaptors $z wrap byte-oriented readers @6 yield @7 UTF-8 @D as ^I $d points or grapheme clusters.","1.0.2"],"gix_path":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K dealing paths @6 their conversions","0.10.7"],"aws_sdk_applicationautoscaling":["^v &a @2 Application Auto Scaling",C[4]],"bomboni_$4":["^W things @2 Bomboni @1.","0.1.55"],"^n_treasury":["FRAME ^n to manage treasury (@s @L)",C[90]],"stellar_xdr":["Stellar XDR @b, @J, @6 ^2.","21.0.1"],"dasp_peak":["A DSP peak $B @1 &8 over @7 rectifier.",C[24]],"nanorpc_@a":["@8 @2 nanorpc","0.1.5"],"pp_rs":["Shader preprocessor","0.2.1"],"fuel_indexer_lib":["Fuel Indexer @q",C[34]],"^n_^b":["FRAME ^n @2 WASM ^b (@s @L)",C[90]],"prost_wkt_@b":[C[407],"0.5.1"],"^u_exporter_prometheus":["A ^u-$k exporter @2 sending ^u to Prometheus.",C[3]],"aws_sdk_appconfig":["^v &a @2 $V AppConfig",C[4]],"unique_port":["@q @2 getting available ports","0.2.1"],"tectonic_bridge_icu":["Expose a subset of @7 ICU ^I APIs to @3/Cargo.","0.2.1"],"memrange":["A @o @5 @u represents address ranges in $7 images","0.1.3"],"altv_^7_logger":["An ^7 logger @2 alt:V ^y. Not intended @2 direct &z.","16.0.0"],"xkbcommon_^d":["$a to libxkbcommon.","1.4.1"],"is_elevated":["Determine whether &3 $v ^M is running elevated or not.","0.1.2"],"$5_indextree":["Serializing indextree ^p.",C[2]],"nu_cli":["CLI-&H @I @2 Nushell","0.92.2"],"wrangler":["Command-line @g @2 all things Cloudflare Workers",C[17]],"ransid":["@3 ANSI Driver","0.5.0"],"$l_group":["Extension to Command to spawn in a ^M group","5.0.1"],"ofb":["Output Feedback][OFB] (OFB) block cipher mode of operation","0.6.1"],"conduit_git_http_$n":["Conduit handler @2 running `git http-$n` @6 serving up a git &M.",C[11]],"ein_ffi":["FFI @1 @2 Ein ^a @e","0.6.0"],"snarkvm_console_$h":["Console $h @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"teo":["Schema-centered next-$i web @j @2 @3, Node.js @6 Python.","0.2.24"],"rstest_@8":[C[161],C[36]],"$5_diff_@a":["Derives serde_diff::SerdeDiff",C[7]],"tx5_go_pion":["@3 @4 to @7 go pion webrtc @1",C[125]],"bdk_$R_store":["A @o append-only flat $R @0 of Persist @2 Bitcoin Dev Kit.","0.9.0"],"dav1d":["libdav1d @4","0.10.3"],"tink_@O":["Core @5 @2 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1","0.2.5"],"maud_pulldown_cmark":["An adapter $8 maud @6 pulldown-cmark","0.5.0"],"simd":["`simd` offers limited cross-@x ^s to SIMD instructions on CPUs, as well as raw interfaces to @x-&2 instructions. (To be obsoleted by @7 `std::simd` @0 RFC 2366.)","0.2.4"],"simdty":["Definitions of many SIMD @b.","0.0.6"],"wdg_base64":["^e Base64 Data Encoding","0.4.7"],"^h_^r":["Tools @2 $1 ^a in Tokio @B","0.1.2"],"aliasable_deref_^8":["Marker ^8 @2 @b @u deref to an address @u is aliasable when coerced to a raw pointer",C[9]],"mv_read_write_set_@b":["Type definition @2 read/write set inference @2 Move bytecode programs","0.3.2"],"all_asserts":["A @5 @2 multiple @b of asserts @u don't exist in @7 ^l @1","2.3.1"],"@s_node_@O_backing":["^e Candidate Backing Subsystem. Tracks parachain candidates @u can be backed, as well as @7 issuance of statements about candidates. (@s @L)",C[67]],"aws_sdk_apigatewaymanagement":["^v &a @2 AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi",C[17]],"angular_units":["A @1 @2 representing, manipulating @6 converting $8 angular quantities in various units through a ^j-&k interace.","0.2.4"],"muncher":["Easy to &z char muncher @2 $I a lexer.","0.7.0"],"intuicio_@D":["Data ^y @2 Intuicio scripting @x","0.31.6"],"acir_field":["^e field @0 being $9 by ACIR.",C[68]],"graphannis_capi":["$P is @7 C-$U to @7 ANNIS linguistic search @6 visualization @T.","3.2.2"],"sync_@p":["A tool @2 enlisting @7 compiler's help in proving @7 absence of concurrency","1.0.1"],"nrf52840_hal":["HAL @2 nRF52840 $S","0.17.1"],"feedly_api":["@z @0 of @7 feedly REST $U","0.6.0"],"prometheus_&y":["@3 prometheus &y (parse)","0.0.30"],"sc_consensus_beefy_rpc":["RPC @2 @7 BEEFY Client gadget @2 substrate (@s @L)","17.0.0"],"tiny_ecs":["A tiny ECS @u tries to avoid unnecessary copy/clones","0.19.6"],"ff_@a_ce":[C[73],C[54]],"progress_bar":["A @5 @u allows you to display a progress bar (same style than @7 $g progress bar).","1.0.5"],"bitpattern":["bitwise pattern matching @6 extracting",C[5]],"gdb_$l":["Wrapper @2 gdb in batch mode.","0.7.8"],"cddl_cat":["Parse CDDL schemas @6 validate CBOR or &D serialized @D","0.6.2"],"lingua_telugu_@e_^9":["^e Telugu @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"userfaultfd":["@3 @4 @2 @7 Linux userfaultfd @I","0.8.1"],"avm_@D_store":["Definition of @7 AVM DataStore ^8","0.7.9"],"pasta_curves":[C[155],"0.5.1"],"juju":["A @1 to interact @9 @7 Juju @T. For an example charm see: &Q://^J/cholcombe973/gluster-charm",C[9]],"msdos_^0":["Converts an MsDosDateTime (FAT ^0) to a Tm &v","0.1.6"],"libproc":["A @1 to get @Q about running processes - @2 Mac OS X @6 Linux","0.14.8"],"cfb_mode":["Cipher Feedback (CFB) block cipher mode of operation","0.8.2"],"tikv_@d_pd":["Low @W PD &I @2 @7 TiKV @3 @d",C[5]],"devd_rs":["An @g to devd, @7 device hotplug daemon on FreeBSD @6 DragonFlyBSD","0.3.6"],"atomic_take":["Atomically take a &v out of a container once.","1.1.0"],"couchbase_^d":["@3 @4 to @7 libcouchbase C Couchbase &a.",C[535]],"atomic_counter":["Atomic (&F-&k) counters @2 @3","1.0.1"],"bcc_^d":["@3 &G to BPF Compiler &T (BCC)","0.23.0"],"actix_form_@D":["Multipart Form Data @2 Actix Web","0.7.0-beta.7"],"asexp":["Advanced S-expression-&4 @G suitable @2 $G @6 @t","0.3.2"],"pact_consumer":["Pact-@3 ^y @u @r @f @2 $I consumer pact tests","1.2.0"],"ockam_node_^K":["Ockam node ^K proc_macro.","0.27.0"],"$2":["A very @o @1 who's job is to return @7 $2 of &3 @5 if you're ^6 @9 Cargo.","3.0.0"],"term":["A $o formatting @1","0.7.0"],"gst_$W_gif":["GStreamer GIF $W","0.11.4"],"mockall":["A powerful mock object @1 @2 @3.",C[51]],"console_^L_panic_hook":["A panic hook @2 `wasm32-unknown-unknown` @u logs panics to `console.error`","0.1.7"],"madsim_rdkafka":["^e rdkafka simulator on madsim.","0.3.4+0.34.0"],"@O_media_^d":["$a to CoreMedia.framework @2 OS X @6 iOS","0.1.2"],"kd_&5":["k-dimensional &5","0.6.0"],"rlp":[C[69],"0.5.2"],"whisk":["$p @6 &p lockless @C channels",C[0]],"qapi_qmp":["QEMU Machine ^z @b",C[3]],"imxrt_boot_gen":["Generate @D @y @2 booting iMXRT processors.","0.3.2"],"gobuild":["A $s-^0 ^T @2 Cargo $s scripts to invoke @7 go $E to &N go $d &q a static archive/dynamic @1 to be linked &q @3 $d.","0.1.0-alpha.2"],"future_queue":["Adapters to manage a queue of $r, where each future can have a different weight.","0.3.0"],"age":["[BETA] A @o, secure, @6 modern &A @1.",C[11]],"cretonne":["Umbrella @2 commonly-$9 cretonne $y",C[14]],"telegram_@d":["Telegram @d","1.8.1"],"eth_trie":["Ethereum-$k Merkle-Patricia Trie.",C[7]],"markov":["A &8 markov chain @0 in @3.","1.1.0"],"landlock":["Landlock LSM &i","0.3.1"],"blurdroid":["Bluetooth lib @2 @3 @A Android's bluedroid","0.1.6"],"ibc_@a":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, @8 @k of #[@a(ClientState)] @6 #[@a(ConsensusState)]","0.7.0"],"credentials":["Fetch secrets @E either $Z variables or Hashicorp's Vault","1.0.0-beta.1"],"pi_slot_deque":["Two $o queue @w on slotmap","0.2.1"],"google_cloud_artifact_registry":["Google Cloud Platform Artifact Registry @d @1.","0.3.0"],"ra_ap_hir_ty":["TBD",C[25]],"&5_sitter_$J_template":["ERB grammar @2 @7 &5-sitter @K @1",C[18]],"validators_@a":["^e provided @5 offers a $0 @c @2 defining validators, &7 optional parameters.","0.25.2"],"@x_info":["A @o cross-@x @g to get info about a @T","2.0.3"],"@J_index_tradchinese":["Index tables @2 traditional Chinese character encodings",C[116]],"s2n_quic_tls_default":[C[103],"0.37.0"],"jrsonnet_@b":["Jrsonnet ^j @T definition",C[70]],"wiremock":["HTTP mocking to &1 @3 @B.","0.6.0"],"ruma_identifiers_@8":[C[114],"0.22.1"],"mv_^9":["Move ^9","0.3.2"],"orchestra_^O_@c":["Generate @7 actor pattern connectivity graph @E a single annotated &b definition - ^O-@c","0.3.5"],"bevy_text":["@M text @I @2 Bevy Engine",C[14]],"gstreamer_webrtc_^d":["FFI @4 to libgstwebrtc-1.0","0.22.0"],"treeflection_@a":["#[@a(Node)] @c @2 @7 Treeflection @1",C[7]],"lsio":["lsio is @7 @1 @2 lsio $l line ^q @6 s3lsio. ^e @1 applies a @o $x on a number of good $A plus adds a number of it's own. Heavy dev beware!","0.1.18"],"ndshape":["$p, &p linearization of N-dimensional array indices","0.3.0"],"sic":["Accessible image processing @6 &V @E @7 $o (@6 a front-end @2 @7 'image' @5).","0.22.4"],"vm_fdt":["Crate @2 $I Flattened Devicetree blobs","0.3.0"],"nostr_sdk_net":["Nostr &a Network @1.",C[86]],"nice":["$a @2 libnice >= v0.1.4","0.1.9"],"cw_dex":["Helper @1 @2 $T @9 Cosmos dexes","0.5.3"],"datafusion_cli":["Command Line Client @2 DataFusion query $m.","37.0.0"],"envoy":["Conveniences @2 manipulating $Z variables.","0.1.3"],"mysten_$M":["Mysten's $M tooling",C[2]],"aws_sdk_chimesdkmessaging":["^v &a @2 $V Chime &a Messaging",C[17]],"riker":["Easily $s &p, highly &Y @6 resilient @B. An Actor Framework @2 @3.","0.4.2"],"copypasta":["copypasta is a cross-@x @1 @2 getting @6 setting @7 contents of @7 OS-@W clipboard.",C[41]],"surrealdb_tikv_@d":[C[766],"0.2.0-surreal.2"],"$r_@C_@v":[C[901],"0.2.1"],"strip_bom":["Add a @o BOM striping feature @2 `str` @6 `String`.",C[9]],"bevy_render_@8":["^x @k @2 bevy_render",C[14]],"json":["&D @0 in @3","0.12.4"],"unwrap_to":["A ^q @c to unwrap enums.",C[5]],"redis_@a":["$P @5 implements @7 redis::FromRedisValue @6 redis::ToRedisArgs $3 @E mitsuhiko / redis-rs @2 any &b","0.1.7"],"&O_gen":[C[71],"0.31.0"],"web_audio_api":["A pure @3 @0 of @7 Web Audio $U, @2 &z in non-browser contexts",C[68]],"stellar_strkey":["Encode @6 decode strkeys @2 Stellar.","0.0.8"],"aws_sdk_lambda":["^v &a @2 ^v Lambda",C[4]],"^h_retry":["Extensible, $1 retry behaviours @2 $r/^h","0.3.0"],"ckb_reward_calculator":[C[184],C[10]],"^R_watchtower":[C[50],C[12]],"mit_hook_&1_&x":["Testing help ^H @2 git-mit",C[158]],"riff":["$P @5 @r @m @2 reading @6 $I RIFF formatted @P","2.0.0"],"k8_obj_^G":[C[1021],"2.0.2"],"tcp_typed":["A @p ^i @x TCP socket APIs @u leverages @7 ^j @T to ensure correct usage. It's quite easy to accidentally misuse @7 Berkeley sockets or similar APIs, resulting in ECONNRESET/EPIPE/etc, @D being lost on close, @6 potential hangs @E non-exhaustive @U of edge-triggered events. $P @1 aims to make it impossible to misuse in non-unsafe $d.","0.1.4"],"metacrate":["Metadata @2 $y","0.1.2"],"abstract_^y_factory":["Abstract Module Factory Contract",C[37]],"new_debug_unreachable":["panic in debug, intrinsics::unreachable() in release (fork of debug_unreachable)","1.0.6"],"aws_sdk_chime":["^v &a @2 $V Chime",C[17]],"^O_macro2_&x":["Various ^q $d to extract @D @u can be $9 @9 ^O macro2",C[97]],"zune_inflate":["A heavily optimized deflate decompressor in Pure @3","0.2.54"],"portaudio":["PortAudio @4 @2 @3.","0.7.0"],"$s_info_$s":["@M @7 @D consumed by @7 $s-info @5. Use as a $s-^T.","0.0.36"],"amethyst_&1":["Amethyst &1 @m @5","0.15.3"],"aws_sdk_xray":["^v &a @2 ^v X-Ray",C[17]],"td_rlua":["Zero-cost high-@W lua 5.3 @p @2 @3","0.3.4"],"elbus":["Local @6 $M IPC bus","0.2.21"],"png":["PNG ^2 @6 @J @1 in pure @3","0.17.13"],"init_$F_opentelemetry":["A set of &i to initialize (@6 more) $F + opentelemetry (compose &3 own or &z opinionated preset)","0.18.1"],"assert_unchecked":["Unsafe assertions @u allow @2 optimizations in release mode.","0.1.2"],"binstring":["Binary $e","0.1.1"],"mc_sgx_dcap_ql":["@3 &K @2 @7 `sgx_dcap_ql` @1.",C[24]],"fil_actor_bundler":["An IPLD CAR bundling tool @2 Wasm bytecode","6.1.0"],"tinyjson":["Tiny @o &D @h/@H","2.5.1"],"graphannis_cli":["$P is a $l-line @g to @7 new $n @0 of @7 ANNIS linguistic search @6 visualization @T.","3.2.2"],"palette_@a":["^t &c $3 @E @7 palette @5.","0.7.5"],"execute":["A @1 @2 extending `Command` in order to execute programs more easily.","0.2.13"],"mailchimp_api":["A fully $X & opinionated $U @d @2 @7 MailChimp $U.","0.3.1"],"tryhard":["Easily retry $r","0.5.1"],"once_cell_regex":["$P @5 just gives you @7 `regex` @c @E @7 `once_cell` docs!","0.2.1"],"csml_interpreter":["^e CSML Interpreter is @7 official interpreter @2 @7 CSML ^a @e, a DSL designed to make it extremely easy to create rich @6 powerful chatbots.","1.11.2"],"firestorm":["A low overhead intrusive flamegraph profiler.","0.5.1"],"solarti_associated_token_account":["Solarti Program @q Associated Token Account","2.1.1"],"onnxruntime_^d":["Unsafe @p ^i Microsoft's ONNX &R","0.0.14"],"nu_errors":["Core ^L subsystem @2 Nushell",C[68]],"redisearch_api":["@3 RediSearch $U &G","0.5.0"],"efivar":["@3 @5 @2 manipulating EFI variables @A @7 OS @g.","2.0.0"],"human_name":["A @1 @2 @K @6 comparing human names","2.0.3"],"range_map_vec":["range_map_vec is an @0 of a range map @D ^p backed by a Vec.",C[5]],"deno_io":["IO @F @2 Deno &r",C[72]],"&5_sitter_json":["&D grammar @2 &5-sitter",C[37]],"ff_@a_zeroize":[C[73],"0.6.2"],"risc0_r0vm":["RISC Zero zero-knowledge VM executable",C[37]],"libsw":["Comprehensive stopwatch @1","3.3.1"],"two_timer":["@h @2 English ^0 expressions","2.2.5"],"shadowcast":["@i of @7 recursive shadowcast visible-area $B $b","0.8.1"],"subplot_$s":["A @1 @2 @A Subplot $d $i @E another project's `` ^y.","0.9.0"],"h2_wasi":[C[78],"0.3.15"],"itsdangerous":["@3 port of @7 popular itsdangerous python @1 @2 signing $e @6 sending them over untrusted channels.","0.4.1"],"lalrpop":[C[999],"0.20.2"],"simd_json":["High @X &D @h @w on a port of simdjson","0.13.10"],"thrift_codec":["A @1 @2 @J/^2 binaries specified by @7 thrift @l","0.3.1"],"zenoh_@l":[C[74],C[76]],"noise":["@V noise $i @1.","0.9.0"],"$5_lite_@a":["@i of #[@a(Deserialize, Serialize, Update)] @2 $5-lite","0.5.0"],"mini_^7":["^x @8 @2 miniserde. Use @7 re-exports @E @7 miniserde @5 ^Y.","0.1.39"],"zoneinfo_compiled":["@q @2 @K compiled zoneinfo @P","0.5.1"],"acme2":["A Tokio @6 OpenSSL @w ACMEv2 @d.","0.5.1"],"rosrust_msg":["Generates @3 @k @2 all ^X available on @7 @T","0.1.7"],"extendr_api":[C[1041],"0.6.0"],"unix_str":["Unix-$k $e regardless of @x.",C[9]],"$r_&1":[C[928],"0.3.30"],"sozu_lib":["sozu @1 to $s hot reconfigurable HTTP reverse proxies",C[9]],"proguard":["Basic proguard mapping $R $H @2 @3","5.4.1"],"$g_info":["Extends $g to query registry @2 $y details","0.7.6"],"bevy_rapier2d":["2-dimensional physics $m in @3, official Bevy $W.",C[34]],"ecs_logger":["A logger $k @9 Elastic ^W Schema (ECS) Logging","1.1.0"],"yansi_term":[C[539],"0.1.2"],"@z_embed_@2_web":["@3 Macro $z embeds @P &q &3 executable. A fork of `@z-embed` @9 a focus on usage on web servers.","11.2.0"],"$W":["Lazily evaluated, order-independent plugins @2 extensible @b.","0.2.6"],"leafwing_input_&y_@8":["$L @2 @7 `leafwing-input-&y` @5",C[8]],"whiteread":["Crate @2 easily reading whitespace-separated ^Q @E $e or input.","0.5.0"],"dnssector":["A very &p @1 to parse, validate, create @6 mangle DNS packets","0.2.13"],"heim_cpu":["Cross-@x CPU @Q",C[58]],"sea_orm_^B":["Code Generator @2 SeaORM",C[75]],"rsmq_@C":["Async RSMQ port to @z. RSMQ is a @o redis queue @T @u works in any redis v2.4+. It contains @7 same methods as @7 original one in &Q://^J/smrchy/rsmq","8.0.2"],"sapp_dummy":["Part of miniquad rendering @1. Stub sapp @S.","0.1.5"],"cql3_@h":["A @3 @0 of a CQL3 Parser",C[7]],"@J_c_mem":["C $U @2 encoding_rs::mem","0.2.6"],"ocl":[C[870],"0.19.7"],"piston_timer_controller":["A timer controller",C[37]],"zenoh_link_quic":[C[74],C[76]],"openssl_kdf":["OpenSSL KDF @R $x","0.4.2"],"tor_socksproto":["Encode @6 decode @7 SOCKS @l, as extended in Tor",C[28]],"cloudproof_aesgcm":["Cosmian AES256GCM @1","0.1.5"],"substreams_ethereum":[C[130],"0.9.11"],"cairo_lang_&1_runner":["Cairo tests runner. Used to run tests $Y in Cairo.","2.6.3"],"cld":["...","0.5.1"],"aws_&y":["^v &a &y","0.30.4"],"kmer_lookup":[C[77],"0.1.5"],"h2":[C[78],"0.4.4"],"shuttle_&B_db":["Plugin @2 managing &B databases on shuttle",C[68]],"hpke_rs":["HPKE @i",C[2]],"redox_users":["A @3 @1 to ^s Redox users @6 groups @I","0.4.5"],"iron_login":["Basic session ^c in Iron.","0.5.1"],"lingua_ukrainian_@e_^9":["^e Ukrainian @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"tss_esapi_^d":["FFI @p ^i TSS 2.0 Enhanced System $U","0.5.0"],"sonic_@N":["Fast, &e @6 schema-less search $n.","1.4.8"],"watchman_@d":["a @d @2 @7 Watchman $R watching service","0.8.0"],"$g_casper":["A $l line tool @2 ^E a Wasm smart ^S @6 tests @2 &z on @7 Casper $M.","2.2.0"],"miraland_^w_@v":["Miraland ^w @v","1.18.3"],"ckb_merkle_mountain_range":["A generalized merkle mountain range @0","0.6.0"],"dharitri_wasm_^y_dns":["Dharitri @Z smart ^S ^y @u allows a ^S to register its own name","0.9.2"],"libc_alloc":["A @o global ^D $z hooks &q libc's malloc/free","1.0.7"],"libsqlcipher_^d":["Native @4 to @7 libsqlcipher @1","0.9.0"],"cc_$3":["^W @U $3","2.0.0"],"cd":["$U interaction @2","0.2.1"],"$g_xcodebuild":["Helps $g $s @6 run apps @2 iOS",C[5]],"motore_@8":["Motore's ^O @8.","0.4.1"],"rb_^d_env":["Integrates rb-^d &q high @W frameworks","0.1.2"],"cardinal_payment_&y":["Cardinal payment &y","4.0.0"],"rquickjs_@c":["@V @8 @2 rquickjs","0.6.0"],"reasonable":["An OWL 2 RL reasoner @9 reasonable @X","0.2.1-alpha19"],"blockchain":["Unopinioned blockchain @j","0.9.2"],"$g_edit_9":["$P extends Cargo to allow you to add @6 remove ^4 by modifying &3 `Cargo.toml` $R @E @7 $l line. It contains `$g add`, `$g rm`, @6 `$g upgrade`.","0.9.3"],"tiny_cid":[C[174],"0.3.0"],"local_ip_address":["Retrieve system's local IP address @6 Network Interfaces/Adapters on Linux, macOS @6 $v.","0.6.1"],"multilayer":[C[476],"0.1.3"],"oath":["An @0 of OATH $h in @3. Includes TOTP, HOTP, @6 OCRA.",C[48]],"stdext":["Extensions @2 @7 @3 ^l @1 @y.","0.3.3"],"directwrite":["A &k $x @2 $T @9 DirectWrite, intended initially to be $9 @9 direct2d @2 easy text rendering.",C[962]],"wit_^k_@z_lib":["Shared @f @2 $q @3 $d @9 wit-^k-style $d generators.",C[0]],"devise_@O":[C[182],"0.4.1"],"p9":["Server @0 of @7 9p $R @T @l","0.2.3"],"fuser":["Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) @2 @3",C[3]],"postgres_array":["Array @f @2 @z-postgres",C[56]],"atuin_@N_$O":["@N $O @1 @2 atuin","18.2.0"],"ic_agent":["Agent @1 to communicate @9 @7 Internet Computer, following @7 Public Specification.","0.34.0"],"rumqttc":["An &6 @6 robust mqtt @d @2 &3 connected devices",C[60]],"whichlang":["A blazingly &p @6 &e @e $B @1 @2 @3.",C[5]],"thin_dst":["Thin pointers to inline-slice dynamically sized @b","1.1.0"],"quickercheck":["Automatic property-@w $u.",C[2]],"wasm_^k_downcast":["Downcast a &W @p $X by `wasm-^k` back to its original &b.","0.1.1"],"stm32f0":["Device @f $y @2 STM32F0 devices",C[35]],"aws_sdk_mq":["^v &a @2 AmazonMQ",C[17]],"gltf_@a":["^1 @8 @2 @7 gltf @5","1.4.0"],"^f":["Compression $A &s by pure @3.","0.1.5"],"aws_sdk_codedeploy":["^v &a @2 ^v CodeDeploy",C[4]],"warp_prometheus":["An afterthought of prometheus ^u @2 Warp","0.5.0"],"soloud":[C[575],"1.0.5"],"loco_rs":["^e one-person @j @2 @3",C[7]],"ddc":["DDC/CI monitor control","0.2.2"],"circular_queue":["A circular buffer-&4 queue.","0.2.6"],"nu_$W_fetch":["A URL fetch $W @2 Nushell",C[79]],"tremor_$4":["Tremor $4 @n",C[192]],"trust_dns":[C[80],"0.23.2"],"anchor_syn":["Anchor syntax @K @6 $d $i ^H",C[1]],"libipld_cbor":["ipld cbor codec",C[33]],"sn_routing":[C[849],"0.77.10"],"open_creator_@l":["Open Creator ^z is an open @l @2 creators to $s @m @6 policy $m @2 their tokens","0.4.2"],"page_table":["Encapsulation of @7 page table @2 $4 architectures.","0.0.6"],"git_rev":["@V @8 @2 &7 git revision hashes in $d",C[5]],"relm4_@8":[C[305],"0.7.1"],"utoipa_gen":["Code $i @0 @2 utoipa","4.2.0"],"neon_serde3":[C[350],C[11]],"wtf8":["@i of @7 WTF-8 @J. &Q://",C[5]],"$5_path_to_^L":["Path to @7 element @u failed to deserialize","0.1.16"],"grin_pool":[C[170],"5.3.0"],"elrond_wasm_^y_&L":["Elrond @Z smart ^S ^y @2 adding feature flags",C[34]],"aws_sdk_redshift":["^v &a @2 $V Redshift",C[4]],"ctest":[C[224],"0.2.22"],"libavif":["High-@W $U @2 AVIF image @P",C[8]],"vobsub":["Decode DVD VobSub-@G subtitles (*.sub/*.idx @P)","0.2.3"],"quick_^L":["A @c $z makes ^L @b pleasant to write.","2.0.1"],"substrate_wasmtime_jit":[C[915],C[81]],"lemmy_db_schema":[C[95],C[96]],"hmac_sha512":["A small, self-contained SHA512, HMAC-SHA512, SHA384 @6 HMAC-SHA384 @0","1.1.5"],"@v_^h":["A Tokio-@w $1 @v",C[82]],"swift_bridge":["Generate FFI @4 @2 &k interop $8 @3 @6 Swift.","0.1.53"],"$5_syn":["Use $5 to parse @3 source $d.",C[5]],"galvanic_assert":["A comprehensive set of matcher-@w assertions @6 expectations @2 easier $u. Supports checking properties of ^V, objects, enum variants, &u, panics, @6 more. Stuctural matching enables you to integrate matchers &q &b decompositions @2 less $d repetition. It's easy to write &3 own matchers @2 assertions too. $P @5 will be part of @7 galvanic &1 @j (in ^P). You can also &z @7 assertions in another &1 @j of &3 choice. Works on: stable, beta, @6 nightly","0.8.7"],"rustube":["A YouTube video downloader, originally inspired by pytube, $Y in @3.","0.6.0"],"macho_unwind_info":["A @h @2 Apple's Compact Unwinding Format, $z is $9 in @7 __unwind_info section of mach-O binaries.",C[7]],"phper_@8":["^e ^O-@8 @2 phper @5.",C[45]],"env_libvpx_^d":[C[997],"5.1.3"],"cust_raw":["Low @W @4 to @7 CUDA Driver $U","0.11.3"],"safecoin_sdk_@c":["Safecoin &a Macro",C[83]],"ron":["Rusty Object Notation","0.9.0-alpha.0"],"my_iot":["Yet another home automation","0.97.0"],"tauri_$W_os":["Read @Q about @7 operating @T.",C[292]],"trillium_router":["router @2","0.4.1"],"fs_util":["A @Y &9 a few useful @n @u std::fs does not","0.1.1"],"$g_lambda_invoke":[C[43],"1.2.1"],"amethyst_window":["Windowing @f @2 Amethyst $m.","0.15.3"],"gfx_@8":["Custom @a @8 @2 gfx-rs","0.2.1"],"rutie":["^e tie $8 Ruby @6 @3.","0.9.0"],"tower_load_shed":["Immediately reject requests if @7 inner service is not ready. $P is also known as load-shedding.","0.3.0"],"aws_sdk_appflow":["^v &a @2 $V Appflow",C[17]],"blingfire_^d":["$a to @7 BlingFire C++ @1","1.0.1"],"delegate_display":["@a(Display, Debug) @2 ^N/enums @9 one member","2.1.1"],"widestring":["A wide $6 @3 @1 @2 converting to @6 @E wide $e, such as those often $9 in $v $U or other FFI libaries. Both `u16` @6 `u32` $6 @b are provided, &7 @f @2 UTF-16 @6 UTF-32, malformed @J, C-style $e, etc.","1.1.0"],"fvm_ipld_blockstore":["Sharded IPLD Blockstore.",C[2]],"cxx":["Safe interop $8 @3 @6 C++","1.0.121"],"random_name_@H":["Random Name Generator","0.3.6"],"nom_rule":["A $0 @c @2 defining nom combinators in @o DSL","0.3.0"],"cmdline_words_@h":["@M iterators over 'words' in a $6, @A $l-line escaping rules. Intended @2 &z where extra heap allocations are undesirable","0.2.1"],"svlint":["SystemVerilog linter","0.9.2"],"metaboss":["^e Metaplex NFT-^l Swiss Army Knife tool.","0.41.2"],"spirv_headers":[C[140],"1.5.1"],"executable_path":["Get @7 path of a ^5 target's executable",C[9]],"bounded_spsc_queue":["A bounded SPSC queue",C[7]],"piston3d_gfx_voxel":["A voxel rendering @1 on top of Gfx","0.27.0"],"ndrustfft":["N-dimensional FFT, real-to-complex FFT @6 real-to-real DCT","0.4.4"],"holochain_wasm_^r":["holochain wasm ^r",C[84]],"c_vec":["Structures to wrap C arrays","2.0.0"],"pg_embed":["Run a Postgresql $O locally on Linux, MacOS or $v as part of another @3 $w or &1.","0.7.1"],"kvdb_&B_tests":["Shared tests @2 kvdb @I, to be executed against actual @k",C[24]],"sp_@v_@g":["&E @v @g (@s @L)","27.0.0"],"smaz":["Smaz is a @o ^f @1 suitable @2 compressing very short $e.",C[5]],"ripgrep":["ripgrep is a line-oriented search tool @u recursively searches @7 current directory @2 a regex pattern while respecting gitignore rules. ripgrep has first class @f on $v, macOS @6 Linux.","14.1.0"],"kmip_@l":["KMIP @l object (de)@t","0.4.3"],"iref":["Uniform & Internationalized Resource Identifiers (URIs/IRIs), borrowed @6 owned.","3.1.4"],"base64_^Z":["To encode/decode large @D @9 @7 ^l Base64 @J.","3.0.1"],"storyteller":["@q focused on supporting user oriented output while supporting multiple output @b (e.g. json, a progressbar, etc.)","0.8.1"],"tract_nnef":[C[85],"0.21.4"],"auth_&x":["Authorization ^H","0.3.0"],"spdlog_@8":["$L @0 of @5 \"spdlog-rs\"",C[5]],"rsc_osrm":["@z @p @2 osrm, folk @E TehGoat/rs_osrm","0.1.50"],"anchor_^K_@g":["Attribute @2 defining a ^w @g ^8",C[86]],"$5_big_array":["Big array &x @2 $5.","0.5.1"],"woptions_meta":["Mechanism to define map of options @2 a fuction @6 its defaults laconically. Its meta.","0.1.3"],"clickhouse_@a":["A @c @2 deriving clickhouse::Row","0.1.1"],"irc_proto":["^e IRC @l distilled.",C[9]],"tantivy_bitpacker":["Tantivy-sub @5: bitpacking","0.6.0"],"text_unit":[C[341],"0.1.10"],"socketcan":["Linux SocketCAN @1. Send @6 receive CAN frames via CANbus on Linux.","3.3.0"],"varinteger":["@3 ^y @2 @J/^2 varints @u doesn't do any IO. Inspired by @7 Node.js varint ^y","1.0.6"],"aliri_axum":["Axum @2 $T @9 `aliri` authorities",C[7]],"jobsteal":["A work-stealing fork-join threadpool $Y in @3.","0.5.1"],"git_lab_cli":["A custom git $l @2 $T @9 a GitLab @N",C[28]],"gluesql_$7_$Q":[C[87],C[32]],"libcnb":["A @j @2 $I Cloud Native Buildpacks in @3",C[18]],"^h_^F_tls":["An @0 of TLS/SSL streams @2 Tokio @A ^F-tls giving an @0 of TLS @2 nonblocking I/O streams.","0.3.1"],"rctree":["A 'DOM-&4' &5 &s @A reference counting","0.6.0"],"multi_log":["Logger $z passes ^X on to any number of other loggers.","0.1.2"],"rustdoc_stripper":["A tool to manipulate rustdoc comments","0.1.19"],"locale_&m":["Maintains locale preferences @2 ^M @6 &F @6 initialises them by inspecting @7 @T @2 user preference.","0.3.0"],"lol_html":["Streaming HTML rewriter/@h @9 CSS selector-@w $U","1.2.1"],"base_x":["Encode/decode any base","0.2.11"],"aws_lc_^d":["^v-LC is a general-purpose $t @1 maintained by @7 ^v Cryptography team @2 ^v @6 their customers. It іs @w on $d @E @7 Google BoringSSL $K @6 @7 OpenSSL $K.",C[32]],"getrandom":["A small cross-@x @1 @2 retrieving random @D @E @T source","0.2.14"],"macrotest":["Test harness @2 @c expansion","1.0.12"],"rvk":["$p @5 @2 accessing VK (VKontakte) $U (@A `@C`/`await`)","0.23.0"],"unescaper":["Unescape $e @9 escape sequences $Y out as literal characters.","0.1.4"],"serdebug":["$5-@w replacement @2 #[@a(Debug)]","1.0.5"],"nextcloud_appinfo":["@q to read app info of an Nextcloud app","0.6.0"],"wezterm_dynamic_@a":[C[582],C[5]],"ratpack":["ratpack is a HTTP @j designed ^i simplicity @6 ease-of-&z","0.1.4"],"twilight_validate":["Functions @6 &J @2 validating request parameters",C[142]],"winfolder":["@M locations of ^l $v folders on @7 current @T.","0.1.1"],"activitystreams_$3":["Traits @2 ActivityStreams 2.0 objects",C[88]],"ibc_@O_host":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, contains essential top-@W $3 designed @2 @7 seamless $C of host chains, facilitating ^s to @7 host's $Q, @7 &6 retrieval of states @6 ^G crucial @2 @7 execution of any IBC datagrams.","0.52.0"],"near_gas":["a small @5 to work @9 NEAR Gas unit ^Q ergonomically @6 efficiently (NEAR ^z)","0.2.5"],"passkey_@b":["@3 ^j @S @2 @7 webauthn @6 CTAP specifications",C[2]],"fil_actor_init_state":[C[147],"11.1.0"],"parking":["Thread parking @6 unparking","2.2.0"],"authenticator":[C[89],"0.4.0-alpha.24"],"termbg":["Terminal background color $B","0.5.0"],"sawp_flags_@a":["SAWP BitFlags Handling @6 Storage ^x Macro",C[51]],"^K_@a_@c":["Clap @2 ^O @c attributes","0.9.1"],"solders_@8":["A @U of ^K @8 to reduce boilerplate in @7 [solders](&Q://^J/kevinheavey/solders) $K.",C[37]],"chia_$3":["Chia $3 @2 Streamable @b (chia's @t @G)","0.7.0"],"papyrus_&m":["A @1 @2 $H node $G.",C[131]],"ntest_^O_@c_&x":["Provide &x @n @2 @7 $0 @8 $9 in ntest.","0.8.0"],"amqprs":["AMQP 0-9-1 @d @0 @2 RabbitMQ","1.6.0"],"matrix_sdk_&j":["Matrix &A @1","0.7.0"],"fn_block":["Crate defining @8 @2 calling blocks or expressions in a closure.","0.2.1"],"push_^8":["Push ^8 @2 collectons.","0.6.0"],"gzip_header":["A @5 @2 ^2 @6 @J @7 header part of gzip @P @w on @7 gzip header @0 in @7 flate2 @5.",C[9]],"icu_normalizer_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_normalizer @5","1.4.0"],"subxt":["Submit extrinsics (transactions) to a substrate node via RPC","0.35.3"],"float_next_after":["A ^8 @2 ^F @z f64/f32 nextafter",C[9]],"sp_weights":[C[343],C[90]],"spitfire_@O":["Core ^y @2 Spitfire toolset","0.28.4"],"^h_threadpool":["A task scheduler backed by a work-stealing &F pool.","0.1.18"],"bip0039":["Another @3 @0 of BIP-0039 ^l",C[0]],"blake2_rfc_bellman_edition":["A pure @3 @0 of BLAKE2 @w on RFC 7693. Forked @2 publishing purposes.","0.0.1"],"sawp_modbus":["SAWP ^z Parser @2 Modbus",C[51]],"medians":["Median, Statistical Measures, Mathematics, Statistics","3.0.11"],"mc_sgx_dcap_quoteverify_^d":["FFI linkage @2 @7 `sgx_dcap_quoteverify` @1.",C[24]],"autd3":["AUTD3 @1","22.1.0"],"bolt_@d_@8":["@V @8 @2 bolt-@d.","0.3.0"],"intuicio_frontend_vault":["Vault frontend ^y @2 Intuicio scripting @x","0.31.6"],"woke":["A minimalistic waker @0 @2 executors","0.0.4"],"ark_snark":["A @1 @2 SNARK $3",C[7]],"$5_fmt":["Write any $5::Serialize @A @7 ^l formatting APIs","1.0.3"],"schnorrkel":["Schnorr VRF, signatures, etc. @A @7 Ristretto group","0.11.4"],"ckb_gen_@b":["@M @7 $X @b @2 CKB.",C[10]],"try_block":["@c @u makes &3 ^L-catching blocks (appear) labmdaless",C[5]],"z_base_32":["z-base-32: human-oriented base-32 @J","0.1.4"],"png_pong":["A pure @3 PNG/APNG encoder & decoder","0.9.1"],"sample_arrow2":["Samplers @2 arrow2 @2 &z @9 sample-&1","0.17.2"],"@E_pest":["Convert @E a pest grammar to a typed AST","0.3.2"],"frc46_token":["Filecoin FRC-0046 fungible token reference @0","10.0.0"],"fuel_@O_@b":["^e @F @6 @b &z by Fuel @O @l.",C[91]],"memsec":["@3 @0 `libsodium/^r`.","0.6.3"],"petgraph":["Graph @D ^p @1. @M graph @b @6 graph $h.","0.6.4"],"nalgebra":["General-purpose linear algebra @1 @9 transformations @6 statically-sized or dynamically-sized matrices.","0.32.5"],"qcs_api_@d_openapi":[C[337],"0.8.13"],"lingua_arabic_@e_^9":["^e Arabic @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"chksum_sha2":["An @0 of SHA-2 hash @n @9 a straightforward @g @2 computing digests of bytes, @P, &Z, @6 more.","0.0.0"],"googletest":["A rich assertion @6 matcher @1 inspired by GoogleTest @2 C++",C[24]],"ark_api_ffi":["Ark low-@W Wasm FFI $U",C[414]],"tic":["a high-@X stats @1 focused on rates @6 latencies @E timestamped events","0.6.0"],"asn1rs_@8":["$L @2 asn1rs","0.3.1"],"tr":["tr! @c @2 localisation","0.1.7"],"kitsune_p2p_transport_quic":["QUIC transport ^y @2 kitsune-p2p",C[138]],"scheduled_&F_pool":["A scheduled &F pool","0.2.7"],"miden_&j":["Miden Cryptographic @F","0.9.3"],"tetsy_fixed_hash":["$L to define custom tetsy-fixed-size hash @b","0.7.1"],"v_hist":["A really quick way to make histograms @u fix @7 $o","0.1.3"],"c_gull":["A libc @0 in @3","0.15.44"],"perseus":["A lightning-&p frontend web dev @x @9 full @f @2 SSR @6 SSG.","0.4.2"],"cxxbridge_@c":["@i detail of @7 `cxx` @5.","1.0.121"],"claims":[C[102],"0.7.1"],"rcut":["rcut is a @3 replacement @2 GNU cut @u supports UTF-8.","0.0.52"],"doccy":["Doccy is a @o brace @w markup @e.","0.3.2"],"spade":["Delaunay triangulations @2 @7 @z ecosystem","2.6.0"],"@C_cell":["A Cell> @u you can await on.","0.2.2"],"xsalsa20poly1305":["DEPRECATED: please &z @7 `crypto_secretbox` @5","0.9.1"],"rustygit":["A @o @g @2 runnig Git commands","0.5.0"],"bayespam":["A @o bayesian spam classifier.","1.1.0"],"locspan_@a":["^x @8 @2 @7 `locspan` $d mapping @1","0.6.0"],"zenoh_&u":[C[74],C[76]],"rpmalloc_^d":["Unsafe FFI @4 to rpmalloc C @1","0.2.3+b097fd0"],"$F_gum_^O_@c":["Generate an overseer &7 &0 pattern @6 message @p @E a single annotated &b definition.","5.0.0"],"gd32vf103xx_hal":["HAL @2 GD32VF103 $S","0.5.0"],"collada":["A @1 @2 @K COLLADA documents @2 mesh, skeletal @6 animation @D",C[32]],"carrier":["carrier is a &8 secure message @T @2 IoT",C[92]],"aptos_&j_@a":["Custom derives @2 `aptos-&j`","0.2.7"],"spez":["Macro to specialize on @7 ^j of an expression","0.1.2"],"qmc":["Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in @3","2.20.0"],"foundationdb":["High @W @d @4 @2 FoundationDB.","0.9.0"],"gix_$l":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K $H ^7 git $l execution","0.3.6"],"polkavm":["A &p @6 secure RISC-V @w &l ^C","0.9.3"],"trapmail":["A $l-line replacement @2 sendmail @u stores mail. Useful @2 $C tests.",C[7]],"aws_@b":["Cross-service @b @2 @7 ^v &a.","1.2.0"],"rill_$m":["^e RillRate ^z @C $m.","0.41.0"],"aws_sdk_connectcontactlens":["^v &a @2 $V Connect Contact Lens",C[17]],"bitfields":["Helpers @2 storing sub-byte enums in primitive @b.",C[2]],"$g_hakari":["Manage workspace-hack packages to speed up builds in large workspaces.","0.9.29"],"zerofrom":["ZeroFrom ^8 @2 constructing","0.1.3"],"psl_^B":["Generate ^F @3 $d @E Mozilla's Public Suffix List","0.9.4"],"try_lazy_init":["Fallible lazy initialization.","0.0.2"],"kalk":["A math evaluator @1 @u supports user-defined @n, variables @6 units, @6 can handle fairly ambiguous syntax.","3.2.0"],"backblaze_b2":["Can send api requests to @7 backblaze b2 api.","0.1.9-2"],"lapacke":["^e @Y @r &K @2 LAPACKE (C).","0.5.0"],"unicode_segmentation":["$P @5 @r Grapheme Cluster, Word @6 Sentence boundaries according to ^I Standard Annex #29 rules.","1.11.0"],"kademlia_routing_table":["Kademlia Routing Table @0","0.6.0"],"mice":["messing @9 dice",C[56]],"^h_zmq":["@M Futures abstractions @2 ZeroMQ on @7 Tokio event-loop",C[41]],"cloud_$Q":["A @5 @2 uploading @P to Google cloud $Q, @6 @2 $q download urls.",C[56]],"bevy_@O_pipeline":["@M a @O render pipeline @2 Bevy Engine.",C[14]],"kanal":["^e &p sync @6 @C channel @u @3 deserves","0.1.0-pre8"],"hetseq":["Defines $3 @6 @b to work @9 heterogenous sequences",C[2]],"marker_^r":["Marker's ^l @1 @2 ^E lints","0.5.0"],"wasmrs":[C[203],C[28]],"spirv_&0":["Helper @2 ^6 shaders @9 @z-gpu","0.9.0"],"dasp_ring_buffer":["$p fixed @6 bounded ring buffers @2 audio PCM DSP.",C[24]],"mpr_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 mpr. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.","0.1.1"],"sc_^D":["&T of ^D @k. (@s @L)","27.0.0"],"conduit_mime_@b":["MIME ^j @S @2 conduit","0.8.0"],"spl_token_^G":[C[190],"0.0.1"],"symphonia_codec_adpcm":["Pure @3 ADPCM audio decoder (a part of $K Symphonia).","0.5.4"],"revm_precompile":["revm Precompiles - Ethereum $k precompiled ^b","6.0.0"],"tikv_@d_proto":["Protobuf specs @2 @7 TiKV @3 @d",C[5]],"foyer":["Hybrid cache @2 @3","0.8.8"],"parry3d_f64":["3 dimensional collision $B @1 in @3. 64-bits precision $2.","0.13.8"],"aws_sdk_codestarconnections":["^v &a @2 ^v CodeStar connections","1.23.0"],"surfman_chains":["An @0 of double-buffered swap chains @2 surfman.","0.8.0"],"sacabase":["Base @b @6 @n @2 suffix arrays @6 longest substring search","2.0.0"],"gfx_app":["GFX example $w @j","0.9.0"],"bee_&j":["Cryptographic @F of @7 IOTA @l","0.3.0"],"^5_heap_plus":["Enhanced $2 of std::&u::BinaryHeap @u supports max, min, @6 custom-order heaps.","0.5.0"],"swc_ecmascript":["Ecmascript","0.240.0"],"triomphe":["A fork of std::sync::Arc @9 some extra @I @6 ^U weak references (originally servo_arc)","0.1.11"],"fd":["File descriptor @m","0.2.3"],"wtest":[C[442],"0.1.2"],"as3_@h":["ActionScript 3 @h",C[9]],"ntex_service":["ntex service","2.0.1"],"cl_^d":["OpenCL FFI @4.","0.4.3"],"http_signature_normalization":[C[126],"0.7.0"],"wasm_^G":["Read @6 manipulate @Z ^G",C[285]],"rcrt1":["Relocate ELF dynamic symbols","2.5.0"],"tracy_@d_^d":["Low @W @4 to @7 @d $A @2 @7 Tracy profiler","0.22.2"],"esp32c2":["Peripheral ^s @5 @2 @7 ESP32-C2",C[36]],"simplerand":["$p @6 &p random number @H","1.3.0"],"$5_@9_@8":["^O-@c @1 @2 serde_with","3.8.0"],"structured":["Data @y to handle large, structured @D.",C[40]],"mc_sgx_dcap_quoteverify_^d_@b":["FFI ^j @S $9 by @7 `sgx_dcap_quoteverify` @1.",C[24]],"wasmer_clif_fork_frontend":[C[93],"0.59.0"],"wayland_protocols_wlr":["Generated $U @2 @7 WLR wayland @l &r",C[2]],"delegate_attr":["Attribute ^O-@c to delegate method to a field","0.3.0"],"verneuil":["A sqlite VFS @2 $1 replication to S3-$k blob stores","0.6.4"],"usvg":["An SVG simplification @1.","0.41.0"],"gloo_net":[C[94],"0.5.0"],"versionize_@a":["Implements @7 Versionize @a ^O @c.","0.1.6"],"wasm_logger":["A logger @u sends a message @9 its @3 source's line @6 filename to @7 browser console",C[2]],"cozy_chess":["@3 Chess @6 Chess960 move $i @1","0.3.4"],"haikunator":["Generate Heroku-&4 random names to &z in &3 @3 @B","0.1.2"],"progenitor_@c":["An OpenAPI @d @H - @8","0.6.0"],"aws_smithy_@C":["Async @v agnostic abstractions @2 smithy-rs.","1.2.1"],"backtrace_^d":["$a to @7 libbacktrace gcc @1","0.1.37"],"wallpaper":["Gets @6 sets @7 desktop wallpaper/background.","3.2.0"],"^h_buf":["&g ^Z of byte buffers","0.2.0-alpha.1"],"ormlite":["An ORM @2 people who love SQL",C[6]],"sqlparser":["Extensible SQL Lexer @6 Parser @9 @f @2 ANSI SQL:2011","0.45.0"],"lemmy_api_$4":[C[95],C[96]],"cpp_@8":["@V @c @0 @2 @7 `cpp` @5","0.5.9"],"webpki_roots":["Mozilla's CA root certificates @2 &z @9 webpki","0.25.4"],"ledger_transport_hid":["Ledger Hardware Wallet - HID Transport",C[11]],"safer_bytes":["&k, non-panicking &K ^i @7 'bytes' @5",C[2]],"routerify_cors":["A Routerify &f $z enables CORS.","3.0.0"],"parse_zoneinfo":["Parse zoneinfo @P @E @7 IANA $O","0.3.0"],"loopdev":[C[228],C[7]],"tikv_@d_$4":["^W &I of @7 TiKV @3 @d",C[5]],"steel_cent":["currency @6 money &v @b","0.2.3"],"security_@j_^d":["Apple `Security.framework` low-@W FFI @4","2.10.0"],"rs_llama_cpp":["Automated @3 @4 $i @2 LLaMA.cpp","0.1.67"],"hmac_sha256":["A small, self-contained SHA256 @6 HMAC-SHA256 @0","1.1.7"],"dylint_driver":["Dylint driver @1","3.0.1"],"toml_span":["Toml @h @6 deserializer @u preserves span @Q",C[2]],"etagere":["Dynamic 2D texture atlas allocation @A @7 shelf packing $b.",C[97]],"iron":["Extensible, Concurrency Focused Web Development in @3.","0.6.1"],"^R_unified_scheduler_pool":["^e &o unified scheduler pool","1.18.12"],"bee_message":["@i of @7 IOTA @l message layouts","0.1.7"],"crevice":["Create GLSL-$k versions of ^N @9 explicitly-initialized padding",C[32]],"ethereum":[C[490],C[32]],"optick":["Super Lightweight Performance Profiler","1.3.4"],"mockers_@8":[C[98],"0.9.4"],"ostree":["@3 @4 @2 libostree","0.19.1"],"juniper_@E_schema_$d_gen":["^1 $d $i @5 @2 juniper-@E-schema","0.5.2"],"treebitmap":["Fast IPv4/IPv6 lookup trie.",C[7]],"pretty_lint":["A very @o @1 @2 showing lint errors","0.1.1"],"substrait":["Cross-Language Serialization @2 Relational Algebra","0.32.0"],"git_diff":[C[19],"0.26.2"],"velcro_@8":["@V @8 $9 by @7 `velcro` @5. See `velcro` @2 documentation. It is not advised to depend on this @5 directly; it is an ^7 ^T of `velcro` @6 may be subject to breaking changes.","0.5.4"],"erg_^O_@8":["^O @8 @2 Erg","0.6.35"],"recrypt":["A pure-@3 @0 of Transform Encryption, a Proxy Re-&A scheme",C[45]],"oauth1_request_@a":["A @a @c @2 `oauth1_request::Request` ^8.","0.5.0"],"@C_&8":["Write $d @u can be both @C @6 synchronous ^U duplicating it.","1.1.0"],"rustfbp":["Rustfbp @r a @o, composable, clearly defined $U, @9 a C ABI @2 every agent within a Fractalide deployment.","0.3.34"],"signal_child":["A little @1 to easily signal other ^M @9 no ^4","1.0.5"],"enso_shapely_@8":[C[260],"0.2.1"],"console_api":["Protobuf wire @G @4 @2 @7 Tokio console.","0.6.0"],"inferno":["@3 port of @7 FlameGraph @X profiling tool suite","0.11.19"],"brotli":["A brotli compressor @6 decompressor @u @9 an @g avoiding @7 @z stdlib. $P makes it suitable @2 $J devices @6 kernels. It is designed @9 a pluggable ^D so @u @7 ^l lib's ^D may be employed. ^e default $s also includes a stdlib ^D @6 ^Z @g. Disable this @9 --&L=no-stdlib. All included $d is &k.","5.0.0"],"@z_cascade":["A @o bloom filter cascade @0 in @3.","1.5.0"],"surge_math":["surge synthesizer -- dsp math $9 in synthesis",C[99]],"linreg":["Calculates linear regresssions of two-dimensional @D. Does not &z stdlib, only depends on numeric $3.",C[2]],"trillium_logger":["logger @2","0.4.5"],"notan_@O":["Basic @b @6 ^N $9 in Notan",C[0]],"madsim_aws_sdk_s3":["^e s3 simulator on madsim.","0.5.0+1"],"gitlab_clippy":["Convert clippy warnings &q GitLab Code Quality report","1.0.3"],"meticulous":["Result ^m to add more meaning to unwrapping","0.2.0-pre.1"],"goose_eggs":["Helpful in $I Goose load tests.","0.5.2"],"boxfnonce":["&k FnOnce boxing @2 @z stable","0.1.1"],"include_flate":["A variant of include_bytes!/include_str! @9 &N-^0 deflation @6 @v lazy inflation","0.3.0"],"fabric_^G":["Decodable variant of @7 RuntimeMetadata.","12.0.0"],"opensrv_mysql":["$a @2 emulating a MySQL/MariaDB @N.","0.7.0"],"@s_node_@O_approval_voting":["Approval Voting Subsystem of @7 Polkadot node (@s @L)",C[67]],"linkcheck":["A @1 @2 extracting @6 validating links.","0.4.1"],"shutdown_hooks":["Shutdown hooks @2 @3. Currently a &n @p ^i atexit, will eventually allow you to remove hooks",C[5]],"rusoto_opsworks":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v OpsWorks @ 2013-02-18",C[15]],"assert_approx_eq":["assert approximately equal","1.1.0"],"piscina":["A @o &8 pool @u supports both sync @6 @C","0.2.1"],"swc_estree_ast":["ESTree AST node @S","0.23.20"],"extendr_@8":["Generate @4 @E R to @3.","0.6.0"],"nu_$W_ps":["A ^M list $W @2 Nushell",C[79]],"sc_cli":["&E CLI @g. (@s @L)","0.40.0"],"allan":["allan variance @6 deviation","0.2.4"],"maud":[C[856],C[86]],"elephantry_@a":["Macro @0 of #[@a(Entity)]","4.0.1"],"axum_@d_ip":["Client IP address extractors @2 Axum","0.6.0"],"holochain_persistence_pickle":[C[730],"0.0.18"],"ibc_app_transfer_@b":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, encapsulates essential ICS-20 Fungible Token Transfer @D @y @6 domain @b, as specified in @7 Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) @l. Designed @2 universal applicability to facilitate ^P @6 $C across diverse IBC-enabled projects.","0.52.0"],"sc_informant":["&E informant. (@s @L)","0.37.0"],"shell2batch":["Coverts @o basic shell scripts to &O batch scripts.","0.4.5"],"xmltree":["Parse an XML $R &q a @o &5-&4 ^p","0.10.3"],"darwin_libproc":["Safe @6 idiomatic &K @2 macOS libproc",C[2]],"tiny_gradient":["Make &3 $6 colored in gradient",C[5]],"caribon":["A repetition detector ^w @6 @1","0.8.1"],"shuttle_$4":["^W @1 @2 @7 shuttle @x (&Q://",C[68]],"mles":["Mles, a distributed publish-subscribe @D @N","2.2.6"],"polars_plan":[C[195],"0.39.2"],"aws_smithy_http":["Smithy HTTP logic @2 smithy-rs.","0.60.8"],"vector3d":["A @o 3D vector ^j.","0.2.1"],"rexsgdata":["Scatter-Gather Data Descriptors",C[0]],"tinyvec_@8":["Some @8 @2 tiny containers","0.1.1"],"netxserver":["netx @N assembly.","2.1.0"],"quadprogpp_^d":["Raw FFI @4 to QuadProg++","0.1.1"],"lemmy_apub_lib":[C[95],"0.16.7"],"nom":[C[504],"8.0.0-alpha1"],"anylog":["A @1 @2 @3 @u attempts to parse single log lines &q records.","0.6.4"],"@a_@E_as":[C[100],C[2]],"rendy_$7":["Rendy's $7 &y","0.5.2"],"ra_ap_text_edit":["TBD",C[25]],"grep_regex":["Use Rust's regex @1 @9 @7 'grep' @5.","0.1.12"],"@v":["[deprecated] Empowering everyone to $s $1 software.",C[846]],"cs_$5_cbor":[C[398],C[0]],"sapp_ios":[C[472],"0.1.2"],"tor_keymgr":["Key ^c @2 @7 Arti Tor @0",C[28]],"$7_pager":["Access $7 @A small fixed size buffers","0.9.0"],"microkelvin":["A @5 @2 &5 traversal over annotated @D @y",C[28]],"openstack":["OpenStack &a @2 @3","0.5.0"],"libipld":["@1 @2 dealing @9 ipld",C[33]],"web_rwkv":["An @0 of @7 RWKV @e ^9 in pure WebGPU.","0.7.6"],"dasp_signal":["An iterator-&4 $U @2 audio PCM DSP streams.",C[24]],"cqdb":["@3 @0 of Constant Quark Database (CQDB)","0.5.8"],"isolang":["Efficient, static lookup table @2 ISO 639 @e codes","2.4.0"],"feedbin_api":["@3 @0 of @7 Feedbin REST $U","0.3.0"],"checkers_@8":["$L @2 checkers, a sanity checker @2 global allocations.","0.6.2"],"ckb_fixed_hash":["Provide several @o fixed-sized hash @D ^j @6 their static constructors.",C[10]],"datafusion_$4":["^W @I @2 DataFusion query $m","37.1.0"],"renderdoc_^d":["Low-@W @4 to @7 RenderDoc $U","1.1.0"],"scoped_pool":["A flexible &F pool &9 scoped threads.",C[9]],"evmap":["A lock-free, eventually consistent, &Y multi-&v map.","11.0.0-alpha.7"],"snarkvm_ledger_narwhal_transmission":["A transmission @2 a Narwhal-style $7 pool in a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"cloudflare_zlib":["Safe @p @2 Cloudflare's optimized zlib",C[97]],"r2d2_oracle":["Oracle @f @2 @7 r2d2 connection pool","0.6.0"],"librespot_^G":["^e ^G logic @2 librespot","0.4.2"],"trace4rs":["log4rs &4 usability @9 @7 `$F` @5 as @7 base",C[701]],"prost_$5":["A prost toolkit to $s protobuf @9 $5 @f.","0.3.0"],"bytesize":["an ^q @2 human-readable bytes representations","1.3.0"],"sctp":["sctp","0.1.5"],"sfml_$s":["^W routines @2 finding @6 linking ^F (C)SFML $A",C[7]],"belt_block":["belt-block block cipher @0","0.1.2"],"nu_@l":["Nushell's ^7 protocols, &7 its abstract syntax &5","0.92.2"],"rslint_lexer":["An extremely &p ECMAScript lexer made @2 @7 rslint $K",C[2]],"inventory":["Typed distributed $W registration","0.3.15"],"relay":["A &e oneshot Future channel.","0.1.1"],"$s_const":["@1 @2 ^E importable &J @E or a script","0.2.2"],"rgb24":["Basic 24-bit colour ^A @6 manipulation","0.3.1"],"bracket":["Fast @6 correct handlebars-$k template $m",C[24]],"streamunordered":["An &6 @C ^Z multiplexer","0.5.3"],"^R_ownable":["ownable ^w","1.7.15"],"uu_base64":["base64 ~ (uutils) decode/encode input (base64-@J)",C[20]],"&5_sitter_dart":["dart grammar @2 @7 &5-sitter @K @1","0.0.3"],"warpgate_api":["APIs @2 ^g @9 Warpgate plugins.","0.5.1"],"agnostik":["Executor Agnostic &R @u can run &3 $r @9 &3 favourite Executor.","0.2.3"],"finl_unicode":["@q @2 $H ^I @I @2 finl (categories @6 grapheme segmentation)","1.2.0"],"soroban_spec_@z":["Soroban ^S spec @m @2 $q @3.",C[101]],"unic_ucd_name_aliases":["UNIC — ^I Character Database — Name Aliases","0.9.0"],"drink":["Minimal sufficient architecture @u allows @2 a fully functional ink! ^S ^P",C[28]],"ntdll":["@4 to `ntdll.dll`.","0.0.3"],"coap_handler":["&P to CoAP handlers","0.1.6"],"libgpiod":["libgpiod &K","0.2.2"],"^h_executor_^8":["executor-^8 @0 @2 ^h","2.1.1"],"wasm_runner":["A @o @p @2 WASM Runtimes to &z @9 Cargo","0.3.1"],"prost_reflect_@a":["A @a @c @2 prost-reflect to ^o ReflectMessage @k",C[8]],"claim":[C[102],"0.5.0"],"winpty_^d":["@3 winpty @4","0.5.0"],"ansi_escapes":["Ansi escape codes @2 manipulating @7 $o","0.1.1"],"iso3166_1":["ISO 3166-1 @D.","1.0.1"],"unic_langid_impl":[C[109],"0.9.4"],"superboring":["A reimplementation of @7 'boring' @5 in pure @3.","0.1.2"],"timely":["A low-latency @D-parallel dataflow @T in @3",C[0]],"abscissa_@a":["Custom @a @f @2 @7 abscissa $w microframework","0.7.0"],"revord":["Reversed ordering @5 @2 @z","0.0.2"],"stm32f3_discovery":["Board @f @Y @2 @7 STM32F3DISCOVERY board","0.7.2"],"debug_cell":[C[134],"0.1.1"],"aws_sdk_kafka":["^v &a @2 Managed Streaming @2 Kafka",C[4]],"midly":["Fast MIDI decoder @6 encoder both @2 .mid @P @6 real-^0 MIDI events","0.5.3"],"rsiot_&I_&m":["Конфигурация компонентов","0.0.70"],"beryllium":["Opinionated @p @2 `fermium`.","0.13.3"],"good_$7_^D":["A blazingly &p @6 $7 &6 $7 ^D to be $9 in `no_std` environments.","0.1.7"],"peek_poke_@a":["^x @c @2 peek-poke.","0.2.1"],"rural":["User-&n $l-line HTTP tool.","0.8.1"],"bezier_nd":["Bezier curve @k @A N-dimensional vectors","0.5.0"],"ruma_state_res":["An $x @2 Matrix state resolution.",C[11]],"gix_glob":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K dealing @9 pattern matching","0.16.2"],"webrtc_vad":["@3 @g @2 @7 WebRTC Voice-Activity-Detction Module",C[7]],"ort":["A &k @3 @p @2 ONNX &R 1.17 - Optimize @6 Accelerate Machine Learning Inferencing",C[633]],"dart_^d_fork":[C[761],"4.1.1"],"base64_url":["Base64 encode, decode, escape @6 unescape @2 URL @B.","2.0.2"],"spider_cli":["^e fastest web crawler CLI $Y in @3.","1.93.9"],"fuels_^S":[C[1001],"0.33.0"],"linux_perf_@D":["A @h @2 @7 @G @6 @7 jitdump @G. These formats are $9 by @7 Linux perf tool.",C[41]],"@z_icu_ulistformatter":["Native @4 to @7 ICU4C @1 @E ^I. - ulistformatter.h: Collation @f","5.0.0"],"ark_gm17":["An @0 of @7 Groth-Maller 2017 zkSNARK proof @T","0.3.0"],"amethyst_assets":["&g asset ^c @2 games.","0.15.3"],"palette":["Convert @6 manage colors @9 a focus on correctness, flexibility @6 ease of &z.","0.7.5"],"cli_timer":["Program $9 to set a timer.","0.3.84"],"yerpc":["Ergonomic &D-RPC @1 @2 @C @3 @9 Axum @f","0.5.3"],"aoc_runner":["A runner @2 @7 Advent of Code","0.3.0"],"@s_statement_table":["Stores ^X other authorities issue about candidates in Polkadot. (@s @L)",C[67]],"@z_info":["Extracts @7 current @z $E @Q.","0.3.2"],"nacos_sdk":["Nacos @d in @3.","0.3.6"],"dpi":["Types @2 $H UI scaling","0.1.1"],"mcp230xx":["MCP23008/MCP23017 8/16-Bit I2C I/O Expander @9 I2C &P",C[9]],"lodepng":["Reading @6 $I PNG @P ^U @T ^4. Pure @3 port of LodePNG.","3.10.1"],"@C_bincode":["&g ^s to a bincode-encoded item ^Z.","0.7.2"],"standalone_quote":["Fork of quote @u allows disabling @7 ^O-@c feature in ^O-macro2 so as to remove @7 &w dylib ^T","0.5.0"],"bracket_geometry":["Geometry @m. Rect, lines, circles, distance calculations. Part of @7 bracket-lib family.","0.8.7"],"aws_sdk_sms":["^v &a @2 ^v Server Migration &h",C[17]],"easy_ext":["An ^K @c @2 easily $I ^m ^8 pattern.","1.0.1"],"bindle":["An aggregate object $Q @T @2 @B","0.9.1"],"rusoto_ecs":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V EC2 Container &h @ 2014-11-13",C[15]],"uu_dircolors":["dircolors ~ (uutils) display commands to set LS_COLORS",C[20]],"aws_sdk_personalizeruntime":["^v &a @2 $V Personalize &R",C[17]],"infer_fs":["$p ^y to infer samplerate of a dataset.","0.3.0"],"s2n_quic_@x":[C[103],"0.37.0"],"raii_counter_$r":["RAII Counter @u allows you to wait @2 a count of zero asynchronously",C[5]],"abi_stable_@a":[C[229],"0.11.3"],"@O_affinity":["Manages CPU affinities","0.8.1"],"structview":["Viewing ^5 @D as high-@W @D @y, safely.","1.1.0"],"specs_hierarchy":["Scene graph ^j hierarchy $x @2 &z @9 specs","0.6.0"],"mpl_bubblegum":["Metaplex Bubblegum &a","1.3.0"],"mdbx_^d":["@3 @4 @2 libmdbx.","12.9.0"],"openssh_sftp_^L":["Error ^j $9 when communicating @9 openssh sftp @N.",C[7]],"@a_adhoc":["An ergonomic way to write @a() @8","0.8.4"],"ocl_@O":[C[340],"0.11.5"],"cpu_^0":["Small @5 @u @r CPU ^0 measurement.",C[9]],"xorf":["@q $f xor filters - faster @6 smaller than bloom @6 cuckoo filters.",C[24]],"tower_ready_cache":["Caches a set of services","0.3.1"],"$g_cranky":["Easy to configure @p @2 clippy","0.3.0"],"source_map_mappings":["Parse @7 `mappings` $6 @E a source map.","0.5.0"],"uu_factor":["factor ~ (uutils) display @7 prime factors of each NUMBER",C[20]],"bdays":["Business Days calendars @2 Rustaceans.","0.1.3"],"$5_tuple_vec_map":["Deserialize a serialized map to a Vec<(K, V)> in $5","1.0.1"],"winrt":["$v &R @e projection","0.8.0"],"&O_x86_64_gnu":[C[53],"0.52.5"],"fuel_merkle":["Fuel Merkle &5 $A.","0.49.0"],"os_sync":["$p synchronization @F @w on OS semaphore","0.3.3"],"crc_@O":["@O @n &B $8 source @6 $s script of crc @5","0.1.2"],"simply_wayland":["@3 @4 @2 Wayland. Not recommended @2 general &z, likely unidiomatic","0.1.14"],"fluvio_@l_api":["fluvio @l $U &i","0.4.1"],"dbg_swc":["Debug @m","0.92.0"],"wasix":["WASIX $U @4 @2 @3","0.12.21"],"castle_schema_@h":["Castle Schema Parser","0.20.2"],"aeruginous":["^e Aeruginous Open Source Development Toolbox.","3.7.12"],"iced_style":["^e default set of styles of Iced",C[51]],"lingua_portuguese_@e_^9":["^e Portuguese @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"color_name":["A @5 @9 color names @6 its ^Q @6 usefull @n inluded to get similar colour name by RGB @D; Based on css-color names.","1.1.0"],"permissions":["@q to query @2 $R permissions (read, write, execute, removal @6 creation).","0.5.1"],"traverse":["Proof-of-concept ^8 @2 ^7 iterators called traversals.","0.0.12"],"blocking_threadpool":[C[964],"1.0.1"],"^R_replica_node":["&o replication node","1.13.7"],"wasmer_wit_^k_gen_@O":[C[104],"0.1.1"],"cf_@n":["A @1 $z has characteristic @n @2 a variety of distributions.",C[33]],"const_fn_assert":["Assertions @2 const @n.","0.1.3+deprecated"],"tui_react":["TUI widgets @A a react-&4 paradigm, allowing mutable component state @6 render properties.","0.23.2"],"datadog_statsd":["A dogstatsd @d @2 @z.","0.1.2"],"signature_ps":["^e Ockam PS signature impementation.","0.35.0"],"halo2_gadgets":["Reusable gadgets @6 chip @k @2 Halo 2","0.3.0"],"android_logd_logger":["A logging @0 @2 `log` $z directly writes to @7 Android logd daemon","0.4.3"],"$6_@p":["A possibly-stack-allocated $6 @9 &8 bytes $Q","0.3.0"],"&5_sitter_scala":["scala grammar @2 @7 &5-sitter @K @1",C[37]],"abstract_$2_control":["Abstract Version Control Contract",C[37]],"roman":["Convert $8 integers @6 roman numerals","0.1.6"],"sqlx_@O":["Core of SQLx, @7 @z SQL toolkit. Not intended to be $9 directly.","0.7.4"],"did_web":["did:web DID method, @A @7 ssi @5","0.2.2"],"rsiot_http_@N":["HTTP-сервер","0.0.71"],"openssh_mux_@d":[C[215],"0.17.3"],"axoasset":[">o_o<","0.9.3"],"typescript_^j_def_@a":["^x $0 @c @2 typescript-^j-def","0.5.11"],"pubgrub":["PubGrub $2 solving $b","0.2.1"],"usbd_hid_descriptors":["Low-@W, wire-@G enums/bitfields $9 in HID descriptors","0.1.2"],"re_ui":["Rerun GUI theme @6 &i, built ^i egui",C[35]],"ark_bw6_761":["^e BW6-761 pairing-&n elliptic curve",C[7]],"chrome_devtools_rs":["Low-@W @1 @2 $T @9 @7 Chrome Devtools ^z","0.0.0-alpha.3"],"piper":["Async pipes, channels, mutexes, @6 more.","0.2.1"],"rustlex":["Lexical analysers @H @2 @3, $Y in @3",C[7]],"rustlearn":["A ^C learning @Y @2 @3.","0.5.0"],"twiggy_analyze":["Analyses @2 @7 Twiggy $d size profiler.","0.7.0"],"egui_phosphor":["Phosphor icons @2 egui","0.5.0"],"nnnoiseless":["Audio denoising, derived @E Xiph's RNNoise @1","0.5.1"],"interpolator":["@v @G $e, fully $k @9 std's @8","0.5.0"],"@z_embed":[C[105],"8.3.0"],"cloud_pubsub":["Google Cloud PubSub Client","0.9.0"],"url_$5":["Serde @f @2 URL @b",C[2]],"unstringify":["@V @c implemention of @7 reverse operation of `stringify!