- Pdb file picked
- Show user uploaded pdb file in ngl
- Uses ngl to parse chains from file
- Select chain
- Preprocess pdb file with pdbtools via haddock3 restaints web service
- Compute bodies contraints of chain
- Parse chains/residues from preprocessed file
- Uses restraints calculate_accessibility endpoint to get surface residues
- Pick flavour of residue selection for restraints.
- Show processed pdb file in ngl or sequence and comma separated list.
- Select an active and/or passive redidues
- Uses restraints passive_from_active endpoint to get passive residues when requested
- Steps 1-12 for second pdb file
- Uses actpass_to_ambig endpoint to generate ambig tbl file
- Concatenate body contraints of both chains and if not empty use as unambig tbl file
- Create archive with workflow, processed pdb files and tbl files