Make, move, or copy files and directories using ranges.
npm install --global file-ranger
$ ranger --help
Make, move, or copy files and directories using ranges.
$ ranger make <range> <options>
Make directories from ranges of integers.
--destination, -d Destination for dirs
--prepend, -p Prepend to destination dir names
--append, -a Append to destination dir names
$ ranger move <range> <file-type> <options>
Move files to corresponding directories given a range.
--destination, -d Destination for dirs
--prepend, -p Prepend to destination dir names
--append, -a Append to destination dir names
$ ranger copy <file> <range> <options>
Copy a file to a range of directories.
--destination, -d Destination for dirs
$ ranger make 1-5,7-10
$ ranger move 101-153 .txt --destination output
$ ragner copy file.txt 11-15,18,20-25
- make-dir-range-cli - Make directories from ranges of integers.
- copy-to-range-cli - Copy a file to a range of directories
- move-to-range-cli - Move files to corresponding directories given a range
- Austin Gordon - Development - GitHub
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details