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Spring Boot docker example

This example shows how to make docker image build and run in springboot , having:

  • Spring Boot DockerFile

  • How to add Maven docker plugin

To try the example, you need to have a docker installed on your OS. And needed sudoers account permission[1]

After docker installation, execute this command to bake a docker image in a terminal:

mvn clean package docker:build -DskipTests=true;

Let’s make sure that the build is normally done.:

docker images

To run docker, excute this command in a ternimal:

docker run -d --name hellodocker -p 8989:8989 springboot/docker-example

Check rest index call :


If you want to get into docker container os, excute this command [2] :

docker exec -i -t hellodocker /bin/bash

docker options are as follows,

run : run
-d : background run
-p : expose port conainer core-os port to your os (port fowarding)
--name : container nickname
exec : excute
-i : enable bash standard input (stdin)
-t : using bash TTY mode (pseudo-TTY)

