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899 lines (839 loc) · 41.5 KB

File metadata and controls

899 lines (839 loc) · 41.5 KB

Data MIgrator Tool


A reference implementation to data migration from source system (ORACLE, POSTGRESQL, MSSQL, MYSQL) to MOSIP powered Destination system.

This Tool read individual Data (Demograhic, Biometric & Documents) from source system and perform demographic formatting (joining, splitting, date conversion) & image conversion (JP2, ISO) as per the MOSIP defined ID Schema.

###This tool have Four process,

  1. Reader
  2. Processor
  3. Post Processor
  4. Exporter

1. Data Reader

This process read data from database and populate resultset. This tool using JDBC connection to perform the read operation. currently supported databases are (ORACLE, POSTGRESQL, MSSQL, MYSQL)

2. Data Processor

This process get data from Data Reader and process Data. During data processing, system will perform demographic (joining, splitting & formatting), biometric (Image conversion, Digital signing, etc) & document (value mapping).

For biometric current supported formats are WSQ, JPEG, PNG and converts to JP2000 then ISO wrap.

3. Data Post Processor

Post processor is a optional process. we can skip the same. This process used to perform post data preparation activity like Packet creation in local disk, etc

4. Exporter

Exporter used to export data like packet upload to registration processor. Its a schedule job which pick records from PACKET_TRACKER table where status is READY_TO_SYNC.

Reference Implementation

Packet Creation & Upload in to REGPROC

  1. Reader -->
  2. Processor -->
  3. Post Processor -->
  4. Exporter -->

Direct addition to IDRepo

  1. Reader -->
  2. Processor -->
  3. Post Processor -->


Packet Creator Architecture


  1. This Tool will run as either Data Migrator or Quality Analysis (Disabling Packet creation & Upload function by configuration).

  2. This Tool can run either Batch mode or Interactive mode (REST API Call)

    ###For Data Migrator

    1. This Tool can be run either Desktop or Laptop or Server.
    2. System use TPM for signing process. So TPM Should be enabled. Incase TPM not available then system will generate key pair for the same. This keypair available in .mopsipkeys folder. This keypair should taken backup for future reference.
    3. Country should have MOSIP working environment (Sandbox or production). ID Schema & Master Data will fetch from MOSIP during Initialization.
    4. ID Schema should be finalized and should be updated into MOSIP master database before starting migration.
    5. Machine (Desktop/Laptop) should be onboarded into MOSIP.
    6. MockMDS L0(Registration Device) should be created and place the .p12 file into mockmds folder in resource path.
    7. Registration Processor API's (sync & upload) should be accessable in the system.

    ###For Quality Analyzer

    1. This Tool can run in either server or Local system. TPM not played any role here because of no packet creation.
    2. Country not necessary to have MOSIP working environment (Sandbox). but ID Schema should be present.
    3. ID Schema should be finalized before starting quality analyzer.


The deploy Data Migrator/Quality Analyzer follow the given steps:

  1. Update for hosts, Database, Reference Class, BIOSDK api's, etc
  2. Place your ID Schema (idschema.json) file in ../src/main/resources folder.
  3. Place your CBEFF (cbeff.xsd) file in ../src/main/resources folder.
  4. Place your Identity (identity.json) file in ../src/main/resources folder.
  5. Place your updated External DB SQL (external_db.sql) file in ../src/main/resources folder.
  6. For Data Migrator
    1. Onboard Device Partner for MOCK MDS and place Device.p12 file in ../src/main/resources/mockmds folder.
    2. Create Mvel Expression if any based on your requirement and place into ../src/main/resources folder.
    3. Configure mosip-config ( & for Tool (Source = MIGRATOR) Configuration.
    4. Create new Camel Route (registration-processor-camel-routes-migrator-default.xml) and place into mosip-config repository
  7. For Quality Analyzer
    1. Enable following property in mosip.extractor.enable.quality.check.only=false
  8. For Batch Mode
    1. Place your API Request JSON (ApiRequest.json) file in ../src/main/resources folder.
  9. Build and run as given



ApiRequest.json is a json file which provide the instruction to migration tool.

###Source Database

"dbType": "POSTGRESQL",
"url": "",
"port": "5432",
"databaseName": "performance_migration",
"userId": "postgres",
"password": "mosip123",

#####dbType : Describe the Source DB Type. Available values are ORACLE, POSTGRESQL, MSSQL, MYSQL

#####url, port, databaseName, userId, password Describe Source Database host, port, Database name, User id & password to connect source database.

