Files for the introduction to Ansible and Vagrant in the context of a HPC/OpenHPC tutorial.
01-vagrant-centos7: | Bare minimal (oficial) CentOS/7 Vagrant file. |
02-vagrant-OpenHPC-master: | Minimal CentOS/7 OpenHPC head node Vagrant file, as used in the OpenHPC hands-on tutorial. |
03-vagrant-OpenHPC-bare: | Three VirtualBox machines which can be used for an OpenHPC test deploy: a master node and two pxe empty machines. As pxe machines have no OS, they sould be "vagrant up'ed" separately as vagrant "fails" on them. |
04-vagrant-Ansible-hands-on: | One head node plus two computing nodes for ansible testing. Ansible is used first as Vagrant provisioner, and also inside the headnode for later computing nodes configuration. |