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526 lines (370 loc) · 19.3 KB

Version 1.3.1: August 1, 2024


  • This is a documentation-only update to address changes in Read the Docs.

Version 1.3.0: September 29, 2023

Backwards Incompatible Changes:

  • Some functions now require the parameter locus: makeChangeoClone. In groupGenes, locus was previously required only for single cell data, now it is also required for bulk data.


  • Updated dependencies to ggplot2 >= 3.4.0, airr >= 1.4.1, igraph >= 1.5.0.
  • Updated the example data ExampleTrees to use the igraph 1.5.0 format. See for details.
  • Performance improvements in collapseDuplicates.


  • Fixed a bug in plotDiversityCurve and plotAbundanceCurve where limits were not being applied correctly to zoom in the plots.


  • Fixed a bug in groupGenes where TCR chains where not being considered when detecting heavy chain sequences prior to subsetting.

Version 1.2.1: September 19, 2022


  • Fixed bug in parsing of TCR gene names.
  • Fixed missing import of ape::read.fastq.

Version 1.2.0: October 31, 2021


  • Updated dependencies to R >= 4.0 and ggplot2 >= 3.3.4.
  • Removed lazyeval dependency.
  • Added junctionAlignment, which counts the number of nucleotides in the reference germline not present in the alignment, and the number of V and J nucleotides in the CDR3.

Gene Usage:

  • Fixed a bug in getFamily where temporary designation gene names were not being correctly subset to the cluster (family) level.


  • Fixed a bug in runPhylip which was causing buildPhylipLineage to fail when run on Windows.

Version 1.1.0: February 6, 2021


  • Added readFastqDb, which reads a repertoire's .fastq file and imports the sequencing quality scores for sequence_alignment. Added maskPositionsByQuality masks positions that have a sequencing quality score lower than the specified threshold. The convenience function getPositionQuality will create a data.frame with quality scores per position.
  • Added a vignette describing how to read/write Change-O and AIRR Rearrangement formatted files.
  • Increased dplyr dependency to v1.0.
  • Added the BioConductor dependencies Biostrings, GenomicAlignments, and IRanges.
  • In padSeqEnds, the argument mod3=TRUE has been added so that sequences are padded to a length that is a multiple of 3.
  • Fixed a bug in translateDNA where NA values weren't being translated properly.

Amino Acid Analysis:

  • Fixed a conflict in the default argument settings of aminoAcidProperties, which will now default to nt=TRUE.


  • Added a parameter to countClones (remove_na) that will remove all rows with NA values in the clone column if TRUE (default) and issue a warning with how many were removed. If FALSE, those rows will be kept instead.

Gene Usage:

  • Added the function getLocus to extract the locus information from the segment call.
  • Added the function getChain to define the chain from the segment or locus call.
  • Changed the check for empty columns in countGenes to give a warning instead of an error so as not to disrupt running workflows.
  • Fixed a bug in getSegment where filtering of non-localized genes was not being applied when called from getFamily, because the "NL" part of the name was removed before the filtering step.
  • Updated regular expressions in getAllele, getGene, getFamily and getLocus, to parse constant region gene names correctly.
  • Updated regular expressions in getSegment to be able to parse constant region gene names correctly and not remove the "D" from "IGHD" when strip_d=TRUE.


  • Added branch_length argument to buildPhylipLineage, and augmented graphToPhylo and phyloToGraph to track intermediate sequence in nodes for phylo object.
  • Added a parameter to countGenes (remove_na) that will remove all rows with NA values in the gene column if TRUE (default) and issue a warning with how many were removed. If FALSE, those rows will be kept instead.

Version 1.0.2: July 17, 2020


  • Fixed a bug in plotDiversityTest that caused all values of q to appear on the plot rather than just the specified one.

Gene Usage:

  • Fixed a major bug in the single-cell mode of groupGenes where the v_call
    column was being used in instead of the j_call column for J gene grouping.
  • Added support for TCR genes to groupGenes.
  • Changed the only_igh argument of groupGenes to only_heavy.

Version 1.0.1: May 8, 2020

Backwards Incompatible Changes:

  • Changed default expected data format from the Change-O data format to the AIRR Rearrangement standard. For example: where functions used the column name V_CALL (Change-O) as the default to identify the field that stored the V gene calls, they now use v_call (AIRR). That means, scripts that relied on default values (previously, v_call="V_CALL"), will now fail if calls to the functions are not updated to reflect the correct value for the data. If data are in the Change-O format, the current default value v_call="v_call" will fail to identify the column with the V gene calls as the column v_call doesn't exist. In this case, v_call="V_CALL" needs to be specified in the function call.
  • ExampleDb converted to the AIRR Rearrangement standard and examples updated accordingly. The legacy Change-O version is available as ExampleDbChangeo.
  • For consistency with the style of the new data format default, other field names have been updated to use the same capitalization. This change affects:
    • amino acid physicochemical properties (e.g. GRAVY to gravy);
    • countGenes, countClones (e.g., SEQ_COUNT to seq_count)
    • estimateAbundance (e.g., RANK to rank)
    • groupGenes (e.g., VJ_GROUP to vj_group)
    • collapseDuplicates and makeChangeoClone (e.g., SEQUENCE_ID to sequence_id, COLLAPSE_COUNT to collapse_count)
    • lineage tree functions (summarizeTrees, getPathLengths, getMRCA, tableEdges, testEdges) also return columns in lower case (e.g., parent, child, outdegree, steps, annotation, pvalue)
  • IG_COLOR names converted to official C region identifiers (IGHA, IGHD, IGHE, IGHG, IGHM, IGHK, IGHL).


