Sitemap generator.
Main features:
Generates sitemap to file by command sitemap/write
Cares about memory (does not load much to memory)
Cares about filesize (by default split files by 10 000 record and 10MB; values could be tuned)
Add following section to composer.json:
// to "require" section:
"idfly/yii2-sitemap": "dev-master"
// to "repositories" section:
"type": "git",
"url": "[email protected]:idfly/yii2-sitemap.git"
Example configuration:
$config['modules']['sitemap'] = [
'class' => 'idfly\sitemap\Module',
'items' => [
'list' => function() {
$query =
andWhere(['active' => 1])->
return $query;
'prepare' => function($category) {
$url = '/catalog/' . $category->url;
if($category->level > 0) {
$url = '/catalog/' . $category->parent_url.
'?q[subcategories][]=' . $category->url;
return [
'loc' => $url,
'changefreq' => 'monthly',
'priority' => 0.5,
'list' => [
['loc' => '/', 'changefreq' => 'daily', 'priority' => '0.1']
Example call:
php yii sitemap/write
This call will write 'web/sitemap_0.xml' and 'web/sitemap.xml'. Inspired by
(yii2-sitemap-module)[] by
@himiklab. Package contains tests so don't forget to phpunit tests
pushing or creating pull request. All new functionality should be tested before
It is possible to use this functionality without yii2:
$sitemap = new Sitemap('/path/to/public', '/url/to/site');
$sitemap->items = [
'list' => function() {
return $myorm->select();
'prepare' => function($object) {
return [
'loc' => '' . $object->url,