If you have not converted your CORE LPs into coreDAO you have to use a previous version of the CORE Router on COREVAULT.ETH which allows for LP tokens which missed the migration to coreDAO Vouchers, to be wrapped and exchanged.
{% hint style="warning" %} You can only migrate CORE LPs that were actively staked in the CORE VAULT. If you have any questions it is recommended to join the community and ask a community members for help. {% endhint %}
Step 1: Navigate to COREVAULT.ETH and connect your wallet
Click on the Start button in the bottom left corner, and navigate to Router. This opens the CORE Router window.
Once the Router window is opened, click on the Wrap LP tab. You will see three different sections, displaying each of the former LP tokens. If your wallet holds any of these tokens, you will be able to click the Wrap All button. Confirm the transaction and give the interface up to a minute to catch up.Congrats, you have successfully converted your LP tokens to coreDAO Voucher LP. You are ready for the migration to coreDAO tokens which will have increased utility in the CORE ecosystem.