diff --git a/ibis/backends/__init__.py b/ibis/backends/__init__.py
index f1c06f1a4adb..3e85111f26bb 100644
--- a/ibis/backends/__init__.py
+++ b/ibis/backends/__init__.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import collections.abc
 import contextlib
 import functools
+import glob
 import importlib.metadata
 import keyword
 import re
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
     from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, MutableMapping
+    from io import BytesIO
     from urllib.parse import ParseResult
     import pandas as pd
@@ -1269,6 +1271,100 @@ def has_operation(cls, operation: type[ops.Value]) -> bool:
             f"{cls.name} backend has not implemented `has_operation` API"
+    @util.experimental
+    def read_parquet(
+        self, path: str | Path | BytesIO, table_name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any
+    ) -> ir.Table:
+        """Register a parquet file as a table in the current backend.
+        This function reads a Parquet file and registers it as a table in the current
+        backend. Note that for Impala and Trino backends, the performance
+        may be suboptimal.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        path
+            The data source. May be a path to a file, glob pattern to match Parquet files,
+            directory of parquet files, or BytseIO.
+        table_name
+            An optional name to use for the created table. This defaults to
+            a sequentially generated name.
+        **kwargs
+            Additional keyword arguments passed to the pyarrow loading function.
+            See https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/generated/pyarrow.parquet.read_table.html
+            for more information.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        ir.Table
+            The just-registered table
+        Examples
+        --------
+        Connect to a SQLite database:
+        >>> con = ibis.sqlite.connect()
+        Read a single parquet file:
+        >>> table = con.read_parquet("path/to/file.parquet")
+        Read all parquet files in a directory:
+        >>> table = con.read_parquet("path/to/parquet_directory/")
+        Read parquet files with a glob pattern
+        >>> table = con.read_parquet("path/to/parquet_directory/data_*.parquet")
+        Read from Amazon S3
+        >>> table = con.read_parquet("s3://bucket-name/path/to/file.parquet")
+        Read from Google Cloud Storage
+        >>> table = con.read_parquet("gs://bucket-name/path/to/file.parquet")
+        Read with a custom table name
+        >>> table = con.read_parquet("s3://bucket/data.parquet", table_name="my_table")
+        Read with additional pyarrow options
+        >>> table = con.read_parquet("gs://bucket/data.parquet", columns=["col1", "col2"])
+        Read from Amazon S3 with secret info
+        >>> from pyarrow import fs
+        >>> s3_fs = fs.S3FileSystem(
+        ...     access_key="YOUR_ACCESS_KEY", secret_key="YOUR_SECRET_KEY", region="YOUR_AWS_REGION"
+        ... )
+        >>> table = con.read_parquet("s3://bucket/data.parquet", filesystem=s3_fs)
+        Read from HTTPS URL
+        >>> import fsspec
+        >>> from io import BytesIO
+        >>> url = "https://example.com/data/file.parquet"
+        >>> credentials = {}
+        >>> f = fsspec.open(url, **credentials).open()
+        >>> reader = BytesIO(f.read())
+        >>> table = con.read_parquet(reader)
+        >>> reader.close()
+        >>> f.close()
+        """
+        import pyarrow.parquet as pq
+        table_name = table_name or util.gen_name("read_parquet")
+        paths = list(glob.glob(str(path)))
+        if paths:
+            table = pq.read_table(paths, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            table = pq.read_table(path, **kwargs)
+        self.create_table(table_name, table)
+        return self.table(table_name)
     def _transpile_sql(self, query: str, *, dialect: str | None = None) -> str:
         # only transpile if dialect was passed
         if dialect is None:
diff --git a/ibis/backends/tests/test_register.py b/ibis/backends/tests/test_register.py
index 0ed6925a2ce7..e655e81dcdd3 100644
--- a/ibis/backends/tests/test_register.py
+++ b/ibis/backends/tests/test_register.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import csv
 import gzip
 import os
+from io import BytesIO
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
@@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
     import pyarrow as pa
 pytestmark = [
-    pytest.mark.notimpl(["druid", "exasol", "oracle"]),
         ["pyspark"], condition=IS_SPARK_REMOTE, raises=PySparkAnalysisException
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ def gzip_csv(data_dir, tmp_path):
