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Install and Upgrade the Community Kubernetes Operator

Table of Contents


  • A Kubernetes cluster with nodes with x86-64/AMD64 processors (either all, or a separate node pool)

Install the Operator

The MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator is a Custom Resource Definition and a controller.

Use the following resources to prepare your implementation and install the Community Operator:

Understand Deployment Scopes

You can deploy the MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator with different scopes based on where you want to deploy MongoDBCommunity resources:

Operator in Same Namespace as Resources

You scope the Operator to a namespace. The Operator watches MongoDBCommunity resources in that same namespace.

This is the default scope when you install the Operator using Helm or install the Operator using kubectl.

Operator in Different Namespace Than Resources

You scope the Operator to a namespace. The Operator watches MongoDBCommunity resources in other namespaces.

To deploy the Operator in a different namespace than the resources, Install in a Different Namespace using Helm or Install in a Different Namespace using kubectl.

Install the Operator using Helm

You can install the Operator using the MongoDB Helm Charts.

Prerequisites to Install using Helm

Before you install the MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator using Helm, you must:

  1. Have a Kubernetes solution available to use. If you need a Kubernetes solution, see the Kubernetes documentation on picking the right solution. For testing, MongoDB recommends Kind.
  2. Install Helm.
  3. Add the MongoDB Helm Charts for Kubernetes repository to Helm by running the following command:
    helm repo add mongodb

Procedure using Helm

Use one of the following procedures to install the Operator using Helm:

Install in the Default Namespace using Helm

To install the Custom Resource Definitions and the Community Operator in the default namespace using Helm, run the install command from the terminal:

helm install community-operator mongodb/community-operator

If you already installed the community-operator-crds Helm chart, you must include --set community-operator-crds.enabled=false when installing the Operator:

helm install community-operator mongodb/community-operator --set community-operator-crds.enabled=false
Install in a Different Namespace using Helm

To install the Custom Resource Definitions and the Community Operator in a different namespace using Helm, run the install command with the --namespace flag from the terminal. Include the --create-namespace flag if you are creating a new namespace.

helm install community-operator mongodb/community-operator --namespace mongodb [--create-namespace]

To configure the Operator to watch resources in another namespace, run the following command from the terminal. Replace example with the namespace the Operator should watch:

helm install community-operator mongodb/community-operator --set operator.watchNamespace="example"

Install the Operator using kubectl

You can install the Operator using kubectl instead of Helm.

Prerequisites to Install using kubectl

Before you install the MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator using kubectl, you must:

  1. Install kubectl.
  2. Have a Kubernetes solution available to use. If you need a Kubernetes solution, see the Kubernetes documentation on picking the right solution. For testing, MongoDB recommends Kind.
  3. Clone this repository.
    git clone
  4. Optional Configure the Operator to watch other namespaces.
  5. Optional Configure the MongoDB Docker image or container registry.
Install in a Different Namespace using kubectl

To configure the Operator to watch resources in other namespaces:

  1. In the Operator resource definition, set the WATCH_NAMESPACE environment variable to one of the following values:

    • the namespace that you want the Operator to watch, or
    • * to configure the Operator to watch all namespaces in the cluster.
            - name: mongodb-kubernetes-operator
                - mongodb-kubernetes-operator
              imagePullPolicy: Always
                - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
                  value: "*"
  2. Modify the clusterRoleBinding namespace value for the serviceAccount mongodb-kubernetes-operator to the namespace in which the operator is deployed.

  3. Run the following command to create cluster-wide roles and role-bindings in the default namespace:

    kubectl apply -f deploy/clusterwide
  4. For each namespace that you want the Operator to watch, run the following commands to deploy a Role, RoleBinding and ServiceAccount in that namespace:

    kubectl apply -k config/rbac --namespace <my-namespace>
  5. Install the operator.

