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Production Deployment

AWS Dependencies

baseca Database Migration

Build and Upload baseca:

Deploy Compute for baseca:

Public Key Infrastructure

Please read the documentation and set up a local development environment before proceeding and deploying the production infrastructure.

Build Infrastructure

1. Install Terraform

brew install tfenv
tfenv install 1.4.2
tfenv use 1.4.2

2. Configure Resource Module in baseca/terraform/production

baseca Infrastructure Documentation

NOTE: Private CA(s) in acm_pca_arns must already exist within your infrastructure; refer to the Public Key Infrastructure section if you need to design and deploy a Public Key Infrastructure.

# baseca/terraform/production/

module "baseca" {
  source = "./baseca"
  service = "baseca"
  environment = "production"
  region = "us-east-1"
  key_spec = "RSA_4096"
  bucket = "baseca-firehose-example"
  db_ingress = [""]
  acm_pca_arns = [

3. Deploy Terraform Resource Module

cd /path/to/baseca/terraform/production

terraform init
terraform apply

4. Terraform Outputs

These outputs from Terraform will be utilized within the baseca configuration file.

terraform output

# Example Output

ecr_repository = ""
kinesis_firehose_stream = "baseca-production"
kms_key_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
rds_reader_endpoint = ""
rds_writer_endpoint = ""
redis_endpoint = ""


Update the config/ configuration file using the outputs from Terraform; an example configuration can be seen within

# Update
  database_endpoint: # rds_writer_endpoint
  database_reader_endpoint: # rds_reader_endpoint

  cluster_endpoint: # redis_endpoint

  stream: baseca-production

  key_id: xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # kms_key_id
Variable Description Update
grpc_server_address gRPC Server Address and Port No
ocsp_server Custom OCSP Server URL Optional
database baseca RDS Database Yes
redis baseca Elasticache Redis Cluster Yes
domains List of Valid Domains for baseca x.509 Certificates Yes
firehose baseca Kinesis Data Firehose Yes
kms baseca Customer Managed KMS Key Yes
acm_pca AWS Private Certificate Authorities Yes
secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager Yes
subordinate_ca_metadata baseca Subordinate CA Attributes Optional
certificate_authority Environment(s) for acm_pca Private CA(s) Yes

Bootstrap RDS Database

1. Search RDS Credentials from Secrets Manager

# Update
  secret_id: rds!cluster-bcc40600-5fa7-4877-aa35-529cae165937

2. Launch Temporary EC2 Instance

A temporary Ubuntu EC2 instance with the requirements below will need to be deployed to perform the database migration.

  • Egress Port 80 to
  • Egress Port 5432 to
  • Ingress Port 22 from Local IP
  • Deploy in Subnet Routable to RDS Cluster
  • Private IP within db_ingress_cidr CIDR Block

3. Perform Database Migration

golang-migrate Download Instructions

cd /path/to/baseca

# Copy Database Migration Files and RDS Certificate to EC2
scp -i /path/to/your/key.pem -r db/migration ubuntu@[IP_ADDRESS]:/home/ubuntu
scp -i /path/to/your/key.pem internal/attestor/aws_iid/certificate/ ubuntu@[IP_ADDRESS]:/home/ubuntu

# SSH to EC2
ssh -i /path/to/your/key.pem ubuntu@[IP_ADDRESS]

# Download golang-migrate
curl -L | tar xvz # AMD64 Example

# Execute Database Migration
./migrate -path migration -database "postgresql://[username]:[password]@[rds_writer_endpoint]:5432/baseca?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=/home/ubuntu/" -verbose up

Note: If you see the error below you will need to encode the credentials; please do this locally and not through an online encoder.

error: parse "postgresql://baseca:[PASSWORD]@[RDS_WRITER_ENDPOINT]:5432/baseca?sslmode=disable": net/url: invalid userinfo

4. Create Initial Admin User

# Update db/init/init.sql for Admin User
VALUES (uuid_generate_v4(), '[email protected]', crypt('ADMIN_CREDENTIALS', gen_salt('bf')), 'Example User', '[email protected]', 'ADMIN', now());

# Copy db.init/init.sql to EC2
scp -i /path/to/your/key.pem db/init/init.sql ubuntu@[IP_ADDRESS]:/home/ubuntu

# SSH to EC2
ssh -i /path/to/your/key.pem ubuntu@[IP_ADDRESS]

# Download Postgres Client
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-client

# Run Database Init to Create Admin User
psql -h [rds_writer_endpoint] -U [username] -d baseca -f /path/to/init.sql

Note: Terminate the Migration EC2 Instance After Migration Completed

Build and Upload baseca to ECR

1a. Build from Published baseca Image

Use this option by using the published image from baseca without any code changes or updates to your Dockerfile.

Create Dockerfile and Copy Configurations to /home/baseca/config within the Docker Container.

RELEASE: Search for Latest baseca Published Release and update the VERSION_SHA container tag with the latest version.

# baseca/Dockerfile-production


COPY ./config /home/baseca/config
USER baseca

CMD ["/home/baseca/baseca"]
cd /path/to/baseca/Dockerfile-production
docker build -t baseca -f Dockerfile-production .

Push Image to ECR Registry

docker tag baseca <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
docker push <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>

NOTE: This is an image built from examples/Dockerfile; there are alternative methods to get the config files onto the image, but you must copy your configurations within the /home/baseca/config path.

1b. Local Build

Use this option if you have requirements to change the baseca image through either custom code changes or updates to the Dockerfile.

NOTE: If you intend to run a local build, within the current Dockerfile we do not copy the config/ directory into the base image. Additionally within .dockerignore we ignore the config/ directory as well. If you are running the image directly, the OS directory structure for the final image should be the same as the image in the previous option.

cd /path/to/baseca
docker build -t baseca .

Push Image to ECR Registry

docker tag baseca <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
docker push <aws-account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>

Build Compute Infrastructure

DISCLAIMER: The compute deployment is a sample of how baseca can run within an environment; if you decide to run this ECS Service as is, be cautious as it has not been fully tested. baseca is not intended to run on ephemeral instances; if a design decision is made to run on ephemeral nodes you will need to have a shared volume such as EFS. The recommended method is to deploy the service directly on an EC2 instance that supports Nitro Enclaves; this ensures that key material never leaves the host it was generated on and is never accessible by anything outside of the baseca process.

baseca Infrastructure Documentation

1. Configure Compute Module in baseca/terraform/production

# baseca/terraform/production/

module "compute" {
  source = "./compute"
  service = "baseca"
  region = "us-east-1"
  environment = "production"
  configuration = "production"

  vpc_id = "vpc-xxxxxxxx"
  subnet_ids = ["subnet-0123456789abcdef", "subnet-9876543210fedcba"]

  host_port = 9090
  network_ingress = [""]
  public_ip = false

  baseca_iam_role = module.baseca.baseca_iam_role
  ecr_repository = module.baseca.ecr_repository
  depends_on = [

NOTE: environment and configuration are values used to concatenate and build the configuration file for baseca. Within Terraform we auto export these as environment variables within the ECS Task Definition, but if you are using your own deployment you will need to have these environment variables accessible by baseca. If the values below were exported then baseca would read the config/ file. Changing configuration to development would read the config/ file.

export ENVIRONMENT=production
export CONFIGURATION=production

2. Deploy Terraform Compute Module

cd /path/to/baseca/terraform/production

terraform init
terraform apply