`","0.1.4"],"aws_sdk_codebuild":["^v &a @2 ^v CodeBuild","1.27.0"],"pueue":["A cli tool @2 managing long running shell commands.","3.4.0"],"predicates_&5":["Render boolean-valued predicate @n results as a &5.","1.0.9"],"lock_hierarchy":["Prevent dead locks by enforcing lock hierarchies","0.1.2"],"bevy_hecs_@8":["Bevy fork of hecs-@8: $0 @c @S @2 hecs","0.3.0"],"leon_@8":["Proc @8 @2 @5 leon","1.0.2"],"fuel_etk_4byte":["EVM Toolkit @R selector $O",C[120]],"nlopt":["Wrapper @2 @7 nlopt @1","0.7.0"],"dissimilar":["Diff @1 @9 semantic cleanup, @w on Google's diff-match-patch","1.0.8"],"redis_cluster_@C":["Async redis cluster driver @2 @3.","0.8.1"],"call2_@2_syn":["Apply @h @n to ^O-macro2 token streams","3.0.4"],"snafu":[C[322],"0.8.2"],"$J_sdmmc":["A basic SD/MMC driver @2 Embedded @3.","0.7.0"],"zenoh_&j":[C[74],C[76]],"varcon_@O":["Varcon-relevant @D @y","4.0.6"],"@s_parachain_@F":["Types @6 @m @2 ^E @6 ^g @9 parachains (@s @L)","10.0.0"],"fabric_@f_$0":["Proc @c of Support $d @2 @7 @v.","2.0.1"],"snarkvm_posw":["Proof of Succinct Work circuit @0 @w on [KB20]","0.7.9"],"snarkvm_circuit_@b_address":["Address circuit @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"nb_connect":["Non-blocking TCP or Unix connect","1.2.0"],"pulldown_cmark":["A pull @h @2 CommonMark","0.10.3"],"tiny_fn":["Type erased closures on stack","0.1.6"],"ncollide":["DEPRECATED: &z ncollide2d or ncollide3d ^Y. 2 @6 3-dimensional collision $B @1 in @3.","0.14.3"],"libmedium":["@q to @g @9 lm_sensors","0.8.0"],"salvo_serve_static":["Serve static assets @2 salvo web @N @j.","0.67.1"],"static_map_@c":["Macro to create a stack-alocated map","0.3.3"],"headers_@a":["@a(Header)","0.1.1"],"ts_rs_json_&v":[C[172],"7.0.3"],"btree_slab":["A $7 compact Slab-@w B-&5 @0","0.6.1"],"$r_concurrency":["Structured concurrency $c @2 @C @3","7.6.0"],"flamescope":["Export flame @D to speedscopes profile @G","0.1.2"],"gpu_^D":["Memory ^D @2 GPU $7 in Vulkan @6 DirectX 12",C[34]],"rb":["A &F-&k ring buffer @9 blocking IO","0.4.1"],"flowlang":["A dataflow oriented ^a meta-@e in &D supporting @n $Y in @z, python javascript, java @6 flow.","0.3.14"],"rustbus_@a":["@a ^O-@8 @2 @7 rustbus @5","0.5.0"],"k8_obj_app":["Kubernetes app objects","2.0.0"],"quicksort":["A quicksort @0 @2 in-place sorting.","1.1.0"],"rl_^d":["Native @4 to libreadline.","0.5.2"],"tsunami":["Toolkit @2 running short-lived jobs on cloud VMs",C[56]],"stomp":["A full STOMP 1.2 @d @0. Allows programs to interact @9 message queueing services &4 ActiveMQ @6 RabbitMQ.",C[24]],"gstreamer_rtsp_^d":["FFI @4 to libgstrtsp-1.0","0.22.0"],"btreemultimap":["A multimap @0 @9 range @f.","0.1.1"],"criterion_linux_perf":["A measurement $W @2 @u @r measurements @A Linux's perf @g",C[5]],"radix_heap":["Fast monotone priority queues","0.4.2"],"tink_mac":["MAC @I @2 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1","0.2.5"],"eeric":["An easily embeddable RV64I @O @9 MFDV &r","0.1.0-rc.5"],"$g_util":["Miscellaneous @f $d $9 by Cargo.",C[97]],"@a_enum_@E_&q":["^x @2 From @6 TryInto @2 enums @9 single fields",C[2]],"pipe_^8":["Make it possible to chain regular @n",C[7]],"pnacl_$s_&x":["Build script &x @2 ^6 PNaCl/NaCl C/CXX $A @E source","1.4.11"],"sc_consensus_uncles":["Generic uncle inclusion @m @2 consensus",C[36]],"bottom":["A customizable cross-@x graphical ^M/@T monitor @2 @7 $o. Supports Linux, macOS, @6 $v.","0.9.6"],"image":["Imaging @1. @M basic image processing @6 encoders/decoders @2 $4 image formats.","0.25.1"],"tor_netdir":["Types to represent @6 &z a Tor $M directory",C[28]],"git2version":["$P @5 @r a way to get @7 $2 of @7 @Y @E git @6 incorporate it as a constant &q &3 ^w.",C[7]],"tgbot":["A Telegram Bot @1","0.22.0"],"expat_^d":["XML @h @1 $Y in C","2.1.6"],"miraland_&m_^w":["Miraland Config ^w","1.18.3"],"array_@c":["Array multiple elements constructor syntax","2.1.8"],"spirv_std_@b":[C[106],"0.9.0"],"swc_ecma_compat_es2017":[C[617],"0.5.0"],"tower_grpc_$s":["Code $i @2 tower-grpc",C[5]],"wasmer_object":["Wasmer Native Object @H",C[107]],"libsecret":["@3 @4 of libsecret","0.5.0"],"oxygengine_$0":["@V content $i ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"alga_@a":["^x ^K @2 $f algebraic $3 @E @7 alga @5.","0.9.2"],"accept_@e":["Parse @6 compare Accept-Language header $e","3.1.0"],"libhandy":["@3 @4 @2 libhandy",C[56]],"oasis_@d":["Oasis gateway @d","0.1.1"],"bitcoin_blockchain":["Bitcoin blockchain @D @y",C[11]],"scale_decode":["Decode SCALE encoded bytes &q arbitrary @b at @v",C[56]],"matrixcompare":["Tools @2 convenient comparison of matrices","0.3.0"],"wit_^k":["@3 @4 @H @6 @v @f @2 WIT @6 @7 component ^9. Used when compiling @3 programs to @7 component ^9.",C[60]],"&F_pool":["A &F pool @2 running a number of jobs on &B worker threads.","0.1.1"],"aws_http":[C[108],"0.60.5"],"&O_acl":["@3 @5 to simplify $v ACL $c","0.3.0"],"validators":["$P @1 is designed @2 validating @6 modeling user input. ^e @5 includes models, @n, $3, errors, @6 other ^4.",C[91]],"qcell":["Statically-checked alternatives to RefCell @6 RwLock","0.5.4"],"lindera_ipadic_&0":["A Japanese morphological dictionary &0 @2 IPADIC.",C[1]],"freetype_rs":["$a @2 FreeType font @1",C[79]],"oxygengine_@O":["Core ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"vecmath":["A @o @6 ^j agnostic @1 @2 vector math designed @2 reexporting",C[9]],"hootbin":["hoot @w @1 to emulate httpbin","0.1.5"],"bitcoincore_rpc":[C[410],C[6]],"allegro_audio":["Allegro 5 audio addon @3 @p","0.0.45"],"tiny_multihash":[C[466],"0.5.0"],"trustfall_rustdoc":["Run Trustfall queries across multiple rustdoc &D @G versions.",C[32]],"unic_langid":[C[109],"0.9.4"],"elrond_wasm_@a":["Elrond @Z smart ^S $U $0 @8","0.38.0"],"base91":["Encoding ^5 @D as ASCII characters. Similar to base64, but more &6.",C[5]],"typesize":["A @1 to fetch an &t estimate of @7 total $7 usage of a &v.","0.1.7"],"gfapi_^d":["$P $y @r FFI @4 @2 Gluster's $U","4.0.1"],"servo_display_link":[C[110],C[2]],"remain":["Compile-^0 checks @u an enum, &b, or match is $Y in sorted order.","0.2.13"],"syndicate_@N":["Dataspace @N.","0.45.0"],"nusb":["Cross-@x low-@W ^s to USB devices in pure @3","0.1.8"],"x64_asm":["x86_64 assembler","0.1.45"],"swc_ecma_compat_es2020":["ES2020 compatibility transforms","0.5.0"],"protoc_bin_vendored":["protoc binaries compiled by Google @6 bundled in this @5.","3.0.0"],"uu_sort":["sort ~ (uutils) sort input lines",C[20]],"vorbis_rs":["Ogg Vorbis ^Z @J @6 ^2 powered by high-@W @4 @2 best-in-breed C $A","0.5.4"],"signatory_ring":[C[366],"0.99.0"],"fastobo_@a_^7":["^1 @a @8 @2 @7 `fastobo` @5.","0.15.2"],"rt_ref":["^1 `Ref` @b @2 `rt_ref` @6 `rt_vec`.","0.2.1"],"autocxx_^k":["^t generates @3 FFI @4 to C @6 C++ $A. Version adjusted @2 autocxx.","0.65.1"],"snarkvm_synthesizer_coinbase":[C[625],C[8]],"fluvio_@b":["Fluvio $4 @b @6 objects","0.4.6"],"acme":[C[805],"0.3.1"],"yamakan":["A @U of Black-Box Optimization $h",C[2]],"zmq2":["Maintained high-@W @4 to @7 zeromq @1","0.5.0"],"miette_@a":["^x @8 @2 miette. Like `thiserror` @2 Diagnostics.","7.2.0"],"$F_&5":["A Tracing Layer $z prints a &5 of spans @6 events.","0.3.0"],"pest_meta_tmp":[C[137],"2.1.1"],"matchit":["A high @X, zero-copy URL router.","0.8.1"],"arc_bytes":["A reference-counted byte buffer.","0.3.5"],"polyplets":["Security @F to verify origin of service calls in Fluence $M","0.7.0"],"roadmap":["^9 a $K roadmap as a directed acyclic graph","0.6.0"],"$5_db":["Deserialization of $O resultsets, @6 @t of $O parameters",C[56]],"vending_minter":["Stargaze vending minter ^S","3.13.0"],"interledger_service":["^e @O $x @2 @7 @0",C[7]],"speedruns":["","0.0.0--"],"vsmtp_auth":[C[128],"2.2.1"],"shadowsocks_@z":[C[223],"1.18.3"],"a2":["A ^F, $1 Apple push notification @d","0.9.0"],"rslint_rowan":["A @o threadsafe fork of rowan @2 @7 rslint $K",C[11]],"mpart_@C":["&g (Futures-Base) Multipart Requests @2 @3","0.7.0"],"$g_pkg":["A @o &C @2 @7 Cargo @Y &y @2 ^6 GTK packages @E @3 projects.","0.2.84"],"sp_blockchain":["&E blockchain $3 @6 @F. (@s @L)",C[64]],"multibase":["multibase in @z","0.9.1"],"codes_agency":["$P @Y @r a $4 $d representing standards agencies","0.1.9"],"$F_honeycomb":[" $F layer @2 multiprocess telemetry","0.4.3"],"@z_webvr":[C[193],C[36]],"windowed_infinity":["A @D ^p representing an infinite sequentially writable u8 vector of $z a small view has writes to it preserved. $P is primarily useful when $f CoAP block-wise transfers, @6 also convenient @2 logging on constrained devices.","0.1.4"],"json_typegen_&B":["Codegen @E &D samples. Not intended to be $9 directly. See &M @2 @7 intended $y.","0.7.0"],"axum_template":["Layers, extractors @6 template $m &K @2 axum @w Web MVC @B","2.2.0"],"crc":["@3 @0 of CRC @9 @f of various standards","3.2.1"],"pathfinder_ui":["A minimal immediate mode UI @1 @2 debugging overlays","0.5.0"],"bitar":["bita archive @m",C[24]],"aws_sdk_&m":["^v &a @2 ^v Config",C[4]],"wasmer_@v_fl":[C[164],"0.17.1"],"interoptopus_$n_cpython_cffi":["Generates CPython CFFI @4.","0.13.8"],"unic_locale_@8":[C[52],"0.9.4"],"@a_&0_@c_fork_arti":[C[194],C[54]],"junit_report":["Create JUnit $k XML reports.","0.8.3"],"aws_sdk_workspaces":["^v &a @2 $V WorkSpaces",C[4]],"superconsole":["A @o but powerful Text-@w User &P (TUI) @j",C[2]],"lingua_armenian_@e_^9":["^e Armenian @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"azure_@n":["Azure Functions @2 @3",C[24]],"^h_@9_wasm":["Mimicking ^h functionalies on web browsers","0.4.3"],"raui":["Renderer Agnostic User &P","0.63.0"],"rustengine":["@3 bitboard multi variant uci chess analysis $m.","1.0.60"],"cryptoxide":["pure @0 of various $4 modern $t $h, WASM $k","0.4.4"],"blkid_^d":["libblkid raw ^d @4","0.1.7"],"casbin":["An authorization @1 @u supports ^s control models &4 ACL, RBAC, ABAC.","2.2.0"],"falcon":["A Binary Analysis Framework in @3","0.5.5"],"kujira":["Interfaces @6 @m @2 Kujira cosmwasm ^b","1.0.2"],"quasi":[C[176],"0.32.0"],"ink_e2e_@c":["[ink!] Macro @2 $q end-to-end tests","5.0.0"],"rsip":["SIP @3 @1, @h & @H of SIP",C[7]],"deadpool_redis":["Dead @o @C pool @2 redis",C[32]],"postgres_openssl":["TLS @f @2 ^h-postgres via openssl","0.5.0"],"arraygen":["^x @c @2 $q arrays @E &b fields.","0.3.2"],"winrt_@8":["$L @2 @7 winrt @5","0.7.2"],"ast_grep_dynamic":["Load &5-sitter dynamic @1 @2 ast-grep",C[30]],"tl_proto_^O":[C[111],"0.4.6"],"openraft":[C[635],"0.9.7"],"prost_codec":["&g de-/@J of Protobuf ^N @A $1-codec, unsigned-varint @6 prost.","0.3.0"],"cqrs_@O":["Core @b @6 $3 @2 cqrs","0.2.2"],"leftwm_layouts":["@M customizable layouts @2 list-@w dynamic tiling window managers","0.9.1"],"syslog_rfc5424":["Parser @2 RFC5424 (IETF-@G) syslog ^X","0.9.0"],"clang_^d":["@3 @4 @2 libclang.","1.7.0"],"clang":["A somewhat idiomatic @3 @p @2 libclang.","2.0.0"],"tao_@8":["Proc @8 @2 tao","0.1.2"],"ydb":["Crate contains $X low-@W grpc $d @E YDB $U protobuf, $9 as base @2 ydb @5","0.8.4"],"aws_sdk_appstream":["^v &a @2 $V AppStream",C[17]],"termion":["A bindless @1 @2 manipulating terminals.","3.0.0"],"render_&5":["A @1 @2 rendering trees of content to @7 $o","0.1.1"],"sp_consensus_beefy":["Primitives @2 BEEFY @l. (@s @L)","17.0.0"],"github_webhook_message_validator":["@M @n @2 validating GitHub webhook payloads.","0.1.6"],"uart_16550":["Minimal @f @2 uart_16550 serial output.","0.3.0"],"sp_@O_hashing_^O_@c":["@V @8 @2 calculating static hashes (deprecated in favor of `sp-&j-hashing-^O-@c`).","16.0.0"],"arf_$e":["Encoding @6 ^2 @2 ARF $e","0.7.2"],"eth_blockies":["A pure @3 &e @1/^5 to get raw @D of Ethereum-style blocky identicon, $z can be $9 @2 $q blockies icon images, printing to $o, etc.","1.1.0"],"astro_float_num":["Multiple precision floating point ^V &s purely in @3.","0.3.5"],"divisors":["A blazing &p @1 to find all divisors of a &S number.","0.2.1"],"mips_rt":["Minimal @v @2 MIPS MCU cores","0.3.6"],"rand_xorshift":["Xorshift random number @H","0.3.0"],"bevy_picking_input":[C[405],C[6]],"navigation":["@M basic navigation $8 GPS waypoints","0.1.7"],"quit_@8":["@V @8 $9 by @5 quit","2.0.0"],"read_token":["A @o @1 to read tokens @A look ahead",C[9]],"pinger":["A small cross-@x @1 to execute @7 ping $l @6 parse @7 output","1.1.1"],"unicode_truncate":["^I-aware $b to pad or truncate `str` in terms of displayed width.",C[9]],"diesel_infer_schema":["@M @I to infer @7 schema of a $O. Deprecated.","1.4.0"],"vg_errortools":["Helpers @2 better ^L legibility in std/^h io errors @6 ^L $H in main @n.",C[5]],"fluence_spell_dtos":["@D @y @2 fluence spell service","0.7.6"],"wedpr_ffi_c_$4":["@q of WeDPR ffi c &B $4 ^r.",C[9]],"prototty_glutin":["Prototty context @2 glutin &O.","0.27.0"],"madsim_etcd_@d":["^e etcd simulator on madsim.","0.4.0+0.12.1"],"aws_sdk_devopsguru":["^v &a @2 $V DevOps Guru",C[17]],"frame_try_@v":[C[919],"0.38.0"],"^O_@c_roids":["Traits @6 @n to make $I ^O @8 more ergonomic.","0.8.0"],"aws_sdk_networkfirewall":["^v &a @2 ^v Network Firewall",C[17]],"tls_api_^F_tls":["TLS $U @0 over ^F-tls @5","0.9.0"],"tickrs_api":["$U @2 tickrs","0.14.9"],"caret":["$L @2 declaring non-exhaustive C-style enumerations, @9 named members","0.4.5"],"@c_^r":["Some @8 to make $d $I more elegant @6 funny.","0.1.3"],"rxml_validation":["Plumbing @5 @2 rxml @6 rxml_proc $y.",C[11]],"unic_idna_punycode":["UNIC — @i of Punycode (RFC 3492) $b","0.9.0"],"fmmap":["A flexible @6 convenient high-@W mmap @2 zero-copy $R I/O.","0.3.3"],"$g_check_external_@b":["Static analysis tool to detect external @b exposed in a library's public $U.","0.1.11"],"ciborium_ll":["Low-@W CBOR codec @F","0.2.2"],"sea_streamer_socket":["🌊 SeaStreamer $n-agnostic Socket $U","0.5.0"],"divrem":["Division @6 modulus variants",C[9]],"ntex_redis":["Redis @d",C[9]],"papergrid":["Papergrid is a @O @1 to print a table",C[24]],"bastion_executor":["Cache affine NUMA-aware executor @2 @3","0.4.2"],"rrule":["A pure @3 @0 of recurrence rules as defined in @7 iCalendar RFC.",C[0]],"aws_sdk_snowdevicemanagement":["^v &a @2 ^v Snow Device Management",C[17]],"icu_plurals":["^I Plural Rules categorizer @2 numeric input","1.4.0"],"gl46":["$a to OpenGL 4.6 (plus some &r)","0.2.1"],"^h_serial":["A serial port @0 @2 ^h","5.4.4"],"read_byte_slice":["An iterator over chunks of bytes as slices @E an underlying reader.","0.1.2"],"schemafy_@O":[C[706],"0.6.0"],"bls_signatures_rs":["Open source @0 of Bonneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signatures $Y in @3",C[5]],"accesskit_consumer":["AccessKit consumer @1 (^7)",C[6]],"http_body_to_bytes":["HTTP Body to_bytes",C[2]],"modulo":["$p modulo operation.","0.1.2"],"exonum_$s":["Helper @n @2 $I @2 exonum services.","1.0.1"],"sqlx_postgres":["PostgreSQL driver @0 @2 SQLx. Not @2 direct &z; see @7 `sqlx` @5 @2 details.","0.7.4"],"cairo_lang_sierra_ap_change":["Sierra AP change computation.","2.6.3"],"static_assert_@c":["@q @0 of so-called `static_assert`","1.1.0"],"conjure_http":["HTTP interfaces @2 $X Conjure services","3.6.6"],"graphene_^d":["FFI @4 to libgraphene-1.0","0.19.5"],"lightspeed_cms":[C[112],"0.55.1"],"mockiato_^B":["Internally $9 by mockiato @2 $d $i. $P @5 should never be $9 directly","0.9.5"],"egui_macroquad":["$a $8 egui @6 macroquad",C[32]],"gix_discover":["Discover git repositories @6 check if a directory is a git &M","0.31.0"],"raw_window_metal":["Interop @1 $8 Metal @6 raw-window-handle",C[7]],"syntect":["@1 @2 high quality syntax highlighting @6 $d intelligence @A Sublime Text's grammars","5.2.0"],"literalext":["A &x @5 @2 interpreting ^O-@c `Literal` ^Q",C[2]],"@z_releases_@z_changelog":["RustChangelog source @0 @2 @z-releasess","0.28.0"],"djb_hash":["@3 @1 of commonly $9 Daniel J. Bernstein style hash @n.","0.1.3"],"syn_util":["&x APIs @2 $0 @8","0.4.2"],"lingua_somali_@e_^9":["^e Somali @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"tonic_web_wasm_@d":["grpc-web @0 @2 &z by tonic clients in browsers via webassembly","0.5.1"],"$5_bytes":[C[517],"0.11.14"],"stable_swap_math":["Calculations @2 @7 StableSwap invariant","1.8.1"],"wasm_^k_webidl":["Support @2 @K WebIDL &2 to wasm-^k","0.2.75"],"strum_@8":[C[113],"0.26.2"],"fuel_@O_services":["^e $4 $d @2 fuel @O services.",C[91]],"cat_$m":["A 2D &X $m @9 audio output @f","1.0.0-alpha7"],"$g_credential_macos_keychain":["A Cargo credential ^M @u stores tokens in a macOS keychain.","0.4.3"],"fehler":["A @1 @2 ^L-$H syntax in @3",C[9]],"structmeta":["Parse Rust's ^K arguments by defining a &b.","0.3.0"],"dprint_$W_json":["&D formatter @2 dprint.","0.19.2"],"lhash":["Minimal hashing @1","1.1.0"],"includedir":["Include a whole directory &5 at &N ^0! - &R part","0.6.0"],"field_names":["A ^O-@c @2 exposing a struct's field names at @v.",C[2]],"calloop":["A callback-@w event loop",C[8]],"witnet_bn":[C[49],"0.4.5"],"spl_pod":["&o Program @q Plain Old Data (Pod)","0.2.2"],"dht_sensor":["Driver @2 @7 DHT11/DHT22 sensor @w on $J-hal","0.2.1"],"librespot":["An open source @d @1 @2 Spotify, @9 @f @2 Spotify Connect","0.4.2"],"mlua":["High @W @4 to Lua 5.4/5.3/5.2/5.1 (&7 LuaJIT) @6 Roblox Luau @9 @C/await &L @6 @f of $I ^F Lua modules in @3.","0.9.7"],"ruma_api_@8":[C[114],"0.20.1"],"minihttpse":["a mini http response @h lib in @z","0.1.6"],"textnonce":["Text @w random nonce @H",C[9]],"srmw":["&g single-reader, multi-writer","0.1.1"],"gitoxide":["A $l-line $w @2 $T @9 git repositories","0.35.0"],"pin_$K_lite":["A &e $2 of pin-$K $Y @9 declarative @8.","0.2.14"],"cubic_spline":["Function @u calculates curve points @2 cubic spline",C[9]],"qcs_api_@d_grpc":["gRPC @d @2 @7 QCS $U","0.7.14"],"wayland_protocols":["Generated $U @2 @7 officials wayland @l &r","0.31.2"],"array_concat":["$L @2 concatenating const arrays.","0.5.2"],"dap":["A @3 @0 of @7 Debug Adapter ^z","0.4.1-alpha1"],"tester":[C[624],"0.9.1"],"$g_audit":["Audit Cargo.lock @2 $y @9 security vulnerabilities",C[18]],"assert_no_alloc":["Custom @3 ^D allowing to temporarily disable $7 (de)allocations @2 a &F. Aborts or prints a warning if allocating although forbidden.","1.1.2"],"katexit":["Insert KaTeX autorender script &q rustdoc","0.1.4"],"libp2p_autonat":["NAT @6 firewall $B @2 libp2p",C[0]],"html5gum":["A WHATWG-compliant HTML5 tokenizer @6 tag soup @h.","0.5.7"],"unic_char_basics":["UNIC — ^I Character Tools — Basic Stable Character Properties","0.9.0"],"ffmpeg_^d":[C[432],"4.3.3"],"criterion_perf_events":["Measure perf events @2 criterion",C[7]],"three_d":["2D/3D renderer - makes it @o to draw stuff across platforms (&7 web)",C[28]],"aliri":["Implementations of @7 Javascript/&D Object Signing @6 Encryption (JOSE) standards","0.6.3"],"requestty_ui":["A widget @w $o ui rendering @1.","0.5.0"],"oneline_eyre":["A fork of `@o-eyre` $z outputs errors on a single line",C[5]],"swiftnav_^d":["FFI @4 @2 libswiftnav","0.8.2"],"i_slint_@O":["^1 Slint &R @q.","1.5.1"],"aarch64_cpu":["Low @W ^s to processors @A @7 AArch64 execution state","9.4.0"],"eza":[C[484],"0.18.13"],"slab_typesafe":["A @p @2 Slab @u @r ^j-&k tokens ^Y of usize.","0.1.3"],"cmd_lib_@O":[C[885],C[7]],"near_account_id":["$P @5 contains @7 Account ID primitive @6 its validation facilities",C[9]],"^h_batch":["Deprecated. Use $r-batch ^Y. An adaptor @u chunks up elements @6 flushes them after a timeout or when @7 buffer is full.","0.5.1"],"transmog_bincode":["Bincode adaptor @2 Transmog",C[5]],"thiserror_@O":[C[115],"1.0.50"],"@o_log":["A @o log. It's really @o &z","1.6.0"],"netlib_provider":["^e @Y @r BLAS @6 LAPACK @A @7 Netlib @0.","0.4.1"],"azure_devops_@z_api":["@3 $U @1 @2 Azure DevOps","0.19.2"],"aws_hyper":["$P @5 has been removed @6 is deprecated.","0.60.3"],"blake2_rfc":["A pure @3 @0 of BLAKE2 @w on RFC 7693.","0.2.18"],"uu_uniq":["uniq ~ (uutils) filter identical adjacent lines @E input",C[20]],"janus_^X":["Distributed Aggregation ^z message @S $9 in Janus, @7 @N powering ISRG's Divvi Up.","0.6.26"],"tor_cert":["Non-^l certificate formats $9 by Tor",C[28]],"grafbase_sql_ast":["An AST to ^o SQL queries","0.1.9"],"fdeflate":["Fast specialized deflate @0","0.3.4"],"struson":["A low-@W streaming &D reader @6 writer","0.5.0"],"gdkx11":["@3 @4 @2 @7 GDK X11 @1",C[6]],"sql_query_&0":["Write SQL queries in a @o @6 composable way","2.2.0"],"&8_bytes":["A derivable ^8 @2 &V to @6 @E an array of bytes @9 a ^j-@W size","0.2.2"],"rpm_rs":["A pure @z @1 @2 ^6 @6 @K RPM's","0.8.1"],"debruijn":["Tools @2 DNA sequences: &6 k-mer manipulation, De Bruijn graph construction @6 compaction @6 $H of DNA $e","0.3.4"],"docify":["Docify allows you to live-embed at &N ^0 pieces of $d @E throughout &3 $K as @z doc examples.","0.2.8"],"polars_@O":["Core of @7 Polars DataFrame @1","0.39.2"],"concat_@9":["Extend @7 @R of @7 `concat!` @c in `std`.","0.2.9"],"re_$s_^H":[" &i @2 $q $s info",C[35]],"gcd":["Calculate @7 greatest $4 divisor","2.3.0"],"c3p0_in_$7":[C[241],"0.68.0"],"libtest_mimic":["Write &3 own &1 harness @u looks @6 behaves &4 @7 built-in &1 harness $9 by `&w --&1`","0.7.2"],"yew_router_route_@h":["^e @h @2 @7 routing syntax $9 @9 yew-router",C[32]],"abstract_sdk":["Helpers @2 Abstract ^b",C[37]],"chunked_transfer":["Encoder @6 decoder @2 HTTP chunked transfer coding (RFC 7230 § 4.1)","1.5.0"],"simulacrum_&B":["Types $9 when both ^E @6 @A mock objects @9 Simulacrum.",C[5]],"unsafe_any":[C[698],"0.4.2"],"calm_io":[C[406],"0.1.1"],"paginate":["A @j agnostic pagination @5, @u is especially suited @2 databases, slices @6 &u. Paginate calculates @7 range of pages indexes, making it ideal @2 accessing slices, chunking @D @6 querying databases.","1.1.11"],"sn_transfers":["Safe Network Transfer Logic","0.18.0-alpha.0"],"&O":[C[71],"0.56.0"],"jsonwebtokens":["A Json Web Token @0 @2 @3","1.2.0"],"untagged_option":["An unsafe Option ^j ^U discriminant. Nightly only.",C[2]],"d3d11_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 d3d11. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.",C[2]],"@v_fmt":["&R-@w $6 formatting","0.4.1"],"cretonne_frontend":["Cretonne IR &0 &x",C[14]],"scanf":["Parse text inputs (inverse of print! @6 @G!)","1.2.1"],"home":["Shared @S of home &Z.","0.5.9"],"nom_tracable":["Extension of nom to trace @h","0.9.1"],"brev":["&i @2 quick @6 dirty scripting",C[2]],"primitive_enum":["Little ^q @2 dealing @9 enums no extra @D in variants","1.2.0"],"dxf":["A @z @5 @2 reading @6 $I DXF @6 DXB CAD @P.","0.5.0"],"versions":["A @1 @2 @K @6 comparing software $2 ^V.","6.2.0"],"woptions_@v":["Mechanism to define map of options @2 a fuction @6 its defaults laconically. Its @v.","0.1.3"],"^h_net":[C[548],"0.2.0-alpha.6"],"termbox_^d":["Low @W @4 @2 @7 termbox @1","0.2.12"],"rustix_futex_sync":["Linux futex-@w synchronization","0.2.1"],"cstr_@8":["@V @8 @2 cstr","0.1.6"],"filter_logger":["A @o filtering logger $z will filter @w on ^y-path.","0.3.0"],"uhlc":["A Unique Hybrid Logical Clock @2 @3.","0.7.0"],"xor_^r":["Utility @n &H to xor &A / decryption","0.6.0"],"marine_rs_sdk_&1":["Backend &a @u allows $u modules @2 @7 Marine @v","0.16.1"],"$r_micro":["Minimal, no_std $k @C prelude.","1.0.0-rc0"],"statehub":["statehub CLI tool","0.14.10"],"freetype":["$a @2 Freetype $9 by Servo","0.7.2"],"$J_$Q_@C":[C[788],"0.4.1"],"hocon":["Reads HOCON $G @P","0.9.0"],"lofty_attr":["$L @2 Lofty",C[11]],"grabinput":["Unixy lib @2 reading @E a $R or @E stdin","0.2.1"],"sval_json":["&D @f @2 sval","2.13.0"],"keyed_set":["Keyed Set: a hashbrown-@w HashSet @u indexes @w on projections of its elements.",C[9]],"inotify":["Idiomatic @p @2 inotify",C[48]],"stremio_$5_hex":[C[401],C[5]],"appdirs":["@3 @5 @2 determining @x-&2 &Z",C[2]],"wcgi":["^W abstractions @2 defining a WCGI @N.","0.1.2"],"option_filter":["Option::filter polyfill @2 @3 1.26 @6 older","1.0.2"],"terra_@z_api":["Terra @3 $U","1.2.20"],"dioxus_fullstack":["Fullstack Dioxus $j","0.5.2"],"si_scale":["Format ^Q @A @7 appropriate SI scale: seconds(1.3e-5) -> 13 µs","0.2.2"],"flume":["A blazingly &p multi-producer channel",C[24]],"default_env":["^e `env!` @c but @9 a default &v.","0.1.1"],"yubikey":["Pure @3 cross-@x host-side driver @2 YubiKey devices @E Yubico @9 @f @2 hardware-backed public-key decryption @6 digital signatures @A @7 Personal Identity Verification (PIV) $w. Supports RSA (1024/2048) or ECC (NIST P-256/P-384) $h e.g, PKCS#1v1.5, ECDSA","0.8.0"],"strict_num":["A @U of bounded numeric @b",C[2]],"symphonia_@G_ogg":["Pure @3 OGG demuxer (a part of $K Symphonia).","0.5.4"],"defmt_@8":["defmt @8","0.3.7"],"sallyport":["$U @2 @7 Enarx hypervisor-microkernel boundary","0.6.3"],"poston":["Yet another Fluentd logger @2 @3","0.7.8"],"fakeit":[C[644],"1.2.0"],"smol":["A small @6 &p @C @v","2.0.0"],"siwe_recap":["EIP-5573: Mechanism on top of Sign-In @9 Ethereum @2 informed consent to delegate capabilities @9 an extensible scope mechanism.",C[2]],"lucet_@v_internals":["Pure @3 @v @2 Lucet @Z toolchain (internals)","0.6.1"],"u128":["U128 &i @2 &o programs.",C[5]],"join_lazy_fmt":["Lazy `separator.join(iterable)` method @6 `lazy_format!` @2 @3","0.9.2"],"embassy_^0_queue_driver":["Timer queue driver ^8 @2 embassy-^0",C[5]],"wasmer_c_api":[C[168],C[107]],"ffi_@f":["A @5 to help expose @3 @n over @7 FFI.","0.4.4"],"pointy":["Minimal 2D geometry @1","0.6.0"],"ruget":["Alternative to wget $Y in @3","0.5.0"],"rhaki_cw_plus":["Advanced ^r @2 cosmwasm ^S","2.0.5"],"sycamore_router_@c":["^O-@c @5 @2 sycamore-router",C[151]],"snarkvm_synthesizer_^M":["A ^M @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"two_percent":[C[780],C[584]],"zenoh_buffers":[C[74],C[76]],"pqcrypto_sphincsplus":["Post-Quantum Signature Scheme sphincsplus","0.7.0"],"wasm_mutex":["A mutex $9 @2 single-threaded @Z @B","0.1.5"],"&w_std_workspace_std":["Workaround @2 rustbuild","1.0.1"],"ripgrep_all":["rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc.","0.10.6"],"flamer":["a $0 @c to insert `flame::start_guard(_)` calls","0.5.0"],"aws_sdk_cloudtrail":["^v &a @2 ^v CloudTrail","1.23.0"],"spin":["Spin-@w synchronization @F","0.9.8"],"queue_ext":["^e extended feature of @7 queue can convert @7 pop() @R of @7 queue to Stream @6 @7 push() @R to Sender.","0.4.1"],"hamcrest2":["A port of @7 Hamcrest $u @1. Fork of original hamcrest-@z ($z is unmaintained) @9 extra matchers, better docs etc.","0.3.0"],"compress_^H":["Utility @n @2 compressed @6 archive @P $H","0.14.3"],"ark_secp256r1":["^e secp256r1 curve",C[7]],"unicode_id":["Determine whether characters have @7 ID_Start or ID_Continue properties according to ^I Standard Annex #31.","0.3.4"],"deno_url":["URL $U @0 @2 Deno","0.148.0"],"synthez_@O":["^1 @k of `synthez` @5.","0.3.1"],"na":["na is a @p ^i nalgebra to make it easier @6 mostly less verbose to work @9 @7 most $9 @b in vector math @2 &X.","0.32.2"],"mv_disassembler":["Print a human-readable $2 of Move bytecode (.mv @P)","0.3.2"],"qscan":["Quick @C $M scan @1","0.6.0"],"rustnomial":["A @5 @2 ^g @9 polynomials.","0.3.2"],"enso_logger":["An &6 logger @2 $I @B in @3.","0.3.1"],"sgp4":["A pure @3 @0 of @7 SGP4 $b @2 satellite propagation","2.1.0"],"@C_tftp":["Executor agnostic @C TFTP @0","0.3.6"],"gix_@l":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K @2 $f git protocols","0.45.0"],"$o_supports_emoji":["Check whether @7 current $o supports emoji","0.1.3"],"$r_task":["Tools @2 ^g @9 tasks.","0.3.30"],"pager":["Helps pipe &3 output through an external pager","0.16.1"],"cfb8":["Cipher Feedback @9 eight bit feedback (CFB-8) block cipher mode of operation","0.8.1"],"inflections":["High @X inflection transformation @1 @2 changing properties of words &4 @7 case.","1.1.1"],"oxhttp":["Very @o @0 of HTTP 1.1 (both @d @6 @N)",C[2]],"is_sorted":["Is an Iterator sorted?","0.1.1"],"snailquote":["Escape @6 unescape $e @9 shell-inspired quoting","0.3.1"],"ckb_std":["$P @1 contains serveral modules help you write CKB ^S @9 @3","0.15.3"],"aws_sdk_lookoutmetrics":["^v &a @2 $V Lookout @2 Metrics",C[17]],"kube_@O":["Kube &B @b, $3 @6 @d-less behavior","0.90.0"],"timeago":["Given a Duration, lossily @G it &4 in 'N days ago'. Parsing it back to Duration is not supported yet.","0.4.2"],"spitfire_fontdue":["Fontdue renderer ^y @2 Spitfire toolset","0.28.4"],"vapory_@b":["Vapory @b",C[56]],"m":["A C free / pure @3 mathematical @1 (\"libm\") @2 `no_std` $d","0.1.1"],"artnet_@l":["A 1:1 @0 of @7 ArtNet @l","0.4.2"],"auditable_extract":["Extract @7 ^T trees $J in binaries by `$g auditable`","0.3.2"],"@J_index_japanese":["Index tables @2 Japanese character encodings",C[116]],"candid_@h":["Candid is an @g description @e (IDL) @2 $T @9 canisters running on @7 Internet Computer. $P @5 contains @7 @h @6 @7 &G @H @2 Candid.","0.1.4"],"imgref":["A basic 2-dimensional slice @2 &k @6 convenient $H of pixel buffers @9 width, height & stride","1.10.1"],"immeta":["An image ^G @K @1",C[7]],"local_ipaddress":["Get &3 local IP address ^U panic","0.1.3"],"rtic_sync":["Synchronization @F @2 $1 contexts","1.3.0"],"autd3_@O":["Core @n of AUTD3","14.2.2"],"litemap":["A key-&v Map @0 @w on a flat, sorted Vec.","0.7.2"],"sc_$M_$4":["&E $M $4 (@s @L)","0.37.0"],"peg_@v":["&R @f @2 @z-peg grammars. To &z @z-peg, see @7 `peg` @5.","0.8.3"],"env":["Environment variables","0.0.0"],"^O_@c_^L_attr":["Attribute @c @2 ^O-@c-^L @5","1.0.4"],"&w_ap_arena":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `arena` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 10c2316a6bf7cf9255f991e06e82ce692e6f84d5 ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish","662.0.0"],"packet_&0":["High-@W @1 @2 $T @9 low-@W $M @D.","0.7.0"],"drop_guard":["^e drop_guard @5 enables you to &c @7 Drop ^8 on any ^j. So you can run a closure on any &v running out of scope.","0.3.0"],"uniswap_v3_math":["Uniswap V3 math in @3","0.4.1"],"shuffling_^D":["A shuffling ^D, randomizing heap object locations; useful @2 avoiding accidental cache locality during benchmarking, $z can obscure @X evaluation.","1.1.2"],"zenoh_keyexpr":[C[74],C[76]],"parquet_@a":["^x @8 @2 @7 @3 @0 of Apache Parquet","51.0.0"],"wgpu_^F":["WebGPU ^F @0 on gfx-hal","0.5.1"],"mdbook_svgbob":["SvgBob mdbook preprocessor $z swaps $d-blocks @9 neat SVG.","0.2.1"],"^R_$7_^c":["&o $7 ^c",C[12]],"frida_$s":[C[150],"0.13.6"],"geo_uri":["A @5 @2 @K @6 $q uniform resource identifiers @2 geographic locations (geo URIs)","0.2.2"],"prometheus_wireguard_exporter":["Prometheus WireGuard Exporter","3.6.6"],"&0_pattern":["A derivable @c @2 declaring a &0 pattern.","0.4.2"],"concordium_^b_$4_@a":["@V @8 to ease $I @2 smart ^b on @7 Concordium blockchain.","4.1.0"],"i_slint_$4":["Helper @5 @2 sharing $d & @D @y $8 i-slint-@O @6 slint-$E","1.5.1"],"safer_ffi_gen_@c":["Proc @c @0 @2 safer-ffi-gen","0.9.2"],"random_integer":["Generate a random integer $8 two integer ^V (&7 @7 two integer ^V).","1.2.1"],"burn_@a":["^x @5 @2 @7 Burn @j",C[45]],"hcl_edit":["Parse @6 modify HCL while preserving comments @6 whitespace","0.7.7"],"positioned_io":[C[117],"0.3.3"],"symphonia_bundle_mp3":["Pure @3 MP1, MP2, @6 MP3 demuxer @6 decoder (a part of $K Symphonia).","0.5.4"],"sc_consensus_babe":["BABE consensus $b @2 substrate (@s @L)","0.38.0"],"packedvec":["Store vectors of integers efficiently","1.2.4"],"cpp_@O":[C[784],"0.6.0"],"tetsy_scale_codec_@a":["Serialization @6 ^3 @a @c @2 Tetsy SCALE Codec","1.2.0"],"forc_index":["Fuel Indexer forc $W",C[34]],"err":["A few @8 & misc @u make @A rust's Error infrastructure more convenient","0.0.8"],"goauth":["Crate @2 authenticating Server to Server Apps @2 Google Cloud Engine.",C[3]],"sixtyfps_corelib":["^1 SixtyFPS @v @1.","0.1.6"],"avif_serialize":["Minimal writer @2 AVIF header ^p (MPEG/HEIF/MIAF/ISO-BMFF)","0.8.1"],"promql_@h":["Parse PromQL query &q AST","0.3.1"],"uinput":["Linux uinput @p.","0.1.3"],"stylist_@O":[C[152],C[8]],"riemann_@d":["A Riemann @d @1","0.9.0"],"combine_@e":["Extra @h combinators, useful @2 @K ^a languages.","4.0.0"],"dominator_&i":["&i @2 Dominator","0.8.0"],"parsec_@d":["Parsec Client @1 @2 @7 @3 ecosystem",C[33]],"cf_reqwest":[C[514],"0.11.20"],"selenium_rs":["selenium-rs is a @d @2 @7 selenium webdriver spec (&Q:// It is aimed to simplify behavior driven $u in @z, @6 @2 automating browser interaction.","0.1.2"],"url_fork":["Fork of url @5 @9 no_std @f","3.0.1"],"netcdf_^d":["FFI @4 to NetCDF","0.6.0"],"gemm_c32":[C[129],"0.17.1"],"cw3":["CosmWasm-3 &P: On-Chain MultiSig/Voting ^b","2.0.0"],"oxide_api":["A fully $X & opinionated $U @d @2 @7 Oxide $U.","0.1.0-rc.41"],"pcsc_^d":["Low-@W @4 to @7 PC/SC C $U","1.2.1"],"mfrc522":["A @x agnostic driver to @g @7 MFRC522 (RFID reader/writer)","0.7.0"],"yatlv":["Yet Another Tag Length Value Format","1.3.0"],"weight_cache":["A cache @u holds a limited number of key-&v-pairs according to a user defined criterion","0.2.3"],"auditable_$s":["Companion @5 to `auditable`, split out @2 technical reasons",C[2]],"background_jobs_@O":["Core @b @2 $f an $1 jobs processor","0.18.1"],"alternate_future":["$p promise/future @1 @9 continuations @u don't block.","0.1.4"],"euclid_@8":["Euclid @0 detail",C[5]],"amethyst_input":["Input rebinding","0.15.3"],"bitmaps":["Fixed size boolean arrays","3.2.1"],"vorbis":["High-@W @4 @2 @7 official libvorbis @1.",C[5]],"confargs":["Parse $G @P &q a set arguments","0.1.3"],"mp3_duration":["A @1 @2 measuring @7 playback duration of mp3 @P","0.1.10"],"tray_item":["Super @o $U to make tray icons/menus on $v, Mac & Linux",C[11]],"parity_hash":["A @U of fixed-size byte array representations","1.2.2"],"^h_^M_^Z":["$p @5 @u wraps a ^h::^M &q a ^h::^Z",C[7]],"relm_gen_widget":["Utility @5 @2 relm-attributes @6 relm-@a",C[33]],"surge_@b":["surge synthesizer -- primarily comprised of enumerations $9 to select $8 synth &L",C[99]],"pod":["Plain Old Data (POD) @J @6 I/O","0.5.0"],"fasttext":["fastText @3 &G","0.7.8"],"sessions":["General sessions ^y @2 web services","0.6.0"],"ergo_lib":["ErgoTree interpreter @6 wallet-&4 &L @2 Ergo","0.27.1"],"irust_api":["IRust $U","0.31.8"],"sodiumoxide":[C[415],"0.2.7"],"vt100":["@q @2 @K $o @D","0.15.2"],"rgx":["A 2D &X toolkit @2 @z","0.9.0"],"^h_byteorder":["&g @1 @2 reading/$I ^V in big-endian @6 little-endian.","0.3.0"],"superlu":["^e @Y @r an @g to SuperLU.","0.3.2"],"polars_compute":["Private compute kernels @2 @7 Polars DataFrame @1","0.39.2"],"aws_&m":["^v &a &m @6 credential provider @k.","1.2.1"],"boyer_moore_magiclen":["Boyer-Moore-MagicLen, a &p $6 search $b &s in @3.","0.2.20"],"libnotcurses_^d":["Low-@W @3 @4 @2 @7 notcurses C @1.","3.10.1"],"unic_ucd_$4":["UNIC — ^I Character Database — ^W Properties","0.9.0"],"indexmap":["A hash table @9 consistent order @6 &p iteration.","2.2.6"],"socksv5":["SOCKS v4a @6 v5 basic ^6 blocks to $s &3 own @C SOCKS $w","0.3.1"],"stack_dst":["A @p @u allows $Q of unsized ^Q of up to a fixed size inline (^U boxing)","0.8.1"],"df_$W":[C[118],"0.3.18"],"^0_@8":["@V @8 @2 @7 ^0 @5. $P @5 is an @0 detail @6 should not be relied upon directly.","0.2.18"],"vulkanalia_^d":["Raw Vulkan @4 @2 @3.","0.23.0"],"webauthn_rs_@O":["Webauthn Cryptographic Operation Handling",C[141]],"auditable_info":["High-@W @5 to extract @7 ^T trees $J in binaries by `$g auditable`.","0.7.0"],"comrak":["A 100% CommonMark-$k GitHub Flavored Markdown @h @6 formatter","0.22.0"],"const_assert":["Assert &b @2 const generics","1.0.1"],"uint_@5":["Tetsy ^W Large Fixed-Size Integer Arithmetic","0.9.1"],"keccak_hasher":["Keccak-256 @0 of @7 Hasher ^8",C[33]],"aws_lc_fips_^d":["^v-LC is a general-purpose $t @1 maintained by @7 ^v Cryptography team @2 ^v @6 their customers. $P is @7 FIPS validated $2 of ^v-LC.","0.12.7"],"alloy_sol_^j_@h":["$p @6 light-weight Solidity ^j $e @h","0.7.1"],"nkeys":["@3 @0 of @7 NATS nkeys @1","0.4.1"],"rs_poker":["A @1 to help @9 any @3 $d dealing @9 poker. $P includes card ^Q, suits, hands, hand ranks, 5 card hand strength calculation, 7 card hand strength calulcation, @6 monte carlo game simulation &i.","3.0.0-beta.20"],"jcers":["jce in @z","0.1.2"],"libc_stdhandle":["Helper @n @2 retrieving stdin, stdout, stderr.",C[5]],"equihash":["^e Equihash Proof-of-Work @R",C[2]],"gix_bitmap":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K dedicated $f @7 ^l git bitmap @G","0.2.11"],"smol_timeout":["A way to poll a future until it or a timer completes.","0.6.0"],"conduit_cookie":["Cookie @6 session &f @2 conduit-@w stacks",C[11]],"artifact_app":["Artifact is a design doc tool made @2 developers. It allows anyone to easily write @6 link their design docs both to each other @6 to source $d, making it easy to track how complete their $K is. Documents are revision controllable, can be rendered as a static web page @6 have a full suite of $l line ^H @2 searching, formatting @6 displaying them.","1.1.0-beta001"],"little_skeptic":[C[556],"0.15.2"],"route_recognizer":["Recognizes URL patterns @9 @f @2 dynamic @6 wildcard segments","0.3.1"],"bzip2_^d":[C[119],"0.1.11+1.0.8"],"wasmcloud_@g_logging":["@g @2 logging capability provider (wasmcloud:builtin:logging)",C[24]],"dtn7_plus":["Additional &i @2 @z dtn daemon","0.7.2"],"swf_@h":["SWF @h",C[3]],"zbar_@z":["High-@W @6 low-@W ZBar &G @2 @7 @3 @e.","0.0.23"],"elrond_codec_@a":["Macro @k of elrond-codec #[@a(NestedEncode, NestedDecode, TopEncode, TopDecode)]",C[33]],"libtelnet_rs":["libtelnet-inspired telnet @h @2 @z.","2.0.0"],"rweb_openapi":[C[717],"0.7.0"],"vm_superio":["Emulation @2 legacy devices","0.8.0"],"aerospike":["Aerospike Client @2 @3","1.3.0"],"activitypub":["ActivityPub in @3",C[7]],"libarchive":["A &k @3 $U @2 authoring @6 extracting archives @9 libarchive","0.1.1"],"compound_duration":["Convert seconds to compound duration (week, days, hours, minutes, seconds)","1.2.1"],"axum_@8":["$L @2 axum","0.4.1"],"aws_sdk_greengrassv2":["^v &a @2 ^v IoT Greengrass V2",C[17]],"heartbeats_@o":["@3 abstractions @2 heartbeats-@o-^d","0.4.1"],"simdnoise":["SIMD accelerate noise @1 @9 @v feature $B","3.1.6"],"http_body_util":["Combinators @6 adapters @2 HTTP request or response bodies.","0.1.1"],"@z_icu_$4":["Native @4 to @7 ICU4C @1 @E ^I. Commonly $9 @b.","5.0.0"],"@C_injector":["Reactive ^T injection @2 @3.","0.19.3"],"sp_api_^O_@c":["$L @2 declaring @6 $f @v apis. (@s @L)","18.0.0"],"posixmq":["An idiomatic @1 @2 @A posix message queues, @9 optional mio $C",C[9]],"stackful":["Bridge $8 sync @6 @C","0.1.5"],"precis_@O":["PRECIS Framework: Preparation, Enforcement, @6 Comparison of Internationalized Strings in Application Protocols as defined in rfc8264","0.1.9"],"chargrid_input":["Normalized input ^j @2 chargrid @B","0.6.1"],"ref_cast":["Safely cast &T to &U where @7 &b U contains a single field of ^j T.","1.0.22"],"&5_sitter_traversal":["Traversal of &5-sitter Trees @6 any arbitrary &5 @9 a TreeCursor-&4 @g","0.1.2"],"kodama":["Agglomerative hierarchical clustering.","0.3.0"],"ethereum_forkid":["Ethereum fork identifier @2 chain compatibility checks",C[0]],"rss":["@q @2 serializing @7 RSS web content syndication @G","2.0.7"],"android_logger":["A logging @0 @2 `log` $z hooks to android log output.","0.13.3"],"&5_sitter_bash":["Bash grammar @2 &5-sitter",C[37]],"reqwest_conditional_&f":["A &f @p @u enables (or disables) a wrapped Reqwest &f on a per-request basis","0.2.1"],"icu_datetime":["$U @2 formatting date @6 ^0 to user readable textual ^A","1.4.0"],"faer_entity":[C[156],C[6]],"proto_cli":["A multi-@e $2 &y, a unified toolchain.","0.34.4"],"$g_canoe":["All aboard!","6.7.8-putting-the-rust-in-crustacean"],"check_keyword":["A ^8 @2 String-&4 @b to check if it is a reserved keyword @6 convert it to a &k non-keyword if so.",C[2]],"iana_^0_zone":["get @7 IANA ^0 zone @2 @7 current @T","0.1.60"],"jxl_vardct":["JPEG XL VarDCT frame ^A, part of jxl-oxide","0.7.0"],"gltf":["glTF 2.0 loader","1.4.0"],"indexed_db_$r":["Future @4 @2 IndexedDB via web_sys","0.4.1"],"spider":["^e fastest web crawler $Y in @3.","1.93.9"],"downloader":["A @o way to download things via HTTP/HTTPS","0.2.7"],"halo2":["[BETA] Fast zero-knowledge proof-carrying @D @0 @9 no trusted setup","0.1.0-beta.2"],"janus_$W":["@q @2 ^E plugins @2 Janus, @7 WebRTC gateway.",C[8]],"distance":["A @U of approximate $6 matching $h",C[7]],"s2n_quic_tls":[C[103],"0.37.0"],"chia_bls":["BLS signature, verification @6 aggregation funcions @2 @7 Chia blockchain","0.7.0"],"sway_fmt":["Sway sway-fmt.","0.22.1"],"st_map":["&R @2 a stack-alocated map","0.2.3"],"fontconfig_@h":["fontconfig $R @h in pure @3","0.5.6"],"dubp_wallet":["Provide wallet definition @2 DUBP @l",C[72]],"swc_css_lints":["CSS linter","0.60.32"],"infer_schema_@8":["$P @5 is ^7 to diesel_infer_schema @6 should not be $9 directly","1.4.0"],"audio_video_^G":["Audio/Video ^G @h","0.1.7"],"parity_util_mem":["&T of $7 &H @m",C[0]],"unicode_names2":["Map characters to @6 @E their name given in @7 ^I ^l. $P goes to great lengths to be as &6 as possible in both ^0 @6 space, @9 @7 full bidirectional tables weighing barely 500 KB but still offering O(1)* look-up in both directions. (*more precisely, O(length of name).)","1.2.2"],"fruity__bbqsrc":[C[811],C[2]],"rtfm_syntax":["^e Real Time @2 ^e Masses (RTFM) meta @e",C[7]],"fuel_etk_ops":["EVM Toolkit Instructions",C[120]],"musli_descriptive":["A fully self-descriptive @G @2 Müsli.","0.0.117"],"impl_num_$3":["num-$3 @0 @2 uint.","0.1.2"],"bmp":["Small @1 @2 reading @6 $I BMP images in @3.","0.5.0"],"oxygengine_audio_$n_web":["Audio Web $n ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"@z_fsm_dsl":["$L @2 @z-fsm DSL","0.6.1"],"actix_web_^B":["Routing @6 @v @8 @2 Actix Web","4.2.2"],"@c_magic_@O":["Core @0 behind macro_magic","0.5.0"],"airbag":["@q @2 $H errors @6 panics @A 3rd party services","4.0.0"],"stardust_xr_fusion":["High @W @d @1 @2 @7 Stardust XR display @N","0.43.2"],"@z_icu_umsg":["Native @4 to @7 ICU4C @1 @E ^I. umsg.h","5.0.0"],"mrusty":["mruby &k @4 @2 @3. Define @6 run Ruby ^U ^4.",C[9]],"amplify_@a":["Powerful derivation @8; part of @7 'amplify' @1","4.0.0"],"svdtools":["Tool @2 modifying bugs in CMSIS SVD","0.3.14"],"aio_limited":["Rate-limited @C I/O.","0.1.1"],"approx_eq":["A @c @2 comparing equality of two ^Q up to an arbitrary ^L in @7 *relative* difference","0.1.8"],"collect":["An experimental ^m of std::&u",C[20]],"direction":["Representations of directions","0.18.1"],"^0_humanize":["Display ^0 in a human readable manner.","0.1.3"],"parol":["LL(k) @h @H @2 @3","0.27.0"],"endpoint_sec_^d":["Raw @3 &K ^i @7 Endpoint Security Framework","0.3.4"],"glslopt":["Optimizes GLSL shader $d","0.1.10"],"metafactory":["@3 @1 to chain together object factories.","0.4.4"],"rs_ecs":["reasonably @o entity component @T","0.7.7"],"dimensioned":["Compile-^0 dimensional analysis @2 various unit systems @A Rust's ^j @T. Dimensioned aims to $s on Rust's safety &L by adding unit safety @9 no @v cost. In addition, it aims to be as easy to &z as possible, hopefully making things easier @2 you not just by avoiding bugs but also by making it clear what units things are. Never again should you need to specify units in a comment!","0.8.0"],"bolero_@H":[C[938],C[48]],"registry":["A &k @p @2 @7 $v Registry $U","1.2.3"],"ucd_parse":["A @1 @2 @K @D @P in @7 ^I character $O.","0.1.13"],"cdrs_^h_&i_@a":[C[838],"5.0.3"],"nrf52811_pac":["Peripheral Access Crate @2 Nordic's nrf52811 microcontroller",C[92]],"mv_bytecode_viewer":["Explore Move bytecode @6 how @7 source $d compiles to it","0.3.2"],"forward_ref":["Rust's forward_ref_* @8 @2 easier @0 of operator overloading.",C[9]],"cpython":["$a to Python","0.7.1"],"cosmian_&j_@O":["Cosmian base $t @1","9.3.0"],"statsig_rs":["Unofficial @5 to interact @9","0.7.3"],"checked_int_cast":["Conversions $8 primitive integers @9 overflow @6 underflow checking",C[9]],"jsonrpc_^r":["Alternative pub/sub @6 @N @k @2 jsonrpc-@O","0.2.6"],"stable_vec":["A Vec-&4 @U $z guarantees stable indices @6 &L O(1) element deletion (semantically similar to `Vec>`). Useful @2 allocations in graphs or similar @D @y.","0.4.1"],"tk_http":["A full-&L $1 HTTP @0 @2 ^h-rs stack, &7 websockets.","0.3.9"],"takeable_option":["A small @p ^i option.","0.5.0"],"wasmer_vnet":[C[408],"3.1.1"],"atomig":["Generic, convenient @6 lock-free `std` atomics via `Atomic`. Can be $9 @9 many primitive @b (&7 floats) @6 @9 custom @b.","0.4.1"],"colour":["$L @2 ^E coloured console output.","0.7.0"],"fse_dump":["Dumps @7 fseventsd entries @E a mac","2.0.4"],"smawk":["Functions @2 finding row-minima in a totally monotone matrix.","0.3.2"],"prometools":["Extensions @2 prometheus-@d","0.2.2"],"random_number":[C[879],"0.1.8"],"notan_$n":["@M a default $n @2 Notan",C[0]],"gfx_gl":["OpenGL @4 @2 gfx, @w on gl-rs","0.6.1"],"cap_std":["Capability-@w $2 of @7 @3 ^l @1","3.0.0"],"saphir":["Fully @C-await http @N @j","3.1.1"],"rbatis":[C[121],"4.5.21"],"ct_logs":["Google's list of Certificate Transparency logs @2 &z @9 sct @5","0.9.0"],"rasn_snmp":["Data @b @2 $H @7 $p Network Management ^z",C[3]],"c2rust_transpile":["C2Rust transpiler @0",C[6]],"fastly":["Fastly Compute $U",C[11]],"padlock":["Safely acquire RwLock/Mutex locks.",C[2]],"snarkvm_console_@b":["Console @b @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"workflow_websocket":["WebSocket @5 (@d @6 @N) &9 an @C @3 $U @u @n uniformly in ^F @6 in browser (WASM32) environments. $P @5 allows you to develop WebSocket-driven @D exchange @u @R uniformly in web @6 desktop @B.",C[51]],"scheduler":["Binding to set @7 linux scheduler (priority, policy, affinity, &c.)","0.1.3"],"better_typeid_@a":["@a @c part of better_any","0.1.1"],"cradle":["Execute child processes @9 ease","0.2.2"],"mini_redis":["An incomplete @0 of a @3 @d @6 @N. Used as a larger example of an idiomatic Tokio $w.","0.4.1"],"rs_$F":["trace events in @7 trace event @G","1.1.0"],"sval_ref":["A variant of sval::Value @2 @b @9 ^7 references","2.13.0"],"ckb_store":["ckb chain &H persistent @0",C[10]],"@C_fn_^O_@8":[C[610],"0.0.2"],"rsign2":["A $l-line tool to sign @P @6 verify signatures.","0.6.3"],"is_debug":["get $s ^9 is debug","1.0.1"],"flip_link":["Flips @7 $7 layout of $J programs to protect against stack overflows","0.1.8"],"splay_&5":["Splay Tree @w Data Structures (map, set, heap)","0.3.1"],"fermium":["An opinionated @5 of SDL2 @4.","22605.0.0"],"arrow_row":["Arrow row @G","51.0.0"],"taos_query":[C[122],C[584]],"usb_disk_probe":["@M a ^Z ^j $z can be $9 to probe @2 USB $Q devices in @7 @T.",C[2]],"sn_messaging":["Safe Network Messaging","37.1.1"],"did_method_key":["did:key DID method, @A @7 ssi @5","0.2.2"],"ink":[C[136],"5.0.0"],"actix_tls":["TLS acceptor @6 connector services @2 Actix ecosystem","3.3.0"],"tetsy_impl_codec":["Tetsy Codec @t @f @2 uint @6 fixed hash.","0.5.1"],"static_iref":["Build static IRI @6 IRI references at &N ^0","3.0.0"],"ckb_launcher":[C[594],C[10]],"$g_multi":["Extends $g to run @7 given $l on multiple $y similar to 'git multi'","0.5.0"],"ecdsa_fun":["Bitcoin $k ECDSA signatures @w on secp256kfun",C[11]],"calcit":[C[500],"0.8.50"],"aws_sdk_cloud9":["^v &a @2 ^v Cloud9",C[4]],"linfa_nn":["A @U of nearest neighbour $h","0.7.0"],"parallel":["Command-line CPU load balancer @2 executing jobs in parallel","0.11.3"],"jemalloc_pprof":["Convert jemalloc heap profiles to pprof to understand $7 usage, fix $7 leaks, @6 fix OOM Kills.",C[5]],"memflow":["@O &I of @7 memflow physical $7 introspection @j","0.2.1"],"mv_vm_@v":["Core Move execution logic","0.3.2"],"wautomata":["@i of automata.","0.1.2"],"cuda_&m":["Helper @5 @2 finding CUDA $A",C[5]],"log4rs":["A highly configurable multi-output logging @0 @2 @7 `log` facade","1.3.0"],"fil_actors_&B":[C[439],"11.1.0"],"snap":["A pure @3 @0 of @7 Snappy ^f $b. Includes streaming ^f @6 decompression.","1.1.1"],"r2pipe":["@q to interact @9 radare2 @A r2pipes.","0.7.0"],"jomini":["Low @W, @X oriented @h @2 save @6 game @P @E EU4, CK3, HOI4, Vic3, Imperator, @6 other PDS titles","0.25.6"],"warpgate":["Download, resolve, @6 manage Extism WASM plugins.",C[51]],"^R_vote":["&o vote",C[12]],"wild_doc":["You can read @6 write @D @A XML @6 output various structured documents.You can also ^w @A javascript/TypeScript.It's Deno compatible.And you can optionally &z python.","0.110.0"],"fil_actor_multisig":[C[566],"9.0.1"],"scsys_@8":["scsys-@8",C[2]],"url_escape":["$P @1 is @2 @J/escaping special characters in URLs @6 ^2/unescaping URLs as well.","0.1.1"],"servo_egl":["Wrapper @2 EGL","0.2.1"],"xoodyak":[C[333],"0.8.4"],"ssb_&j":["Crypto @F $9 by Secure Scuttlebutt","0.2.3"],"@o_bitrange":["A @o @5 @2 manipulating bit ranges $z is $4 when ^g @9 IC registers.","0.1.3"],"firestore_grpc":["A gRPC @d @1 @2 Firestore, $X automatically @E @7 $U definition @P in Google APIs.","0.213.0"],"flat_map":["A compact map stored as a vector of key, &v pairs.","0.0.10"],"json_strip_comments":["Strip comments @E &D","1.0.2"],"cw_orch_$3":[C[123],C[124]],"^R_replica_lib":["^e @1 $9 @2 replication by both @7 @d @6 @N","1.13.7"],"erupt":["Vulkan $U @4","0.23.0+213"],"starknet_providers":["Provider @k @2 @7 starknet @5",C[11]],"byte_pool":["Pool of byte slices, @2 &6 $7 usage","0.2.4"],"speedy":["A &p ^5 @t @j","0.8.7"],"quadrature":["$P @r several &p numerical $C methods. $P @1 is pure &k @z, @6 cross-@x. ^e double exponential $b is naturally adaptive, @6 does not allocate.","0.1.2"],"bendsql":["Databend Native Command Line Tool","0.17.1"],"swagger":["A set of $4 @m @2 @3 $d $X by OpenAPI Generator","6.4.1"],"@z_releases_@z_dist":["RustDist source @0 @2 @z-releases","0.28.0"],"ring_channel":["Bounded MPMC channel $x on top of a ring buffer",C[0]],"socks5_impl":["Fundamental abstractions @6 @C read / write @n @2 SOCKS5 @l @6 Relatively low-@W asynchronized SOCKS5 @N @0 @w on ^h","0.5.12"],"typing_^H":["&T of general purpose ^H @2 ^j checking.","0.7.0"],"deno_net":["Networking @2 Deno","0.140.0"],"feattle":[C[440],C[9]],"@s_node_@O_chain_api":["^e Chain $U subsystem @r ^s to chain &H ^q @n &4 block number to hash conversions. (@s @L)",C[67]],"spl_discriminator_syn":["Token @K @6 $q @1 @2 @7 `spl-discriminator` @1",C[2]],"kani_verifier":["A bit-precise ^9 checker @2 @3.","0.50.0"],"wemo":["A @1 @2 $T @9 Belkin WeMo home automation devices.","0.0.12"],"rusoto_dynamodb":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V DynamoDB @ 2012-08-10",C[15]],"ffsend_api":["A fully featured Firefox Send $U @d.","0.7.3"],"log_settings":["a tiny @5 allowing $A to change logger settings","0.1.2"],"atomic_once_cell":["Thread-&k @6 lock-free OnceCell @6 Lazy","0.1.6"],"sshcerts":["A @1 @2 @K, verifying, @6 ^E SSH Certificates",C[45]],"qoqo_@8":["$L @2 @7 qoqo @5","1.11.0"],"spdlog_rs":["A &p @6 combinable @3 logging @5, inspired by @7 C++ logging @1 spdlog","0.3.13"],"energy_monitor":["EnergyMonitor ^8","0.2.1"],"futf":["Handling fragments of UTF-8","0.1.5"],"olm_^d":["Low @W &G @2 libolm","1.3.2"],"basalt":["A window/ui @j built upon vulkan.",C[18]],"imxrt_ral":["Register ^s layer @2 all NXP i.MX RT $S","0.5.3"],"typetag":["Serde serializable @6 deserializable ^8 objects","0.2.16"],"sourceview5_^d":["FFI @4 @2 GtkSourceView 5","0.8.0"],"interleaved_ordered":["Combine two ordered iterators &q one","0.1.1"],"$g_toml_workspace":["Parse $g workspace @6 load &2 @5","5.0.0"],"rate_&m":["Utils @2 $G @P.","0.41.0"],"deno_console":["@i of Console $U @2 Deno","0.148.0"],"static_self_@a":["^x @8 @2 static-self","0.1.1"],"tx5_go_pion_turn":["@3 ^M @p ^i tx5-go-pion-turn executable",C[125]],"edi":["Parser @2 X12 EDI @P",C[2]],"marine":["Fluence Marine $l line tool",C[18]],"shaderc_^d":["Shaderc @T @1 FFI, ^6, @6 linking","0.8.3"],"aws_sdk_ssoadmin":["^v &a @2 ^v Single Sign-On Admin",C[17]],"rill_@l":["^e RillRate @l.","0.41.0"],"winreg":["@3 @4 to MS $v Registry $U","0.52.0"],"sequoia_openpgp":["OpenPGP @D @b @6 associated machinery","1.20.0"],"http_signature_normalization_actix":[C[126],C[56]],"speedate":["Fast @6 @o datetime, date, ^0 @6 duration @K",C[3]],"ckb_pow":["PoW verification engines @2 CKB",C[10]],"miraland_sdk":["Miraland &a","1.18.3"],"commandext":["A Command ^m suitable @2 &z in @3 Builders",C[5]],"lxd":["A @3 @1 @2 controlling LXD","0.1.9"],"&w_ap_&w_cratesio_shim":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_cratesio_shim` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 4393768faa104b9879c601feee71eb0207dc4fe1 ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish","520.0.0"],"dionysos":["Scanner @2 various IoCs","1.2.6"],"metriken_@a":["Proc @8 @2 metriken","0.4.1"],"dubp_block":["Handle DUBP block (DUBP: DUniter Blockhain ^z).",C[72]],"sdl2":["SDL2 @4 @2 @3",C[79]],"pomelo_impl":["@i details @2 pomelo, not to be $9 directly","0.1.5"],"subslice":["Fast subslice search","0.2.3"],"crokey_^O_@8":["^O @8 @2 @7 crokey @5","0.6.4"],"ttrpc_$E":["ttRPC $E @2 ttrpc","0.6.2"],"sc_basic_authorship":["Basic @0 of block-authoring logic. (@s @L)","0.38.0"],"sn_dbc":["Safe Network DBC",C[63]],"surge_@8":["surge synthesizer -- $4 @8",C[99]],"rbdc_mysql":[C[121],"4.5.7"],"heron_@O":["Core &I @6 resources to &z Heron","5.0.2"],"crossbeam_deque":["Concurrent work-stealing deque","0.8.5"],"temp_dir":["$p temporary directory @9 cleanup","0.1.13"],"hurl":["Hurl, run @6 &1 HTTP requests","4.3.0"],"softbuffer":["Cross-@x software buffer","0.4.2"],"$5_querystring_actix":["A query $6 extractor @2 actix-web @w on $5-querystring",C[2]],"melon":["A @1 @2 ^E retro computing platforms","0.15.2"],"resast":["Rusty-ECMAScript Abstract Syntax Tree","0.6.0-alpha.6"],"ddc_hi":["High @W DDC/CI monitor control","0.4.1"],"mc_sgx_@O_@b":["@3 @p @2 $4 SGX @b.",C[24]],"sn_fake_clock":[C[127],"0.4.14"],"ipnet":["@M @b @6 useful methods @2 ^g @9 IPv4 @6 IPv6 $M addresses, commonly called IP prefixes. ^e new `IpNet`, `Ipv4Net`, @6 `Ipv6Net` @b $s on @7 existing `IpAddr`, `Ipv4Addr`, @6 `Ipv6Addr` @b already provided in Rust's ^l @1 @6 align to their design to stay consistent. ^e ^y also @r useful $3 @u extend `Ipv4Addr` @6 `Ipv6Addr` @9 methods @2 `Add`, `Sub`, `BitAnd`, @6 `BitOr` $c. ^e ^y only uses stable feature so it is guaranteed to &N @A @7 stable toolchain.","2.9.0"],"hex_$5":["Integration $8 hex @6 $5",C[5]],"pem_iterator":["Iterate over PEM-encoded @D",C[2]],"wasmer_$m":[C[244],"2.3.0"],"libcramjam":["Compression @1 combining a plethora of $h in a similar as possible $U","0.3.0"],"$g_feature":["Cargo $W to manage ^T &L","0.7.0"],"choice":["Similar to `either` but supports an unbounded number of variants.","0.0.2"],"win_task_dialog":["Simply call @7 Win32 $U TaskDialogIndirect in @3.","0.1.8"],"base62":["A Base62 @J/^2 @1","2.0.2"],"chain_map":["A chain of maps @9 a single view &q @7 aggregated ^Q.",C[5]],"screenshots":["Move to [XCap](&Q://$y/xcap)","0.8.10"],"vsmtp_$4":[C[128],"2.2.1"],"recycler":["A small @3 @1 @2 recycling @b containing owned $7","0.1.4"],"dubp":["Set of $A $f @7 DUBP @l.",C[72]],"spl_&Y_merkle_&5":["&o Program @q Concurrent Merkle Tree",C[2]],"r3bl_@o_logger":["Replacement @2 @7 simplelog @5, $z is simpler @6 has clearer ^4.","0.1.3"],"syntactic_@2":["A syntactic '@2' loop @c","0.1.1"],"criterion":["Statistics-driven micro-benchmarking @1","0.5.1"],"yarte_@h":["Ast, lexer @6 @h @2 yarte","0.15.2"],"aleph_bft_@b":["Traits @u need to be &s by @7 user of @7 aleph-bft @Y.",C[8]],"indextree":["Arena @w &5 ^p by @A indices ^Y of reference counted pointers","4.6.1"],"mmarinus":["A &k mmap @0",C[7]],"binfarce":["Extremely minimal @h @2 ELF, Mach-O, PE @6 ar.","0.2.1"],"smolscale":["A high-@X @C-task scheduler","0.4.4"],"num_conv":["`num_conv` is a @5 to convert $8 integer @b ^U @A `as` casts. $P @r better certainty when refactoring, makes @7 exact behavior of $d more explicit, @6 allows @A turbofish syntax.",C[5]],"bevy_asset_loader":["Bevy $W @2 asset loading","0.20.1"],"cstr":["Macro @2 ^6 static CStr reference","0.2.12"],"rrgen":["A microframework @2 declarative $d $i @6 injection","0.5.3"],"hasher":["Package hasher @r a Hasher ^8.","0.1.4"],"docopt":["Command line argument @K.","1.1.1"],"ic_xrc_@b":["@3 @f @2 @7 exchange rate canister.","1.2.0"],"iron_sessionstorage":["Session &f @2 Iron.","0.6.6"],"repr_offset":["Offsets of fields @2 @b @9 a stable layout.","0.2.2"],"char_reader":["Safely read wild streams as chars or lines","0.1.1"],"imxrt_iomuxc":["Pad $G @g @2 NXP i.MX RT processors. Part of @7 imxrt-rs $K.","0.2.6"],"dbmigrate":["CLI tool to create @6 run $O migrations. Postgres, MySQL supported.",C[7]],"gix_status":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K dealing @9 'git status'-&4 @I","0.9.0"],"cruet":[C[231],C[3]],"nougat":["(lifetime) GATs on stable @3","0.2.4"],"range_alloc":["Generic range ^D","0.1.3"],"poldercast":["Peer to Peer topology ^c","1.2.1"],"indy_@D_@b":["^W @D @b @2 Hyperledger Indy (&Q://, $z @r a distributed-ledger-@w foundation @2 self-sovereign identity (&Q://","0.7.1"],"hole_punch":["A WIP cross @x @1 @2 extracting @Q about holes in sparse @P.","0.0.3"],"@z_clacc":["@3 implementanion of a CL universal accumulator","3.6.0"],"escape_$6":["Efficiently parse backslash-escaped $e","0.1.2"],"indy_blssignatures":["Hyperledger Indy BLS Signatures",C[5]],"zellij_tile":["A small @d-side @1 @2 $I Zellij plugins","0.40.0"],"smartcore":["Machine Learning in @3.","0.3.2"],"osascript":["@M simplified ^s to &W via OSA on macOS.","0.3.0"],"^5_@8_impl":["@V @c @k @2 ^2 base64-&4 encodings in $6 literals to [u8] literals.",C[9]],"winmm_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 winmm. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.",C[2]],"reopen":["File reopening ^q","1.0.3"],"warp_sessions":["Generic session &f @2 @7 warp HTTP @j","1.0.19"],"streaming_stats":["Experimental @5 @2 computing basic statistics on streams.","0.2.3"],"transformation_pipeline":["Middleware-esque $U @2 transforming @D.",C[5]],"lemmy_@N":[C[95],"0.17.4"],"@c_rules_^K":["Use declarative @8 in ^K or @a position","0.1.5"],"errer":[C[825],C[8]],"bollard_stubs":[C[681],"1.44.0-rc.2"],"ntest_timeout":["Timeout ^K @2 @7 ntest @j.","0.9.2"],"vec_$e":["Store any $6 efficiently in an immutable way.","0.4.8"],"affinity":["@M a consistent way to set @O affinity @2 currently running threads @6 processes","0.1.2"],"bincode_@a":["@i of #[@a(Encode, Decode)] @2 bincode","2.0.0-rc.3"],"tauri_dialog_^d":[C[626],"0.1.1"],"cuneiform":["Cache optimizations @2 @3, revived @E @7 slabs of Sumer.","0.1.1"],"tuirealm_@a":["^x @c $z automatically implements @7 MockComponent ^8",C[9]],"$g_results":["Converts $g &1 output &q a vec of suites","0.6.2"],"fluent_uri":["A full-featured URI $H @1 compliant @9 RFC 3986.","0.2.0-alpha.5"],"tiberius":["A TDS (MSSQL) driver",C[92]],"nichi":["Date @1","0.5.1"],"requestty":["An easy-to-&z @U of interactive cli prompts","0.5.0"],"gh_token":["Deserialize gh cli's GitHub token @E ~/.