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592 lines (562 loc) · 51.4 KB

File metadata and controls

592 lines (562 loc) · 51.4 KB

CHANGELOG for 6.1.x

This file is deprecated and no longer in use. You will find the changelog in the main changelog file.

If you want to learn more about writing or using the changelog, have a look here.


Addition / Changes

  • Administration
    • Added new sw-import-export module in src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/src/module
    • Added new slot caption-label in sw-file-input component
    • Added new has method to src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/src/core/factory/entity-definition.factory.js
    • Added property fileAccept to sw-media-upload
  • Core
    • Fixed a bug, where access tokens could get very large and cause requests to fail
    • Added Import/Export module with csv support. We've decided to add this feature in this patch release, to make it available earlier, due to the current covid-19 crisis. We believe this feature may help small business owners to setup their shop faster. Beware that parts of the Import/Export api are still unstable and marked as @experimental.


Addition / Changes

  • Administration

    • Fixed VAT Information in default order confirmation mail templates
  • Core

    • Fix updater language to use the admin user language
    • Fix gzip unpacking error in sitemap
    • Disabled twig cache warmup on clearing cache
    • Fixed a bug where inactive category pages could be accessed by browsing to the category's SEO URL directly
  • Storefront

    • Fix using the SCSS @extend feature on existing bootstrap classes when running ./psh.phar storefront:hot or ./psh.phar storefront:hot-proxy.
    • Changed reviewer mail and name to be private in sales-channel API


Addition / Changes

  • Core

    • Moved cart extension takeover earlier in \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Processor::process so that custom implementations can now access all extensions of the cart.
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Twig\NamespaceHierarchy\NamespaceHierarchyBuilder and \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Twig\NamespaceHierarchy\TemplateNamespaceHierarchyBuilderInterface, that allows to modify twig namespace inheritance
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Twig\TemplateFinderInterface::registerBundles use TemplateNamespaceHierarchyBuilderInterface to modify twig namespace hierarchy.
  • Storefront

    • Deprecated \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\Twig\ThemeTemplateFinder use TemplateNamespaceHierarchyBuilderInterface instead


Addition / Changes

  • Core
    • Fixed a seo indexing bug where all navigations were reindexed on product update

    • Added const for custom field type select to \Shopware\Core\System\CustomField\CustomFieldTypes

    • Added Shopware\Core\Migration\Test\DateTimeTest to ensure usage of (new \DateTime())->format(STORAGE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT) instead of date(Defaults::STORAGE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT) since date only supports seconds and no milliseconds.

    • Added Core/Framework/Test/CustomField/CustomFieldEntityRepositoryTest.php to ensure the DAL for custom Field updates via repositories is working correctly.

    • Added file extension whitelist for media manager file upload. Can be configured in the shopware.yamlor with the MediaFileExtensionWhitelistEventevent

    • Added Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Event\CartCreatedEvent which is dispatched when a cart is created in the Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\SalesChannel\CartService.

    • Added Shopware\Core\Migration\Test\DateTimeTest to ensure usage of (new \DateTime())->format(STORAGE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT) instead of date(Defaults::STORAGE_DATE_TIME_FORMAT) since date only supports seconds and no milliseconds.

    • Added Core/Framework/Test/CustomField/CustomFieldEntityRepositoryTest.php to ensure the DAL for custom Field updates via repositories is working correctly.