Table Details

    "tableDetails": [
        "queryType": "TABLE",
        "executionOrderSequence": 1,
        "tableName": "TABLE_NAME_1",
        "nonIdSchemaTableFields": [
        "queryType": "SQL_QUERY",
        "executionOrderSequence": 2,
        "tableName": "TABLE_NAME_2",
        "nonIdSchemaTableFields": [

####queryType : It is a mandatory field

Provide instruction whether tool create SQL query or simply execute the SQLQuery what ever configured

There are two type of queryType available

  1. TABLE

    1. Provide instruction to tool to create SQL query by the tool using table details (tableDetails) & column details (columnDetails).

    1. Provide instruction to tool to directly execute query which is configured in ApiRequest.json.
    2. In case of document, system will automatically add columns in SQL Query using columnDetails section.
    3. If your sql query related to only document mapping then simply add * after select query instead of specifying columns. System will add columns based columnDetails.
    4. sqlQuery is mandatory attribute, which contains sql query which is tool execute directly.

####executionOrderSequence : It is a mandatory field

System will execute the query in ascending order of executionOrderSequence.

####tableName : It is a mandatory field

It provide the table name info to tool. For both TABLE & SQL_QUERY queryType, this field mandatory to fill it

####nonIdSchemaTableFields While executing multiple Tables / queries, There is a possibility that previous table column will be used in next query to filter records.

But this columns may not be mapped with idschema fields inside columnDetails section.

In this case, this configuration instruct system to avoid triggering idschema field missing error.

example :

"columnDetails": [
       "fieldName": "ZTMP_MOSIP_TEST2024026.APPLICATION_ID",
       "fieldToMap": "APPLICATION_ID"

####nonIdSchemaNonTableFields In above attributes nonIdSchemaTableFields attribute only ignore idSchema field missing error, but it will add this columns inside sql query to fetch record and use it for next query.

But in nonIdSchemaNonTableFields, system not only ignore idSchema field missing error, also will ignore this columns during sql query preparation.

####filters It is a mandatory attribute, if queryType is TABLE.

It will provide the filter condition to sql query to filter records

Example :

    "queryType": "TABLE",
    "executionOrderSequence": 1,
    "tableName": "TABLE_NAME_1",
    "nonIdSchemaTableFields": [
    "filters" : [
            "filterField" : "APPLICATION_ID",
            "fieldType" : "VARCHAR",
            "fromValue" : "MECC800910HDFNRR05",
            "filterCondition" : "EQUAL"

Filters have Four attributes,

  1. filterField --> describe which field need to be filter
  2. fieldType --> describe type of filter field. available values are DATE, VARCHAR, TIMESTAMP, NUMBER.
  3. fromValue --> filter records based on value provided in fromValue.
  4. toValue --> incase of between conditions, toValue will be used for to value.
  5. filterCondition --> describe what type of filter required. available values are
    1. EQUAL,
    2. LESS_THEN,
    6. BETWEEN,
    7. IN,
    8. LIKE. #####conjunctionFilter : Helps to create conjunction or disconjuction filters Examples :
    "queryType": "TABLE",
    "executionOrderSequence": 1,
    "tableName": "TABLE_NAME_1",
    "nonIdSchemaTableFields": [
    "filters" : [
            "filterField" : "APPLICATION_ID",
            "fieldType" : "VARCHAR",
            "fromValue" : "MECC800910HDFNRR05",
            "filterCondition" : "EQUAL",
            "conjunctionFilter" : {
               "conjuctionType" : "AND", // AND , OR (available values)
               "filters" : [{
               "filterField" : "STATUS",
               "fieldType" : "VARCHAR",
               "fromValue" : "NEW,UPDATE",
               "filterCondition" : "IN"

####orderBy : Its mandatory field. Its helps to sorting the records to be fetched for Migration. So Its easy to track the records.

    "queryType": "TABLE",
    "executionOrderSequence": 1,
    "tableName": "TABLE_NAME_1",
    "nonIdSchemaTableFields": [
   "orderBy" : [

process :

Its default Value "NEW"

"process": "NEW"

columnDetails :

In this section, we will map the source database column to ID schema attributes.

Ex :

"columnDetails": [
        "fieldName": "TABLE_NAME_1.FIRST_NAME",
        "fieldToMap": "firstName"
        "fieldName": "TABLE_NAME_1.MIDDLE_NAME",
        "fieldToMap": "middleName"

Here fieldName describe the source database column and fieldToMap describe to ID Schema attributes

Notes :

  1. Always maintain fieldName values as Upper Case Only like TABLE_NAME_1.FIRST_NAME.

ignoreIdSchemaFields :

There are some scenario, new attributes added in idschema which is not present in existing source database.

in above scenario, we have to add this attributes in ignoreIdSchemaFields and in id schema this attributes should be non mandatory.

  "ignoreIdSchemaFields": [


trackerInfo :

Helps to track record. This column value will be stored as ref_id in PACKET_TRACKER table.

