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Customizable React chessboard component

CI Storybook codecov semantic-release npm

ii-react-chessboard is a React component with a flexible "just a board" API. It's compatible with touch as well as standard HTML5 drag and drop. Live Demo

Big board Small board



npm install ii-react-chessboard # or yarn add ii-react-chessboard


import { Board } from "ii-react-chessboard";

function App() {
  return (
    <Board position="rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1" />

The code above will render chessboard with starting position:

Chessboard with starting position

For more examples please visit our Storybook page



import { Board } from "ii-react-chessboard";
Name Type Default Description
allowMarkers boolean false allow round markers with right click
check boolean false true if current position contains check
clickable boolean false allow click-click moves
draggable boolean false allow moves & premoves to use drag'n drop
lastMoveSquares string[] [] squares part of the last move ["c3", "c4"]
turnColor "white" | "black" "white" turn to play
maxWidth number Infinity Max width in pixels
minWidth number 160 Min width in pixels
movableColor "white" | "black" | "both" "both" color that can move
onMove (move: Move) => void called after move
onResize (width: number) => void called after resize
onSetPremove (move: Move, playPremove: () => void, cancelPremove: () => void): void called after the premove has been set
onUnsetPremove () => void called after the premove has been unset
orientation "white" | "black" "white" board orientation
position Position | string {} FEN string or Position object
premovable boolean false allow premoves for color that can not move
resizable boolean false allow resize
showCoordinates boolean true include coords attributes
transitionDuration number 300 The time in seconds it takes for a piece to slide to the target square
validMoves ValidMoves {} valid moves. {"a2" ["a3" "a4"] "b1" ["a3" "c3"]}
viewOnly boolean false don't bind events: the user will never be able to move pieces around
width number 480 board width in pixels

Position Object

import { Position } from "ii-react-chessboard";

You can use a JavaScript object to represent a board position.

The object property names must be algebraic squares (ie: e4, b2, c6, etc) and the values must be valid piece codes (ie: wP, bK, wQ, etc).

FEN String

You can use Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) to represent a board position.

Note that FEN notation captures more information than ii-react-chessboard requires, like who's move it is and whether or not castling is allowed. This information will be ignored; only the position information is used.


import { Move } from "ii-react-chessboard";

Source code:

export interface Move {
   * The location the piece is moving from.
   * Must be in san format, e.g "h8"
  from: string;

   * The location the piece is moving to.
   * Must be in san format, e.g "a1"
  to: string;


import { ValidMoves } from "ii-react-chessboard";

Source code:

export type ValidMoves = Record<string, string[]>;