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Laravel Passport OAuth 2.0 Server, and Client Implementation

Hi! Hope you are enjoying the very of best of your health. The repository is an example of how one can implement the laravel/passport for OAuth 2.0 Server, and how it can be consumed by the client applications.

The example is setup and configured using docker. The docker-compose.yml has the following services.

  • OAuth Server Container, built on top of php-8-fpm-alpine
  • OAuth Client Container, built on top of php-8-fpm-alpine
  • DB container, built on top of mysql:5.7
  • OAuth Server Nginx Container, built on top of nginx:1.17-alpine
  • OAuth Client Nginx Container, built on top of nginx:1.17-alpine
  • phpmyadmin container managing databases
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Once the containers are up and running, first get the IP of containers.

docker inspect oauth_pma | grep "IPAddress"
docker inspect oauth_server_nginx | grep "IPAddress"
docker inspect oauth_client_nginx | grep "IPAddress"

Access the phpmyadmin using the oauth_pma IP from the browser, and create two databases, one for the server and one for the client.

Update/Create oauth-server/.env file

docker exec oauth_server php artisan migrate

Access the application using oauth_server_nginx container IP, register a user, login, and under the developers section, create a new client, the redirect url should be relative to oauh_client_nginx container IP.

Once you have created the client, Update/Create oauth-client/.env file


Update the oauth-client/config/oauth.php

return [
'client_id'  =>  'your-client-id',
'client_secret'  =>  'your-client-secret',
'server_url'  =>  'http://oauth_server_nginx', // oauth_server_nginx IP
'callback'  =>  'http://oauth_client_nginx/oauth/callback' // oauth_client_nginx IP
docker exec oauth_client php artisan migrate

You can now access the server using oauth_server_nginx IP address, and the client using oauth_client_nginx IP address, additionaly, phpmyadmin will be accessible via oauth_pma IP address. Each time, you restart a container, the IP addresses of the container may or may not be the same one, For persitent configuration, you should consider fully qualified domain names using reverse nginx proxy or whatever suites you good.