All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- PSR interfaces issues with php-http/httplug to v1 on update
- Symfony 5 and nexylan/slack 3.0 support
- Rollback to the actual service id as a snake-case version
- Add client service autowiring
- Add
option support
- Symfony 4.2 support for dependency injection
- nexylan/slack v2 support
- PHP strict typing
- Classes are now final
- PHP <7.1 support
- Symfony <3.3 support
- nexylan/slack <2 support
- Symfony 4 support
- Now requiring nexylan/slack instead of abandoned maknz/slack. It will not break anything as the codebase is exactly the same for 1.x.