&m/gh/hosts.yml","0.1.7"],"diff_&b":["A ^8 @2 diffing @6 applying diffs to @b","0.5.3"],"spaceapi":["SpaceAPI @b @6 @t/^3.","0.9.0"],"display_info":["Cross-@x get display info","0.5.1"],"assets_&y":["Conveniently load, cache, @6 reload external resources","0.11.5"],"candle_gemm_c32":[C[129],C[33]],"nu_$W_chart":["A $W to display charts",C[68]],"xml5ever":["Push @w streaming @h @2 xml",C[6]],"deno_http":["HTTP @N @0 @2 Deno","0.145.0"],"rendy":["Higher-@W &X abstrations @w on gfx-hal","0.5.1"],"ethabi_^S":[C[380],"16.0.0"],"&p_qr":["Generates optimized QRCode",C[51]],"rand04":["Re-export of rand 0.4, so it can be $9 together @9 a later $2 of rand.","0.1.1"],"datafusion_physical_plan":["Physical (ExecutionPlan) @k @2 DataFusion query $m","37.1.0"],"nu_explore":["Nushell table pager","0.92.2"],"stft":["computes @7 short-^0 fourier transform on streaming @D",C[2]],"magma":["Magma (GOST R 34.12-2015) block cipher","0.10.0-pre.0"],"liquid_^L":[C[323],C[416]],"juniper_iron":["Iron $C @2 juniper","0.7.6"],"substreams_ethereum_@O":[C[130],"0.9.11"],"$Q_map":["Concurrent append-only map $Q","0.3.0"],"cw_orch_fns_@a":["^x @c @2 $q ^S interfaces.","0.18.1"],"queue":["$p @p ^i Vec to provide a FIFO queue.","0.3.2-final"],"syn_^B":["Syntax &5 describing Syn's syntax &5","0.4.2"],"sc_$F_^O_@c":["Helper @8 @2 Substrate's @d CLI",C[67]],"oapi_@H":["Code @H @2 OpenAPI specifications","0.0.35"],"cbordata_@a":["$L @2 automatically &c CBOR codec on @3 @b","0.6.0"],"mg":["Minimal UI @1 @w on GTK+.",C[33]],"@o_xml_serialize_@c":[C[254],"0.3.0"],"psapi_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 psapi. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.","0.1.1"],"$5_variant":["Retrieve $5 provided variant names @2 enum objects.","0.1.3"],"unstructured":["Generic @b @2 unstructured @D","0.5.1"],"yazi":["DEFLATE/zlib ^f @6 decompression.",C[2]],"http_content_range":["HTTP Content Range response header @h","0.1.2"],"html2text":["Render HTML as plain text.","0.12.4"],"debugit":["Debug-print any &v ^U ^8 bounds @A specialization (@3 nightly channel)",C[2]],"@U_@8":["&T of @8 @2 &u",C[2]],"libgssapi_^d":["A low @W &G to gssapi","0.3.1"],"specta":["Easily export &3 @3 @b to other languages",C[848]],"bgzip":["@3 @0 of bgzip","0.3.1"],"$r_signals":["Zero cost FRP signals @A @7 $r @5","0.3.33"],"re_tuid":["128-bit Time-@w Unique Identifier",C[35]],"rent_to_own":["A @p ^j @2 optionally giving up ownership of @7 underlying &v.",C[5]],"schemamama":["A &e $O schema migration @T","0.3.0"],"fluvio_ws_^Z_wasm":[C[280],"0.7.0"],"re_@b_&0":["Generates $d @2 Rerun's SDKs @E flatbuffers @S.",C[35]],"ptyprocess":["A @1 to work @9 PTY/TTY on Unix systems","0.4.1"],"leaky_cow":["Leak @7 contents of a Clone-On-Write pointer","0.1.1"],"darling":["A ^O-@c @1 @2 reading attributes &q ^N when $f custom derives.","0.20.8"],"rand_os":["OS backed Random Number Generator","0.2.2"],"num_enum":["@V @8 to make inter-operation $8 @F @6 enums easier.","0.7.2"],"optivorbis":["A lossless, @G-preserving, two-pass Vorbis optimization @6 repair @1",C[2]],"@s_approval_distribution":["Polkadot Approval Distribution subsystem @2 @7 distribution of assignments @6 approvals @2 approval checks on candidates over @7 $M. (@s @L)",C[67]],"ipfs_api_prelude":["Shared $d @2 IPFS HTTP $U clients","0.6.0"],"@C_executors":["Implements Spawn, SpawnLocal @6 SpawnHandle @2 commonly $9 executors.","0.7.0"],"chic":["Pretty @h ^L reporting.","1.2.2"],"zvariant_^r":["Various @m $9 internally by @7 zvariant @5.","1.1.0"],"bitfield":["$P @5 @r @8 to ^o bitfield-&4 &b.",C[32]],"$s_id":["Obtain a UUID uniquely representing @7 $s of @7 current ^5.","0.2.1"],"cl3":[C[664],C[11]],"^h_curl":["An @0 of an $1 HTTP @d @A $r backed by libcurl.","0.1.11"],"$g_credential":["A @1 to assist $I Cargo credential &i.","0.4.4"],"wireguard_uapi":["Control WireGuard interfaces.","3.0.0"],"fastcdc":["FastCDC (content defined chunking) in pure @3.","3.1.0"],"grin_store":[C[186],"5.3.0"],"$o_link":["Create clickable links inside terminals",C[5]],"primal_sieve":["A high @X prime sieve.","0.3.6"],"hyper_old_@b":["HTTP @b @E hyper 0.11.x",C[24]],"papyrus_$Q":["A $Q @0 @2 a Starknet node.",C[131]],"json_color":["Colorize &D $e","0.7.1"],"mio_uds":["Unix domain socket @4 @2 mio","0.6.8"],"rp2040_boot2":["Raspberry Pi RP2040 SoC second stage bootloader.","0.3.0"],"ftdi_$J_hal":[C[972],C[30]],"hamming":["Count ones, &p (aka popcount, hamming weight). $P @r a performant popcount @6 bitwise hamming distance @2 a slice of bytes.","0.1.3"],"oxygengine_^r":["$j ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"$5_spdx":["Serde @t @2 SPDX @P","0.8.4"],"molecule":["@3 @4 @2 molecule.","0.8.0"],"fyrox_resource":["Asset ^c @5 @2 @7 Fyrox $m",C[24]],"y_sync":["Yrs synchronization @l",C[7]],"filedescriptor":["More ergonomic &K ^i RawFd @6 RawHandle","0.8.2"],"gcs_rsync":["rsync @f @2 gcs @9 higher perf than gsutil rsync","0.4.1"],"fs_at":["@i of 'at' @n @2 various platforms","0.1.10"],"^h_boring":["An @0 of SSL streams @2 Tokio backed by BoringSSL","4.6.0"],"spirv_std":["Standard @n @6 @b @2 SPIR-V","0.9.0"],"twofloat":["Double-double arithmetic @I.","0.7.0"],"pairing_ce":[C[652],"0.28.5"],"swc_$W":["&a @2 authoring swc $W","0.90.1"],"htmlize":["Encode @6 decode HTML entities in UTF-8 according to @7 ^l","1.0.5"],"zstd_^d":["Low-@W @4 @2 @7 zstd ^f @1.","2.0.10+zstd.1.5.6"],"fqdn":["FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)","0.3.4"],"tabled":["An easy to &z @1 @2 pretty print tables of @3 `&b`s @6 `enum`s.",C[32]],"bp_@v":["Primitives @u may be $9 at (bridges) @v @W. (@s @L)",C[24]],"streaming_decompression":["Fallible streaming iterator specialized @2 decompression","0.1.2"],"snarkvm_ledger_narwhal_@D":[C[910],C[26]],"robotparser":["robots.txt @h @2 @3",C[24]],"sdwd":["SystemD WatchDog ^q @5",C[9]],"wslapi":["Managing @7 $v Subsystem @2 Linux","0.1.3"],"sysfs_pwm":["@M ^s to @7 Linux sysfs interfaces to PWMs. Via this @5 you can export, unexport, @6 control PWM pins @2 $z there is an appropriate driver loaded in @7 kernel. See &Q://",C[5]],"v4l2_^d_mit":["Raw v4l2 @4 (MIT licensed)","0.3.0"],"GSL_^d":[C[132],"3.0.0"],"uu_cksum":["cksum ~ (uutils) display CRC @6 size of input",C[20]],"sledgehammer_^r":["$j @2 sledgehammer-^k","0.2.1"],"imgui_opengl_renderer":["An OpenGL renderer @2 imgui-rs",C[51]],"ark_ff":["A @1 @2 finite fields","0.4.2"],"coinbase_pro_rs":["Coinbase pro @d @2 @3","0.8.1"],"ore_^w":["Ore is a digital currency you can mine @E anywhere, at home or on &3 phone.","1.2.1"],"smallset":["An unordered set of elements optimized @2 small sizes","0.1.1"],"iso8601_timestamp":["High-@X ISO8601 Timestamp formatting @6 @K","0.2.17"],"sapio_bitcoin":["General purpose @1 @2 @A @6 interoperating @9 Bitcoin @6 other cryptocurrencies, @9 &r @2 Sapio.","0.28.2"],"simulacrum_user":["Functionality @u is helpful when @A mock objects created @9 Simulacrum.",C[5]],"mailgun_v3":["reqwest @w web @4 @2 Mailgun's v3 &D $U",C[3]],"polonius_$m":["Core definition @2 @7 @3 borrow checker",C[8]],"vec_@9_positions":["A `Vec` together @9 positions @u move together @9 @7 elements if @7 `Vec`","3.0.0-alpha.30"],"migrant":["CLI Database migration ^c @2 postgres, sqlite, mysql",C[3]],"contour":["Compute isorings @6 contour polygons (@A marching squares $b).",C[8]],"rustversion":[C[889],"1.0.15"],"bevy_@c_^r":[C[209],C[14]],"discord_indexmap":["A fork of @7 popular `indexmap` @1 @u adds a few extra APIs @u are yet to be upstreamed.","1.4.0"],"argh_&B":[C[765],"0.1.12"],"@e_tags":["Language tags @2 @3","0.3.2"],"^L":["A fancy ^L ^j @2 highly &8 cases.","0.1.9"],"cmp_&y":[C[527],"0.0.1"],"marker_api":["Marker's $U, designed @2 stability @6 usability","0.5.0"],"rbatis_^B":["^e @3 SQL Toolkit @6 ORM @q. An @C, pure @3 SQL @5 featuring &N-^0 Dynamic SQL gen @T","4.5.17"],"&F_local_panic_hook":["Panic hooks @u work per &F.",C[5]],"dbui_@O":["Core classes $9 by dbui in @7 app @6 WASM","0.0.64"],"bolt_@d":["A @d @u sends ^X @A @7 Bolt @l.",C[24]],"sev":["@q @2 AMD SEV","3.1.1"],"@C_http_proxy":["Lightweight $1 HTTP proxy @d @1","1.2.5"],"i18n_&m":["$P @1 contains @7 $G stucts (along @9 their @K @n) @2 @7 $g-i18n tool/@T.","0.4.6"],"snarkvm_r1cs":["R1CS @2 a $D &l ^C",C[92]],"forc_util":["Utility items &B $8 forc $y.","0.56.0"],"nixpkgs_fmt_rnix":[C[133],"1.2.0"],"dioxus_debug_cell":[C[134],"0.1.1"],"actix_web_httpauth":["HTTP authentication schemes @2 Actix Web","0.8.1"],"tuplex":["@3 tuple ^m.","0.1.2"],"glidesort":["Glidesort sorting $b","0.1.2"],"cumulus_^n_xcm":["Pallet @2 stuff &2 to parachains' usage of XCM (@s @L)",C[24]],"gouth":["$P @1 @r auto-renewed tokens @2 GCP service authentication.","0.2.1"],"avro_rs":["@q @2 ^g @9 Apache Avro in @3",C[8]],"snarkvm_synthesizer_snark":["SNARK &K @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"sp_std":["Lowest-$x @W @2 @7 &E @v: just exports useful @F @E std or @d/alloc to be $9 @9 any $d @u depends on @7 @v.","14.0.0"],"dbn_@8":["Proc @8 @2 dbn @5","0.17.1"],"marine_rs_sdk":[C[534],C[3]],"threema_gateway":["A @d @1 @2 @7 Threema Gateway.",C[28]],"^h_schedule":["$P @5 helps schedule tasks in ^h @v","0.3.1"],"arrow_@D":["Array @D abstractions @2 Apache Arrow","51.0.0"],"u_siem":["A @j @2 ^6 custom SIEMs","0.7.0"],"onesignal_$F_tail_sample":["Tail sampling @f @2 $F @9 OpenTelemetry","0.2.2"],"binstalk_@b":["^e binstall toolkit @u contains basic @b @2 binstalk $y","0.7.0"],"k8s_gateway_api":["@3 @4 @2 @7 Kubenetes Gateway $U",C[32]],"stopwatch":["A stopwatch @1 @2 timing things.","0.0.7"],"make_cmd":["Enables scripts to invoke gnu_make @x-independently.",C[5]],"hpke_rs_&j":["Traits @6 @b @2 HPKE &j backends",C[2]],"tcmalloc_^d":[C[214],"0.3.0"],"magic":["High @W @4 @2 @7 `libmagic` C @1","0.16.2"],"aiken":["Cardano smart ^S @e @6 toolchain",C[435]],"dropshot_endpoint":["@c $9 by dropshot consumers @2 registering handlers",C[11]],"macaddr":["MAC address @b","1.0.1"],"std_ext":["Extend @7 ^l @1 @I","0.2.2"],"tables":[C[77],"0.1.5"],"log_reroute":["Support to change logging target @2 @7 log @5","0.1.8"],"&j_ws_@d":["A versatile websocket @d @u supports many cryptocurrency exchanges.","4.12.11"],"device_query":["A basic @1 @2 querying keyboard @6 mouse state on-demand ^U a window.","2.0.0"],"nom_leb128":["Fast LEB128 ^2 @2 @7 nom @h combinator @1",C[2]],"@O_io":["$P is a copy of libstd::io @9 all @7 parts @u don't work in @O removed. Most importantly, it @r @7 Read @6 Write $3. $P @5 is (mostly) automatically $X @E @7 @z git source. ^e $2 of @7 source @u corresponds to &3 $E $2 will be selected automatically by @7 $s script.","0.1.20210325"],"salvo_oapi_@8":["$L @2 salvo-oapi","0.67.1"],"lambdaworks_&j":["Data @y @6 @F @2 cryptography @1","0.7.0"],"sg_whitelist":["Stargaze NFT whitelist ^S","3.13.0"],"amino":[C[77],"0.1.7"],"stringreader":["@M a @p @2 $e so @u they can be consumed via @7 std::io::Read ^8.","0.1.1"],"gluesql_cli":[C[87],C[32]],"fixed_map":["A fixed map where $Q layout is calculated by a $0 @c.","0.9.5"],"glutin_@O_foundation":["^e *real* core_foundation @5, under a temporary name.","0.1.2"],"tiktoken_rs":["@q @2 @J @6 ^2 @9 @7 tiktoken @1 in @3","0.5.8"],"owlish":["OWL 2 @0 @9 wasm @f @6 turtle @K","0.28.0"],"actix_redis":["Actor-@w Redis @d",C[8]],"^C_ip":["Get &3 machine's local IP address.","0.2.1"],"newrelic":["Idiomatic @3 @4 to @7 New Relic C &a. Note: versions 0.1.0 onwards of this @5 are completely incompatible @9 previous versions as they move away @E @7 deprecated New Relic &a to @7 newer New Relic C &a. $P has additional requirements: see &Q:// @2 details.","0.2.2"],"openssl_src":["Source of OpenSSL @6 logic to $s it.","300.2.3+3.2.1"],"winapi_$s":["^W $d @2 in WinAPI -^d $y.","0.1.1"],"sp_^r":["I/O @2 &E runtimes","3.0.0"],"eccoxide":["elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) @j","0.3.1"],"crc_all":["A Pure @3 @i of Generic CRC Algorithm","0.2.2"],"aliri_$3":["Token-@w authorization @9 authorities @u verify ^s grants","0.1.1"],"property":["Generate several $4 methods @2 ^N automatically.",C[88]],"binstall_tar":[C[135],"0.4.39"],"aws_sdk_s3":["^v &a @2 $V $p Storage &h","1.24.0"],"r2d2_sqlite_neonphog":[C[284],C[5]],"arch_audit":["A ^q &4 pkg-audit @2 Arch Linux @w on Arch Security Team @D","0.1.20"],"fehler_@8":["$L des Fehlers",C[9]],"hard_xml_@a":["^x marco of hard-xml.","1.36.0"],"concolor_control":[C[219],"0.0.7"],"@C_socks5":["An @C/.await SOCKS5 @0","0.6.0"],"alloy_chains":["Canonical ^j @S @2 EIP-155 chains","0.1.17"],"nybbles":["Efficient nibble-sized (4-bit) byte sequence @D ^p","0.2.1"],"openssl_errors":["Custom ^L @1 @f @2 @7 openssl @5.",C[2]],"fraction":["Lossless fractions @6 decimals; drop-in float replacement","0.15.2"],"holochain_zome_@b":["Holochain zome @b","0.3.0-beta-dev.36"],"cobs":[C[903],"0.2.3"],"multiversx_chain_scenario_@G":["Parser/writer of @7 MultiversX transaction scenario @G","0.22.2"],"rustacuda_@a":["Custom ^x Macro @2 RustaCUDA","0.1.2"],"lingua_tagalog_@e_^9":["^e Tagalog @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"autocxx_$s":[C[250],C[86]],"wasmtime_component_util":["Utility @b @6 @n to @f @7 component ^9 in Wasmtime",C[63]],"valico":["&D Schema validator @6 &D coercer","4.0.0"],"easy_hasher":["Easy hashing @1","2.2.1"],"intuicio_frontend_simpleton":["Simpleton frontend ^y @2 Intuicio scripting @x","0.31.6"],"shuttle_^B":["Proc-@c $d @H @2 @7 service",C[68]],"teloxide_@8":["^e teloxide's $0 @8","0.7.1"],"rustweb2":["@3-@w web @N","1.1.22"],"olio":["Miscellaneous I/O @m","1.4.0"],"$5_arrow":["Convert sequences of @3 objects to Arrow arrays @6 back again",C[54]],"ink_lang_@c":[C[136],"3.4.0"],"relational_@b":["Manage relations $8 objects","2.0.0"],"salvo_proxy":["TBD: Proxy @f @2 salvo web @N @j.","0.67.1"],"$g_atelier":["Cargo $C @2 @7 ^v Smithy IDL.","0.2.7"],"bloom":["Fast Bloom Filter @6 Counting Bloom Filter @0","0.3.2"],"argon2rs":["^e pure @3 password hashing @1 @u runs on Argon2.","0.2.5"],"crest":["A REST @d @1.","0.3.4"],"smelling_salts":["Abstraction over OS APIs to handle $1 device waking",C[51]],"$g_msrv":["Find &3 minimum supported @3 $2 (MSRV)!","0.16.0-beta.20"],"dicom_object":["A high-@W $U @2 reading @6 manipulating DICOM objects","0.7.0"],"qfilter":["Efficient bloom filter &4 datastructure, @w on @7 Rank Select Quotient Filter (RSQF)","0.1.6"],"embassy_executor_@8":[C[591],"0.4.1"],"sbi_spec":["Definitions @6 &J in RISC-V Supervisor Binary &P (RISC-V SBI)","0.0.7"],"reool":["An asynchrounous connection pool @2 Redis @w on ^h @6 redis-rs",C[1]],"lapin_$r_rustls":["Integration of rustls @9 lapin-$r",C[30]],"pest_@a_tmp":[C[779],"2.1.0"],"f128_input":[C[247],"0.2.1"],"tinyaudio":["TinyAudio is a cross-@x, easy-to-&z, low-@W, audio output @1.","0.1.3"],"nom_recursive_@8":["Helper @5 of nom-recursive","0.5.1"],"$J_hal":["A Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) @2 $J systems",C[9]],"fend_@O":[C[175],"1.4.6"],"sc_service":["&E service. Starts a &F @u spins up @7 $M, @d, @6 extrinsic pool. Manages &U $8 them. (@s @L)","0.39.0"],"pest_meta":[C[137],"2.7.9"],"gluesql_&1_suite":[C[87],C[32]],"fclones":["Finds @6 removes duplicate @P","0.34.0"],"$s_info_$4":["Part of @7 $s-info @6 $s-info-$s $y: $P @5 @r @7 @b @u are serialized by $s-info-$s @6 $9 by $s-info.","0.0.36"],"threads_pool":["$P @Y @r an easy way to create @6 manage &F pools, so you don't have to.","0.2.6"],"cumulus_@F_parachain_inherent":["Inherent @u needs to be present in every parachain block. Contains ^X @6 a relay chain $Q-proof. (@s @L)",C[24]],"oxiri":["$p @6 &p @0 of IRI validation @6 relative IRI resolution","0.2.3"],"trybuild":["Test harness @2 ui tests of $E diagnostics","1.0.91"],"sc_state_db":["State $O maintenance. Handles canonicalization @6 pruning in @7 $O. (@s @L)","0.34.0"],"linfa_linalg":["Pure-@3 @0 of linear algebra routines @2 ndarray",C[5]],"objc2":["Objective-C @g @6 @v @4","0.5.1"],"aws_sdk_keyspaces":["^v &a @2 $V Keyspaces",C[4]],"tock_registers":["Memory-Mapped I/O @6 register @g developed @2 Tock.","0.9.0"],"pmtiles":["@i of @7 PMTiles v3 spec @9 multiple sync @6 @C backends.","0.9.0"],"drawbridge_@N":["Drawbridge @N $w.","0.4.2"],"wavefront_obj":["A @h @2 @7 Wavefront .obj $R @G.","10.0.0"],"sc_$M_light":["&E light $M @l (@s @L)","0.37.0"],"roaring":["A better compressed bitset - pure @3 @0","0.10.3"],"bomboni_prost":["$j @2 ^g @9 prost. Part of Bomboni @1.","0.1.55"],"clockwork_$M_^w":["Clockwork networking @l","2.0.19"],"&k_regex":["Safe regular expression @1","0.3.0"],"brw":["A @o &0 @2 @7 broker-reader-writer pattern","0.1.7"],"blake":["@i of @7 BLAKE hash @R @2 @3 via FFI","2.0.2"],"@z_icu_uenum":["Native @4 to @7 ICU4C @1 @E ^I. Implements `uenum.h` @E @7 ICU4C $U.","5.0.0"],"$R_locker":[C[286],"1.1.2"],"deranged":["Ranged integers","0.3.11"],"poule":[C[232],"0.3.2"],"aws_sdk_comprehendmedical":["^v &a @2 ^v Comprehend Medical",C[17]],"is_executable":["Is there an executable $R at @7 given path?","1.0.1"],"console_web":["A @5 @2 $I to @7 console in wasm (@A wasm-^k)","0.1.2"],"timebomb":["A timeout mechnisem @2 unit tests","0.1.2"],"kitsune_p2p_@b":["@b subcrate @2 kitsune-p2p",C[138]],"aws_sdk_wellarchitected":["^v &a @2 ^v Well-Architected Tool",C[4]],"fixed_slice_vec":["`FixedSliceVec` is a dynamic length Vec @9 @v-determined maximum capacity backed by a slice.",C[11]],"esp_idf_hal":["A Hardware $x layer @2 Espressif's ESP family of $S @w on @7 ESP-IDF @j.","0.43.1"],"rattler_networking":["Authenticated requests in @7 conda ecosystem","0.20.3"],"hyperscan_^d":[C[488],"0.3.2"],"regalloc2":["Backtracking register ^D inspired @E IonMonkey","0.9.3"],"felix":["tui $R &y @9 vim-&4 key mapping","2.13.0"],"deno_web":["&T of Web APIs","0.179.0"],"sn_node_rpc_@d":["Safe Node RPC Client","0.6.13-alpha.0"],"spinner":["A @o @1 to add more interactivity to &3 $o @B.","0.5.0"],"fastly_@8":["Fastly Compute $0 @c @0",C[11]],"aws_sdk_mturk":["^v &a @2 $V Mechanical Turk",C[17]],"compressed_log":["Log ^f on @7 fly","0.5.6"],"unicode_hfwidth":["$j @2 $H characters in @7 ^I \"Halfwidth @6 Fullwidth Forms\" block.",C[2]],"ipfsapi":["Crate @2 interfacing @9 @7 IPFS api",C[7]],"recaptcha":["recaptcha response verification","0.5.0"],"aliri_oauth2":["JWT authorization @w on validating OAuth2 scopes",C[41]],"ioctl":["DEPRECATED in favor of nix","0.3.4"],"unicode_jp":["A @1 to convert Japanese Half-width-kana[半角カナ] @6 Wide-alphanumeric[全角英数] &q normal ones.",C[7]],"tardar":["Extensions @2 diagnostic ^L $H @9 `miette`.",C[5]],"fj_kernel":[C[139],"0.46.0"],"plotters_iced":["Iced $n @2 Plotters",C[11]],"nalgebra_glm":["A computer-&X oriented $U @2 nalgebra, inspired by @7 C++ GLM @1.",C[6]],"sqllogictest_engines":["Sqllogictest built-in engines.","0.20.2"],"icu_timezone":["$U @2 resolving @6 manipulating ^0 zone @Q","1.4.0"],"spirv":[C[140],"0.3.0+sdk-"],"eudex":["A blazingly &p phonetic reduction/hashing $b.","0.1.1"],"git_path":[C[19],"0.7.2"],"utf16_lit":["macro_rules to make utf-16 literals.","2.0.2"],"mit_prepare_commit_msg":["$P hook is invoked by git-commit right after preparing @7 default log message, @6 before @7 editor is started.",C[158]],"allegro_ttf_^d":["Allegro 5 ttf addon @3 &G","0.0.45"],"^R_chacha_cuda":["&o Chacha Cuda APIs","1.0.24"],"hyper_tls":["Default TLS @0 @2 &z @9 hyper","0.6.0"],"impls":["Determine if a ^j implements a logical ^8 expression.","1.0.3"],"zipkin":["A @1 @2 collecting timing @Q about distributed computations","0.4.2"],"aws_sdk_finspacedata":["^v &a @2 FinSpace Public $U",C[17]],"instant_acme":["Async pure-@3 ACME @d","0.4.3"],"crossfire":["channels @2 @C @6 threads","1.0.1"],"ff_cl_gen":["OpenCL $d @H @2 prime-fields","0.3.0"],"libthermite":["Crate @2 managing Northstar mods","0.8.1"],"credibility":["A thin @p ^i assert to @f table-driven tests","0.1.3"],"ads1x1x":["Platform-agnostic @3 driver @2 @7 ADS1x1x ultra-small, low-power analog-to-digital converters (ADC). Compatible @9 @7 devices: ADS1013, ADS1014, ADS1015, ADS1113, ADS1114 @6 ADS1115.","0.2.2"],"scaly":["@q @2 @7 Scaly ^a @e","0.0.37"],"sgx_@b":[C[248],"1.1.2"],"prqlc_@h":[C[335],"0.11.3"],"gfx_auxil":["@i details &B $8 gfx-rs backends",C[11]],"proconio":["Easy IO @1 @2 competitive ^a","0.4.5"],"themelio_stf":["Core state-transition @R @6 @D @y @2 Themelio","0.11.13"],"quil_rs":["@3 tooling @2 Quil (Quantum Instruction Language)",C[86]],"surf":[C[790],"2.3.2"],"$r_channel_preview":[C[400],C[159]],"qt_@8":["$L @2 Qt","0.1.1"],"profont":["^e ProFont monospace font @2 &z @9 @7 $J-&X @5.","0.7.0"],"toolshed":["Arena ^D @6 a handful of useful @D @y","0.8.1"],"graph_cycles":["Detect all cycles in a petgraph graph",C[5]],"lingua":["An &t &S @e $B @1, suitable @2 short text @6 mixed-@e text","1.6.2"],"sema":["@3 semaphore @1","0.1.4"],"webauthn_rs":["Webauthn Framework @2 @3 Web Servers",C[141]],"rasn_smi":["Data @b @2 $H Structure @2 Management Information",C[3]],"aws_sdk_qldbsession":["^v &a @2 $V QLDB Session",C[17]],"&O_winmd_@8":["Macro &i @2 @7 windows_winmd @5","0.3.1"],"@a_new":["`#[@a(new)]` implements @o constructor @n @2 ^N @6 enums.","0.6.0"],"opimps":["A @o @1 of ^K @8 to assist @9 overloading operators @2 borrowed @6 owned @D.","0.2.2"],"$5":[C[629],"1.0.199"],"collate":["Traits @6 a @D ^p to @f collation @6 bisection","0.4.1"],"libafl_@a":["^x ^O-@c @5 @2 LibAFL",C[0]],"qutex":[C[299],"0.2.6"],"recloser":["A &Y circuit breaker &s @9 ring buffers","1.1.1"],"twilight_cache_inmemory":["In-^M-$7 @w cache @2 @7 Twilight ecosystem.",C[142]],"esplora_@d":["Bitcoin Esplora $U @d @1. Supports plaintext, TLS @6 Onion servers. Blocking or @C","0.7.0"],"assets_$4":["Assets $4 @m (@s @L)",C[24]],"pacmanconf":["A pacman-conf @p @1 @2 @K pacman &m @P","2.1.0"],"grafbase_local_$4":["^W $d $9 in multiple $y in @7 CLI workspace","0.20.0-rc.3"],"lambda_@v_@O":["@3 @v @2 ^v Lambda","0.1.2"],"nitrokey_&1":["Supporting &1 infrastructure @2 @7 nitrokey @5 @6 others @A it.","0.5.0"],"^n_timestamp":["FRAME Timestamp Module (@s @L)",C[90]],"sqlx_$O_tester":["@q @2 creation of unit / $C tests @9 sqlx $O @f","0.4.2"],"bevy_log":["@M logging @2 Bevy Engine",C[14]],"identicon_rs":["identicon-rs is a @1 built ^i custom $i of identicon images.","5.0.0"],"allegro_^d":["Allegro 5 @O @1 @3 &G","0.0.45"],"out":["@M &p min @6 max @I @2 &u.","8.0.0"],"rkyv":["Zero-copy ^3 @j @2 @3",C[143]],"casual":["$p @5 @2 @K user input.",C[2]],"configparser":["A @o $G @K ^q @9 no ^4 @u allows you to parse INI @6 ini-style syntax. You can &z this to write @3 programs $z can be customized by end users easily.","3.0.4"],"intl_pluralrules":["^I Plural Rules categorizer @2 numeric input.","7.0.2"],"readability":["Port of arc90's readability $K to @z","0.3.0"],"^M_control":["Ergonomically run processes @9 limits","4.1.0"],"iced_glutin":["A glutin @v @2 Iced","0.8.0"],"heim_disk":["Cross-@x disk @Q",C[58]],"nydus_rafs":["^e RAFS filesystem @G @2 Nydus Image &h","0.3.2"],"cbordata":["CBOR processing @Y @2 document databases @6 distributed @B","0.6.0"],"ping":["$p @6 naive ping @0 in @3.","0.5.2"],"shank":["Exposes @8 to annotate @3 programs to extract solita $k IDL in order to ^o ^w SDKs","0.4.2"],"@o_html_template":["Html Template","0.2.4"],"qp2p":[C[269],"0.36.4"],"parity_dapps_glue":["Base Package @2 all Parity built-in dapps","1.9.1"],"rxrust":["A @3 @0 of Reactive Extensions.","1.0.0-beta.7"],"@v_^F":["A cross-@x $1 @v",C[82]],"fax":["Decoder @6 Encoder @2 CCITT Group 3 @6 4 bi-@W image encodings $9 by fax machines TIFF @6 PDF.","0.2.4"],"bio_@b":["A @U of $4 biomedical @b @2 &z in @z-bio @6 @z-htslib.","1.0.1"],"sp_ark_models":["A substrate replacement ^9 @2 bls12 of ark-ec","0.4.1-beta"],"syscall_^V":["System calls ^V @2 various architectures","3.1.1"],"flo_curves":["@q @2 manipulating Bezier curves","0.7.2"],"staged_&0":["A ^O @c $z generates staged builders @2 @b.",C[2]],"aws_sdk_rds":["^v &a @2 $V Relational Database &h","1.30.0"],"join":["$L $z provide useful shortcut combinators, combine sync/@C chains, @f single @6 multi &F (sync/@C) step by step execution of branches, transform tuple of results in result of tuple.","0.3.1"],"gloo":["A modular toolkit @2 @3 @6 @Z",C[24]],"snmalloc_^d":["@z raw @4 of snmalloc.","0.3.5"],"easytime":["Providing @p @b @2 safely performing panic-free checked arithmetic on instants @6 durations.","0.2.7"],"untrustended":["Untrustended - Untrusted Extended. A compilation of @F @2 @K ^Q @E untrusted input.","0.4.1"],"cervo_asset":["A unified asset ^j @2 Cervo @A ONNX or NNEF models.","0.6.0"],"spl_token_vault":[C[144],"0.0.1"],"mpi_^d":[C[145],"0.2.1"],"dialog":["Display dialog boxes @A various backends","0.3.0"],"oxygengine_composite_renderer_$n_web":["Composite renderer Web $n ^y @2 Oxygengine",C[1]],"unescape":["Unescapes $e @9 escape sequences $Y out as literal characters.",C[5]],"pact_mock_@N_cli":["Standalone pact mock @N @2 consumer pact tests","1.0.5"],"pwd_grp":["Access Unix passwords @6 groups","0.1.1"],"$5_scale":["Serde serializer @6 deserializer @2 @7 SCALE @J","0.2.2"],"pseudo":["A small mocking @1 @2 @3",C[2]],"sc_rpc_api":["&E RPC interfaces. (@s @L)","0.37.0"],"gtk_&1":["Crate to &1 GTK UIs",C[6]],"expand":["Macro to expand byte $6 @6 $6 literals","0.3.0"],"isbot":["Detect if a user-agent is a known bot","0.1.3"],"jsonrpsee_http_@N":["HTTP @N @2 &D-RPC",C[35]],"rupnp":["An $1 @1 @2 finding UPnP control points, performing actions on them @6 reading their service descriptions.","2.0.0"],"@C_zmq_@b":["Types @6 $3 to create a &8 @g over $1 zmq @k","0.3.2"],"codicon":["Traits @2 @J @6 ^2","3.0.0"],"ethcontract":["&R @1 @6 ^O @c @2 $T @6 $q ^j-&k @4 to Ethereum smart ^b.","0.25.6"],"vls_@l_signer":[C[146],C[24]],"mime2ext":["Given a mimetype, suggest a $R ^m","0.1.52"],"mohan":["Shared Types & Utils","0.0.53"],"rhai_autodocs":["Custom documentation @H @2 @7 Rhai scripting @e","0.5.4"],"java_locator":["Locates a Java installation in @7 host.","0.1.5"],"unzip_n":["@V @c to ^o `unzip` @2 iterators over n-sized tuples","0.1.2"],"ucg":["A $G $i grammar.","0.7.2"],"ptree":["Pretty-print &5-&4 @y",C[7]],"mdbook_template":["A mdbook preprocessor @u allows @7 re-usability of template @P @9 dynamic arguments","1.1.1+deprecated"],"cairo_lang_$K":["Cairo $K &d. For example, $y @6 flags $9 @2 compilation.","2.6.3"],"abort":["Abnormal termination (stable, no_std)","0.1.3"],"tablefy":["An easy way to display any &b as a table!","0.1.3"],"jq_^d":["Generated @4 @2 libjq.","0.2.2"],"rusqlite_migration":["$p schema migration @1 @2 rusqlite @A user_version ^Y of an SQL table to maintain @7 current schema $2.","1.2.0"],"f3":["Board Support Crate @2 @7 STM32F3DISCOVERY","0.6.1"],"ark_bls12_377_ext":["Extensions @2 @7 BLS12-377 pairing-&n elliptic curve","0.4.1"],"enum_delegate":["Easily replace dynamic dispatch @9 an enum, @2 speed @6 @t",C[2]],"$r_fs":[C[722],"0.0.5"],"clockpro_cache":["CLOCK-Pro cache replacement policy","0.1.12"],"hxdmp":["A small ^q to create hexdump output @E byte slices","0.2.1"],"ntp_@h":["Parser @2 @7 NTP @l","0.6.0"],"longbridge_candlesticks":["Longbridge candlestick ^r @2 @3","0.2.77"],"elliptic_curve":["General purpose Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) @f, &7 @b @6 $3 @2 representing various elliptic curve forms, scalars, points, @6 public/secret keys composed thereof.","0.14.0-pre.5"],"spl_governance_^H":["&o Program @q Governance Tools","0.1.4"],"cpuprofiler":["$a to google's cpu profiler","0.0.4"],"fil_actor_init":[C[147],"9.0.1"],"wasmbin":["A self-$q @Z @h @6 serializer","0.8.1"],"$g_workspaces":["Cargo workspace &y","0.3.1"],"sval":["Streaming, structured &v @t","2.13.0"],"odbc_api":["Write ODBC Applications in (mostly) &k @3.","7.0.0"],"iter_set":["Set $c on sorted, deduplicated iterators.","2.0.2"],"websocket_codec":["A Tokio codec @2 @7 websocket @l","0.5.2"],"aws_sdk_amplifyuibuilder":["^v &a @2 ^v Amplify UI Builder",C[17]],"readme_rustdocifier":["A @1 @2 rustdocifying `` @2 inclusion in ``","0.1.1"],"&O_service":["A @5 @u @r facilities @2 ^c @6 @0 of &O services","0.7.0"],"exonum_profiler":["A profiling / flamegraph @1.","0.1.2"],"guess_host_triple":["Guess $z @3-supported @x is running @7 current $d","0.1.3"],"mirror_mirror":["Reflection @1 @2 @3","0.1.20"],"investments":["Helps you @9 managing &3 investments","6.3.1"],"overload":["@M a @c to simplify operator overloading.","0.1.1"],"mozbuild":["Placeholder",C[5]],"tz_rs":["A pure @3 reimplementation of libc @n localtime, gmtime @6 mktime.","0.6.14"],"task_queue":["^e @0 of @7 &F pool @2 @3","0.0.7"],"$K_init":["Quickly initialize projects @E a template.","3.1.23"],"mirai_annotations":["$L @u provide source $d annotations @2 MIRAI","1.12.0"],"anstyle_wincon":["Styling legacy $v terminals","3.0.2"],"biscuit":["A @1 to work @9 Javascript Object Signing @6 Encryption(JOSE), &7 &D Web Tokens (JWT), &D Web Signature (JWS) @6 &D Web Encryption (JWE).","0.7.0"],"&w_ap_syntax":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `syntax` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 834bc5650acf7019a53b409db68986857822812c ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish","645.0.0"],"ssz_@b":["List, vector @6 bitfield @b @2 SSZ","0.6.0"],"bevy_reflect":["Dynamically interact @9 @z @b",C[14]],"io_tee":["Tee Read, BufRead, @6 Seek instances to a writer","0.1.1"],"lambda_@v_errors_@a":["@3 @v errors @a @2 ^v Lambda","0.1.1"],"bevy_panorbit_camera":["A basic pan @6 orbit camera in Bevy",C[28]],"zeno":["High @X, low @W 2D path rasterization.","0.3.1"],"rusoto_credential":[C[148],C[15]],"tinystr_raw":["Raw $6-to-integer conversions @2 tinystr.","0.1.3"],"oxigraph":["a SPARQL $O @6 RDF toolkit",C[1029]],"air_interpreter_wasm":["Distribution of AIR interpreter as .wasm","0.63.0"],"pom":["PEG @h combinators @A operator overloading ^U @8.","3.4.0"],"pest_consume_@8":["$L @2 pest_consume","1.1.0"],"svd_rs":["A CMSIS-SVD base @y","0.14.8"],"^D_api2":["Mirror of Rust's ^D $U","0.2.18"],"utfx":["...",C[5]],"knuffel_@a":["A @a @0 @2 knuffel KDL @h","3.2.0"],"balena_cdsl":["Configuration DSL","0.10.6"],"lz_str":["A port of lz-$6 to @3","0.2.1"],"atsame54_xpro":["Board Support @5 @2 @7 SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit","0.6.0"],"actix_web_@z_embed_responder":["An actix-web responder @2 @z-embed @u implements cache revalidation @6 compressed responses.","2.2.2"],"mp4ra_@z":["Types @6 associated &J representing $d points managed by @7 MPEG4 Registration Authority","0.3.0"],"rspotify_@8":["$L @2 RSpotify",C[45]],"re_sdk":["Rerun logging &a",C[35]],"bevy_math":["@M math @I @2 Bevy Engine",C[14]],"unzip":["@q to decompress all (or some) @P @E a zipped archive.",C[5]],"finite_wasm":["Guarantee deterministic limits on execution ^0 @6 space resources made available to @7 @Z programs in a @v-agnostic way.","0.5.0"],"duct_sh":["a sub-@5 @2 @7 sh @R, formerly in duct","0.13.7"],"jemallocator_global":[C[149],"0.3.2"],"fann":["Wrapper @2 @7 Fast Artificial Neural Networks @1","0.1.8"],"extism_pdk":["Extism Plug-in Development Kit (PDK) @2 @3","1.1.0"],"google_signin":["$U @4 @2 Google Sign-In","0.3.0"],"holochain_wasmer_$4":["commons @2 both host @6 guest","0.0.93"],"openpgp_card_sequoia":["Wrapper of openpgp-card @2 &z @9 Sequoia PGP","0.2.1"],"git_bitmap":[C[19],"0.2.2"],"tx5_go_pion_^d":["Low @W @z @4 to @7 go pion webrtc @1",C[125]],"mdbook_latex":["An mdbook $n @2 $q LaTeX @6 PDF documents.","0.1.24"],"lettre_email":["Email &0","0.9.4"],"freedesktop_icons":["A Freedesktop Icons lookup @5","0.2.6"],"tremor_script":[C[191],"0.13.0-rc.18"],"aws_sdk_codepipeline":["^v &a @2 ^v CodePipeline","1.23.0"],"secret_toolkit_permit":["Boilerplate @2 @A permits in Secret Contracts",C[11]],"fontconfig":["Safe, higher-@W @p ^i @7 Fontconfig @1","0.8.0"],"copperline":["Pure-@3 Command Line Editing @q","0.3.0"],"indenter":["A formatter @p @u indents @7 text, designed @2 ^L display impls","0.3.3"],"$g_&m":["$g-&m allows you get to read @Q @E a project's Cargo.toml $R on @7 $l line. Similar in spirit to git &m.","0.1.1"],"odbc":["ODBC @p @2 idiomatic @3",C[28]],"runfiles":["Bazel runfiles @f @2 $g",C[5]],"rusoto_glue":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v Glue @ 2017-03-31",C[15]],"hyper":[C[637],"1.3.1"],"jxl_frame":["JPEG XL frame @D ^A, part of jxl-oxide","0.9.0"],"@C_tls":[C[468],C[8]],"fuel_@a":["FuelVM (de)@t @a @8 @2 `fuel-vm` @D @y.","0.49.0"],"@C_fs":["Async filesystem @F","2.1.2"],"bevy_console":["dev console @2 bevy",C[56]],"clickhouse_srv":[C[1035],"0.3.1"],"websocket_base":["A WebSocket (RFC6455) @1 @2 @3: low-@W component. It contains HTTP-independent aspect of WebSockets","0.26.5"],"tendermint":["Tendermint is a high-@X blockchain consensus $m @u powers Byzantine fault tolerant @B $Y in any ^a @e. $P @5 @r @O @b @2 representing @Q about Tendermint blockchain networks, &7 chain @Q @b, secret connections, @6 remote procedure calls (&D-RPC).",C[79]],"aws_sdk_sagemakera2iruntime":["^v &a @2 $V Augmented AI &R",C[17]],"^R_stake_o_matic":["I will find you @6 I will stake you","1.6.28"],"signrel":["Trait expressing relationship $8 integers of different signedness","2.0.0"],"linear_map":["A map &s by searching linearly in a vector.","1.2.0"],"pulsar":["@3 @d @2 Apache Pulsar","6.1.0"],"simpdiscover":["A @o @1 @2 UDP @w service discovery","0.7.0"],"tin_summer":["Command-line tool to find $s artifacts @6 thing occupying space on &3 computer. Shatters records not glass.","1.21.14"],"ident_case":["Utility @2 applying case rules to @3 identifiers.","1.0.1"],"configure":["Configuration ^c","0.1.1"],"h3":["An @C HTTP/3 @0.","0.0.4"],"codemap":["A @D ^p @2 efficiently storing source $d position @6 span @Q (e.g. in a $E AST), @6 mapping it back to $R/line/column locations @2 ^L reporting @6 suggestions.","0.1.3"],"frida_gum":[C[150],"0.13.6"],"sixel_^d":["FFI @4 to libsixel","0.3.1"],"minterpolate":["Data set interpolation @2 mint @F @6 raw arrays",C[7]],"naia_@N_socket":["An $x to provide a $4 $U over either a UDP socket or a service @u can establish WebRTC connections","0.22.0"],"wasmer_vm_near":[C[481],"2.4.1"],"testresult":["@M TestResult ^j @2 concise @6 precise &1 failures",C[7]],"fluent_pseudo":["Pseudolocalization transformation $U @2 &z @9 Project Fluent $U.","0.3.1"],"keyboard_@b":["Contains @b to define keyboard &H events.","0.7.0"],"cosmwasm_schema":["A dev-^T @2 CosmWasm ^b to ^o &D Schema @P.","1.4.4"],"kernlog":["Kernel logger @0 (@2 low @W logging to `/dev/kmsg`).","0.3.1"],"ffi_opaque":["A @o @c to create correct opaque pointers.","2.0.1"],"slip10":["SLIP-0010 : Universal private key derivation @E master private key","0.4.3"],"tpnote_lib":["Minimalistic note-taking: save @6 edit &3 clipboard content as a note $R","0.34.3"],"special":["^e @Y @r special @n.","0.10.3"],"imgui_glium_renderer":["Glium renderer @2 @7 imgui @5",C[24]],"fedimint_threshold_&j":["Pairing threshold cryptography (Fedimint fork)",C[5]],"apple_flat_@Y":["Apple flat @Y (.pkg) @G $H",C[6]],"propfuzz":["Combine property-@w $u @6 fuzzing.","0.0.1"],"sixel_tokenizer":["A tokenizer @2 serialized Sixel bytes",C[5]],"fil_actor_evm_state":["Builtin EVM actor @2 Filecoin","11.1.0"],"symphonia_@G_mkv":["Pure @3 MKV/WebM demuxer (a part of $K Symphonia).","0.5.4"],"pathos":["A &S $U @2 $H OS-&2 user or @T &Z, &7 iOS @6 Android.","0.3.0"],"powershell_script":["A @1 @2 running $v PowerShell scripts","1.1.0"],"csbindgen":["Generate C# FFI @E @3 @2 automatically brings ^F $d @6 C ^F @1 to .NET @6 Unity.","1.9.1"],"displaydoc":["A @a @c @2 $f @7 display Trait via a doc comment @6 $6 interpolation","0.2.4"],"json_to_table":["A @1 @2 pretty print &D as a table","0.7.0"],"random_color":["@3 @5 @2 $q random attractive colors","0.8.0"],"scim_proto":["SCIM @l @4 @2 @3","0.2.1"],"^R_net_^r":[C[397],C[12]],"netlink_^d":["netlink sockets, @9 optional $C @9 ^h","0.8.6"],"srcinfo":["A libary @2 @K .SRCINFO @P","1.1.0"],"pyproject_toml":["pyproject.toml @h in @3",C[11]],"fid":["FID (Fully Indexable Dictionary) @0 @2 @3","0.1.7"],"$5_mappable_seq":["Unnoficial third-party $5 (de)serializers @2 mappable sequences",C[5]],"oboe_^d":["Unsafe @4 @2 oboe an android @1 @2 low latency audio IO","0.6.1"],"ckb_db":["^e ckb @D persistent @0",C[10]],"btree_range_map":["B-&5 range map @0","0.7.2"],"bevy_ecs_@8":["Bevy ECS $L",C[14]],"json_syntax":["Strict &D @K @6 mapping @1","0.12.3"],"yew_nested_router":["A router @2 Yew $z supports nesting","0.7.0"],"tiny_bench":["A tiny benchmarking @1","0.3.0"],"m3u8_rs":["A @1 @2 @K m3u8 @P (Apple's HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) @l).","6.0.0"],"mavlink":["Implements @7 MAVLink @D interchange @G @2 UAVs.","0.10.7"],"ckb_resource":["Bundled resources @2 @7 CKB ^5.",C[10]],"pidgin":["@o non-recursive grammars","0.4.4"],"aws_sdk_detective":["^v &a @2 $V Detective",C[17]],"w5500_ll":["Low @W driver @2 @7 Wiznet W5500 internet offload chip.",C[0]],"rusoto_route53":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V Route 53 @ 2013-04-01",C[15]],"g13":["libusb @w @5 to communicate @9 a Logitech G13 ^U accompanying drivers.",C[5]],"naughty_$e":["^e Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of $e $z have a high probability of causing issues when $9 as user-input @D.","0.2.4"],"keccak":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 Keccak sponge @R &7 @7 keccak-f @6 keccak-p variants","0.2.0-pre.0"],"daggy":["A directed acyclic graph @D ^p @1. It is Implemented on top of petgraph's Graph @D ^p @6 attempts to follow similar conventions where suitable.","0.8.0"],"cap_@C_std":["Capability-@w $2 of @C-std","0.26.1"],"fil_blst":["A @1 to accelerate SNARK verification @2 @7 Filecoin $M @A @7 blst BLS12-381 @X @1.","0.1.2"],"params":["A multi-source request parameters @h @2 Iron.","0.8.0"],"r2d2":["A &8 connection pool","0.8.10"],"sppark":["Zero-knowledge template @1","0.1.6"],"@C_recursion":["Recursion @2 @C @n","1.1.1"],"feed_rs":["A unified feed @h @u handles Atom, RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0, RSS 0.x @6 &D Feed","1.4.0"],"mv_docgen":["Move documentation @H","0.3.2"],"sc_authority_discovery":["&E authority discovery. (@s @L)","0.38.0"],"gb_io":["A @1 @2 @K, $I @6 manipulating Genbank sequence @P","0.7.1"],"rkyv_dyn_@a":["$L @2 rkyv_dyn","0.7.44"],"qdk_sim_experimental":["Experimental simulators @2 &z @9 @7 Quantum Development Kit.","0.24.216270-beta"],"aws_sdk_medialive":["^v &a @2 ^v Elemental MediaLive","1.26.0"],"tracerr":["Custom &N-^0 captured ^L $F.","0.3.0"],"memcomparable":["A memcomparable @t @G.",C[2]],"zstd_seekable_s3":["Seekable zstd-compressed S3 objects.","0.8.0"],"apriltag_^d":["@3 @4 @2 AprilTag @1","0.3.0"],"ngrok":["^e ngrok agent &a","0.14.0-pre.12"],"systemstat":["Get @T @Q/statistics in a cross-@x way","0.2.3"],"vecmap_rs":["A vector-@w map @6 set @0","0.2.1"],"random_variant":[C[157],"0.2.7"],"cap_rand":["Capability-@w random number generators","3.0.0"],"kmacros":[C[154],"6.1.0"],"$g_check":["@p ^i $g &w -- -Zno-trans","0.2.2"],"num256":["@i of 256 bit integers","0.5.2"],"queues":["Efficient FIFO Queue @D @y","1.1.0"],"bracket_random":["Random number @H (xorshift @w), focused on dice rolling. Optionally includes @K of RPG-style dice $e (e.g. \"3d6+12\"). Part of @7 bracket-lib family.","0.8.7"],"tink_gcpkms":[C[242],"0.2.5"],"block_on_^O":["Generate a blocking method @2 each @C method in an impl block. Supports either `^h` or `@C-std` $n.",C[2]],"base58_monero":["@q @9 @f @2 @J/^2 Monero base58 $e.","2.0.0"],"clap_^o_fig":["Renamed to clap_complete_fig","3.0.1"],"^n_session_benchmarking":[C[1033],C[64]],"re_viewer":["^e Rerun viewer",C[35]],"sendgrid_@C":["An @C-std @w @d @2 sending emails @9 SendGrid","0.1.1"],"leo_ast":["Abstract syntax &5 (AST) @2 @7 Leo ^a @e","1.11.0"],"isotest":["Enables a very &2 unit $u pattern.",C[5]],"fixed_ring_buffer":["An $1 SPSC fixed-capacity look-free ring buffer, $z can be $9 to transfer @D $8 two threads or $8 two $1 tasks",C[5]],"fungi_lang":["Fungi: A typed, functional @e @2 programs @u name their cached ^T graphs","0.1.63"],"llvm_^H":["@M ^s to @7 llvm ^H installed through @7 `llvm-^H-preview` rustup component.","0.1.1"],"jpeg_encoder":["JPEG encoder","0.6.0"],"swift_bridge_$s":["Parse @3 @P @2 swift-bridge modules @6 ^o @7 corresponding Swift @6 C $d @2 them.","0.1.53"],"cdr":["A @t/^3 @0 of ^W Data Representation","0.2.4"],"$g_credential_wincred":["A Cargo credential ^M @u stores tokens @9 $v Credential Manager.","0.4.3"],"yeslogic_unicode_script":["Fast lookup of @7 ^I Script property","0.7.0"],"^h_tower":["Bridging @7 @l gap $8 Tokio @6 Tower","0.7.0-rc4"],"procfs_@O":["Data @y @6 @K @2 @7 linux procfs pseudo-filesystem",C[33]],"&5_sitter_facade_sg":["A uniform @g @2 `&5-sitter` (@z) @6 `web-&5-sitter` (wasm-^k).",C[30]],"@s_node_^u":["Subsystem metric &i (@s @L)",C[67]],"holochain_conductor_api":["Message @b @2 Holochain admin @6 app @g protocols",C[281]],"matrix_pickle":["A @o ^5 @J @G $9 in @7 Matrix world",C[2]],"self_meter":["A tiny @1 to measure resource usage of @7 ^M it's $9 in.","0.6.0"],"loggerv":["A @o log @0 @u logs to stdout @6 stderr @9 colors","0.7.2"],"libdrm_amdgpu_^d":["libdrm_amdgpu @4 @2 @3, @6 some methods ported @E Mesa3D.","0.7.1"],"staticvec":["Implements a fixed-capacity stack-allocated Vec alternative backed by an array, @A const generics.","0.11.9"],"$5_bridge":["Bridge $8 $5 @b","0.0.3"],"merge_streams":["Merge multiple streams &q one","0.1.2"],"$5_name":["Extract @7 Serde name of ^N @6 enums","0.2.1"],"geodesy":["A @x @2 experiments @9 geodetic transformations @6 @D flow",C[8]],"text_diff":[C[446],C[7]],"age_@O":["[BETA] ^W @n $9 across @7 age $y",C[11]],"eaglesong":["A @3 @q of Eaglesong Hash Function",C[5]],"diplomat_@v":["^W @v @m $9 by diplomat ^B","0.7.0"],"termspin":["A $o spinner @1.",C[5]],"autodiff":["An automatic differentiation @1","0.7.0"],"shader_$2":["A &x @1 @2 detecting @6 picking $k shaders","0.7.0"],"rulinalg":["A linear algebra @1.","0.4.2"],"va_list":["@M a @z @0 of @7 'va_list' ^j @2 a small set of ABIs. Allowing @z @k of @n &4 vprintf.","0.1.4"],"nu_$W_@E_sqlite":[C[395],C[68]],"dioxus_@N_@c":["Server @R @8 @2 Dioxus","0.5.1"],"luminance_glfw":["GLFW @f @2 luminance","0.18.3"],"topo":["Tools @2 incrementally computing repeated callgraphs.",C[14]],"gpgme_^d":["Raw @4 @2 gpgme",C[24]],"cucumber":["Cucumber $u @j @2 @3, @9 @C @f. Fully ^F, no external &1 runners or ^4.",C[37]],"bitcoin":["General purpose @1 @2 @A @6 interoperating @9 Bitcoin.","0.32.0"],"pdf_writer":["A step-by-step PDF writer.","0.9.3"],"ifmt":["Inline expression interpolation @2 @3.","0.3.3"],"bip_util":["$j @2 @7 Bittorrent Infrastructure Project","0.5.0"],"raii_counter":["RAII Counter.","0.4.1"],"compress_&y":["@3 ^f &y","0.0.10"],"extfmt":["Extended formatting options @2 commmon @b","0.1.1"],"propfuzz_@c":["Support @c @2 propfuzz.","0.0.1"],"surge_ping":["&g ICMP ping @1","0.8.1"],"$r_backoff":["&g retry strategies @2 $r",C[5]],"tsify_@8":["$L @2 tsify","0.4.5"],"sctp_proto":["A pure @3 @0 of SCTP in Sans-IO style",C[2]],"router":["A router @2 @7 Iron @j.","0.6.0"],"genevo":["genevo @r ^6 blocks to run simulations of optimization @6 search problems @A genetic $h (GA). Execute genetic $b (GA) simulations in a customizable @6 extensible way.","0.7.1"],"evdev":["evdev @g @2 Linux",C[51]],"axum_cloudflare_adapter":["An adapter to easily run an Axum @N in a Cloudflare worker.",C[24]],"tetcore_^r":[C[279],"2.1.2"],"gfx_window_glutin":["Glutin window @2 gfx-rs","0.31.0"],"devx_cmd":["Convenience @p over std::^M::Command @2 xtask $y","0.5.0"],"chumsky":["A @h @1 @2 humans @9 powerful ^L recovery","1.0.0-alpha.7"],"trillium_caching_headers":["http caching headers @2","0.2.3"],"xhci":["A @1 to handle xHCI","0.9.2"],"ockam":[C[316],"0.121.0"],"netcdf_src":["Build scripts @2 ^6 `netCDF` @E source","0.3.3"],"pic32_hal":["Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) @2 PIC32 $S",C[24]],"taskcluster_upload":["Taskcluster Upload Support","64.2.6"],"@z_htslib":["$P @1 @r HTSlib @4 @6 a high @W @3 $U @2 reading @6 $I BAM @P.","0.46.0"],"qsv_sniffer":["A CSV $R @G sniffer @2 @3, optimized @2 qsv","0.10.3"],"mz_rusoto_signature":[C[165],"0.46.0"],"truetype":["^e @Y @r a &0 @6 @h of TrueType fonts.","0.47.6"],"gdk4_x11_^d":["FFI @4 of GDK4 X11","0.8.2"],"libp2p_relay":["Communications relaying @2 libp2p","0.17.1"],"borsh_@a":[C[160],"1.4.0"],"address_formatter":["Universal international address formatter","0.2.2"],"pijul_@8":["$L $9 to write libpijul.","0.5.0"],"$F_chrome":[C[290],"0.7.2"],"rstar":["An R*-&5 spatial index",C[0]],"@d_side_validation":["Client-side validation foundation @1",C[29]],"redbpf_probes":["eBPF probe-&H @b @2 redbpf","2.3.0"],"imperium":["A cli @2 @7 Imperium @j @2 roblox","0.9.7"],"miraland_account_decoder":["Miraland account decoder","1.18.3"],"^7_iterator":["^1 iteration equivalent of `std::iter::Iterator`.","0.2.3"],"^n_aura":["FRAME AURA consensus ^n (@s @L)",C[90]],"ruma_$5_@8":[C[114],"0.6.1"],"rapid_cli":["^e CLI tool @2 @7 Rapid @j","0.6.0"],"loaded_dice":["A @o sampler @2 loaded dices, $f @7 alias method","0.2.2"],"mpl_token_auth_rules":["MPL Token Authorization Rules @u can be $9 to restrict $4 token $c","1.5.0"],"bee_pow":["@M Proof of Work @m @2 @7 IOTA @l","0.2.1"],"sycamore":["A @1 @2 ^6 reactive web apps in @3 @6 @Z",C[151]],"parse_display":[C[413],"0.9.0"],"&p_socks5":[C[651],"0.9.6"],"@C_^f_issue_150_workaround":[C[845],"0.3.15-issue-150"],"ldap_@h":["Parser @2 @7 LDAP @l (RFC 4511)",C[7]],"pcap_$R_^h":["A @5 to parse, read @6 write Pcap @6 PcapNg asynchronously @9 Tokio",C[5]],"genmesh":["A @Y @2 $q 3D meshes","0.6.2"],"cachedhash":["Wrapper @2 ^Q @u caches their hash.",C[2]],"try_or_wrap_s":["`?` or `try!` @c, @9 an additional wrapping of @7 ^L in something else",C[2]],"noodles_bam":["Binary Alignment/Map (BAM) @G reader @6 writer","0.60.0"],"k8_@b":["Kubernetes Object Types","0.8.5"],"penrose":["A tiling window &y @1 inspired by dwm @6 xmonad","0.3.4"],"longbridge_wscli":["Longbridge Websocket &a @2 @3","0.2.77"],"dbus_^h":["Makes it possible to &z Tokio @9 D-Bus, $z is a bus commonly $9 on Linux @2 inter-^M &U.","0.7.6"],"gdbstub_arch":["Implementations of `gdbstub::arch::Arch` @2 various architectures.","0.3.0"],"lcms2_^d":["$a @2 liblcms2 (Little CMS) @9 @f @2 Linux, macOS, @6 $v. See lcms2 @5 @2 a &k @3 @p.","4.0.5"],"iowrap":["Small &i @2 @A io::Read/io::Write","0.2.1"],"clang_@G":["A basic clang-@G @3 @p","0.3.0"],"rexif":["RExif is a ^F @3 @5, $Y to extract EXIF @D @E JPEG @6 TIFF images.","0.7.3"],"bufkit_@D":["A @5 to manage an archive of bufkit @P.","0.22.1"],"dbui_templates":["HTML templates $9 by @7 dbui @N","0.0.64"],"elrond_wasm_^y_pause":["Elrond @Z smart ^S ^y @u @r a ^S pause flag",C[34]],"mptcp_pm":["Linux kernel MPTCP path &y netlink @q","0.1.3"],"@C_priority_channel":["An @C channel where pending ^X are delivered in order of priority",C[2]],"vmemcached":["Memcached @d @2 @3","0.5.0"],"fluent_syntax":["Parser/Serializer ^H @2 Fluent Syntax.",C[24]],"indexed_vec":["`IndexVec` @E `librustc_data_structures`","1.2.1"],"minspan":["a @Y @2 determining @7 minimum span of one vector within another","0.1.1"],"&5_sitter_typescript":["Typescript grammar @2 &5-sitter","0.20.5"],"$s_&x":["$P @5 contains convenience methods @2 $s scripts.","0.1.1"],"stylist":[C[152],C[8]],"unhtml":["A magic html @h","0.8.0"],"tap":["Generic &r @2 tapping ^Q in @3","1.0.1"],"jemallocator":[C[317],"0.5.4"],"index_many":["A proof of concept @2 indexing an slice at multiple locations at once","0.6.1"],"shuttle_actix_web":["&h @0 to run an actix webserver on shuttle",C[68]],"winter_fri":["@i of FRI @l @2 @7 Winterfell STARK prover/verifier","0.8.3"],"azure_@O":[C[646],C[18]],"jsonrpc_v2":["JSONRPC 2.0 @N",C[8]],"uhidrs_^d":["FFI @4 to Linux UHID (user-space HID transport drivers)","1.0.3"],"snapbox":[C[731],"0.5.9"],"flatten_json_object":["Tiny @3 @1 @2 flattening &D objects","0.6.1"],"prettyplease":[C[470],"0.2.19"],"gst_$W_webrtc_signalling_@l":["GStreamer WebRTC sink default @l",C[0]],"h3ron_h3_^d":["^k-$X lowlevel @4 @2 statically linked libh3",C[28]],"dyn_eq":["Test equality $8 ^8 objects","0.1.3"],"qty_@8":["$L supporting @7 @0 of quantities.",C[0]],"ruru":["Native Ruby &r in @3","0.9.3"],"anchor_^K_constant":["Anchor ^K @c @2 ^E constant @b",C[1]],"ceph":["Official Ceph-@z. A @z-lang &2 @g to Ceph librados @6 Admin Sockets. You can create a Ceph ^P $Z @9 @7 Chef automation ^H: &Q://^J/bloomberg/chef-bcs or @9 ceph-ansible. Chef-bcs uses @7 ceph-chef cookbook created @6 manage at ^J/ceph/ceph-chef. It will $s out a full Ceph $Z $z you can then &z @2 ^P etc. See @2 details.","3.2.5"],"risc0_zkp":["RISC Zero zero-knowledge proof @T @O @5",C[37]],"@E_variant":["^t @a From impls @2 enums","0.1.7"],"jmespatch":[C[301],"0.3.0"],"io_close":["An ^m ^8 @2 safely dropping I/O writers such as File @6 BufWriter.","0.3.7"],"lmdb_zero":["An almost-&k, near-zero-cost, feature-complete, unabashedly non-abstract @p ^i LMDB.","0.4.4"],"elfo_@8":["$L @2 matching @6 deriving ^X",C[555]],"waku_^d":["Waku networking @1 $X @4","0.6.0"],"muta_apm":["Muta $w @X monitor.",C[5]],"strong":["Strongly typed String","0.3.4"],"bvh":["A &p BVH @A SAH","0.9.0"],"watchexec_filterer_globset":["Watchexec filterer component @w on globset","4.0.0"],"edhex":["Hex editor @u works vaguely &4 ed",C[9]],"keyvalues_$5":["(De)serialize VDF text @9 $5","0.2.1"],"parcel_sourcemap":["Parcel Source Map @q","2.1.1"],"lib_xch":["Crate xch-ceb's official lib",C[8]],"clircle":["Detect IO circles in &3 CLI apps arguments.","0.5.0"],"ssdp_@d":["An $1 @1 @2 discovering, notifying @6 subscribing to devices @6 services on a $M.","2.0.0"],"^u_observer_yaml":["A ^u-@O $k observer @u outputs YAML.","0.1.1"],"$5_v8":["@3 to V8 @t @6 ^3","0.187.0"],"ya_relay_@O":["Golem relay base @I","0.4.1"],"soapysdr_^d":["$a @2 @7 C $U of SoapySDR, @7 vendor-neutral software defined radio hardware $x layer.","0.7.5"],"ifaces":["@3 @4 to retrieve $M @g @Q",C[5]],"p256":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 NIST P-256 (a.k.a. secp256r1, prime256v1) elliptic curve as defined in SP 800-186, @9 @f @2 ECDH, ECDSA signing/verification, @6 general purpose curve arithmetic",C[803]],"dlopen2":["@q @2 opening @6 operating on dynamic link $A (also known as &B objects or &B $A).","0.7.0"],"lpsolve_^d":["Raw lpsolve @4","5.5.0"],"dogear":["A @1 @2 merging bookmark trees.","0.5.0"],"go_flag":["Command line @h @1, made to be $k @9 Go's flag",C[5]],"show_image_@8":["@8 @2 @7 show-image @5","0.12.3"],"globset":["Cross @x single glob @6 glob set matching. Glob set matching is @7 ^M of matching one or more glob patterns against a single candidate path simultaneously, @6 returning all of @7 globs @u matched.","0.4.14"],"ssi_json_ld":["@i of &D-LD $h @2 @7 ssi @1.","0.2.2"],"allocation_counter":["Count @7 number of $7 allocation of some $d.","0.8.1"],"aligned_cmov":["Fast constant-^0 conditional moves of aligned bytes","2.3.0"],"configure_me":["A @1 @2 processing $w $G easily.",C[7]],"tracert":["Cross-@x @1 @2 traceroute @6 ping","0.7.0"],"@o_redis":["$p @6 resilient redis @d.","0.6.3"],"predicates":["An @0 of boolean-valued predicate @n.","3.1.0"],"md6":["@i of @7 MD6 hash @R @2 @3 via FFI","2.0.3"],"conduit_json_@h":["Middleware to parse incoming &D requests @2 conduit","0.8.0"],"rocket_ws":["WebSocket @f @2 Rocket.",C[5]],"kuon":["Twitter Client @q $Y in @3","0.0.27"],"redox_hwio":["@3 Hardware MMIO @6 PIO","0.1.6"],"bufsize":["bytes::BufMut @0 to count buffer size","1.0.7"],"edn_rs":["Crate to parse @6 emit EDN","0.17.5"],"ion_^5_rs":["Pure @3 @h, encoder @6 hasher @2 Amazon's Ion ^5 @G.","0.8.13"],"terminus_store":["a triple store @1","0.21.5"],"rdev":["Listen @6 send keyboard @6 mouse events on $v, Linux @6 MacOS.","0.5.3"],"rstack_self":["Stack traces of all threads of a ^M","0.3.0"],"two_face":["Extra syntax @6 theme @S @2 syntect",C[7]],"oso":["oso is an open source policy $m @2 authorization that’s $J in &3 $w","0.27.3"],"@C_tempfile":["^t deleted @C I/O temporary @P.","0.5.0"],"codemap_diagnostic":["[DEPRECATED] @q @2 displaying $E ^L ^X, extracted @E &w.","0.1.2"],"phf_@H":["PHF $i logic",C[54]],"timeit":["Timing @8 @2 @3 modelled after Python's timeit","0.1.2"],"systick_monotonic":["RTIC Monotonic @0 @w on SysTick","1.0.1"],"murmurhash32":["A @o @0 of murmurhash32_2","0.3.1"],"jwt_authorizer":["jwt authorizer &f @2 axum @6 tonic",C[3]],"aleph_bft":["AlephBFT is an $1 @6 Byzantine fault tolerant consensus @l aimed at ordering arbitrary ^X (transactions). It has been designed to continuously operate even in @7 harshest conditions: @9 no bounds on message-delivery delays @6 in @7 presence of malicious actors. $P makes it an excellent fit @2 blockchain-&H @B.","0.36.5"],"yewdux":[C[616],C[11]],"burn_candle":["Candle $n @2 @7 Burn @j",C[45]],"quicli":["Quickly $s cool CLI apps in @3.",C[7]],"signal_hook_@C_std":["@C-std @f @2 signal-hook","0.2.2"],"cab":["Read/write $v cabinet (CAB) @P","0.6.0"],"dioxus_interpreter_js":["JS Intepreter @2 Dioxus - a &Y renderer-agnostic Virtual DOM @2 interactive user experiences","0.5.1"],"iprange":["A @1 to manage IP ranges","0.6.7"],"bolero_honggfuzz":["honggfuzz $W @2 bolero",C[11]],"git_delta":["A syntax-highlighting pager @2 git",C[28]],"shutdown":["shutdown can be $9 to gracefully exit (part of) a running ^w","0.3.1"],"iri_$6":["IRI as $6 @b","0.7.2"],"gccjit":["Higher-@W @3 @4 @2 libgccjit.","2.0.0"],"tower_discover":["Abstracts over service discovery strategies.","0.3.0"],"sqlness":["SQL $C &1 harness","0.6.0"],"rtree_rs":["R-&5 @2 @3","0.1.4"],"ssmarshal":["Stupid @o &v-only marshaling @A $5",C[9]],"dynasm_lib":["A pure @z assembler, not a JIT. Used within direct-asm @2 maximum control over assembly.",C[581]],"unroll":["An ^K-&4 $0 @c @2 unrolling @2 loops","0.1.5"],"clvmr":["@i of `clvm` @2 Chia Network's cryptocurrency","0.6.1"],"&p_html5ever":[C[922],"0.26.4"],"bevy_winit":["A winit window @6 input $n @2 Bevy Engine",C[14]],"lyon_$h":["2D Path manipulation/transformation $h.","1.0.4"],"^h_timer_patched":["Timer facilities @2 Tokio, patched @2 $H issue #36, @6 pushed to so @u it can be $9 in other open source $y.","0.1.3"],"rdst":["A flexible parallel unstable radix sort @u supports sorting by any arbitrarily defined sequence of bytes.","0.20.14"],"gbm":["libgbm @4 @2 @z",C[32]],"debot_market_analyzer":["Functions to analyze market @D","1.2.35"],"sptr":["sptr: ^e Strict Provenance Polyfill","0.3.2"],"^R_libra_canonical_@t":["Libra canonical @t",C[153]],"fuel_@O_$Q":["Storage @b @6 @F $9 by Fuel @O @l.",C[91]],"gnir":["Automated mirror of ring - Safe, &p, small &j @A @3.","0.16.5"],"docuum":["LRU eviction of Docker images.",C[60]],"libevent":["@3 @4 to @7 libevent @C I/O @j",C[5]],"libwebp_sys2":["A handwritten raw @g to libwebp","0.1.9"],"bacon_sci":["Scientific computing in @3","0.16.1"],"bee_@l":["All @b @6 workers enabling @7 IOTA @l","0.1.1"],"scheduled_executor":["Single @6 multi-threaded task scheduler",C[7]],"cbor":["CBOR (^5 &D) @9 ^j @w ^2 @6 @J.","0.4.1"],"stdsimd":["SIMD @f in Rust's ^l @1.","0.1.2"],"sarkara":["A experimental post-quantum cryptography @1.","0.10.0-alpha.4"],"rusoto_sns":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V $p Notification &h @ 2010-03-31",C[15]],"bitwarden":["Bitwarden Secrets Manager &a","0.5.0"],"parity_snappy":["@3 @4 @2 @7 snappy ^f @1",C[5]],"$g_travis":["Run coverage, upload docs, @6 more on travis.","0.0.11"],"parsell":["Parsell LL(1) streaming @h combinators","0.6.5"],"quantiles":["a @U of approximate quantile $h","0.7.1"],"deno_bench_util":["Bench @6 profiling @m @2 deno $y",C[800]],"rococo_@v_&J":["Constants $9 throughout @7 Rococo $M. (@s @L)",C[67]],"kmacros_shim":[C[154],"6.0.0"],"harmonizer":["Apollo Federation ^q to compose a supergraph @E subgraphs","2.7.4"],"libpq_^d":[C[283],"0.8.0"],"concrete_commons":["^W ^H @2 @7 concrete FHE @1.","0.2.1"],"pax_cartridge":["Static ^w definition container @2 Pax programs, intended to be patched during compilation",C[40]],"micro_timer":["Dumb tiny logging timer",C[7]],"codegame":["CodeGame @j","0.8.0-alpha"],"$5_map_to_array":["Helpers to @f converting a map to a sequence of named key-&v pairs @2 human-readable @J formats","1.1.1"],"ethereum_ssz_@a":["@V @a @8 to accompany @7 ethereum_ssz @5","0.5.3"],"xplr":["A hackable, minimal, &p TUI $R explorer","0.21.7"],"umask":["^q to deal @9 unix ^s mode","2.1.0"],"dot_vox":["A @3 @1 @2 loading MagicaVoxel .vox @P.","5.1.1"],"rtp_rs":["Parser @6 @H @2 RTP packet ^p","0.6.0"],"multiversx_sc_codec_@a":["Macro @k of multiversx-sc-codec #[@a(NestedEncode, NestedDecode, TopEncode, TopDecode)]","0.18.6"],"fbinit_@8":["Facebook init token @8",C[2]],"oss_@z_sdk":["Aliyun OSS &a",C[11]],"xml":[C[541],"0.8.20"],"panic_semihosting":["Report panic ^X to @7 host stderr @A semihosting","0.6.0"],"gc_arena_@a":["^O-@c @f @2 gc-arena","0.5.1"],"&m_&b":["Create &b @S @E &m @P at $s ^0.","0.5.0"],"wezterm_color_@b":["Types @2 ^g @9 colors","0.3.0"],"sp_npos_elections_compact":["NPoS Compact Solution Type","3.0.0"],"castle_query_@h":["Castle Query Parser, parses query $6 @2 Castle Query","0.20.2"],"wasmer_$m_universal":[C[364],"2.3.0"],"cddl":["Parser @2 @7 Concise @D definition @e (CDDL)","0.9.4"],"&w_llvm_proxy":[C[325],C[2]],"polars_io":["IO &H logic @2 @7 Polars DataFrame @1","0.39.2"],"js_sandbox":["Execute &W $d @E @3 in a secure sandbox, @6 transport @D to/@E JS plug-ins.","0.2.0-rc.2"],"minify_js":["Extremely &p &W minifier","0.6.0"],"piston2d_gfx_&X":["A Gfx 2D back-end @2 @7 Piston game $m","0.80.0"],"kvdb":["Generic key-&v ^8",C[8]],"fuel_sync":["Fuel Synchronizer","0.15.3"],"$R":["For @3 1.25 @6 older. 