Addition / Changes

  • Administration

    • Added an sw_product_list_grid_loader block to sw-product-list which includes the sw-loader component
    • Refactored tooltip directive to automatically change the position if it does not fit in the screen on the desired position.
    • Added possibility to show a tooltip also on disabled input fields with the option showOnDisabledElements. This will generate a wrapper element around the original element.
    • Prevent adding a product comparison sales channel if there are no product streams available
    • Prevent adding a product comparison sales channel if there are no product streams available.
    • Changed sw-system-config component to render boolean field types with undefined value as falsy.
    • Replace old currency isDefault with isSystemDefault
    • Replace block sw_property_detail_content_option_list in sw-property-create with empty content
    • Add setLocaleFromUser method to vue adapter
    • Add service localeHelper for changing the locale
    • Use service localeHelper on every place where you can change the locale
    • Refactor action setAdminLocale return now a Promise
    • Refactor snippet.api.service.js: add parameter code which expects the locale code
    • Refactor sw-profile-index
      • Remove data userProfile
      • Replace setUserData to getUserData
      • saveFinish is now an asynchronous method
    • Fix sw-multi-ip-select value property if it is undefined
    • Removed property type check for value property of sw-multi-select and sw-multi-ip-select because the value is already checked in a custom validator function
    • To make the headers of a column in the sw-data-grid translatable you have to specify only the path to the snippet. this.$tc('') will still work.
    • Refactored sw-context-button
      • Added popover directive for automatic detection for opening
      • Remove property menuOffsetTop
      • Remove property menuOffsetLeft
      • Remove method mountedComponent
      • Remove method beforeDestroyComponent
      • Refactor method openMenu
      • Refactor method closeMenu
      • Added method handleClickEvent
      • Remove method addMenuToBody
      • Remove method removeMenuFromBody
      • Remove data positionTop, positionLeft, paddingTop, menuUuid
    • Removed property popoverConfig in sw-select-result-list, sw-single-select, sw-entity-single-select
    • Removed property isPopover in sw-popover
    • Added property resizeWidth and popoverClass to sw-popover
    • Move created and destroyed to createdComponent and destroyedComponent in sw-select-result
    • Ignore .html.twig in code coverage reports
    • Fixed the inheritance reset for the price field in the variant listing.
    • Fixed product name column in product review listing
    • Fixed inheritance switches in product detail view on main products when you come from an child product
    • Added block sw_cms_element_product_listing_config_layout_select_options in sw-cms-el-config-product-listing
    • Fix quickview of product in the checkout process
    • Catch FRAMEWORK_LANGUAGE_NOT_FOUND error when user has invalid sw-admin-current-language in localStorage
    • Fix that the loginListener calls directly get destroyed through an refresh of the page
    • Product images inside the product listing and cart won't get smaller anymore when the window gets to big and then gets smaller.
    • Added optional productStreamsExist and productStreamsLoading properties to sw-sales-channel-modal-grid component.
    • Added component sw-sales-channel-defaults-select. This component is used to handle each to-many association and its corresponding default id in sales channels.
    • Unified css classes of select fields in sw-sales-channel-detail-base. All css classes no reference to the sales channels collection names (e.g. payment-methods instead of payment-method)
    • Deprecated all sw_sales_channel_detail_base_general_input_*_selection and sw_sales_channel_detail_base_general_input_*_assignment blocks from sw-sales-channel-detail-base by refactoring them into sw-sales-channel-defaults-select.
    • Deprecated the events onDefaultItemAdd and onRemoveItem in sales-channel-detail-base/index.js. Those events are no longer needed and the add/remove logic is now handled by the sw-sales-channel-defaults-select component.
    • We refactored the logic to remove api errors from the store into a separate mixin ('remove-api-error' mixin). Additionally, to remove the errors, we changed from listening to the models event to watch the models prop.
    • Additionally you can now change the default behaviour to remove api errors in your custom components. This can be done by overriding the $apiErrorHandler custom option for components that include the remove-api-error mixin.
    • Added new slot for sw-data-grid column headers
    • Added new component sw-list-price-field
    • Fix empty labels in product stream rule conditions
    • Fix content-type of Sitemap controller response
    • Fix sitemap unlocking after generation
  • Core

    • Added a check for the author role in plugin composer.json files. If one or more authors have the role Manufacturer, only these will be written to the database.
    • Added new searchMedia twig function to resolve media ids to media objects.
      • {% set media = searchMedia(ids, context) %}
    • Changed MailService to add bcc instead to for deliveryAddress
    • We added the Inherited flag to the listingPrices property of the \Shopware\Core\Content\Product\ProductDefinition
    • The \Shopware\Storefront\Page\Product\Review\ProductReviewLoader::load returns now the reviews of all variants.
    • The \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\PriceField can now contains a listPrice
    • \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\Price\Struct\CalculatedPrice supports now list prices.
    • Fix mail sending via sendmail transport
    • You can now opt-out of removing your plugin migrations on uninstall by calling \Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin\Context\UninstallContext::enableKeepMigrations
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin::removeMigrations to remove plugin migration entries.
    • Fix cache warmup during cache clearing to fix template inheritance problems
    • Missing migration files will be now ignored
    • Added new env variable SHOPWARE_UPDATE_TEST to trigger auto update test mode.
  • Storefront

    • Fixed the cookie privacy hint to use the correct link privacyPage instead of shippingPaymentInfoPage
    • Added the parameter useBackdrop to the page-loading-indicator.utils.js remove and create methods. Defaults to true
    • The CountryStateController returns country states now sorted by their position/name.
    • You can now change your addresses during checkout
  • Recovery

