Triggers allow you to set properties in response to certain conditions or events.
A property trigger sets a property in response to a change in the value of another property.
Here is an example of using a property trigger to change the background color and text color of an Entry
element when it gets focused:
using Sharp.UI;
public class PropertyTriggerPage : ContentPage
public PropertyTriggerPage()
Resources = new ResourceDictionary
new Style<Entry>
new Trigger(typeof(Entry))
new Setters<Entry>(e => e
Content = new VStack
new Entry("Enter name"),
new Entry("Enter password"),
new Entry("Enter address")
A data trigger sets a property in response to a change in the value of a data source.
Here is an example of using a data trigger to disable a button if the text length of an Entry
element is zero:
Content = new VStack
new Entry("Enter text...", out var entry).Text(""),
new Button("Save")
new DataTrigger(typeof(Button))
.Binding(e => e.Path("Text.Length").Source(entry))
.Setters(new Setters<Entry>(e => e.IsEnabled(false)))
An event trigger sets a property in response to an event.
Here is an example of using an event trigger to validate the input of an Entry
element as a number:
Content = new VStack
new Entry("Enter text...", out var entry).Text("")
new EventTrigger()
.Actions(new NumericValidationTriggerAction()))
And here is the definition of the NumericValidationTriggerAction
public class NumericValidationTriggerAction : TriggerAction<Entry>
protected override void Invoke(Entry entry)
double result;
bool isValid = Double.TryParse(entry.Text, out result);
entry.TextColor = isValid ? Colors.Black : Colors.Red;