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152 lines (109 loc) · 3.08 KB

File metadata and controls

152 lines (109 loc) · 3.08 KB


Turn Vim functions into operators easily. So OP.

What it does

  • Turn any function into a Vim operator (note: the function will receive a text 1st argument)
  • Automatically handles dot-repeat
  • Helper for a quick operator mapping
  • Want to map multiple functions into an operator? No problem. Use a popup menu helper to manage multiple operators


Basic Function Requirements

Your function should accept a string as its first argument:

function! MyFunction(text)
    " Do something with text
    echo "Processing: " .. a:text

Creating Operators

Using the Mapper Helper

call Operatorify#Mapper('go', 'MyFunction')

The mapper follows the convention that repeating the last character of the key creates a line operator.

  • go operates on a motion
  • goo operates on the current line
  • go in visual mode operates on the selection


If you want to create your own set of mapping:

" Create mappings
nnoremap <expr> <Plug>MyFunction Operatorify#Wrapper('MyFunction')
nnoremap <expr> <Plug>MyFunctionLine Operatorify#Wrapper('MyFunction') .. '_'

" Map to keys
nmap go  <Plug>MyFunction
nmap goo <Plug>MyFunctionLine


Popup List Options

You can customize the appearance and behavior of the popup menu:

let g:operatorify_lister_options = {
    \ 'callback': 'PopupCallback',
    \ 'border': [0,0,0,0],
    \ 'padding': [0,1,0,0],
    \ 'pos': 'topleft',
    \ 'moved': [0, 0, 0],
    \ 'scrollbar': 1,
    \ 'maxheight': 5,
    \ 'fixed': 1,
    \ 'highlight': 'Normal',
    \ 'minwidth': 25
    \ }

Using And Managing the Popup List Items

You can manage multiple operators through a popup menu. By default, this is mapped to gl:

" Define your functions
function! ToUpper(text)
    return toupper(a:text)

function! ToLower(text)
    return tolower(a:text)

" Set up the list
let g:operatorify_list = ['ToUpper', 'ToLower']

" Default mapping is gl, but you can change it
" You can run it as a command too
nnoremap <leader>o :call Operatorify#Lister()<CR>

To disable the default mapping, add this to your vimrc:

let g:operatorify_no_mappings = 1


Using vim-plug

Plug 'iggredible/vim-operatorify'

Source the file, then run :PlugInstall.

Should work with other plugin managers.


:help operatorify


Creating a Case-Changing Operator

function! ToggleCase(text)
    return a:text =~# '\u' ? tolower(a:text) : toupper(a:text)

call Operatorify#Mapper('gt', 'ToggleCase')

" gt{motion} - toggle case of motion
" gtt        - toggle case of current line
" gt         - toggle case of visual selection

Multiple Operators with Popup

" Define text transformation functions
let g:operatorify_list = [
    \ 'ToUpper',
    \ 'ToLower',
    \ 'Capitalize',
    \ 'CamelCase',
    \ 'SnakeCase'
    \ ]

" Map to gz
call Operatorify#Mapper('gz', 'Operatorify#Lister')


Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.