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2024-05-30 |
frequently asked questions, cryptographic algorithm, regions, pricing, security compliance, key ceremony, critical security parameters, cryptographic module, security Level, fips, performance, capacity |
hs-crypto |
{: #faq-performance-capacity}
Read to get answers for questions about {{}} {{}} Standard Plan. {: shortdesc}
{: #faq-keys-number} {: faq}
A Standard Plan instance of {{}} can hold a maximum of 50,000 root keys and standard keys, and 20,000 EP11 keys.
{: #faq-keyrings-number} {: faq}
There is a KMS key ring limit of 50, but there is no GREP11 keystore limit. However, you can create as many as five keystores, including KMS key rings and EP11 keystores, free of charge. Each additional key ring or EP11 keystore is charged with a tiered pricing starting at $225 USD per month. For more information about pricing, see the pricing sample.
{: #faq-add-remove-crypto-unit} {: faq}
Yes, you can request to add or remove crypto units by raising support tickets in the {{}} Support Center. For detailed instructions, see Adding or removing crypto units.
{: #faq-hpcs-sla} {: faq}
Yes, you can find the SLA{: external} for detailed terms.