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Display of now playing song track info

circuitpython_char_lcd works in conjunction with shairport-sync + MQTT and an Adafruit1 16x2 Character LCD Display on a Raspberry Pi. It has remote-control support.

If you can build shairport-sync from source on your Raspberry Pi, you should be able to get this working.

Before we begin

First, see REQUIREMENTS for your home network.

For app developement, Adafruit's Adafruit RGB Negative 16x2 LCD+Keypad Kit for Raspberry Pi LCD Pi Plate was used.

let's go

For our purposes, this guide assumes a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian buster running on same Raspberry Pi where the display app runs.

See wiki for additional pointers.


Install system python dependencies and clone this repo. See REQUIREMENTS Quickstart


python3's venv module is used for maintaining our dependencies.

sudo apt install python3-venv
cd circuitpython_char_lcd/
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-charlcd
pip3 install paho-mqtt
pip3 install tomli

# required for backlight color analysis
pip3 install colorthief
sudo apt install libtiff5      # needed on stretch
sudo apt install libopenjp2-7  # needed on buster


Copy the example config file and customize.

cp config.example.toml config.secrets.toml
$EDITOR config.secrets.toml # $EDITOR would be nano, vi, etc.
  1. Configure the MQTT section (mqtt:) to reflect your environment.

    • For the topic, I use something like shairport-sync/SSHOSTNAME
      • this topic needs to match the mqtt.topic string in your /etc/shairport-sync.conf file
      • SSHOSTNAME is the name of where shairport-sync is running
      • Note, there is no leading slash ('/') in the topic string
    • Use the same mqtt broker for host that you did in your MQTT broker config testing and shairport-sync.conf
  2. Customize the UI and remote control sections if desired.


Assumed music playing using AirPlay® (e.g. iTunes®), an MQTT broker, and shairport-sync with MQTT support are already online. Also assumes that config.toml has been configured to match your home network environment.

# this is the python virtual environment we installed into
source .venv/bin/activate
# info should be displayed on the lcd

Automatically launch webserver on boot

There's a systemd service file at circuitpython_char_lcd/etc/shairport-sync_charlcd.service in this git repository.

The file's header includes instructions that can be used to install the python script as a systemd service. In this way, it will run automatically at boot-up. It will automatically serve metadata when shairport-sync configured for MQTT metadata is an AirPlay® target.


troubleshooting running

Name or service not known

If you get an error like

socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

you should add the mqtt broker host that you are using to /etc/hosts on the computer that is hosting the webserver apple. For example, and entry like: rpi

future ideas

Moved to issues and managed there.

inspired by


circuitpython_char_lcd is a CircuitPython (via Blinka) script which uses MQTT to display shairport-sync-provided metadata. It has remote-control support and works great with Apple Music®

Original development setup:

1: Trademarks are the respective property of their owners.