Releases: iExecBlockchainComputing/iexec-core
What's new?
- #371 Dapp developers can browse worker computing logs over iexec-core API
- #374 Task result link is standardized and generic. It supports Ethereum, IPFS & Dropbox "storage" providers.
- #361 Result storage feature is moved to a dedicated component -
- Full compatibility with new iExec Secret Managment Service -
- #370 Compatibility with latest PoCo 5.1.0 smart contracts
What is new?
- Bag Of Tasks (BoT): Bag Of Tasks Deals can now be processed by the middleware.
- Use of iexec input files: Sometimes external resources are needed to run a computation without using a dataset, that is what input files are for.
- Whitelisting: Now the core can define a whitelist of workers that are allowed to connect to the pool.
- Https: Workers can connect to the core using https.
What is patched?
- The project has been updated to java 11 and web3j 4.3.0
- Internal refactoring to handle replicates update better
- Limit workers that ask for replicates too often
- Update workers configuration when they disconnect/reconnect
This release is a patch to fix an issue following the release of version 3.0.0.
When asking for a replicate, a worker sends the latest available block number from the node it is is connected to. If that node is a little bit behind the node the core is connected to, the worker will have a disadvantage compare to workers connected to more up-to-date nodes. To avoid this disadvantage, now the core waits for a few blocks before sending replicates to workers.
This release contains the core set of changes in the 3.0.0-alpha-X releases and some other features/fixes.
In summary this version introduces:
- A new architecture: the core has been completely re-architectured from the version 2
- Latest PoCo use
- Better management of transaction with the ethereum blockchain
- Failover mechanisms: in case some workers are lost or restarted when working on a specific task, internal mechanisms will redistribute the task or use as much as possible the work performed by the lost / restarted workers
- iExec End-To-End Encryption with Secret Management Service (SMS): from this version, inputs and outputs of the job can be fully encrypted using the Secret Management Service.
- Decentralized oracle: If the result is needed by a smart contract, it is available directly on the blockchain.
- IPFS: data can be retrieved from IPFS and public results can be published on IPFS
For further informations on this version, please read our documentation
What's new?
- #200 Possibility to choose between slow and fast transactions
- #230 Embedded IPFS node for default iexec-worker push of the results
- #234 Better engine for supporting iexec-worker disconnections and recovery actions
- #248 Brand new Continuous Integration and Delivery Pipeline
- #255 Enabled SockJS over HTTP WebSocket sub-protocol to bypass some proxies
This release is the first alpha release of the version 3.0.0.