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File metadata and controls

28 lines (26 loc) · 7.22 KB

Tagging system for metadata of historic maps, initial categories chosen by Sarah Büttner (student assistant) in 2021, to be updated and refined

TAGS used for historic maps from Mainz: Description of how tags were used:
digCoScan digital copy scan: A digital copy of a map created by scanning the original map without noteworthy post-processing.
digCoNM digital copy new map: A digital copy of a map created by transferring the geographic information to a new digital map.
DigMap digital map: A map that ist not transferring the information from a paper map to create a digital copy, but is originally made digital to visualize information from othe
.jpeg, .tiff, .pdf, .gpkg, etc. Datatype of map (and attached documents).
not digitised The map has not been digitised yet.
MDWeb More information (including image previews) and full metadata can be found on the archive or library website.
Kurmainz Maps that show Kurmainz and its territories in the form of a political map (focusing on major towns, borders, enclaves and exclaves).
KMCon Maps showing parts of Kurmainz with a non-political focus, e.g. highlighting infrastructure, religious affiliation or economic structures.
KMPart A political or administrative map showing only a fraction of Kurmainz.
militaryContext As well with the KMCon as with the KMPart tag; Maps that show any kind of military context or mostly war-relevant infrastructure.
infrastructureMap Further description of the KMCon tag: Maps that show any kind of infrastructure, e.g. post routes, roads, bridges, harbours, or ferries.
religiousContext Further description of the KMCon tag: Maps that show religious affiliations or the distribution of parish churches.
economicContext Further description of the KMCon tag: Maps that show any kind of economic information like the distribution of windmills.
legalContext Map drawn to support a court case, mainly covering conflicts in land use or jurisdiction.
multi-part The original map or set of maps was digitized in several individual files: more than one item is related to the metadata entry.
topographic map Topographic map (showing predominantly natural landscape features and not highlighting settlements, buildings, territories or borders).
catalogue entry for registered maps in catalogues like world cat which; the Zotero entry doesn't show the map, but the catalogue entry; this means that we have to search for the maps in
? If the maps are not digitized, it is not always clear what exactly is shown. In cases where there is no indication at all or the archival indication contradicts the original title of the map, the questions mark is used. Those maps would need to be checked carefully.
printMap Map that was originally published as a printed map.
Karte:gezeichnet Hand-drawn map (mostly created as supplement to text documents).
MapCollection Several historic maps clustered for archival purposes.