1-liner convenience @n @2 reading @6 $I @P","1.1.2"],"rocket_slog":["@M a fairing @2 &z in @B @u allows @7 user to &z a slog `Logger` in place of @7 built-in logging @T",C[7]],"libmdns":["mDNS Responder @1 @2 ^6 discoverable LAN services in @3","0.8.0"],"^h_rusqlite":["&g handle @2 rusqlite @1.","0.5.1"],"xdg_user":["A @1 @2 accessing $4 user $R &Z according to `xdg-user-dirs`","0.2.1"],"watchexec":["@q to execute commands in response to $R modifications","4.0.0"],"aur_depends":["A libary @2 resolving aur ^4","3.0.0"],"&5_sitter_hare":["Hare grammar @2 @7 &5-sitter @K @1","0.20.8"],"&N_^0_run":["run a $l at &N ^0 @6 capture @7 output","0.2.12"],"gluon_completion":["Auto-completion @2 @7 gluon ^a @e","0.18.2"],"webrtc_sdp":["webrtc-sdp parses $e in @7 @G of @7 Session Description ^z according to RFC4566. It specifically supports @7 subset of &L required to @f WebRTC according to @7 JSEP draft.","0.3.11"],"fil_pasta_curves":[C[155],"0.5.2"],"dynfmt":["A @5 @2 formatting $e dynamically.","0.1.5"],"semaphore":["Atomic/lock-free counting semaphore",C[7]],"ethcontract_@a":["Proc @c @2 $q ^j-&k @4 to Ethereum smart ^b.","0.25.6"],"ra_ap_mbe":["TBD",C[25]],"werror":["Basic exceptions $H mechanism.",C[7]],"devicemapper":["A @1 @2 @A Linux device mapper","0.34.2"],"aoc_runner_^7":["^1 machinery @2 aoc-runner & others",C[5]],"panic_probe":["Panic handler @u exits `probe-run` @9 an ^L $d","0.3.1"],"$o_log_symbols":["@M log symbols @2 @7 $o @9 fallbacks","0.1.6"],"pam":["Safe @3 &K @2 PAM authentication","0.8.0"],"arrow2_convert":["Convert $8 nested @z @b @6 Arrow @9 arrow2","0.5.0"],"probe_rs_target":["Target description schema @2 probe-rs.","0.23.0"],"ostree_ext":["Extension APIs @2 OSTree","0.13.3"],"symphonia_codec_alac":["Pure @3 ALAC decoder (a part of $K Symphonia).","0.5.4"],"wavefront_rs":["Typed Wavefront OBJ @h / writer.",C[604]],"coreaudio_rs":["A &n @z @g @2 Apple's CoreAudio $U.",C[0]],"faer_@O":[C[156],"0.17.1"],"hkalbasi_&w_ap_&w_abi":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_abi` in @7 hkalbasi/@z &M @E commit e77366b57b799dfa3ce1fcb850c068723a3213ee ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/hkalbasi/&w-auto-publish",C[996]],"ducc_^d":["Low-@W Duktape FFI @2 @7 `ducc` @5","0.1.2"],"deqp_runner":["A VK-GL-CTS/dEQP @p ^w to parallelize it across CPUs @6 report results against a baseline.",C[6]],"$J_&X_@O":["Core $3 @6 @I @2 $J-&X",C[7]],"mpg123_^d":["^e @Y @r @4 to mpg123.","0.6.0"],"pathfinder_geometry":["Basic SIMD-accelerated geometry/linear algebra","0.5.1"],"wasm_coredump_&0":["Wasm coredump &0 $U @2 @3","0.1.22"],"ucd":["Extends @7 char ^j to provide ^s to most fields of @7 UCD, ^I Character Database, as of $2 9.0.0. It aims to be compact, &p, @6 &z minimal ^4 (only rust's @O @5). Not all properties are included, most notably character names.","0.1.1"],"scudo_^d":["C/FFI $a @2 @7 Scudo Hardened Allocator","0.2.2"],"every_variant_@c":[C[157],"0.3.1"],"yerpc_@a":["Proc @8 @2 yerpc","0.5.3"],"xterm_query":["query &3 $o",C[7]],"jsonrpc_ws_@N":["WebSockets @N @2 &D-RPC","18.0.0"],"$g_wasi_exe_x86_64_apple_darwin":["Precompiled ^5 of `$g-wasi` @2 x86_64-apple-darwin","0.1.28"],"intuicio_$n_@z":["@3 $n ^y @2 Intuicio scripting @x",C[1]],"k8s_controller":["&e @j @2 $I kubernetes controllers","0.3.0"],"keyvalues_@h":["A @h/renderer @2 vdf text",C[2]],"associative_cache":["A &8 N-way associative cache @9 fixed-size capacity @6 random or least recently $9 (LRU) replacement.","2.0.0"],"coord_2d":["A general purpose 2d coordinate","0.3.6"],"&O_^k":["$v ^G $E","0.56.0"],"fastobo":["Faultless AST @2 Open Biomedical Ontologies.","0.15.2"],"cgl":["@3 @4 @2 CGL on Mac","0.3.2"],"abort_on_panic":["Intercept panic! @E unsafe locations @6 abort @7 ^M","2.0.0"],"subcryptor":["Minimal @0 of &E &j.",C[24]],"&5_sitter_highlight":["@q @2 performing syntax highlighting @9 Tree-sitter","0.22.5"],"sysctl":["Simplified @g to libc::sysctl","0.5.5"],"minidom_ext":["Extension $3 @2 minidom::Element","1.1.1"],"apollo_router":["A configurable, high-@X routing @v @2 Apollo Federation 🚀","1.45.1"],"libseccomp_^d":["Raw FFI $a @2 @7 libseccomp @q","0.2.1"],"tango":["Markdown-@w Literate ^a in @3, integrated @9 Cargo.","0.8.3"],"spl_^w_^L_@a":["Proc-Macro @q @2 &o Program ^L attributes @6 @a @c","0.4.1"],"ckb_tx_pool":["^e CKB tx-pool",C[10]],"buddy_@T_^D":["A bare metal ^D @u uses buddy @T.","0.9.1"],"wasmer_vbus":["Wasmer Virtual Bus","3.1.1"],"assertables":["Assertables: @3 @5 of @8 `assert…!` @2 better $u, quality assurance, @6 @v reliability.","7.0.1"],"cfasttext_^d":["fastText ffi &G","0.7.8"],"git_mit_install":["Install git-mit &q a &M",C[158]],"qadapt_spin":["Synchronization @F @w on spinning. They may contain @D, are usable ^U `std`, @6 static initializers are available.","1.0.1"],"glean_ffi":["FFI layer @2 Glean, a modern Telemetry @1","44.2.0"],"av_@G":["Multimedia @G demuxing @6 muxing","0.7.0"],"@o_^L":["A @o ^L ^j backed by a $6","0.3.0"],"ion_c_^d":["$a to $V Ion C","0.4.17"],"borrow_bag":["A ^j-&k, heterogeneous @U @9 zero-cost add @6 borrow","1.1.1"],"^R_archiver_^r":["&o Archiver Utils","1.1.23"],"ipfs_unixfs":[C[479],C[2]],"sp_trie":["Patricia trie stuff @A a parity-scale-codec node @G (@s @L)","33.0.0"],"aws_sdk_ssmcontacts":["^v &a @2 ^v Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts",C[17]],"keytar":["keytar @4 to safely interact @9 operating @T keychains","0.1.6"],"halo2_legacy_pdqsort":["A copy of @7 @O::slice::sort ^y @E @7 @3 1.56.1 ^l @1, modified to behave @7 same on 32-bit platforms as on 64-bit. $P is intended to work ^i a determinism bug in @7 halo2_proofs @5.",C[5]],"google_groups_settings":["A fully $X & opinionated $U @d @2 @7 Google Groups Settings $U.","0.7.0"],"^n_identity":["FRAME identity ^c ^n (@s @L)",C[64]],"aws_sdk_ssm":["^v &a @2 $V $p Systems Manager (SSM)","1.24.0"],"evm_@O":[C[609],"0.41.0"],"problem":["Error $H @2 $l line @B or prototypes","5.3.0"],"sg2":["Definition @6 @b @2 @7 SG2 @g","3.13.0"],"ccl":["Fast datastructures @2 &z in highly &Y systems.","5.1.5"],"imbl_sized_chunks":[C[258],"0.1.2"],"vending_factory":["Stargaze vending minter factory ^S","3.13.0"],"cgroups":[C[795],C[5]],"import_map":["An @0 of WICG Import Maps &d","0.19.1"],"color_print_^O_@c":["@i @2 @7 @Y color-print","0.3.6"],"@z_socketio":["An @0 of a socketio @d $Y in @z.","0.6.0"],"pocket_resources":["Include resources in &3 @B.","0.3.2"],"tai64":["TAI64 @6 TAI64N (i.e. Temps Atomique International) timestamp @f @2 @3","4.0.0"],"aws_sdk_kinesisvideosignaling":["^v &a @2 $V Kinesis Video Signaling Channels",C[17]],"netapp":["A toolkit @1 @2 distributed software",C[11]],"oboe":["Safe @g @2 oboe an android @1 @2 low latency audio IO","0.6.1"],"$r_select_@c_preview":["^e `select!` @c @2 waiting on multiple different `Future`s at once @6 $H @7 first one to complete.",C[159]],"oasis_borsh_@a_^7":[C[160],"0.2.14"],"wry":["Cross-@x WebView rendering @1","0.39.3"],"meminterval":["A @o interval-&5 in @3 made to store $7 mappings","0.4.1"],"log_buffer":["A zero-allocation ring buffer @2 storing text logs","1.2.0"],"trim_margin":["A ^q @5 to help @9 layouting multi-line $e by detecting their margin.",C[5]],"watch":["A synchronous message passing channel @u only retains @7 most recent &v.","0.2.3"],"pio_^O":["^O-@c @2 assembling PIO $d in a @3 ^w at &N ^0","0.2.2"],"com_@8_@f":["Support @1 @2 COM @5 @8","0.6.0"],"levenberg_marquardt":["Levenberg-Marquardt $b built on top of nalgebra",C[45]],"shakmaty_syzygy":["Probe Syzygy tablebases",C[34]],"btleplug":["A Cross-Platform @3 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) GATT @1.","0.11.5"],"@s_node_collation_$i":["Collator-side subsystem @u handles incoming candidate submissions @E @7 parachain. (@s @L)",C[67]],"opentelemetry_sdk":["^e &a @2 @7 OpenTelemetry ^u @U @6 distributed $F @j","0.22.1"],"gemachain_logger":["Gemachain Logger","1.8.2"],"sp_panic_handler":["Custom panic hook @9 bug report link","13.0.0"],"vec_&u":["@3 &u @u are newtype &K ^i smallvec","0.4.3"],"crepe":["Datalog in @3 as a $0 @c","0.1.8"],"const_gen_@a":["A @a @c @2 @7 const-gen @5.","1.1.5"],"gfx_@O":["Core @1 of Gfx-rs","0.9.2"],"sawp":["Security Aware Wire ^z @K @1",C[51]],"io_context":["A context @u carries a deadline, cancelation signals @6 request scoped ^Q across $U boundaries @6 $8 processes.",C[2]],"http_auth_basic":["HTTP Basic Authentication Scheme (RFC 7617 @6 RFC 2617 compilant, base64-encoded credentials) @2 @3 @B","0.3.3"],"wasmtime_cranelift":["Integration $8 Cranelift @6 Wasmtime",C[63]],"madsim_tonic_$s":["Codegen ^y of `madsim-tonic` simulation @0.","0.4.3+0.10.0"],"pretty_assertions":["Overwrite `assert_eq!` @6 `assert_ne!` @9 drop-in replacements, adding colorful diffs.","1.4.0"],"wiggle_@c":["Wiggle $d @H",C[63]],"actix_router":["Resource path matching @6 router","0.5.2"],"$g_codspeed":["Cargo ^m to $s & run &3 codspeed benchmarks","2.6.0"],"posish":["posish has been renamed to rsix",C[6]],"mach_o_^d":["$a to @7 OSX mach-o @T @1","0.1.1"],"phantom":["Phantom @b @2 &z in other $y.","0.0.4"],"^d_info":["Get @T @Q in @3. For now it supports Linux, Mac OS X, illumos, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, @6 $v.","0.9.1"],"^R_ledger":["&o ledger",C[12]],"analytics":["Segment analytics @d @2 @3 &Q://$A/@z",C[2]],"wai_^k_gen_@z_wasm":[C[821],"0.2.3"],"someip_parse":["A @1 @2 @K @7 SOME/IP $M @l (^U payload interpretation).","0.6.1"],"mmledger":["A ledger @2 confidential computing (CC) shims @2 tracking $7 ^c @T calls",C[7]],"dioxus_router_@c":["Macro @2 Dioxus Router","0.5.1"],"lsp_codec":["$p Tokio-$k codec @0 @2 Language Server ^z.","0.3.0"],"wifiscanner":["List WiFi hotspots in &3 area","0.5.1"],"mowl":["$p logging @9 coloring @f","2.1.1"],"tuple_list":["Crate @2 @c-free variadic tuple metaprogramming","0.1.3"],"readonly":["Struct fields @u are made read-only accessible to other modules","0.2.12"],"workflow_d3":["D3 visualization $U @4 @6 @m",C[51]],"elastic_array_plus":[C[404],C[11]],"$z":["A @3 equivalent of Unix $l \"$z\". Locate installed executable in cross platforms.","6.0.1"],"pbkdf2":["Generic @0 of PBKDF2","0.13.0-pre.0"],"spdx_rs":["Parse @6 interact @9 SPDX Documents","0.5.5"],"boa_profiler":["Profiler @2 @7 Boa &W $m.",C[6]],"ra_ap_la_arena":[C[827],"0.0.17"],"byte_$6":["Wrapper @b @2 outputting byte $e (b\"Hello\") @A @7 Debug ({:?}) @G.",C[9]],"mp4san":["An MP4 $R sanitizer.","0.5.1"],"apalis":["$p, extensible multithreaded background job processing @2 @3","0.5.1"],"deterministic":["deterministic ^6 blocks @2 testable systems","0.1.2"],"radix64":["A base64 @1 by another name","0.6.2"],"external_ip":["&g @1 to retrieve @7 @T external IP","5.2.0"],"comctl32_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 comctl32. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.",C[2]],"libhydrogen_^d":["Low-@W @4 @2 @7 Hydrogen cryptography @1","0.9.3"],"unic_ucd":["UNIC — ^I Character Database","0.9.0"],"cpp_synom":["Stripped-down Nom @h $9 by cpp_syn",C[0]],"radix_&5":["A radix &5 @0 @2 router, path search",C[2]],"igvm_defs":["^e igvm_defs @5 is @7 &d @2 @7 Independent Guest Virtual Machine (IGVM) $R @G.",C[2]],"@a_setters":["@3 @c to automatically generates setter methods @2 a struct's fields.","0.1.6"],"lspower":["A &e @j @2 $f LSP servers.","1.5.0"],"uguid":["GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) no_std @1","2.2.0"],"rstest":[C[161],C[36]],"lokacore":["Lokathor's @O-only odds @6 ends","0.3.0"],"slog_term":["Unix $o drain @6 formatter @2 slog-rs","2.9.1"],"rls_analysis":["@q @2 processing rustc's save-analysis @D @2 @7 RLS","0.18.3"],"chlorine":["Just @7 C @b @2 `no_std`, but builds faster.","1.0.10"],"cast":["Ergonomic, checked cast @n @2 primitive @b","0.3.0"],"cstree":[C[162],C[0]],"intuicio_$n_vm":["VM $n ^y @2 Intuicio scripting @x","0.31.6"],"$g_vcpkg":["A $g &C to $s a vcpkg &5 @E ^G entries in Cargo.toml @2 a top @W @5 @6 @7 $y @u it depends on.","0.1.7"],"optional_&b_^7":["Helper @5 defining $3 @2 @7 optional_struct @5","0.3.1"],"pax_message":["Shared message ^N $9 by Pax runtimes",C[40]],"is_not":["A $0 @c much &4 #[cfg(...)] @u can be re-exported @E a @1 @w on enabled &L",C[5]],"crossterm":["A crossplatform $o @1 @2 manipulating terminals.","0.27.0"],"caffe2_timer":["xxx",C[163]],"yata":["Yet another Technical Analysis @1. For @z now.","0.7.0"],"$g_nextest":["A next-$i &1 runner @2 @3.","0.9.70"],"gost94":["GOST R 34.11-94 hash @R","0.10.4"],"ruma_identifiers":[C[204],"0.22.1"],"mcfly":["McFly replaces &3 default ctrl-r shell history search @9 an intelligent search $m @u takes &q account &3 ^g directory @6 @7 context of recently executed commands. McFly's suggestions are prioritized in real ^0 @9 a small neural $M.","0.8.4"],"ra_ap_assists":["TBD","0.0.39"],"ip_in_subnet":["Checking @u subnet contains an IP address","0.1.4"],"re_@D_ui":["@M ui elements @2 Rerun component @D @2 @7 Rerun Viewer.",C[35]],"dummy_rustwlc":["A dummy $2 of @7 @n defined in @z-wlc, to be $9 in $u @6 @2 travis builds","0.7.1"],"deno_timers":["Timers $U @0 @2 Deno","0.34.0"],"rusoto_apigatewaymanagementapi":["^v &a @2 @3 - AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi @ 2018-11-29",C[15]],"^u_exporter_tcp":["A ^u-$k exporter @u outputs ^u to clients over TCP.","0.9.0"],"git_$2":["Compile @7 git $2 (tag name, or hash otherwise) @6 dirty state &q &3 ^w.","0.3.9"],"ink_lang_^B":[C[662],"3.4.0"],"redis_cluster_rs":["Redis cluster driver @2 @3.","0.1.10"],"@T_env":["Information about @7 @T $Z: operating @T, architecture, @Y &y, etc.","0.3.0"],"github_rs":["Pure @3 @4 to @7 Github $U","0.7.0"],"bevy_asset_@8":["^x @k @2 bevy_asset",C[14]],"prometheus_static_metric":["Static metric &x @m @2 @z-prometheus.","0.5.1"],"ramhorns":[C[196],C[9]],"aws_sdk_route53":["^v &a @2 $V Route 53",C[4]],"newline_converter":["Newline byte converter @1","0.3.0"],"ockam_key_exchange_xx":["^e Ockam Noise XX @0.","0.79.0"],"jaq_interpret":["Interpreter @2 @7 jaq @e","1.2.1"],"&w_ap_&w_fs_util":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_fs_util` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit $N ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish",C[42]],"libipld_cbor_@a":["ipld cbor codec ^O @c",C[33]],"gitlab":["Gitlab $U @d.","0.1610.0"],"libremarkable":["^e only publicly available Framework @2 developing @B @2 @7 Remarkable Paper Tablet w/ Low Latency Partial Refresh Support","0.6.2"],"num_modular":["@i of &6 integer division @6 modular arithmetic $c @9 &8 number @b. Supports various backends &7 num-bigint, etc..","0.6.1"],"wasmer_@v_near":[C[164],C[6]],"eyre":["Flexible concrete Error Reporting ^j built on std::^L::Error @9 customizable Reports","0.6.12"],"protoc_bin_vendored_linux_x86_32":["protoc ^5 @2 linux-x86_32 compiled by Google @6 bundled in this @5.","3.0.0"],"snarkvm_derives":[C[715],"0.8.0"],"rinpg":["Creates rin projects","0.1.25"],"rtic":[C[589],"2.1.1"],"lipsum":["Lipsum is a lorem ipsum text $i @1. It generates pseudo-random Latin text. Use this if you need filler or dummy text @2 &3 $w. ^e text is $X @A a @o Markov chain, $z you can instantiate to ^o &3 own pieces of pseudo-random text.","0.9.1"],"metered_@c":[C[1004],"0.9.0"],"eventfd":["Binding to Linux's eventfd syscall",C[2]],"wasmer_win_exception_handler":["Wasmer @v exception $H @2 $v","0.17.1"],"$r_timer":["Timeouts @2 $r.","3.0.3"],"actix_web_prom":["Actix Web &f to expose Prometheus ^u","0.8.0"],"aho_corasick":["Fast multiple substring searching.","1.1.3"],"ic_stable_@y":["A @U of @D @y @2 fearless canister upgrades.","0.6.4"],"@C_graphql":["A GraphQL @N @1 &s in @3","7.0.3"],"pact_$W_driver":["Pact @f @1 @u @r an @g @2 $T @9 Pact plugins","0.6.1"],"bear_lib_$o_^d":["Pure BearLibTerminal FFI @2 @3","1.3.0"],"cw20":[C[289],"2.0.0"],"luis_^d":["FFI @4 @2 Microsoft LUIS $U.","0.4.5"],"$g_show":["Prints @Y ^G &4 pip show, apt-cache show, npm view, gem query, etc.","0.6.0"],"st7735_lcd":["ST7735 TFT LCD driver @9 $J-&X @f",C[11]],"^h_tasker":["Lets you stop @6 join groups of Tokio tasks.","1.2.0"],"wasmtime_lightbeam":["Integration $8 Lightbeam @6 Wasmtime",C[1]],"ergotree_ir":["ErgoTree IR, @t","0.27.1"],"^u_^M":["Cross-@x Prometheus style ^M ^u collector of ^u @5","1.3.0"],"trawler":["A workload @H @u emulates @7 traffic to","0.11.0-alpha.7"],"^R":[C[50],"0.17.2"],"swc_ecma_compat_es2018":["ES2018 compatibility transforms","0.5.0"],"fbtoggl":["Terminal @d to interact @9 REST api.","2024.3.18"],"$5_xml_rs":["xml-rs @w deserializer @2 Serde ($k @9 0.9+)","0.6.0"],"dioxus_@O":[C[969],"0.5.1"],"utcnow":["Get @7 current unixtime in a no-std context","0.2.5"],"axum_containerssh":["$P OpenAPI document describes @7 $U endpoints @u are required @2 $f an authentication @6 $G @N @2 ContainerSSH. (See &Q://^J/containerssh/libcontainerssh @2 details.)","0.5.0-crt1"],"ntex_http":["Http @b @2 ntex @j","0.1.12"],"$g_graph":["Cargo &C @2 ^6 GraphViz DOT @P of ^T graphs","0.3.1"],"rental_impl":["An @0 detail of rental. Should not be $9 directly.","0.5.5"],"gettext_@8":["A few ^O-@8 to help internationalizing @3 @B","0.6.1"],"bincode2":["A ^5 @t / ^3 strategy @u uses Serde @2 transforming ^N &q bytes @6 vice versa!","2.0.1"],"docmatic":["Test @3 examples in &3 documentation.","0.1.2"],"^u_@v":["A batteries-included ^u @1.",C[45]],"apa102_spi":["SPI-@w Driver @2 apa102 leds",C[7]],"plonky2_maybe_rayon":["Feature-gated @p ^i rayon",C[2]],"silent":["Silent Web Framework","1.2.2"],"workflow_perf_monitor":[C[810],"0.0.2"],"frame_@T_benchmarking":["FRAME System benchmarking (@s @L)",C[64]],"etcommon_trie":["Lightweight Ethereum world state $Q.",C[7]],"tlua":["Zero-cost high-@W @p @2 Tarantool-LuaJIT","3.0.0"],"opc":["A @z @0 of @7 open pixel control @l","0.3.0"],"&5_hash_@a":["@V @a @8 to accompany @7 tree_hash @5","0.6.0"],"biome_console":["$j to print ^X (formatted @9 biome_markup) @6 diagnostics","0.5.7"],"criterion_stats":["Criterion's statistics @1","0.3.0"],"vks":["Vulkan FFI @4 @6 symbol loader. Vulkan 1.0.59 @6 all &r are supported.",C[37]],"@C_barrier":["An @C barrier","1.1.0"],"acidjson":["Strongly consistent &D flat-@P","0.1.3"],"clap_@a_v3":[C[313],C[570]],"snarkvm_ledger_authority":["Data @y @2 a block authority in a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"by_address":["Wrapper @2 comparing @6 hashing pointers by address","1.2.1"],"re_@b":["^e built-in Rerun @D @b, component @b, @6 archetypes.",C[35]],"cortex_m_rt":["Minimal @v / startup @2 Cortex-M $S","0.7.4"],"static_pubkey":["@c $9 @2 &N-^0 @K of public key $e &q byte arrays @2 near 0-cost static public keys","1.0.3"],"include_transformed":["Include transformed @P at &N ^0.","0.2.2"],"pyo3_polars_@a":["Proc-macro's @2 pyo3-polars","0.7.0"],"loca":["$7 allocation","0.7.4"],"io_^r":[C[77],"0.3.2"],"mould":["@3 web-@j @2 websocket @w web-apps.","0.0.22"],"surge_$3":["surge synthesizer -- $3 @2 various synthesizer &I",C[99]],"atelier_json":["@3 ^F &D @G @2 @7 ^v Smithy IDL.","0.2.7"],"stdweb_^7_@v":["^1 @v @2 @7 `stdweb` @5","0.1.5"],"objc":["Objective-C &R @4 @6 @p @2 @3.","0.2.7"],"$J_^0":["Fully defined, inter-operable, ergonomic, @6 &p human-^0 units (both duration @6 rate @b) @9 hardware timer $x @6 software timers.",C[51]],"mockers":["Mocking @1","0.23.0"],"http_endpoint":["Declarative &d of HTTP endpoints.","0.5.0"],"&8_array":["Generic @b $f @I of arrays",C[9]],"wchar_impl":["^1 @0 of wchar.",C[24]],"include_bytes_aligned":["A @o @c @u embeds @7 bytes of an external $R &q @7 executable @6 guarantees @u they are aligned.","0.1.3"],"anomaly":["anomaly is deprecated. switch to anyhow or eyre","0.99.0"],"tiny_bip39":["A fork of @7 bip39 @5 @9 fixes to v0.6. @3 @0 of BIP-0039",C[9]],"phf_@8":["$L to ^o @b in @7 phf @5",C[54]],"wright":["^e @z @Y @6 $U @2 @7 wright ^a @e.","0.8.0"],"adobe_cmap_@h":["A @1 to parse Adobe CMap @P",C[7]],"oneshot_uniffi":["Patched $2 of oneshot specifically @2 @7 UniFFI $K. $P removes @7 `loom` target @6 ^T $z helps @9 UniFFI's downstream consumers.","0.1.6"],"enet_^d":["Low @W @4 to @7 enet C @1","1.0.4"],"picky_asn1":["Provide ASN.1 @o @b","0.8.0"],"polkavm_linux_raw":["Raw @4 to Linux kernel APIs","0.9.0"],"libimagentryutil":[C[169],C[41]],"ckb_verification_$3":["^e CKB verification $3",C[10]],"unshare":["^e low-@W @g @2 linux namespaces (containers)","0.7.0"],"tm4c123x":["Peripheral ^s $U @2 TI TM4C123x $S","0.9.2"],"uuid_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 uuid. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.","0.1.3"],"flowmacro":["Definition of a 'flow' ^K @c to help write @k",C[800]],"$r_enum":["#[@a(Future, Stream, Sink, AsyncRead, AsyncWrite, AsyncSeek, AsyncBufRead)] @2 enums.","0.1.17"],"ndk_context":["Handles @2 accessing Android APIs","0.1.1"],"aws_sdk_macie":["^v &a @2 $V Macie","1.7.0"],"gaol":["OS-@W $w sandboxing @1","0.2.1"],"gifski":["pngquant-@w GIF maker @2 nice-looking animGIFs","1.32.0"],"gix_validate":["Validation @n @2 various kinds of names in git","0.8.4"],"vls_@l":[C[146],C[24]],"zmq":[C[326],C[11]],"gst_$W_gtk4":["GStreamer GTK 4 Sink element @6 Paintable widget","0.12.3"],"ckb_freezer":["Freezer is an $7 mapped append-only $O to store immutable chain @D &q flat @P",C[10]],"libcnb_&1":["An $C $u @j @2 buildpacks $Y @9",C[18]],"diesel_$F":["Connection telemetry &f @2 diesel @6 $F","0.2.5"],"sphinx_packet":["A Sphinx packet @0 in @3",C[5]],"jfs":["A &D $R store","0.9.0"],"@z_bigint":["^W $3 @6 methods @2 multiple BigInt @k","1.2.0"],"find_folder":["A @o tool @2 finding @7 absolute path to a folder @9 a given name.","0.3.0"],"&1_@D_$i":["A @o to &z, light-weight @1 @u analyzes sample @D to $s $h @6 generates realistic &1 @D.","0.3.4"],"evtx":["A Fast (@6 &k) @h @2 @7 $v XML Event Log (EVTX) @G","0.8.2"],"ceres_solver":["Safe @3 @4 @2 @7 Ceres Solver","0.3.0"],"postgres_@a":["An ^7 @5 $9 by postgres-@b","0.4.5"],"zenv":["Dotenv (.env) loader $Y in @z","0.8.0"],"psl_lexer":["A lexer @2 Mozilla's Public Suffix List","0.3.1"],"iconv":["iconv @4 @2 @3","0.1.1"],"marine_sqlite_connector":[C[277],C[24]],"&v_bag":["Anonymous structured ^Q","1.8.1"],"caffe2_operator":["xxx",C[163]],"atomic_write_$R":["Write @P atomically to a $R @T","0.1.4"],"drawbridge_jose":["JOSE @0","0.4.2"],"eszip":["A ^q @u can download &W @6 TypeScript ^y graphs @6 store them locally in a special zip $R","0.68.4"],"wagyu_zcash_parameters_2":[C[211],C[2]],"metadeps":["Run pkg-&m @E declarative ^4 in Cargo.toml","1.1.2"],"^R_bpf_loader_^w":["&o BPF loader",C[12]],"srtparse":["A @1 @2 @K SRT Subtitles",C[2]],"rusoto_signature":[C[165],C[15]],"fortify_@a":["^x @8 @2 fortify",C[2]],"rsa":["Pure @3 RSA @0","0.10.0-pre.1"],"cpp_synmap":["Sourcemap @6 full @5 @K @f @2 `cpp_syn`","0.3.0"],"libcst_@a":["Proc @c &i @2 libcst.","1.3.1"],"wasmer_$E":[C[946],C[107]],"ark_ff_@8":[C[268],"0.4.2"],"rsa_public_encrypt_pkcs1":["RSA PKCS#1 &A @E ASN.1 DER encoded public key in pure @3",C[7]],"nipper":["HTML manipulation @9 CSS seletors","0.1.9"],"oauthcli":["@i of OAuth 1.0 (@6 Twitter's f*ckin' OAuth) Client","2.0.0-beta-2"],"concolor_clap":["Clap mixin to control console colors",C[5]],"gloo_events":["Convenience @5 @2 ^g @9 DOM event listeners",C[2]],"swc_&m":["Types @2 configuring swc","0.1.12"],"slr_&m":["A @o $G @G","0.0.22"],"libffi_^d":[C[740],"2.3.0"],"srcsrv":["Interpret @7 contents of a srcsrv ^Z @E a pdb $R (Microsoft Source Server).","0.2.2"],"plotters_bitmap":["Plotters Bitmap Backend","0.3.3"],"lalrpop_intern":["$p $6 interner $9 by LALRPOP",C[35]],"impl_$5":["Serde @t @f @2 uint @6 fixed hash.",C[7]],"askama_axum":["Axum $C @2 Askama templates",C[7]],"assert_&q":["For when $I .try_into().unwrap() feels too long","1.1.0"],"worker_@8":["$L to @f @7 `worker` @5 @6 remove FFI boilerplate / &V @E user $d.",C[5]],"jomini_@a":["Serde @8 @0 of `#[@a(JominiDeserialize)]`","0.2.4"],"revent":["Event @T @2 @3","0.29.0"],"clamav_@d":["ClamAV @d @1 @9 optional Tokio @6 @C-std @f","0.5.1"],"jammdb":["An $J single-$R $O @2 @3",C[24]],"^h_^Z":["$j to work @9 `Stream` @6 `^h`.","0.1.15"],"codespan_reporting":["Beautiful diagnostic reporting @2 text-@w ^a languages",C[56]],"botan":["@3 @p @2 Botan cryptography @1","0.10.7"],"cli_log":["a @o logging @6 timing facility configured @9 an env variable","2.0.0"],"debot_position_&y":["Functions to manage trade positions","1.2.89"],"cortex_m_log":["Logging facilities @2 Cortex-M processors","0.8.0"],"^0_^H":["&T of general purpose ^0 ^H.",C[2]],"fasteval":[C[265],"0.2.4"],"ranges":["$P @5 @r a &8 alternative to @O/std ranges, set-$c to work @9 them @6 a range set @u can efficiently store them @9 @7 least amount of $7 possible.","0.3.3"],"eth2_ssz_@b":["@M @b @9 unique properties required @2 SSZ @t @6 Merklization.","0.2.1"],"^h_context":["Contexts @2 cancelling $1 tasks @A ^h","0.1.3"],"wasmer_emscripten":["Emscripten @0 @1 @2 Wasmer @Z @v",C[107]],"libudev_^d":["FFI @4 to libudev","0.1.4"],"miraland_frozen_abi":["Miraland Frozen ABI","1.18.3"],"slog_bunyan":["Bunyan formatter @2 slog-rs","2.5.0"],"expander":["Expands ^O @c output to a $R, to enable easier debugging","2.1.0"],"chrono_tz_$s":["^7 $s script @2 chrono-tz","0.3.0"],"near_sdk_@8":[C[166],"5.1.0"],"ethcontract_mock":["Tools @2 mocking ethereum ^b.","0.25.6"],"competitive_hpp":["Competitive Programming @q @2 AtCoder @9 @3","0.10.23"],"literal":["Literals @2 Rust's &u",C[2]],"aws_sdk_devicefarm":["^v &a @2 ^v Device Farm",C[17]],"boringtun_cli":[C[1030],"0.6.0"],"bevy_turborand":["A $W to enable ECS optimised random number $i @2 @7 Bevy game $m.","0.8.2"],"aws_sdk_marketplacecommerceanalytics":["^v &a @2 ^v Marketplace Commerce Analytics",C[17]],"$6_^r":[C[77],"0.1.4"],"bounce":[C[447],"0.9.0"],"aws_sdk_sso":["^v &a @2 ^v Single Sign-On",C[17]],"@z_ocpp":["ocpp 1.6 @6 2.0.1 $A","0.4.4"],"parry2d":["2 dimensional collision $B @1 in @3.","0.13.8"],"filepath":["Get @7 filesystem path of a $R.","0.1.2"],"rusync":["Minimalist rsync clone in @3","0.7.2"],"rp2040_hal":["A @3 Embedded-HAL impl @2 @7 rp2040 microcontroller",C[11]],"hashtag":["A hashtag @h","1.0.1"],"puffin_imgui":["ImGui GUI @4 @2 @7 Puffin profiler","0.22.0"],"flate2_crc":["SIMD acceleration @2 CRC-32 checksums $9 in @7 gzip @G **Deprecated in favor of @7 `crc32fast` @5**","0.1.2"],"atom_syndication":["@q @2 serializing @7 Atom web content syndication @G",C[92]],"gc_arena":["&k, incrementally garbage collected arenas","0.5.1"],"captcha":["@q @2 $q CAPTCHAs.","0.0.9"],"twofish":["Twofish block cipher","0.7.1"],"cld2":["Detect &S @e $9 in text @A @7 cld2 @1","1.0.2"],"lapjv":["Linear Assignmment Problem solve @A Jonker-Volgenant $b","0.2.1"],"enum_repr_@a":["$p ^8 @2 converting enum to @6 @E its primitive repr ^j",C[2]],"clipboard_wayland":["A @1 to obtain ^s to @7 clipboard of a Wayland window","0.2.2"],"azure_sdk_$Q_@O":["@3 &K ^i Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Core $Q @5","0.44.4"],"wasmtime":[C[345],C[63]],"sc_$M_bitswap":["&E bitswap @l (@s @L)","0.37.0"],"owned_singleton_@8":["@V @8 re-exported in @7 owned-singleton @5",C[5]],"gemm":[C[129],"0.17.1"],"json_structural_diff":["A @3 &D structural diff @1",C[5]],"mrml_@8":["$L @2 @7 MRML @5","0.1.3"],"jsonrpc":[C[679],C[6]],"user_^L":["UserFacingError is an ^L @5 @u allows you to pretty print &3 errors @6 ^L chain @2 consumption by @7 end user. If you &c @7 UFE ^8, @7 default @0 will let &3 print &3 ^L nicely to @7 TTY. There is also @7 UserFacingError ^j @u most std Errors can be converted &q, or @u you can &z directly.","1.2.8"],"mongoc_^d":["Sys @Y @9 installer @6 @4 @2 mongoc","1.22.0-2"],"mcmf":["$P @5 is @2 solving instances of @7 minimum cost maximum flow problem. It uses @7 $M simplex $b @E @7 LEMON graph optimization @1.","2.0.0"],"bevy_editor_pls_@O":[C[276],"0.8.1"],"enum_delegate_lib":["^1 @c @k @2 enum_delegate - &z to &c &3 own @8",C[2]],"slog_mozlog_json":["MozLog &D drain @2 slog-rs",C[5]],"@z_bio_^H":["A set of &p @6 robust $l line @m @2 bioinformatics tasks @w on @3-Bio.","0.42.2"],"@o_gaussian":["Some quick @6 easy @n @2 $q gaussian noise, mappable to &2 bounds. Useful @2 artistic purposes.","0.6.0"],"burn_tensor":["Tensor @1 @9 user-&n APIs @6 automatic differentiation @f",C[45]],"msgpack_@o":["Simplified, easy to &z, pure @3 MessagePack @0 focused on $H dynamic @D @y.","1.0.2"],"wasmer_@v_@O":[C[243],C[6]],"$5_lexpr":["Serde @f @2 Lisp S-expressions","0.1.3"],"orgize":["A @3 @1 @2 @K org-mode @P.","0.10.0-alpha.8"],"$g_fuzz":["A `$g` &C @2 fuzzing @9 `libFuzzer`! Easy to &z!",C[0]],"memfd_exec":["Run an executable directly @E $7 @9 a &n @g.","0.2.1"],"minitrace_opentelemetry":["Opentelemetry reporter @2 minitrace-@z","0.6.4"],"warp_reverse_proxy":["Warp filter @u acts as a reverse proxy, forwarding @7 request to a proxy address @6 extracting a response.",C[9]],"redis_lua_@c":["Macro component of Redis Lua scripting &x",C[7]],"aes_gcm":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 AES-GCM (Galois/Counter Mode) Authenticated Encryption @9 Associated Data (AEAD) Cipher @9 optional architecture-&2 hardware acceleration","0.10.3"],"@O_arch":["`@O::arch` - Rust's @O @1 architecture-&2 intrinsics.","0.1.5"],"@J_index_simpchinese":["Index tables @2 simplified Chinese character encodings",C[116]],"progress_$6":["Generate a progress bar $6","0.2.1"],"cute":["A @c @2 Python-esque comprehensions","0.3.0"],"@J_rs":["A Gecko-oriented @0 of @7 Encoding Standard","0.8.34"],"grid":["Dynamic &8 2D @D ^p.",C[8]],"qrencode":[C[295],C[3]],"a":["","0.0.1"],"stackfmt":["Write formatted $6 to a buffer ^U alloc","0.1.2"],"idna":["IDNA (Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications) @6 Punycode.","0.5.0"],"exonum_proto":["Helper $3 @6 @8 @2 @t ^N in protobuf.",C[9]],"nias":["closure @H @1","0.7.0"],"schnellru":["A &p @6 flexible LRU map","0.2.1"],"fbinit":["Facebook init token",C[2]],"exon_fasta":["A @1 @2 reading @6 $I FASTA @P @9 Exon.",C[18]],"aws_sdk_resourcegroups":["^v &a @2 ^v Resource Groups",C[4]],"elastic_@b_@a_internals":["Codegen internals @2 elastic_types.",C[167]],"agate":["Very @o @N @2 @7 Gemini hypertext @l","3.3.7"],"type1_@J_@h":["A @1 to parse encodings @E Type1 font @P",C[5]],"mach2":[C[546],"0.4.2"],"branches":["Branch hinting prediction @6 control @n @2 stable @3 &7 likely, unlikely, assume @6 abort to help $b optimization","0.1.3"],"lz_fear":["A &p pure-@z no-unsafe @0 of LZ4 ^f @6 decompression",C[2]],"prql_ast":[C[670],"0.9.5"],"modality_ingest_@d":["A @d @1 @2 @7 modality ingest plane @l.",C[7]],"hf_hub":["$P $y aims ease @7 interaction @9 [huggingface](&Q:// It aims to be $k @9 [huggingface_hub](&Q://^J/huggingface/huggingface_hub/) python @Y, but only implements a smaller subset of @n.","0.3.2"],"$g_clone":["A $g &C to fetch @7 source $d of a @3 @5","1.2.1"],"narrow":[C[530],"0.6.0"],"struqture_py_@8":["$L @2 struqture-py @5.",C[389]],"wedpr_l_^r":["@q of WeDPR &B @m.","1.1.0"],"sel4_start":["Crate defining @7 entry point to @7 initial &F on seL4","0.0.28"],"goban":["@q @2 Go move $i @6 Go ruling.","0.18.1"],"polib":["Read, manipulate @6 store translation @D in GNU gettext PO @G.",C[2]],"xdg_home":["^e user's home directory as per XDG Specification","1.1.0"],"bevy_sprite":["@M sprite @I @2 Bevy Engine",C[14]],"objpoke":["Minimal in-place objcopy replacement","0.3.0"],"security_@j":["Security.framework @4 @2 macOS @6 iOS","2.10.0"],"lexical_sort":["Sort ^I $e lexically","0.3.1"],"uu_dd":["dd ~ (uutils) copy @6 convert @P",C[20]],"fitsio":["@3 implmentation of astronomy fits $R $H","0.21.2"],"conqueue":["Yet another multi-producer, single-consumer queue (MPSC)",C[7]],"heron_rapier":["Physics behavior @2 Heron, @A rapier","5.0.2"],"ahrs":["A @3 port of Madgwick's AHRS $b","0.6.0"],"spl_token_swap":["&o Program @q Token Swap","3.0.0"],"rsass":["Sass @0 in pure @z (not complete yet)","0.28.8"],"qapi_@h":["QEMU QAPI &D &d @h",C[11]],"rsntp":["An RFC 5905 compliant $p Network Time ^z (SNTP) @d @1 @2 @3","4.0.0"],"rusoto_ses":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V $p Email &h @ 2010-12-01",C[15]],"swc_xml_visit":["Visitor @2 xml","0.12.19"],"validator_@b":["Basic ^j @2 validator @6 validator_derive",C[33]],"wasmer_@v_c_api":[C[168],"0.17.1"],"mount":["Mounting &f @2 Iron.",C[7]],"bcs":["Binary Canonical Serialization (BCS)","0.1.6"],"vlog":["$L to do stdout / stderr logs @w on verbosity @W.","0.1.4"],"x86":["@q to ^w x86 (amd64) hardware. Contains x86 &2 @D ^p descriptions, @D-tables, as well as convenience @R to call assembly instructions typically not exposed in higher @W languages.","0.52.0"],"enum_map_@a":["$L 1.1 @0 of #[@a(Enum)]",C[28]],"apollo_^r":["Useful &x @n @2 $I CosmWasm smart ^b.","0.1.2"],"snowbridge_amcl":[C[913],"1.0.2"],"arbitrary":["^e ^8 @2 $q structured @D @E unstructured @D","1.3.2"],"libimagentryview":[C[169],C[41]],"&5_sitter_edit":["A @5 @2 printing modified &5-sitter parse trees, intended @2 &z in multi-@e $d refactoring, linting, or modification (codemod) ^H.","0.3.0"],"aws_sdk_amp":["^v &a @2 $V Prometheus &h",C[17]],"^h_pg_mapper_@a":[C[862],C[2]],"conrod":["DEPRECATED. See `conrod-@O`.","0.62.1"],"pcap_@C":["Async/Stream Extensions @2 libpcap","0.2.1"],"cap_^0_ext":["Extension $3 @2 `SystemClock` @6 `MonotonicClock`","3.0.0"],"gsuite_api":["A fully $X & opinionated $U @d @2 @7 Google Admin $U.","0.7.0"],"rustpython_@h_@O":["RustPython @h @D @b.","0.3.1"],"maidsafe_@m":["@3 ^q @n provided by MaidSafe.",C[36]],"bootloader_x86_64_bios_$4":["^W $d @2 BIOS stages of @7 `bootloader` @5","0.11.7"],"yanix":["Yet Another Nix @5: a Unix $U &x @1 (deprecated)","0.23.0"],"mailslurp":["Official MailSlurp Email $U Client","14.0.1"],"hash40":["@q @2 ^g @9 Hash40 @b in Smash Ultimate","1.3.1"],"os_info":["Detect @7 operating @T ^j @6 $2.","3.8.2"],"aws_sdk_directconnect":["^v &a @2 ^v Direct Connect",C[17]],"gloo_worker":[C[262],"0.5.0"],"pico_^d":["$a to @7 PicoHTTPParser.","0.0.1"],"prolog_@h":["An operator precedence @h @2 rusty-wam, an up @6 coming ISO Prolog @0.","0.8.68"],"klogger":["@q @2 logging in kernel mode.","0.0.16"],"swc_ecma_^B_@8":["$L @2 swc_ecma_codegen.","0.7.5"],"$g_wasi":[C[433],"0.1.28"],"$5_rename_rule":["Serde RenameRule","0.2.2"],"safety_guard":["#[safety] ^K to ^o a corresponding doc entry @6 a debug assertion if a constraint is specified.","0.1.9"],"merge":["Merge multiple ^Q &q one",C[5]],"drone_svd":["CMSIS-SVD @h @2 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.",C[3]],"ip":["@M @7 IpAddr enum, $z can represent either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. Do not &z this @5! As of @3 1.7.0, @7 `std::net::IpAddr` is stabilized - @6 should be preferred.","1.1.1"],"rfc6381_codec":["Parser @6 @H @2 codec-$6 ^Q, as specified in RFC 6381, section 3",C[2]],"bitvec":["Addresses $7 by bits, @2 packed &u @6 bitfields","1.0.1"],"mini_paste_^O_@c":["See &Q://","0.1.11"],"griddle":["A HashMap variant @u spreads resize load across inserts","0.5.2"],"bitstring":["Bitstring $3 @6 @k","0.1.2"],"hex_conservative":["A hex @J @6 ^2 @5 @9 a conservative MSRV @6 ^T policy.",C[2]],"piston_window":["^e official Piston window @p @2 @7 Piston game $m","0.131.0"],"tectonic_$m_spx2html":["^e Tectonic $m @u converts SPX output to HTML.","0.3.2"],"ex3_canister_@b":["EX3 @O canister @b.","0.17.32"],"cairo_lang_sierra_^j_size":["Sierra ^j sizes computation.","2.6.3"],"zcash_address":["Zcash address @K @6 @t","0.3.2"],"bme280":["A @z device driver @2 @7 Bosch BME280 temperature, humidity, @6 atmospheric pressure sensor @6 @7 Bosch BMP280 temperature, @6 atmospheric pressure sensor","0.5.1"],"aws_sdk_mediapackage":["^v &a @2 ^v Elemental MediaPackage",C[17]],"iban":["IBAN @K @1","0.1.7"],"ldap3":["Pure-@3 LDAP Client","0.11.3"],"camera_controllers":["A @1 @2 3D camera control.","0.34.0"],"display_@g_spi":["Generic SPI @0 @2 display interfaces","0.5.0"],"lapp":["@o $l-line argument @h driven by usage text",C[7]],"taplo":["A TOML @h, analyzer @6 formatter @1",C[8]],"snarkvm_circuit_@b_field":["Field circuit @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"rabbitmq_^Z_@l":["AMQP 1.0 message codec","0.4.2"],"concrete_fftw_^d":["Sources of FFTW @6 unsafe &G","0.1.4"],"$E_base_^L":["compiler_base_error","0.1.6"],"^O_@c_^L":["Almost drop-in replacement to panics in ^O-@8","1.0.4"],"@v_&b_field_names_as_array":["@M a $0 @c @u generates an array of @7 field names of a named &b",C[5]],"backon":["Retry @9 backoff ^U effort.","0.4.4"],"cosmian_fpe":[C[1037],"0.5.2"],"$E_^H":[C[1003],C[2]],"kvdb_web":["A key-&v $O @2 &z in browsers","0.9.0"],"smolset":["\" An unordered set of elements optimized @2 small sizes. $P is a fork of @7 original @1 @9 overhauled internals, better fallback perforamance (O(1) insert @6 find) @6 more &L!","1.3.1"],"near_o11y":["Observability &i @2 @7 near codebase","0.21.2"],"quickcheck_@a":["Derives quickcheck $3","0.3.0"],"glutin_gles2_^d":["^e gles2 @4 @2 glutin","0.5.0"],"as_@a_^r":["private @a @m $9 by abi_stable @6 structural.",C[24]],"efd":["1D/2D/3D Elliptical Fourier Descriptor (EFD) @0 in @3.","9.1.1"],"diesel_cli":["@M @7 CLI @2 @7 Diesel @5","2.1.1"],"grin_keychain":[C[170],"5.3.0"],"tower_sessions":["🥠 Sessions as a `tower` @6 `axum` &f.",C[92]],"paho_mqtt_^d":["Low-@W, unsafe @3 @p @2 @7 Paho MQTT C Client @q. $P is part of @7 official Eclipse Paho @3 Client @q.","0.9.0"],"assembler":["An &6 run-^0 assembler @2 X86-64 $d @u is intended to be immediately executed",C[41]],"multi_mut":["Methods on HashMap @6 BTreeMap @2 safely getting multiple mutable references to @7 contained ^Q.","0.1.3"],"ssd1306":["I2C/SPI driver @2 @7 SSD1306 OLED display controller","0.8.4"],"elf":["A pure-@z @1 @2 @K ELF @P","0.7.4"],"userfaultfd_^d":["Low-@W @4 @2 userfaultfd @I on Linux.","0.5.0"],"fuel_^u":["Fuel ^u","0.15.3"],"hyperbuild":["Fast allocation-less HTML minifier @9 smart whitespace $H","0.2.4"],"git_lock":[C[19],"3.0.3"],"contrafact":["A ^8 @2 highly composable constraints (\"facts\") $z can be $9 both to verify @D @6 to ^o arbitrary @D within those constraints","0.2.0-rc.1"],"bpfjit_^d":["@3 @4 to NetBSD's cBPF JIT $m","2.1.0"],"flagset":["Data @b @6 a @c @2 $q enumeration-@w bit flags","0.4.5"],"paw_attributes":["Proc Macro attributes @2 @7 Paw @5.","1.0.2"],"webgl_@H":["Code generators @2 ^E @4 to @7 WebGL APIs.",C[2]],"svc_^L":["An @0 of RFC7807: Problem Details @2 HTTP APIs.","0.6.0"],"i18n_embed_impl":["Macro @k @2 i18n-embed","0.8.3"],"alt_$5_@a":[C[255],"1.0.119"],"nu_lsp":["Nushell's integrated LSP @N","0.92.2"],"signature_bls":["^e Ockam BLS signature impementation.","0.35.0"],"bevy_ptr":["$j @2 ^g @9 untyped pointers in a more &k way",C[14]],"fugit_timer":["A Count Down Timer abstaction @u uses fugit ^0 @F","0.1.3"],"resize_slice":["Shrink slice references","0.1.3"],"snarkos_$Q":["Storage @2 a $D operating @T","2.0.2"],"avml":["A portable volatile $7 acquisition tool",C[3]],"mac_address":[C[171],"1.1.6"],"egui":["An easy-to-&z immediate mode GUI @u runs on both web @6 ^F","0.27.2"],"lingua_maori_@e_^9":["^e Māori @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"^S_$s":["@q @2 ^6 ink! smart ^b","4.1.1"],"sitewriter":["A sitemap $I @1.","1.0.4"],"delaunator":["A very &p 2D Delaunay triangulation @1.","1.0.2"],"icu_list_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_list @5","1.4.0"],"glutin_winit":["Glutin bootstrapping &i @9 winit","0.4.2"],"confique_@c":["Macro @5 @2 'confique'. Do not &z directly! Semver not guaranteed!","0.0.9"],"reed_solomon_novelpoly":["An @0 of a reed solomon $d / encoder / decoder @9 complexity `O(n lg(n))`","2.0.0"],"genawaiter_^O_@c":["$0 @c @2 generators (genawaiter)","0.99.1"],"sval_@a":["^x @f @2 sval","2.13.0"],"lightspeed_cache":[C[112],C[72]],"rustls":["Rustls is a modern TLS @1 $Y in @3.","0.21.12"],"@C_lsp":["&g Language Server ^z (LSP) @j @w on tower",C[2]],"lfs":["give @Q on mounted filesystems","2.6.0"],"term_cursor":["A @5 @2 $H $o cursor movement in a @x independent way.","0.2.1"],"aws_sdk_autoscaling":["^v &a @2 Auto Scaling",C[4]],"^n_proxy":["FRAME proxying ^n (@s @L)",C[64]],"javascriptcore_rs":["@3 @4 @2 @7 javacriptcore @1","1.1.2"],"logging_timer":["$p timers @u log @7 elapsed ^0 when dropped","1.1.1"],"esp32s3_hal":["HAL @2 ESP32-S3 $S",C[35]],"wabt":[C[886],C[11]],"musli":["Müsli is a flexible @6 &8 ^5 @t @j.","0.0.120"],"mr_bundle":["Implements @7 un-/packing of bundles @u either embed or reference a set of resources",C[1032]],"multiversion_@8":["@i @5 @2 multiversion","0.7.4"],"ugli":[C[205],"0.17.2"],"url_path":["canonicalize, normalize urls","0.1.3"],"zenoh_sync":[C[74],C[76]],"intervallum":["Generic interval @6 interval set @1.","1.4.1"],"uu_unexpand":["unexpand ~ (uutils) convert input spaces to tabs",C[20]],"coap_handler_@k":["$p @k of CoAP handlers","0.5.0"],"candle_gemm":[C[129],C[33]],"paste_&1_suite":["Test suite of @7 paste @5","0.0.0"],"askama_@h":["Parser @2 Askama templates","0.2.1"],"ts_rs":[C[172],"8.1.0"],"ockam_executor":["Ockam @C executor @5","0.75.0"],"mpris_player":["A @1 @2 ^E MPRIS2 media players over D-Bus","0.6.3"],"sortby":["adds convenient sort @n @2 Iterators","0.1.3"],"json_event_@h":["A &D event @h @6 serializer",C[2]],"wepoll_^d":["Raw @4 to @7 wepoll @1","3.0.1"],"pqcrypto_internals":["@4 to $4 cryptography","0.2.5"],"prometheus_exporter":["Helper libary to export prometheus ^u @A tiny-http.","0.8.5"],"tink_hybrid":["Hybrid &A @I @2 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1","0.2.5"],"webrtc_unreliable":["UDP-&4 (unreliable, unordered) &U $8 Javascript/@Z @6 ^F @3 via WebRTC","0.6.0"],"gemachain_frozen_abi_@c":["Gemachain Frozen ABI Macro","1.8.2"],"rs_nomad":["$P @5 @r ^s to a set of strongly typed apis to interact @9 consul (&Q://","0.9.0"],"reexport_^O_@c":["Re-export a $0 @c","1.0.7"],"relm_@a":["Custom @a required by @7 relm @5.",C[60]],"finalfusion":["Reader @6 writer @2 $4 word embedding formats",C[6]],"wtest_basic":["Tools @2 $I tests. ^e most basic things.","0.1.14"],"$6_template":["Very @o $6 template @2 @3.","0.2.1"],"openblas_src":["^e @Y @r a source of BLAS @6 LAPACK via OpenBLAS.","0.10.9"],"furse":["A @o @3 @p @2 @7 official CurseForge $U","1.5.14"],"ic_principal":["Principal ^j $9 on @7 Internet Computer.","0.1.1"],"jack_^d":["Low-@W &G to @7 JACK audio $U.","0.5.1"],"dbs_boot":["Traits @6 ^N @2 booting sandbox",C[7]],"ic_certificate_verification":["Certificate verification @2 @7 Internet Computer","2.4.0"],"ocipkg":["OCI registry @2 @Y distribution","0.2.9"],"monero":["@3 Monero @q.",C[18]],"ksni":["A @3 @0 of @7 KDE/freedesktop StatusNotifierItem &d","0.2.2"],"fundamental_@D_^j":[C[173],C[2]],"dces":["DCES entity component @T","0.3.1"],"risc0_binfmt":["RISC Zero ^5 @G @5",C[37]],"influxdb2_structmap":["@V @c @1 @2 converting $8 @3 ^N @6 associative containers",C[2]],"$s_alert":["Display a message in @7 Cargo $s output during compilation.","0.1.6"],"obfstr_impl":["@V @c @0 @2 obfstr","0.1.1"],"@C_io_^Z":["IntoAsyncRead on steriods","0.3.3"],"wasm_coredump_encoder":["Wasm coredump @J","0.1.22"],"exons":[C[77],"0.1.5"],"cuda_std":["Standard @1 @2 CUDA @9 rustc_codegen_nvvm","0.2.2"],"bevy_ascii_$o":["A @o $o @2 rendering ascii in bevy.",C[32]],"git_cliff":["A highly customizable changelog @H ⛰️","2.2.1"],"aes_siv":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 AES-SIV Misuse-Resistant Authenticated Encryption Cipher (RFC 5297) @9 optional architecture-&2 hardware acceleration","0.7.0"],"ev3dev_lang_@z":["@3 @e @4 @2 ev3dev",C[3]],"miden":["Miden &l ^C","0.3.0"],"os_bootinfo":["Boot @Q @u can be passed @E a bootloader to an OS kernel.","0.3.0"],"tower_lsp_@8":["^1 $0 @8 @2 tower-lsp","0.9.0"],"wash_cli":["wasmCloud Shell (wash) CLI tool","0.27.0"],"nails":["[Nailgun]( @d @6 @N protocols @6 a `Nail` ^8 @u consuming $y can &c to plug in @7 logic @u they would &4 to keep warm in a nailgun @N.",C[8]],"boxcars":["Rocket league replay @h","0.9.12"],"$F_capture":["Capturing $F spans @6 events, e.g. @2 $u",C[924]],"rand_@o":["^e @o random number @H @u is independent @E @7 other $A @6 @w on XOR shift.","0.2.27"],"strobe_rs":["An @0 of @7 Strobe @l @j in pure @3","0.8.1"],"cid":[C[174],C[56]],"swayipc":[C[909],"3.0.2"],"cranelift_^y":["Support @2 linking @n @6 @D @9 Cranelift",C[306]],"mintex":["minimal mutex","0.1.3"],"puruspe":["Pure @3 Special @R @1","0.2.4"],"nu_$m":["Nushell's evaluation $m","0.92.2"],"chirpstack_api":["ChirpStack Protobuf / gRPC $U @S.","4.8.0-test.2"],"nakadion":["Types @2 $T @9 @7 Nakadi Event Broker",C[1]],"qt_@O":["$a @2 QtCore C++ @1","0.5.0"],"geo_raycasting":["Ray Casting $b @2 @7 geo @5","0.3.0"],"&O_^d":[C[71],"0.52.0"],"notan_winit":["@M a ^F $n @A winit @2 Notan",C[0]],"openapi_^j":["OpenAPI ^j @Q @2 @3 ^N @6 enums","0.4.3"],"fend":[C[175],"1.4.6"],"^R_logger":["&o Logger",C[12]],"specs":["Specs is an Entity-Component-System @1 $Y in @3.",C[18]],"sentry_kafka_schemas":["Kafka topics @6 schemas @2 Sentry","0.1.74"],"wit_writer":["Binary encoder @2 @7 @Z &P Types @G",C[2]],"^R_account_decoder":["&o account decoder",C[12]],"spng_^d":["Native @4 to libspng",C[202]],"@C_global_executor":["A global executor built on top of @C-executor @6 @C-io","2.4.1"],"wasmer_middlewares":["A @U of various useful middlewares",C[107]],"redjubjub":["A standalone @0 of @7 RedJubjub signature scheme.","0.7.0"],"piston_meta":["A DSL @K @1 @2 human readable text documents","2.0.1"],"rblas":["BLAS @4 @6 &K","0.0.13"],"ic_transport_@b":["Types &H to @7 HTTP transport @2 @7 Internet Computer","0.34.0"],"ramp":["A high-@X multiple-precision arithmetic @1","0.7.0"],"space":["A @1 &9 abstractions @2 spatial datastructures @6 search",C[6]],"^O_@c_warning":["Emit warnings @E inside ^O @8.","1.0.2"],"defmt_&1":["A &1 harness @2 $J devices","0.3.2"],"egui_glow":["$a @2 @A egui natively @A @7 glow @1","0.27.2"],"tp_api":["Tetcore @v api @F","2.1.2"],"willbe":["Utility to publish multi-@5 @6 multi-workspace environments @6 maintain their consistency.","0.9.0"],"der_@h":[C[739],"9.0.0"],"gotham_restful":["RESTful additions @2 @7 gotham web @j","0.8.5"],"emath":["Minimal 2D math @1 @2 GUI work","0.27.2"],"ipfs_api":["@i of an IPFS HTTP $U @d",C[28]],"^h_env":["An ^q @1 to configure @7 ^h @v via environmental variables",C[5]],"tauri_$W_updater":["In-app updates @2 Tauri @B.",C[314]],"skia_&k":["Safe Skia $a @2 @3","0.73.0"],"multiversx_sc_scenario":["MultiversX ^H @2 $I @6 executing scenarios",C[181]],"plotters_svg":["Plotters SVG $n","0.3.5"],"vrp_cli":["A $l line @g @2 VRP solver","1.23.0"],"hermit_^d":["^e Hermit unikernel @2 @3.","0.6.0"],"^R_wen_restart":["Automatic repair @6 restart @l","1.18.12"],"jpeg2k":["JPEG 2000 image loader.","0.7.0"],"wasmer_clif_fork_wasm":[C[789],"0.59.0"],"drawbridge_^j":["Drawbridge ^j @S.","0.4.2"],"libseat_^d":["libseat @4","0.1.7"],"miraland_perf":["Miraland Performance APIs","1.18.3"],"quasi_@8":[C[176],"0.32.0"],"zerocopy":["$j @2 zero-copy @K @6 @t",C[661]],"utc2k":["A &p @6 lean UTC date/^0 @1 concerned only @9 happenings in this century (2000-2099).","0.8.0"],"wai_@h":["Parser @2 WAI syntax","0.2.3"],"ra_ap_hir":["TBD",C[25]],"context":["Cooperative multitasking @2 @3 @A Boost.Context","3.0.0"],"mediawiki":["A MediaWiki @d @1","0.2.15"],"const_random_@c":["@M @7 $0 @c $9 by const-random","0.1.16"],"bytemuck_@a":["@a ^O-@8 @2 `bytemuck`","1.6.0"],"leptos_@c":["view @c @2 @7 Leptos web @j.","0.6.11"],"ritz":["Virtual HTML DOM @1 @2 @3 @9 JSX-&4 syntax powered by Snax",C[5]],"dicom":["A pure @3 @0 of @7 DICOM ^l","0.7.0"],"ya_service_bus":["Golem &h Bus","0.7.3"],"serfig":["Layered $G @T built upon $5",C[5]],"soup2":["Soup2 @5 @2 @3","0.2.1"],"constellation_@N":["Pluggable authoritative DNS @N. Entries can be added & removed @E an HTTP REST $U.","1.14.3"],"auth_git2":["Authentication @2 `git2`","0.5.4"],"worker_$s":["$P is a tool to be $9 as a custom $s $l @2 a Cloudflare Workers `workers-rs` $K.","0.0.10"],"deno_&m":["Config $R @0 @2 @7 Deno CLI","0.16.1"],"accelerometer":["Generic, $J-&n accelerometer @f, &7 $3 @6 @b @2 taking readings @E 2 or 3-axis accelerometers @6 tracking device orientations.",C[0]],"zenoh_link":[C[74],C[76]],"prometheus_exporter_base":["Prometheus @3 exporters base @5 @9 optional boilerplate","1.4.0"],"bracket_color":["RGB @6 HSV color $H @6 @m, &7 lerp @6 W3C named colors. Part of @7 bracket-lib family.","0.8.7"],"voidmap":["$o mind-map + task tracker + tsdb","1.1.5"],"snarkvm_circuit_$Z":["Circuit $Z @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"toxiproxy_@z":["Lightweight @d @2 Toxiproxy","0.1.6"],"bb8_postgres":["Full-featured @C (^h-@w) postgres connection pool (&4 r2d2)","0.8.1"],"swipl_fli":["Low-@W @4 to @7 SWI-Prolog Foreign Language &P","0.3.6"],"lightning_rapid_gossip_sync":["Utility to ^M gossip routing @D @E Rapid Gossip Sync Server.",C[177]],"deno_cache_dir":["Cache directory logic $9 in Deno","0.9.0"],"starknet_signers":["Starknet signer @k","0.8.0"],"pretty_trace":["Tools @2 $q pretty tracebacks @6 @2 profiling.","0.5.23"],"lemmy_api":[C[95],C[375]],"gerrit_@z":["@3 @d to gerrit","0.1.24"],"ruby_^d":["Low @W @4 to MRI, Matz's Ruby Interpreter.","0.3.0"],"nanoid":["A tiny, secure, URL-&n, unique $6 ID @H @2 @3.",C[7]],"lindera_ko_dic_&0":["A Korean morphological dictionary &0 @2 ko-dic.",C[1]],"ibc_@O_router_@b":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, encapsulates essential ICS-26 Routing Module @D @y @6 domain @b, as specified in @7 Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) @l. Designed @2 universal applicability to facilitate ^P @6 $C across diverse IBC-enabled projects.","0.52.0"],"stb_image":["$a to @7 stb image @J/^2 @1.","0.3.0"],"$s_env":["Extract @Q about @7 $s ^M @E @7 $Z","0.3.1"],"deadpool_postgres":["Dead @o @C pool @2 ^h-postgres",C[8]],"ra_ap_&w_parse_@G":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_parse_format` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 13eb8c736ce58a794434ee316cb86f1091f66c7e ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/@z-analyzer/&w-auto-publish","0.49.0"],"balloon_hash":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 Balloon password hashing @R","0.5.0-pre.0"],"xiod":["XIO http daemon",C[40]],"orbtk_theme":["Default theme of OrbTk.",C[178]],"integer_@J":["varint+zigzag @6 fixedint integer @J/^2 (&Q://","4.0.0"],"const_field_offset":["Wrapper ^i field-offset @5 @6 const-field-offset-@c","0.1.5"],"libssh_rs_^d":["Native @4 to @7 libssh @1","0.2.2"],"^h_compat_02":["Tokio 0.2 compat @m",C[2]],"keytar_^d":["cxx @4 to keytar","0.1.6"],"^h_rayon":["Mix @C $d @9 CPU-heavy &F pools @A Tokio + Rayon","2.1.0"],"xous_api_log":["Log @N $U","0.1.55"],"float_eq_@a":["^x @c @f @2 float_eq.","1.0.1"],"frame_election_provider_solution_^j":["NPoS Solution Type","13.0.0"],"const_^r":["Utility @n @2 doing @o things in a `const` @R.","0.1.1"],"rtic_$4":["rtic-$4 lib TODO",C[9]],"chksum_hash_sha2_256":["An @0 of SHA-2 256 hash $b @2 batch @6 ^Z computation.","0.0.0"],"librespot_@O":["^e @O @I provided by librespot","0.4.2"],"fw":["faster workspace ^c","2.19.1"],"$5_lwjson":["Serde @t @6 ^3 @2 lwjson @P","0.2.1"],"rusty_xinput":["Safe dynamic loading of xinput.","1.3.0"],"ecb":["Electronic Codebook (ECB) block cipher mode of operation","0.1.2"],"twilight_embed_&0":["Create validated message embeds @2 @7 Twilight ecosystem.",C[56]],"cirru_@h":["Parser @2 Cirru text syntax","0.1.29"],"concat_in_place":["Efficient @8 @2 concatenation of $e @6 vectors","1.1.0"],"&w_demangle":["@3 $E symbol demangling.","0.1.23"],"scarb_^G":["Structured ^s to @7 output of `scarb ^G`","1.12.0"],"bls_ringct":["A pure-@3 @0 of Ring Confidential Transactions","1.1.2"],"deno":["@M @7 deno executable","1.43.0"],"uniset":["A hierarchical, growable bit set @9 @f @2 in-place atomic $c.","0.2.4"],"spirq":["Light weight SPIR-V query ^q @2 &X.","1.2.1"],"abci_rs":["A @3 @5 @2 ^E ABCI @B","0.11.3"],"frame_benchmarking":["Macro @2 benchmarking a FRAME @v. (@s @L)",C[64]],"form":["A small script to move inline modules &q @7 proper directory ^p",C[56]],"aws_sdk_networkmanager":["^v &a @2 ^v Network Manager",C[17]],"^M_$7":["A @z @1 @u can read/write @7 $7 of other processes.","0.5.0"],"ec_gpu":["Traits @2 field @6 eliptic curve $c on GPUs",C[2]],"xcursor":["A @1 @2 loading XCursor themes","0.3.5"],"sorted_iter":["Typesafe &r @2 sorted iterators, &7 set @6 relational $c","0.1.11"],"nutype":[C[743],"0.4.2"],"pallas":["@3-^F ^6 blocks @2 @7 Cardano blockchain ecosystem.",C[34]],"umash":["Idiomatic $U @2 @7 umash hash/fingerprint @R","0.4.1"],"$5_yaml_@9_quirks":["YAML @f @2 Serde, fork @9 quirks @f","0.8.24"],"workflow_wasm":["WASM @m @2 in-browser &z (timers, callbacks, etc.)",C[51]],"workflow_$o":["Terminal $x layer over Xterm.js @6 termion $y @2 ^E $o @B @u @R uniformly in ^F (console) @6 in browser (WASM32) environments.",C[51]],"ambassador":["Trait @0 delegation via $0 @8","0.3.6"],"partial_default_@a":["^x-@c @f @2 PartialDefault",C[5]],"&5_sitter_@z":["@3 grammar @2 &5-sitter","0.21.2"],"tectonic_bridge_graphite2":["Expose @7 graphite2 @1 to @3/Cargo.","0.2.2"],"clickhouse":["A typed @d @2 ClickHouse @9 killer &L","0.11.6"],"^O_vector2d":["@V @8 $9 internally by vector2d","1.0.2"],"pks":["Welcome! Please see &Q://^J/alexevanczuk/packs @2 more @Q!","0.1.96"],"dsa":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) as specified in FIPS 186-4 (Digital Signature Standard), &9 RFC6979 deterministic signatures as well as @f @2 added entropy","0.6.3"],"dasp_interpolate":["An $x @2 audio PCM DSP rate interpolation, &7 floor, linear @6 sinc.",C[24]],"ls_qpack_^d":["QPACK (RFC 9204) @3 &G to C @1 ls-qpack","0.1.4"],"snapup":["Abstractions @2 $H snapshots @9 streams of subsequent updates","0.1.8"],"yewtil":["Utility @5 @2 Yew",C[7]],"glium_text":["Text drawing @9 glium @6 freetype",C[3]],"pwhash":["A @U of password hashing routines in pure @3.",C[9]],"unsafe_libyaml":["libyaml transpiled to @z by c2rust","0.2.11"],"wasmer_&f_$4":["Wasmer @v $4 middlewares","0.17.1"],"festive":[C[210],"0.2.2"],"boml":["A ^T-free, (almost) 0-copy TOML @h.","0.3.1"],"std_^H":[C[227],"0.1.4"],"bytes_lit":["Create byte slices @E literal integers.","0.0.5"],"vm_$7":["Safe abstractions @2 accessing @7 VM physical $7",C[40]],"azure_$Q_datalake":["Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 @5 @E @7 Azure &a @2 @3",C[18]],"reproto_@O":[C[179],"0.3.36"],"qed":["Compile-^0 assertions","1.6.1"],"aws_sdk_cloudsearch":["^v &a @2 $V CloudSearch",C[17]],"svgcleaner":["svgcleaner could help you to clean up &3 SVG @P @E @7 unnecessary @D.","0.9.5"],"str_buf":["Static $6 buffer","3.0.3"],"swc_ecma_ast":["Ecmascript ast.","0.113.0"],"wplot":["Plot @g.","0.1.7"],"gzlib":["Gardenzilla @O @1","0.2.84"],"rusoto_batch":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v Batch @ 2016-08-10",C[15]],"os_id":["@M OS ids abstractions @2 ^M @6 &F","3.0.1"],"include_flate_^B_exports":[C[180],"0.1.4"],"bung":["A @t @0 @2 SurrealDB, @w on MessagePack",C[5]],"$5_arrays":["A @o ^y to @f serializing @6 deserializing const &8 or arbitrarily-large arrays.",C[5]],"wapm_toml":["A @h @2 @7 wapm.toml @G $9 by Wasmer @6 WAPM",C[7]],"numeric_cast":["&k cast $8 ^V","0.2.1"],"poem_grpc":["GRPC @f @2 Poem.",C[7]],"exitfailure":["A basic newtype &K @2 &z @9 ? in main","0.5.1"],"exocore_store":["Store / indexation layer of Exocore (Distributed @B @j)","0.1.25"],"gemm_f32":[C[129],"0.17.1"],"md4":["MD4 