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Usage Example

This is an example implementation of a simple IRC echo bot using this IRC client framework. Refer to the User’s Guide and the Reference Manual for detailed explanation of the APIs used here.


To install and use this library you need to install the following:

  • Erlang 26 or later
  • rebar3

Setting up the rebar project

Run the following command to setup a new rebar3 project for our bot:

$ rebar3 new app ircbot

This will create a directory called ircbot that contains the files for our project.


Change to the ircbot directory we created in the previous step and then edit the rebar.config file so that it looks like this:

{erl_opts, [debug_info]}.
{deps, [{irc, {git, "", {branch, "master"}}}]}.

{shell, [{apps, [irc]}]}.


In the file src/ircbot.erl we will implement the actual logic for our bot. Edit the file so that it looks like this:



message(Id, Message) ->
    case irc_parser:get_command(Message) of
        <<"PRIVMSG">> ->
            %% Extract the source of the message and the text
            {ok, Recv, Text} = irc_parser:privmsg(Message),
            %% Send the same message back
            irc_send:schedule(Id, irc_make:privmsg(Id, Recv, Text));
        _Command ->
            %% Ignore any other command

Our handler function message/2 takes two arguements: the client Id and the Message itself.

We extract the IRC command from the Message and check to see if it a PRIVMSG (a normal text message sent to an IRC channel or privately with the bot). If it is indeed a PRIVMSG we send the same message back, otherwise we ignore the message.

Later we will configure message/2 to be our handler function.

Putting it all together

You can now compile everything and open a shell with:

$ rebar3 shell

Once you are in the shell with everything loaded, you can configure and start the IRC client with:

irc_config:set(example_id, #{address  => "",
                             port     => 6697,
                             tls      => true,
                             nickname => "my_irc_client",
                             user     => "my_irc_client",
                             realname => "My IRC client",
                             channels => #{"#channel" => <<>>},
                             handler  => fun ircbot:message/2}).