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128 lines (101 loc) · 7.37 KB

Release Process

Note to all future maintainers: We have 4 channels that need to be updated in order to have a successful Android release. Many of these channels are updated at different rates, and at times you must wait on a third-party service to complete it's tasks before you may continue. When completing an Android release, keep in mind that you must update 1) Maven 2) Google Play 3) and 4) F-Droid main repository.

At the time of this revision, 2020/09/13, the main Android maintainer is idk. idk updates Maven, Google Play, and, and nextl00p handles working with the F-Droid project to provide an I2P release in their main repository.

NOTE: The docker container built by the Dockerfile in this repostory ensures that the Pre-requisites and Dependencies are properly met by obtaining them from the Debian package in oldoldstable and pre-configuring the that is used in the Docker container.

Tag Freezes and Translations

1-2 weeks before the software is released, I2P Desktop will have a "Tag Freeze" which is the deadline for translations to be checked in. When that time comes, someone who has Transifex privileges should use the command: tx push -s -R to push any and all changed string resources to transifex for translation.

>> Beginning of Docker-enabled Steps <<


  1. Update the changelog!
  2. Ensure you have the deprecated maven ant tasks. ( )
  3. It should exist at ~/.ant/lib/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar
  4. Ensure you have hamcrest-integration, hamcrest-library, hamcrest-core in the hamcrest.home directory.
  5. Ensure junit 4.12 at least in junit.home, ensure the jar file is named junit4.jar.
  6. Ensure you have the Mockito framework and accompanying documentation in your $JAVA_HOME
  7. Ensure to have updated the changelog with the changes done.
  8. Ensure that you are configured to build i2p.i2p with Java 8. On Debian it is easiest to set with update-java-alternatives --set java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 and picking Java 8. TODO: add instructions for non-Debian-based systems.
  9. Ensure that you have a Java 1.7 bootclasspath available. (See Maven Central step 2A.)

Get all the dependencies ready

Maven Central

  1. Check out a clean copy of i2p.i2p at the correct release version. (Make a clean checkout)
  2. Build the maven packages via ant mavenCentral where you end up with mavencentral-*.jar files in the current directory.
  3. A) I2P for Android requires a Java 1.7 bootclasspath, but the servlet jar requires Java 8. So, to do the builds:
  • First set javac.compilerargs=-bootclasspath /path/to/java/7/rt.jar:/path/to/java/7/jce.jar in
  • Build with ant mavenCentral

>> End of Docker-enabled Steps for Maven <<

  1. Login to for uploading the mavencentral-*.jar bundles.
  2. In nexus, choose "Staging Upload" and upload all of the files with upload mode set to "Artifacts with POM". When uploading the files to nexus, you must upload the pom.xml files, and all of their artifacts. For each component, you will need to upload a *.jar, a *.jar.asc, a *sources.jar, a *sources.jar.asc, a javadoc.jar, and a javadoc.jar.asc, and a pom.xml and a pom.xml.asc from the pkg-mavencentral directory during the "Upload Artifacts with POM" operation. You will need to do this once for each component you upload to Nexus.
  3. Under "Staging Repositories" ensure all where uploaded correctly, select them all and press "Release" in the toolbar.


    javac.compilerargs=-bootclasspath /home/user/StudioProjects/java7bootclasspath/rt.jar:/home/user/StudioProjects/java7bootclasspath/jce.jar
    javac.compilerargs7=-bootclasspath /home/user/StudioProjects/java7bootclasspath/rt.jar:/home/user/StudioProjects/java7bootclasspath/jce.jar

Android Common Build

Using Docker: in order to use Docker to generate a new Android apk for release, you will need to run the build twice, once for the mavenCentral jars, and once for the actual Android app. After doing the Maven release, follow these steps in the repository, and re-run the docker run step described in

  1. Edit routerjars/ to use the clean i2p.i2p copy.
  2. Pull the latest translations with tx pull --use-git-timestamps and commit them. (If you don't have the tx command, do pip install transifex-client ). If there are broken translations, exclude them and only them.
  • If there are any new translations, mtn add them, and add them to app/src/main/res/values/arrays.xml (two places, alphabetical order please)
  1. Ensure that contains the details of the release key. If you are using Docker, see to perform this step for Docker builds by editing etc/ instead.
  2. Edit to bump the I2P version.
  3. Edit app/build.gradle to bump the Android version number.
  4. Edit CHANGELOG to add the release and date.
  5. If the helper has changed since the last release, edit lib/helper/ to bump the version.
  6. ./gradlew clean assembleRelease


  1. ./gradlew :lib:client:uploadArchives
  2. If the helper version was changed and should be released: ./gradlew :lib:helper:uploadArchives
  3. Check on Sonatype that everything worked, and close/release.

Release Packages

F-Droid Guide

This guide is for, not for F-Droid's main repository. The repository keystore and the used to generate the repository are required to complete this process successfully.

  1. Ensure you have the release keys, the keyfile must be placed at ~/.local/share/fdroidserver/keystore.jks
  2. If it's the first time, or you have reinstalled anything, ensure path/to/fdroid/ has correct information.
  3. Assuming you already have ran ./gradlew clean assembleRelease from a earlier step, continue.
  4. cp app/build/outputs/apk/free/release/app-free-release.apk path/to/fdroid/repo/I2P-VERSION.apk
  5. Update path/to/fdroid/metadata/ (The versions at the bottom of the file)
  6. Run fdroid update from inside the fdroid path (install fdroid command via pip install fdroidserver)
  7. Zip/tar the local fdroid repo and archive. rm fdroid.tgz && tar czf fdroid.tgz archive/ repo/ from the fdroid directory.
  8. Push to download server and put in place. (via SSH for example, scp fdroid.tgz
  9. On the server run bin-fd/update-fdroid and sudo bin-fd/update-app i2p 0.9.40 (This ensures we use the exact same apk file for the download page as in fdroid and gplay)
  10. Check F-Droid repo works, and app works.

Google Play and finishing up

  1. Verify which files that are changed via mtn ls cha. It shouldn't be much more than those bellow this line and possible translations (mtn ls unk).
  2. Commit your release changes, mtn ci lib/helper/ app/build.gradle
  3. Push free and donate builds to Google Play via
  4. Tag the new release. Example mtn tag h: android-0.9.36
  5. Push the monotone changes. Make sure that they are there at the next git sync.
  6. Update download page (version and hash, including F-Droid)