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
 def test_register_csv(con, data_dir, fname, in_table_name, out_table_name):
     with pushd(data_dir / "csv"):
         with pytest.warns(FutureWarning, match="v9.1"):
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ def test_register_csv(con, data_dir, fname, in_table_name, out_table_name):
 # TODO: rewrite or delete test when register api is removed
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["datafusion", "druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ def test_register_csv_gz(con, data_dir, gzip_csv):
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
 def test_register_with_dotted_name(con, data_dir, tmp_path):
     basename = "foo.bar.baz/diamonds.csv"
     f = tmp_path.joinpath(basename)
@@ -211,6 +213,7 @@ def read_table(path: Path) -> Iterator[tuple[str, pa.Table]]:
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
 def test_register_parquet(
     con, tmp_path, data_dir, fname, in_table_name, out_table_name
@@ -249,6 +252,7 @@ def test_register_parquet(
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
 def test_register_iterator_parquet(
@@ -277,7 +281,7 @@ def test_register_iterator_parquet(
 # TODO: remove entirely when `register` is removed
 # This same functionality is implemented across all backends
 # via `create_table` and tested in `test_client.py`
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["datafusion", "druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
@@ -311,7 +315,7 @@ def test_register_pandas(con):
 # TODO: remove entirely when `register` is removed
 # This same functionality is implemented across all backends
 # via `create_table` and tested in `test_client.py`
-@pytest.mark.notimpl(["datafusion", "polars"])
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["datafusion", "polars", "druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
@@ -352,6 +356,7 @@ def test_register_pyarrow_tables(con):
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
 def test_csv_reregister_schema(con, tmp_path):
     foo = tmp_path.joinpath("foo.csv")
     with foo.open("w", newline="") as csvfile:
@@ -380,10 +385,13 @@ def test_csv_reregister_schema(con, tmp_path):
+        "druid",
+        "exasol",
+        "oracle",
@@ -414,12 +422,17 @@ def test_register_garbage(con, monkeypatch):
         ("functional_alltypes.parquet", "funk_all"),
-    ["flink", "impala", "mssql", "mysql", "postgres", "risingwave", "sqlite", "trino"]
 def test_read_parquet(con, tmp_path, data_dir, fname, in_table_name):
     pq = pytest.importorskip("pyarrow.parquet")
+    if con.name in ("trino", "impala"):
+        # TODO: remove after trino and impala have efficient insertion
+        pytest.skip(
+            "Both Impala and Trino lack efficient data insertion methods from Python."
+        )
     fname = Path(fname)
     fname = Path(data_dir) / "parquet" / fname.name
     table = pq.read_table(fname)
@@ -445,18 +458,8 @@ def ft_data(data_dir):
     return table.slice(0, nrows)
-    [
-        "flink",
-        "impala",
-        "mssql",
-        "mysql",
-        "postgres",
-        "risingwave",
-        "sqlite",
-        "trino",
-    ]
 def test_read_parquet_glob(con, tmp_path, ft_data):
     pq = pytest.importorskip("pyarrow.parquet")
@@ -473,6 +476,30 @@ def test_read_parquet_glob(con, tmp_path, ft_data):
     assert table.count().execute() == nrows * ntables
+    [
+        "duckdb",
+        "polars",
+        "bigquery",
+        "clickhouse",
+        "datafusion",
+        "snowflake",
+        "pyspark",
+    ],
+    reason="backend implements its own read_parquet",
+def test_read_parquet_bytesio(con, ft_data):
+    pq = pytest.importorskip("pyarrow.parquet")
+    bytes_io = BytesIO()
+    pq.write_table(ft_data, bytes_io)
+    bytes_io.seek(0)
+    table = con.read_parquet(bytes_io)
+    assert table.count().execute() == ft_data.num_rows
@@ -485,6 +512,7 @@ def test_read_parquet_glob(con, tmp_path, ft_data):
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
 def test_read_csv_glob(con, tmp_path, ft_data):
     pc = pytest.importorskip("pyarrow.csv")
@@ -519,6 +547,7 @@ def test_read_csv_glob(con, tmp_path, ft_data):
     reason="read_json() missing required argument: 'schema'",
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
 def test_read_json_glob(con, tmp_path, ft_data):
     nrows = len(ft_data)
     ntables = 2
@@ -565,6 +594,7 @@ def num_diamonds(data_dir):
     ["flink", "impala", "mssql", "mysql", "postgres", "risingwave", "sqlite", "trino"]
+@pytest.mark.notimpl(["druid", "exasol", "oracle"])
 def test_read_csv(con, data_dir, in_table_name, num_diamonds):
     fname = "diamonds.csv"
     with pushd(data_dir / "csv"):