5.2.5 - 02/05/25
- Get python versions from python_versions.json
5.2.4 - 01/28/25
- Bugfix: change PAFs to load with a "cause_specific_mortality_rate" affected_measure rather than "excess_mortality_rate"
5.2.3 - 12/30/24
- Bugfix: better handle 'all' years when requesting mean data
- Implement unit tests for core.get_data()
- Skip broken unmocked sbp PAF tests in test_get_measure.py
5.2.2 - 11/13/24
- Bugfix to implement data type requests for remaining interface tests
5.2.1 - 11/13/24
- Add more get_measure tests: sequelae (mocked), risk factors, covariates
5.2.0 - 11/07/24
- Add framework for getting mean data
- Add mean data support for getting incidence, prevalence, and birth prevalence
- Add a few tests to be run in CI against get_measure
5.1.0 - 11/04/24
- Drop support for Python 3.9
5.0.7 - 09/13/24
- Process exposure parametrized relative risks
5.0.6 - 08/21/24
- Use script to install dependencies in CI
5.0.5 - 08/02/24
- Fix CI bug when installing upstream dependencies
5.0.4 - 07/16/24
- Fix bug in processing locations when pulling disability weights
5.0.3 - 07/12/24
- Fix bug in processing year ID of disability weight
5.0.2 - 07/01/24
- Fix bug in validation of the year parameter
5.0.1 - 06/13/24
- Fix bug in scrub_location
5.0.0 - 05/20/24
- Pull GBD 2021 data
- Add functionality to pull multiple locations at once
4.1.4 - 01/11/24
- Remove erroneously merged get_draws_kwargs argument
4.1.3 - 01/09/24
- Update PyPI to 2FA with trusted publisher
4.1.2 - 10/16/23
- Drop support for python 3.8
4.1.1 - 07/13/23
- Update pins
- Changes version metadata to use setuptools_scm
- Adds custom get_draws kwargs to pass through to vivarium_gbd_access
4.1.0 - 06/01/23
- Update pins
- Bugfix PAF validation
- Support Python 3.8-3.11
4.0.10 - 12/27/22
- Update CI to build with python 3.8-3.10
- Update codeowners
4.0.9 - 11/28/22
- Add BMI in adults to list of known risk factors with negative PAFs
4.0.8 - 07/25/22
- Remove unneeded column when loading PAFs
- Warn instead of fail with extra columns when validating
4.0.7 - 05/05/22
- Update internal dependencies.
- Fix black/click version discrepancy.
4.0.6 - 02/15/22
- Fix bug in covariate id parsing to int.
- Autoformat code with black and isort.
- Add black and isort checks to CI.
4.0.5 - 02/12/22
- Adjust max population upper bounds to allow non-national outputs.
- Squash some future warnings.
- Modernize CI.
- Add PR template.
- Update to BSD 3-clause license.
- Squash warnings in doc building
- Fix remote doc builds.
4.0.4 - 05/26/21
- Add special case relaxing negative PAF restrictions for child wasting
4.0.3 - 06/18/21
- Bugfix release update dependencies
4.0.2 - 01/21/21
- Bugfix release, special case for LBWSG data
4.0.1 - 01/6/21
- Bugfix release, fix deployment
4.0.0 - 01/5/21
- Update for GBD 2019
- Added tests for GBD version changes (not run under CI)
3.1.1 - 01/14/20
- Fix bug in hierarchical data sorting
3.1.0 - 11/18/19
- Update information about pulling data from gbd.
- Move data artifact from vivarium public health to vivarium.
- Data exclusion for moderate wasting with edema.
- Change 'age_group_start' and 'age_group_end' to 'age_start' and 'age_end'.
- Consistent naming of rate data.
- Get rid of old multi-build artifact code.
- Add the core-maths package as a dependency.
3.0.1 - 07/16/19
- Allow for wider YLL age ranges than YLD with warning instead of error.
- Add special cases for a handful of causes with very high excess mortality.
- Bugfix for validating deaths data for sex-specific causes.
3.0.0 - 06/18/19
- Use indexes for artifact data.
- Bugfixes for lbwsg.
- Expand tmrel code to pull data when available.
- Memory optimizations.
- CI script to properly handle dependencies.
- Update metadata.
- Shift data produce to be wide on draws.
- Update component manager usage.
- Correct import guard issue.
- Special case for iron deficiency exposure sd.
2.0.3 - 03/29/19
- Update memory requirements for building artifacts.
- Fix multi-build artifact.
- Add integration tests.
- Make reshape faster, idempotent, and move to get_data function.
- Various bugfixes.
2.0.2 - 02/24/19
- Make sure demographic dimensions are in every artifact.
- Expose public API
- Remove forecast vestiges.
- Add top level function to pull raw GBD data.
- Update memory limits on artifact builder.
2.0.1 - 02/14/19
- Update dependencies
2.0.0 - 02/14/19
- Rewrite vivarium inputs for GBD 2017.
1.0.18 - 01/04/19
- Add support for multi-location artifacts.
- Add CI branch synchronization.
1.0.17 - 12/20/18
- Bugfix to normalize disability weight data.
1.0.16 - 12/20/18
- Build in functionality for pulling forecasting data for demography and diarrhea etiologies.
- Add functions for coverage and effects for health technologies.
- Allow pulling disability weight by cause.
- Update PAF and RR data format to support excess mortality effects.
1.0.15 - 11/16/18
- Dependency mismatch
1.0.14 - 11/15/18
- Update documentation dependencies
1.0.13 - 11/15/18
- Add tool to locally build artifacts
- Setup artifact filter terms in configuration.
- Remove mean columns for age and year.
- Allow paf of 1 data.
- Allow artifact building on the new cluster.
1.0.12 - 11/08/18
- Include a new version of vivarium_gbd_access version
1.0.11 - 11/07/18
- Pull pafs by risk instead of by cause.
1.0.10 - 11/05/18
- Make entity/location/measure arguments to functions in core singular.
- Fix artifact builder bug causing disappearing builds.
1.0.9 - 10/26/18
- Added kind attribute to mapping objects
1.0.8 - 10/26/18
- Fix bug in artifact builder to properly store processed keys.
- Switch artifact builder to only load needed data.
- Return age_group_start and age_group_end to support order0 interpolation
- Bugfix in locations with apostrophes
1.0.7 - 10/16/18
- Add support for arbitrary covariates.
- PAF naming bugfix
1.0.6 - 10/09/18
- Update dependencies
1.0.5 - 10/09/18
- Switch from true incidence to incidence hazard
- Fix in artifact builder to get correct causes
- Add affected_risk_factors to risks
1.0.4 - 09/28/18
- Added measles covariates
1.0.3 - 09/25/18
- Update for coverage gap exposure/rr/paf
- Add support for building artifacts for locations with spaces.
- Bugfixes around measles
1.0.2 - 09/12/18
- Add logging to artifact builder.
- Various bugfixes in artifact builder.
- Bugfix for smoking prevalence w/r/t tuberculosis
1.0.1 - 8/22/18
- Move all file handling to artifact in public health
- Rewrite loaders to be usable for individual measures
- Make vivarium_gbd_access mockable
- Rewrite artifact build script to support multiple locations
- Build ArtifactPassthrough
- Switch to new aux data source
1.0.0 - 7/31/18
- Initial Release