This directory contains a collection of examples for the PIC16F877A microcontroller. The examples are written in MPASM assembly language and are intended to be used with the MPASM assembler. ( not the new PIC-AS assembler )
Starting with MPLABX IDE version 5.40, the assembler MPASM toolchain is no longer installed with the IDE. To use MPASM, install a previous MPLABX version that comes with MPASM. The last version that worked with MPASM was MPLABX v5.35.
Download MPLABX v5.35 from Microchip Download Archive ( Windows / Linux / Mac )
unlike newer versions, v5.35 requires x86 architecture. If you are using an ARM based MAC (apple sillicon), you will need to install a virtual machine to run MPLABX v5.35. ( Parallels + Windows 11 ARM works pretty well )
- ADC: Analog to digital convertison to read a temperature sensor and trigger an LED
- Calculator: A simple calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide two numbers. output is displayed on a 16x2 LCD.
- Keypad: Reads a 4x4 keypad and displays the key pressed on a 7-segment display.
- ISR Keypad: modified version of the keypad example that uses interrupts to read the keypad.
- LED Timer: A timer that displays its output to a set of LEDs
- Timer ISR: Flips an LED on and off every 2.5 seconds using a TIMER0 interrupt service routine.
- Analogue Input: Analogue input using an external reference voltage of 2.56V