Releases: imgag/ngs-bits
Releases · imgag/ngs-bits
April 2019 release:
- RohHunter: Added support for input variant lists that are not annotated with VEP. See 'af_source' parameter.
- SeqPurge: added parameter 'compression_level'.
- CnvHunter: fixed minor bug in z-score estimation.
- RohHunter: Added support for input variant lists that are not annotated with VEP.
- Added tools: FastqConcat
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March 2019 release:
- SeqPurge: massive speed-up by adding writer thread.
- SampleSimilarity: add flag to ignore multi-allelic sites, massive speed-up by caching of variants in RAM.
- VcfFilter: minor bug fixes (reference allele checks).
- Added tools: VcfExtractSamples, VcfBreakComplex (beta)
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November 2018 release:
- Added tools: VcfBreakMulti, VcfFilter.
- VcfCheck: several bigfixes (GT handling, missing values, missing samples, ...)
- RohHunter: Fixed crash when a variant is not annotated with CSQ from VEP.
- cppNGS: Fixed memory leak in BAM file handling.
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October 2018 release:
- Expecting VEP instead of SnpEff annotations in VCFs now (VariantQC, SomaticQC, RohHunter).
- Added GRCh38 support (MappingQC, SomaticQC, SampleGender, SampleSimilarity).
- Added tools: SampleAncestry, VcfCheck.
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April 2018 release:
- Changed library used for BAM access to htslib (was bamtools).
please do not use the auto-generated source code packages - they will not work!