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Querying Data

John Darrington edited this page Aug 9, 2021 · 13 revisions


Querying data from Deep Lynx is possible through the use of a GraphQL enabled endpoint. Using GraphQL a user can retrieve nodes, walk the graph, and query data based on different requirements. In order to facilitate easy querying, we've listed a few general queries, and the general method by which data is retrieved from Deep Lynx. Please query the endpoint for information on what fields are available on what types. Since those might change frequently we will not take time here to illustrate any of the fields unless they accept arguments or are unique in the response they send.

Note on Manual Querying

When querying the GraphQL enabled endpoint manually, using tools such as Postman or cURL, your "query" must be wrapped in a json payload. The payload must have a parameter named "query" who's value is an escaped string representing your GraphQL query. Most tools do this formatting automatically, but so you can see how this would be done if you had to do it all by hand here's an example.

  query: "{\r\n nodes {\r\n id\r\n }\r\n}"

Fetching nodes or an individual node

// list by single node id
    nodes(nodeID: "id") {
     {list set of properties desired to retrieve} 
     outgoing_edges - incoming edge connections, can query deeper to fetch the actual nodes as well
     incoming_edges - outoing ege connections, can query deeper to fetch the actual nodes as well

// list by group of ids, notice how we have to use the "where" filter parameter
    nodes(where: {AND: [ {id: "in id1,id2,id3"} ] }) {
     {list set of properties desired to retrieve} 

Fetching nodes with filter

Filter queries are accomplished by passing in a filter object to the parameter on supported queries. The filter object consists of two properties, AND and OR. AND and OR should be an array of filter objects, the shape of that object dependent on the query you're currently attempting to filter. See the schema or query it dynamically to find out which input types are acceptable for any given situation.

Note that the follow operators are acceptable on fetching with a filter

Operator Description
eq equals or equal to
neq non-equals or not equal to
like matches results against a passed in pattern. This pattern matching mimics Postgres's pattern matching.
in provided with an enumerable such as an array, or a comma separated string, match all results from passed in value

Here are a few examples of using the filter type for the nodes resolver. Apart from this resolver, you can pass in a where filter on the incoming_edges, outgoing_edges fields of the return from the node query.

// filter by metatype name/id
    nodes(where: {AND: [ {metatype_name: "eq name"} ]
                  OR:  [ {metatype_id: "eq id"} ] }) {
     {list set of properties desired to retrieve} 

// filter by properties - slightly complex as it deals with a properties object
    nodes(where: {
        AND: [
            {properties: [
            {key: "flower" value:"Daisy" operator:"eq"}
    }) {
       {list set of properties desired to retrieve}

// filter by properties (nested) - by using dot notation you can filter by nested
// keys on the properties object
    nodes(where: {
        AND: [
            {properties: [
            {key: "key1.key2" value:"Daisy" operator:"eq"}
    }) {
       {list set of properties desired to retrieve}

Filtering returned node's edges

When requesting that your query returns a node's incoming or outgoing edges you may also pass in a filter. The query will filter the node's edges to show you only those edges that matched your filter. This is a very common query when attempting to walk the graph.

// filter by edge properties
            nodes(nodeID: "${nodeID}") {
                incoming_edges(where: {
                AND: [
                    {properties: [
                    {key: "flower" value:"Daisy" operator:"eq"}
            }) {id}

// filter by edge's relationship name
            nodes(nodeID: "${nodeID}") {
                incoming_edges(where: {
                AND: [
                    {relationship_name: "eq parent" }
            }) {id}

Fetching files and files with filter

Here are a few other examples, this time we're querying the file storage system of Deep Lynx, not the graph system. The change is subtle.

// list by single file id
    files(fileID: "id") {
     {list set of properties desired to retrieve} 

// list by group of ids, notice how we have to use the "where" filter parameter
    files(where: {AND: [ {id: "in id1,id2,id3"} ] }) {
     {list set of properties desired to retrieve} 

// filter by file name/id
    files(where: {AND: [ {file_name: "eq name"} ]
                  OR:  [ {id: "eq id"} ] }) {
     {list set of properties desired to retrieve} 

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