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-# `@hyperledger/cacti-ledger-browser-react`
-This component allows viewing ledger data in Supabase or other postgreSQL compatible database. The data is fed to supabase by persistence plugins for each ledgers.
-## Summary
-- [`@hyperledger/cacti-ledger-browser`](#hyperledgercacti-gui-tx-viewer)
- - [Summary](#summary)
- - [Remarks](#remarks)
- - [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- - [Prerequisites using yarn](#prerequisites-using-yarn)
- - [Alternative Prerequisites using npm](#alternative-prerequisites-using-npm)
- - [Usage](#usage)
- - [Contributing](#contributing)
- - [License](#license)
- - [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)
-## Remarks
-- Plugin requires running Supabase or other database and persistence plugins in order to properly view ledger data.
-- Currently, fabric and ethereum based ledgers are supported.
-## Getting Started
-Clone the git repository on your local machine. Follow these instructions that will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
-### Prerequisites using yarn
-In the root of the project, execute the command to install and build the dependencies. It will also build this GUI front-end component:
-yarn run build
-### Alternative Prerequisites using npm
-In the root of the project, execute the command to install and build the dependencies. It will also build this GUI front-end component:
-npm install
-### Usage
-- Run Supabase instance (see documentation for detailed instructions). For development purposes, you can use our image located in `tools/docker/supabase-all-in-one`.
-- Run one or more persistence plugins:
- - [Ethereum](../cacti-plugin-persistence-ethereum)
- - [Fabric] (../cacti-plugin-persistence-fabric)
-- Edit [Supabase configuration file](./src/supabase-client.tsx), set correct supabase API URL and service_role key.
-- Execute `yarn run start` or `npm start` in this package directory.
-- The running application address: http://localhost:3001/ (can be changed in [Vite configuration](./vite.config.ts))
-## Contributing
-We welcome contributions to Hyperledger Cacti in many forms, and there’s always plenty to do!
-Please review [CONTIRBUTING.md](../../CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started.
-## License
-This distribution is published under the Apache License Version 2.0 found in the [LICENSE](../../LICENSE) file.
-## Acknowledgments
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