Configure the MongoDB Docker Image or Container Registry

By default, the Operator pulls the MongoDB database Docker image from

To configure the Operator to use a different image or container registry for MongoDB Docker images:

  1. In the Operator resource definition, set the MONGODB_IMAGE and MONGODB_REPO_URL environment variables:

    NOTE: Use the official MongoDB Community Server images. Official images provide the following advantages:

    • They are rebuilt daily for the latest upstream vulnerability fixes.
    • MongoDB tests, maintains, and supports them.
    Environment Variable Description Default
    MONGODB_IMAGE From the MONGODB_REPO_URL, absolute path to the MongoDB Docker image that you want to deploy. "mongodb-community-server"
    MONGODB_REPO_URL URL of the container registry that contains the MongoDB Docker image that you want to deploy. ""
            - name: mongodb-kubernetes-operator
                - mongodb-kubernetes-operator
              imagePullPolicy: Always
                - name: MONGODB_IMAGE
                  value: <path/to/image>
                - name: MONGODB_REPO_URL
                  value: <container-registry-url>
  2. Save the file.

  3. Install the operator.

Procedure using kubectl

The Operator can be installed using kubectl and the Makefile.

To install the MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator using kubectl:

  1. Change to the Community Operator's directory.

  2. Install the Custom Resource Definitions.

    a. Invoke the following command: Make sure to apply the CRD file from the git tag version of the operator you are attempting to install.

    kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/mongodbcommunity.mongodb.com_mongodbcommunity.yaml

    b. Verify that the Custom Resource Definitions installed successfully:

    kubectl get crd/
  3. Install the necessary roles and role-bindings:

    a. Invoke the following command:

    kubectl apply -k config/rbac/ --namespace <my-namespace>

    b. Verify that the resources have been created:

    kubectl get role mongodb-kubernetes-operator --namespace <my-namespace>
    kubectl get rolebinding mongodb-kubernetes-operator --namespace <my-namespace>
    kubectl get serviceaccount mongodb-kubernetes-operator --namespace <my-namespace>
  4. Install the Operator.

    a. Invoke the following kubectl command to install the Operator in the specified namespace:

    kubectl create -f config/manager/manager.yaml --namespace <my-namespace>

    b. Verify that the Operator installed successsfully:

    kubectl get pods --namespace <my-namespace>

Upgrade the Operator

The release v0.6.0 had some breaking changes (see requiring special steps to upgrade from a pre-0.6.0 Version. As always, have backups. Make sure you run commands in the correct namespace.

  1. Prepare for the upgrade.

    a. Migrate your cr by updating apiVersion and kind to

    kind: MongoDBCommunity

    If you upgrade from pre-0.3.0 you need to also add the field spec.users[n].scramCredentialsSecretName for each resource. This will be used to determine the name of the generated secret which stores MongoDB user credentials. This field must comply with DNS-1123 rules (see b. Plan a downtime.

  2. Out with the old

    a. Delete the old operator.

    kubectl delete deployments.apps mongodb-kubernetes-operator

    b. Delete the old statefulset.

    kubectl delete statefulsets.apps mongodb

    c. Delete the old customResourceDefinition. Not strictly needed but no need to keep it around anymore (unless you got more installations of operator in your cluster)

    kubectl delete crd
  3. In with the new

    Follow the normal installation procedure above.

  4. Start up your Replica Set again a. Re-create your cr using the new Version from Step 1.a b. Patch your statefulset to have it update the permissions

    kubectl patch statefulset <sts-name> --type='json' --patch '[ {"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/initContainers/-", "value": { "name": "change-data-dir-permissions", "image": "busybox", "command": [ "chown", "-R", "2000", "/data" ], "securityContext": { "runAsNonRoot": false, "runAsUser": 0, "runAsGroup":0 }, "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": "/data", "name" : "data-volume" } ] } } ]'

    c. Delete your pod manually Since you added your cr in step a. kubernetes will immediately try to get your cluster up and running. You will now have one pod that isn't working since it got created before you patched your statefulset with the additional migration container. Delete that pod.

    kubectl delete pod <sts-name>-0

    d. You're done. Now Kubernetes will create the pod fresh, causing the migration to run and then the pod to start up. Then kubernetes will proceed creating the next pod until it reaches the number specified in your cr.

Rotating TLS certificate for the MongoDB deployment

Renew the secret for your TLS certificates

kubectl create secret tls <secret_name> \
  --cert=<replica-set-tls-cert> \
  --key=<replica-set-tls-key> \
  --dry-run=client \
   -o yaml |
kubectl apply -f -

secret_name is what you've specified under Spec.Security.TLS.CertificateKeySecret.Name.

If you're using a tool like cert-manager, you can follow these instructions to rotate the certificate. The operator should would watch the secret change and re-trigger a reconcile process.