- Add support for Terraform v0.12
- Releases automated via Travis CI after the migration of the repository to the Terra-Farm Github organization
- Adding optical disks property to
- Fixes for better automated releases via Travis CI
- Added code coverage generation
- Releases automated via Travis CI
- Add support for using external vagrant box and archives as source for deploy
- Add support for Terraform v0.9.5
- Activate Travis CI builds
- Add new optional field "user_data" in schema, accepts arbitary string, your VM specific configuration can be stored here.
Some 3rdparty tool expects certain content be set in this field.
For example, mantl/terraform.py (a terraform-ansible bridging tool) interprete 'user_data' as a JSON string:
It uses the 'role' field to group hosts.
{ "role": "foobar", ... }