"trackerInfo" : {
			"trackerColumn" : "TABLE_NAME_1.APPLICATION_ID"

Property Changes



   <route id="packet-receiver-->securezone-notification migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://packet-receiver-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="packet-receiver-->securezone-notification migrator ${bodyAs(String)}" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == true &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://mark-as-reprocess" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == false)]</jsonpath>
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            <setHeader headerName="Content-Type">
            <setHeader headerName="Cookie">
            <to uri="http://regproc-group2.regproc/registrationprocessor/v1/securezone/notification" />
   <!-- securezone-notification to packet-uploader Route -->
   <route id="securezone-notification-->packet-uploader migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://securezone-notification-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="securezone-notification-->packet-uploader migrator route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == true &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://mark-as-reprocess" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == false)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="eventbus://packet-uploader-bus-in" />
   <!-- packet-uploader to packet-validator Route -->
   <route id="packet-uploader-->packet-validator migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://packet-uploader-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="packet-uploader-->packet-validator migrator route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
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            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="eventbus://packet-validator-bus-in" />
   <!-- Packet Validator to Packet classifier Route -->
   <route id="packet-validator-->packet-classifier migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://packet-validator-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="packet-validator-->packet-classifier migrator route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
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            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
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            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
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   <!-- Packet Classifier to Quality Classifier Route -->
   <route id="packet-classifier-->cmd-validator migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://packet-classifier-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="packet-classifier-->quality-classifier migrator route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
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            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
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            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <to uri="eventbus://c-m-d-validator-bus-in" />
   <route id="cmd-validator-->operator-validator migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://c-m-d-validator-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="cmd-validator-->operator-validator/supervisor-validator migrator route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
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            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
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            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
   <route id="operator-validator-->supervisor-validator migrator route">
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            <to uri="eventbus://quality-classifier-bus-in" />
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            <to uri="eventbus://quality-classifier-bus-in" />
   <route id="introducer-validator-->quality-classifier migrator route">
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            <setProperty propertyName="ADDITIONAL_INFO_PROCESS"><constant>BIOMETRIC_CORRECTION</constant></setProperty>
            <!-- PAUSE_FOR is in seconds -->
            <setProperty propertyName="PAUSE_FOR"><constant>1296000</constant></setProperty>
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            <to uri="eventbus://abis-handler-bus-in" />
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   <route id="verification route-->uin-generator migrator route">
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      <log message="verification route-->uin-generator migrator route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
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            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == true &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://mark-as-reprocess" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == false)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <to uri="eventbus://uin-generator-bus-in" />
   <route id="abis-middleware route-->abis-handler migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://abis-middle-ware-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="abis-middleware route-->abis-handler migrator route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == true &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://mark-as-reprocess" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == false)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <to uri="eventbus://abis-handler-bus-in" />
   <route id="manual-adjudication-->uin-generation migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://manual-adjudication-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="manual-adjudication-->uin-generation migrator route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == true &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://mark-as-reprocess" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == false)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-rejected" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <to uri="eventbus://uin-generator-bus-in" />
   <!-- UIN Generator to biometric-extraction Route -->
   <route id="uin-generation route-->biometric-extraction-stage migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://uin-generator-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="uin-generation-->biometric-extraction-stage route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == true &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://mark-as-reprocess" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == false)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <to uri="eventbus://biometric-extraction-bus-in" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
   <!-- biometric-extraction to finalization Route -->
   <route id="biometric-extraction route-->finalization-stage migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://biometric-extraction-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="biometric-extraction-->finalization-stage route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == true &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://mark-as-reprocess" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == false)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <to uri="eventbus://finalization-bus-in" />
   <!-- finalization to Printing Route -->
   <route id="finalization route-->printing-stage migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://finalization-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="finalization-->printing-stage route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == true &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://mark-as-reprocess" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == false)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <to uri="eventbus://printing-bus-in" />
   <route id="printing-stage--> migrator route">
      <from uri="eventbus://printing-migrator-bus-out" />
      <log message="printing-stage--> route ${bodyAs(String)}" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == true &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == true)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://mark-as-reprocess" />
            <jsonpath>$.[?(@['isValid'] == false &amp;&amp; @['internalError'] == false)]</jsonpath>
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-failed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://complete-as-processed" />
            <to uri="workflow-cmd://anonymous-profile" />
## Rules & Restriction
1. In Packet Creator Mode, If user specified specific field as applicationID for the Packet then MOSIP System will limit to accept packet only once. If user try to upload second time MOSIP will reject.
    Ex: ``

For any static Value for Document, should be defined in Column Level. dont mention in SQL Query since system rewrite SQL Query