    • The database connection now supports sockets


Addition / Changes

  • Administration

    • Added getComponentHelper to global Shopware object
    • Added async loading of plugins
    • Added seperation of login and application boot
    • Navigation sidebar is now a globally expandable & collapsable with this.$store.commit('adminMenu/collapseSidebar) and this.$store.commit('adminMenu/expandSidebar)
    • Added Services functions to Shopware object for easier access
    • Added Context to Shopware object for easier access
    • Added a new component sw-many-to-many-assignment-card which can be used to display many to many associations within a paginated grid
    • The sw-tree component now emits the editing-end when the user finished adding new items. Eventdata is an object with parentId property
    • sw-tree's drag-end event now emits information about the old and new parentId of the dragged element.
    • The changeset generator now ommits write protected fields
    • We added fromCollection and fromCriteria methods to criteria/collections to deep copy them if needed
    • Due to the redesign of the cms blocks and elements you can now translate the label of your blocks and elements
    • The Layouts which can be assigned under settings > basic information > Shop Pages now have to be of the type shop page
    • You can now assign a 404 error page layout in settings > basic information > Shop Pages which will be rolled out in a 404 not found error.
    • Moved all rule specific components to src/app/components/rule
    • Added error handling for multiple errors per request
    • Replaced repository.sync with a request against the sync endpoint. The former behavior of sync ist now available as repository.saveAll
    • We splitted the component sw-sales-channel-modal up into two additional components sw-sales-channel-modal-detail and sw-sales-channel-modal-grid
    • sw-sales-channel-detail-base got refactored based on a new design, the domain management was moved to a new component
    • Created a new component sw-sales-channel-detail-domains which handles the domain management of a sales channel now
    • sw-entity-single-select fires a new event called option-select which provides the selected entity and as the payload
    • you can now set a sales channel in a maintenance mode. You can choose the layout or use our default layout. You can also use the ip-whitelist to bypass the maintenance mode. The Imprint and Privacy Policy from Settings > Basic Information are linked in the maintenance page footer if you specified a layout.
    • Added mailer settings in the settings page
    • Added mailer settings in the first run wizard
    • Now snippets are retrieved asynchronously to improve performance
    • Moved the sw-product-maintain-currencies-modal to sw-maintain-currencies-modal.
    • Seperate the Shopware context to App-Context and Api-Context
    • Rename old State to StateDeprecated
    • Make vuex store initially available in global Shopware object Shopware.State
    • Move context to the Store
    • Make vuex store initially available
    • Moved Resources/administration directory to Resources/app/administration
    • Add cache busting to the administration script and style files through last modified timestamp in combination with the filesize
    • Double opt in for registrations and guests is now configurable in the settings at the Login / Registration module
    • Added component sw-entitiy-multi-id-select which can be used to select entities but only emit their ids
      • The v-model is bound to change event and sets the ids property
      • exposes the same slots as any select component
    • Added component sw-arrow-field which can be used to wrap components in a breadcrumb like visualization
      • It takes two props primary and secondary which are color keys for the arrow's background and border color
      • Additional content can be placed in the default slot of the component
    • sw-tagged-field now works with event.key instead of event.keycode
    • sw-tagged-field v-model event changed to change instead of input an does not mutate the original prop anymore
    • Removed component sw-condition-value
    • Added component sw-condition-type-select
    • Removed config property from sw-condition-tree.
    • Refactored
    • Replaced Store based datahandling with repository based datahandling in sw-settings-rule, sw-product-stream modules and rule/product stream specific components
    • Removed client side validation for rules and product streams
    • Added APi validation for rules and product streams
    • Split sw-product-stream-filter component into smaler subcomponents sw-product-stream-field-select and sw-product-stream-value
    • Removed sw-product-stream-create page
    • Removed sw-settings-rule-create page
    • Added event selection-change to sw-data-grid. The event is fired whenever the selection in the grid changes including pagination and delete requests.
      • The event emits two values: the actual selection and the selection count of the sw-data-grid.
      • change-selection should be preferred over select-item if you are interested in the selection itself and not in a specific item that was selected.
    • Added custom fields to categories
    • v-popover directive accepts a config object now which allows to activate / deactivate the directive on the fly, define the target element and if the popover element should be resized to the size of the origin element
    • Updated Symfony Dependencies to version 4.4.0.
    • Added cms block form
    • Added component sw-select-number-field for select options with numeric values
    • Added installation opportunity of Migration-Plugin into FirstRunWizard
    • Added sw-order-state-change-modal-assign-mail-template component inside sw-order-state-change-modal
    • Moved sw-order-document-card in sw-order-state-change-modal into seperate component
    • integrated repository based data handling in plugin manager
    • replaced sw-grid with sw-data-grid components in plugin manager
    • Remote address anonymization is now configurable in the settings at the Login / Registration module
    • We added error handling for delete requests. Since delete errors affect the whole entity it is not possible to store the error under a specific path. For this reason we provide a new getter getErrorsForEntity available through the State.
    • The object returned from Shopware.State.getters.getEntityError should always be treated read only.
    • Added default shop page layouts for contact and newsletter form
    • Added event delte-item-failed to both sw-entity-listing and sw-one-to-many-listing which is emitted if the delete request for an entity fails. The event data is an object containing a id and errorResponse property.
    • Added block block sw_customer_address_form_state_field to sw-customer-address-form component that that contains an sw-entity-single-select to specify a state for addresses
    • Added countryState in sw-address
    • Updated nuxt to 2.10.2 in the nuxt-component-library package
    • Updated dompurify to 2.0.7 in the administration package
    • Updated cypress-select-tests to 1.4.1 in the administration/e2e package
    • Updated copy-webpack-plugin to 5.1.1 in the common/webpack-plugin package
    • Added new Block sw_media_quickinfo_metadata_specific_meta_data to sw-media-quickinfo that is only rendered if metadata could be fetched for uploaded media. This also gives you easier access to extend the metadata section for specific file types.
    • Changes to sw-plugin-last-updates-grid:
      • Reorganized content of sw-plugin-last-updates-grid. It now displays only the empty state or grid but not both.
      • We moved the condition when the empty state is shown to the slot access itself rather than to the sw-empty-state component.
      • Added new block sw_plugin_last_udates_card_grid_content in sw-plugin-last-updates-grid to override the grid content rather than the slot access.
    • Removed computed property lineItemActionsEnabled from sw-order-line-items-grid since it was never used and always evaluate to false
    • Replaced kebab-case plugin file exporting with camel case to match php requirements
    • Added pagination to plugin manager
    • Show domain selection in first run wizard only when domains exists
    • Hide user set groups option in promotions behind an experimental flag
    • Added new block sw_promotion_cart_condition_form_allow_experimental
    • When updating domains in a sales channel you can only select one of the available languages for the sales channel
    • Fix module meta information in extended module routes with the routeMiddleware
  • Core