hash @R",C[48]],"fs_hdfs3":[C[512],"0.1.12"],"aws_sdk_dax":["^v &a @2 $V DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)",C[17]],"rustcql":["@3 Cassandra Client (CQL Binary ^z v4)","0.0.6"],"parasailors":["SIMD accelerated pairwise genetic sequence alignment.","0.3.1"],"cairo_lang_sierra_to_casm":["Emitting of CASM instructions @E Sierra $d.","2.6.3"],"idx_sized":[C[307],"0.28.0"],"deserr":["Deserialization @1 @9 focus on ^L $H","0.6.1"],"permutation_iterator":["A @3 @1 @2 iterating over random permutations @A O(1) (i.e. constant) space.","0.1.2"],"sqlite3_@h":["SQL @h (as understood by SQLite)",C[0]],"showdown":["Pokemon Showdown Client",C[86]],"volatile_register":["Volatile ^s to $7 mapped hardware registers","0.2.2"],"nstack":["Arity 4 stack @2 @7 kelvin merkle toolkit",C[33]],"pwasm_std":["Parity @Z ^l @1 @2 ^S ^P",C[45]],"kafka":["@3 @d @2 Apache Kafka",C[11]],"elf2uf2_rs":["Port of elf2uf2 to @z","2.0.0"],"thrussh_libsodium":["Straightforward @4 to libsodium","0.2.3"],"squote":["A clone of @7 quote @5 @u uses a String as its backing store","0.1.2"],"starknet_@O":["Core @y @2 @7 starknet @5",C[11]],"faer_qr":[C[156],"0.17.1"],"minidump_processor":["A @1 @2 producing stack traces @6 other useful @Q @E minidump @P.",C[30]],"char_device":["Character Device I/O","0.16.4"],"^n_staking":["FRAME ^n staking","28.0.1"],"near_^k_@O":[C[900],"0.6.0"],"trapframe":["Handle Trap Frame across kernel @6 user space on multiple ISAs.","0.9.0"],"atspi":["Pure-@3, zbus-@w AT-SPI2 @l @0.",C[37]],"const_cstr":["Create static C-$k $e @E @3 $6 literals.","0.3.0"],"^R_cli_output":[C[50],C[12]],"gdnative_@4":["^e Godot game engine's automatcally $X @4 to Godot classes.","0.11.3"],"myutil":[C[493],"3.0.1"],"prio_graph":["A lazily populated directed acyclic graph @9 top-@W priority ordering","0.2.1"],"dharitri_wasm_output":["Dharitri @Z panic handler @6 ^D declaration @2 @7 .wasm output","0.10.8"],"pgwire":["Postgresql wire @l &s as a @1",C[37]],"@z_spice":["WOW! ^e complete NASA/NAIF Spice toolkit is actually usable on @3.","0.7.8"],"wca":["^e tool to make CLI ( commands user @g ). It is able to aggregate external ^5 @B, as well as @n, $z are $Y in &3 @e.",C[32]],"stable_swap_anchor":["Anchor @4 @2 @7 StableSwap @3 @d.","1.8.1"],"xml_rpc":["Pure @3 @0 of XML-RPC","0.0.12"],"rsiot_component_@O":["Типы данных для создания компонентов","0.0.71"],"geph4_@d":["Geph @d","4.11.0"],"drone_stm32_map_pieces_5":[C[187],C[3]],"memfile":["$7 backed @P @A memfd_create @9 $R sealing @f","0.3.2"],"constant_^0_eq":["Compares two equal-sized byte $e in constant ^0.","0.3.0"],"icu_compactdecimal_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_compactdecimal @5","1.4.0"],"unwind":["An @g to libunwind","0.4.2"],"rail_lang":["A straightforward ^a @e. Rail is currently experimental @6 subject to drastic breaking changes.","0.30.2"],"weather_util_@z":["CLI tool to pull weather @D @E, intended to replace @7 debian @Y weather-util","0.16.16"],"seqalign":["Sequence alignment @A edit $c","0.2.3"],"mp3_^G":["Metadata @h @2 MP3 @P","0.3.4"],"ra_ap_&w_abi":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_abi` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 13eb8c736ce58a794434ee316cb86f1091f66c7e ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/@z-analyzer/&w-auto-publish","0.49.0"],"bzip2_rs":["Pure @3 bzip2 decompressor","0.1.2"],"dark_std":["dark-std is an @i of $1 containers $s on ^h. It uses a read-write separation design borrowed @E Golang","0.2.12"],"meowhash":["Meow hash @R","0.3.0"],"printtable":["Nicely @G a table",C[5]],"retainer":["Minimal @C cache in @3 @9 @f @2 key expirations","0.3.0"],"venial":["A very small syn","0.6.0"],"unixfs_v1":["unixfs v1 @0","0.3.0"],"zbus_names":["A @U of D-Bus bus names @b","2.6.1"],"wildmatch":["$p $6 matching @9 single- @6 multi-character wildcard operator.","2.3.3"],"cairo_lang_sierra":["Sierra ^A.","2.6.3"],"self_replace":["Utility @5 @u allows executables to replace or uninstall themselves","1.3.7"],"ckb_@C_@v":["CKB @C @v @p.",C[10]],"elf_@m":["$j @2 @K,$q,analyzing ELF","0.2.20"],"irondash_message_channel":["@3 @g to irondash MessageChannel.","0.6.0"],"mcpat":["^e @Y @r an @g to McPAT.","0.9.0"],"redis_lua":["Redis Lua scripting &x",C[7]],"expect_&1":["Minimalistic snapshot $u @1","1.5.0"],"actix_cors":["Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) controls @2 Actix Web","0.7.0"],"mosquitto_@d":["@3 @g to @7 Mosquitto MQTT broker @d","0.1.5"],"metriken_@O":[C[320],"0.1.1"],"wasmer_registry":["Crate to interact @9 @7 wasmer registry, download packages, etc.","5.11.0"],"hytra":["Datastructure @2 &p multi-threaded updates.","0.1.2"],"pre_^O_@c":["@V marco @k @2 [pre](&Q://$y/pre/).","0.2.1"],"pandora_box":["syd &x to make sandboxing practical","0.9.0"],"throttle":["Time-@w rate-limit ^q",C[5]],"reflink":[C[370],"0.1.3"],"unic_ucd_hangul":["UNIC — ^I Character Database — Hangul Syllable Composition & Decomposition","0.9.0"],"concat_idents":["Allows concatenating multiple identifiers @6 @A them everywhere","1.1.5"],"xmpp_parsers":["&T of parsers @6 serialisers @2 XMPP &r",C[18]],"image_convert":["A high @W @1 @2 image identification, &V, interlacing @6 high quality resizing.","0.16.1"],"abnf_@O":["A nom-@w @h @2 ABNF @O rules.","0.6.0"],"^h_codec":["$j @2 @J @6 ^2 frames.","0.1.2"],"prost_amino_@a":["A ^z Buffers @0 @2 @7 @3 Language modified to enable amino (de)@t.","0.6.1"],"extprim":["Extra primitive @b (u128, i128)","1.7.1"],"multiversx_sc_@a":["MultiversX smart ^S $U $0 @8",C[181]],"jid":["A @5 $z @r a Jid &b @2 Jabber IDs.",C[11]],"atomicwrites":["Atomic $R-writes.","0.4.3"],"snarkvm":["A $D &l ^C",C[26]],"wiggle":["&R &I of wiggle $d @H",C[63]],"gitlab_report":["Generates GitLab reports @E cargo's &D output","1.0.3"],"ldtk_@z":["Use @7 LDtk 2D @W editor to $s games in @3.","0.6.0"],"primal":["`primal` puts raw power &q prime ^V. $P $y includes: optimised prime sieves, checking @2 primality, enumerating primes, factorising ^V, @6 state-of-@7-art estimation of upper @6 lower bounds @2 π(n) (@7 number of primes below n) @6 p_k (@7 k-th prime).","0.3.2"],"exon":["A @x @2 scientific @D processing @6 analysis.",C[18]],"^T_runner":["ldd @2 $v - @6 more!","1.2.4"],"seq_@c":["Macro to repeat sequentially indexed copies of a fragment of $d.","0.3.5"],"warp_real_ip":["Warp filter to get @7 \"real ip\" of @7 remote @d",C[2]],"rusoto_codepipeline":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v CodePipeline @ 2015-07-09",C[15]],"arr_@c_impl":["Private impl @5 @2 arr_macro","0.2.1"],"incrementalmerkletree":["^W @b, interfaces, @6 @m @2 Merkle &5 @D @y","0.5.1"],"$F_stackdriver":["Stackdriver-$k $F layer @6 event formatter",C[11]],"scorex_&j_avltree":["@i of cryptographically authenticated dictionary @w on AVL &5",C[5]],"imdl":["📦 A 40' shipping container @2 @7 internet","0.1.13"],"oxygengine_physics_2d":["2D physics ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"clokwerk":["A @o @3 recurring task scheduler, similar to Python's schedule",C[7]],"env_perm":["Sets $Z variables in &3 profile","0.1.3"],"tinkoff_invest":["tinkoff invest @1","2.30.0"],"tower_load":["Strategies @2 measuring @7 load of a service","0.3.0"],"tlsh_fixed":["@3 port of Trend Micro Locality Sensitive Hashing","0.1.1"],"$e":["String @m, &7 an unbalanced Rope","0.1.1"],"oq3_lexer":["Lexer @2 OpenQASM 3 @h/analyzer","0.5.0"],"@s_collator_@l":["Polkadot Collator ^z subsystem. Allows collators @6 validators to talk to each other. (@s @L)",C[67]],"^5_ff1":["Optimized @3 @0 of FF1 &A @9 radix 2",C[2]],"ipmpsc":["Inter-^M Multiple Producer, Single Consumer Channels","0.5.1"],"@C_scoped":["Spawn scoped (non 'static) $1 $r @2 async_std @6 ^h runtimes","0.9.0"],"pin_^r":["$j @2 pinning",C[5]],"punycode":["Functions to decode @6 encode Punycode","0.4.1"],"tor_units":["@M @8 @2 @b $z are constrained within a range, ensuring invalid ^Q are unrepresentable.",C[28]],"rweb":[C[1038],C[32]],"^n_staking_reward_fn":["Reward @R @2 FRAME staking ^n (@s @L)","22.0.0"],"$5_unit_&b_@a":["Proc-@c $m @2 serde_unit_struct","0.1.3"],"multiqueue":["A &p mpmc broadcast queue","0.3.2"],"jsonrpc_tcp_@N":["TCP/IP @N @2 &D-RPC","18.0.0"],"re_ws_comms":["WebSocket &U @1 (@J, ^2, @d, @N) $8 a Rerun @N @6 viewer",C[35]],"dev_menu":["A @o in-$m developer menu @1.","0.41.0"],"consistent_hash_ring":["A flexible @6 &6 consistent hash ring","0.8.0"],"^R_security_txt":["security-txt is a @c @u helps security researchers contact you about vulnerabilities in &3 smart ^S","1.1.1"],"gfx_$n_gl":[C[261],"0.9.0"],"tt21100":["An $J-hal driver @2 @7 TT21100 multi-touch touchscreen controller",C[5]],"smart_default":["@3 custom-@a @c @2 Default @9 more control on @7 fields","0.7.1"],"k8s_cluster_api":["Kubernetes Cluster $U (CAPI) @3 @S","0.8.1"],"refinery_migrations":["$P @5 should not be $9 directly, it is internaly &H to Refinery","0.2.3"],"&j_rest_@d":["An RESTful @d @2 all cryptocurrency exchanges.","1.0.1"],"sqlx_ledger":["An embeddable double sided accounting ledger built on PG/SQLx","0.11.3"],"$M_&y":["@3 NetworkManager @4",C[24]],"$r_state_^Z":["A $2 of @7 $r crate's Stream $z returns state on completion",C[2]],"frame_@f_$0_^H_@a":[C[726],"12.0.0"],"cdg":["CD+G @h",C[5]],"near_store":["$P ^7 @5 @r a $Q $x @2 near @v.",C[931]],"tuple_^r":["A set of @m to enable higher @W $c over tuples.",C[7]],"dusk_schnorr":["A pure-@3 @0 of Schnorr signatures @9 a PLONK circuit ^y additionally",C[6]],"gix_commitgraph":["Read-only ^s to @7 git commitgraph $R @G","0.24.2"],"aws_sdk_mgn":["^v &a @2 Application Migration &h",C[17]],"devise_^B":[C[182],"0.4.1"],"combine":["Fast @h combinators on arbitrary streams @9 zero-copy @f.","4.6.7"],"untrusted":["Safe, &p, zero-panic, zero-crashing, zero-allocation @K of untrusted inputs in @3.","0.9.0"],"rusoto_iot":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v IoT @ 2015-05-28",C[15]],"rmp_$r":["Async @3 MessagePack @6 MessagePack-RPC","0.3.2"],"aws_sdk_pinpoint":["^v &a @2 $V Pinpoint",C[4]],"pg_@C":["&g, HA (master-master) PostgreSQL driver on top of libpq","0.8.6"],"bellman":[C[225],C[3]],"clamp":["^e clamp @R",C[5]],"symbolic":["A @1 to symbolicate @6 ^M stack traces @E ^F @B, minidumps, Unreal Engine 4 or minified &W.","12.8.0"],"re_space_view_spatial":["Space Views @u show entities in a 2D or 3D spatial relationship.",C[35]],"grpc_$s":[C[872],"6.1.0"],"tract":[C[85],"0.21.4"],"wasmer_$m_^F":["Wasmer Native Engine","1.0.2"],"console":["A $o @6 console $x @2 @3","0.15.8"],"pem":["Parse @6 encode PEM-encoded @D.","3.0.4"],"debugger_&1":["@M a ^O @c @2 $I tests @u launch a debugger @6 run commands while verifying @7 output.","0.1.5"],"guppy_workspace_hack":[C[183],C[5]],"ra_ap_&w_pattern_analysis":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_pattern_analysis` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 13eb8c736ce58a794434ee316cb86f1091f66c7e ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/@z-analyzer/&w-auto-publish","0.49.0"],"hevc_@h":["HEVC @G @h, incomplete","0.6.2"],"uu_nl":["nl ~ (uutils) display input @9 added line ^V",C[20]],"exonum_rocksdb":[C[456],"0.7.6"],"$g_update":["A $g &C @2 checking @6 applying updates to installed executables","13.4.0"],"caf":["Pure @z Core Audio Format container decoder",C[5]],"ic_&1_state_^C_@d":["@3 @1 to interact @9 @7 ic-&1-state-^C.","3.0.1"],"wasmer_@a":[C[993],C[107]],"psa_&j":[C[705],C[0]],"cpuid":["@3 @4 @2 libpcuid CPU $B @6 feature extraction @1.","0.1.1"],"$g_rls_install":["@3 Language Server easy install","2.0.7"],"succinct":["Succinct @D @y @2 @3","0.5.2"],"rocket_cors":["Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) @2 @B","0.6.0"],"protobuf_@f":["Code supporting protobuf @0. None of $d in this @5 is public $U.","3.4.0"],"nu_$W_xpath":["Traverses xml",C[68]],"wchar":["@V @8 @2 &N ^0 UTF-16 @6 UTF-32 wide $e.",C[24]],"target_spec_miette":["Integrate target-spec errors @9 @7 miette @1",C[7]],"altv":["@3 @N-side $U @2 $I &3 gamemodes on alt:V","16.0.0"],"actix_web_lab":["In-progress extractors @6 &f @2 Actix Web","0.20.2"],"tectonic_bridge_harfbuzz":["Expose @7 Harfbuzz C/C++ APIs to @3/Cargo.","0.2.9"],"copy_@E_str":["An ^m ^8 to copy a $6 &q another $6","1.0.6"],"libtor":["Bundle @6 run Tor inside &3 own $K",C[188]],"libtar_^d":["^e @Y facilitates static linking @9 libtar.","0.1.9"],"&5_sitter_vue":["vue grammar @2 @7 &5-sitter @K @1","0.0.3"],"move_coverage":["Diem Move VM $d coverage","0.3.2"],"popol":["Minimal non-blocking I/O","3.0.0"],"sophia_api":["A @3 toolkit @2 RDF @6 Linked Data - Core $U","0.8.0"],"buildchain":["Software @2 ^E @6 managing a distributed @6 reproducible chain of builds","0.5.1"],"instant_segment":["Fast English word segmentation",C[24]],"reproto_&M":["reproto &M","0.3.36"],"memalloc":["Memory allocation in stable @z.",C[5]],"regex_@c":["A @c to ^o a lazy regex expression",C[2]],"texture_synthesis_cli":["A CLI @2 texture-synthesis","0.8.3"],"tor_chanmgr":["Manage a set of connections to @7 Tor $M",C[28]],"postgres_^5_copy":["Support @2 ^5-@G COPY query execution @9 postgres","0.5.0"],"panic_abort":["Set panicking behavior to abort","0.3.2"],"windres":["Compiles $v resource @P (.rc) &q a @3 ^w.","0.2.2"],"lightningcss_@a":["^x @8 @2 lightningcss","1.0.0-alpha.42"],"wasmedge_@b":["^e $4 @D @y @2 WasmEdge @3 @4.","0.4.4"],"rspotify_^9":["Model @2 RSpotify",C[45]],"fdk_aac_^d":["FFI @4 @2 libfdk-aac","0.5.0"],"oneshot":["Oneshot spsc channel @9 (potentially) lock-free non-blocking send, @6 a receiver supporting both &F blocking receive $c as well as Future @w @C polling.","0.1.6"],"holochain_json_@a":["@M @a @8 @2 holochain persistence.","0.0.51"],"melstructs":["Core @D @y @2 Mel","0.3.2"],"naga_oil":["a @5 @2 combining @6 manipulating shaders @A naga IR",C[8]],"nom_trace":["A tracer @2 nom parsers","0.2.1"],"pam_@4":["PAM @4 @2 @3","0.1.1"],"^R_cost_^9":["&o cost ^9",C[12]],"wasi_^h":[C[62],"17.0.3"],"color_hex":["@V @c @2 converting hexadecimal $e to an RGB or RGBA byte array at &N ^0.",C[2]],"ckb_occupied_capacity_@O":[C[184],C[10]],"alsa_^d":["FFI @4 @2 @7 ALSA $K (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)","0.3.1"],"const_str":[C[598],"0.5.7"],"^j_hash":["Generate a hash @2 a @3 ^j. ^e primary &z-case @2 this @5 is @2 detecting differences in message @b $8 versions of a @5. ^e `TypeHash` ^8 is &s @2 most built-in @b @6 a @a @c is provided, @2 $f it @2 &3 own @b.","0.3.0"],"tmp1x2":["Platform-agnostic @3 driver @2 @7 TMP102 @6 TMP112 digital temperature sensors.",C[9]],"$F":["Application-@W $F @2 @3.","0.1.40"],"opentelemetry_stackdriver":["A @3 opentelemetry exporter @u uploads traces to Google Stackdriver trace.","0.19.1"],"autosurgeon":["A @1 @2 ^g @9 @D in automerge documents","0.8.3"],"^n_message_queue":["FRAME ^n to queue @6 ^M ^X (@s @L)","35.0.0"],"gstreamer_net":["@3 @4 @2 GStreamer Net @1","0.22.0"],"htr":["convert html to react &p","0.5.27"],"libefi_^d":["$a @2 libefi on illumos",C[5]],"libcnb_^O_@8":["@V @8 $9 within",C[18]],"zeromq_src":["Source $d @6 logic to $s ZeroMQ @E source","0.3.1+4.3.5"],"jcers_^O":["^O-@c @2 jcers",C[5]],"i_slint_renderer_femtovg":["FemtoVG @w renderer @2 Slint","1.5.1"],"dubp_documents_@h":["Parser @2 DUBP documents.",C[72]],"bls12_381_plus":["@i of @7 BLS12-381 pairing-&n elliptic curve construction. $P is a fork @E zkcrypto/bls12_381 but adds hash to curve @6 multiexponentiation methods as well as enables multi-pairing ^U @7 ^D requirement.","0.8.15"],"read_color":["A @o @1 @2 reading hex colors",C[9]],"lang_util":["$j @2 $f parsers @6 ASTs @A lalrpop @6 Logos","0.5.2"],"quircs":["QR $d $B @6 scanning. Pure @3.",C[48]],"nj_@a":["procedure @c @2 node-^k","3.4.2"],"gotham_@a":["Private @0 detail of @7 gotham @j","0.7.1"],"join_export":["Exports of @7 `join!`, `join_async!`, `join_spawn!`, `join_async_spawn!`, `async_spawn!` @8 $z are reexported by `join` @5.","0.1.1"],"&5_sitter_thrift":["Thrift grammar @2 &5-sitter","0.5.0"],"somedoc":["A very @o document ^9 @6 markup @H.",C[97]],"lang_^m":["@3 Lang Extension","1.0.1"],"lindera_unidic":["A Japanese morphological dictionary @2 UniDic.",C[1]],"rscript":["Easily script any @z $K",C[28]],"hmac":["Generic @0 of Hash-@w Message Authentication Code (HMAC)",C[330]],"url":["URL @1 @2 @3, @w on @7 WHATWG URL Standard","2.5.0"],"druid":["Data-oriented @3 UI design toolkit.","0.8.3"],"cslice":["A @1 of slices @9 a stable ABI @2 interfacing @9 C.","0.3.0"],"cv_convert":["Type conversions among famous @3 computer vision $A",C[34]],"wasm_streams":["Bridging $8 web streams @6 @3 streams @A @Z",C[7]],"tmkms":["Tendermint Key Management System: @r isolated, optionally HSM-backed signing key ^c @2 Tendermint @B &7 validators, oracles, IBC relayers, @6 other transaction signing @B",C[3]],"redis_@8":["$p @8 @6 &K to redis-rs to automatically serialize @6 deserialize ^N @9 $5.","0.3.0"],"persistent":["A set of &f @2 sharing @N-global @D in Iron.",C[7]],"influxive_child_svc":["Run influxd as a child ^M",C[668]],"k12":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 KangarooTwelve hash @R","0.3.0"],"indicatif_log_bridge":["Bridge @7 log @5 @6 indicatif to stop log lines @E mixing up @9 progress bars","0.2.2"],"sp_mixnet":["&E mixnet @b @6 @v @g (@s @L)","0.8.0"],"brunch":["A @o micro-benchmark runner.","0.5.3"],"erlang_nif_^d":[C[580],"0.6.5"],"gemm_f64":[C[129],"0.17.1"],"precord_@O":["@q @2 retrieving ^M or @T @X @D","0.7.11"],"cw_address_&4":["A ^8 @u marks unchecked or checked CosmWasm address $e","1.0.4"],"$g_local_registry":["A Cargo &C @2 managing local registries.","0.2.6"],"murmurhash64":["@i of MurmurHash2 (64bit $2)","0.3.1"],"pyoxidizer":["Package self-contained Python @B",C[60]],"pest_@H":[C[185],"2.7.9"],"osqp_^d":["FFI @4 to @7 OSQP (Operator Splitting Quadratic Program) solver.","0.6.2"],"concrete_csprng":["Cryptographically Secure PRNG $9 in @7 TFHE-rs @1.",C[7]],"move_vm_&1_^r":["Move VM Test Utils","0.3.2"],"aws_sdk_costexplorer":["^v &a @2 ^v Cost Explorer &h","1.23.0"],"bomboni_request":["$j @2 ^g @9 $U requests. Part of Bomboni @1.","0.1.55"],"digest":["Traits @2 $t hash @n @6 message authentication codes","0.11.0-pre.8"],"rusqlcipher":["Ergonomic @p @2 SQLCipher","0.14.9"],"^R_rpc_@d_api":["&o Client ^W $j",C[12]],"tesseract_plumbing":["Safe @p of `tesseract-^d`",C[24]],"log4rs_routing_appender":["A routing appender @2 log4rs",C[7]],"splits_io_api":["$a to @7 $U @2 @3.",C[7]],"tracked_impl":["^1 @0 details @2 `tracked`.","0.5.4"],"schnorr_fun":["BIP340 Schnorr signatures @w on secp256kfun",C[11]],"thingbuf":["I'm at @7 buffer pool. I'm at @7 MPSC channel. I'm at @7 combination MPSC channel @6 buffer pool.","0.1.6"],"pflock":["A phase-fair reader-writer lock @u reduces worst-case blocking @2 readers. Especially useful @2 multiprocessor real-^0 systems.",C[2]],"stm32g4":["Device @f $y @2 STM32G4 devices",C[35]],"drone_cortexm":["ARM® Cortex®-M @x @5 @2 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.",C[40]],"autd3_link_twincat":["Link of AUTD @A TwinCAT.","22.1.0"],"protobuf_^F":["A high-@W, &k $U @2 libprotobuf.","0.2.2+3.19.1"],"delta":["An easy to &z timer @1.","0.2.1"],"kdbplus":["Dual q/kdb+ @g @2 $U to $s a &B @1 @6 an IPC @d.","0.3.8"],"hcl_@F":["Primitives $9 by @7 HCL sub-languages","0.1.4"],"measureme":["Support @5 @2 rustc's self-profiling feature","11.0.1"],"gix_object":["Immutable @6 mutable git objects @9 ^2 @6 @J @f","0.42.1"],"lber":["An ASN.1/BER @h/encoder @w on nom","0.4.2"],"aws_sdk_chimesdkmeetings":["^v &a @2 $V Chime &a Meetings",C[4]],"bp_bridge_hub_cumulus":["Primitives @2 BridgeHub parachain runtimes. (@s @L)",C[24]],"grin_servers":[C[186],"5.3.0"],"rattler":["@3 @1 to install conda environments","0.23.1"],"reset_daemon":["ReSet Daemon @1 @6 runner.","1.2.1"],"prometheus_@d_@a_encode":["Auxiliary @5 to @a Encode ^8 @E prometheus-@d.","0.4.2"],"pulldown_cmark_mdcat":["Render pulldown-cmark events to TTY","2.1.2"],"czkawka_gui":["GTK frontend of Czkawka","7.0.0"],"gear_wasm_instrument":["Wasm instrument @1 @2 Gear programs","1.3.0"],"sovrin_@d":["Sovrin @d @9 c-callable @g","0.1.1-15"],"lib3h_sodium":["lib3h libsodium @p &9 $7 secure api ^s","0.0.42"],"temporary":["^e @Y @r means of managing temporary @P @6 folders.","0.7.0"],"allegro_font":["Allegro 5 font addon @3 @p","0.0.45"],"cyclist":["A &8 @3 @0 of @7 Cyclist mode of permutation-@w cryptography (e.g. Xoodyak).","0.6.3"],"drone_stm32_map_pieces_12":[C[187],C[3]],"tor_hscrypto":["Basic onion service cryptography @b $9 by Aerti",C[28]],"quanta":["high-speed timing @1","0.12.3"],"usdt_impl":["Main @0 @5 @2 @7 USDT @Y","0.5.0"],"stable_deref_^8":["An unsafe marker ^8 @2 @b &4 Box @6 Rc @u dereference to a stable address even when moved, @6 hence can be $9 @9 $A such as owning_ref @6 rental.","1.2.0"],"const_currying":["A $0 @c @2 speeding up &3 @R @A currying","0.0.5"],"easy_jsonrpc_mw":[C[230],"0.5.4"],"snarkvm_console_@b_$6":[C[55],C[26]],"human_repr":["Generate beautiful human representations of bytes, durations, @6 even throughputs!","1.1.0"],"google_cloud_longrunning":["Google Cloud Platform longrunning @1.",C[28]],"slog_@a":["Custom derives @2 &z @9 slog.",C[2]],"^O_@c_rules_@8":[C[529],C[7]],"languageserver_@b":[C[925],"0.54.0"],"libtor_^d":["@3 @5 @u internally compiles Tor @6 its ^4",C[188]],"iced_@v":["A renderer-agnostic @v @2 iced",C[51]],"minifb":["Cross-@x window setup @9 optional bitmap rendering",C[34]],"ftoa":["$P is a fork of @7 `dtoa` @5 $z writes integer &v floats ^U trailing `.0`. Fast @n @2 printing floating-point @F to an io::Write.","0.1.1"],"hueclient":["@3 @1 @2 Philips Hue lights","0.4.3"],"spectra":["Demoscene @j",C[8]],"rocket_sentry":["Simplifies $C $8 @7 Rocket web @j @6 Sentry $w monitoring @T.",C[28]],"faux":["A @1 to mock ^N","0.1.10"],"&1_span_@c":["@c to do snapshot tests on $F spans, usint &1-span","0.7.0"],"tea_codec_@8":[C[347],C[348]],"zenoh_link_commons":[C[74],C[76]],"md5":["^e @Y @r @7 MD5 hash @R.","0.7.0"],"stacks_rpc_@d":["HTTP Client @2 @7 Stacks blockchain","2.0.0"],"pulse":["A @1 @2 @C wake signals","0.5.3"],"@l_@a":[C[369],"3.4.0"],"atomic_option":["An atomic, nullable, owned pointer.","0.1.2"],"@C_log":["Async $F capabilities @2 @7 log @5.","2.0.0"],"juniper_subscriptions":["Juniper `SubscriptionCoordinator` @6 `SubscriptionConnection` @k.",C[28]],"napi":["N-$U @4","2.16.4"],"wai_^k_gen_wasmer":["Generate WAI glue $d @2 a @3 Wasmer host","0.2.3"],"&w_$s_sysroot":["Build a &w sysroot @9 custom flags","0.4.6"],"rill_@a":["^x @c @2 @7 RillRate.","0.41.0"],"^8_variant":["$j @2 ^g @9 impl $3 in @3","0.1.2"],"scutiger_@O":["a set of &B @I @2 @7 other Scutiger $y","0.3.0"],"mktemp":["mktemp @P @6 &Z","0.5.1"],"ostree_^d":["FFI @4 to libostree-1",C[3]],"gridiron":["@3 finite field @1 @9 fixed size multi-word ^Q.",C[11]],"scale_^j_resolver":["A low @W ^8 to be &8 over how to resolve SCALE ^j @Q","0.1.1"],"rerun":[C[189],C[35]],"vsimd":["SIMD @m","0.8.0"],"@C_http_range_reader":["A @1 @2 streaming reading of @P over HTTP @A range requests","0.7.1"],"mc_attestation_verifier":["SGX Enclave Attestation Report Verification","0.4.3"],"marine_@c_impl":["@i of @7 `#[marine]` @c",C[3]],"crc_any":["To compute CRC ^Q by &9 @7 length of bits, expression, reflection, an initial &v @6 a final xor &v. It has many built-in CRC @n.","2.4.4"],"riff_wave":["$p methods @2 reading @6 $I PCM wave @P.","0.1.3"],"passterm":["Read $o password, check isatty","2.0.3"],"gamma_lut":["@3 port of Skia gamma correcting tables","0.2.3"],"rsx_rosetta":[C[817],"0.5.1"],"zcash_proofs":["Zcash zk-SNARK circuits @6 proving APIs",C[32]],"metaplex_token_^G":[C[190],"0.0.1"],"icu_plurals_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_plurals @5","1.4.0"],"@C_^F_tls":["Native TLS @A $r","0.5.0"],"guppy_summaries":["Build summaries @2 Cargo, created by guppy.","0.7.1"],"sanitizer_@8":["^x @c @2 @7 sanitizer @5","0.2.2"],"iso8601_duration":["Parse ISO8601 duration @G.",C[2]],"protobuf_convert":["$L @2 convenient @t of @3 @D @y &q/@E ^z Buffers","0.5.0"],"p224":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 NIST P-224 (a.k.a. secp224r1) elliptic curve as defined in SP 800-186",C[14]],"twenty_twenty":["Visual regression $u of H264 frames @6 images.","0.7.0"],"ckb_block_filter":["Create block filter @D @2 @d-side filtering",C[10]],"ropey":["A &p @6 robust text rope @2 @3","1.6.1"],"$4_multipart_rfc7578":[C[256],"0.6.0"],"aws_sdk_codeartifact":["^v &a @2 CodeArtifact",C[4]],"rustls_pki_@b":["Shared @b @2 @7 rustls PKI ecosystem","1.5.0"],"write_atomic":["Write to @P atomically.","0.5.0"],"miden_air":["Algebraic intermediate ^A of Miden VM processor","0.9.2"],"tremor_&v":[C[191],C[192]],"&O_dll":[C[564],"0.4.1"],"heron":["An ergonomic physics $U @2 2d @6 3d bevy games. (powered by rapier)","5.0.2"],"round_@w":["Driver @2 MPC protocols","0.2.2"],"grass_$E":["^1 @0 of @7 grass $E",C[14]],"&5_sitter":["@3 @4 to @7 Tree-sitter @K @1","0.22.5"],"@z_webvr_api":[C[193],C[28]],"@a_&0":[C[194],C[18]],"polars_lazy":[C[195],"0.39.2"],"icu_segmenter_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_segmenter @5","1.4.0"],"rexie":["Rexie is an easy-to-&z, $r @w @p ^i IndexedDB @u compiles to webassembly","0.5.0"],"byte_&b_@a":["^x @c @2 byte_struct","0.9.0"],"&O_aarch64_gnullvm":[C[53],"0.52.5"],"half":["Half-precision floating point f16 @6 bf16 @b @2 @3 $f @7 IEEE 754-2008 ^l binary16 @6 bfloat16 @b.","2.4.1"],"re_viewport":["^e central viewport panel of @7 Rerun viewer.",C[35]],"fiemap":["call ioctl FIEMAP on @P @9 ease","0.1.2"],"@9_drop":["Nostd @p @2 @A a closure as a custom drop @R","0.0.3"],"str0m":["WebRTC @1 in Sans-IO style","0.5.1"],"paperclip_@8":["$L @2 paperclip OpenAPI tooling @1","0.6.3"],"zkinterface":["An @0 of zkInterface","1.3.4"],"rmp_$5":["Serde @4 @2 RMP","1.3.0-beta.1"],"ucan_key_@f":["Ready to &z SigningKey @k @2 @7 ucan @5","0.1.7"],"pretty":["Wadler-style pretty-printing combinators in @3","0.12.3"],"rusty_paseto":["A ^j-driven, ergonomic alternative to JWT @2 secure stateless PASETO tokens.","0.6.1"],"collenchyma":["high-@X computation on any hardware","0.0.8"],"pretty_env_logger":["a visually pretty env_logger","0.5.0"],"shoggoth":["Generic @6 ^j-@W ^a @2 @3","0.0.19"],"uu_numfmt":["numfmt ~ (uutils) reformat NUMBER",C[20]],"soapysdr":["@q wrapping SoapySDR, a hardware $x layer @2 many software defined radio devices, &7 rtl-sdr, HackRF, USRP, LimeSDR, BladeRF, @6 Airspy.",C[7]],"conventional_commits_linter":["A tooling @6 @e agnostic ^q to lint Git commits against @7 Conventional Commits &d.","0.12.4"],"anyerror":["A ^j of any ^L @2 transport","0.1.12"],"thorin_dwp":["@q @2 ^6 DWARF packages @E input DWARF objects @6 packages","0.7.0"],"workflow_wasm_@8":["$L @2 workflow-wasm",C[51]],"bear_lib_$o":["BearLibTerminal FFI @2 @3","2.0.0"],"git_url_parse":["A @h @2 git repo urls @w on url @5","0.4.4"],"ckb_$M_alert":["^e alert @l @0",C[10]],"cosmogony":["@M geographical zones @9 a structured hierarchy","0.14.5"],"grammartec":["^e Nautilus grammartec","0.3.1"],"bitset_fixed":["Bitset @2 DP.",C[5]],"cosmwasm_@a":["A @Y @2 auto-$X $d $9 @2 CosmWasm ^S ^P. $P is shipped as part of cosmwasm-std. Do not &z directly.","1.4.4"],"ramhorns_@a":[C[196],C[9]],"rayon_croissant":[" bikeshedding @7 name: something @u is mapped folded @6 collected, a 🥐",C[2]],"neptune":["Poseidon hashing over BLS12-381 @2 Filecoin.","13.0.0"],"@z_gmp_kzen":[C[501],"0.5.1"],"license":["Embedded license @Q @E SPDX.","3.3.1"],"amcl_@p":["Wapper over Milagro Cryptographic @q ($2 3)",C[7]],"btm":["Blockchain Time Machine",C[40]],"lmdb":[C[213],"0.8.0"],"debug_panic":["$P allows a ^w to terminate immediately @6 provide feedback to @7 caller of @7 ^w. Unlike panic!, debug_panic! statements are only enabled in non optimized builds by default.","0.2.1"],"allegro_audio_^d":["Allegro 5 audio addon @3 &G","0.0.45"],"tor_@C_^r":["Async/$r &i @2 &z @9 Tor",C[28]],"genawaiter":["Stackless generators on stable @3.","0.99.1"],"@D_url":["Processing of @D: URL according to WHATWG’s Fetch Standard","0.3.1"],"bam":["Crate @u allows to read @6 write BAM, SAM @6 BGZIP @P, $Y completely in @3.","0.1.4"],"exonum_&j":["Cryptography &H @b, &J, $3 @6 @n.",C[9]],"minus":["An $1 @D feedable $o paging @1 @2 @3","5.6.1"],"suggestions":["Minimal @1 to provide clap-style \"Did you mean?\" suggestions.","0.1.1"],"ckb_fixed_hash_@O":["Provide several fixed-length ^5 @D, aka fixed-sized hashes.",C[10]],"tzf_rs":["Fast convert longitude,latitude to timezone name.","0.4.8"],"^5_merge":["Minimum comparison merge of two sorted sequences @9 random ^s","0.1.2"],"mt19937":["A translation of @7 MT19937 Mersenne Twister rng $b to @3","2.0.1"],"change_$B":["A @1 to ^o change $B instructions during $s ^0.","1.2.0"],"$R_per_&F_logger":["A logging @0 @u writes logs in one $R per &F",C[2]],"left_right_cell":["A cell @9 lock-free &Y read ^s.","0.1.3"],"aliri_clock":["Timing @m $9 by @7 `aliri` family of $y","0.1.4"],"polyline":["Encoder @6 decoder @2 @7 Google Encoded Polyline @G",C[48]],"sanitize_html":["Rule-@w HTML Sanitization @1","0.8.0"],"netlink_packet_@O":[C[716],"0.7.0"],"@z_hdl":["Write firmware @2 FPGAs in @3","0.46.0"],"pangocairo_^d":["FFI @4 to PangoCairo","0.19.5"],"@z_sitter_tool":["^e external tool @2 @3 Sitter @u extracts grammars @E @3 @S","0.4.2"],"more_&u":["Additional &u not found in std::&u","0.13.6"],"sp_ark_ed_on_bls12_377":["A Twisted Edwards curve defined over @7 scalar field of @7 BLS12-377 curve, optimized @2 &E","0.4.1"],"tower_hyper_http_body_compat":["Adapters $8 hyper 0.14-1.0, http-body 0.4-1.0, @6 tower-service 0.3.",C[2]],"datafusion_@n":["Function packages @2 @7 DataFusion query $m","37.1.0"],"okapi_operation_@c":["Macro @0 @2 okapi-operation","0.1.3"],"minimq":["A minimal MQTT5 @d designed @2 no_std platforms","0.8.0"],"chrono_humanize":["Human-&n ^0 expressions - similar to Python arrow.humanize","0.2.3"],"uu_comm":["comm ~ (uutils) compare sorted inputs",C[20]],"raw_tty":["$P @5 can be $9 @2 generally $T @9 a tty's mode safely, but was created originally to solve @7 problem of @A raw mode @9 /dev/tty while reading stdin @2 @D.",C[5]],"byteyarn":["hyper-compact $e","0.5.1"],"ic_scalable_misc":["Helper methods","1.0.2"],"qlog":["qlog @D ^9 @2 QUIC @6 HTTP/3",C[8]],"^R_libra_proptest_&i":["Libra proptest &i",C[153]],"ego_&5":["Vec-backed ID-&5","0.6.2"],"slotmap":["Slotmap @D ^p","1.0.7"],"solarti_token":["Solarti Program @q Token","4.1.1"],"shtcx":["Platform agnostic @3 driver @2 @7 Sensirion SHTCx series temperature/humidity sensors.",C[24]],"uwuify_mdbook":["UwUifies &3 mdbooks",C[2]],"coins_@O":["Core @1 @2 coins-bip32 @6 coins-bip39","0.8.7"],"go_parse_duration":["@3 port to Golang parse duration.","0.1.1"],"dssim":["Tool @u measures structural similarity $8 images @A a multi-scale variant of @7 SSIM $b.","3.3.2"],"starship_^y_&m_@a":[C[923],"0.2.1"],"piston2d_&X":["A @1 @2 2D &X @u works @9 multiple back-ends",C[68]],"peroxide_ad":["Proc @c @2 automatic differenitation of Peroxide","0.3.0"],"epoxy":["@3 @4 @2 libepoxy, an OpenGL @R pointer &y.",C[5]],"num_$3":["Numeric $3 @2 &8 mathematics","0.2.18"],"enum_kinds":["Generate enums @9 matching variants but ^U any of @7 associated @D.","0.5.1"],"deno_x86_64_pc_&O_msvc":[C[197],"0.23.0"],"oxygengine_$M_$n_web":["Network Web $n ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"passwords":["$P @5 @r useful ^H to ^o multiple readable passwords, as well as analyze @6 score them.","3.1.16"],"differential_dataflow":["An incremental @D-parallel dataflow @x",C[0]],"rustls_^F_certs":["rustls-^F-certs allows rustls to &z @7 @x ^F certificate store","0.7.0"],"blondie":["Collect CPU callstack samples @E a &O ^M","0.4.2"],"^R_nohash_hasher":[C[403],"0.2.1"],"csaps":["Cubic spline approximation (smoothing)","0.3.0"],"$5_json_path_@8_^7":["^1 @c @0 @2 @7 serde_json_path @5","0.1.1"],"json_spanned_&v":["Track @7 origin of &3 json ^Q @2 better ^L reporting!","0.2.2"],"gdk4_x11":["@3 @4 of @7 GDK4 X11 @1","0.8.2"],"tectonic_bridge_freetype2":["Expose @7 FreeType2 @1 C APIs to @3/Cargo.",C[2]],"tetsy_kvdb":["Generic tetsy key-&v ^8","0.9.1"],"avalanche_sdk":["Avalanche $U/&a","0.102.0"],"rerun_c":["Rerun C &a",C[35]],"amethyst_@a":["Amethyst @a","0.15.3"],"externalities":["Tetcore externalities $x","2.1.2"],"libnghttp2_^d":["FFI @4 @2 libnghttp2 (nghttp2)","0.1.10+1.61.0"],"sn_logging":["Safe Networking Logging","0.2.26-alpha.0"],"tantivy_fst":["$P is a tantivy-&2 fork @E @7 fst @5 @E Burntsushi. (Please &z @7 fst @5 ^Y.)","0.5.0"],"cexpr":["A C expression @h @6 evaluator","0.6.0"],"amethyst_ui":["Amethyst UI @5","0.15.3"],"kind2":["A pure functional functional @e @u uses @7 HVM.","0.3.10"],"font_@b":["Scalar @b $9 in fonts.","0.5.2"],"crc32c_hw":["Hardware-accelerated (SSE 4.2) @0 of CRC32C @9 software fallback","0.1.3"],"instance_of":[C[198],C[5]],"sea_query_postgres":["Binder $3 @2 connecting sea-query @9 postgres driver",C[7]],"spectral":[C[399],"0.6.0"],"libsydtime":["@3-@w C LD_PRELOAD @1 to replace vDSO ^0 calls @9 syscalls","0.0.3"],"yacli":["@q @2 ^E CLI ^H @9 a look @6 feel similiar to Cargo","0.6.1"],"aws_sdk_cloudsearchdomain":["^v &a @2 $V CloudSearch Domain",C[17]],"@C_tar":[C[882],"0.4.2"],"wasm_gen":["Generates Wasm modules","0.1.4"],"binaryen_^d":[C[199],C[8]],"varint":["A @3 @0 of Google Protobuf's Variable-Length Integers","0.9.0"],"commodore":["Slack Command $U handler @1","0.3.0"],"$5_closure":["Serializable @6 debuggable closures. $P @1 @r @8 @u wrap closures to make them serializable @6 debuggable.","0.3.3"],"utp":[C[411],"0.7.0"],"mat2":["matrix 2x2","0.2.1"],"^R_$2":["&o Version",C[12]],"herbie_lint":["A &w $W to check @2 numerical instability","1.0.7"],"$g_^r":["$j ^i $g @6 @3 workspaces","0.1.44"],"biome_json_@h":["Biome's &D @h","0.5.7"],"google_cloud_gax":["Google Cloud Platform gRPC retry @1.",C[28]],"no_color":["Detect NO_COLOR $Z variable.",C[5]],"http_connection":["Trait representing HTTP connections.",C[5]],"lets_find_up":["Find a $R or directory by walking up parent &Z.","0.0.3"],"starlark_dialect_$s_targets":["A Starlark dialect &9 @o $s @T @F","0.8.0"],"^h_console":["^e Tokio console: a debugger @2 @C @3.","0.1.10"],"rustpotter":["An open source wakeword spotter forged in @z.","3.0.2"],"embuild":["A $s @f @1 @2 $J @3","0.31.4"],"pgp":["OpenPGP @0 in @3","0.12.0-alpha.2"],"sentry_backtrace":["Sentry $C @6 @m @2 dealing @9 stacktraces.","0.32.3"],"shors":["Transport layer @2 cartridge + tarantool-^y projects.","0.9.0"],"mry_@8":["Macro @5 @2 mry, a @o but powerful mocking @1 @u supports &b, ^8, @6 @R.","0.7.1"],"khronos_egl":[C[349],"6.0.0"],"tauri_@8":["$L @2 @7 tauri @5.",C[200]],"ansi_@h":["A @1 @A nom @2 @K ANSI Escape Codes","0.9.0"],"ittapi_^d":["@3 @4 @2 ittapi",C[7]],"interceptor":["A pure @3 @0 of Pluggable RTP/RTCP processors",C[24]],"little_loadshedder":["Latency-@w load-shedding hyper/tower &f",C[2]],"ssi_caips":["@i of CAIPS @2 @7 ssi @1.",C[5]],"jsonrpc_@d_@O":["A @5 @2 $q transport agnostic, auto serializing, strongly typed &D-RPC 2.0 clients","0.5.0"],"wasmtime_wasi_http":["Experimental HTTP @1 @2 @Z in Wasmtime",C[63]],"frankenstein":["Telegram bot $U @d @2 @3","0.30.8"],"cairo_lang_syntax":["Cairo syntax ^A.","2.6.3"],"ff_ce":[C[201],"0.14.3"],"@C_ringbuf":["Async SPSC FIFO ring buffer",C[2]],"spng":["@3 @4 to libspng",C[202]],"ansi_to_tui":["A @1 to convert ansi color coded text &q ratatui::text::Text ^j @E ratatui @1","4.0.1"],"wasmrs_rx":[C[203],C[28]],"full_moon_@a":["Internally $9 @2 @7 full_moon $K. Do not &z.",C[24]],"graph_^L":["Graph Api ^L @b @6 $H @2 @7 graph-rs-sdk @5","0.3.0-beta.0"],"lux":["A super @o 2d-&X $m @u handles windowing @6 events @2 you! Right now it's supposed to be a top secret! Shhhhh...","0.1.2"],"if_addrs":[C[266],C[0]],"mustache":["@3 @0 of Mustache","0.9.0"],"sc_transaction_graph":["Generic Transaction Pool","3.0.0"],"ruma_$5":[C[204],"0.6.1"],"mz_rusoto_@O":[C[207],"0.46.0"],"vec1":["a std Vec @p assuring @u it has at least 1 element","1.12.0"],"autd3_modulation_audio_$R":["AUTD @1 @2 @3.","22.1.0"],"ext_php_rs_@a":["^x @8 @2 ext-php-rs.",C[41]],"random_&p_rng":["@3 @1 @2 Blazing &p non $t random number @H","0.1.1"],"iso_country":["ISO3166-1 countries","0.1.4"],"ugli_@a":[C[205],"0.17.2"],"@z_icu_udata":["Native @4 to @7 ICU4C @1 @E ^I. udata.h","5.0.0"],"grok":["A @z @0 of @7 popular java & ruby grok @1 $z allows easy text @6 log $R processing @9 composable patterns.","2.0.0"],"@C_dropper":["^e least-worst ad-hoc @0 of AsyncDrop as a ^x @c","0.3.1"],"dharitri_wasm_^y_pause":["Dharitri @Z smart ^S ^y @u @r a ^S pause flag","0.9.2"],"unicase":["A case-insensitive @p ^i $e.","2.7.0"],"erl_tokenize":["Erlang source $d tokenizer","0.6.1"],"os_display":["Display $e in a &k @x-appropriate way","0.1.3"],"pgmq":["A distributed message queue @2 @3 @B, on Postgres.","0.26.1"],"range_set":["Smallvec-backed containers of sorted integer ranges","0.0.11"],"textplots":["Terminal plotting @1.","0.8.6"],"meio_@l":["Basic @l $3 of MEIO @j","0.97.0"],"rubato":["&g resampling @1 intended @2 audio @D",C[32]],"xxtea_nostd":["@3 XXTEA @0 @2 no-std environments",C[5]],"retworkx_@O":["@3 APIs $9 @2 retworkx $h",C[24]],"packed_&b":["Binary-@W ^p packing @6 unpacking @H",C[41]],"reqwest_pretty_json":["Easy way to emit prettified &D body via reqwest::RequestBuilder",C[92]],"pyth_sdk_^R":[C[206],C[41]],"rosalind":["Crate contains solutions of problems published on",C[11]],"preserves":["@i of @7 Preserves @t @G via $5.","4.995.2"],"pathfinder_gpu":["A @o cross-@x GPU $x @1","0.5.0"],"cht":["Lockfree resizeable &Y hash table.","0.5.0"],"mvt":["A @1 @2 @J mapbox vector tiles","0.9.2"],"usize_conversions":["Conversion $3 @2 conversions $8 `usize` @6 fixed sized integers.",C[2]],"sixtyfps_rendering_$n_gl":["OpenGL rendering $n @2 SixtyFPS","0.1.6"],"byte_slice_cast":["Safely cast bytes slices @E/to slices of built-in fundamental numeric @b","1.2.2"],"sorted_list":["$p SortedList @D ^p $z allows mapping an Ord key to multiple distinct PartialEq ^Q",C[2]],"cql_ffi":["A mostly &k @p of @7 DataStax C++ CQL driver. Works @9 both stable @6 nightly","0.2.1"],"rusoto_@O":[C[207],C[15]],"ratatui":["A @1 that's all about cooking up $o user interfaces","0.26.3-alpha.1"],"zombie":["A &k way to remove any zombie child processes (unix/linux only)","0.0.4"],"rocket_@d_addr":["$P @5 @r two request guards $9 @2 getting an IP address @E a @d.","0.5.4"],"fil_actor_verifreg_state":[C[208],"11.1.0"],"archiver_rs":["A @1 @2 easy interaction @9 multiple archive formats","0.5.1"],"$r_ticker":["An $1 recurring ^0 event","0.0.3"],"epoll":["Safe epoll @g.","4.3.3"],"sc_consensus_manual_seal":["Manual sealing $m @2 &E (@s @L)","0.39.0"],"yaup":[C[831],"0.2.1"],"all_pairs_hamming":["All pairs similarity search on ^5 sketches in @7 Hamming space.",C[5]],"wrecked":["A $o &X @1","1.2.0"],"btparse":[C[354],"0.1.1"],"bellpepper_@O":["Core elements @2 a SNARK Circuit @1",C[7]],"poolcache":["A hybrid object pool @6 LFU cache @u permits cached object reuse. Useful @2 avoiding allocations","0.1.1"],"tfrecord":["TFRecord de/serialize @2 TensorBoard",C[32]],"dogstatsd":["A DogstatsD @d @2 @3.",C[56]],"assertions":["@M const assertions mechanism.",C[5]],"swc_$W_proxy":["Proxy ^N to @7 hosts original ^N @2 @7 $W","0.42.0"],"electrs":["An &6 re-@0 of Electrum Server in @3","0.10.4"],"bevy_^r":[C[209],C[14]],"@C_dropper_@o":["A @o &b-@p (i.e. AsyncDropper) @w @0 of AsyncDrop","0.2.6"],"sgx_isa":["Constants @6 @y &H to @7 Intel SGX ISA ^m. These @S correspond to those found in @7 Intel Software Developers Manual (SDM), volume 3.","0.4.1"],"aya_log":[C[639],C[2]],"sparse_bitfield":["Bitfield @u allocates a series of small buffers",C[24]],"tetsy_plain_hasher":["Tetsy ^W Hasher @2 32-byte keys.","0.3.1"],"foreman":["Toolchain &y @2 @o ^5 ^H","1.3.0"],"ws2812_pio":["Driver @0 @2 @7 WS2812 smart LED @A @7 RP2040's PIO peripheral.","0.8.0"],"mbedtls_@x_@f":["$P @3 @5 is a @f @1 @2 @7 `mbedtls` @5, &9 @x @6 target &2 @k of all necessary @n. By separating this logic &q a separate @5, multiple versions of @7 mbedtls @5 can coexist within a single crate.This helps to avoid link name conflict errors. ^e @5 exports @3 @n @6 defines C @n to @f external overrides as needed @2 custom @0 under various platforms or targets.","0.1.1"],"git2_credentials":["Provide credential @R to $9 @9 git2::RemoteCallbacks.credentials",C[8]],"secstr":["A @D ^j suitable @2 storing sensitive @Q such as passwords @6 private keys in $7, featuring constant ^0 equality, mlock @6 zeroing out.","0.5.1"],"bit_set":["A set of bits","0.5.3"],"pact_stub_@N":["Standalone pact stub @N","0.5.3"],"protobuf_^B_pure":[C[682],"2.28.0"],"neli_wifi":["Communicate @9 nl80211","0.6.0"],"google_cloud_pubsub":["Google Cloud Platform pubsub @d @1.",C[60]],"@s_rpc":["Polkadot &2 RPC @I. (@s @L)",C[67]],"faker_rand":["Fake @D generators @2 lorem ipsum, names, emails, @6 more","0.1.1"],"metainfo":["Transmissing metainfo across &I.","0.7.9"],"keyring":["Cross-@x @1 @2 managing passwords/credentials","2.3.2"],"natord":["Natural ordering @2 @3","1.0.9"],"pwasm_alloc":["Parity @Z ^l @1 ^7 ^D","0.4.1"],"mise":["^e front-end to &3 dev env","2024.4.8"],"sailfish":[C[576],C[577]],"cassandra_@l":["Cassandra @l @0","3.2.0"],"iobuffer":["A @o $7-@w buffer @2 IO reading @6 $I",C[2]],"uu_sleep":["sleep ~ (uutils) pause @2 DURATION",C[20]],"festive_@8":[C[210],"0.2.2"],"qoqo":["Quantum computing circuit toolkit. Python @g of roqoqo","1.11.0"],"wee_alloc":["wee_alloc: ^e Wasm-Enabled, Elfin Allocator","0.4.5"],"$J_alloc":["A heap ^D @2 $J systems","0.5.1"],"ed25519_compact":["A small, self-contained, wasm-&n Ed25519 @0","2.1.1"],"ubyte":["A @o, complete, const-everything, saturating, human-&n, no_std @1 @2 byte units.","0.10.4"],"coin_cbc_^d":[C[362],"0.1.2"],"leptos_&z":["&T of essential Leptos @m inspired by SolidJS USE / VueUse","0.10.9"],"billboard":["Display informational boxes in @7 $o.",C[2]],"float_duration":["Floating-point Duration @f. @M quantification @2 spans of ^0. Unlike @7 ^l std::^0 or @7 chrono @5, this @5 aims to provide a fully featured Duration ^j $z exposes @6 uses floating-point ^Q ^Y of integer ones.","0.3.3"],"gd32vf103_pac":["Peripheral ^s $U @2 GD32VF103 chips","0.5.0"],"^n_multisig":["FRAME multi-signature dispatch ^n (@s @L)",C[64]],"uu_seq":["seq ~ (uutils) display a sequence of ^V",C[20]],"rusttype":["A pure @3 alternative to $A &4 FreeType. RustType @r an $U @2 loading, querying @6 rasterising TrueType fonts. It also @r an @0 of a dynamic GPU glyph cache @2 hardware font rendering.","0.9.3"],"qttypes":["Manually maintained buildings @2 Qt &v @b","0.2.11"],"wagyu_zcash_parameters_1":[C[211],C[2]],"yaserde":["Serialization @6 ^3 @1",C[11]],"magenta_^d":["Low-@W @3 @4 @2 @7 Magenta kernel",C[2]],"thrussh":[C[311],"0.34.1"],"^O_maps":["Helper @5 @2 getting &l $7 maps @E processes","0.3.2"],"fn_^L_context":["An ^K @c to add context to errors @E a @R.","0.2.1"],"aws_sdk_eventbridge":["^v &a @2 $V EventBridge",C[17]],"tracking_^D":["global ^D @u @r hooks @2 tracking allocation events",C[7]],"census":["Keeps an inventory of living objects","0.4.2"],"sublime_fuzzy":["Fuzzy matching $b @w on Sublime Text's $6 search.","0.7.0"],"fluvio_wasm_timer":[C[212],"0.2.5"],"google_cloud_@z_raw":["A set of @d $A to interact @9 various Google Cloud Platform services","0.17.1-beta.1"],"flood_tide":["$l line flag @6 option parse @m",C[97]],"shellfish":["A @1 to run custom interactive shells.","0.9.0"],"hostname":["Cross-@x system's host name @n",C[7]],"vaporetto":["Vaporetto: a pointwise prediction @w tokenizer","0.6.3"],"noto_sans_mono_bitmap":["@M pre-rasterized characters @E @7 \"Noto Sans Mono\" font in different sizes @6 font weights @2 multiple unicode ranges. $P @5 is `no_std` @6 needs no allocations or floating point $c. Useful in kernels @6 bootloaders when only \"soft-float\" is available. Strictly speaking, this @5 is more than a basic bitmap font, because it encodes each pixel as a byte @6 not as a bit, $z results in a much nicer result on @7 screen.","0.3.0"],"jsonrpc_@N_^r":["Server ^r @2 jsonrpc-@O @5.","18.0.0"],"vorbis_^d":["FFI @2 @7 libvorbis @1","0.1.1"],"packet_ipc":["Share packets $8 services @A servo ipc",C[32]],"cetkaik_full_state_transition":["^e full state transition @n @2 cetkaik. See &Q:// @2 more context.","1.3.1"],"ckb_^u_service":["^e service $z handle @7 ^u @D in CKB.",C[10]],"signal":["^e higher-@W abstractions ^i unix signals","0.7.0"],"gen_iter":["temporary util @2 ^E iterators @A generators","0.3.0"],"farcaster_@O":["Farcaster $K @O @1, blockchain atomic swaps.","0.6.4"],"ethers":["A complete Ethereum @6 Celo @3 @1","2.0.14"],"tor_^Z":["@3 @g @2 proxying $M streams over @7 Tor $M","0.3.0"],"l3gd20":["A @x agnostic driver to @g @7 L3GD20 (gyroscope)","0.3.0"],"distill_downstream_lmdb_rkv":[C[213],"0.11.0-windows-fix"],"webp":["WebP &V @1.","0.3.0"],"odbc_^d":["ODBC ffi @4",C[60]],"kmip_ttlv":["KMIP TTLV (de)@t","0.3.5"],"katex_doc":["See README",C[5]],"bgpkit_broker":["A @1 @6 $l-line to provide indexing @6 searching functionalities @2 public BGP @D archive @P over ^0.","0.7.0-beta.5"],"nostr_sdk":["High @W Nostr @d @1.",C[1]],"tcmalloc":[C[214],"0.3.0"],"ruva":["@3 @q For Event Driven Message Handling","0.3.17"],"yaml_@z":[C[344],"0.4.5"],"noodles_cram":["CRAM @G reader @6 writer","0.60.0"],"intertrait_@8":["$L @2 intertrait @5, $z allows @2 direct casting $8 ^8 objects","0.2.2"],"^u_exporter_log":["A ^u-@O $k exporter @2 forwarding ^u to logs.",C[7]],"$g_dylint":[C[830],"3.0.1"],"blowfish":["Blowfish block cipher","0.9.1"],"mccs":["VESA Monitor Control Command Set",C[2]],"xsave":["An @0 of x86 XSave semantics","2.0.2"],"trailer":["Store a ^j @9 an associated buffer in contiguous $7","0.1.2"],"object":["A unified @g @2 reading @6 $I object $R formats.","0.35.0"],"osmpbf":["A reader @2 @7 OpenStreetMap PBF $R @G (*.osm.pbf).","0.3.3"],"mysql":["Mysql @d @1 &s in @z","25.0.0"],"cast5":["CAST5 block cipher",C[56]],"idx_^5":["Indexed ^5 $R. It uses mmap , various_data_file @6 avltiree.","0.38.5"],"partial_io":["Helpers to &1 partial, interrupted @6 would-block I/O $c, @9 @f @2 property-@w $u through proptest @6 quickcheck.","0.5.4"],"aws_sdk_emr":["^v &a @2 $V EMR","1.23.0"],"$5_email":["A validating email ^j @u can be serialised @A Serde","3.0.1"],"^5_^Z":["Binary ^Z reader @6 writer","8.3.0"],"varlink":["Client @6 @N @f @2 @7 varlink @l.","11.0.1"],"jetscii":["A tiny @1 to efficiently search $e @6 byte slices @2 sets of ASCII characters or bytes.","0.5.3"],"libc_print":["println! @6 eprintln! @8 on libc ^U stdlib","0.1.23"],"kmeans_colors":["$p k-means clustering to find dominant colors in images. Backed by a &8 k-means @0 offered as a standalone @1.","0.6.0"],"sctpx":["A @o @6 &n SCTP @p.",C[2]],"gchemol_gut":["Selected @m @2 @3 ^P","0.4.4"],"bytemuck":["A @5 @2 mucking ^i @9 piles of bytes.","1.15.0"],"wlang":["Wlang.",C[5]],"websocket_lite":["A &p, low-overhead WebSocket @d","0.5.2"],"cross_krb5":["Safe cross @x Kerberos v5 @g",C[7]],"gjson":["Get &D ^Q quickly","0.8.1"],"semverver":["Automatic verification of SemVer adherence in @3 @1 $y","0.1.52"],"supports_color":["Detects whether a $o supports color, @6 gives details about @u @f.","3.0.0"],"symphonia_codec_aac":["Pure @3 AAC decoder (a part of $K Symphonia).","0.5.4"],"@s_node_@O_@v_api":["Wrapper ^i @7 parachain-&H @v APIs (@s @L)",C[67]],"wide":["A @5 to help you go wide.","0.7.16"],"iai_callgrind":["High-precision @6 consistent benchmarking @j/harness @2 @3",C[48]],"avahi_^d":["$a to Avahi, a @1 @2 zero-$G networking.",C[41]],"databend_driver_@8":["$L @2 Databend Driver","0.17.1"],"$g_semver_checks":["Scan &3 @3 @5 @2 semver violations.","0.31.0"],"wgpu_text":["A @o 2D text renderer @2 wgpu","0.8.7"],"tower_actor":["A `tower` &f @u creates a `&h` by passing ^X to an actor.",C[5]],"http":["A set of @b @2 representing HTTP requests @6 responses.","1.1.0"],"id3":["A @1 @2 reading @6 $I ID3 ^G","1.13.1"],"ndarray_ndimage":["Multidimensional image processing @2 ArrayBase, @7 n-dimensional array @D ^p provided by ndarray.",C[7]],"querystring":["$p querystring @1 @2 @z","1.1.0"],"dbus_@8":["Convenient @8 to &z @7 dbus @5","0.2.4"],"copy_dir":["Copy &Z recursively in a straightforward @6 predictable way.","0.1.3"],"aruna_@z_api":["^e @3 $U $s @2 @7 Aruna Object Storage (AOS)","2.0.0-beta.12"],"ckb_verification":["^e CKB verification",C[10]],"xous":[C[694],"0.9.59"],"dharitri_price_aggregator_sc":["Dharitri Price aggregator Smart Contract",C[40]],"rosc":["An OSC @1 @2 @3",C[41]],"dhcp4r":["IPv4 DHCP @1 @9 ^g @N example.","0.2.3"],"hmac_sha1_compact":["A small, self-contained SHA1 @6 HMAC-SHA1 @0","1.1.4"],"poise_@8":["^1 @c @0 @5 of poise","0.6.1"],"minitt":["Mini-TT, a dependently-typed lambda calculus, extended @6 (re)&s in @3","0.4.3"],"tetsy_trie_db":["tetsy merkle-patricia trie &8 over key hasher @6 node @J","0.22.3"],"opentelemetry_otlp":["Exporter @2 @7 OpenTelemetry Collector",C[32]],"regalloc":["Modular register allocation $h","0.0.34"],"optional_&b":["Crate defining a @c @u will ^o, @E a ^p, another ^p @9 only Option fields","0.4.1"],"pluralizer":["@3 @Y to pluralize or singularize any word @w on a count inspired on pluralize NPM @Y",C[7]],"maildir":["A @o @1 @2 maildir manipulation","0.6.4"],"grin_api":["APIs @2 grin, a @o, private @6 scalable cryptocurrency @0 @w on @7 Mimblewimble chain @G.","5.3.0"],"memcache":["memcached @d @2 @z","0.17.2"],"avalanche_telemetry_cloudwatch_installer":["avalanche-telemetry-cloudwatch installer","0.0.107"],"path_&5":["path-&5 is a &e high @X HTTP request router @2 @3","0.7.6"],"measure_^0":["Provices @8 to measure @7 ^0 until end of scope.","0.8.3"],"rain_cli_ob":["Rain orderbook CLI.","0.0.4"],"salvo_otel":["OpenTelemetry @f @2 salvo web @N @j.","0.67.1"],"miraland_transaction_status":["Miraland transaction status @b","1.18.3"],"matrix_sdk_store_&A":["Helpers @2 encrypted $Q keys @2 @7 Matrix &a","0.7.0"],"actix_identity":["Identity ^c @2 Actix Web","0.7.1"],"winapi":[C[638],"0.3.9"],"foreign_@b_&B":[C[312],"0.3.1"],"apple_sdk":["Interact @9 Apple SDKs","0.5.2"],"^n_nfts":["FRAME NFTs ^n (@s @L)","26.0.0"],"non_zero_byte_slice":[C[215],C[5]],"fbx_direct":["Low-@W FBX @1","0.6.4"],"libsensors_^d":["@3 @4 to libsensors",C[2]],"rsa_export":["Export keys $X by @7 \"rsa\" @5 &q @7 PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 @G","0.3.3"],"panic_halt":["Set panicking behavior to halt",C[2]],"rocketsim_rs":["@3 @4 @2 @7 RocketSim $K","0.26.1"],"aws_sdk_fsx":["^v &a @2 $V FSx","1.23.0"],"@z_freqdist":["An @0 of a Frequency Distribution in @3","0.1.5"],"bonsai_sdk":["Bonsai Software Development Kit","0.7.0"],"qcollect_$3":["Traits @2 being &8 over @U-@b.","0.7.4"],"rocket_include_static_resources":["$P is a @5 $z @r @8 `static_resources_initializer!` @6 `static_response_handler!