Weather-based decision support systems (DSSs) are being built to improve the efficiency of the production systems in the domains of healthcare, agriculture, transport, governance and so on. Normally, a weather condition (WC) is represented by the statistical values of weather variables for a given duration (e.g., a day or a week). In a weather based DSS, given a WC, the domain experts prepare the appropriate suggestions to improve the efficiency of the stakeholders. Normally, once the domain experts prepare a suggestion for a given WC that belongs to certain period (e.g., year or season), there is a scope to reuse the same suggestion for the similar WCs of other period(s). As a result, the performance of the DSS could be improved. By exploring the domain specific categories, we have proposed a framework to explore reuse among Category-based Weather Condition (CWCs) over 30-year period. The results proved that there is scope to improve the performance of weather based DSS using CWCs.
Research work of Ph.D student.
Weather-based Decision support systems / Agrometeorology domain.
Data analysis, Reuse, Decision support systems, IT for agriculture, Agro-informatics, Crop management, Agrometeorology.