    • We did some refactoring on how we use WriteConstraintsViolationExceptions. It's path property should now point to the object that is inspected by an validator while the propertyPath property in WriteConstraint objects should only point to the invalid property. For more information read the updated "write command validation" article in the docs.
    • Added the extractInheritableAttributes() function to the \Shopware\Core\Framework\Routing\RequestTransformerInterface
    • Added ErrorPage, ErrorpageLoader and ErrorPageLoaderEvent which is used in the ErrorController to load the CMS error layout if a 404 layout is assigned.
    • Added an option to disable eslint for storefront:build
    • Removed abandoned TwigExtensions in favor of Twig Core Extra extensions
    • Moved the seo module from the storefront into the core.
    • Switched the execution condition of \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep::addBackwardTrigger() and \Shopware\Core\Framework\Migration\MigrationStep::addForwardTrigger() to match the execution conditions in the methods documentation.
    • When a sub entity is written or deleted, a written event is dispatched for the configured root entity.
      • Example for mapping entities: Writing a product_category entity now also dispatches a product.written and category.written event
      • Example for simple sub entities: Writing a product_price entity now also dispatches a product_category event
      • Example for nested sub entities: Writing a order_delivery_position entity now also dispatches a order_delivery.written and a order.written event
    • Required authentication for requests to /api/v{version}/_info/business-events.json and /api/v{version}/_info/entity-schema.json routes
    • Added shopware.api.api_browser.auth_required config value to configure if the access to the open api routes must be authenticated
    • Added a seoUrls OneToManyAssociationField to product and category.
    • Added a SalesChannelSeoUrlDefinition to filter by context language, sales channel and canonical.
    • Fixed a bug that SalesChannelDefinitions are not used for associations.
    • Added metaTitle, metaDescription and keywords columns to category entity
    • Added metaDescription to product entity
    • Added campaignCode and affiliateCode columns to customer and order entity
    • Added TaxRuleEntity to define country specific taxes
    • Added TaxRuleTypeEntity to define rule types for taxes
    • Added rules Association to tax entity
    • Added buildTaxRules to the SalesChannelContext to get the tax rules for the given taxId depending on the customer billing address
    • Removed getTaxRuleCollection from Product entity
    • Added taxRuleTypeTranslations association to Language entity
    • Added taxRules association to country entity
    • Changed the calling of \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition::getDefaults which is now only called by newly created entities. The check $existence->exists() inside this method is not necessary anymore
    • Added new method \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition::getChildDefaults. Use it to define defaults for newly created child entities
    • Extended the \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\AccountRegistrationService::register method which sets additional the double opt in data (only if set in the admin settings) and dispatches the respective event which send the mail with the confirm link
      • the confirm link includes the route to the \Shopware\Storefront\Controller\RegisterController::confirmRegistration method and two parameters (the sha1 hashed email address of the customer and a random generated hash)
    • Added new method \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\SalesChannel\AccountRegistrationService::finishDoubleOptInRegistration which validates the double opt in confirmation and activates the customer when the data is valid
    • Added new event \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Event\DoubleOptInGuestOrderEvent for sending the confirm mail for double opt in guests
    • Added new event \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Event\CustomerDoubleOptInRegistrationEvent for sending the confirm mail for double opt in registrations
    • Extended the \Shopware\Core\System\Resources\config\loginRegistration.xml with input fields for double opt in registrations and guests
    • We adjusted the entry points for administration and storefront resources so that there are no naming conflicts anymore. It is no longer possible to adjust the paths to the corresponding sources. The new structure looks as follows:
          ├── theme.json	
          ├── app	
          │   ├── administration	
          │   │   └── src	
          │   │       ├── main.js	
          │   │       └── scss	
          │   │           └── base.scss	
          │   └── storefront	
          │       ├── dist	
          │       └── src	
          │           ├── main.js	
          │           └── scss	
          │               └── base.scss	
          ├── config	
          │   ├── routes.xml	
          │   └── services.xml	
          ├── public	
          │   ├── administration	
          │   └── storefront	
          └── views	
              ├── administration	
              ├── documents	
              └── storefront	
    • We unified the twig template directory structure of the core, administration and storefront bundle. Storefront template are now stored in a sub directory named storefront. This has an effect on the previous includes and extends: Before: {% sw_extends '@Storefront/base.html.twig' %} After: {% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/base.html.twig' %}
    • We removed the corresponding public functions in the Bundle.php:
      • getClassName
      • getViewPaths
      • getAdministrationEntryPath
      • getStorefrontEntryPath
      • getConfigPath
      • getStorefrontScriptPath
      • getStorefrontStylePath
      • getAdministrationStyles
      • getAdministrationScripts
      • getRoutesPath
      • getServicesFilePath
    • We changed the accessibility of different internal Bundle.php functions
      • registerContainerFile from protected to private
      • registerEvents from protected to private
      • registerFilesystem from protected to private
      • getContainerPrefix from protected to final public
    • We changed implementation details for the state machine and the mail service