` to statically include @P @E &3 @3 $K @6 make them be @7 HTTP response sources quickly.","0.10.5"],"ark_algebra_&1_templates":["A @1 @2 tests @2 finite fields, elliptic curves, @6 pairings","0.4.2"],"bounded_static":["Defines @7 ToBoundedStatic @6 IntoBoundedStatic $3","0.7.0"],"garcon":["A @U of ^8 @6 classes to make &3 &F or @C @R wait.","0.2.3"],"selinux":["Flexible Mandatory Access Control @2 Linux","0.4.4"],"opus":["Safe @3 @4 @2 libopus","0.3.0"],"err_@a":[C[693],"0.3.1"],"move_deps":["Move ^4","0.2.7"],"tripactions":["A fully $X & opinionated $U @d @2 @7 TripActions $U.","0.7.0"],"rotor":["^e mio-@w @j @2 doing I/O in @o @6 composable way","0.6.3"],"sanitise_$R_name":["An unusually flexible @6 &6 $R name sanitiser",C[9]],"split_iter":["Allows splitting of iterators.",C[5]],"diagnostics_^H":["Diagnostics ^H.","0.7.0"],"&j_msg_@h":["Parse websocket ^X @E cryptocurreny exchanges","2.8.33"],"deno_@v":["@M @7 deno @v @1","0.156.0"],"allegro_acodec_^d":["Allegro 5 acodec addon @3 &G","0.0.45"],"xous_api_ticktimer":["Provide high-resolution, non-rollover @T ^0","0.9.55"],"crokey":["Parse @6 describe keys - helping incorporate keybindings in $o @B",C[9]],"$r_^0":["@C ^0 combinators","3.0.0"],"tendermint_light_@d":["@i of @7 Tendermint Light Client Verification ^z.",C[79]],"sp_consensus_vrf":["Primitives @2 VRF @w consensus",C[34]],"cjson":["Canonical &D serializer","0.1.2"],"guid_@h":["Chomp @h @2 $v GUID literals.",C[5]],"enum2str":["enum2str is a @z @a @c @u creates a Display impl @2 enums. $P is useful @2 strongly typing composable sets of $e.","0.1.10"],"strcursor":["@M a $6 cursor ^j @2 seeking through a $6 whilst respecting grapheme cluster @6 $d point boundaries.","0.2.5"],"fil_actor_datacap_state":["Builtin @D cap actor @2 Filecoin","11.1.0"],"&k_lock":["A lock &b @9 a `const fn` constructor @6 no `unsafe`","0.1.3"],"bonfida_^r":["Various ^R ^w $I @m in &z by Bonfida.","0.5.0"],"yoke_@a":["Custom @a @2 @7 yoke @5","0.7.3"],"tendermint_rpc":["tendermint-rpc contains @7 @O @b returned by a Tendermint node's RPC endpoint. All networking &H &L are feature guarded to keep @7 ^4 small in cases where only @7 @O @b are needed.",C[79]],"tokenlock":["@M cell @b @u decouple permissions @E @D.","0.3.8"],"osmosis_std":["Standard @1 @2 Osmosis @9 CosmWasm @f included",C[60]],"virt":["@3 @4 to @7 libvirt C @1","0.3.1"],"mpl_token_^G_context_@a":[C[190],"1.13.2-beta.1"],"sc_@d_db":["Client $n @u uses RocksDB $O as $Q. (@s @L)","0.39.0"],"wintun":["Safe idiomatic @4 to @7 WinTun C @1",C[7]],"cw20_base":[C[216],"2.0.0"],"rusoto_dynamodbstreams":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V DynamoDB Streams @ 2012-08-10",C[15]],"nash_@l":["state ^c @6 cryptography @2 $T @9 nash exchange @l","0.3.0"],"near_workspaces":[C[822],C[11]],"noop_waker":["A waker @u does nothing",C[5]],"swc_ecma_transforms_optimization":[C[217],"0.199.0"],"^R_streamer":["&o Streamer",C[12]],"lerp":["Generic linear interpolation @6 extrapolation, automatically &s @2 a variety of numeric @b.","0.5.0"],"intspan":["Command line ^H @2 IntSpan &H bioinformatics $c","0.7.5"],"hello_exercism":["how to create an own @5","0.5.5"],"crowbook_text_processing":["@M some @m @n @2 escaping text (HTML/LaTeX) @6 formatting it according to typographic rules (smart quotes, ellipsis, french typograhic rules)","1.1.1"],"sunrise":["Sunrise @6 sunset calculator","1.0.1"],"edid":["Parse EDID @D @y","0.3.0"],"sycamore_reactive":["Reactive @F @2 Sycamore",C[151]],"cosmian_&j_base":["Crypto lib @2 hybrid &A @6 pure &j @F","2.1.2"],"python_$K_@H":["Generates a Python $K ^p.","1.0.31"],"libmimalloc_^d":["Sys @5 wrapping @7 mimalloc ^D","0.1.37"],"ert":["A combinator to control future execution order.","0.2.2"],"^n_glutton":["FRAME ^n @2 pushing a chain to its weight limits (@s @L)","18.0.0"],"^h_rustls_acme":["Automatic TLS certificate ^c @A rustls","0.3.0"],"fetch_unroll":["$p @m @2 fetching @6 unrolling .tar.gz archives","0.3.0"],"argv":["Command line arguments by reference: `Iterator`","0.1.11"],"smallstring":["'Small $6' optimization: store small $e on @7 stack @A smallvec","0.1.2"],"sentry_log":["Sentry $C @2 log @6 env_logger $y.","0.32.3"],"slip21":["SLIP-21 @0 in @3","0.2.1"],"wio_$o":["Board @f @5 @2 @7 Seeed Studio Wio Terminal","0.7.0"],"option_set":["Bitflags on steroids",C[2]],"itoap":["Even faster @n @2 printing integers @9 decimal @G","1.0.1"],"snarkvm_console_^w":["Program $c @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"bootloader_precompiled":["Precompiled $2 of @7 bootloader @5","0.3.0"],"tink_daead":["Deterministic AEAD @I @2 @3 port of Google's Tink cryptography @1","0.2.5"],"ra_ap_ssr":[C[221],"0.0.39"],"libsamplerate":["A pure C2Rust transpiled $2 of libsamplerate.",C[5]],"deno_emit":["^y transpiling @6 emitting @2 deno","0.40.1"],"iota":["Related &J: 1 << iota","0.2.3"],"@z_decimal_@8":["Shorthand @8 to assist ^E Decimal @b.","1.34.2"],"rs_car_ipfs":["rs-car @p to read @P @E IPFS trustless gateways","0.3.0"],"$F_fluentd":["Enables forwarding of `$F` events towards @7 `fluentd` @N.",C[7]],"uhyve":["A minimal hypervisor @2 Hermit","0.3.0"],"wasm_encoder":["A low-@W @Z encoder.",C[285]],"tor_consdiff":["Handle @7 consensus-diff @G $9 in @7 Tor directory @l",C[28]],"jemalloc_ctl":[C[218],"0.5.4"],"ibc_@d_tendermint":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, contains @7 @0 of @7 ICS-07 Tendermint Client logic @6 re-exports essential @D @y @6 domain @b @E `ibc-@d-tendermint-@b` @5.","0.52.0"],"risc0_^d":["Generated / Native / HAL $d @2 RISC Zero",C[37]],"block_^d":["Raw @4 to Apple's C @e ^m of blocks","0.2.1"],"quickbooks":["An $U @d @2 @7 QuickBooks $U","0.1.13"],"attestation_doc_validation":["A @3 @1 @2 attesting enclaves according to @7 Evervault Attestation scheme. $P @5 is $9 to ^o ffi @4.","0.7.4"],"antidote":["Poison-free versions of @7 ^l @1 Mutex @6 RwLock @b",C[9]],"ncollide_geometry":["DEPRECATED: &z ncollide2d or ncollide3d ^Y.","0.6.4"],"retry_after":["Retry-After header @2 Hyper's header ^y",C[7]],"near_^S_standards":["NEAR smart ^b ^l @1.","5.1.0"],"pact_verifier":["Pact-@3 @f @1 @u implements provider verification @n","1.2.0"],"witgen_@c":["$L @2 witgen $z is a @1 to help you ^o wit @S in a wit $R @2 @Z",C[32]],"rect_packer":["A rectangle packing @1. Heavily tested @9 random @D to ensure @u it always produces correct result.","0.2.1"],"@C_mutex":["Async mutex","1.4.0"],"interledger_http":["HTTP @d @6 @N services @2",C[7]],"fps_counter":["A Frames Per Second (FPS) counter","3.0.0"],"swc_css_compat":[C[368],"0.27.34"],"mtl":["Matrix template @1. Dense2D matrix, SparseMatrix.","0.1.5"],"ssi_ssh":["@i of SSH &H functionalities @2 @7 ssi @1.",C[5]],"mitochondria":["Mitochondria is @7 powerhouse of @7 `Cell`","1.1.2"],"wasm_smith":["A @Z &1 case @H",C[285]],"bndl":["Bundle $s artifacts &q a redistributable archive.","0.1.4"],"json_diff":["A small diff tool ^q @2 comparing jsons","0.1.2"],"ink_lang":[C[136],"3.4.0"],"holochain_websocket":["Holochain @m @2 serving @6 connection @9 websockets","0.3.0-beta-dev.22"],"openvino_finder":["A &x @5 @2 finding OpenVINO installations on a @T.","0.6.0"],"protoc_gen_prost":[C[302],"0.3.1"],"glommio":["Glommio is a &F-per-@O @5 @u makes $I highly parallel $1 @B in a &F-per-@O architecture easier @2 rustaceans.","0.9.0"],"rsfs":["A &8 filesystem @9 disk @6 in-$7 @k.","0.4.1"],"@C_weighted_semaphore":["An @C weighted semaphore.","0.2.1"],"tetcore_wasm_@g":["Types @6 $3 @2 interfacing $8 @7 host @6 @7 wasm @v.","2.1.2"],"tilde_expand":["perform shell-style tilde expansion of home &Z in paths","0.1.1"],"suppaftp":["A super FTP/FTPS @d @1 @2 @3","5.3.1"],"fmt2io":["A bridge $8 std::io::Write @6 std::fmt::Write.",C[2]],"ormx":[C[222],C[11]],"^n_bags_list":["FRAME ^n bags list (@s @L)",C[90]],"heim":["Cross-@x @j @2 @T @Q",C[58]],"viaspf_record":["Data ^9 @6 @h @2 Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records","0.5.0"],"^R_failure_^w":["&o failure ^w","1.7.15"],"uint_zigzag":["Uint is a convenience @p @2 zig-zag @J integers to byte sequences. $P allows better ^f since @7 majority of ^V are quite small resulting in 1 or 2 bytes in @7 most $4 case vs 4 @2 32-bit ^V or 8 @2 64-bit ^V. $P also permits @7 user to not have to think about $z integer ^j is @7 most &6 to compress.","0.2.1"],"mccs_db":["MCCS &d VCP $O",C[2]],"aws_sdk_identitystore":["^v &a @2 ^v SSO Identity Store",C[17]],"ion_shell":["^e Ion Shell","1.0.5"],"alloy_dyn_abi":["Run-^0 ABI @6 EIP-712 @k","0.7.1"],"yara":["@3 @4 @2 VirusTotal/yara",C[86]],"ghakuf":["A @3 @1 @2 @K/^6 SMF (Standard MIDI File).","0.5.6"],"ape":["A @1 @2 reading @6 $I APEv2 tags","0.5.0"],"^h_env_@c":["@V @8 @2 tokio_env",C[5]],"utoipa":["Compile ^0 $X OpenAPI documentation @2 @3","4.2.0"],"random_variant_@c":[C[157],C[2]],"dashu":["A @1 set of big ^V","0.4.2"],"rawloader":["A @1 to extract @7 @D @E camera raw formats","0.37.1"],"@z_stemmers":["A @z @0 of some popular snowball stemming $h","1.2.0"],"mc_oblivious_aes_gcm":["WARNING: $P @5 is not intended @2 general &z, you should &z @7 official RustCrypto @5 ^Y. Fork of RustCrypto's AES-GCM to provide a public CTR member, @2 &z in a constant-^0 decrypt-in-place method.",C[41]],"concolor":[C[219],"0.1.1"],"@C_oneshot":["A &p, small, full-featured, @C-aware oneshot channel.","0.5.0"],"target_info":["Get text $e of attributes concernign @7 $s target.",C[5]],"jni_fn":["JNI-$k method signature @H","0.1.2"],"xoroshiro128":["Fast psuedo-random number generators","0.5.0"],"uefi_@8":["@V @8 @2 @7 `uefi` @5.",C[8]],"edge_util":["A ^q @5 @2 @7 wasmer-edge $K",C[5]],"temporenc":["@q @2 @7 Temporenc ^0/date @G.","0.0.3"],"sc_sysinfo":["A @5 @u @r basic hardware @6 software telemetry @Q. (@s @L)",C[90]],"aws_sdk_iotthingsgraph":["^v &a @2 ^v IoT Things Graph",C[17]],"skywalking":["Apache SkyWalking @3 Agent","0.8.0"],"dtn7":["@3 delay-tolerant-networking daemon @6 CLI ^H $f Bundle ^z Version 7 (RFC9171)",C[37]],"cornucopia_@C":["&g @d @1 @2 Cornucopia users.","0.6.0"],"bitvec_&i":["BitVec @w bitstream reader @6 writer","3.1.4"],"exec":["Use @7 POSIX exec @R to replace @7 running ^w @9 another","0.3.1"],"$g_add":["Add ^4 to &3 Cargo.toml @E @7 $l line (deprecated in favor of $g-edit).",C[2]],"arrow_ord":["Ordering kernels @2 arrow arrays","51.0.0"],"tor_hash_passwd":["Tor control port password &A @6 decryption","1.0.1"],"git_&m":[C[19],"0.16.2"],"bcrypt":["Easily hash @6 verify passwords @A bcrypt",C[35]],"mdl":["Data ^9 @1 to share app state $8 threads @6 ^M @6 persist @7 @D in @7 filesystem. Implements a @o way to store ^N instances in a LMDB $O @6 other methods &4 BTreeMap","1.0.5"],"iso7816":["Types @2 ISO 7816","0.1.2"],"thrift":[C[455],C[28]],"boa_@v":["Example @v @2 @7 Boa &W $m.",C[6]],"&B_mutex":["A RwLock @u can be $9 @9 a Condvar.","0.3.1"],"faux_@8":["Implementations @2 #[create], #[methods], when!","0.1.10"],"transmog":["A universal @t ecosystem",C[5]],"normalize_path":["Like canonicalize, but ^U performing I/O","0.2.1"],"wgpu":["Rusty WebGPU $U @p","0.19.4"],"fpdec_@O":["^W &J @6 @n @2 @5 fpdec.","0.8.0"],"bytestring":["A UTF-8 encoded read-only $6 @A `Bytes` as $Q","1.3.1"],"$g_incremental":["A tool @2 @A @6 $u rustc's incremental compilation @f","0.1.23"],"uniffi_meta":["uniffi_meta","0.27.1"],"csscolorparser":["CSS color @h @1","0.6.2"],"cryptimitives":["Cryptographic @F @U.",C[18]],"heed_$3":["^e $3 $9 inside of @7 fully typed LMDB @p, heed",C[18]],"boot_@O":[C[123],C[11]],"ic_identity_hsm":["Identity @0 @2 HSM @2 @7 ic-agent @Y.","0.34.0"],"sugar_path":["Sugar @n @2 manipulating paths","1.2.0"],"fvm_ipld_bitfield":["Bitfield logic @2 &z in Filecoin actors","0.6.0"],"kern":["General @1 @2 @3","1.7.1"],"numerals":["@q @2 numeric systems, both ancient @6 modern","0.1.4"],"wu_diff":["Compute differences $8 two slices @A wu(@7 O(NP)) $b.","0.1.2"],"match_cfg":["A convenience @c to ergonomically define an item depending on a large number of `#[cfg]` parameters. Structured &4 match statement, @7 first matching branch is @7 item @u gets emitted.",C[5]],"prometrics":["Client @1 @2 exposing prometheus ^u","0.1.13"],"yew_oauth2":["OAuth2 &I @2 Yew",C[24]],"yarte_&m":["Config $R @h of yarte","0.6.1"],"ibc_@O_channel_@b":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, encapsulates essential ICS-4 Channel Semantics @D @y @6 domain @b, as specified in @7 Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) @l. Designed @2 universal applicability to facilitate ^P @6 $C across diverse IBC-enabled projects.","0.52.0"],"mla":["Multi Layer Archive - A pure @z encrypted @6 compressed archive $R @G","1.4.0"],"eth_keystore":["A minimalist @1 to interact @9 encrypted &D keystores","0.5.0"],"tailcall_impl":["^e $0 @c @0 @2 @7 tailcall @5","1.0.1"],"&k_$M_$4":["^W $d @2 safe_vault @6 safe_core","0.7.0"],"govern":["Handles proposal creation, lifecycle, voting, @6 execution.","0.5.8"],"substreams_@c":["Substream's ^O @8.","0.5.13"],"atspi_proxies":["AT-SPI2 proxies to query or manipulate UI objects","0.5.0"],"@G_$5_^L":["Serde ^L ^X @2 humans.","0.3.0"],"deflate64":["Deflate64 @0 @w on .NET's @0","0.1.8"],"dia_args":["...","0.60.2"],"lindera_tantivy":["Lindera Tokenizer @2 Tantivy.","0.27.1"],"rpassword":["Read passwords in console @B.","7.3.1"],"prost_reflect_$s":["A ^q @R @2 &z @9 prost-$s @6 prost-reflect to ^o ReflectMessage @k",C[8]],"rand_xoshiro":["Xoshiro, xoroshiro @6 splitmix64 random number generators","0.6.0"],"protoc_bin_vendored_linux_x86_64":["protoc ^5 @2 linux-x86_64 compiled by Google @6 bundled in this @5.","3.0.0"],"xfailure":["Additional &x @8 @2 failure",C[5]],"hexpm":["A @3 @d @2 @7 Hex @Y &y","2.3.0"],"xpath_reader":["@M a convenient $U to read @E XML @A XPath expressions.","0.5.3"],"oxygengine_animation":["Animation ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"bitcoin_onchain":[C[319],C[48]],"dicom_@J":["DICOM @J @6 ^2 @F","0.7.0"],"webplatform":["APIs @2 @7 web @x @2 cross-compiled @3 to JS.","0.4.2"],"puffin_http":["TCP @N/@d @2 puffin profiler @D",C[33]],"tindercrypt":["Data &A @9 symmetric $t keys or passwords/passphrases, @6 self-contained &A ^G","0.3.2"],"prettytable":[C[412],C[11]],"podio":["Additional ^8 @2 Read @6 Write to read @6 write Plain Old Data",C[2]],"human_^0":[C[220],"0.1.6"],"vulkano_shader_@a":["Deprecated",C[24]],"hyper_router":["$p routing &f @2 Hyper http @1.","0.5.0"],"ex3_@O_registry_public_@b":["EX3 @O registry public ^j.","0.17.29"],"ra_ap_ide_ssr":[C[221],C[25]],"lychee":[C[278],C[32]],"rls_&w":["A @o shim ^i &w to allow @A save-analysis @9 a stable toolchain","0.5.0"],"hdf5_@a":["^x @c @2 HDF5 ^N @6 enums.","0.8.1"],"&5_sitter_graph":["Construct graphs @E parsed source $d",C[54]],"lance_@O":["Lance Columnar Format -- Core @q",C[459]],"sway_@O":["Sway @O @e.","0.56.0"],"twilight_gateway":["Discord Gateway @0 @2 @7 Twilight ecosystem.",C[142]],"nsvg":["A @o SVG @h @6 rasterizer @A NanoSVG","0.5.1"],"lazy_static":["A @c @2 declaring lazily evaluated statics in @3.","1.1.1"],"sigma_fun":["A @j @2 making Sigma protocols fun!","0.7.0"],"multer":["An @C @h @2 `multipart/form-@D` content-^j in @3.","3.0.0"],"fil_actor_market":[C[650],"9.0.1"],"nc":["Access @T calls directly","0.8.20"],"snax":["JSX-&4 syntax @2 ^O @c authors","0.3.0"],"tower_abci":["A `tower`-@w @g to Tendermint's ABCI",C[0]],"include_crypt_^B":["Codegen &i @2 @7 `include-crypt` @5","0.1.1"],"janus_@O":["Core ^j @S @6 @m $9 in various &I of Janus.","0.6.26"],"blanket":["A @o @c to @a blanket @k @2 &3 $3.",C[7]],"libdeflater":[C[310],"1.20.0"],"openssl_probe":["Tool @2 helping to find SSL certificate locations on @7 @T @2 OpenSSL","0.1.5"],"eytzinger_map":["array/vec @w map @A eytzinger search $b","0.1.1"],"autopilot":["A @o, cross-@x GUI automation @1 @2 @3.",C[7]],"ethtool":["Linux Ethtool Communication @q","0.2.5"],"cfg_aliases":["A tiny ^q to help save you a lot of effort @9 long winded `#[cfg()]` checks.",C[2]],"arrow_json":["Support @2 @K &D @G to @6 @E @7 Arrow @G","51.0.0"],"@z_embed_@2_web_^r":["$j @2 @z-embed-@2-web","11.2.0"],"libudis86_^d":["Low-@W @4 to libudis86, @7 x86 disassembler","0.2.1"],"uapi_^O":["^1 @8 @2 @7 uapi @5. DO NOT USE!","0.0.5"],"ormx_@8":[C[222],"0.10.4"],"slog_@C":["&g drain @2 slog-rs","2.8.0"],"snarkvm_circuit_@b_$6":["String circuit @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"leptess":["Productive @3 &G @2 Tesseract @6 Leptonica.",C[3]],"llama_cpp_2":["llama.cpp @4 @2 @3","0.1.51"],"forest_cid":["A Cid @1 $9 in Forest @2 @7 Filecoin @l","0.3.0"],"juniper_@E_schema":["Generate Juniper $d @E you GraphQL schema","0.5.2"],"nom_locate":["A special input ^j @2 nom to locate tokens","4.2.0"],"tf_rosrust":["$P is a @z port of @7 [ROS tf @1]( It is intended @2 being $9 in robots to help keep track of multiple coordinate frames @6 is part of a larger suite of @z $A @u provide @f @2 various robotics &H @I.",C[5]],"hdf5_@b":["Native @3 equivalents of HDF5 @b.","0.8.1"],"&B_$7_@a":["Support @5 @u @r @8 @2 @7 shared_memory @5.",C[11]],"wagyu_zcash_parameters_6":[C[211],C[2]],"sequoia_rfc2822":["An RFC 2822 name-addr @h",C[11]],"firestorm_enabled":["A ^T of firestorm. Do not &z directly.","0.5.1"],"nasm_rs":["Run NASM during &3 Cargo $s.","0.3.0"],"fil_actor_@T_state":[C[234],"11.1.0"],"smoltcp":["A TCP/IP stack designed @2 bare-metal, real-^0 systems ^U a heap.",C[24]],"cmsketch":["A count min sketch @0 in @3",C[2]],"kubewarden_policy_sdk":["Kubewarden Policy &a @2 @7 @3 @e",C[11]],"opentelemetry_proto":["Protobuf $X @P @6 transformations.","0.5.0"],"trunk":["Build, bundle & ship &3 @3 WASM $w to @7 web.","0.20.0-rc.1"],"shadowsocks_service":[C[223],"1.18.3"],"cw3_fixed_multisig":["Implementing cw3 @9 an fixed group multisig","2.0.0"],"abstract_app":["base app ^S @0",C[37]],"structstruck":["Nested &b @6 enum @S","0.4.1"],"kitsune_p2p":["p2p / dht &U @j",C[874]],"pilota":["Pilota is a thrift @6 protobuf @0 in pure @z @9 high @X @6 extensibility.",C[24]],"$s_info_^O":["Part of @7 $s-info @5: $P @5 @r @7 ^O-@8.","0.0.36"],"redlock":["@i of @7 distributed locking mechanism built on top of Redis","2.0.0"],"$g_toml":["`Cargo.toml` &b @S @2 @K @9 Serde","0.20.2"],"lexical_util":["Shared @m @2 lexical creates.","0.8.5"],"pic32mx2xx":["Peripheral ^s $U @2 PIC32MX1/2xx $S","0.7.0"],"skip32":["Fast 32-bit block cipher","1.0.5"],"ordinal":["Formatting of ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc)","0.3.2"],"cursive_tabs":["Tabs @2 gyscos/cursive views","0.7.0"],"amethyst_tiles":["2D @6 3D Tile Support @q","0.15.3"],"hashmap_@O":["@i of HashMap @6 HashSet @2 no_std environments.","0.1.11"],"substrate_state_trie_migration_rpc":["Node-&2 RPC methods @2 interaction @9 state trie migration. (@s @L)",C[90]],"lsm303dlhc":["A @x agnostic driver to @g @9 @7 LSM303DLHC (accelerometer + compass)",C[2]],"$5_tuple":[C[526],"0.5.0"],"scudo_^O_@8":["Proc @8 to &z @9 @7 @3 @4 @2 @7 Scudo Allocator",C[5]],"bevy_aabb_instancing":["Render millions of AABB instances in Bevy.",C[24]],"libR_^d":["Low @W @4 to @7 R ^a @e.","0.6.0"],"rustdb":["SQL $O","5.2.98"],"frunk_^O_@8_impl":["Proc @8 inernal @k @2 Frunk","0.1.1"],"mio_httpc":["mio_httpc is a fully @C @6 sync http @d running on top of mio only.","0.10.5"],"mime_sniffer":["Detecting mime @b base on content sniffer.","0.1.2"],"reqwest_$F":["Opentracing &f @2 reqwest.","0.5.0"],"nlprule_$s":["Build ^H @2 a &p, low-resource Natural Language Processing @6 Error Correction @1.","0.6.4"],"zcash_@F":["@3 @k of @7 Zcash @F",C[32]],"ctest2":[C[224],"0.4.8"],"globber":["Extended glob matching @1","0.1.3"],"rsiot_timescaledb_storing":["Сохранение данных в TimescaleDB","0.0.71"],"path_ext":["Provide convenient methods @2 path $c",C[5]],"frame_benchmarking_cli":["CLI @2 benchmarking FRAME (@s @L)","36.0.0"],"openapiv3":[C[748],"1.0.4"],"seqdiff":["Diff $8 two sequences","0.3.0"],"chalk_ir":["Chalk's ^7 ^A of @b, goals, @6 clauses","0.97.0"],"$J_display_controller":["Traits @2 display controllers",C[2]],"oasis_borsh_@a":[C[160],C[97]],"@C_zmq_@a":["@M derivation @2 Async ZMQ Socket @p @b",C[5]],"log_once":["&T of &x @8 @2 logging some events only once.","0.4.1"],"next_gen":["Safe generators on stable @3.","0.1.1"],"sdr":["@3 SDR DSP @I","0.7.0"],"hcid":["Holochain base32 @J scheme @2 keys, agents, identifiers, etc","0.0.6"],"&5_sitter_javascript":["&W grammar @2 &5-sitter",C[37]],"nu_source":["A source $6 characterizer @2 Nushell",C[68]],"avif_parse":["Parser @2 AVIF image @P",C[9]],"git_mailmap":[C[19],"0.9.3"],"dmntk_$4":["DMNTK | ^W @S","0.3.5"],"gemachain_&m_^w":["Gemachain Config ^w","1.8.2"],"bitfrob":["A sibling @5 @2 `bytemuck`, this is where forbid(unsafe_code) @m live.","1.3.1"],"bellperson":[C[225],C[86]],"traversal":["Generic @6 lazy &5 traversal $h","0.1.2"],"func_wrap":["Helper @5 @2 $0 @c authors @u wish to duplicate some received @R inside its body, so as to be able to wrap @9 some prologue, epilogue, cache-ing, etc.","0.1.3"],"@a_more":["Adds #[@a(x)] @8 @2 more $3",C[704]],"ocaml_$s":["OCaml $d $i",C[687]],"env_$R_reader":["@n @2 reading $Z variables @E a $R","0.3.0"],"rusty_chromaprint":["Pure @3 port of Chromaprint",C[2]],"notan_input":["@M a set of $U to manage user's input",C[0]],"gitoxide_@O":["^e @1 $f all capabilities of @7 gitoxide CLI","0.37.0"],"serial_@O":["@3 abstractions @2 serial ports.",C[7]],"colored_json":["Colorize &D, @2 printing it out on @7 $l line","5.0.0"],"konst_^O_@8":["@i detail of @7 `konst` @5","0.3.0"],"burn_autodiff":["Automatic differentiation $n @2 @7 Burn @j",C[45]],"gstreamer_video":["@3 @4 @2 GStreamer Video @1","0.22.4"],"snowstorm":["A minimalistic &A @l @w on Noise @l (snow)",C[7]],"scru128":["SCRU128: Sortable, Clock @6 Random number-@w Unique identifier","3.0.2"],"xshell_@8":["Private @0 detail of xshell @5","0.2.6"],"fake_clock":[C[127],"0.3.1"],"nu_ansi_term":["@q @2 ANSI $o colors @6 styles (bold, underline)","0.50.0"],"^h_wasi":[C[226],"1.25.2"],"perseus_cli":["^e CLI @2 @7 Perseus frontend @j.","0.4.2"],"httpbis":["@3 @0 of HTTP/2 @l","0.9.1"],"enquote":["Quotes @6 unquotes $e","1.1.0"],"$r_sink_preview":[C[497],C[159]],"libimagentryedit":[C[169],C[41]],"ommui_@D":["OMMUI @D @y","0.39.0"],"bevy_encase_@a":["Bevy @a @c @2 encase",C[14]],"content_security_policy":["Will parse @6 validate Content-Security-Policy @W 3","0.5.1"],"vector2math":["Traits @2 doing 2D vector geometry $c @A ^l @b",C[3]],"download_rs":["a download lib",C[2]],"blas":["^e @Y @r &K @2 BLAS (Fortran).","0.22.0"],"smoldot":["Primitives to $s a @d @2 &E-@w blockchains",C[28]],"trillium_@N_$4":["@N @m @2","0.5.2"],"cdk_@E_cfn":["Turn ^v CloudFormation templates &q ^v CDK @B","0.157.0"],"bytefmt":["an ^q to parse byte $6 &q bytes count @6 vice versa.","0.1.7"],"^n_nomination_pools_benchmarking":["FRAME nomination pools ^n benchmarking (@s @L)","30.0.0"],"std_x":[C[227],"0.1.4"],"trillium_@8":["^O-@8 @2","0.0.6"],"postgres":["A ^F, synchronous PostgreSQL @d","0.19.7"],"jsdoc":["JsDoc @h writen in @z","0.113.0"],"gl_$4":["^W glue @2 $A @A gl-rs",C[5]],"gix_&L":["A @5 to integrate various capabilities @A &N-^0 feature flags","0.38.1"],"tower_cookies":["Cookie &y &f @2 tower.",C[11]],"usb_device":["USB stack @2 $J devices.","0.3.2"],"libslirp_^d":["FFI @4 @2 libslirp.","4.2.1"],"leptos_dom":["DOM $c @2 @7 Leptos web @j.","0.6.11"],"euler":["Mathematics @1 @2 3D computer &X","0.4.1"],"validator":["^W validation @n (email, url, length, ...) @6 ^8 - to be $9 @9 `validator_derive`","0.18.1"],"cairo_lang_syntax_^B":["Cairo syntax $d $i.","2.6.3"],"wg":["Golang &4 WaitGroup @0 @2 sync/@C @3.","0.9.1"],"icelake":["Pure @3 Iceberg @i","0.0.10"],"$5_jsonlines":["Read & write &D Lines documents","0.5.0"],"tract_hir":[C[85],"0.21.4"],"axum_@N_dual_@l":["Host a HTTP @6 HTTPS @N on @7 same port @9 `axum-@N`","0.6.0"],"loopdev_erikh":[C[228],"0.5.0"],"aws_sdk_robomaker":["^v &a @2 ^v RoboMaker",C[17]],"sc_executor_wasmi":["$P @5 @r an @0 of `WasmRuntime` @u is baked by wasmi.","0.22.0"],"stb_rect_pack_^d":["Low @W ^k $X @p @2 stb_rect_pack","0.3.0"],"cratesio_placeholder_@Y":["A placeholder @Y intended to be overridden by `path =` or `git =` ^4","0.0.3-f"],"morton_@J":["A @5 @2 @J @6 ^2 Morton (\"Z-order\") keys.","2.0.1"],"http_$5":["Serde @f @2 @7 http @5. (De)serialize HeaderMap, Uri, Method, StatusCode","2.1.0"],"mbedtls_^d_auto":["@3 @4 @2 MbedTLS. $P $2 generates @7 correct @4 at &N ^0 @A ^k.","2.28.7"],"picky_asn1_der":["An ASN.1-DER subset @2 $5","0.4.1"],"miracl_amcl":["^e Apache Milagro Cryptographic @q ($2 3.2)","3.2.5"],"musli_$4":["^W @m &B among Müsli encodings.","0.0.110"],"unwinding":["Unwinding @1 in @3 @6 @2 @3","0.2.1"],"jsonptr":["Data @y @6 logic @2 resolving, assigning, @6 deleting by &D Pointers (RFC 6901)","0.4.7"],"longest_increasing_subsequence":["Find a longest increasing subsequence of some input sequence",C[5]],"find_duplicate_@P":["find identical @P according to their size @6 hashing $b","0.28.0"],"litrs":["Parse @6 inspect @3 literals (i.e. tokens in @7 @3 ^a @e representing fixed ^Q). Particularly useful @2 ^O @8, but can also be $9 outside of a ^O-@c context.","0.4.1"],"conquer_util":["@m @2 &Y @6 lock-free ^a","0.3.0"],"tetsy_primitive_@b":["Primitive @b &B by Vapory @6 Tetcore","0.9.1"],"eddie":["Fast @6 well-tested @k of edit distance/$6 similarity ^u: Levenshtein, Damerau-Levenshtein, Hamming, Jaro, @6 Jaro-Winkler.","0.4.2"],"wasmer_enumset_@a":["An ^7 &x @5 @2 enumset. Not public $U. Wasmer fork to work ^i `syn` issue. $P will not be updated once @7 issue is fixed upstream.","0.5.0"],"loc":["Count lines of $d (cloc) &p.","0.5.0"],"persistent_hashmap":["Persistent hashmap is a @1 @2 ^g @9 $7 mapped hashmaps",C[7]],"fsio":["File System @6 Path ^q @n.",C[7]],"aes_soft":[C[578],C[977]],"pax_chassis_macos":["Platform-&2 chassis allowing Pax cartridges to be executed as ^F macOS apps",C[40]],"refreshable":["A @o @p ^i a &v @u changes over ^0.","2.0.0"],"$5_^B_internals":["AST ^A $9 by Serde ^B. Unstable.",C[24]],"wasmer_wit_^k_gen_@z":[C[104],"0.1.1"],"heed":["A fully typed LMDB @p @9 minimum overhead",C[18]],"heim_@a":["^x @8 @2 heim $y",C[58]],"openslide_^d":["Low-@W @4 to @7 openslide @1","1.0.5"],"derivation_path":["$p &b @2 dealing @9 BIP32/44/49 derivation paths",C[2]],"naive_cityhash":["A naive ^F 64/128 bit cityhash @0 @2 databend.",C[2]],"aws_sdk_apprunner":["^v &a @2 ^v App Runner",C[4]],"strip_ansi_escapes":["Strip ANSI escape sequences @E byte streams.",C[2]],"dyn_size_of":["^e @1 to report approximate amount of $7 consumed by variables, &7 @7 $7 allocated on heap.","0.4.2"],"openai":["An unofficial @3 @1 @2 @7 OpenAI $U.","1.0.0-alpha.14"],"&8_static":["Generic static variables in &8 @n.",C[2]],"aws_sdk_snowball":["^v &a @2 $V Import/Export Snowball",C[17]],"@C_graphql_tide":["@C-graphql @2 tide","7.0.3"],"$g_lambda":[C[43],"1.2.1"],"sample":["A @5 &9 @7 fundamentals @2 ^g @9 audio PCM DSP. NOTICE: $P @5 was renamed to `dasp`.",C[24]],"proconio_@a":["@V @8 @2 proconio","0.1.9"],"obj":["A @Y @2 loading Wavefront .obj @P",C[48]],"&j_api_chachapoly":["An @0 of ChaCha20-IETF, Poly1305 @6 ChachaPoly-IETF @2 `crypto_api`","0.5.0"],"regex":["An @0 of regular expressions @2 @3. $P @0 uses finite automata @6 guarantees linear ^0 matching on all inputs.","1.10.4"],"locked_voter":["Voter $z locks up governance tokens @2 a user-provided duration in exchange @2 increased voting power.","0.5.8"],"alloy_rlp_@a":["^x @8 @2 alloy-rlp","0.3.4"],"$F_subscriber":["$j @2 $f @6 composing `$F` subscribers.","0.3.18"],"in_definite":["Get @7 indefinite article ('a' or 'an') to match @7 given word. For example: an umbrella, a user.",C[9]],"json_ld":["&D-LD @0",C[33]],"is_slice":["Macro to answer @7 question: is it a slice?","0.8.0"],"uu_head":["head ~ (uutils) display @7 first lines of input",C[20]],"apollo_$E":["A $E @2 @7 GraphQL query @e.","1.0.0-beta.16"],"unix_mode":["Decode, interpret, @6 display Unix $R mode bits (even on non-Unix platforms)","0.1.4"],"cassette":["A @o, single-future, non-blocking executor intended @2 ^6 state machines","0.3.0"],"dachshund":["Dachshund is a graph mining @1 $Y in @3. It @r high @X @D @y @2 multiple kinds of graphs, @E @o undirected graphs to typed hypergraphs. Dachshund also @r $h @2 $4 tasks @2 graph mining @6 analysis, ranging @E shortest paths to graph spectral analysis.","0.1.10"],"aws_sdk_elasticsearch":["^v &a @2 $V Elasticsearch &h","1.23.0"],"sp_timestamp":["&E @O @b @6 inherents @2 timestamps. (@s @L)","30.0.0"],"slitter":["A C- @6 @3-callable slab ^D @9 a focus on safety",C[5]],"random_^8":["@3 @1 @2 a random ^8 meant to produce random &8 @b","0.1.1"],"markup5ever":[C[762],C[51]],"event_listener_@F":["Low-@W primitive @2 ^6 Node.js-&4 event listeners","2.0.1"],"plotly":["A plotting @1 powered by Plotly.js","0.8.4"],"abi_stable_&B":[C[229],C[24]],"matrixmultiply":["General matrix multiplication @2 f32 @6 f64 matrices. Operates on matrices @9 general layout (they can &z arbitrary row @6 column stride). Detects @6 uses AVX or SSE2 on x86 platforms transparently @2 higher @X. Uses a microkernel strategy, so @u @7 @0 is easy to parallelize @6 optimize. Supports multithreading.","0.3.8"],"^R_libra_logger":["Libra logger",C[153]],"inline_dyn":["A container ^j @2 storing dynamically-sized @b inline","0.2.1"],"abstract_@O":[C[421],C[37]],"decaf377_rdsa":["decaf377-rdsa is a randomizable signature scheme @A @7 decaf377 group.",C[11]],"cpufeatures":["Lightweight @v CPU feature $B @2 aarch64, loongarch64, @6 x86/x86_64 targets, @9 no_std @f @6 @f @2 mobile targets &7 Android @6 iOS","0.2.12"],"tetsy_keccak_hasher":["tetsy keccak-256 @0 of @7 hasher ^8","0.15.4"],"graphql_ws_@d":["A graphql over websockets @d","0.8.2"],"base32":["Base32 encoder/decoder @2 @3",C[7]],"softposit":["@i of Posit ^V",C[7]],"cumulus_^n_xcmp_queue":["Pallet to queue outbound @6 inbound XCMP ^X. (@s @L)",C[24]],"easy_jsonrpc":[C[230],"0.5.3"],"svg2pdf":["Convert SVG @P to PDFs.",C[11]],"decimal_wad":["Math @2 preserving precision floats up to 18 decimal places.","0.1.9"],"sc_block_&0":["&E block &0 (@s @L)","0.37.0"],"gsgdt":["Generic Stringly Typed Graph Datatype","0.1.3"],"yoke":["Abstraction allowing borrowed @D to be carried along @9 @7 backing @D it borrows @E","0.7.3"],"syscalls":["A list of Linux @T calls.","0.6.18"],"$g_lints":["Utility @2 running lints specified @E @P",C[5]],"astrolab_smart_coffee_@b":["Types lib","0.0.10256"],"Inflector":[C[231],"0.11.4"],"truncrate":["truncate $e economically ^U splitting &3 characters, symbols, emojis etc.","0.1.3"],"count_min_sketch":["Count-min-sketch @0","0.1.7"],"ttrpc":["A @3 $2 of ttrpc.","0.5.7"],"aws_sdk_eks":["^v &a @2 $V Elastic Kubernetes &h","1.24.0"],"pool":[C[232],"0.1.4"],"tenorite":["A concurrency $x @1. @M a @d-@N ^9 @2 $1 workers","0.1.2"],"pin_init_^7":["^1 @0 details of @5 `pin_init`.",C[2]],"cpp_syn":["^1 @z-cpp nom @h @2 @3 source $d",C[0]],"num_complex":["Complex ^V @0 @2 @3","0.4.5"],"cint":["A lean, minimal, @6 stable set of @b @2 color interoperation $8 $y in @3.","0.3.1"],"hex_buffer_$5":["Helper @2 serializing byte buffers as hex $e in `$5`",C[7]],"rs_es":["Client @2 @7 ElasticSearch REST $U","0.12.3"],"@9_builtin_@8_^O_@8":[C[709],C[5]],"wproc_@c":[C[428],C[5]],"tmq":["ZeroMQ @4 @2 Tokio",C[7]],"worterbuch":["A message broker / $O hybrid.","0.43.2"],"webb_proposals":["Webb ^z Proposals Specification & @i (part of webb-rs &a)","0.8.0"],"orml_currencies":["Provide `MultiCurrency` @0 @A `^n-balances` @6 `orml-tokens` ^y.",C[11]],"const_env__&v":[C[233],"0.1.2"],"redis_^y_@8_internals":["A @8 @5 @2 redismodule-rs","2.0.7"],"tau_$m":["A document tagging @1","1.13.1"],"unicode_linebreak":["@i of @7 ^I Line Breaking Algorithm","0.1.5"],"swc_ecma_transforms_@8":["$L @2 swc_ecma_transforms.","0.5.4"],"nexmark":["Nexmark @D ^Z @H.",C[2]],"if_watch":["crossplatform $1 $M watcher","3.2.0"],"rustracing_jaeger":["Jaeger @d @1 created on top of rustracing","0.9.0"],"sise":["SISE ($p S-expression) @h, serializer @6 @m @1.","0.8.0"],"cuid_util":["Shared @m @2 @7 cuid @6 cuid2 $y",C[5]],"sleef_^d":["@3 FFI @4 to @7 SLEEF Vectorized Math @q","0.1.2"],"esp_hal_procmacros":["@V @8 @2 esp-hal",C[11]],"webm_^d":["@3 FFI @4 @6 @p @2 libwebm","1.0.5"],"aws_sdk_migrationhubconfig":["^v &a @2 ^v Migration Hub Config",C[17]],"@C_std_resolver":["Hickory DNS is a &k @6 secure DNS @1, @2 @C-std. $P Resolver @1 uses @7 hickory-proto @1 to perform all DNS queries. ^e Resolver is intended to be a high-@W @1 @2 any DNS record resolution see Resolver @6 AsyncResolver @2 supported resolution @b. ^e Client can be $9 @2 other queries.","0.24.1"],"biome_deserialize":["$j to deserialize ^Q","0.5.7"],"@s_@v_^u":["&R metric @g @2 @7 Polkadot node (@s @L)",C[67]],"twilight_gateway_queue":["Discord Gateway connection queue @0 @2 @7 Twilight ecosystem.",C[142]],"deflate":["A DEFLATE, zlib @6 gzip encoder $Y in @3.",C[9]],"mindus":["A @1 @2 ^g @9 mindustry @D formats (eg schematics @6 maps) (fork of plandustry)","5.0.23"],"trust_dns_util":["$j @u complement Trust-DNS.","0.23.2"],"tld":["Top Level domain static hash map, tld list is obtained @E of","2.35.0"],"cool_asserts":["A @U of useful $u assertions @6 @m","2.0.3"],"snarkvm_marlin":[C[823],"0.8.0"],"anchor_^K_event":["Anchor ^K @c @2 defining an event",C[1]],"actix_web_grants":["Authorization ^m `actix-web` to protect &3 endpoints","4.1.0"],"gzp":["Parallel Compression","0.11.3"],"subplot":["^H @2 specifying, documenting, @6 $f automated acceptance tests @2 systems @6 software","0.9.0"],"proto_pdk":["A $W ^P kit @2 ^E proto WASM plugins.","0.17.7"],"http_auth":["HTTP authentication: parse challenge lists, respond to Basic @6 Digest challenges. Likely to be extended @9 @N @f @6 additional auth schemes.","0.1.9"],"eyeball":["Add observability to &3 @3 @b!","0.8.7"],"flate2":["DEFLATE ^f @6 decompression exposed as Read/BufRead/Write streams. Supports miniz_oxide @6 multiple zlib @k. Supports zlib, gzip, @6 raw deflate streams.","1.0.29"],"leptos_axum":["Axum integrations @2 @7 Leptos web @j.","0.6.11"],"^5_merkle_&5":["A no-std/&E $k @1 to construct ^5 merkle &5.","15.0.0"],"evzht9h3nznqzwl":["A temporary fork.","0.0.3"],"fil_actor_@T":[C[234],"9.0.1"],"mrsc":["mpsc @9 requests","0.3.1"],"read_fonts":["Reading OpenType font @P.",C[36]],"named_^j":["An $U @2 getting a user-&n name $6 @2 a ^j on stable @3","0.2.2"],"rfd":["Rusty File Dialog",C[40]],"kvm_ioctls":["Safe &K over KVM ioctls",C[28]],"image_meta":["Image meta @Q loader","0.1.2"],"kstat_rs":["@3 @g to illumos's libkstat","0.2.3"],"ntex_amqp_codec":["AMQP 1.0 ^z Codec","0.9.2"],"bitcoincore_rpc_json":[C[237],C[6]],"sdl2_^d":["Raw SDL2 @4 @2 @3, $9 internally @z-sdl2",C[79]],"contrast":["Calculate contrast $8 two colors",C[5]],"sql_json_path":["SQL/&D Path @0 in @3.",C[5]],"dotenv_@h":["Pest-@w @h @2 .env @P","0.1.3"],"libipld_@O":["Base $3 @6 @S $9 by ipld codecs.",C[33]],"faster_hex":["Fast hex @J.","0.9.0"],"block_^r":["$j to work @9 block devices. Formatting, getting device info, identifying ^j of device, etc.",C[56]],"x509_signature":["Low-@W X.509 @K @6 signature verification @1","0.5.0"],"libspa":["@3 @4 @2 libspa","0.8.0"],"sdl2_gfx":["SDL2_gfx @4 @2 @3",C[60]],"protoc_bin_vendored_linux_aarch_64":["protoc ^5 @2 linux-aarch_64 compiled by Google @6 bundled in this @5.","3.0.0"],"winapi_wsapoll":["Safe @p ^i WSAPoll","0.1.2"],"esl01_minibytes":["Shared reference-counted bytes @9 zero-copy slicing @f.","0.3.0"],"$g_prefetch":["Cargo &C to download popular $y.",C[5]],"gleam":["Generated OpenGL @4 @6 @p @2 Servo.",C[32]],"impl_^H":[C[235],C[11]],"ark_&j_@F":["A @1 of useful $t @F",C[7]],"re_space_view_bar_chart":["A space view @u shows a single bar chart.",C[35]],"scsys_@a":["scsys-@a implements a host of useful $0 @8 @2 &z throughout @7 ecosystem",C[2]],"msgpack_rpc":[C[673],"0.4.2"],"rbpf":[C[236],C[2]],"xxhash":["^e xxHash hashing $b","0.0.8"],"jsonschema_valid":["A @o &D schema validator.","0.5.2"],"ritelinked":[C[353],"0.3.2"],"notan_text":["@M a @o Text $U @2 Notan",C[0]],"$5_^o":["@q to ^o (de)@t $d in multiple languages","0.25.1"],"subprocess":["Execution of child processes @6 pipelines, inspired by Python's subprocess ^y, @9 @3-&2 &r.","0.2.9"],"nu_&v_ext":["Extension $3 @2 ^Q in Nushell",C[68]],"atat_@a":["^x @c @2 atat","0.22.0"],"frunk_laws":["frunk_laws contains laws @2 algebras declared in Frunk.","0.5.0"],"^O_quote":[C[373],C[7]],"sxd_xpath":["A @3 XML XPath @1","0.4.2"],"@z_util":["Hatter's @3 Util","0.6.47"],"systemd_zbus":["A dbus @d (@A zbus) @2 systemd","0.3.1"],"debug_&5":["Build a &5 one element at a ^0 @6 output it as a pretty $6.",C[7]],"bitcoincore_rpc_json_@C":[C[237],"4.0.1-alpha.2"],"azure_@n_&B":["Implementations &B $8 @7 azure-@n-^B @6 azure-@n $y.",C[24]],"w32_^L":["Encapsulates $v $U ^L codes.",C[9]],"$y_index_diff":["Learn what's changed in @7 index","24.0.0"],"aerosol":["$p ^T injection @2 @3",C[836]],"breakpad_^d":["Wrapper ^i breakpad's crash $B @6 minidump $I facilities",C[2]],"jsonpath_lib":[C[532],"0.3.0"],"aws_sdk_qldb":["^v &a @2 $V QLDB",C[17]],"strfile":["Tiny @Y to read strfile headers.","0.1.2"],"rustpython_ast":["AST @S @2 RustPython","0.3.1"],"liboci_cli":["Parse $l line arguments @2 OCI container runtimes","0.3.2"],"^n_staking_@v_api":[C[238],"18.0.0"],"lstsq":["Return @7 least-squares solution to a linear matrix equation","0.5.0"],"miraland_$2":["Miraland Version","1.18.3"],"multipart":["A $n-agnostic ^m @2 HTTP $A @u @r @f @2 POST multipart/form-@D requests on both @d @6 @N.",C[6]],"uriparse":["A URI @h &7 relative references","0.6.4"],"dharitri_wasm_^y_&L":["Dharitri @Z smart ^S ^y @2 adding feature flags","0.9.2"],"synom":["Stripped-down Nom @h $9 by Syn","0.11.3"],"r2r_msg_gen":[C[239],"0.8.4"],"wasi":["WASI $U @4 @2 @3","0.13.0+wasi-0.2.0"],"echodb":["An $J, in-$7, immutable, copy-on-write $O $m","0.6.0"],"flatdata":["@3 @0 of flatdata","0.5.5"],"faer_lu":[C[156],"0.17.1"],"pcre2":["High @W @p @1 @2 PCRE2.","0.2.7"],"ext_^8":[C[360],"1.0.1"],"query_map":["VectorMap is a &8 @p ^i HashMap> to handle different transformations &4 URL query $e.","0.7.0"],"sp_keystore":["Keystore @F. (@s @L)","0.38.0"],"ra_ap_&w_@8":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_macros` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 13eb8c736ce58a794434ee316cb86f1091f66c7e ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/@z-analyzer/&w-auto-publish","0.49.0"],"cacache":["Content-addressable, key-&v, high-@X, on-disk cache.","13.0.0"],"seq_io":["Fast FASTA @6 FASTQ readers","0.3.2"],"libcryptsetup_rs":["High @W @3 @4 @2 libcryptsetup","0.9.3"],"ravif":["rav1e-@w pure @3 @1 @2 @J images in AVIF @G (powers @7 `cavif` tool)","0.11.5"],"get_if_addrs_^d":["get_if_addrs ^d @5","0.1.1"],"devserver_lib":["A zero $G @1 @2 hosting a local folder via &Q. Refer to 'devserver' @2 @7 $l line tool.","0.4.2"],"hawk":["Hawk @i @2 @3","5.0.0"],"memx":["$7 @n &4 libc memcmp(), memchr(), memmem(), memcpy(), memset()","0.1.30"],"ggez":["A &e game @j @2 making 2D games @9 minimum friction, inspired by Love2D.","0.9.3"],"trust_dns_openssl":["Trust-DNS is a &k @6 secure DNS @1. $P is an ^m @2 @7 Trust-DNS @d to &z ^h-openssl @2 TLS.",C[30]],"baid58":["Easy-to-check Base58 @J @2 identities","0.4.4"],"dharitri_sc_scenario":["Dharitri ^H @2 $I @6 executing scenarios",C[40]],"quick_js":["QuickJS Javascript $m @p","0.4.1"],"gstreamer_audio_^d":["FFI @4 to libgstaudio-1.0","0.22.0"],"^h_$R_unix":["&g @f @2 epollable @P via Tokio on Unix-&4 platforms","0.6.0"],"malloc_size_of_@a":["Crate @2 Firefox $7 reporting, not intended @2 external &z","0.1.2"],"&O_&c":["^e &c @c @2 @7 &O @5","0.56.0"],"brotli_^d":["Raw @4 to libbrotli","0.3.2"],"rusty_forkfork":[C[444],C[7]],"cedar_policy_@O":["Core implemenation of @7 Cedar Policy @e.","3.1.3"],"holdem":["Texas Hold'em &2 @b @6 logic.","0.1.2"],"libusb_^d":[C[757],"0.2.3"],"ra_ap_&w_index_@8":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_index_macros` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 13eb8c736ce58a794434ee316cb86f1091f66c7e ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/@z-analyzer/&w-auto-publish","0.49.0"],"libra_canonical_@t":["Libra Canonical Serialization (LCS)",C[5]],"shipbob":["A fully $X & opinionated $U @d @2 @7 ShipBob $U.","0.7.0"],"smartstring":["Compact inlined $e","1.0.1"],"json_in_^j":["a @1 @2 &p json @t","1.1.1"],"salty":["Small, sweet, swift Ed25519 signatures @2 $S","0.3.0"],"email_@G":["Email message @G (@h @6 @D ^p)","0.8.1"],"miraland_^w":["Miraland Program","1.18.3"],"workerpool":["A &F pool @2 running a number of jobs on a fixed set of stateful worker threads.","1.2.1"],"^0_graph":["Always-on profilling recording @R timing @6 @7 corresponding call graph","0.3.1"],"region":["Cross-@x &l $7 $U","3.0.2"],"gix_transport":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K dedicated to $f @7 git transport layer","0.42.0"],"wasmprinter":["@3 converter @E @7 @Z ^5 @G to @7 text @G.",C[285]],"bit_list":["A lazy list of bits","0.28.2"],"barrel":["A powerful schema migration ^6 $U @2 @3","0.7.0"],"rithm":["Arbitrary precision arithmetic.","14.1.0"],"tower_buffer":["Buffer requests before dispatching to a `&h`.","0.3.0"],"lair_keystore_@d":["@d connector to secret lair private keystore","0.0.11"],"lib3h_@l":["^z definition @2 $T @9 Lib3h.","0.0.42"],"probe_rs_t2rust":["A @U of ARM chips @2 @7 `probe-rs` @5.","0.7.0"],"bp_xcm_bridge_hub_router":["Primitives of @7 xcm-bridge-hub fee ^n. (@s @L)",C[11]],"oxc_syntax":[C[240],"0.12.5"],"immutable_chunkmap":["A &p immutable map @6 set @9 batch insert @6 update methods, COW $c, @6 big O &6 @k of set @6 merge $c","2.0.4"],"short_crypt":["ShortCrypt is a very @o &A @1, $z aims to encrypt any @D &q something random at first glance.","1.0.28"],"ckb_vm_@S":["^W definition @P @2 CKB VM","0.24.9"],"cairo_lang_casm":["Cairo assembly @J.","2.6.3"],"nu_$s":["Core $s @T @2 nushell",C[28]],"aws_sdk_opensearch":["^v &a @2 $V OpenSearch &h","1.25.0"],"lazy_@C_promise":["Primitives @2 lazily getting @D @E $r @9 ^h @2 immediate mode guis","0.5.0"],"qp_trie":["An idiomatic @6 &p QP-trie @0 in pure @3, $Y @9 an emphasis on safety.","0.8.2"],"sv_@h_^L":[C[257],"0.13.3"],"rvstruct":[C[754],"0.3.2"],"wascc_codec":["(Deprecated) &B @F $9 by @7 wasmCloud host @v @6 capability providers","0.9.1"],"$5_urlencoded":["`x-www-form-urlencoded` meets Serde","0.7.1"],"lingua_bokmal_@e_^9":["^e Bokmal @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"@o_moving_average":["@q of @o moving average (SMA) $h","1.0.2"],"etherparse":["A @1 @2 @K & $I a bunch of packet @w protocols (EthernetII, IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP ...).","0.14.3"],"dbghelp_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 dbghelp. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.",C[2]],"@v_@G":["@z @1 @2 formatting dynamic $e","0.1.3"],"minitrace":["A high-@X timeline $F @1 @2 @3","0.6.4"],"cairo_take_until_unbalanced":["A Nom @h @1 @2 contents $8 unbalanced tags.","0.32.0"],"sdp":["A pure @3 @0 of SDP","0.6.1"],"rustsec":["Client @1 @2 @7 RustSec security advisory $O","0.29.1"],"cursive_@O":["Core &I @2 @7 Cursive TUI","0.3.7"],"ark_ed_on_bw6_761":["A Twisted Edwards curve defined over @7 scalar field of @7 BW6-761 curve",C[7]],"aws_sdk_signer":["^v &a @2 ^v Signer",C[17]],"urlpattern":["@z-urlpattern is a @3 @0 of @7 URLPattern ^l",C[2]],"supports_unicode":["Detects whether a $o supports unicode.","3.0.0"],"$d_minimap":["A high @X $d minimap @H","0.6.7"],"@O_&X":["$a to Core Graphics @2 macOS","0.23.2"],"aws_sdk_healthlake":["^v &a @2 $V HealthLake",C[4]],"c3p0_$4":[C[241],"0.70.0"],"base64_$5":["Integration $8 @z-base64 @6 $5","0.7.0"],"tp_@v":["&R Modules &B primitive @b.","2.1.2"],"juper_swap_api":["Jupiter Aggregator $U Client","0.1.22"],"circulate":["Lightweight PubSub @j @u supports both sync @6 @C","0.5.0"],"ioc":["An Inversion-of-Control @1 in @3.",C[0]],"icalendar":["Strongly typed iCalendar &0 @6 @h.","0.16.1"],"emacs":["@3 @1 @2 ^E Emacs's dynamic modules",C[36]],"grpc_$E":["gRPC $E @2 @z-grpc","0.8.3"],"bevy_pbr":["Adds PBR rendering to Bevy Engine",C[14]],"unic_idna_mapping":["UNIC — IDNA — IDNA Mapping Table","0.9.0"],"muda":["Menu $j @2 Desktop Applications",C[45]],"inplace_it":["Place small arrays on @7 stack @9 a low-cost!","0.3.5"],"binjs_meta":["Part of binjs-ref. Tools @2 manipulating grammars. You probably do not want to &z this @5 directly unless you're $I an encoder, decoder or @h @H @2 binjs.","0.5.4"],"lsts":["Large Scale Type Systems","0.6.34"],"timekeeper":["A @o @1 to track how much ^0 is $9 in different parts of a ^w","0.3.2"],"once_cell_$5":[C[294],"1.17.1"],"adbyss_psl":["A minimal Public Suffix List hostname validator.",C[41]],"bevy_gilrs":["Gamepad @T made @A Gilrs @2 Bevy Engine",C[14]],"threadbound":["Make any &v Sync but only available on its original &F.","0.1.7"],"divan_@8":["$L @2 Divan, a statistically-comfy benchmarking @1.","0.1.14"],"wav":["$P is a @5 @2 reading in @6 $I out wave @P. It supports bit depths of 8, 16, 24 bits, @6 32-bit IEEE Float, @6 any number of channels.",C[9]],"icu_codepointtrie":["$U @2 an &6 trie of @D @2 ^I $d points",C[7]],"ross_@l":["^z @2 @7 Rusty Old Smart System","2.16.0"],"^n_&p_unstake":["FRAME &p unstake ^n (@s @L)",C[90]],"target_spec":["Evaluate Cargo.toml target specifications","3.1.0"],"$g_profiler":["Cargo &C to profile &3 @B.","0.1.6"],"tink_awskms":[C[242],"0.2.5"],"libp2p_broadcast":["broadcast ^X to connected peers",C[0]],"m10_signing":["M10 ^q @1 @2 request signing","0.34.0"],"user_agent":["@M @7 concept of a user agent session, storing @6 retrieving cookies over multiple HTTP requests (a `Session`).",C[24]],"wayrs_protocols":["A @U of Wayland protocols to &z @9 wayrs-@d",C[3]],"rhq":["A &M ^c tool","0.3.0"],"audiopus":["High-@W &G of @7 Opus Codec @1.","0.3.0-rc.0"],"$5_pipe":["Turn $5+bincode &q a pipe: push `T`s @6 pull `u8`s, or vice versa. $P @1 gives you a `Serializer` pipe, &q $z you can push `T`s @6 pull `u8`s; @6 a `Deserializer` pipe, &q $z you can push `u8`s @6 pull `T`s.","0.1.3"],"winter_&j":["Cryptographic @1 @2 @7 Winterfell STARK prover/verifier","0.8.3"],"orkhon":["Machine Learning Inference Framework @6 Server &R","0.2.3"],"manuf":["Ethernet vendor codes, @6 well-known MAC addresses",C[2]],"crfsuite":["Safe @p of crfsuite","0.3.1"],"^d_locale":["Small @6 &e @1 to obtain @7 active @T locale","0.3.1"],"gdnative_@a":["^e Godot game engine's gdnative @a @6 $0 @8.","0.11.3"],"aws_sdk_accessanalyzer":["^v &a @2 Access Analyzer","1.23.0"],"icu_calendar_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_calendar @5","1.4.0"],"eco":["A tool @2 reasoning about breaking changes in @3 ecosystems","0.23.0"],"fe2o3_amqp":["An @0 of AMQP1.0 @l @w on $5 @6 ^h",C[11]],"&O_tokens":[C[654],C[15]],"nav_@b":["Easily work @9 global positions @6 vectors","0.5.2"],"bevy_xpbd_3d":["A physics $m @w on Extended Position Based Dynamics @2 @7 Bevy game $m","0.4.2"],"raui_json_renderer":["RAUI renderer @2 &D @G","0.63.0"],"sawtooth_sabre":["Sawtooth Sabre Transaction Processor","0.8.1"],"jsonrpsee_http_@d":["&D-RPC HTTP @d","0.22.4"],"allsorts":["Font @h, shaping $m, @6 subsetter @2 OpenType, WOFF, @6 WOFF2",C[40]],"deno_lockfile":["An @0 of a lockfile $9 in Deno",C[36]],"lld_rs":["$a @2 LLD","140.0.0"],"c2rust_ast_&0":["@3 AST &0 @f @5 @2 @7 C2Rust $K",C[6]],"movingai":["MovingAI Benchmark Map/Scen File Parser","1.3.1"],"gstreamer_app_^d":["FFI @4 to libgstapp-1.0","0.22.0"],"maxminddb":["@q @2 reading MaxMind DB @G $9 by GeoIP2 @6 GeoLite2",C[60]],"transit_^9":["Transit @D ^c","0.56.1"],"frame_remote_externalities":["An externalities provided $Z @u can load itself @E remote nodes or cached @P (@s @L)","0.39.0"],"qecs_@O":[C[799],"0.0.17"],"&1_fuzz_@c":["&1-fuzz-@c","5.0.0"],"tinytime":["Low overhead @0 of ^0-&H concepts.","0.12.3"],"@O_&r":["Extensions @2 @O/std @1 @b, @6 other miscelaneous &L.","1.5.3"],"js_option":["An Option-&4 ^j @9 separate null @6 undefined variants","0.1.1"],"mail_auth":["DKIM, ARC, SPF @6 DMARC @1 @2 @3","0.3.11"],"denokv_remote":["Remote (KV Connect) $n @2 Deno KV","0.7.0"],"rza1":["Peripheral ^s $U @2 @7 Renesas RZ/A1 MPU family",C[2]],"take_mut":["Take a T @E a &mut T temporarily","0.2.2"],"dds_rs":["Decodes DirectDraw Surface @P","0.7.0"],"rusoto_apigateway":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V $U Gateway @ 2015-07-09",C[15]],"lyon_path":["Types @6 @m to store, $s @6 iterate over 2D paths.","1.0.4"],"openjp2":["@3 port of Openjpeg.","0.5.3"],"docker_api":["&P to Docker $U",C[3]],"ignore_result":["Adds a `Result<_, _>.ignore()` method to ignore @7 return &v of a @R call ^U panicking in case of ^L.",C[2]],"^R_btc_spv_^w":[C[601],"1.2.32"],"npyz":["NumPy $R @G (de-)@t. Fork of outdated npy-rs.","0.8.3"],"ritz_impl":["Proc @c @0 @2 @7 `ritz` @5",C[5]],"fuels_@b":[C[505],"0.41.1"],"wasmer_@v_@O_near":[C[243],"0.18.3"],"no_panic":["Attribute @c to require @u @7 $E prove a @R can't ever panic.","0.1.29"],"tower":["Tower is a @1 of modular @6 reusable &I @2 ^6 robust clients @6 servers.","0.4.13"],"gluesql_@O":[C[87],C[32]],"@z_extra":["@z-extra","0.0.17"],"iced_audio":["An ^m to @7 Iced GUI @1 @9 useful widgets @2 audio @B",C[0]],"link_ippcv":["link ippcv @1 (part of ipp-^d Intel IPP @4)","0.1.2"],"wkhtmltox_^d":["FFI @4 to wkhtmltox","0.1.2"],"hoot":["no_std, allocation free http 1.1 @1","0.1.4"],"closed01":["@M checked floating point $c within @7 range [0,1]","0.5.0"],"oxcable":["A signal processing @j @2 making music @9 @3.","0.5.1"],"display_json":["@V @8 @2 $f Display, Debug @6 FromStr @2 (de)serializing json $e","0.2.1"],"rxing":["A @z port of @7 zxing barcode @1.","0.5.9"],"lm3s6965":["Interrupt @4 @2 @7 LM3S6965 microcontroller",C[2]],"fftw_^d":["unsafe @p of FFTW3","0.8.0"],"symphonia_^G":["Project Symphonia multimedia tag @6 ^G readers.","0.5.4"],"winter_prover":["Winterfell STARK prover","0.8.3"],"@D_@J":["Efficient @6 customizable @D-@J @n &4 base64, base32, @6 hex","2.5.0"],"syntect_no_panic":["temporary fork of Syntect (don't &z)","4.6.1"],"watto":["$j @2 @K @6 serializing Plain Old Data",C[5]],"zstd_&k":["Safe low-@W @4 @2 @7 zstd ^f @1.","7.1.0"],"forust_ml":["A &e gradient boosting @0 in @3.","0.4.7"],"$g_deny":["Cargo $W to help you manage large ^T graphs","0.14.22"],"intel_mkl_tool":["Seek Intel(R) MKL @1 @E @T","0.8.1"],"wasmer_$m_near":[C[244],"2.4.1"],"slint_$s":["Helper @2 Slint $s script","1.5.1"],"tenacious":["[RETIRED: Will not work @9 MIR] A $W to prevent certain @b @E being moved","0.2.3"],"skia_@4":["Skia $a @2 @3","0.73.0"],"aarch64":["@3 @1 to &z aarch64 &2 @I @6 registers","0.0.11"],"lib3h_mdns":["lib3h mdns LAN discovery ^y","0.0.42"],"^L_$d":["Error $d","3.2.0"],"snow":["A pure-@z @0 of @7 Noise ^z Framework","0.9.6"],"stable_hash":["A stable, structured hash @9 backward compatibility","0.4.3"],"rinfluxdb":["A @1 @2 querying @6 posting @D to InfluxDB",C[2]],"&1_context":["A @1 @2 &9 custom setup/teardown @2 @3 tests ^U needing a &1 harness","0.3.0"],"postgres_&B":["^1 @5 $9 by postgres @6 postgres-^h","0.4.2"],"html2md":["@q @6 ^5 to convert @o html documents &q markdown","0.2.14"],"uu_cut":["cut ~ (uutils) display byte/field columns of input lines",C[20]],"path_dsl":["A ^q DSL @6 @c to help deal @9 Paths @6 PathBufs.","0.6.1"],"frida_gum_^d":[C[150],"0.13.6"],"tectonic_$m_xdvipdfmx":["^e `xdvipdfmx` ^w as a reusable @5.","0.4.1"],"&5_sitter_cpp":["C++ grammar @2 &5-sitter","0.22.0"],"swc_atoms":["Atoms @2 @7 swc $K.","0.6.7"],"tetsy_wasm_gc_api":[C[663],"0.1.11"],"bevy_fluent":["Bevy $W @2 localization @A Fluent","0.9.0"],"$g_benchcmp":["A ^q @2 comparing @3 micro-benchmark output.","0.4.4"],"chaindev":["Powerful ^P @6 $u ^r @2 blockchain developers.",C[1]],"biome_diagnostics":["Biome's &B infrastructure to &c reporting pretty ^L @6 diagnostics","0.5.7"],"ark_std":["A @1 @2 no_std compatibility",C[7]],"parse_js":["&W @K @1",C[60]],"sharexin":["ShareX @2 Linux @6 BSD","0.7.2"],"accessory":["A configurable get/set/get_mut @a @c","1.3.0"],"shellwords":["Manipulate $e according to @7 word @K rules of @7 UNIX Bourne shell.","1.1.0"],"docusign":["A fully $X & opinionated $U @d @2 @7 DocuSign $U.","0.3.1"],"fil_actor_reward_state":[C[259],"11.1.0"],"svix_ksuid":["A pure @3 @6 fully tested KSUID @0","0.8.0"],"minimp3_^d":[C[950],"0.3.2"],"ssri":["Various @m @2 $H Subresource Integrity.","9.2.0"],"oauth10a":["A @z @0 of @7 oauth 1.0a @l fully-@C @9 logging, ^u @6 $F facilities","1.5.1"],"qsv_currency":["A @1 @2 representing international currencies.","0.6.0"],"fluvio_@l_@O":["encoder @6 decoder @2 fluvio @l","0.3.3"],"wasmer_cli":["Wasmer CLI",C[107]],"av_^u":["A @U of $h @2 measuring audio/video ^u","0.9.1"],"bevy_app":["@M @O App @I @2 Bevy Engine",C[14]],"slog_^Z":["`io::Write` streamer @2 slog-rs","1.2.1"],"neovim_lib":["msgpack-rpc neovim @d","0.6.1"],"fil_actor_account_state":[C[627],"11.1.0"],"^h_tls_api":["An @0 of TLS/SSL streams @2 Tokio giving an @0 of TLS @2 nonblocking I/O streams.","0.2.1"],"mashup":[C[245],C[246]],"&O_$2":["$v $2 @Q","0.1.1"],"webui":["`early ^P` Website UI @j @6 component @1 @2 quickly ^6 websites @9 ^F @f @2 Material UI standardization.","0.7.11"],"&w_std_workspace_@O":["Explicitly empty @5 @2 @z-lang/@z $C",C[9]],"snarkvm_circuit_^w":["Program circuit @1 @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"tgff":["^e @1 @r a @h @2 @7 TGFF (Task Graphs For Free) @G.","0.1.10"],"libreauth":["&T of ^H @2 user authentication.",C[33]],"nvbit_^9":["NVIDIA NVBIT models @2 @t @6 ^3","0.0.38"],"sentry_actix":["Sentry @d ^m @2 actix-web 3.","0.32.3"],"codespan_lsp":["Conversions $8 codespan @b @6 Language Server ^z @b",C[56]],"magnus":["High @W Ruby @4. Write Ruby ^m gems in @3, or call Ruby $d @E a @3 ^5.","0.6.3"],"stringprep":["An @0 of @7 stringprep $b","0.1.4"],"future_^r":["Extensions to Rust's Future @6 Stream $3",C[51]],"openvino":["High-@W @4 @2 OpenVINO.","0.6.0"],"clarity":["Lightweight Ethereum @d","1.4.0"],"zookeeper_@d":["ZooKeeper @C @d","0.6.4"],"execute_$l_tokens":["Parse $l $e.","0.1.7"],"shadowsocks_&j":["Shadowsocks Crypto","0.5.4"],"ripemd":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 RIPEMD hash @n","0.1.3"],"lingua_icelandic_@e_^9":["^e Icelandic @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"guilt_by_association":["Macro @2 declaring/$f $3 @9 fake associated consts (in stable @3)","0.5.0"],"rs_merkle":["^e most advanced Merkle Tree @1 @2 @3. Supports ^E @6 verifying proofs, multi-proofs, as well as advanced &L, such as &5 diffs, transactional changes, @6 rollbacks","1.4.2"],"aws_sign_v4":["Generate ^v Signature 4 headers easily","0.3.0"],"openpgp_card":["A @d @0 @2 @7 OpenPGP card &d",C[767]],"flipperbit":["Corrupted @P @H. Random bits flipper.","0.1.3"],"printnanny_asyncapi_models":["PritnNanny AsyncAPI @3 models $X by Modelina","0.5.0"],"@E_variants_impl":["^1 &x @5 @2 from_variants @5.","1.0.2"],"shardio":["Out-of-$7 sorting @6 streaming of large datasets","0.8.2"],"opentelemetry_zipkin":["Zipkin exporter @2 OpenTelemetry",C[18]],"wit_printer":["Textual printer @2 @7 @Z &P Types ^5 @G",C[2]],"git_workarea":["$p routines to work @9 git repositories @6 set up minimal workareas @9 them.","4.2.5"],"logwatcher":["A lib to watch log @P @2 new Changes, just &4 tail -f","0.1.1"],"rbw":["Unofficial Bitwarden CLI","1.10.0"],"statistical":["A @o statistics @1",C[9]],"deep_space":["A highly portable, batteries included, transaction $i @6 key ^c @1 @2 CosmosSDK blockchains","2.24.1"],"rbdc":[C[121],"4.5.30"],"condow_rusoto":["Concurrent downloads @E ^v S3","0.20.0-alpha.3"],"@a_is_enum_variant":["^t derives `is_dog` @6 `is_cat` methods @2 `enum Pet { Dog, Cat }`.","0.1.1"],"fluvio_@l":["Fluvio streaming @l","0.10.12"],"^u_datadog_exporter":["A `^u` $k exporter @u sends ^u to DataDog","0.1.14"],"hex2d":["Helper @1 @2 ^g @9 2d hex-grid maps","1.1.0"],"qr_$d":["QR $d encoder in @3, @f structured append (@D in multiple qrcodes)","2.0.0"],"oasis_cbor":["@3 CBOR @t built as a thin @p ^i sk-cbor.","0.5.1"],"deltae":["Calculate Delta E $8 two colors in CIE Lab space.","0.3.2"],"wither":[C[431],"0.9.0"],"nickel":["An express.js inspired web @j",C[24]],"yew_icons":["Easily include a variety of SVG icons &q &3 Yew app","0.8.0"],"&5_sitter_c2rust":["@3 @4 to @7 Tree-sitter @K @1, @9 a pure @3 @v via c2rust","0.22.5"],"$R_matcher":["A @1 to search @P @6 folders @w on @7 name pattern (regex, wildmatch, exact)","0.7.0"],"dynamic_reload":["Cross-@x dynamic reloading of &B $A",C[11]],"debug_ignore":["A newtype @p @u causes a field to be skipped while printing out Debug output.","1.0.5"],"f128":[C[247],"0.2.9"],"amber":["A $d search @6 replace tool","0.6.0"],"crt0stack":["Tools @2 reading @6 ^E Linux crt0 stack @D",C[5]],"brotli_decompressor":["A brotli decompressor @u @9 an @g avoiding @7 @z stdlib. $P makes it suitable @2 $J devices @6 kernels. It is designed @9 a pluggable ^D so @u @7 ^l lib's ^D may be employed. ^e default $s also includes a stdlib ^D @6 ^Z @g. Disable this @9 --&L=no-stdlib. Alternatively, --&L=unsafe turns off array bounds checks @6 $7 initialization but @r a &k @g @2 @7 caller. Without adding @7 --&L=unsafe argument, all included $d is &k. For ^f in addition to this @1, download &Q://^J/dropbox/@z-brotli","4.0.0"],"multihash_@a_impl":["^1 ^O-@c @5 @2 @7 MultihashDigest @a",C[5]],"postman2openapi":["Convert a Postman @U to an OpenAPI definition.","1.2.1"],"unicode_xid":["Determine whether characters have @7 XID_Start or XID_Continue properties according to ^I Standard Annex #31.","0.2.4"],"mukti_^G":["Metadata @2 mukti release &y","0.2.1"],"rstest_reuse":["Reuse rstest attributes: create a set of tests @6 apply it to every scenario you want to &1.","0.6.0"],"mss_saliency":["Detection of visually salient image regions @A Maximum Symmetric Surround $b","1.1.0"],"easycurses":["A @5 @u makes ^g @9 curses easy.",C[8]],"rocket_cache_response":["$P @5 @r a response &b $9 @2 HTTP cache control.","0.6.4"],"tp_@v_@g_^O_@c":["$P @5 @r $0 @8 @2 usage within @7 context of @7 Tetcore @v @g.","2.1.2"],"keccak_asm":["$p &K @2 SHA-3 $h $Y in assembly",C[5]],"statsdproxy":["A proxy @2 transforming, pre-aggregating @6 routing statsd ^u","0.1.2"],"args":["An argument @K @6 validation @1 designed to take some of tediousness out of @7 general 'getopts' @5.","2.2.0"],"f128_^7":["^1 @4 to @7 gcc quadmath @1","0.2.2"],"bisection":["@3 @0 of @7 Python bisect ^y",C[5]],"dotenv_^B_impl":[C[381],C[5]],"morphorm":["A UI layout $m","0.6.4"],"polkavm_@a_impl":["^e @a @5 @2 PolkaVM guest programs (@0)","0.9.0"],"sgx_urts":[C[248],"1.1.1"],"holochain_sqlite":["Abstractions @2 persistence of Holochain state via SQLite",C[264]],"$5_trim":["$5 deserialize_with String trim.Supports multiple std::&u @b","1.1.0"],"$5_json_pythonic":["serde_json_pythonic fork @u includes a Pythonic &D formatter","0.1.2"],"serial_&1":["Allows @2 @7 creation of serialised @3 tests","3.1.1"],"tflite":["@3 @4 @2 TensorFlow Lite","0.9.7"],"serialize_to_javascript":["Serialize a $5::Serialize item to a &W literal template @A serde_json","0.1.1"],"cortex_m_rtfm":["Real Time For @7 Masses (RTFM): a concurrency @j @2 ^6 real ^0 systems","0.5.3"],"wedpr_l_libsm":[C[506],"0.3.5"],"const_env_impl":[C[233],"0.1.3"],"gumdrop":["Option @h @9 custom @a @f","0.8.1"],"k8s_openapi":["$a @2 @7 Kubernetes @d $U",C[30]],"uritemplate_next":[C[249],C[2]],"ckb_^u_&m":["CKB ^u configurations.",C[10]],"wasmtime_wasi_threads":["Wasmtime @0 of @7 wasi-threads $U",C[63]],"stm32h7":["Device @f $y @2 STM32H7 devices",C[35]],"ca_formats":["Parsing pattern @P @2 Conway's Game of Life.","0.3.5"],"js_ffi":["A FFI @1 @2 calling javascript","0.8.0"],"pasta_msm":["Optimized multiscalar multiplicaton @2 Pasta moduli @2 x86_64 @6 aarch64","0.1.4"],"klickhouse_@a":["^O-@c @5 @2 klickhouse",C[0]],"libp2p_dns":["DNS transport @0 @2 libp2p","0.41.1"],"libsbc_^d":["Raw @4 to libsbc","0.1.2"],"spargebra":["A SPARQL @h","0.3.0-alpha.4"],"lz4_compress":["Pure @3 @0 of raw LZ4 ^f/decompression.","0.1.1"],"coco":["Concurrent &u","0.3.4"],"autocxx_$m":[C[250],C[86]],"prototty_unix":["Prototty context @2 unix terminals.","0.27.0"],"hprof":["A @o hierarchical profiler","0.1.3"],"sp_$Q":["Storage &H @F (@s @L)","21.0.0"],"xml_dom":["A @3 @5 &9 a reasonably faithful @0 of @7 W3C DOM Core","0.2.6"],"actix_threadpool":["Actix &F pool @2 sync $d","0.3.3"],"web":["A @1 @2 $T @9 @7 web browser","0.2.12"],"geographiclib_rs":["A port of geographiclib in @3.","0.2.4"],"tantivy_columnar":["column oriented $Q @2 tantivy","0.3.0"],"lindera_dictionary":["A Japanese morphological dictionary.",C[1]],"pnet_@8":["Automatic bit manipulation @2 ^5 @D formats","0.34.0"],"ichwh":["An @C @0 of `$z`","0.3.4"],"ya_@d_^9":["Yagna REST $U @D ^9","0.6.0"],"bevy_ui_navigation":["A bevy $W to make $f ui navigation in &3 game a piece of cake","0.33.1"],"yy_typings":[C[251],"0.7.1"],"&w_term":["Rust's libtest $o formatting @1","0.0.1"],"spotify_tui":["A $o user @g @2 Spotify",C[34]],"junction":["@1 @2 ^g @9 NTFS junctions",C[9]],"ibc_@F":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, furnishes essential @b @6 $3 universally utilized in @7 @0 of diverse IBC modules, encompassing @O functionalities, clients, @6 @B.","0.52.0"],"ron_@h":["Parsing debug @0 @E @z object to &D","0.1.4"],"ckb_tool":["CKB $y all in one","0.3.1"],"aws_sdk_memorydb":["^v &a @2 $V MemoryDB",C[17]],"hyper_openssl":["Hyper TLS @f via OpenSSL",C[48]],"fugit":["Time @1 @2 $J targets @9 ease-of-&z @6 @X first.","0.3.7"],"symbolic_ppdb":["A @1 @2 @K @6 performing lookups on Portable PDB @P.","12.8.0"],"glam":["A @o @6 &p 3D math @1 @2 games @6 &X","0.27.0"],"ril":["@3 Imaging @q: A performant @6 high-@W image processing @5 @2 @3",C[41]],"$5_querystring":["A query $6 deserializer @w on $5","0.2.1"],"aws_sdk_kinesisanalytics":[C[252],C[17]],"stm32f0xx_hal":["Peripheral ^s $U @2 STM32F0 series $S",C[6]],"econf":[C[737],"0.2.1"],"json_forensics":["A @5 @u adds a read adapter to deal @9 bad Python caused &D payloads (NaNs @6 Infinities)","0.1.1"],"aws_sdk_guardduty":["^v &a @2 $V GuardDuty","1.25.0"],"uuhelp_@h":["A @U of @n to parse @7 markdown $d of help @P",C[20]],"snmp_@h":["Parser @2 @7 SNMP @l",C[11]],"ckb_dao_^r":["$P @5 @r several util @n to operate @7 dao field @6 NervosDAO &H errors",C[10]],"include_sass":["^1 @0 of @7 grass::include! @c",C[14]],"join_impl":["@i of @7 `join!