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ikas edited this page Nov 28, 2021 · 27 revisions

This app read the menu config files from the app's localdata folder then create the context menu

The menu config use json format

manager ui

  1. The left panel is used to add menus and view the menu list.the folder button is used to open config folder
  2. The right panel is used to edit menu selected
  3. click add and edit then save

As shown in the picture, it adds a menu: Open the file with Notepad


 {path}  absolute address of the right-clicked file or folder
 {name}  file name (version>=

If the path has spaces
Generally use "{path}"
But if the parameter needs to contain quotation marks, then use \"{path}\"

Other special needs can be tested by yourself

menu name

you can modify menu name in manager ui


use icon from exe or dll

"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe",0


note: change a folder icon and open desktop.ini(hidden) in the folder to find the index number

use icon file


extension and folder match

match extensions

# match extensions
.apk .apkx .mapk

# *  match all

match folder

check checkbox to match


cache is used to reduce the slow loading caused by file io
The cache needs to be manually built each time

?: see tip and cache time 🔁:build cache x: clear cache to disable cache

more sample

menu config file sample

    "title":"open with  7zFM",
    "exe":"\"C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7zFM.exe\"",
    "icon":"\"C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7zFM.exe\",0",
    "acceptExts":".zip .7z .rar .exe .iso",

config files folder


If you need to back up, just copy all the files here to a safe folder.

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