      • Added return type of method getAvailableTransitions in \Core\System\StateMachine\StateMachineRegistry. This method now has to return an array
      • changed return type of method transition in \Core\System\StateMachine\StateMachineRegistry. This method now returns StateMachineStateCollection
      • Added StateMachineStateChangeEvent to handle specific StateMachine Changes
      • Changed the technical_name for all stateMachine default mailTemplates by stripping the state_enter from the beginning.
      • Added optional Parameter binAttachments to method createMessage in \Core\Content\MailTemplate\Service\MessageFactory to provide binary attachments for mails.
      • Added \Core\Checkout\Order\Api\OrderActionController to provide endpoints for combine order state changes with sending of mails.
    • Marked the \Shopware\Core\Framework\Context::createDefaultContext() as internal
    • Added relation between order_line_item and product.
    • Added validation for order_line_item of type product. If a line item of type product is written and one of the following properties is specified: productId, referencedId, payload.productNumber, the other two properties must also be specified.
    • Changed the order while loading plugins from the database. They are now sorted ascending by the installation date.
    • Moved Shopware\Core\Content\Newsletter\SalesChannelNewsletterController to Shopware\Core\Content\Newsletter\SalesChannel\SalesChannelNewsletterController
    • The MigrationController and MediaFolderController now return StatusCode 204 without content on successful requests
    • Renamed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Converter\ConverterService to \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Converter\ApiVersionConverter
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\Demodata\PersonalData\CleanPersonalDataCommand to removing personal data by the cli command: "bin/console database:clean-personal-data"
      • use the command with the argument "guests" to remove guests without orders
      • use the command with the argument "carts" to remove canceled carts
      • use the command with the option "--all" to remove both of them.
      • with the option "--days" it is possible to remove the data which is same old and older than the given number of days
    • Updated Symfony dependencies to version 4.4.0.
    • We removed the \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Write\Command\WriteCommandInterface, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Write\Command\WriteCommand instead
    • The sitemap generator now uses the cache.system pool instead of serializer.mapping.cache.symfony
    • Added sales channel type product_comparison for generating file exports of dynamic product groups
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Acl to Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Acl
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\CustomField to Shopware\Core\System\CustomField
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Language to Shopware\Core\System\Language
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Snippet to Shopware\Core\System\Snippet
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Doctrine to Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Doctrine
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Pricing to Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Pricing
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Version to Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Version
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Faker to Shopware\Core\Framework\Demodata\Faker
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\PersonalData to Shopware\Core\Framework\Demodata\PersonalData
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Logging to Shopware\Core\Framework\Log
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\ScheduledTask to Shopware\Core\Framework\MessageQueue\ScheduledTask
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Twig to Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Twig
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Asset to Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Asset
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Console to Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Console
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Cache to Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Filesystem to Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Filesystem
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Translation to Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Translation
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Seo to Shopware\Core\Content\Seo
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Framework\Context to Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Context
    • We moved the namespace Shopware\Core\Content\DeliveryTime to Shopware\Core\System\DeliveryTime
    • We moved the Shopware\Core\System\User\Service\UserProvisioner to Shopware\Core\System\User\Service\UserProvisioner
    • Added unique constraint for iso_code column in currency table
    • We moved the Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Seo\SeoTemplateReplacementVariable to Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\SeoTemplateReplacementVariable
    • We moved the Shopware\Core\Content\ProductExport\SalesChannel\ProductExportController to Shopware\Storefront\Controller\ProductExportController
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Subscriber\CustomerRemoteAddressSubscriber to store remote addresses and updating the remote address data in the customer table
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\RemoteAddressField to store remote address data
    • Added \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\FieldSerializer\RemoteAddressFieldSerializer to check for the ip anonymous settings and anonymize the addresses if set
    • Added new core_mailer service which should be used to send mails.
    • We added the source parameter for all entity api requests. This parameter allows to filter the returned fields.
    • The \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Response\ResponseFactoryInterface::createDetailResponse requires now a provided criteria
    • The \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Response\ResponseFactoryInterface::createListingResponse requires now a provided criteria
    • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Update\Event\UpdateFinishedEvent