` @c.","0.3.1"],"k8_^G_@d":["Trait @2 interfacing kubernetes ^G service","7.0.0"],"kopium":["kubernetes openapi unmangler",C[6]],"gstreamer_net_^d":["FFI @4 to libgstnet-1.0","0.22.0"],"liblmdb_^d":["LMDB ^F lib","0.2.2"],"cubeb_@O":["^W @b @6 @S @2 cubeb @z @6 C @4. Not intended @2 direct &z.",C[0]],"varisat_formula":["Basic formula @D @b $9 by @7 Varisat SAT solver","0.2.2"],"passwd":["$a @2 libc /etc/passwd password @n","0.0.1"],"qt_ritual_$s":["Build script @0 @2 @3 Qt $y","0.5.0"],"twilight_^9":["Discord $U models @2 @7 Twilight ecosystem.",C[142]],"mio_signals":["Crate @2 $H signals @9 Mio.",C[2]],"dasp_envelope":["Audio PCM DSP envelope $B @9 peak @6 RMS @k.",C[24]],"apple_^d":["^e auto-managed -^d @5 @2 Apple platforms @A ^k directly @E $s $Z",C[2]],"biscuit_quote":["@8 @2 &N ^0 datalog @K @2 Biscuit authorization tokens","0.2.2"],"aws_lambda_events":["^v Lambda event @S",C[32]],"graphul":["Optimize, speed, scale &3 microservices @6 save money 💵","1.0.1"],"ntex_amqp":["AMQP 1.0 Client/Server @j","2.1.5"],"tinysegmenter":["Compact Japanese tokenizer","0.1.1"],"grid_2d":["A general purpose 2d grid","0.15.3"],"lockfree_cuckoohash":["A @z @0 of lockfree cuckoo hashmap",C[5]],"libxdo_^d":["FFI @4 to libxdo",C[24]],"anyhow":["Flexible concrete Error ^j built on std::^L::Error","1.0.82"],"path_@c":["A @c to join path &I @A `/`",C[9]],"wasmer_$E_cranelift":["Cranelift $E @2 Wasmer @Z @v",C[107]],"json_errors":["Transforms popular $y' errors &q &D errors. Aimed to be $9 @9 Rocket.","0.5.5"],"freedesktop_desktop_entry":["Freedesktop Desktop Entry Specification","0.5.2"],"aterm":["@i of @7 Annotated Terms @D ^p",C[18]],"deno_@O_icudata":["Raw ICU @D @2 &z @9 deno_core","0.73.0"],"dharitri_sc_snippets":["Dharitri @j @2 ^6 smart ^S interaction snippets",C[40]],"captcha_rs":["Generate verification images dynamically",C[97]],"esl01_dag":["An @0 of a DAG $9 @2 source control.","0.3.0"],"allocative_@a":["@i of @a(Allocative) @2 allocative @5","0.3.3"],"iron_hmac":["HMAC &f @2 @7 Iron HTTP @j","0.6.0"],"$F_oslog":["A layer @2 $F @u outputs to @7 oslog on macOS/iOS","0.1.2"],"botan_^d":["FFI @p @2 Botan cryptography @1","0.10.5"],"atty":["A @o @g @2 querying atty","0.2.14"],"single_&z_seals":["Single-&z-seals foundation $U",C[29]],"$s_html":["@q @2 basic @N-side rendering $Y in pure @z","2.4.0"],"sourceview4_^d":["FFI @4 @2 GtkSourceView 4","0.5.0"],"name_variant":["Generates a method to name enum variants.",C[5]],"allegro_image":["Allegro 5 image addon @3 @p","0.0.45"],"ibc_@b_path":[C[253],C[8]],"symbolic_$4":["^W @b @6 @m @2 symbolic, a @1 to symbolicate @6 ^M stack traces @E ^F @B, minidumps or minified &W.","12.8.0"],"crev_lib":["@q @g @2 programmatic ^s to @5 reviews of $g-crev","0.25.4"],"&q_attr":["@7 @8 helping to transform attributes in graphviz-@z @1","0.1.1"],"spl_token":["&o Program @q Token","4.0.1"],"odds":["Odds @6 ends — @U miscellania. Extra @I @2 slices (`.find()`, `RevSlice`), $e @6 other things. Things in odds may move to more appropriate $y if we find them.",C[7]],"rendy_chain":["Rendy's node synchronization tool","0.5.1"],"rudderanalytics":["^e RudderStack @3 &a is an analytics @d to track events @E &3 @3 $w","1.1.3"],"concat_arrays":["A @c @2 concatenating fixed-size arrays","0.1.2"],"aster":["A libsyntax ast &0","0.41.0"],"iana_^0_zone_haiku":["iana-^0-zone @f @5 @2 Haiku OS","0.1.2"],"git_stack":["Stacked branch ^c @2 Git","0.10.17"],"serdeconv":["$P @5 @r convenient $3 @6 @n @2 converting $8 TOML/&D/MessagePack $e @6 serializable ^Q.","0.4.1"],"tauri_$W":["Build script @6 @v Tauri $W @S",C[200]],"green_barrel":[C[553],"1.7.8"],"ab_glyph_rasterizer":["Coverage rasterization @2 lines, quadratic & cubic beziers","0.1.8"],"sec":["Prevent secrets @E leaking via `Debug` or `Display` $3",C[9]],"lm75":["Platform-agnostic @3 driver @2 @7 LM75 temperature sensor @6 thermal watchdog.",C[9]],"lightning_@J_@a":["^x @8 @2 lightning $M peer @l encodings","0.9.1"],"rattler_solve":["A @5 to solve conda environments",C[37]],"d3d12":["Low @W D3D12 $U @p",C[36]],"varuint":["Variable length signed @6 unsigned integer @b","0.7.1"],"@o_xml_serialize":[C[254],"0.3.0"],"frunk_^O_@8":["Proc @8 @2 Frunk","0.1.2"],"bytes_^r":["Additional @m @2 ^g @9 @7 bytes @5","0.1.4"],"lzxd":["Decompression @0 @2 Microsoft's LZXD ^f @G.","0.2.5"],"debug_stub_@a":["A drop-in replacement @2 `#[@a(Debug)]` @u supports replacement ^Q @2 members $z do not &c `fmt::Debug.`","0.3.0"],"rattler_conda_@b":["@3 @D @b @2 $4 @b $9 within @7 Conda ecosystem","0.22.0"],"panic_message":["Get a panic message @E a panic payload","0.3.0"],"ex":["A libstd @p @9 more detailed errors","0.1.3"],"result_&4_@a":["@a @8 @2 result-&4","0.5.0"],"mountpoint_s3_crt_^d":["@3 FFI @4 to @7 ^v ^W &R @2 Mountpoint @2 $V S3.","0.7.0"],"unicode_properties":["Query character ^I properties according to UAX #44 @6 UTR #51.","0.1.1"],"wayland_window":["A minimalistic window-decorations @1 built on top of wayland-@d.","0.13.3"],"sg_std":["$a @2 CosmWasm ^b to call &q custom modules of Stargaze","3.2.0"],"relm_attributes":["Attributes to simplify @7 &z of @7 relm @5",C[33]],"glyph_names":["Mapping of characters to glyph names according to @7 Adobe Glyph List Specification",C[2]],"fftw":["&k @p of FFTW3","0.8.0"],"$5_@a":[C[255],"1.0.199"],"sgx_trts":[C[248],"1.1.1"],"^R_accounts_db":["&o accounts db",C[12]],"aws_sdk_sns":["^v &a @2 $V $p Notification &h",C[4]],"swc_css_^B_@8":["^1 @c @2 @7 css $d @H","0.2.3"],"mysqlclient_^d":["Auto-$X @z @4 @2 libmysqlclient","0.2.5"],"gix_negotiate":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K $f negotiation $h",C[8]],"assert2":["assert!(...) @6 check!(...) @8 inspired by Catch2, now @9 diffs!","0.3.14"],"kes":["Korean Era Script",C[33]],"imgui_winit_@f":["winit @f $d @2 @7 imgui @5",C[24]],"atspi_$4":["Primitive @b $9 @2 sending @6 receiving Linux accessibility events.","0.5.0"],"stm32g0":["Device @f $y @2 STM32G0 devices",C[35]],"mdsn":["M-DSN: A Multi-address DSN(Data Source Name) @h.","0.2.23"],"scryer_prolog":["A modern Prolog @0 $Y mostly in @3.","0.9.4"],"pathdiff":["@q @2 diffing paths to obtain relative paths","0.2.1"],"geos_^d":["GEOS C $U @4","2.0.6"],"mod_sdk":["Contains basic @b @6 errors useful @2 CronCat modules","1.0.4"],"ngrams":["Generate n-grams @E sequences","1.0.1"],"oh_snap":["A &F-&k, owned, heap-allocated array $z can be split @6 merged efficiently, i.e., ^U moves or $7 (de-)allocations.","0.0.5"],"boomphf":["Scalable @6 Efficient Minimal Perfect Hash Functions","0.6.0"],"@C_stripe":[C[741],"0.35.3"],"verhoeff":["^e Verhoeff $b, @2 number checksums",C[9]],"usearch":["Smaller & Faster Single-File Vector Search Engine @E Unum","2.11.7"],"libp2p_@O_@a":["@V @8 of libp2p-@O",C[37]],"dlv_list":["Semi-doubly linked list &s @A a vector","0.5.2"],"spinny":["Spinlock-@w RwLock &b, @9 lock_api","0.2.4"],"criterion_bencher_compat":["Drop-in replacement @2 commonly-$9 parts of Bencher",C[7]],"lingua_croatian_@e_^9":["^e Croatian @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"gfx_device_dx11":["DirectX-11 $n @2 gfx-rs","0.8.2"],"&1_each_$R":["Generates a &1 @2 each $R in a specified directory.","0.3.2"],"@C_dup":["Duplicate an @C I/O handle","1.2.4"],"&w_lexer":["@3 lexer $9 by &w. No stability guarantees are provided.",C[5]],"jsonrpsee_@O":[C[272],"0.22.4"],"@s_node_subsystem":["Subsystem $3 @6 message @S @6 @7 $X overseer (@s @L)",C[67]],"term_table":["Tables @2 CLI apps","1.3.2"],"minitrace_jaeger":["Jaeger reporter @2 minitrace-@z","0.6.4"],"bevy_hierarchy":["@M hierarchy @I @2 Bevy Engine",C[14]],"orbimage":["Orbital image &L","0.1.17"],"qemu":["QEMU ^5 installer","8.2.2-v0"],"portfolio_quarry":[C[971],"0.1.50"],"rusty_^0":["A @o timer","1.1.0"],"launchdarkly_@N_sdk_evaluation":["LaunchDarkly feature flag evaluation $m","1.2.0"],"entities":["@M @7 raw @D needed to convert to @6 @E HTML entities.","1.0.2-rc.1"],"rusoto_devicefarm":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v Device Farm @ 2015-06-23",C[15]],"iced_renderer":["^e official renderer @2 iced",C[51]],"lmdb_rkv_^d":[C[271],C[54]],"bytes":["Types @6 $3 @2 ^g @9 bytes","1.6.0"],"^n_indices":["FRAME indices ^c ^n (@s @L)",C[64]],"finitediff":["Finite/numerical differentiation","0.1.4"],"$g_modules":["A $g $W @2 showing a &5-&4 overview of a crate's modules.","0.15.5"],"$g_vendor":["A Cargo &C to vendor all ^4 onto @7 local filesystem.","0.1.23"],"dbs_^D":["a resource ^D @2 &l ^C &y","0.1.1"],"git_testament":["Record git ^g &5 status when compiling &3 @5","0.2.5"],"external_$7":["Generic external $7 @y $9 by gfx-rs backends","0.0.1"],"cidr":["IP $M @6 IP host within $M @b","0.2.2"],"piecrust":["Dusk's &l ^C @2 running WASM smart ^b.","0.18.1"],"$g_minimal_versions":["Cargo &C @2 proper &z of -Z minimal-versions @6 -Z direct-minimal-versions.","0.1.27"],"const_decoder":["Constant @n @2 converting hex- @6 base64-encoded $e &q bytes","0.3.0"],"@T_@g":["Extensions to @7 @3 ^l @1","0.27.2"],"arrow_array":["Array abstractions @2 Apache Arrow","51.0.0"],"kravl_@h":["@7 kravl @e - @h ^y","0.3.3"],"@C_tungstenite":["Async &G @2 Tungstenite, @7 Lightweight ^Z-@w WebSocket @0","0.25.1"],"unwrap":["An unwrap! @6 an unwrap_err! @c","1.2.1"],"ink_$Q_$3":["[ink!] defines $3 @2 @A ink $Q.","5.0.0"],"corepack":["A no_std @f @2 messagepack in $5","0.4.1"],"stderr":["A @1 @u @A @c to write to io::stderr() &4 print!()/println!().","0.8.0"],"yahoo_finance_api":["A @z adapter @2 @7 yahoo! finance $U to fetch histories of market @D quotes.","2.1.0"],"gifsicle":["$a @2 gifsicle @1. Supports lossy ^f. GPL.","1.94.0"],"wcensor":["Utility to operate @P @E a $l line.","0.1.1"],"finch":["An @0 of min-wise independent permutation locality sensitive hashing ('MinHashing') @2 genomic @D @6 $l-line ^q @2 manipulation.","0.6.0"],"@z_multipart_rfc7578_2":[C[256],"0.6.1"],"libimagentryfilter":[C[169],C[41]],"papyrus_^O_@8":["@V @8 @2 @7 Papyrus node",C[131]],"mediatype":["MIME Media-^j @K","0.19.18"],"uninit":["A @U of ^H @2 a safer usage of uninitialized $7","0.6.2"],"watchable":["A watchable RwLock-&4 ^j @u is $k @9 both multi-threaded @6 @C $d.","1.1.2"],"port_selector":["port-selector is a @z @1 @u @r port availability checking, port filtering @w on conditions @6 occupy specified ports.","0.1.6"],"non_empty_vec":["`NonEmpty` vector @0, ensure non-emptiness by construction.","0.2.3"],"malachite_base":["A @U of @m, &7 new arithmetic $3 @6 iterators @u ^o all ^Q of a ^j","0.4.7"],"datadog_apm_sync":["Datadog APM-$k tracer @6 logger @2 @3","0.6.0"],"pin_convert":["Traits @2 converting to `Pin` variants.",C[5]],"unscanny":["Painless $6 scanning.",C[5]],"starknet_@b_@O":["Core @b ^A @2 Starknet","0.1.1"],"dharitri_wasm_debug":["Dharitri @Z smart ^S $U debugging mocks @6 ^r","0.10.8"],"git_$2_@c":["^1 @c @5 @2 git-$2.","0.3.9"],"kerberos_&J":["Constants $9 by differente objects @6 actors of @7 Kerberos @l","0.0.9"],"sv_@h_syntaxtree":[C[257],"0.13.3"],"snarkvm_ledger_narwhal_batch_header":["A batch header @2 a Narwhal-style $7 pool in a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"mod_exp":["Crate @2 doing modular exponentiation efficiently","1.0.1"],"reactor_^8":["A @U of $3 to define a $4 @g across reactors","1.1.0"],"webm":["@3 idiomatic @p to libwebm","1.1.0"],"docx_rs":["A .docx $R writer @9 @3/@Z.","0.4.17"],"gh_emoji":["Convert `:emoji:` to ^I @A GitHub's emoji names","1.0.8"],"$R_mmap":["memmap $R @g @1",C[18]],"sized_chunks":[C[258],"0.7.0"],"wasmedge_^d":[C[585],"0.17.5"],"fbxcel":["Excellent FBX @1","0.9.0"],"fil_actor_reward":[C[259],"9.0.1"],"^s_json":["Use $5 to query large nested @y in @3. For low-effort, read-only FFI.",C[5]],"$g_outdated":["Cargo &C @2 displaying when ^4 are out of date",C[32]],"^n_collator_selection":["$p ^n to select collators @2 a parachain.","7.0.2"],"vast":["Verilog AST @1","0.3.3"],"synchronoise":["Synchronization @F @u $s upon @7 ^l @1","1.0.1"],"pax_chassis_web":["Platform-&2 chassis allowing Pax cartridges to be executed as Web apps",C[40]],"tstr":["Type-@W $e","0.2.4"],"$r_io_preview":["^e `AsyncRead` @6 `AsyncWrite` $3 @2 @7 $r-rs @1.",C[159]],"diesel_derives":["You should not &z this @5 directly, it is ^7 to Diesel.","2.1.4"],"tt_call":["Token &5 calling convention","1.0.9"],"lrpc_@8":["lrpc's ^O @8",C[9]],"ark_mnt4_753":["^e MNT4-753 pairing-&n elliptic curve",C[7]],"lingua_bosnian_@e_^9":["^e Bosnian @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"unicode_joining_^j":["Fast lookup of @7 ^I Joining Type @6 Joining Group properties","0.7.0"],"tower_grpc":["A @d @6 @N gRPC @0 @w on Tower.","0.1.1"],"stun_codec_blazh":["fork @E stun_codec","0.1.13"],"named_pipe":["Wrapper @2 overlapped (asyncronous) IO of Windows's named pipes","0.4.1"],"tagref":["Tagref helps you maintain cross-references in &3 $d.","1.10.0"],"ormlite_@c":[C[377],C[6]],"rusoto_kms":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v Key Management &h @ 2014-11-01",C[15]],"^h_@8":["Tokio's ^O @8.","2.2.0"],"rand_utf8":["Random utf8 ^q","0.0.1"],"cairo_lang_@h":["Cairo @h.","2.6.3"],"opcua_@N":["OPC UA @N $U","0.9.1"],"$F_$5":["A compatibility layer @2 serializing trace @D @9 `$5`","0.1.3"],"bomboni":["Utility @q @2 @3","0.1.55"],"zoxide":["A smarter cd $l @2 &3 $o","0.9.4"],"bip_metainfo":["Parsing @6 ^6 of bittorrent metainfo @P",C[0]],"assert_impl":["Macro @2 static assert @b &c a ^8 or not","0.1.3"],"runnel":["@7 pluggable io ^Z. now @f: stdio, $6 io, in $7 pipe","0.3.17"],"fixed_slice_deque":["A fixed size deque @0","0.1.0-beta2"],"hyperfine":["A $l-line benchmarking tool","1.18.0"],"libxlsxwriter_^d":["@3 &G of libxlsxwriter","1.1.5"],"spl_name_service":["&o Program @q Name &h","0.3.0"],"@C_logger":["Asyncronous logger allows $I arbitrary slices to a $7 buffer, $z then processed by a writer in it's own &F.","0.3.3"],"onc_rpc":["Open Network Computing / Sun RPC @b @6 &p serialisation","0.2.3"],"stm32_fmc":["Hardware Abstraction Layer @2 STM32 Memory Controllers (FMC/FSMC)","0.3.0"],"atomic_pool":["Statically allocated pool &9 a std-&4 Box.","1.0.1"],"soup3":["Soup @5 @2 @3","0.6.0"],"swc_$4":["^W @m @2 @7 swc $K.","0.33.25"],"bevy_eventlistener_@O":[C[288],"0.6.2"],"@C_^8_@9_sync":["`@C-^8` @9 `Sync` patch","0.1.36"],"enso_shapely":[C[260],C[2]],"xlsx_reader":["Reader of XLSX @P (only @D)","3.1.1"],"gsk4_^d":["FFI @4 of GSK 4","0.8.2"],"k9":["@z $u @1",C[0]],"databend_@d":["Databend Client @2 @3","0.17.1"],"cuda_^d":["@3 &G to CUDA Driver/&R APIs",C[2]],"manyhow_@8":["Macro @2 manyhow",C[24]],"utm":["Convert latitudes @6 longitudes to UTM coordinates @6 vice versa","0.1.6"],"libheif_rs":["Safe @p ^i @7 libheif-^d @5 @2 @K heif/heic @P","1.0.1"],"oid":["@3-^F @1 @2 ^6, @K, @6 formating Object Identifiers (OIDs)","0.2.1"],"shipyard":["Entity Component System","0.6.2"],"randomize":["Randomization routines","5.0.0"],"madsim_tonic":["^e `tonic` simulator on madsim.","0.4.2+0.10.0"],"arrow_digest":["Stable hashes @2 Apache Arrow.","51.0.0"],"$g_vet":["Supply-chain security @2 @3","0.9.1"],"hash_db":["Trait @2 hash-keyed databases.",C[33]],"as_num":["Checked conversions $8 Rust's numeric @b.","0.3.1"],"nom_tracable_@8":["Helper @5 of nom-tracable","0.9.1"],"dioxus_hot_reload":["Hot reloading @m @2 Dioxus","0.5.0"],"job_scheduler":["A @o cron-&4 job scheduling @1 @2 @3.","1.2.1"],"armerge":["Tool to merge @6 control visibility of static $A","2.0.0"],"try_or":["Contains &x @8 @2 unwrapping Results @6 Options.",C[2]],"ssh_@h":["Parser @2 @7 SSH @l","0.5.0"],"$r_diagnose":["Wraps ^i a Spawn @6 @r lots of diagnostics","1.0.1"],"crdts":["Practical, serializable, thoroughly tested CRDTs","7.3.2"],"uuid":["A @1 to ^o @6 parse UUIDs.","1.8.0"],"gfx_device_gl":[C[261],"0.16.2"],"sha1":["SHA-1 hash @R",C[309]],"polars_algo":["Algorithms built upon Polars @F","0.35.4"],"@C_ready":["Async readiness $3.","3.0.0"],"boa_icu_provider":["ICU4X @D provider @2 @7 Boa &W $m.",C[6]],"sized_object_pool":["Object size aware object pool.","0.2.2"],"miscreant":["DEPRECATED: please switch to @7 `aes-siv` or `aes-gcm-siv` $y","0.99.0"],"ogg_pager":["A @o OGG page reader","0.6.1"],"gloo_worker_@8":[C[262],C[5]],"gif_dispose":["Implements GIF disposal method @2 @7 gif @5. ^e gif @5 only exposes raw frame @D @u is not sufficient to render GIFs properly. GIF requires special composing of frames $z, as this @5 shows, is non-trivial.","5.0.0"],"hard_xml":[C[342],"1.36.0"],"sp_consensus_grandpa":["Primitives @2 GRANDPA $C, suitable @2 WASM compilation. (@s @L)","17.0.0"],"sp_authority_discovery":["Authority discovery @F (@s @L)","30.0.0"],"symphonia_bundle_flac":["Pure @3 FLAC demuxer @6 decoder (a part of $K Symphonia).","0.5.4"],"cpp":["Inline C++ $d closures","0.5.9"],"custom_debug_@a":[C[485],"0.6.1"],"bevy_dynamic_$W":["@M dynamic $W loading capabilities @2 non-wasm platforms",C[14]],"garando_errors":[C[420],C[5]],"trans_@a":["Serialization @l @2 inter-@e &U (@a @8)",C[263]],"flapigen":["Tool @2 connecting $A $Y in @3 @9 other languages","0.6.1"],"spl_associated_token_account":["&o Program @q Associated Token Account","3.0.2"],"ldap3_proto":["LDAP ^z $a @2 Tokio","0.4.4"],"accumulator":["A key-&v store limited by size or ^0, allowing accumulation of multiple ^Q under a single key.","0.7.0"],"pagetable":["Wait-free 4-@W 64-bit pagetable @2 roughly-contiguous keys.","0.4.5"],"^n_referenda":["FRAME ^n @2 inclusive on-chain decisions (@s @L)",C[64]],"buttplug_@a":["Trait ^x $L @2 Buttplug Intimate Hardware Control @q","0.8.0"],"reproto_$n":[C[179],"0.3.36"],"aligned_vec":["Aligned vector @6 box containers","0.5.0"],"$5_json_wasm":["serde_json @2 Wasm programs (small, deterministic, no floats)","1.0.1"],"vergen_pretty":["Output vergen @Q in a formatted manner","0.3.3"],"viceroy":["Viceroy is a local $u daemon @2 Fastly Compute.","0.9.6"],"simdeez":["SIMD @1 to abstract over different instruction sets @6 widths","2.0.0-dev3"],"libtzfile":["$P @1 @r low @6 high @W @K of @7 IANA @T timezone @Q @P (TZIF).","3.1.0"],"redoxfs":["^e Redox Filesystem","0.6.3"],"selene_lib":["A @1 @2 linting Lua $d. You probably want selene ^Y.","0.26.1"],"@T_shutdown":["@3 @1 @2 shut down, reboot or log out $c.","4.0.1"],"geos":["@3 @4 @2 GEOS C $U","8.3.1"],"calibright":["A brightness ^q @u allows you to calibrate brightness $8 monitors","0.1.6"],"$r_await_&1_@c":["Helper @5 @2 $r-await-&1.","0.3.0"],"ehttp":["Minimal HTTP @d @2 both ^F @6 WASM","0.5.0"],"matext4cgmath":["Unofficial third-party cgmath &r @2 calculate eigenvalues, operator norms @6 Iwasawa decomposition.",C[5]],"hyper_^F_tls":["^F-tls @f @2 Hyper","0.3.0"],"wasmtime_jit_icache_coherence":["$j @2 JIT icache maintenance",C[63]],"iter_opt_filter":["Adds an optional filter to iterators.",C[5]],"glean":["Glean &a @3 @e @4","60.0.0"],"utf8_decode":["UTF-8 incremental ^2 iterators.","1.0.1"],"finally_block":["Final block is a block @u is executed when it dropped. It helps a user to write @7 deferred statements @u should be executed even some statements return early.",C[2]],"$5_encrypt_@O":[C[308],"0.7.0"],"openssh_sftp_@l":[C[352],C[60]],"ntfs":["A low-@W NTFS filesystem @1",C[7]],"jwt_@o":["Easy to &z, secure, non opinionated JWT (&D Web Tokens) @0 @2 @3.","0.12.9"],"mostro_@O":["Mostro Core @1","0.5.7"],"term_grid":["@q @2 formatting $e &q a grid layout",C[2]],"diesel_transaction_handles":["shareable transaction handles @2 diesel, @9 optional rollback hooks","0.1.1"],"workflow_rpc_@8":["$L @2 @7 workflow-rpc @5",C[51]],"mousse":["A set of encoder @6 decoder @2 @N sent events","0.1.1"],"snarkvm_$h":["Algorithms @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"capstone":["High @W @4 to capstone disassembly $m (&Q://",C[0]],"known_folders":["A &k @p ^i @7 Known Folders $U on $v","1.1.0"],"stick":["Platform-agnostic $1 gamepad, joystick @6 flighstick @1",C[8]],"holochain_keystore":["keystore @2 libsodium keypairs","0.3.0-beta-dev.37"],"ejdb":["$a @2 EJDB, @6 $J &D $O","0.4.1"],"apple_bundle":["Apple BundleResources serializer @6 deserializer @2 @3","0.1.4"],"bv":["Bit-vectors @6 bit-slices",C[56]],"hdf5_^d":["Native @4 to @7 HDF5 @1.","0.8.1"],"hotg_rune_@O":["Core abstractions @6 @b $9 across @7 Rune @x.","0.11.3"],"gtk4_^d":["FFI @4 of GTK 4","0.8.2"],"noodles_@O":["Shared @m when ^g @9 noodles",C[3]],"foundationdb_gen":["Binding $i &x @2 FoundationDB.","0.9.0"],"netlify_lambda_attributes":[C[565],C[2]],"$J_io":["Embedded IO $3","0.6.1"],"kqueue_^d":["Low-@W kqueue @g @2 BSDs","1.0.4"],"stirling_^V":["A few @n relating to Stirling ^V of @7 second kind.","0.1.7"],"dabih":["Command Line &P @2 dabih","1.15.4"],"wild_doc_script":["^8 @2 wild-doc script","0.31.0"],"$R_owner":["Set @6 get Unix $R owner @6 group","0.1.2"],"routinator_ui":["Web UI @2 Routinator, a RPKI relying party software.","0.3.4"],"pam_@8":["$L @2 @7 pam @5","0.0.3"],"^R_@d":["&o Client",C[12]],"$g_options":["Reusable $4 Cargo $l line options","0.7.4"],"former":["A flexible @6 extensible @0 of @7 &0 pattern.",C[33]],"lexical_parse_float":["Efficient @K of floats @E $e.","0.8.5"],"chromiumoxide":["@q @2 $T @9 a chrome instance @9 @7 chrome devtools @l","0.5.7"],"surge_timeunit":["surge synthesizer -- handle to timeunit, $9 @2 tempo synchronization",C[99]],"debugless_unwrap":["Unwrap Result @6 Option","0.0.4"],"capstone_^d":["System @4 to @7 capstone disassembly @1",C[33]],"fil_actor_power":[C[809],"9.0.1"],"std_logger":["A logging @0 @2 @7 log @5 @u logs ^X to ^l ^L @6 requests to ^l out. It @f a number of output formats &7 &D, &D @2 GCP (gcloud) @6 logfmt.","0.5.3"],"r2d2_redis":["Redis @f @2 @7 r2d2 connection pool",C[3]],"aws_sdk_transfer":["^v &a @2 ^v Transfer Family","1.24.0"],"circular_buffer":["Efficient, fixed-size, overwriting circular buffer","0.1.7"],"near_^d":["Syscall @S @2 builtin @n of @7 NEAR @v.","0.2.1"],"sc_executor_$4":["A set of $4 @S @u are needed @2 defining execution engines. (@s @L)","0.33.0"],"assert2_@8":["$0 @8 @2 assert2","0.3.14"],"holochain_@b":["Holochain $4 @b",C[264]],"urldecode":["URL ^2 made easy","0.1.1"],"ethers_solc":["Utilites @2 ^g @9 solc","2.0.14"],"fasteval2":[C[265],"2.1.1"],"$g_bloat":["Find out what takes most of @7 space in &3 executable.",C[0]],"$J_can":["HAL $3 @2 Controller Area Network (CAN) devices.","0.4.1"],"http_bytes":["Byte buffer to/@E http::{Request,Response}",C[5]],"jxl_render":["JPEG XL image renderer, part of jxl-oxide","0.8.0"],"link_cplusplus":["Link libstdc++ or libc++ automatically or manually","1.0.9"],"ecies":["Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme @2 secp256k1 in @3","0.2.6"],"geo_@b":["Geospatial primitive @D @b","0.7.13"],"awmp":["An easy to &z @p ^i multipart/form-@D @2 Actix web","0.8.1"],"get_if_addrs":[C[266],"0.5.3"],"risc0_zkvm_@x":[C[267],C[37]],"semolina":["Optimized field arithmetic @2 Pasta moduli @2 x86-64 @6 aarch64","0.1.4"],"near_@v_fees":["Fees applied to near @v encapsulated in a separate @5. Might merge it later.","2.2.0"],"libsecp256k1_gen_ecmult":["Generator @R of const_gen @2 libsecp256k1.","0.3.0"],"^R_frozen_abi_@c":["&o Frozen ABI Macro",C[12]],"&j_hashes":["Meta @5 @2 $t hash @n $Y in pure @3",C[11]],"libdoh":["DoH @6 Oblivious DoH @1 @2 @7 @z-doh app","0.9.10"],"resolve":["DNS &U @l",C[2]],"@z_icu_ucal":["Native @4 to @7 ICU4C @1 @E ^I. ucal.h","5.0.0"],"shorthand":["A proc_macro to @a getter @6 setter @2 ^N","0.1.1"],"tuple_conv":["Allows converting tuples of one element to vectors","1.0.1"],"mixnet":["A mix $M @w on Loopix","0.7.0"],"swc_ecma_compat_$4":["Commons @2 compat transforms","0.5.0"],"ark_ff_asm":[C[268],"0.4.2"],"subtle_ng":[C[628],"2.5.0"],"procfs":["&P to @7 linux procfs pseudo-filesystem",C[33]],"rttp_@d":["@3 http @d lib",C[5]],"wayland_cursor":["$a to libwayland-cursor.","0.31.1"],"os_xtask_^r":["Program executation @2 xtask in os or bootloader $K","0.0.0"],"text_block_@8":["Create a multiline $6 literal","0.1.1"],"task_compat":["Utility @5 to compat $r 0.1 @6 $r 0.3 tasks.",C[5]],"simba":["SIMD algebra @2 @3","0.8.1"],"gtypes":["Fundamental ^j @S @2 GLib-@w APIs.",C[2]],"deno_&j":["Web Cryptography $U @0 @2 Deno","0.162.0"],"parity_codec":["Lightweight, &6, ^5 @t @6 ^3 codec","4.1.4"],"gdnative_impl_^O_@8":["^1 ^T of @7 gdnative @4.","0.11.3"],"http_cache_reqwest":["http-cache &f @0 @2 reqwest",C[3]],"wnfs_$4":["^W @b @2 @7 Webnative Filesystem",C[2]],"rouille":["High-@W idiomatic web @j.","3.6.2"],"find_@5":["Find @7 @5 name @E @7 current Cargo.toml.","0.6.3"],"nvim_oxi":["@3 @4 to all things Neovim","0.4.2"],"etcd_@d":["An etcd v3 $U @d","0.12.4"],"sled_sync":["testable &Y @F @2 @7 sled $O @j","0.3.0"],"ioctl_gen":["$p @8 @2 $q ioctl ^V.","0.1.1"],"automato":[C[988],"23.1.1"],"jl_^d":["jl-^d contains @7 $X @4 @2 @7 Julia C $U $9 by jlrs.","0.23.1"],"win_etw_provider":["Enables apps to report events to Event Tracing @2 $v (ETW).","0.1.9"],"aovec":[C[475],"1.1.0"],"tor_protover":["@i @2 Tor's subprotocol versioning",C[28]],"artifact":["A logging @1 $z allows settings to be specified through $g &L.","0.2.4"],"threed_ice":["^e @Y @r an @g to 3D-ICE.",C[0]],"text_trees":["$p textual output @2 &5-&4 @y.","0.1.2"],"lang_c":["Lightweight C @h",C[35]],"static_merkle_&5":["Static Merkle Tree is dedicated @2 $q Merkle Root @6 Merkle Proof @2 a static list of items.","1.1.0"],"swf_&5":["Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) @2 SWF @P","0.9.0"],"hyper_alpn":["An ALPN @0 to be $9 @9 Hyper 0.12","0.4.1"],"stdtx":["Extensible schema-driven Cosmos StdTx &0 @6 Amino serializer","0.7.0"],"ra_ap_&w_index":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_index` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit 13eb8c736ce58a794434ee316cb86f1091f66c7e ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/@z-analyzer/&w-auto-publish","0.49.0"],"plerkle_messenger":["Metaplex Messenger ^8 @2 Geyser $W producer/consumer patterns.","1.8.0"],"libarchive3_^d":["Raw @4 @2 libarchive","0.1.2"],"mmap":["A @1 @2 dealing @9 $7-mapped I/O","0.1.1"],"numtoa":["Convert ^V &q stack-allocated byte arrays","0.2.4"],"ux":["Implement @7 following non ^l integers: u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u9, u10, u11, u12, u13, u14, u15, u17, u18, u19, u20, u21, u22, u23, u24, u25, u26, u27, u28, u29, u30, u31, u33, u34, u35, u36, u37, u38, u39, u40, u41, u42, u43, u44, u45, u46, u47, u48, u49, u50, u51, u52, u53, u54, u55, u56, u57, u58, u59, u60, u61, u62, u63, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i9, i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15, i17, i18, i19, i20, i21, i22, i23, i24, i25, i26, i27, i28, i29, i30, i31, i33, i34, i35, i36, i37, i38, i39, i40, i41, i42, i43, i44, i45, i46, i47, i48, i49, i50, i51, i52, i53, i54, i55, i56, i57, i58, i59, i60, i61, i62, i63","0.1.6"],"aversion_@8":["@8 to @f @7 aversion @5","0.2.1"],"libmarpa_^d":["Low-@W @4 to @7 libmarpa @K $m",C[2]],"sliceslice":["A &p @0 of single-pattern substring search @A SIMD acceleration","0.4.2"],"vkxml":["Parse vulkan's XML $U registry.","0.3.1"],"rg3d_@O":["Shared @O @2 @7 rg3d $m @6 its external $y.",C[36]],"datachannel_^d":["Native @4 to libdatachannel.","0.20.2"],"re_^0_panel":["^e ^0 panel of @7 Rerun Viewer, allowing to control @7 displayed timeline & ^0.",C[35]],"gloo_history":["Universal Session History","0.2.2"],"host_discovery":["A @o @3 @5 @2 host discovery","1.9.2"],"tls_api_rustls":["TLS $U @0 over rustls @5","0.9.0"],"dencode":["$j @2 ^2 @6 @J frames @E readers @6 writers.","0.3.0"],"gstreamer_pbutils":["@3 @4 @2 GStreamer Base Utils @1","0.22.0"],"wasm_^k_downcast_@8":["^e ^O-@c @5 @2 wasm-^k-downcast.","0.1.1"],"signal_hook_^h":["Tokio @f @2 signal-hook","0.3.1"],"wiremock_grpc":["Mock gRPC @N to &1 &3 outgoing gRPC requests","0.0.3-alpha2"],"seqlock":["A reader-writer lock @u @r extremely &p read ^s ^U starving writers.",C[2]],"xxhash_c_^d":["$a to xxhash","0.8.6"],"httm":["A CLI tool @2 viewing snapshot $R versions on ZFS @6 btrfs datasets","0.38.1"],"libp2p_uds":["Unix domain sockets transport @2 libp2p","0.40.0"],"ckb_&B":[C[297],C[10]],"dprint_@O":["Core @1 @2 dprint.","0.66.1"],"@s_@O_@F":["Core Polkadot @b $9 by Relay Chains @6 parachains. (@s @L)",C[67]],"^R_@T_^w":["&o System ^w",C[12]],"chrono":["Date @6 ^0 @1 @2 @3","0.4.38"],"caffe2_imports":["xxx",C[163]],"pathfinder_canvas":["A GPU-accelerated vector &X renderer @u works &4 HTML canvas","0.5.0"],"tinytemplate":["$p, &e template $m","1.2.1"],"openh264_sys2":["Low-@W @4 @2 OpenH264.","0.6.0"],"re_web_viewer_@N":["Serves @7 Rerun web viewer (Wasm @6 HTML) over HTTP",C[35]],"fs_mistrust":["Ensure @u @P can only be read or $Y by trusted users","0.7.9"],"json5":["A @3 JSON5 serializer @6 deserializer $z speaks Serde.","0.4.1"],"systemfd":["A convenient &x @2 passing sockets &q another ^M. Best to be combined @9 listenfd @6 $g-watch.","0.4.1"],"probe_rs_cli_util":["Helper @1 @2 CLI @B @w on probe-rs.",C[6]],"selene":["A blazing-&p modern Lua linter $Y in @3","0.26.1"],"assert_str":["$L @2 asserting multiline $e",C[5]],"stm32f407g_disc":["Board @f @5 @2 @7 STM32F407G DISCOVERY microcontroller board","0.4.1"],"$5_urlencoded_field":["Easily urlencode fields in serde_dervie @b.","1.119.0"],"deno_whoami":["$P @5 implements @7 username() $U in Deno Node compat layer.",C[5]],"quic_p2p":[C[269],"0.7.1"],"rqrr":["Detect @6 read QR codes @E any image source","0.7.1"],"libflate":["A @3 @0 of DEFLATE $b @6 &H formats (ZLIB, GZIP)","2.0.0"],"partition_identity":["Find @7 ID of a device by its path, or find a device path by its ID.","0.3.0"],"aws_smithy_@b":["Types @2 smithy-rs ^B.","1.1.8"],"cosmian_cover_crypt":["Key Policy ^K &A @w on subset cover","14.0.0"],"unzip3":["Same as Iterator::unzip, but @2 3 items. Based on @3 1.6 @0.",C[9]],"nfd2":["Please &z &Q://$y/rfd ^Y","0.3.1"],"near_sdk":[C[270],"5.1.0"],"gherkin_@z":[C[282],C[48]],"sitemap":["Sitemap @h (reader) @6 writer","0.4.1"],"mpu9250":["no_std driver @2 @7 MPU9250 & onboard AK8963 (accelerometer + gyroscope + magnetometer IMU)",C[34]],"breakpad_symbols":["A @1 @2 ^g @9 Google Breakpad's text-@G symbol @P.",C[30]],"norad":["Read @6 write Unified Font Object @P.",C[40]],"panic_rtt_target":["Logs panic ^X over RTT @A rtt-target","0.1.3"],"cranelift_object":["Emit Cranelift output to ^F object @P @9 `object`",C[306]],"dprint_swc_ext":["Functionality to make swc easier to work @9.",C[33]],"opentelemetry_datadog_cloudflare":["Datadog exporters @6 propagators @2 OpenTelemetry @2 Cloudflare workers",C[24]],"leptos_&m":["Configuration @2 @7 Leptos web @j.","0.6.11"],"heed_@b":["^e @b $9 @9 @7 fully typed LMDB @p, heed",C[18]],"panic_persist":["Persist panic ^X in @7 targets' RAM","0.3.0"],"tiny_led_matrix":["A @1 @2 direct control of a small monochrome LED display.","1.0.2"],"containerd_@d":["GRPC @4 to containerd APIs","0.5.0"],"iter_chunks":["Extend Iterator @9 chunks","0.2.2"],"wayland_protocols_misc":["Generated $U @2 misc @6 deprecated wayland @l &r",C[2]],"bevy_tweening":["Tweening animation $W @2 @7 Bevy game $m",C[11]],"bencher":["A port of @7 libtest (unstable @3) benchmark runner to @3 stable releases. Supports running benchmarks @6 filtering @w on @7 name. Benchmark execution works exactly @7 same way @6 no more (caveat: black_box is still missing!).","0.1.5"],"tuifw_screen_base":["Text User &P Framework. Basic @x-independent text screen @g.",C[60]],"tame_webpurify":["$p @3 @d @2 @7 WebPurify REST $U","0.1.2"],"cairo_lang_sierra_gas":["Sierra gas computation.","2.6.3"],"lmdb_^d":[C[271],"0.8.0"],"atuin":["atuin - magical shell history","18.2.0"],"iced_wgpu":["A renderer @2 iced on top of wgpu",C[51]],"frontegg":["An @C $U @d @2 @7 Frontegg user ^c service.","0.6.0"],"deltalake":["Native Delta Lake @0 in @3","0.17.1"],"sscanf":["A sscanf (inverse of @G!()) Macro @w on Regex","0.4.1"],"cqrs_es":["A &e, opinionated CQRS @6 event sourcing @j.","0.4.11"],"dbs_device":["Device ^9 @2 Dragonball Sandbox",C[2]],"parity_util_mem_@a":["Crate @2 $7 reporting",C[5]],"@C_walkdir":["&g directory traversal @2 @3.",C[9]],"$5_spanned":["Serde-$k spanned Value","0.6.5"],"statest":["@3 @5 @2 statistical &1.","0.2.2"],"failure_@a":["derives @2 @7 failure @5","0.1.8"],"dotenvy":["A well-maintained fork of @7 dotenv @5","0.15.7"],"farmhash":["Farmhash is a successor to Cityhash (also @E Google). Farmhash, &4 Cityhash before it, &z ideas @E Austin Appleby's MurmurHash.","1.1.5"],"frozen":["Wrapper $z restricts ^s to inner ^j.",C[9]],"nextcloud_&m_@h":["@3 @h @2 nextcloud &m @P",C[11]],"zone_cfg_@a":["@3 @4 @2 Zone ^c (^O @c $i &x)","0.3.0"],"vsmtp_mail_@h":[C[128],"2.2.1"],"filters":["Build filters/predicates @9 @7 &0 pattern",C[7]],"aws_sdk_ec2instanceconnect":["^v &a @2 ^v EC2 Instance Connect",C[17]],"cloudproof_findex":["Cosmian Findex Cloudproof @1","6.0.2"],"xio_jobset":["XIO jobset datatypes",C[8]],"quickcheck_@8":["A @c ^K @2 quickcheck.",C[9]],"icu_pattern":["ICU pattern @m","0.1.5"],"indoc":[C[804],"2.0.5"],"cloudfront_sign":["Utility ^y @2 ^v CloudFront to ^o signed URLs @6 cookies","0.3.0"],"iced_@O":["^e essential ideas of iced","0.12.3"],"impose":["Minimalist audio lib","0.3.0"],"bee_ledger_@b":["All @b required to compute @6 maintain @7 ledger state.","1.0.1"],"actix_web_validator":["Validation mechanism @2 actix-web","5.0.1"],"aws_sdk_kafkaconnect":["^v &a @2 Managed Streaming @2 Kafka Connect",C[4]],"netlib_src":["^e @Y @r a source of BLAS @6 LAPACK via Netlib.","0.8.0"],"mc_sgx_dcap_quoteverify":["@3 &K @2 @7 `libsgx_dcap_quoteverify` @1.",C[24]],"libflatterer":["Lib to make &D flatterer","0.19.13"],"bitcoinconsensus":["Bitcoin's libbitcoinconsensus @9 @3 &G.","0.106.0+26.0"],"shank_@c":["@M @8 $9 to annotate &o @3 programs in order to extract an IDL @9 @7 shank CLI","0.4.2"],"icu_compactdecimal":["Compact decimal","0.2.3"],"evcxr_repl":["A REPL @2 @3",C[28]],"^Z_throttle":["@M a Stream combinator, to limit @7 rate at $z items are produced.","0.5.1"],"dlopen2_@a":["^x @8 @2 @7 dlopen2 @5.",C[7]],"srcfiles":["Extract source @P @2 a @3 @5.",C[5]],"janus_collector":["Collector @2 Janus, @7 @N powering ISRG's Divvi Up.","0.6.26"],"lib_$g_@5":["^e lib @2 $g-@5","0.2.2"],"unicode_casing":["Titlecase &x @R on characters.",C[5]],"wkb":["Convert geo-@b @E georust to/@E Well Known Binary","0.7.1"],"timetracking":["$p ^0 tracker @9 @o @D @G","1.5.20"],"pax_cli":["Command line @g tool @2 developing, packaging, @6 managing Pax projects",C[40]],"aws_sdk_ses":[C[685],C[17]],"kbs_@b":["@3 (de)serializable @b @2 KBS","0.6.0"],"rrpack_prime":["RillRate Pack: Prime","0.41.0"],"zigzag":["ZigZag @J @6 ^2",C[5]],"dmsort":["Fast adaptive sorting @2 when most of &3 @D is already in order. dmsort can be 2-5 times faster than Rust's default sort when more than 80% of @7 elements are already in order.","1.0.2"],"diatomic_waker":["An @C, lock-free synchronization primitive @2 task wakeup.",C[5]],"rocket_@C_^f":["Response ^f in both gzip @6 brotli formats @2 @7 Rocket webserver @A @7 `@C-^f` @1","0.6.0"],"jsonrpsee_^r":[C[272],"0.6.1"],"libsystemd_^d":["FFI @4 to libsystemd @6 libelogind","0.9.3"],"frontmatter":["A Fairly Trivial Wrapper @2 yaml-@z to Extract Frontmatter @E a String Slice",C[7]],"starknet_@8":["@V @8 @2 `starknet`","0.1.7"],"pest_consume":["A @j @2 processing @7 output of a pest-$X @h","1.1.3"],"acvm_blackbox_solver":["A solver @2 @7 blackbox @n found in ACIR @6 Brillig",C[68]],"cute_custom_default":["^x @c @2 `Default` ^8 @9 customization","2.1.0"],"aws_ip_provisioner_installer":["aws-ip-provisioner installer","0.0.96"],"libaom_^d":["Builds @6 statically links libaom. Part of libavif-^d","0.16.0+libaom.3.8.1"],"histogram":["A @U of histogram @D @y",C[11]],"naive_timer":["A minimal naive timer @2 $J (no_std) platforms.",C[2]],"qsc":["Quick @C $M scanner CLI","0.4.3"],"flatc_@z":["FlatBuffers flatc $l as $U","0.2.1-alpha.0"],"lru":["A LRU cache @0","0.12.3"],"$r_io":["^e `AsyncRead`, `AsyncWrite`, `AsyncSeek`, @6 `AsyncBufRead` $3 @2 @7 $r-rs @1.","0.3.30"],"uu_printf":["printf ~ (uutils) FORMAT @6 display ARGUMENTS",C[20]],"sparse_merkle_&5":["Sparse merkle &5 &c in @z","0.6.1"],"assoc":["Treat vectors &4 associative arrays","0.1.3"],"wiggle_^o":["@q @5 @2 wiggle $d @H.",C[63]],"synth":["A polyphonic Synth ^j whose multiple oscillators ^o sound via amplitude @6 frequency envelopes.",C[24]],"fixed_@c_impl":["Proc-@c @0 @2 @7 `fixed-@c` @5.","1.2.0"],"mr_splashy_pants":["Very incomplete @3 @4 @2 @7 Reddit $U","0.1.39"],"^h_reactor_^8":["reactor-^8 @0 @2 ^h","1.1.0"],"icu_uniset":["$U @2 highly &6 querying of sets of ^I characters","0.5.0"],"noted":["@q @2 ^E ELF notes",C[9]],"seckey":["Use `memsec` protected secret $7.",C[51]],"direct2d":["A &k $x @2 drawing @9 Direct2D","0.3.0-alpha1"],"curve25519_@h":["Curve25519 Parser - DER/PEM @h @2 OpenSSL Ed25519 / X25519 keys",C[7]],"termcolor_output_impl":["@i @5 @2 colored! @c.",C[9]],"static_bushes":["@3 ports of @7 kdbush @6 flatbush npm packages","0.1.2"],"password_rules_@h":["Parser @2 @7 HTML passwordrules ^K","1.0.3"],"cmac":["Generic @0 of Cipher-@w Message Authentication Code","0.7.2"],"mdbook_preprocessor_boilerplate":["Boilerplate $d @2 mdbook preprocessors","0.1.2"],"readkey":["A very small @1 @2 finding out if a key is currently pressed on macOS.","0.2.1"],"jwt_compact":["Minimalistic JWT @0 @9 focus on ^j safety @6 secure $t @F","0.8.0"],"uu_date":["date ~ (uutils) display or set @7 current ^0",C[20]],"twiggy_ir":["Intermediate ^A @2 @7 Twiggy $d size profiler.","0.7.0"],"slog_$5":["Serde @t adapter @2 slog-rs","1.0.0-alpha9"],"triton_grow":["Renamed!!! Check out Unda if you want to see @7 general purpose neural $M @5 in @z!!","2.3.15"],"lscolors":["Colorize paths @A @7 LS_COLORS $Z variable",C[28]],"@C_ssh2_lite":["&g ssh2.","0.4.7"],"pling":["Send notifications via Slack, Telegram, ...",C[7]],"tauri_mobile":[C[854],"0.5.4"],"sprs_ldl":["Sparse cholesky factorization",C[11]],"force_send_sync":["Unsafe &K to force Send @6 Sync.","1.1.0"],"iced_^F":["A renderer-agnostic @1 @2 ^F GUIs","0.10.3"],"openssl_verify":["Hostname verification @2 OpenSSL",C[2]],"hakari":["Manage workspace-hack packages @u do feature unification inside workspaces.","0.17.2"],"sp_io":[C[571],"34.0.0"],"fomat_@8":["Alternative syntax @2 print/write/@G-&4 @8 @9 a small templating @e","0.3.2"],"maidsafe_@b":["Types @2 maidsafe clients @6 vaults.","0.2.3"],"lightning_transaction_sync":["$j @2 syncing LDK via @7 transaction-@w `Confirm` @g.",C[177]],"i_slint_$n_winit":["Winit $n @2 Slint","1.5.1"],"wasmcloud_component_adapters":["wasmCloud component adapters","0.9.0"],"uu_tee":["tee ~ (uutils) display input @6 copy to FILE",C[20]],"circular":["A ^Z $x designed @2 &z @9 nom","0.3.0"],"egui_ark":["$a $8 @7 egui GUI @1 @6 ark","0.40.2-pre.43"],"datafusion":["DataFusion is an in-$7 query $m @u uses Apache Arrow as @7 $7 ^9","37.1.0"],"n5":["@3 @0 of @7 N5 tensor $R @T @G","0.7.6"],"blinds":["Wrap an @C $x over a window",C[2]],"never":["A stable $2 of @7 unstable never ^j (!)",C[5]],"re_@b_@O":["^e @O $3 @6 @b @u power Rerun's @D ^9.",C[35]],"colorous":["Professional color schemes ported @E d3-scale-chromatic","1.0.13"],"rocket_include_tera":["$P is a @5 $z @r @8 `tera_resources_initialize!` @6 `tera_response!` to statically include Tera @P @E &3 @3 $K @6 make them be @7 HTTP response sources quickly.","0.5.8"],"alsa":["Thin but &k &K @2 ALSA (Linux sound $U)","0.9.0"],"sentry_release_@h":["A @h @2 @7 sentry release name @G","1.3.2"],"@U_literals":["Easy-to-&z @8 @2 initializing std::&u","1.0.1"],"libsql_sqlite3_@h":["SQL @h (as understood by SQLite) (libsql fork)",C[56]],"mail_send":["E-mail delivery @1 @9 SMTP @6 DKIM @f","0.4.7"],"tui_realm_stdlib":["Standard &I @1 @2 tui-realm.","1.3.2"],"mit_commit":["For ^6 commit linters. $P makes it eas.","3.1.8"],"espup":["Tool @2 installing @6 maintaining Espressif @3 ecosystem.",C[24]],"gix_filter":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K $f git filters",C[56]],"bounded_vec_deque":["A double-ended queue|ringbuffer @9 an upper bound on its length.","0.1.1"],"prototty":["Wrapper @5 @2 frontend-independent prototty $y","0.29.0"],"bitcoinleveldb_status":["a status encapsulates @7 result of an operation. It may indicate success, or it may indicate an ^L @9 an associated ^L message",C[57]],"aws_sdk_workdocs":["^v &a @2 $V WorkDocs",C[17]],"lindera_cc_cedict_&0":["A Chinese morphological dictionary &0 @2 CC-CEDICT.",C[1]],"synthez_^B":["^1 ^B shim of `synthez` @5.","0.3.1"],"ex3_canister_constant":["EX3 canister &J.","0.17.25"],"plague":["Parametrized tests ^H","0.6.3"],"gix_trace":["A @5 to provide minimal `$F` @f @u can be turned off to zero cost","0.1.9"],"aleph_bft_&j":["$j @2 node addressing @6 message signing in @7 aleph-bft @Y.","0.9.0"],"swc_ecma_quote":[C[273],"0.60.0"],"dbs_upcall":["dbs-upcall is a direct &U tool $8 VMM @6 guest","0.3.0"],"^R_sdk":["&o &a",C[12]],"ark_curve25519":["^e curve25519 Montgomery curve",C[7]],"postgres_@l":["Low @W Postgres @l APIs","0.6.6"],"soup3_^d":["FFI @4 of Soup 3","0.6.0"],"$g_near":["Cargo ^m @2 ^6 @3 smart ^b on NEAR","0.6.2"],"cranelift_jit":["A JIT @1 backed by Cranelift",C[306]],"civet":["civetweb-@w @N @0 @2 conduit","0.12.0-alpha.5"],"rpki":["A @1 @2 validating @6 ^E RPKI @D.","0.18.1"],"sdio_host":["SD host @l @1","0.9.0"],"shardtree":["A space-&6 Merkle &5 @9 witnessing of marked leaves, checkpointing & state restoration.","0.3.1"],"utf8_width":["To determine @7 width of a UTF-8 character by &9 its first byte.","0.1.7"],"&1_experimental_c":["Module publishing &1","0.3.0"],"@z_3d":["2D/3D @1 $Y in @z","0.34.0"],"apca":["A @5 @2 $T @9 @7 Alpaca $U.","0.29.0"],"datafusion_execution":["Execution $G @f @2 DataFusion query $m","37.1.0"],"typeracer":["A $o typing game. Race to see @7 fastest ^0 you can get!","2.1.4"],"rexpect":["Interact @9 unix processes/bash @7 same way as pexpect or Don libes expect does","0.5.0"],"git_state":["Probe git &M state",C[5]],"port_staking_instructions":["Port Finance Staking Porgram",C[2]],"warp":["serve @7 web at warp speeds","0.3.7"],"fix_hidden_lifetime_bug_^O_@8":[C[955],"0.2.5"],"stardust_xr":["Base @1 @2 @7 Stardust XR display @N",C[40]],"kittycad_execution_plan_@8":["$L @2 ^g @9 KittyCAD execution plans","0.1.9"],"@C_fn_$3":["Trait synonyms @2 “Fn[…]”-^8 bounds returning $r","0.1.1"],"demes":["@z @0 of demes &d","0.6.0"],"gix_odb":["Implements various git object databases","0.60.0"],"self_update":["Self updates @2 standalone executables","0.40.0"],"trybuild2":["Test harness @2 ui tests of $E diagnostics (@9 @f @2 inline tests)","1.2.0"],"ckb_verification_contextual":["^e CKB verification contextual",C[10]],"coins_ledger":["Ledger Nano X/S connection @6 &U ^c @1",C[41]],"reborrow":["Emulate reborrowing @2 user @b.","0.5.5"],"libtool":["$s script &x to automatically ^o libtool convenience @1 (.la) @P.","0.1.1"],"evdev_^d":["Raw @4 to libevdev High @W @3 @4 are available in @7 `evdev` @5","0.2.5"],"pinentry":["$U @2 $T @9 pinentry binaries","0.5.0"],"ocaml_gen_@a":["^e inner @1 of ocaml-gen, @2 $q OCaml $d","0.1.5"],"wasmtime_wiggle":["Integrate Wiggle $d @H @9 Wasmtime","0.26.1"],"transitive":["Transitive @a @8 @2 @3.","0.5.0"],"random":["^e @Y @r sources of randomness.",C[3]],"slog_scope_$r":["slog-scope @2 `Future`s","0.1.1"],"forky_@O":["@3 $j","0.1.46"],"ophelia_hasher":["ophelia hasher ^8",C[2]],"sn_cli":["Safe Network CLI","0.91.0-alpha.5"],"ttcore_def":["Lightweight private cloud solution @2 SME scenarios.","0.2.35"],"westend_@v_&J":["Constants $9 throughout @7 Westend $M. (@s @L)",C[67]],"ckb_stop_handler":[C[184],C[10]],"os_$2":["Get @7 operating @T $2",C[2]],"vte":["Parser @2 $f $o emulators",C[8]],"MacTypes_^d":["$a @2 MacTypes.h","2.1.0"],"sha2_asm":["Assembly @0 of SHA-2 ^f @n","0.6.3"],"dasp_frame":["An $x @2 audio PCM DSP frames, along @9 useful conversions @6 $c.",C[24]],"@C_utf8_decoder":["Convert AsyncRead to incremental UTF8 $6 ^Z","0.3.3"],"tzf_rel":["Probuf @w ^5 timezone @D distribution @2 tzf-rs","0.0.2024-a"],"vader_sentiment":["$a @2 @3 @E @7 original Python VaderSentiment analysis tool.","0.1.1"],"^B":["@q @2 $q @3 $d",C[2]],"toml_cli":["A @o CLI @2 editing @6 querying TOML @P.","0.2.3"],"fyrox_@O_@a":["Proc-@c @2 @7 Visit ^8","0.22.0"],"includedir_^B":["Include a whole directory &5 at &N ^0! - Compile ^0 part","0.6.0"],"frame_election_provider_@f":["election provider supporting $3 (@s @L)",C[64]],"basen":["Convert ^5 @D to ASCII @9 a variety of supported bases.",C[5]],"fblog":["json log viewer","4.9.0"],"clarity_repl":["Clarity REPL","2.0.0"],"lazy_@C_pool":["An asyncronous object pool @u generates objects on @7 fly.","0.3.3"],"swc_^L_reporters":["Error reporter @k @2 @7 swc $K","0.17.19"],"openai_api_rs":["OpenAI $U @d @1 @2 @3 (unofficial)","4.0.8"],"russimp":["Assimp @4 @2 @z","3.2.0"],"revision_@a":["Implements $0 @8 @2 automatic Revision ^8 @0.","0.7.0"],"hmap":["Adds hmap! @c @2 easily ^o HashMap",C[5]],"uapi":["Wrappers @2 OS APIs on UNIX-&4 @x","0.2.13"],"rbase64":["A &p multi-threaded base64 @J @1 @6 CLI tool","2.0.3"],"pin_cell":["A pin-&k cell",C[2]],"wl_clipboard_rs":["Access to @7 Wayland clipboard @2 $o @6 other window-less @B.","0.8.1"],"newrelic_^d":["FFI @4 @2 @7 New Relic C &a.",C[2]],"witgen":["witgen is a @1 to help you ^o wit @S in a wit $R @2 @Z",C[32]],"activitystreams_kinds":["Type-&k activitystreams '^j' ^Q","0.3.0"],"typesize_@a":["^1 ^O-@c @5 @2 typesize","0.1.7"],"fuel_tx":["FuelVM transaction.","0.49.0"],"cson":["Reference @0 of Cursive Script Object Notation (CSON), a superset of &D suitable @2 manual editing","0.1.16"],"ya_sb_router":["&h Bus Router","0.6.4"],"executors":["A @U of high-@X task executors.","0.9.0"],"fstrings_^O_@c":[C[510],C[511]],"scale_&v":["Encode @6 decode ^Q of arbitrary shapes to SCALE bytes",C[40]],"ckb_@b":["@M @7 essential @b @2 CKB.",C[10]],"membarrier":["Process-wide $7 barrier","0.2.3"],"c2rust":["C to @3 translation, refactoring, @6 cross-checking",C[6]],"tide_compress":["Outgoing ^f &f @2 @7 Tide @N @j.",C[24]],"tzdb_@D":["Static, #![no_std] ^0 zone @Q @2 tz-rs","0.1.2"],"openssh_keys":["read @6 write OpenSSH public keys","0.6.2"],"umya_spreadsheet":["umya-spreadsheet is a @1 $Y in pure @3 to read @6 write xlsx $R.","1.2.3"],"fishers_exact":["Fisher's exact statistical &1.","1.0.1"],"unicycle":["A scheduler @2 driving a large number of $r.",C[41]],"garando_pos":[C[499],C[5]],"orbclient":["^e Orbital Client @q","0.3.47"],"blosc_^d":["@3 FFI @4 to @7 C-BLOSC ^f @1",C[17]],"timely_bytes":["Disjoint mutable byte slices @E a $4 allocation",C[0]],"spirv_^H_^d":[C[374],"0.8.0"],"qmetaobject":["Expose @z object to Qt @6 QML.",C[97]],"mio_extras":[C[361],"2.0.6"],"eva_$4":["Commons @2 EVA ICS v4","0.3.51"],"lockable":["$P @1 offers hash map @6 cache @D @y where individual entries can be locked","0.0.8"],"mnt":["Parse mount points","0.3.1"],"wayland_commons":["^W @b @6 @y $9 by wayland-@d @6 wayland-@N.","0.29.5"],"tsync_@c":["$L @2 tsync (see &Q://^J/Wulf/tsync)",C[5]],"rsevents":["Manual @6 auto reset events @2 signaling threads @6 $I new synchronization @F &4 semaphores.","0.3.1"],"r2d2_mongodb":["A MongoDB adaptor @2 r2d2 connection pool","0.2.2"],"defmt_json_schema":["defmt &D schema",C[5]],"twilight_lavalink":["Lavalink @d @2 @7 Twilight ecosystem.",C[142]],"winconsole":["A @p @2 console-&H @n in @7 $v $U.",C[56]],"clingo_^d":["Raw FFI @4 to @7 C $U of @7 clingo @1","0.7.2"],"near_$M_@F":["$P @5 hosts NEAR $M-&H primitive @b",C[32]],"malachite":["Arbitrary-precision arithmetic, @9 &6 $h partially derived @E GMP @6 FLINT","0.4.7"],"rstats":["Statistics, Information Measures, Data Analysis, Linear Algebra, Clifford Algebra, Machine Learning, Geometric Median, Matrix Decompositions, PCA, Mahalanobis Distance, Hulls, Multithreading..","2.1.0"],"weezl":["Fast LZW ^f @6 decompression.","0.1.8"],"transform_^Z":["Lightweight @C ^Z @p","0.3.0"],"node_resolve":[C[816],"2.2.0"],"elrond_codec":["Lightweight ^5 serializer/deserializer, $Y especially @2 Elrond smart ^b",C[33]],"debug_unreachable":["unreachable!() in debug, std::intrinsics::unreachable() in release.","0.1.1"],"sozu_$l_lib":["$G @1 to $l a sozu instance",C[9]],"stm32f30x_hal":["HAL @2 @7 STM32F30x family of $S",C[2]],"any_key":["Dynamically typed keys @2 associative arrays.","0.1.1"],"exocore":["Distributed @B @j","0.1.25"],"titlecase":["Capitalize text according to a style defined by John Gruber @2 Daring Fireball.","3.0.0"],"swc":[C[274],"0.274.0"],"ttf_noto_sans":["Noto Sans TrueType fonts @2 embedding &q &3 $w ^5.","0.1.2"],"stedi_sdk_@d_exchange_credentials":["Stedi &a @2 @3 @u includes Exchange Credentials @d","0.1.76"],"mrepl":["Fluence Marine REPL intended @2 $u purposes","0.31.0"],"mobc_postgres":["Postgres @f @2 @7 mobc connection pool","0.8.0"],"fuel_relayer":["Fuel Relayer","0.15.3"],"aws_sdk_databrew":["^v &a @2 ^v Glue DataBrew",C[17]],"static_init_@c":["Attribute @8 @2 static_init @5","1.0.2"],"$5_encrypted_&v":["A Serde Deserializer @p $z transparently decrypts encrypted ^Q","0.4.7"],"pad":["@q @2 padding $e at @v","0.1.6"],"tracy_@d":["High @W @4 to @7 @d $A @2 @7 Tracy profiler",C[28]],"naive_opt":["^e optimized naive $6-search $b.","0.1.24"],"prototty_render":["Traits @2 defining a renderer @6 a view","0.29.0"],"hex2d_dpcext":["dpc's hacky &r to hex2d-rs @1",C[5]],"wild":["Glob (wildcard) expanded $l-line arguments on $v","2.2.1"],"rusoto_route53domains":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V Route 53 Domains @ 2014-05-15",C[15]],"old_school_gfx_glutin_ext":["Extensions @2 glutin to initialize & update old school gfx","0.32.1"],"doe":["doe is a powerful @3 @5 designed to enhance ^P workflow by &9 an extensive @U of useful @8 @6 ^q @n. It not only simplifies $4 tasks but also offers convenient &L @2 clipboard ^c,state ^c,keyboard input, @6 mouse interaction.","1.1.20"],"hdfs_^d":["$a to HDFS Native C $U","0.3.0"],"barcoders":["A barcode-@J @1","2.0.0"],"@G_@O":["Core @G @b","0.2.4"],"hexf_parse":["Parses hexadecimal floats (see also hexf)","0.2.1"],"vault":["A @h @2 Company of Heroes replay @P.","8.0.0"],"hask_replace":["Rename haskell modules at @7 speed of @3","0.6.0"],"new_$6_template":["$p Customizable String-Templating @q @2 @3.","1.5.1"],"sophia_indexed":["A @3 toolkit @2 RDF @6 Linked Data - Utility $3 @6 @n @2 index-@w @k of graphs @6 datasets","0.7.2"],"stylua":["A $d formatter @2 Lua",C[18]],"pitch_$B":["A @U of $h to determine @7 pitch of a sound sample.","0.3.0"],"oorandom":["A tiny, robust PRNG @0.","11.1.3"],"debugserver_@b":["Type @S @2 Visual Code's debug @N.","0.5.0"],"fftw_src":["Source of FFTW","0.8.0"],"block_cipher":[C[275],C[977]],"faer_sparse":[C[156],"0.17.1"],"@z_decimal_@c_impls":["Shorthand @8 to assist ^E Decimal @b. Do not depend on this directly; &z rust_decimal_macros","1.7.0"],"&5_sitter_cli":["CLI tool @2 developing, $u, @6 @A Tree-sitter parsers","0.22.5"],"section_$u":["A @1 @2 section-style $u","0.0.5"],"oracle_procmacro":["@V @c @2 @7 oracle @5","0.1.2"],"kvdb_rocksdb":["kvdb @0 backed by RocksDB",C[36]],"logind_zbus":["A dbus @d (@A zbus) @2 logind","4.0.2"],"deduplicate":["caching, $1, request deduplication",C[7]],"reval":["$p @3 expression evaluator","0.7.5"],"bevy_editor_pls":[C[276],"0.8.1"],"gix_mailmap":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K @2 @K mailmap @P","0.23.0"],"web_&5_sitter_sg":[C[454],C[30]],"isocountry":["ISO 3166-1 enumeration @2 @3","0.3.2"],"@C_^Z":["&g streams @A @C & await notation","0.3.5"],"git_actor":[C[19],"0.17.2"],"jsonrpsee_@b":["&D-RPC v2 &2 @b","0.22.4"],"gluesql":[C[87],C[32]],"$o_spinners":["A @1 @2 showing $o loading animations","0.3.2"],"era_jp":["Japanese Era @q","0.1.3"],"wasm_opt_^d":["Native wasm-opt $s","0.116.0"],"aws_sdk_marketplacemetering":["^v &a @2 AWSMarketplace Metering",C[17]],"ast_grep":[C[39],C[30]],"libzfs":["@3 @p ^i libzfs-^d","0.6.16"],"kinded_@8":[C[863],"0.3.0"],"sqlite3":[C[277],C[60]],"&8_^L":["A @Y containing a &8 ^L ^j @u can be dropped in to simplify ^L $H",C[2]],"pickledb":["A &e @6 @o key-&v store $Y in @3, heavily inspired by Python's PickleDB (&Q://","0.5.1"],"constcat":["concat! @9 @f @2 const variables @6 expressions","0.5.0"],"lychee_lib":[C[278],C[32]],"surrealml_@O":["^e @O ^C learning @1 @2 SurrealML @u enables SurrealDB to store @6 load ML models","0.1.3"],"oxygengine_audio":["Audio ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"cronchik":["$p cron expression @h","2.0.4"],"buldak":["It is a @1 @u @r various sorting @n.","0.28.1"],"aws_sdk_pinpointsmsvoice":["^v &a @2 $V Pinpoint SMS @6 Voice &h",C[17]],"dpl_&1":["Travis CI dpl &1 @Y","0.0.1-test.0219d04f0ed6dcf7e7ae57656572c34e"],"aws_sdk_cognitoidentityprovider":["^v &a @2 $V Cognito Identity Provider","1.25.0"],"gix_sec":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K &9 a &B trust ^9","0.10.6"],"wasm_rs_dbg":["dbg! @c @2 @Z $Z","0.1.2"],"tet_io":[C[279],"2.1.2"],"shellcheck_sarif":["Convert shellcheck output to SARIF","0.4.2"],"@J_c":["C $U @2 encoding_rs","0.9.8"],"polars_json":["&D &H logic @2 @7 Polars DataFrame @1","0.39.2"],"apalis_cron":["A @o yet extensible @1 @2 cron-&4 job scheduling @2 @z.","0.5.1"],"sigstore":["An experimental @5 to interact @9 sigstore","0.9.0"],"$g_skyline":["A $g &C @2 ^g @9 Skyline plugins $Y in @3","3.2.0"],"mpchash":["Multi-probe consistent hashing $b @0","1.2.3"],"mg_settings":["Parse &m @P.","0.4.3"],"scratch":["Compile-^0 temporary directory &B by multiple $y @6 erased by `$g clean`","1.0.7"],"^R_stake_^w":["&o Stake ^w",C[12]],"asn1_rs_impl":["@i details @2 @7 `asn1-rs` @5",C[2]],"users":["@q @2 accessing Unix users @6 groups",C[24]],"terraswap":["^W terraswap @b","2.9.0"],"termimad":["Markdown Renderer @2 @7 Terminal","0.29.2"],"generational_arena":["A &k arena ^D @u supports deletion ^U suffering @E @7 ABA problem by @A generational indices.","0.2.9"],"mozjs":["@3 @4 to @7 Mozilla SpiderMonkey &W $m.",C[41]],"near_abi":["NEAR smart ^S ABI @F","0.4.2"],"$F_web":["A $F $k subscriber layer @2 web platforms.","0.1.3"],"fallible_iterator":["Fallible iterator $3","0.3.0"],"prima_datadog":["An opinionated @1 to share $d @6 approach to Datadog logging in","0.7.1"],"lightning_@J":["Network @J @2 lightning $M peer @l @D @b","0.9.3"],"watchexec_supervisor":["Watchexec's ^M supervisor component","2.0.0"],"uu_yes":["yes ~ (uutils) repeatedly display a line @9 STRING (or 'y')",C[20]],"rusty_pool":["Self growing / shrinking `ThreadPool` @0 @w on crossbeam's multi-producer multi-consumer channels @u enables awaiting @7 result of a task @6 offers @C @f","0.7.0"],"imgui_^d":["Raw FFI @4 to dear imgui",C[24]],"shells":["Sugar-coating @2 invoking shell commands directly @E @3.",C[2]],"dicom_pixeldata":["A high-@W $U @2 ^2 DICOM objects &q images @6 ndarrays","0.7.0"],"minicbor":["A small CBOR codec suitable @2 no_std environments.",C[60]],"blip_buf_^d":["FFI @4 to blip_buf.c","0.1.4"],"ws_^Z_wasm":[C[280],"0.7.4"],"sentry_debug_images":["Sentry $C @u adds @7 list of loaded $A to events.","0.32.3"],"lingua_esperanto_@e_^9":["^e Esperanto @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"xz2":["@3 @4 to liblzma &9 Read/Write streams as well as low-@W in-$7 @J/^2.","0.1.7"],"a11ywatch_cli":["A11yWatch web accessibility CLI.","0.10.15"],"gpio":["Fast GPIO interfaces @2 Linux","0.4.1"],"rumq_@O":["Serializes @6 deserializes mqtt byte ^Z","0.1.0-alpha.10"],"release_plz":[C[567],"0.3.63"],"micro_timer_@8":["$L @2 @7 micro-timer @5",C[7]],"argparse":["Powerful $l-line argument @K @1","0.2.2"],"may_queue":["May's ^7 queue @1","0.1.22"],"lingua_bulgarian_@e_^9":["^e Bulgarian @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"growable_bloom_filter":["Scalable Bloom Filters @9 $5 @f","2.1.0"],"unicode_bom":["^I byte-order mark $B @2 @P @6 byte arrays.","2.0.3"],"procinfo":["A @1 @2 accessing Linux ^M @6 @T @Q","0.4.2"],"roff":["ROFF (man page @G) $i @1","0.2.1"],"redact":["A @o @1 @2 keeping secrets out of logs.","0.1.9"],"@z_s3":["@3 @1 @2 ^g @9 ^v S3 @6 $k object $Q APIs","0.34.0-rc4"],"exon_gff":["A @1 @2 reading @6 $I GFF @P @9 Exon.",C[18]],"zip_next":["$P @5, zip_next, is now a @p ^i `zip`, $z is where all future ^P will take place. Please replace this @5 @9 `zip` as a ^T.","1.1.1"],"deluxe":["@V @c ^K @h","0.5.0"],"ruint_@c":["^e `uint!