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how to build flash and use hydrafw on windows

Benjamin Vernoux edited this page Sep 22, 2016 · 24 revisions

##How to build, flash and use hydrafw on Windows:

  • Official compiler for hydrafw up to v0.7beta release is GCC ARM 4.7-2013-q3
  • WARNING: GCC ARM 4.8.x & GCC ARM 5.0/5-2016-q1 shall be avoided as they crash during link of chibios ...
  • With actual trunk (v0.8beta release or more) new command frequency with ARM GCC 4.7-2013-q3 return an error ... (all work fine with ARM GCC 4.9 2015q3)
  • For information GNU ARM GCC 4.9 2015q3 ( is the next step and it will be used by default as official compiler for HydraFW v0.8beta or more, this new version improve lot of stuff (mainly for debug with GDB which support python ...)

###Prerequisites for Windows (install git, python and clone hydrafw):

    git clone hydrafw
    cd hydrafw/
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    cd ./scripts
    python -m pip install GitPython --upgrade
    python -m pip install intelhex --upgrade --allow-external intelhex --allow-unverified intelhex
For if you need a proxy for internet access set following variables before to launch
set http_proxy=
set https_proxy=

###To build hydrafw firmware (with mingw):

MinGW ( is required. The firmware is set up for compilation with the GCC toolchain GNU_ARM_4_7_2013q3.

####Prerequisites for Windows (install gcc arm, mingw):

####Build the firmware

    cd in root directory(which contains directories common, fatfs, hydrabus, hydranfc ...)
    make clean

####In case of error during the step "Build the firmware"

  1. With error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../scripts/", line 14, in <module>
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'search_parent_directories'
make[1]: *** [hydrafw_version.hdr] Error 1
  1. Just execute:
python -m pip install GitPython --upgrade
  1. Then execute again the step "Build the firmware"

###To build hydrafw firmware (with EmBitz):

  • Install EmBitz (tested with EmBitz beta 0.42) from
  • Launch EmBitz and choose from Menu File => Open... Ctrl-O with file hydrafwEm.ebp which is in root of hydrafw/
  • Build the code with Menu Build => Rebuild all target files

###To flash/debug hydrafw firmware (with EmBitz): You can use a STM32F4 Discovery or cheap NUCLEO F401RE as SWD Flasher/Debugger see

###Flash and use hydrafw on Windows with USB DFU: See the wiki

How to Flash/Use HydraFW

How to Build/Flash/Use HydraFW

Developer Getting-Started with HydraBus and STM32CubeIDE


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