    • Added new events:
      • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Update\Event\UpdatePrePrepareEvent runs before the update with plugins enabled
      • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Update\Event\UpdatePostPrepareEvent runs before the update with plugins disabled
      • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Update\Event\UpdatePreFinishEvent runs after the update with plugins disabled
      • \Shopware\Core\Framework\Update\Event\UpdatePostFinishEvent runs after the update with plugins enabled
    • The \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\Response\ResponseFactoryInterface::createListingResponse requires now a provided criteria
    • Changed the error code of ConstrainViolationExeption from FRAMEWORK::CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION to FRAMEWORK__CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION
    • Added the protected function ShopwareHttpError::getCommonErrorData which returns you the array that was usually yielded by ShopwareHttpError::getErrors. With the new function it is easier to extend error information before yielding it back.
      // before	
      class newException extends ShopwareHttpExeption {	
        public funtion getErrors() {	
          // usually the parent function yields one element only	
          foreach(parent::getErrors() as $parentError) {	
              $parentError['someNewField'] = 'some new Data';	
              yield $parentError;	
      // after	
      class newException extends ShopwareHttpExeption {	
        public funtion getErrors() {	
          $errorData = $this->getCommonErrorData();	
          $errorData['someNewField'] = 'some new Data';	
          yield $parentError;	
    • Fixed a bug that cms configuration could not be overridden if some default config is null.
    • We added a check to lineItem.payload.productNumber before calling the twig truncate function
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\Validation\ValidationServiceInterface, it will be removed in 6.3.0
    • Added the interface \Shopware\Core\Framework\Validation\DataValidationFactoryInterface that will replace the deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\Validation\ValidationServiceInterface
    • Removed the \Shopware\Core\Framework\Validation\ValidationServiceInterface from the \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\Validation\SeoUrlValidationService, added the \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\Validation\SeoUrlDataValidationFactoryInterface instead to allow service decoration
    • Renamed \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\Validation\SeoUrlValidationService to \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\Validation\SeoUrlValidationFactory, the old serviceId is now deprecated
    • Renamed \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Validation\AddressValidationService to \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Validation\AddressValidationFactory, the old serviceId is now deprecated
    • Renamed \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Validation\CustomerValidationService to \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Validation\CustomerValidationFactory, the old serviceId is now deprecated
    • Renamed \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Validation\CustomerProfileValidationService to \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Customer\Validation\CustomerProfileValidationFactory, the old serviceId is now deprecated
    • Renamed \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\Validation\OrderValidationService to \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\Validation\OrderValidationFactory, the old serviceId is now deprecated
    • Renamed \Shopware\Core\Content\ContactForm\Validation\ContactFormValidationService to \Shopware\Core\Content\ContactForm\Validation\ContactFormValidationFactory, the old serviceId is now deprecated
    • Fixed a bug in storefront search that occurred when keywords such as \0\0 were entered.
    • Added a position field on the \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Order\Aggregate\OrderLineItem\OrderLineItemDefinition, used for sorting the line items
    • Changed default shopware.cdn.strategy to the new physical_pathname strategy that behaves like the old md5 strategy. For new installations the default is id
    • Deprecated \Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin::getExtraBundles, use getAdditionalBundles
    • Added method \Shopware\Core\Framework\Plugin::getAdditionalBundles method with additional parameters compared to getExtraBundles, to allow loading bundles depending on other plugins/bundles and kernel parameters.
    • Change default shopware.cdn.strategy to the new physical_pathname strategy that behaves like the old md5 strategy. For new installations the default is id
    • Fixed a bug where entities got removed by deleting default version. Deleting default version via /api/v{version}/_action/version/{versionId}/{entity}/{entityId} is now forbidden
    • The data format of the lineItem.payload.options has changed. Now there is a simple array per element with option and group. It contains the translated names of the entities.
    • We deprecated the Shopware\Storefront\Page\Search\SearchPage::$searchResult property, use Shopware\Storefront\Page\Search\SearchPage::$listing instead
    • We implemented the new Shopware\Core\HttpKernel class which simplifies the kernel initialisation.
    • Marked the \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\ApiDefinition\ApiDefinitionGeneratorInterface and it's implementations as internal
    • Added the version parameter to the methods of the \Shopware\Core\Framework\Api\ApiDefinition\ApiDefinitionGeneratorInterface
    • We deprecated the \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\SeoUrlGenerator::generateSeoUrls function, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\SeoUrlGenerator::generate instead
    • We deprecated the \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\SeoUrlGenerator::checkUpdateAffectsTemplate function
    • @Framework/documents/style_base_portrait.css.twig and @Framework/documents/style_base_landscape.css.twig are now included by sw_include.
    • Added new $depth parameter to \Shopware\Core\Content\Category\Service\NavigationLoader::load
    • Added new field navigation_category_depth to \Shopware\Core\System\SalesChannel\SalesChannelDefinition
  • Storefront

