dataset Digital Humanities Centers Self-Concepts data and scripts for analysing the public self-concepts of selected digital humanities centres statistics languages languages DE 9 10,3% EN 78 89,7% institutions institutions University 80 92% non-university 7 8% text size characters less than 1000 12 1000 - 2500 41 2500 - 5000 26 5000 - 10000 6 more than 10000 2 Median: 2107 titles of self-concepts normalized_statement_names About 28 32% Mission 30 34% Values 5 6% Vision 5 6% Profile 3 3% Other 4 5% none 9 10% global distribution countries USA 35 DEU 14 GBR 6 CAN 5 ITA 4 AUT 3 AUS 3 RUS 2 NLD 2 CHE 2 PRT 1 POL 1 NOR 1 NGA 1 LUX 1 IND 1 HUN 1 FRA 1 ESP 1 DNK 1 BEL 1