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Administration Web App Installation

John Darrington edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 16 revisions

The first step in running the administration web app is to create a Deep Lynx Application.

You can create a Deep Lynx enabled application under your personal Deep Lynx account at any time. An application is needed if you plan to have your outside integration/code/application communicate with Deep Lynx on behalf of a user and your application interacts with the user it acts for. If your application cannot or does not have user interaction, e.g an application that simply sends data to Deep Lynx periodically then see Generating and Using API Keys

Create a Deep Lynx Enabled Application

  1. Login to Deep Lynx (go to {yourDeepLynxUrl}/oauth in your browser) and navigate to the Profile page (should be the page you see immediately after login)

  2. In the bottom right-hand corner click on "Applications", you will be redirected to a page listing all current applications you've created for integration into Deep Lynx.

  3. Click Create New and fill out the form on the subsequent page

  4. On successful creation you will be redirected back to the Application list page - but you should see a banner at the top of the page. That banner includes the ID and Secret for your newly created application. WRITE THEM DOWN as this is the only time you'll see that application's secret. There is NO WAY to retrieve an application's secret after this page. image

Setting up the UI

  1. If running in an IDE, create a new terminal as the Application Web App is a separate app from the DeepLynx repository.

  2. Navigate to Admin Web App inside the main Deep Lynx repository.

  3. Rename the .env-sample file to .env.

  4. Once you have your application ID modify the UI's .env file (which you created by copying .env-sample so that the value of the variable VUE_APP_DEEP_LYNX_APP_ID is equal to your newly created application ID.

  5. Modify your .env file Verify that your .env file contains valid settings. To help you achieve this here are the required environment variables and a description. image

VUE_APP_DEEP_LYNX_API_URL this is the URL for the Deep Lynx api itself, defaults to http://localhost:8090
VUE_APP_DEEP_LYNX_API_AUTH_METHOD either token or basic. If basic include the additional parameters listed below this variable in the .env-sample file. Note:* The admin UI DOES NOT FUNCTION without authentication being present on Deep Lynx.
VUE_APP_APP_URL the url of the UI application, defaults to http://localhost:8080
VUE_APP_DEEP_LYNX_APP_ID the application ID you received when registering the UI with your instance of Deep Lynx
  1. Run npm install

  2. Either build with npm run build and manually open the resulting file or use the built-in web server by using npm run serve

  3. Verify correct setup and deployment by going to image

  4. The next step would be establishing your ontology.

DeepLynx Wiki

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DeepLynx Overview

Getting Started

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Admin Web App

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Using DeepLynx


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