    • Changed \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\CacheWarmer\CacheRouteWarmer signatures
    • Moved most of the seo module into the core. Only storefront(route) specific logic/extensions remain
    • Added twig function sw_csrf for creating CSRF tokens
    • Added Storefront/Resources/config/packages/storefront.yaml configuration
    • Added csrf section to storefront.yaml configuration
    • Added \Shopware\Storefront\Controller\CsrfController for creating CSRF tokens(only if csrf mode is set to ajax in storefront.yaml configuration)
    • Added JS plugin for handling csrf token generation in native forms(only if csrf mode is set to ajax)
    • Added MetaInformation struct to handle meta information in pageLoader
    • Renamed the breadcrumb variable used in category seo url templates. It can now be access using category.seoBreadcrumb to align it with all other variables.
    • Added an automatic hot reload watcher with automatic detection. Use ./psh.phar storefront:hot-proxy
    • Extended the \Shopware\Storefront\Controller\RegisterController::register method with the double opt in logic (only if set in the admin settings)
    • Added new method \Shopware\Storefront\Controller\RegisterController::confirmRegistration to confirm double opt in registrations or email addresses
    • Added twig filter sw_sanitize to filter unwanted tags and attributes (prevent XSS)
    • The filter plugin moves to the offcanvas when the user is in mobile view
    • Updated Symfony Dependencies to version 4.4.0.
    • Added the referencePrice of a product to the offcanvas cart and the ajax-search
    • The default cache time for the theme config now uses the lifetime of the cache pool instead of 1 hour
    • The theme.json can now also define the order of the templates. For this you can use the views parameter:
          "views": [	
    • Added the async Attribute to the main <script> tag.
    • The src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/main.js now uses the readystatechange event to initialize all JavaScript plugins.
    • Introduced new SCSS variable $font-weight-semibold with the value of 600.
    • Added fallbackImageTitle variable to src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/element/cms-element-image-gallery.html.twig to add fallback values to the images alt and title attribute if the media object itself has no alt or title defined.
    • Added cookie-configuration plugin for displaying a cookie configuration menu
    • Added global event CookieConfiguration_Update for updating the cookie preference
    • Moved src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/plugin/cookie-permission/cookie-permission.plugin.js to src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/plugin/cookie/cookie-permission.plugin.js
    • Moved src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/layout/cookie-permission.html.twig to src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/layout/cookie/cookie-permission.html.twig
    • Added XHtmlRequest route to /country/country-state-data
    • Added CountryStateController
    • Added JavaScript Plugin CountryStateSelect that handles selectable states for selected a country
    • Added blocks to display select to handle the state in address forms
    • Encapsulated select inputs for country and state in a single form row
    • Added StorefrontMediaUploader to handle file uploads in the storefront and validate them using StorefrontValidationRegistry and StorefrontMediaValidatorInterface
    • Removed return type from \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\LineItem\LineItem::getPayloadValue()
    • Fixed external category links in footer and service navigation
    • Updated copy-webpack-plugin to 5.1.1 in the storefront package
    • Updated terser-webpack-plugin to 2.2.3 in the storefront package
    • We have refactored the file Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/layout/navigation/offcanvas/navigation.html.twig. It was split into smaller template files.
    • The js plugin manager now catches errors from the plugin initialization to avoid stopping the script if only one plugin fails.
    • We removed all dependencies to media metadata in storefront.
    • You can now disable the lint plugin by setting ESLINT_DISABLE environment variable to 'true'.
      • Run APP_URL="<your url>" PLATFORM_ROOT=/app/ ESLINT_DISABLE=true npm run hot in Storefront js folder
    • The Lint plugin can only be disabled in hot reload mode.
    • We extended setup of the storefront:hot-proxy
      • The proxy now points to your app url's host instead of localhost which means that the url only differs in the port.
      • The port is now replaced in both regular page requests and XHtmlRequests.
      • The proxy's port is now configurable.
        • Using psh: just override the STOREFRONT_PROXY_PORT constant (this will also map the port for docker setup)
        • Using npm: run APP_URL="<your url>" STOREFRONT_PROXY_PORT=<some port> PROJECT_ROOT=<path to your root folder>/ npm run hot-proxy from the storefronts js directory.
      • The default port is still port 9998.
    • We implemented the new Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/component/product/listing.html.twig which can be included to display product listings
    • Changed the naming of the method _submitForm to _redirectToVariant inside src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/plugin/variant-switch/variant-switch.plugin.js.
    • Added the !default flag to all variable declarations in the following SCSS files to provide the ability to modify the default values inside a theme:
      • src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/scss/abstract/variables/_bootstrap.scss
      • src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/scss/abstract/variables/_custom.scss
      • src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/scss/skin/shopware/abstract/variables/_bootstrap.scss
      • src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/scss/skin/shopware/abstract/variables/_custom.scss
  • Elasticsearch

