This template project acts as a reference for anyone wanting to create an app that:
- Has a frontend communicating with a backend.
- Is able to cross-compile the frontend to a GTK application or a javascript application. (iOS and Android coming up).
- Uses Haskell for the frontend and the backend.
- Uses Warp to serve HTTP requests on the backend.
- Shares an API specification between the backend and the frontend using servant.
- Uses functional reactive programming on the frontend.
- Where the backend communicates with a Postgresql database.
- Uses nix to provide all the needed tools and packages.
- Defines CSS in Haskell.
The application itself is a very crude TODO list application which stores the list inside a Postgresql database. To get a desktop application, run:
cabal run backend-exe &
cabal run frontend-generatecss
cabal run frontend-externalcss
To quit the app, issue a Ctrl-C
then fg
then Ctrl-C
To generate javascript code for the frontend, run:
cabal build --cabal-file=cabal.ghcjs.project --ghcjs frontend-externalcss
Then open the main.html
This template uses copier, see the FAQ for why.
copier gh:ibizaman/hs-template-haskellnix-frp myproject
Later, to update your project based on new stuff in this template:
cd myproject && copier update
Check all the documentation at docs/.
- Uses a template renderer to create new projects.
- Accept arguments for backend.
- Have github actions to build and test.
- Accept config file for backend.
- Allow frontend to setup backend endpoint through UI.
- Serve the javascript frontend from the backend.
- Add CSS for the frontend.
- Nix provides ghcjs.
- Cross-compile frontend to iOS.
- Cross-compile frontend to Android.
- ?