A new Flutter project.
- Flutter 3.3.8
- Dart
>=2.18.0 <3.0.0
Step 1:
Download or clone this repo by using the link below:
Step 2:
Go to backend sub folder and run make run
this should spin a simple dart_frog
Then navigate into app/
and run
flutter pub get
Step 3:
Under lib/src/core/config.dart
you can change the API URl with your IP
Step 4:
Generate part files if needed
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Step 5:
Run the project
flutter run
- Dio - a robust http client for interacting with the REST client
- Bloc - the app uses cubit for statement hence the needs for this package
- Flutter bloc - since the merge of bloc and cubit I need this to provide required widget to integrate cubit example
- Hydrated bloc - For caching of bloc state in some cubits
- Build runner for code generation
- Freezed code generator for data-classes/unions/pattern-matching/cloning.
- json_serializable code generation for json serialization
- Logger - for safe and beautiful logs
- Go router - for declarative routing purposes
- flutter_screenutil - for Adaptive font size and screen sizes
- responsive_framework - in combination with
to create adaptive screens
- shared_preferences - simple storage and retrieve of key value pairs
- sticky_headers - for placing headers on scrollable content that will stick to the top of the container whilst the content is scrolled.
- lottie - parsing json animation downloaded for https://lottiefiles.com
- google_fonts - in order to use Google fonts
- intl - for date/number formatting and parsing
This application uses a multi-module architecture though the packages are not in seperate packages this can easily be done. for purposes of simplicity I under them under lib
Here is the core folder structure which flutter provides.
|- android
|- build
|- ios
|- lib
|- test
Here is the folder structure we have been using in this project inside of lib
|- app/
|- core/
|- features/
The app* module holds app related things example the material app widget, routes etc
The core* module are common things that an app needs, and various features a can depend on this module example of things found onthe core module include:
- assets - class that wraps assets added so instead of
you doAssets.bg
- config - Set up your config; things like
, sentry url etc - constants - constants used in your application
- theme - the app uses a custom theme to provide theming
- styles - includes extensions on various colors, textstyles, durations, Corners
- extensions -
- And many more
- assets - class that wraps assets added so instead of
The Feature* module houses all the features and in this app they include
- Landing - landing page and decision page (Where we check whether you are login or not)
- On-boarding - Houses all signup and login flows, http calls, cubits and widgets
- Home - this houses the list of workout screens, profile screens, create workout, workout details screens and all the accompanying logic to support this module
- Adding of more tests (time constraints)