    • The env variables SHOPWARE_SES_* were renamed to SHOPWARE_ES_*.
      • You can set them with a parameter.yml too.
    • The extensions are now saved at the top level of the entities.
    • Updated ongr/elasticsearch-dsl to version 7.0.0
    • Updated Symfony Dependencies to version 4.4.0.


  • Administration

    • Removed module export of Shopware
    • Removed plugin functionality in login
    • Removed direct component registration in modules
    • Removed "add order" button in order module
    • Remove disabled cms page type for product pages
  • Core

    • When a sub entity is written or deleted, a written event is dispatched for the configured root entity.
      • Example for mapping entities: Writing a product_category entity now also dispatches a product.written and category.written event
      • Example for simple sub entities: Writing a product_price entity now also dispatches a product_category event
      • Example for nested sub entities: Writing a order_delivery_position entity now also dispatches a order_delivery.written and a order.written event
    • Removed seoUrls extensions in product and category. Use product/category.seoUrls instead
    • Removed shopware.api.api_browser.public config value
    • Removed Bundle::getAdministrationEntryPath
    • Removed Bundle::getStorefrontEntryPath
    • Removed Bundle::getConfigPath
    • Removed Bundle::getStorefrontScriptPath
    • Removed Bundle::getViewPaths
    • Removed Bundle::getRoutesPath
    • Removed Bundle::getServicesFilePath
    • When a sub entity is written or deleted, a written event is dispatched for the configured root entity.
      • Example for mapping entities: Writing a product_category entity now also dispatches a product.written and category.written event
      • Example for simple sub entities: Writing a product_price entity now also dispatches a product_category event
      • Example for nested sub entities: Writing a order_delivery_position entity now also dispatches a order_delivery.written and a order.written event
    • Dropped additionalText column of product entity, use metaDescription instead
    • Removed EntityExistence $existence parameter from \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition::getDefaults as it is not necessary anymore
    • Removed configuration shopware.entity_cache in favor of the symfony cache pool cache.object configuration.
    • Removed the voku/stop-words package
    • Removed the SearchFilterInterface and StopWordFilter, which were not used anywhere
    • Removed return type hint of Shopware\Core\Framework\Struct\Collection::reduce
  • Storefront

    • Removed \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\CacheWarmer\Navigation\NavigationRouteMessage
    • Removed \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\CacheWarmer\Product\ProductRouteMessage
    • Removed \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\CacheWarmer\CacheWarmerSender
    • Removed \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\CacheWarmer\IteratorMessage
    • Removed \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\CacheWarmer\IteratorMessageHandler
    • Removed unused font variants:
      • Removed vendor css file for the "Inter" font face: src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/vendor/Inter-3.5/inter.css. The font file imports can now be found in src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/src/scss/skin/shopware/vendor/_inter-fontface.scss.
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-Black.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-Black.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-BlackItalic.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-BlackItalic.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ExtraBold.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ExtraBold.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ExtraBoldItalic.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ExtraBoldItalic.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ExtraLight-BETA.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ExtraLight-BETA.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ExtraLightItalic-BETA.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ExtraLightItalic-BETA.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-Light-BETA.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-Light-BETA.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-LightItalic-BETA.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-LightItalic-BETA.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-Medium.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-Medium.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-MediumItalic.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-Medium.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-MediumItalic.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-MediumItalic.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-Thin-BETA.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-Thin-BETA.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ThinItalic-BETA.woff
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-ThinItalic-BETA.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-italic.var.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter-upright.var.woff2
      • Removed src/Storefront/Resources/app/storefront/dist/assets/font/Inter.var.woff2
    • Removed ContactPageController and the contact page
    • Removed newsletter page and its route /newsletter