` @c @2 `Uint` @6 `Bits` literals","1.2.0"],"swift_rs":["Call Swift @E @3 @9 ease!","1.0.6"],"ethereum_hexutil":[C[894],"0.2.3"],"^n_bounties":["FRAME ^n to manage bounties (@s @L)",C[90]],"glsl_layout":["@M @D @b @6 $3 to $s @y ready to upload &q UBO.","0.5.0"],"sway_ir_@8":["$L @2 sway's intermediate ^A.","0.56.0"],"local_channel":["A non-threadsafe multi-producer, single-consumer, $r-aware, FIFO queue","0.1.5"],"sp_maybe_compressed_blob":["Handling of blobs, usually Wasm $d, $z may be compresed",C[67]],"result_inspect":["Adds @7 missing Result::inspect() @R","0.3.0"],"textwrap_@8":[C[615],"0.3.0"],"wrpc_transport_nats":["wRPC NATS transport",C[37]],"holochain_cli_sandbox":["A @1 @6 CLI to help create, run @6 interact @9 sandboxed Holochain conductor environments, @2 $u @6 ^P purposes.",C[281]],"tdigest":["T-Digest $b in @3","0.2.3"],"accesskit_macos":["AccessKit UI accessibility infrastructure: macOS adapter",C[0]],"gherkin":[C[282],C[3]],"tide_$u":["tide $u &x","0.1.3"],"chksum_sha2_224":["An @0 of @7 SHA-2 224 hash @R @9 a straightforward @g @2 computing digests of bytes, @P, &Z, @6 more.","0.0.0"],"fastnbt":["Serde deserializer @2 Minecraft's NBT @G","2.5.0"],"static_@P":["^e @1 to help automate static resource @U.","0.2.3"],"shabal":["Shabal hash @n","0.4.1"],"retry_policies":["A @U of plug-@6-play retry policies @2 @3 projects.","0.3.0"],"z3":["High-@W @z @4 @2 @7 Z3 SMT solver @E Microsoft Research",C[51]],"slack_morphism":["Slack Morphism is a modern @d @1 @2 Slack Web/Events $U/Socket Mode @6 Block Kit","2.2.0"],"vulkano_shaders":["Shaders @z $d $i @c","0.34.0"],"rollo":["A @3-@w multiplayer @j.","0.13.6"],"wsts":["Weighted Schnorr Threshold Signatures, @w on FROST","9.0.0"],"pq_^d":[C[283],"0.5.0"],"schemer_rusqlite":["SQLite3 adapter @2 @7 Schemer $O schema migration @1","0.2.2"],"npy":["NumPy $R @G (de-)@t",C[7]],"inline_tweak":["Tweak ^Q directly @E @7 source $d","1.1.1"],"s3s":["S3 &h Adapter",C[11]],"gstreamer":["@3 @4 @2 GStreamer","0.22.4"],"boon":["JSONSchema (draft 2020-12, draft 2019-09, draft-7, draft-6, draft-4) Validation","0.5.3"],"lockfree":["$P @5 @r &Y @D @y @6 a solution to @7 ABA problem as an alternative of hazard pointers","0.5.1"],"swc_ecma_compat_es2019":["ES2019 compatibility transforms","0.5.0"],"sapling_&j_ce":["Cryptographic @1 @2 Zcash Sapling @9 more content","0.1.3"],"$F_actix":["Allow $F actor $r in actix",C[7]],"peekmore":["Iterator adapter &4 Peekable, but @2 peeking forward multiple elements","1.3.0"],"cynic":["A $d first GraphQL @d @2 @3","3.6.1"],"^n_session":["FRAME sessions ^n (@s @L)",C[64]],"randomkit":["`numpy.random` @2 @3.","0.1.1"],"stack_graphs":["Name &G @2 arbitrary ^a languages",C[8]],"aws_sdk_dynamodbstreams":["^v &a @2 $V DynamoDB Streams",C[17]],"ferium":["Fast CLI ^w @2 managing Minecraft mods @6 modpacks @E Modrinth, CurseForge, @6 Github Releases","4.5.2"],"awak":["A small @C @v @2 @3","0.2.35"],"c2_chacha":["^e ChaCha family of ^Z ciphers","0.3.3"],"papyrus":["A @z repl @6 script runner","0.17.2"],"bevy_fly_camera":["A basic flying camera in Bevy",C[11]],"mumble_link":["Connector @2 Mumble Link positional audio",C[2]],"reqwest_retry":["Retry &f @2 reqwest.","0.5.0"],"aws_sdk_macie2":["^v &a @2 $V Macie 2",C[4]],"zcash_history":["@q @2 Zcash blockchain history ^H",C[7]],"liboverdrop":["Configuration @1, @9 directory overlaying @6 fragments dropins",C[5]],"special_fun":["Special @n @2 @3 by &G to @7 Cephes @1.","0.3.0"],"conjure_$5":["Serde Serializer @6 Deserializer &K @2 Conjure","3.6.6"],"enum_index":["Trait @6 @8 @2 extracting Enum variant index",C[2]],"aws_sdk_pinpointemail":["^v &a @2 $V Pinpoint Email &h",C[17]],"$g_lambda_remote":[C[43],"1.2.1"],"unic_char_property":["UNIC — ^I Character Tools — Character Property taxonomy, ^b @6 $s @8","0.9.0"],"fastcgi":["FastCGI @1 $Y in pure @3",C[9]],"ntex":["Framework @2 composable $M services","1.2.1"],"font_loader":["A font loading ^q $Y in @6 @2 @3.",C[24]],"dockworker":["Docker daemon $U @d. (a fork of Faraday's boondock)","0.5.1"],"wasmbus_@8":["@a @8 @2 wasmbus-rpc","0.1.11"],"hudsucker":["MITM HTTP/S proxy",C[37]],"typedef":["Identify, compare @b or print ^j names.","0.3.2"],"vcpkg":["A @1 to find ^F ^4 in a vcpkg &5 at $s ^0 in order to be $9 in Cargo $s scripts.","0.2.15"],"xdr_rs_serialize":[C[516],"0.3.1"],"obj_rs":["Wavefront obj @h @2 @3. It handles both 'obj' @6 'mtl' formats.","0.7.1"],"$g_bpf":["Cargo $W to manage eBPF probes @A redbpf","2.3.0"],"r2d2_sqlite":[C[284],C[60]],"deno_unsync":["A @U of adapters to make ^g @9 Tokio single-threaded runtimes easier","0.3.3"],"argmap":["parse $l-line arguments &q a hashmap @6 vec of positional args","1.1.2"],"@s_node_@O_provisioner":["Responsible @2 assembling a relay chain block @E a set of available parachain candidates (@s @L)",C[67]],"html_diff":["@q detect HTML diffs","0.0.6"],"hamcrest":["A port of @7 Hamcrest $u @1","0.1.5"],"convert_base":["convert @7 radix (base) of digits stored in a vector","1.1.2"],"august":["A @5 & ^w @2 converting HTML to plain text.","2.4.0"],"$r_util":[C[794],"0.3.30"],"text_io":["really @o to &z panicking input @n","0.1.12"],"crash_handler":["Allows running of user $d during crash events","0.6.1"],"sn_launch_tool":["SAFE $U",C[45]],"cumulus_relay_chain_@g":["^W @g @2 different relay chain datasources. (@s @L)",C[24]],"egui_toast":["Toast notifications @2 @7 egui @1",C[8]],"lowcharts":["Tool to draw low-resolution graphs in $o","0.5.8"],"iso7816_tlv":["^H @6 @m @2 $H TLV @D as defined in ISO/IEC 7816-4","0.4.4"],"wayland_@d":["$a to @7 ^l C @0 of @7 wayland @l, @d side.","0.31.2"],"useful_@c":["Collections of useful @8","0.2.29"],"re_log":["Helpers @2 setting up @6 doing text logging in @7 Rerun $y.",C[35]],"alac":["An ALAC decoder in @3.","0.5.0"],"libcontainer":["@q @2 container control","0.3.2"],"newtype_@a":["$P @5 @r @8 @2 deriving $4 $3 @2 newtype @y.","0.1.6"],"const_default":["A const Default ^8",C[9]],"bevy_$J_assets":["A Bevy $W to embed assets in &3 game",C[48]],"sc_executor":["A @5 @u @r means of executing/dispatching calls &q @7 @v. (@s @L)",C[79]],"&w_ap_&w_@D_@y":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_data_structures` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit $N ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish",C[42]],"axoproject":["$K $B logic @2 various @B","0.7.1"],"gcemeta":["$P @1 @r ^s to Google Compute Engine ^G service.","0.2.3"],"fastembed":["@3 @0 of &Q://^J/qdrant/fastembed","3.5.0"],"aws_smithy_@v":["^e new smithy @v @5","1.3.1"],"^n_authorship":["Block @6 Uncle Author tracking @2 @7 FRAME (@s @L)",C[64]],"wasmparser":[C[783],C[285]],"bssl_^d":["Placeholder @Y @2 boringssl @4",C[5]],"riscv_rt":["Minimal @v / startup @2 RISC-V CPU's",C[92]],"holochain_$4":["holochain @O commons",C[84]],"swc_css_ast":["AST @S of css","0.140.22"],"$5_&v":["Serialization &v trees","0.7.0"],"yn":["Natural @e processing @1 @2 yes or no ^Q","0.1.1"],"vk_mem":["@3 ffi @4 @6 idiomatic @p @2 AMD Vulkan Memory Allocator (VMA)","0.3.0"],"slings":["A small @C @v @w on io-uring @2 @3","0.3.46"],"&w_ap_&w_parse":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_parse` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit $N ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish",C[42]],"wat_ast":["@Z text @G (.wat) style-preserving syntax &5 @2 $q human readable $d.","0.20.3"],"owned_alloc":["A @5 to help reducing manual $7 ^c errors.",C[2]],"node_^d":["Raw @4 to @7 Node.js $U @2 projects @A wasm-^k.","0.4.2"],"fuel_indexer_@c_^r":["Fuel Indexer Macro Utils",C[34]],"nt_^0":["A $v $R ^0 @1","0.6.10"],"$R_lock":[C[286],"2.1.11"],"mongo_$R_center":["To store perennial @P @6 temporary @P in MongoDB.","0.6.8"],"tensorflow":["@3 @e @4 @2 TensorFlow.",C[37]],"lindera_unidic_&0":["A Japanese morphological dictionary &0 @2 UniDic.",C[1]],"yare":["Lean parameterized &1 case @1 @2 @3 🚀","3.0.0"],"pathfinder_content":["Vector path @m @2 @7 Pathfinder rendering @1","0.5.0"],"@z_netrc":["netrc @f @2 @3 @9 @f @2 reqwest","0.1.1"],"snarkvm_synthesizer":["Synthesizer @2 a $D &l ^C",C[26]],"apache_avro":["A @1 @2 ^g @9 Apache Avro in @3",C[33]],"nu_^r":["Nushell ^q @n","0.92.2"],"kagura":["component-oriented GUI @j","0.14.5"],"tonic_$F_opentelemetry":["Middlewares @6 ^H to integrate tonic + $F + opentelemetry.","0.18.2"],"wasmtime_wmemcheck":["Memcheck @0 @2 Wasmtime",C[63]],"markup":[C[287],C[32]],"wasmtime_component_@c":["$L @2 deriving component @g @b @E @3 @b",C[63]],"aquamarine":["A mermaid.js $C @2 rustdoc","0.5.0"],"rusty_leveldb":["A $k re-@0 of LevelDB in @3","3.0.0"],"webview2_^d":["Low Level $a @2 WebView2 &a","0.1.1"],"quickcheck":["Automatic property @w $u @9 shrinking.","1.0.3"],"multitask":["An executor @2 running @C tasks",C[2]],"raui_tesselate_renderer":["RAUI renderer @u tesselates layout &q vertex @6 index buffers","0.63.0"],"quoted_$6_@h":["Quoted $6 @h @2 grammar defined in RFC3261",C[5]],"ruva_@c":[C[318],"0.3.17"],"symbolic_expressions":["A symbolic-expression @h/writer","5.0.3"],"tcod":["^e @3 @4 @2 @7 Doryen @1 (a.k.a. libtcod).",C[32]],"mozprofile":["@q @2 ^g @9 Mozilla profiles.","0.9.2"],"vercel_@v_router":["Vercel @3 Function &R Router","1.1.1"],"sciter_rs":["@3 @4 @2 Sciter - Embeddable HTML/CSS/script $m (cross-@x desktop GUI toolkit). Also capable @9 DirectX / OpenGL.","0.5.58"],"hidden_^8":["Proc @c @2 exposing a ^8 @0","0.1.2"],"http_@b":[C[949],"2.12.0"],"nydus_api":["APIs @2 Nydus Image &h","0.3.1"],"customizable_buddy":["A new buddy ^D @u allows custom buddy finding $b","0.0.3"],"parity_publish":["A tool to manage publishing Parity's $y","0.5.1"],"k8s_openapi_ext":["&T of fluent &0 $3 @2 Kubernetes objects","0.0.34"],"wadm":["wasmCloud Application Deployment Manager: A tool @2 running Wasm @B in wasmCloud",C[24]],"likely_stable":["likely @6 unlikely $E hints in stable @z","0.1.2"],"atsame54p":["Peripheral ^s $U @2 ATSAME54P $S ($X @A svd2rust)",C[0]],"datatest_stable":["Data-driven tests @u work on stable @3","0.2.9"],"chksum_hash":["An @0 of hash $h @2 batch @6 ^Z computation.","0.5.0"],"iso4217":["ISO 4217 @D.","0.3.2"],"bevy_eventlistener":[C[288],"0.7.0"],"unimock":["A versatile @6 developer-&n ^8 mocking @1","0.6.5"],"streamdeck":["Elgato Stream Deck driver @6 $l line @g","0.9.0"],"statehub_k8s_&x":["Statehub Kubernetes &x @1","0.6.2"],"$F_timing":["Inter-event timing ^u on top of $F.","0.6.0"],"$4_@8":["@M $4 @8 &4 `hash_map!` or `hash_set!` (WIP)","0.1.1"],"toml_&1_harness":["Cargo &1 harness @2 verifying TOML parsers","0.4.8"],"nom_@a_impl":[C[495],C[41]],"enso_flexer":[C[579],C[2]],"libxml":["A @3 @p @2 libxml2 - @7 XML C @h @6 toolkit developed @2 @7 Gnome $K","0.3.3"],"klask":["^t create GUI @2 clap apps",C[9]],"stardust_xr_molecules":["Widget @1 @2 Stardust XR, built on top of Fusion","0.29.0"],"c_ares_^d":["Low-@W @4 to @7 c-ares @1","9.1.1"],"$5_transcode":["Transcode @E one Serde @G to another","1.1.1"],"vec_arena":["A @o object arena","1.2.0"],"ena":["Union-find, congruence closure, @6 other unification $d. Based on $d @E &w.","0.14.2"],"mbrman":["MBR Partition Management in @3","0.5.2"],"abstract_cw20":[C[289],"2.0.0-rc"],"wax":["Opinionated @6 portable globs @u can be matched against paths @6 directory trees.","0.6.0"],"ascii":["ASCII-only equivalents to `char`, `str` @6 `String`.","1.1.0"],"bootloader_x86_64_uefi":["UEFI bootloader @2 x86_64","0.11.7"],"pi_@C":["Based on future (MVP), a universal $1 @v @6 tool $9 to provide a foundation @2 @7 outside world","0.5.16"],"miden_assembly":["Miden VM assembly @e","0.9.1"],"bitm":["^e @1 @2 bit @6 bitmap (bit vector) manipulation.","0.4.1"],"@z_lzo":["A pure @z @0 of lzo converted @E Linux's C @0 @A corrode","0.6.2"],"esp32s2":["Peripheral ^s @5 @2 @7 ESP32-S2",C[37]],"&m_parser2":["Another &m @K @1","0.1.5"],"python_&m_rs":["Python distribution @Q via python3-&m. $P @5 @r a @3 @g to &3 system's Python distribution @Q. Our goal is @2 this to be useful in $s scripts, or in any $w where getting @7 Python include &Z, linker flags, or &N flags is necessary. $P @5 also @r a reimplementation of python3-&m, @7 script, @u can query $G @Q about &3 distribution. ^e ^5 only needs a Python interpreter. We show @u our ^5 is $U $k @9 existing `python3-&m` scripts. See @7 repsitory @2 more $K @Q.","0.1.2"],"tensorboard_rs":["Write @D @2 Tensorboard @E @3.","0.5.9"],"$F_chrometrace":[C[290],"0.1.19"],"sodalite":["Tweetnacl in pure @z @9 no std ^T",C[7]],"biome_text_size":["$j to treat text sizes/ranges in a more ^j-&k","0.5.7"],"esaxx_rs":["Wrapping ^i sentencepiece's esaxxx @1.","0.1.10"],"mcai_worker_sdk":[C[450],"2.1.1-rc0"],"dbui_$O":["Database ^s @6 schema introspection @2 dbui","0.0.64"],"texture_packer":["A texture packing @1 @A @7 skyline heuristic","0.28.0"],"@z_libindy_@p":[C[291],"0.2.13"],"&l_node":["A standalone Virtual DOM","0.5.0"],"serialize_to_javascript_impl":["@i detail of `serialize-to-javascript`","0.1.1"],"tauri_$W_positioner":["Position &3 &O at well-known locations.",C[292]],"wasi_$4":[C[62],C[63]],"near_units":["@3 @1 @2 @K @6 displaying NEAR units.",C[2]],"askama":["Type-&k, compiled Jinja-&4 templates @2 @3",C[51]],"gix_quote":["A @5 of @7 gitoxide $K dealing @9 various quotations $9 by git","0.4.12"],"deno_tls":["TLS @2 Deno","0.135.0"],"fmt_extra":["Extra formaters not shipped in @7 ^l @1","0.2.1"],"opencl_^d":["OpenCL C FFI @4 @2 @7 @3 ^a @e.","0.3.1"],"haproxy_api":["HAProxy 2.x Lua $U","0.7.0"],"poolite":["A lite threadpool @1.","0.7.1"],"pen_ffi_@c":["FFI @c @1 @2 Pen ^a @e","0.5.0"],"black_scholes":["A Black Scholes option pricing @1.",C[41]],"lazy_mut":["$P @5 @r a ^p @u can be $9 to lazily initialized ^Q as well as a @c @2 ^E lazy variables.",C[5]],"crc64fast":["SIMD accelerated CRC64 calculation","1.1.0"],"ndarray_conv":["N-Dimension convolution (@9 FFT) lib @2 ndarray.","0.3.3"],"leptos":["Leptos is a full-stack, isomorphic @3 web @j leveraging fine-grained reactivity to $s declarative user interfaces.","0.6.11"],"ark_ed_on_bls12_377_ext":["Extensions @2 Twisted Edwards curve defined over @7 scalar field of @7 BLS12-377 curve","0.4.1"],"rand_isaac":["ISAAC random number @H","0.3.0"],"plotters_canvas":["Plotters HTML5 Canvas Backend","0.3.0"],"bitcode_@a":["@i of #[@a(Encode, Decode)] @2 bitcode","0.6.0"],"schematic_@b":["Shapes @6 @b @2 defining schemas @2 @3 @b.","0.7.0"],"nfd":["@3 @4 to nativefiledialog","0.0.4"],"aws_sdk_resiliencehub":["^v &a @2 ^v Resilience Hub",C[17]],"fortanix_sgx_^H":["Tools @2 ^6 @6 running enclaves @2 @7 Fortanix SGX ABI. $P contains `ftxsgx-runner` to run &8 `x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx` enclaves, as well as `ftxsgx-elf2sgxs`, $z is $9 in @7 $s ^M @2 @7 `x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx` target.","0.5.1"],"aabb3":["aabb3","0.2.1"],"lightproc":["Lightweight ^M $x @2 @3","0.3.6-alpha.0"],"rusoto_lambda":["^v &a @2 @3 - ^v Lambda @ 2015-03-31",C[15]],"cw1":["Definition @6 @b @2 @7 CosmWasm-1 @g","2.0.0"],"substrate_wasmtime_profiling":[C[293],C[81]],"pest_typed_@a":["pest-typed's @a @c.",C[8]],"tauri_$s":["$s ^0 $d to pair @9 &Q://$y/tauri",C[200]],"^R_install":["^e ^R cluster software installer",C[12]],"svc_agent":["An agent @1.",C[37]],"rustty":["A $o UI @1","0.1.12"],"sharded_slab":["A lock-free &Y slab.","0.1.7"],"wasmtime_environ":["Standalone $Z @f @2 WebAsssembly $d in Cranelift",C[63]],"parity_scale_codec":["SCALE - $p Concatenating Aggregated Little Endians","3.6.9"],"bevy_ecs_ldtk":["An ECS-&n ldtk $W @2 bevy.","0.9.0"],"git_revision":[C[19],"0.10.4"],"flatpak":[C[834],"0.18.1"],"autd3_$3":[C[547],"14.2.2"],"aws_sdk_emrcontainers":["^v &a @2 $V EMR Containers","1.24.0"],"lexicon_fractional_index":["Fractional index @0 migrated @E Go/&W","0.0.4-a1"],"tp_trie":["Patricia trie stuff @A a tetsy-scale-codec node @G","2.1.2"],"r1cs":["A @1 @2 ^6 R1CS gadgets","0.4.7"],"v_$4":[C[367],"0.9.0"],"extism_@v":["Extism @v component","0.5.5"],"infrared":["Infrared remote control @1","0.14.2"],"surge_tables":["surge synthesizer -- handle to lookup tables @2 various dsp @n",C[99]],"rbatis_@c_driver":[C[121],"4.5.5"],"foundationdb_@8":["Macro @S $9 to maintain @7 FoundationDB's @5","0.3.0"],"pix":["Pixel / raster image @1","0.13.3"],"&w_ap_&w_@8":["^t published $2 of @7 @Y `rustc_macros` in @7 @z-lang/@z &M @E commit $N ^e publishing script @2 this @5 lives at: &Q://^J/alexcrichton/&w-auto-publish",C[42]],"pciid_@h":["A @1 @2 @K PCI ID tables","0.7.2"],"$g_groups":["Run $g commands on a groups of $y in a workspace","0.1.8"],"libstrophe":["@3 ergonomic @p @2 libstrophe","0.19.3"],"bevy_@o_tilemap":["Refreshingly @o tilemap @0 @2 Bevy Engine.",C[3]],"slug":["Convert a unicode $6 to a slug","0.1.5"],"steamlocate":["@3 Crate @2 locating Steam game installation &Z (@6 Steam itself!)","2.0.0-beta.2"],"switchboard_^w":["A @3 @1 to interact @9 Switchboard @D feeds.","0.2.1"],"tetcore_std":["Lowest-$x @W @2 @7 Tetcore @v","2.1.2"],"bracket_pathfinding":["Pathfinding @6 field-of view @m. A Star, Dijkstra. Part of @7 bracket-lib family.","0.8.7"],"tp_api_^O_@c":["Tetcore $L @2 declaring @6 $f @v apis.","2.1.2"],"gdk_pixbuf_^d":["FFI @4 to libgdk_pixbuf-2.0","0.19.5"],"rustpython_@h":["Python @e @h @2 Python3.","0.3.1"],"trillium":["a modular toolkit @2 ^6 @C web apps","0.2.19"],"libz_^d":["Low-@W @4 to @7 @T libz @1 (also known as zlib).","1.1.16"],"csfml_@T_^d":["$a to csfml-@T","0.6.0"],"auto_launch":["Auto launch any $w or executable at startup. Supports $v, macOS, @6 Linux.","0.5.0"],"zcash_@d_$n":["APIs @2 ^E shielded Zcash light clients",C[51]],"map_vec":["^e Map @6 Set APIs backed by Vec","0.5.0"],"$F_panic":["A panic hook @u captures panic @Q as a $F event","0.1.2"],"pic8259":["Abstractions @2 @7 8259 @6 8259A interrupt controllers",C[24]],"git_url":[C[19],"0.13.3"],"actix_@N_&m":["Actix @N &m ^r",C[1000]],"rls_span":["Types @2 identifying $d spans/ranges","0.5.4"],"deadline":["A one-@c @5 to ensure assertions meet their deadlines.",C[2]],"rb_^d":["@3 @4 @2 @7 CRuby $U","0.9.97"],"tabwriter":["Elastic tabstops.","1.4.0"],"&5_sitter_&m":["User $G of &5-sitter's $l line programs","0.22.5"],"sane_fmt":["Opinionated $d formatter @2 TypeScript @6 &W","0.18.1"],"once_cell":[C[294],"1.19.0"],"caith":["A dice roller @1 supporting many &L","4.2.3"],"typeshare_marker":["Include marker ^K @2 @7 typeshare @H.","0.0.1"],"resolve_path":["Easily resolve tilde paths @6 relative paths",C[5]],"qrcode":[C[295],C[3]],"$g_&C_^G":["Embed ^G &q a Cargo &C, so @u `$g --list` can show a description of @7 &C",C[5]],"bloom2":["Fast, compressed 2-@W bloom filter @6 bitmap","0.3.1"],"codspeed_criterion_compat":[" compatibility layer @2 CodSpeed","2.6.0"],"cosmwasm_vm":["VM @4 to run cosmwams ^b","1.4.4"],"z_serial":["Zenoh Serial Framing","0.2.3"],"pallas_traverse":["$j to traverse over multi-era block @D",C[34]],"endian_^j":[C[983],C[2]],"rkyv_typename_@a":["^x @c @2 rkyv_typename","0.7.44"],"rusoto_ec2":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V Elastic Compute Cloud @ 2016-11-15",C[15]],"linfa_datasets":["&T of small datasets @2 Linfa","0.7.0"],"tectonic_$m_bibtex":["^e `bibtex` ^w as a reusable @5.","0.2.2"],"$F_appender":["@M @m @2 $R appenders @6 making non-blocking writers.","0.2.3"],"swc_$E_base":["Base @5 @2 @7 'swc' @5. $P is not a public $U.","0.8.0"],"qldb":["Driver @2 Amazon's QLDB Database &s in pure @z.","3.2.8"],"esp_alloc":["A heap ^D @2 Espressif devices","0.3.0"],"retty":["Retty — an $1 @3 networking @j @u makes it easy to $s protocols, $w clients/servers.","0.29.0"],"webrtc_ice":["A pure @3 @0 of ICE",C[41]],"inotify_^d":["inotify @4 @2 @7 @3 ^a @e","0.1.5"],"include_base64":["A @c to include a $R as a base64-encoded $6 at &N ^0",C[5]],"typed_html_@8":["Type checked JSX @2 @3 (proc_macro @5)","0.2.2"],"oxygengine_input_device_web":["Web input devices ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"$g_deb":["Make Debian packages (.deb) easily @9 a Cargo &C","2.1.1"],"linked_list":["An alternative @0 of std::&u::LinkedList","0.0.3"],"geometry_rs":["geometry ^r","0.2.1"],"bounded_static_@a":["Macro to @a ToBoundedStatic @6 IntoBoundedStatic $3","0.7.0"],"cronjob":["cronjob @1 @2 scheduling &3 methods","0.4.17"],"wasm_^k_&1_@c":["^1 $u @c @2 wasm-^k","0.3.42"],"zenoh_$W_^8":[C[750],C[76]],"ispc":["A $s-^0 ^T @2 Cargo $s scripts to help @9 compiling @6 linking to ISPC $d @6 $q @3 @4 @2 @7 resulting @1. $P @5 is a meta-@5 @2 @7 ispc_compile @6 ispc_rt $y, $z provide @7 actual @I @2 ^6 ISPC $d @6 $q @4, @6 importing those @4 &q @3.","2.0.1"],"buildkite_&1_collector":["Official Buildkite Test Analytics Collector @2 @3","0.1.3"],"dirs_next":[C[671],"2.0.0"],"des":["DES @6 Triple DES (3DES, TDES) block ciphers @0",C[814]],"aes256ctr_poly1305aes":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 AES256CTR-Poly1305AES Authenticated Encryption @9 optional architecture-&2 hardware acceleration.",C[2]],"cosm_orc":["Cosmwasm smart ^S orchestration @6 gas profiling @1","4.0.1"],"gtk_rs_lgpl_docs":["LGPL-licensed docs @2 Gtk-rs $y","0.1.18"],"@C_codec_lite":["Adaptors @E AsyncRead/AsyncWrite to Stream/Sink @A $r.","0.0.2"],"lang_tester":["Concise @e $u @j @2 compilers @6 VMs","0.8.1"],"bb8":["Full-featured @C (^h-@w) connection pool (&4 r2d2)","0.8.3"],"automod":["Pull in every source $R in a directory as a ^y.","1.0.14"],"colain":["A @h @2 @7 ^W Layer &P @G (.cli)","0.1.4"],"$g_spellcheck":["Checks all doc comments @2 spelling mistakes",C[3]],"must_future":["A @p future marked must_use - mainly to wrap BoxFutures","0.1.2"],"windirs":["A &k @p ^i `SHGetKnownFolderPath`.","1.0.1"],"tunneler_@O":["@M @7 Core @I @2 @7 Tunneler software",C[45]],"cranelift_interpreter":["Interpret Cranelift IR",C[306]],"kiss3d":["3D &X $m @2 @3.","0.35.0"],"liblapack_^d":["^e @Y @r @4 to @7 Linear Algebra PACKage.",C[2]],"aws_sdk_lightsail":["^v &a @2 $V Lightsail","1.24.0"],"dptree":["An $1 event dispatch mechanism @2 @3","0.3.0"],"ethereum_bigint":[C[618],"0.2.9"],"bp_dbc":["Deterministic bitcoin commitments @1",C[29]],"volo":["Volo is a high-@X @6 strong-extensibility @3 RPC @j @u helps developers $s microservices.",C[11]],"framebuffer":["Basic framebuffer $x. Handles @7 necessary ioctls @6 mmaps @7 framebuffer device.","0.3.1"],"smccc":["Functions @6 &J @2 @7 Arm SMC Calling Convention (SMCCC) 1.4 @6 Arm Power State Coordination &P (PSCI) 1.1 on aarch64.","0.1.1"],"hdbconnect":["A synchronous pure @z $O driver @2 SAP HANA(TM)","0.28.5"],"miracl_@O_bls12381":["@3 $d of &Q://^J/miracl/@O (miracl_core) @2 curve BLS 12-381","4.2.2"],"actix_web_extras":["Functionality $z should be part of actix-web, but is not.",C[5]],"irc":["@7 irc @5 – usable, @C IRC @2 @3",C[9]],"form_@D":["AsyncRead/AsyncWrite/Stream `multipart/form-@D`","0.5.4"],"destructure_traitobject":["Unsafe &i @2 ^g @9 raw ^8 objects. (Forked @E traitobject)","0.3.0"],"ldap":["Pure @3 LDAP @i (Not abandonware anymore!)",C[2]],"interoptopus_$n_cpython":["Generates CPython @4.","0.14.24"],"hashicorp_vault":["HashiCorp Vault $U @d @2 @3","2.1.1"],"^h_pipe":["&g pipe(2) @1 @A ^h.","0.2.12"],"schemars":["Generate &D Schemas @E @3 $d","0.8.16"],"fuel_indexer_$O_@b":["Fuel Indexer Database Types",C[34]],"dusk_pki":["A @1 @u holds @7 @b @6 @n required to perform keys $c in Dusk",C[8]],"wagyu_zcash_parameters_3":[C[211],C[2]],"enum_display":[C[390],"0.1.4"],"cursive_@C_view":["A loading-screen @p @2 gyscos/cursive views","0.6.0"],"swc_ecma_transforms_$u":[C[217],"0.141.0"],"&w_^B_spirv_@b":["SPIR-V $n @b &B $8 rustc_codegen_spirv @6 spirv-&0","0.9.0"],"oxygengine_$M_$n_^F":["Network Native $n ^y @2 Oxygengine","0.46.1"],"$g_lichking":["Display info about licensing of ^4","0.9.0"],"$r_@O_preview":[C[720],C[159]],"community_id":["$P @Y @r a @3 @0 of @7 open Community ID flow hashing ^l.","0.2.2"],"wombo":["$j @2 managing event loop threads.","0.1.2"],"nat_traversal":["NAT traversal @m.","0.3.4"],"git_mit":["Set author @6 Co-authored trailer.",C[158]],"preserves_schema":["@i of Preserves Schema $d $i @6 @f @2 @3.","5.995.3"],"zitadel":["An @0 of ZITADEL $U ^s @6 authentication in @3.","4.3.0"],"chashmap":["Fast, &Y hash maps @9 extensive $U.","2.2.2"],"@C_graphql_^m_apollo_$F":["An async_graphql ^m to send traces & ^u to Apollo Studio","3.2.15"],"sdset":["Set $c @2 sorted @6 deduplicated slices. Much performances! Such Wow!",C[7]],"unicode_normalization":[C[296],"0.1.23"],"fvm_&B":["Filecoin Virtual Machine &B @b @6 @n","4.1.2"],"clockwork_^r":["Tools @2 ^6 blocks on &o","2.0.19"],"@C_http_codec":["@C HTTP 1.1 @J @6 ^2","0.8.0"],"allegro_image_^d":["Allegro 5 image addon @3 &G","0.0.45"],"peg_@8":["@V @8 @2 @z-peg. To &z @z-peg, see @7 `peg` @5.","0.8.3"],"ogg_next_^d":["Updated low-@W FFI @4 @2 @7 upstream libogg C @1","0.1.3"],"&k_transmute":["A safeguarded transmute() @2 @3",C[54]],"@C_^Z_impl":["^O @8 @2 @C-^Z @5","0.3.5"],"ckb_$3":[C[297],C[10]],"way_cooler":["Customizeable Wayland compositor $Y in @3","0.8.1"],"wit_walrus":["Extension @2 @7 `walrus` @5 to work @9 @Z @g @b.","0.6.0"],"sn_@D_@b":[C[528],"0.19.1"],"stm32f7":["Device @f $y @2 STM32F7 devices",C[35]],"crosstermion":["@m @2 `crossterm`, ^U ties to `termion`",C[3]],"dlopen":["@q @2 opening @6 operating on dynamic link $A (also known as &B objects or &B $A). $P is a modern @6 more flexible alternative to @7 already existing $A &4 libloading or sharedlib","0.1.8"],"sum_^j":["A convenience @c @2 ^E a @p enum $z may be one of several distinct @b.",C[2]],"fuel_gql_@d":[C[798],"0.15.3"],"read_progress_^Z":["Stream reader @p @u tracks @7 number of bytes read",C[9]],"nom_supreme":["A @U of excellent @m @2 nom","0.8.0"],"lightspeed_$R_store":[C[112],"0.55.1"],"refinery":["Powerful SQL migration toolkit @2 @3","0.8.14"],"minicbor_ser":["A @o @0 of $5 @2 minicbor",C[2]],"sample_std":["Sampler @S @6 @k @2 st","0.2.1"],"drm_^d":["$a to @7 Direct Rendering Manager $U","0.7.0"],"pkcs1":["Pure @3 @0 of Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.2 (RFC 8017)",C[298]],"sv_@h_pp":[C[257],"0.13.3"],"llvm_bitcode":["LLVM Bitcode @h in @3","0.1.3"],"device_@b":["&B device @b $9 throughout device-scanner @6 IML","0.3.0"],"radio":["Generic $3 @2 $J packet radio devices",C[51]],"gio_^d":["FFI @4 to libgio-2.0","0.19.5"],"polars_ffi":["FFI ^r @2 @7 Polars $K.","0.39.2"],"^j_uuid_@a":["Custom @a @2 @7 ^j-uuid @5","0.1.2"],"cairo_lang_starknet_classes":["Starknet @S @2 ^S classes.","2.6.3"],"tauri_cli":["Command line @g @2 ^6 Tauri apps","2.0.0-beta.14"],"google_cloud_googleapis":[C[884],C[0]],"wedpr_ffi_@8":["@q of WeDPR ffi &B @8.","1.1.0"],"stringslice":["A @U of methods to slice $e @w on character indices rather than bytes",C[2]],"workflow_node":["$j @6 curated re-exports @2 Node.js APIs.",C[51]],"sharks":["Fast, small @6 secure Shamir's Secret Sharing @1 @5","0.5.0"],"slack_api":["&P @2 @7 Slack Web $U","0.23.1"],"display_as":["Compile-^0 templates @2 displaying @D in different markup formats.","0.7.0"],"i2cdev":["@M $U @2 &k ^s to Linux i2c device @g.","0.6.0"],"twiml":["Typesafe construction of Twilio TwiML","0.3.0"],"mp4parse_fallible":["Fallible replacement @2 Vec","0.0.3"],"bootloader_x86_64_bios_boot_sector":["BIOS boot sector @2 @7 `bootloader` @5","0.11.7"],"multihash_@a":[C[480],"0.9.0"],"ethers_^S_abigen":["Code $i @2 ^j-&k @4 to Ethereum smart ^b","2.0.14"],"&k_app":["SAFE App","0.18.1"],"gtk4":["@3 @4 of @7 GTK 4 @1","0.8.2"],"linefeed":["Interactive $o input reader","0.6.0"],"lightning_net_^h":["@i of @7 @z-lightning $M stack @A Tokio. For @3-Lightning clients $z wish to make direct connections to Lightning P2P nodes, this is a @o alternative to $f @7 required $M stack, especially @2 those already @A Tokio.",C[177]],"memmap":[C[372],"0.7.0"],"pkcs11_@4":["@3 @4 @2 @7 PKCS#11 &d","0.1.5"],"zellij_@N":["^e @N-side @1 @2 Zellij","0.40.0"],"fl2rust":["A fluid (fltk ui designer) $R to @3 transpiler","0.5.19"],"radiant_rs":["Thread-&k @3 sprite rendering $m @9 a &n $U @6 custom shader @f",C[45]],"printer":["Abstraction over $o manipulation","0.7.2"],"const_fnv1a_hash":["A #![no_std] @5 @2 performing FNV1A-16/32/64/128 hashing on @3 stable at &N ^0.","1.1.0"],"@z_decimal":["Decimal number @0 $Y in pure @3 suitable @2 financial @6 fixed-precision calculations.","1.35.0"],"fantoccini":["High-@W $U @2 programmatically $T @9 web pages through WebDriver.","0.20.0-rc.7"],"metatensor":["Self-describing sparse tensor @D @G @2 atomistic ^C learning @6 beyond","0.1.5"],"current_locale":["A @1 to get @7 user's current locale.","0.1.1"],"binance_rs_@C":["Async @3 @q @2 @7 Binance $U","1.3.3"],"gstreamer_gl_wayland_^d":["FFI @4 to libgstgl-1.0 (Wayland @f)","0.22.0"],"wasm_mutate":["A @Z &1 case mutator",C[285]],"salvo_cors":["CORS @f @2 salvo web @N @j.","0.67.1"],"target":["Get @Q on compilation target","2.0.0"],"miraland_measure":["Blockchain @2 sovereign individuals living in Mirascape Horizon","1.18.3"],"cw_orch_^S_@a":["Attribute @c @2 ^E a ^S @g.","0.20.1"],"libipld_pb":["ipld protobuf codec",C[33]],"dinotree_alg":["Dinotree $h","0.9.0"],"bastion_qutex":[C[299],"0.2.4"],"stedi_sdk_@d_guides":["Stedi &a @2 @3 @u includes Guides @d","0.1.76"],"unsafe_unwrap":["Unsafely unwrap Result @6 Option @b ^U checking.",C[5]],"contact":["A highly portable REST @1 @2 Cosmos blockchains","0.4.2"],"regex_cache":["Lazy @6 cached regular expressions.","0.2.1"],"wasmer_inline_c_@c":[C[590],"0.1.6"],"tendermint_p2p":["^e Tendermint P2P stack in @3.",C[79]],"noodles_gff":["Generic Feature Format (GFF) reader @6 writer","0.29.0"],"matchers":["Regex matching on character @6 byte streams.",C[5]],"nu_@D":["Data @2 Nushell",C[68]],"uu_printenv":["printenv ~ (uutils) display &v of $Z VAR",C[20]],"hoedown":["@4 @2 @7 Hoedown markdown processor","6.0.0"],"@z_i18n_extract":["Extractor @2 @z-i18n @5.","3.0.0"],"shellexpand":[C[657],"3.1.0"],"speech_dispatcher":["Rusty @g to @7 speech-dispatcher speech synthesis @1",C[33]],"jamkit":["A small game ^P @1.","0.3.1"],"cairo_lang_sierra_@H":["Sierra $d $i @E lowered Cairo ^A.","2.6.3"],"tokenizers":["@M an @0 of today's most $9 tokenizers, @9 a focus on performances @6 versatility.","0.19.1"],"intuicio_@O":["Core ^y @2 Intuicio scripting @x","0.31.6"],"edit_distance":["Levenshtein edit distance $8 $e, a measure @2 similarity.","2.1.0"],"stm32l4":["Device @f $y @2 STM32L4 devices",C[35]],"input_buffer":["A peekable FIFO-&4 buffer @2 receiving $M @D efficiently","0.5.0"],"exc_@O":[C[742],"0.7.3"],"tugger_&O":["&T of packaging @F &2 to $v",C[11]],"parse_datetime":["@K human-readable ^0 $e @6 converting them to a DateTime","0.5.0"],"halo2_proofs":["Fast PLONK-@w zero-knowledge proving @T @9 no trusted setup","0.3.0"],"$r_await_&1":["Async &1 @f @2 @3 through a $0 @c. $P @5 defines @7 `#[async_test]` ^K to make $I tests @u &z @C/await easier.","0.3.0"],"coffee":["An opinionated 2D game $m focused on simplicity, explicitness, @6 ^j-safety","0.4.1"],"polkavm_assembler":["&R assembler @2 PolkaVM","0.9.0"],"no_std_compat":["A `#![no_std]` compatibility layer @u will make porting &3 @5 to no_std *easy*.","0.4.1"],"libzfs_@b":["Shared @b @2 libzfs","0.1.2"],"radixdb":["a radix &5 @D ^p @2 in $7 or zero copy on disk $Q","0.2.5"],"librashader_@v_vk":[C[327],"0.2.7"],"nodejs_resolver":["nodejs resolve","0.1.1"],"lemmy_websocket":[C[95],"0.16.7"],"menu":["A @o #[no_std] $l line @g.","0.5.0"],"holochain_@O":["holochain @O",C[84]],"dcpu16":["DCPU-16 assembler, disassembler @6 emulator",C[7]],"wpactrl":["wpa_supplicant control @g @1","0.5.1"],"Boa":["DEPRECATED. Use @7 boa_engine @5 ^Y.",C[45]],"gpg_^L":["Libgpg-^L @4 @2 @3","0.6.1"],"recently_$9_xbel":["Parse @7 ~/.local/share/recently-used.xbel $R",C[9]],"aliri_reqwest":["Background token ^c @6 renewal @2 reqwest @w on best practices","0.5.0"],"uu_pr":["pr ~ (uutils) convert text @P @2 printing",C[20]],"sp_ark_bls12_381":["^e BLS12-381 pairing-&n elliptic curve, optimized @2 &E","0.4.1"],"re_smart_channel":["A channel @u keeps track of latency @6 queue length.",C[35]],"polars_arrow":["Minimal @0 of @7 Arrow &d forked @E arrow2","0.39.2"],"boa_@h":["ECMAScript @h @2 @7 Boa &W $m.",C[6]],"shred":["Dispatches systems in parallel $z need read ^s to some resources, @6 write ^s to others.",C[33]],"rkyv_impl":["Macro @2 `rkyv` users to &c methods on `Foo` @6 `ArchivedFoo` in a single `impl` block.","0.2.2"],"lzw":["LZW ^f @6 decompression.",C[11]],"sudograph_^o":["@V @c @2 Sudograph","0.4.3"],"netlify_headers":["Netlify Headers is a @h @2 Netlify _headers $R","0.1.1"],"&5_sitter_java":["Java grammar @2 &5-sitter",C[37]],"dumbmath":["A pretty dumb math @1 oriented towards computer &X","0.2.3"],"pistoncore_glfw_window":["A GLFW window back-end @2 @7 Piston game $m","0.80.0"],"ink_env":["[ink!] Low-@W @g @2 $T @9 @7 smart ^S Wasm executor.","5.0.0"],"print_nanny_@d":[C[425],C[11]],"mp4parse":[C[968],C[28]],"acpi":["A pure-@3 @1 @2 @K ACPI tables","5.0.0"],"fuels_signers":["Fuel @3 &a signers.","0.38.1"],"^Z_reduce":["Fold a ^Z ^U an initial &v",C[5]],"securefmt":["Drop-in replacement @2 @7 Debug @a @c @u hides fields marked as sensitive.","0.1.4"],"wasmer_clif_$n":[C[304],"0.17.1"],"graphannis":["$P is a new $n @0 of @7 ANNIS linguistic search @6 visualization @T.","3.2.2"],"curve25519_dalek_fiat":[C[300],C[5]],"icu_provider_fs":["ICU4X @D provider @u reads @E structured @D @P","1.4.0"],"garage_rpc":["Cluster membership ^c @6 RPC @l @2 @7 Garage object store",C[9]],"arti_@d":["@q @2 connecting to @7 Tor $M as an anonymous @d",C[28]],"iota_&j":["^e canonical source of $t ground-truth @2 all IOTA @3 projects","0.23.1"],"wagyu_zcash_parameters":[C[211],C[2]],"csfml_audio_^d":["$a to csfml-audio","0.6.0"],"indy_sdk":["Note: $P @5 is deprecated in favor of indy (&Q://$y/indy). $P is @7 official &a @2 Hyperledger Indy (&Q://, $z @r a distributed-ledger-@w foundation @2 self-sovereign identity (&Q:// ^e major artifact of @7 &a is a c-callable @1.","0.1.1"],"pinky_swear":["Futures @6 @C/await-ready Promises","6.2.0"],"sqlx_ledger_cel_@h":["A @h @2 @7 ^W Expression Language (CEL)","0.11.3"],"slog_try":["Convenience @8 @2 logging @9 an optional slog Logger.","1.0.2"],"gstreamer_gl_x11_^d":["FFI @4 to libgstgl-1.0 (X11 @f)","0.22.0"],"aws_sdk_workmailmessageflow":["^v &a @2 $V WorkMail Message Flow",C[17]],"jit":["Just-In-Time Compilation in @3 @A LibJIT @4","0.9.1"],"lexical_parse_integer":["Efficient @K of integers @E $e.","0.8.6"],"aws_sdk_quicksight":["^v &a @2 $V QuickSight","1.26.0"],"@C_shutdown":["one-stop solution @2 @C graceful shutdown","0.1.4"],"@D_@J_@c_^7":["^1 @1 @2 @D-@J-@c","0.1.12"],"fmt_iter":["Print all items @E an iterator","0.2.1"],"musli_zerocopy":["Refreshingly @o zero copy @F by Müsli.","0.0.120"],"luthor":["A @U of lexers @2 various languages/formats, @6 @7 ^H required to $s them.",C[2]],"rendy_descriptor":["Rendy's descriptor ^D","0.5.1"],"nix_editor":["Some @n to modify NixOS $G @P","0.3.0"],"industrial_io":["Linux Industrial I/O (IIO) Support","0.5.2"],"drone_stm32_map_pieces_9":[C[187],C[3]],"xmp_writer":["Write XMP ^G, step by step.",C[2]],"pi_share":["rc, arc, lock, atomic","0.4.15"],"hifitime":["Ultra-precise date @6 ^0 $H in @3 @2 scientific @B @9 leap second @f","4.0.0-dev"],"jsonrpc_@d_@c":["^1 ^O-@c @5 @2 `jsonrpc_client`.","0.3.0"],"roqoqo_quest":["QuEST simulator @2 @7 qoqo quantum computing toolkit",C[45]],"tsync":["Generate typescript @b @E @z $d.","2.1.0"],"probes":["@q to read out @T stats @E a ^C running Unix","0.7.1"],"microservices":["LNP/BP @f @5 @2 devloping microservices","0.9.0"],"rand_derive2":["Generate customizable random @b @9 @7 rand @5","0.1.21"],"trayicon":["Tray Icon, @u thing in @7 corner","0.1.3"],"gcsf":["Filesystem @w on Google Drive","0.2.4"],"binout":["^e @1 @2 ^5 @t/^3 of integers @6 arrays of integers.","0.2.1"],"virtio_queue":["virtio queue @0",C[0]],"proctitle":["A &k @g to setting ^M titles","0.1.1"],"bee_$4":["^W @m $9 across @7 bee @j","0.6.0"],"mundane":["Cryptography $z is easy to &z @6 hard to misuse","0.5.0"],"deno_x86_64_apple_darwin":[C[197],C[60]],"ic_scalable_canister":["Template @2 scalable child canister","0.3.1"],"syn_select":["A &e selector $m @2 searching @3 source $d.","0.3.0"],"darwin_libproc_^d":["FFI @4 @2 macOS libproc",C[2]],"color_to_tui":["Parse colors @6 convert them to ratatui::style::Colors","0.3.0"],"jmespath":[C[301],"0.3.0"],"selectors":["CSS Selectors matching @2 @3",C[34]],"intl_memoizer":["A memoizer specifically tailored @2 storing lazy-initialized intl formatters.","0.5.1"],"cotton":["A prelude @9 $y, @b @6 @n useful @2 $I CLI ^H.","0.1.1"],"quire":["A YAML-@w $G @K @1","0.4.1"],"srp":["Secure Remote Password (SRP) @l @0","0.6.0"],"@C_event":["An &6 @C condition variable @2 lock-free $h.",C[5]],"rattler_digest":["An @o @5 $9 by rattler $y to compute different hashes @E different sources","0.19.3"],"fd_find":["fd is a @o, &p @6 user-&n alternative to find.","9.0.0"],"wayrs_@d":["A @o wayland @1","1.1.0"],"lmdb_rkv":[C[213],C[3]],"socketpair":["Cross-@x socketpair @I","0.19.5"],"iterext":["Padding @6 separation &r to iterators",C[5]],"cueue":["High @X SPSC circular byte buffer @9 batch $c","0.3.1"],"atat":["AT Parser @2 serial @w device $y","0.22.0"],"rio_turtle":["RDF Turtle, Trig, N-Triples @6 N-Quads parsers @6 serializers","0.8.4"],"&Q":["Host These Things Please - a basic http @N @2 hosting a folder &p @6 simply","1.13.2"],"leptos_meta":["Tools to set HTML ^G in @7 Leptos web @j.","0.6.11"],"opentelemetry_jaeger":["Jaeger exporter @2 OpenTelemetry",C[37]],"db_key":["A datatype intended to be $9 as a $O key.",C[5]],"glib_$s_^H":["@3 @4 @2 @7 Gio @1, $s script ^r @5",C[36]],"&k_^k":["A @1 to automatically ^o C, Java, @6 C# @P @E @3 source @P.","0.13.3"],"@z_cast":["@q @u allows you to communicate @9 Google Cast enabled devices (e.g. Chromecast).","0.18.1"],"json_ld_expansion":["&D-LD document expansion @0",C[33]],"assert_unordered":["A direct replacement @2 `assert_eq` @2 unordered &u","0.3.5"],"os_str_bytes":["Lossless @I @2 @x-^F $e","7.0.0"],"ckb_chain_iter":[C[297],C[10]],"ftdi_mpsse":["@3 &i @2 @7 MPSSE on FTDI chips.","0.1.1"],"fst_levenshtein":["DEPRECATED. Use 'fst' @5 @9 'levenshtein' feature ^Y.","0.3.0"],"starbase_@8":["$L @2 @7 starbase @j.","0.5.2"],"schematic_@8":["$L @2 @7 schematic @5.",C[32]],"protoc_gen_prost_@5":[C[302],C[7]],"headers_accept_@J":["Hypper typed HTTP headers @9 Accept-Encoding + zstd @f","1.1.0"],"corncobs":["COBS encode/decode @2 @3 no_std targets","0.1.3"],"&B_@1":["Easily bind to @6 load &B $A","0.1.9"],"pentacle":["Executes programs as sealed anonymous @P on Linux",C[9]],"aws_mfa":["Authenticate to ^v @9 MFA 🔐","1.0.14"],"valuable_@a":["$L @2 @7 `valuable` @5.",C[5]],"vsdb_@O":[C[465],"0.62.2"],"nnsdk":["Cleanroom reverse-engineered @4 @2 nnsdk (Nintendo Switch &a)","0.3.0"],"miraland_zk_token_sdk":["Miraland Zk Token &a","1.18.3"],"css_modules_@8":[C[460],"0.5.2"],"hcloud":["Unofficial @3 @5 @2 accessing @7 Hetzner Cloud $U",C[36]],"chrono_locale":["Localised date @6 ^0 formatting @1 @2 @3, @w on chrono","0.1.1"],"rillrate":["Real-^0 UI @2 bots","0.41.0"],"sc_$M_transactions":["&E transaction @l (@s @L)","0.37.0"],"kubert_prometheus_^M":["A prometheus-@d ^M ^u collector",C[5]],"icu_locid":["$U @2 managing ^I Language @6 Locale Identifiers","0.1.1"],"sanakirja":[C[587],"1.4.2"],"bevy_inspector_egui_@a":["@i detail of @7 `bevy-inspector-egui` @5",C[60]],"web3":["Ethereum &D-RPC @d.",C[36]],"osproto":["^z @y @2 OpenStack $U (Obsolete)","0.2.2"],"rspec":["Write Rspec-&4 tests @9 stable @z",C[9]],"acl_^d":["FFI @g @2 POSIX Access Control Lists","1.2.2"],"svgparser":["Featureful, pull-@w, zero-allocation SVG @h.","0.8.1"],"graphlib":["Graphlib is a @o @6 powerful @z @1 @2 @7 graph @D-^p.","0.6.3"],"itm_decode":["A @1 @2 ^2 ARM Cortex-m ITM @6 DWT packets","0.6.1"],"starknet_accounts":["Types @2 $H Starknet account $x","0.9.0"],"opencc_@z":["Open Chinese Convert(OpenCC, 開放中文轉換) &G @2 @7 @3 @e @2 &V $8 Traditional Chinese @6 Simplified Chinese.","1.1.18"],"amq_@l_tcp":["AMQP URI TCP connection $H","7.2.0"],"ndarray_npy":[".npy @6 .npz $R @G @f @2 ndarray","0.8.1"],"barter_@D":["High @X & normalised WebSocket intergration @2 leading cryptocurrency exchanges - batteries included.","0.7.0"],"bip39":[C[303],"2.0.0"],"^n_nis":["FRAME ^n @2 rewarding account freezing. (@s @L)",C[64]],"pty_^M":["spawn commands attached to a pty",C[7]],"impl_^8_@2_tuples":["Attribute @c to &c a ^8 @2 tuples","0.2.2"],"xrandr_@h":["XRandR-Parser is a @g @2 @K @7 output of `xrandr --query` &q @3 Stuctures @6 filter through methods.","0.3.0"],"advapi32_^d":["Contains @R @S @2 @7 $v $U @1 advapi32. See winapi @2 @b @6 &J.",C[2]],"$g_udeps":["Find unused ^4 in Cargo.toml","0.1.47"],"checked_$l":["^m to `std::^M::Command` $z adds a output/status considering @7 programs `ExitStatus` @2 @7 returned Result","0.2.4"],"tugger_@z_toolchain":["Discover, download, @6 &z @3 toolchains",C[8]],"trillium_@d":["http/1.x @d @2","0.6.1"],"swc_$W_@c":["Macro @f @2 authoring plugin's transform fn","0.9.16"],"union_find":["Struct @6 methods @2 union-find operation.","0.4.2"],"stateright":["A ^9 checker @2 $f distributed systems.","0.30.1"],"wasmer_clif_$n_fl":[C[304],C[28]],"immi":["Immediate mode user @g toolkit.","1.0.4"],"mown":["Maybe owned ^Q. Wrappers @2 ^Q @u can be either owned or borrowed.",C[9]],"faer_svd":[C[156],"0.17.1"],"noughts_@6_crosses_lib":["Game of tic tac toe","0.0.3"],"iovec":["Portable buffer ^j @2 scatter/gather I/O $c","0.1.4"],"vsort":["GNU Version Sort @3 @0",C[2]],"libevent_^d":["@3 FFI @4 to @7 libevent @1","0.2.6"],"rusoto_athena":["^v &a @2 @3 - $V Athena @ 2017-05-18",C[15]],"hpke_dispatch":["@v algorithmic selection @2 hybrid public key &A","0.5.1"],"chia_streamable_@c":["Streamable @a @c @2 serializing/deserializing @b in Chia @l @G","0.6.0"],"pretty_^j_name":["a shorter $2 of std::any::type_name","1.0.1"],"unic_langid_@8":[C[109],"0.9.4"],"sloppy_rfc4880":["RFC 4880 @h extract @E @7 openpgp @5",C[2]],"xflags_@8":["Private @0 details of xflags.","0.3.2"],"relm4_&I":[C[305],"0.8.1"],"spirv_std_@8":["$L @2 spirv-std","0.9.0"],"$5_rusqlite":["Serialize/deserialize rusqlite rows","0.35.0"],"dotenvs":["A correct dotenv @1",C[5]],"suggest":["A minimal @1 to provide similar name suggestions &4 \"Did you mean?\"","0.5.1"],"protect_endpoints_^O_@c":["A ^O-@c way to protect &3 endpoints","0.3.1"],"actix_daemon_^r":["Daemon $j by actix.","0.7.0"],"egzreader":["Read gzip/non-gzip ^Z easily.","2.0.4"],"scram":["A SCRAM provider @1.","0.6.0"],"pe":["Portable Executable (PE) @K @1","0.1.1"],"lemmy_^r":[C[95],C[96]],"earcutr":["port of MapBox's earcut triangulation $d to @3 @e","0.4.3"],"ibc_@O_handler_@b":["Maintained by `ibc-rs`, encapsulates essential ICS-25 Handler &P @D @y @6 domain @b, as specified in @7 Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) @l. Designed @2 universal applicability to facilitate ^P @6 $C across diverse IBC-enabled projects.","0.52.0"],"cranelift_$5":["Serializer/Deserializer @2 Cranelift IR",C[306]],"openblas_provider":["^e @Y @r BLAS @6 LAPACK @A @7 OpenBLAS @0.","0.4.1"],"^n_transaction_payment":["FRAME ^n to manage transaction payments (@s @L)",C[64]],"wasmcloud_actor_@O":["wasmCloud Core Actor &P","0.2.3"],"rate_@O":["^e RillRate $J HTTP @N.","0.41.0"],"fragile":["@M @p @b @2 sending non-send ^Q to other threads.","1.2.2"],"serial_&1_@a":["Helper @5 @2 serial_test","3.1.1"],"tss_tspi":["$a to @7 TPM 1.2 TSS TSPI","0.0.1"],"rosrust_^B":["Message $i @2 rosrust","0.9.6"],"lyon_@O":["^W resources to all lyon $y.","0.8.0"],"wit_schema_$2":["Definition of @7 schema $2 @2 @7 wasm @g @b ^5 @G. Meant @2 ^7 usage only.",C[5]],"reproto_$n_@z":[C[179],"0.3.36"],"^h_proto":["A $M $w @j @2 rapid ^P @6 highly scalable production deployments of clients @6 servers.","0.1.1"],"keycloak":["Keycloak Admin REST $U.","24.0.301"],"rustogram":["A @z port of HdrHistogram","0.1.4"],"drone_stm32_map_svd":["STM32 SVD to @4 @2 Drone, an Embedded Operating System.",C[3]],"sixtyfps_rendering_$n_default":["Helper @5 to pick @7 default rendering $n @2 SixtyFPS","0.1.6"],"object_store":["A &8 object store @g @2 uniformly $T @9 ^v S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage @6 local @P.",C[11]],"negentropy":["@3 @0 of @7 negentropy set-reconciliation @l.",C[7]],"$g_mpirun":["`$g mpirun` allows you to easily $s @6 run &3 MPI @B in a single $l. It emulates `$g run`, allowing you to specify a target to be built @6 run, @6 $g takes care of @7 rest.","0.1.8"],"^u_exporter_statsd":["^u-rs exporter @u supports reporting ^u to StatsD","0.7.0"],"naia_@d_socket":["Abstraction to expose $4 $U over a UDP socket on Linux, @6 a unreliable WebRTC datachannel on @7 browser","0.22.0"],"alacritty_&m_@a":["Failure resistant ^3 @a","0.2.3"],"nodrop":["A @p ^j to inhibit drop (destructor). ***Deprecated: Use ManuallyDrop or MaybeUninit ^Y!***","0.1.14"],"vergen":["Generate 'cargo:rustc-env' instructions via '' @2 &z in &3 $d via @7 'env!' @c","9.0.0-beta.2"],"rustls_acme":["TLS certificate ^c @6 serving @A rustls","0.9.2"],"secp256k1_zkp":["@3 @4 @2 @7 `libsecp256k1-zkp` @1.",C[41]],"dateparser":["Parse dates in $6 formats @u are commonly $9","0.2.1"],"idx_$R":[C[307],"0.64.0"],"ktx2":["Parser @2 @7 ktx2 texture container @G","0.3.0"],"$F_json":["Tracing Structured Json Logging Adapter",C[5]],"pact_mock_@N":["Pact-@3 @f @1 @u implements in ^M mock @N","1.2.6"],"kbs2":["A secret &y backed by age","0.7.3-rc.1"],"trash":["A @1 @2 moving @P @6 folders to @7 Recycle Bin","4.1.0"],"webhook":["Discord Webhook $U Wrapper","2.1.2"],"googapis":["$P @1 $X @E Google $U @A tonic-$s.","0.6.0"],"rocket_okapi_^B":["$L supporting rocket_okapi","0.8.0"],"bhttp":["Binary HTTP ^X (draft-ietf-httpbis-^5-message)","0.5.1"],"cmov":["Conditional move CPU intrinsics $z are guaranteed to execute in constant-^0 @6 not be rewritten as branches by @7 $E. @M &K @2 @7 CMOV family of instructions on x86/x86_64 @6 CSEL on AArch64.","0.3.1"],"caffe2_@a":["xxx",C[163]],"partition":["partition slices in-place by a predicate","0.1.2"],"aws_sdk_resourcegroupstagging":["^v &a @2 ^v Resource Groups Tagging $U",C[17]],"saltlick":["A @1 @2 encrypting @6 decrypting $R streams @A libsodium","0.4.1"],"iai":["One-shot benchmarking @1","0.1.1"],"lightningcss":[C[328],"1.0.0-alpha.55"],"unic_idna":["UNIC — ^I IDNA Compatibility Processing","0.9.0"],"^R_exchange_^w":["&o Exchange ^w","1.8.16"],"specs_camera":["camera 2d @6 3d component @2 specs","0.5.0"],"$5_encrypt":[C[308],"0.7.0"],"compact_str":["A $7 &6 $6 ^j @u transparently stores $e on @7 stack, when possible","0.8.0-beta"],"rtic_@O":["Core abstractions of @7 Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency @j",C[9]],"color_rs":["A @1 @u @r @b @6 conversions @2 ^g @9 various color formats. Forked @E @7 unmuntained @5 color","0.8.0"],"net_^r":["Network ^q @1 $z @r @d connection pool @2 TCP/SSL connctions","0.0.5"],"alloy_trie":["Fast Merkle-Patricia Trie (MPT) state root calculator @6 proof @H @2 prefix-sorted nibbles","0.3.1"],"multiversx_sc_meta":["MultiversX smart ^S meta-^a ^H @6 $s @T",C[181]],"yew_agent":["Agents @2 Yew","0.3.0"],"icu_casemap_@D":["Data @2 @7 icu_casemap @5","1.4.0"],"bevy_ecs_tilemap":["A tilemap rendering $W @2 bevy $z is more ECS &n by having an entity per tile.",C[0]],"nbytes":["@3 &N-^0 evaluation of byte unit conversions",C[5]],"web_dom":["Web @n @2 DOM manipulation","0.3.10"],"dir_diff":["Do two &Z have different contents?","0.3.3"],"imagequant":["Convert 24/32-bit images to 8-bit palette @9 alpha channel. For lossy PNG ^f @6 high-quality GIF images Dual-licensed &4 pngquant. See &Q:// @2 details.","4.3.1"],"target_$s_^r":["DEPRECATED: Use Cargo $Z variables `CARGO_CFG_TARGET_*`","0.3.1"],"i2c":["Generic I2C $3",C[5]],"const_soft_float":["Const Soft Float Point","0.1.4"],"sha2":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 SHA-2 hash @R family &7 SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, @6 SHA-512.",C[309]],"easy_http_request":["Easy to send HTTP/HTTPS requests.","0.2.13"],"uniffi":["a multi-@e @4 @H @2 @z","0.27.1"],"graph_@o":[C[77],"0.1.5"],"@c_const":["A @c @2 ^E corresponding @c @S @2 &J $z evaluate to @7 same ^Q.",C[5]],"might_be_minified":["Qualified guesswork @2 telling minified javascript @E regular javascript","0.3.0"],"opentelemetry_$w_insights":["OpenTelemetry exporter @2 Azure Application Insights",C[1]],"lingua_thai_@e_^9":["^e Thai @e ^9 @2 Lingua, an &t &S @e $B @1","1.1.0"],"nrf52832_pac":["Peripheral Access Crate @2 Nordic's nrf52832 microcontroller",C[92]],"reqsign":["Signing $U requests ^U effort.",C[32]],"dprint_$W_jupyter":["Formats $d blocks in Jupyter notebooks.","0.1.3"],"hdwallet":["Hierarchical deterministic wallet (BIP-32)","0.4.1"],"nu_$W_inc":["A $2 incrementer $W @2 Nushell","0.92.2"],"jsonwebtoken":["Create @6 decode JWTs in a strongly typed way.","9.3.0"],"$F_&1":["Helper @n @6 @8 @u allow @2 easier $u of $y @u &z `$F`.","0.2.4"],"rfind_url":["Parser to search $e @2 URLs in reverse order","0.4.4"],"logging_timer_^O_@8":["Proc-@c @0 @2 @7 logging_timer @5","1.1.1"],"csrf":["CSRF protection @F","0.4.1"],"urdf_viz":["URDF visualization","0.45.1"],"^R_rpc":["&o RPC",C[12]],"comfy_table":["An easy to &z @1 @2 ^6 beautiful tables @9 automatic content wrapping","7.1.1"],"libdeflate_^d":[C[310],"1.20.0"],"libgpg_^L_^d":["Raw @4 @2 libgpg-^L","0.6.1"],"&w_apfloat":["@3 port of C++ llvm::APFloat @1","0.2.0+llvm-462a31f5a5ab"],"presser":["A @5 to help you copy things &q raw buffers ^U invoking spooky action at a distance (undefined behavior).","0.3.1"],"sampi":["Sampi is a @t @G, @2 0 - 900 bytes of @D, @9 a digital signature, timestamp @6 optional Proof of Work",C[7]],"sc_$F":["Instrumentation @0 @2 substrate. (@s @L)",C[64]],"$F_indicatif":["Tracing layer @u automatically creates @6 manages progress bars @2 active spans.","0.3.6"],"hiro_@T_kit":["Hiro @T kit @1","0.3.4"],"poem_@a":["$L @2 poem","3.0.0"],"mc_sgx_dcap_quoteverify_@b":["@3 @p @2 `dcap_quoteverify` @b.",C[24]],"protobuf_codec":["Encoders @6 decoders @2 ^z Buffers @w on bytecodec @5","0.2.8"],"gremlin_@d":["A @3 @d @2 Apache TinkerPop™","0.8.9"],"ticker":["Rate limited Iterators.","0.1.1"],"number_prefix":["@q @2 numeric prefixes (kilo, giga, kibi).",C[7]],"aws_sdk_grafana":["^v &a @2 $V Managed Grafana",C[4]],"protoc_bin_vendored_macos_x86_64":["protoc ^5 @2 osx-x86_64 compiled by Google @6 bundled in this @5.","3.0.0"],"&k_path":["A @1 to safely handle $R @T paths @2 container runtimes",C[5]],"crossbeam_^r":["$j @2 &Y ^a","0.8.19"],"bitcoin_push_decoder":["A @1 @2 $f a bitcoind RPC @d.","0.2.2"],"wiringpi":["An $U @p @2 WiringPi, $f @7 most important @n @6 @r a bit of ^j @T convenience. See @2 Raspberry Pi $s instructions.","0.2.4"],"metamorphose":["$L @U @2 converting Structure to Model, @2 a green-barrel $K.","1.4.1"],"slab":["Pre-allocated $Q @2 a uniform @D ^j","0.4.9"],"^d_mount":["High @W FFI &G ^i @7 ^d mount & umount2 calls","3.0.1"],"faer_evd":[C[156],"0.17.1"],"endpoint_sec":["High-@W @3 &K ^i @7 Endpoint Security Framework","0.3.4"],"shutdown_handler":["A shutdown handler @u allows all parts of an $w to trigger a shutdown.","0.1.1"],"typeface":["^e @Y @r a foundation @2 ^6 @6 @K fonts.","0.4.2"],"russh":[C[311],"0.43.0"],"cairo_lang_starknet":["Starknet capabilities @6 @m on top of Cairo.","2.6.3"],"hokaido":["Terminal sharing tool.","0.0.10"],"libblas_^d":["^e @Y @r @4 to @7 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms.",C[5]],"vec3":["vec3","0.2.1"],"soundex":["Soundex Calculations",C[2]],"foreign_@b_@8":[C[312],"0.2.3"],"$r_stable_preview":[C[636],"0.2.3"],"ckb_^u":["A &e ^u facade $9 in CKB.",C[10]],"frunk":["Frunk @r developers @9 a number of functional ^a ^H &4 HList, Coproduct, Generic, LabelledGeneric, Validated, Monoid, Semigroup @6 friends.","0.4.2"],"ra_ap_tt":["TBD",C[25]],"color_quant":["Color quantization @1 to reduce n colors to 256 colors.","1.1.0"],"arguments":["^e @Y @r a @h @2 $l-line arguments.","0.7.2"],"serdect":["Constant-^0 $5 serializer/deserializer &i @2 @D @u potentially contains secrets (e.g. $t keys)","0.3.0-pre.0"],"libp2p_yamux":["Yamux multiplexing @l @2 libp2p","0.45.1"],"retry_^L":["An ^L ^j @2 an operation @u can fail more than once","0.5.2"],"dessin_svg":["Drawing SVG",C[605]],"jsonschema":["A @5 @2 performing &D schema validation","0.17.1"],"assimp_^d":["@3 FFI @4 @2 @7 Assimp @1","0.3.1"],"elrond_wasm_node":["Elrond @Z VM $U @p","0.38.0"],"grin_p2p":[C[170],"5.3.0"],"filename":["Get filename @E a raw $R descriptor","0.1.1"],"activitypub_federation":["High-@W Activitypub @j","0.5.4"],"icu_transliterate":["$U @2 Transliteration","0.1.2"],"cloudproof_fpe":["Cosmian Cloudproof FPE @1","0.2.2"],"warg_api":["Serializable @b @2 @7 Warg registry REST $U.","0.4.1"],"juniper_graphql_ws":["GraphQL over WebSocket ^z @k @2 `juniper` @5.",C[7]],"swc_estree_compat":["Compatibility layer $8 estree @6 swc","0.199.0"],"pid_control":["A PID controller @1","0.7.2"],"sv_@h":["SystemVerilog @h @1 fully complient @9 IEEE 1800-2017","0.13.3"],"fdt":["A pure-@3 `#![no_std]` @5 @2 @K Flattened Devicetrees","0.1.5"],"poll_promise":["Poll @7 result of an @C operation in a game or immediate mode GUI.","0.2.1"],"gvariant":["A pure-@z @0 of @7 GVariant serialisation @G","0.5.0"],"structopt_@a":[C[313],"0.4.18"],"xml_&0":["Easy @6 highly-configurable XML &0/writer","0.5.2"],"darrentsung_debug_@h":["Parse @7 output of `std::fmt::Debug`","0.3.1"],"libtest":["Rust's built in unit-&1 @6 micro-benchmarking @j","0.0.1"],"darling_@O":["Helper @5 @2 ^O-@c @1 @2 reading attributes &q ^N when $f custom derives. Use &Q://$y/darling in &3 $d.","0.20.8"],"syslog_loose":["A loose @h @2 syslog ^X.",C[37]],"^h_postgres":["A ^F, $1 PostgreSQL @d","0.7.10"],"capnp":["@v @1 @2 Cap'n Proto @D @J","0.19.3"],"catch_panic_@8":["^e ^O @c impl @2 catch_panic",C[9]],"hyper_rustls":["Rustls+hyper $C @2 pure @z HTTPS","0.27.1"],"pq":["jq @2 protobuf","1.4.3"],"loki_api":["Protobuf @b $9 by @7 Grafana Loki HTTP $U","0.1.1"],"exonum_testkit":["Testkit @2 Exonum blockchain @j, allowing to &1 service APIs synchronously.",C[9]],"p192":["Pure @3 @0 of @7 NIST P-192 (a.k.a. secp192r1) elliptic curve as defined in SP 800-186",C[8]],"glsl_to_spirv":["Deprecated. Use shaderc-rs ^Y.","0.1.7"],"tauri_$W_notification":["Send desktop @6 mobile notifications on &3 Tauri $w.",C[314]],"modular_bitfield_msb_impl":["Bitfields @2 ^N @u allow @2 modular &z of enums. MSB-first $2.",C[54]],"$y_index":["@q @2 retrieving @6 $T @9 @7 index","2.8.0"],"sp_consensus":["^W @m @2 ^6 @6 @A consensus engines in substrate. (@s @L)",C[79]],"pep440_rs":["A @1 @2 python $2 ^V @6 specifiers, $f PEP 440","0.6.0"],"ryu_floating_decimal":["Fast floating point to floating decimal &V. See @7 @5 'ryu' @2 more details",C[5]],"seahash":["A blazingly &p, portable hash @R @9 proven statistical guarantees.","4.1.0"],"sequential_&1":[C[315],"0.2.4"],"stak_$d":["Bytecode @J/^2 @2 Stak Scheme","0.2.30"],"unwrap_or":["Four easy unwrap Result @6 Option @8 @u allow @2 any inline-scoped $d @2 things &4 return, continue, @6 break.","1.0.1"],"$g_lambda_watch":[C[43],"1.2.1"],"ockam_@8":[C[316],"0.34.0"],"ref_filter_map":["Like `std::cell::{Ref,RefMut}::map`, but @2 optional &I.","1.0.1"],"actix_slog":["structured ^s-logging @2 actix-web utilizing slog, thus enabling &D-logging","0.2.1"],"svls":["SystemVerilog @e @N","0.2.11"],"@Y_lock_json_@h":["A @h @2 @Y-lock.json @P",C[7]],"plotters_$n":["Plotters Backend $U","0.3.5"],"bootloader_boot_&m":["^e @v configurations @u are saved in a &D $R @2 @7 bootloader @5","0.11.7"],"themelio_^N":["Core @D @y @2 Themelio",C[1010]],"mach_object":["Mach-O File Format Parser @2 @3","0.1.17"],"same_$R":["A @o @5 @2 determining whether two $R paths point to @7 same $R.","1.0.6"],"docker_credential":["Reads a user's docker credentials @E &m","1.3.1"],"dgraph_rs":["@M a @d @2 @7 DGraph graph $O","0.2.8"],"cranelift_reader":["Cranelift textual IR reader",C[306]],"spreadsheet_ods":["Read @6 write ODS @P","0.22.1"],"html_minifier":["$P @1 can help you ^o @6 minify &3 HTML $d at @7 same ^0. It also supports to minify JS @6 CSS in `