  • License changed to AGPL-3.
  • baseTheme looks is now consistent across sizing options.
  • cpuCount will now return 1 if the core count cannot be determined.
  • Fixed a bug in padSeqEnds wherein the pad_char argument was being ignored.


  • Fixed documentation error in diversity vignette for viewing test results.
  • estimateAbundance slot clone_by now contains the name of the column with the clonal group identifier, as specified in the function call. For example, if the function was called with clone="clone_id", then the clone_by slot will be clone_id.


  • Renamed the buildPhylipLineage arguments vcall, jcall and dnapars_exec to v_call, j_call and phylip_exec, respectively.

Version 0.3.0: July 17, 2019


  • rarefyDiversity is deprecated in favor of alphaDiversity, which includes the same functionality.
  • testDiversity is deprecated. The test calculation have been added to the normal output of alphaDiversity.


  • Added ape and tibble dependencies.


  • Added readIgphyml to read in IgPhyML output and combineIgphyml to combine parameter estimates across samples.
  • Added graphToPhylo and phyloToGraph to allow conversion between graph and phylo formats.


  • Fixed a bug in estimateAbundance where setting the clone column to a non-default value produced an error.
  • Added rarefaction options to estimateAbundance through the min_n, max_n, and uniform arguments.
  • Moved the rarefaction calculation for the diversity functions into estimateAbundance. alphaDiversity will call estimateAbundance for bootstrapping if not provided an existing AbundanceCurve object.
  • Restructured the DiversityCurve and AbundanceCurve objects to accommodate the new diversity methods.

Gene Usage:

  • groupGenes now supports grouping by V gene, J gene, and junction length (junc_len) as well, in addition to grouping by V gene and J gene without junction length. Also added support for single-cell input data with the addition of new arguments cell_id, locus, and only_igh.

Version 0.2.11: September 12, 2018


  • Added nonsquareDist function to calculate the non-square distance matrix of sequences.
  • Exported some internal utility functions to make them available to dependent packages: progressBar, baseTheme, checkColumns and cpuCount.


  • estimateAbundance, and plotAbundanceCurve, will now allow group=NULL to be specified to performance abundance calculations on ungrouped data.

Gene Usage:

  • Added fill argument to countGenes. When set TRUE this adds zeroes to the group pairs that do not exist in the data.
  • Added new function groupGenes to group sequences sharing same V and J gene.

Topology Analysis:

  • Fixed a bug in tableEdges causing it to fail when no parent/child relationships exist when specifying indirect=TRUE.
  • makeChangeoClone will now issue an error and terminate, instead of continuing with a warning, when all sequences are not the same length.

Version 0.2.10: March 30, 2018


  • Fixed a bug in IPUAC_AA wherein X was not properly matching against Q.
  • Changed behavior in getAAMatrix to treat * (stop codon) as a mismatch.

Version 0.2.9: March 21, 2018


  • Added explicit type casting for known columns to readChangeoDb.
  • Added the padSeqEnds function which pads sequences with Ns to make then equal in length.
  • Added verification of unique sequence IDs to collapseDuplicates.


  • Added the uniform argument to rarefyDiversity allowing users to toggle uniform vs non-uniform sampling.
  • Renamed plotAbundance to plotAbundanceCurve.
  • Changed estimateAbundance return object from a data.frame to a new AbundanceCurve custom class.
  • Set default plot call for AbundanceCurve to plotAbundanceCurve.
  • Added the annotate argument from plotDiversityCurve to plotAbundanceCurve.
  • Added the score argument to plotDiversityCurve to toggle between plotting diversity or evenness.
  • Added the function plotDiversityTest to generate a simple plot of DiversityTest object summaries.

Gene Usage:

  • Added the omit_nl argument to getAllele, getGene and getFamily to allow optional filtering of non-localized (NL) genes.


  • Fixed a bug in makeChangeoClone preventing it from interpreting the id argument correctly.
  • Added the pad_end argument to makeChangeoClone to allow automatic padding of ends to make sequences the same length.

Version 0.2.8: September 21, 2017


  • Updated Rcpp dependency to 0.12.12.
  • Added dry argument to collapseDuplicates which will annotate duplicate sequences but not remove them when set to TRUE.
  • Fixed a bug where collapseDuplicates was returning one sequence if all sequences were considered ambiguous.


  • Added ability to change masking character and distance matrix used in makeChangeoClone and buildPhylipLineage for purposes of (optionally) treating indels as mismatches.
  • Fixed a bug in buildPhylipLineage when PHYLIP doesn't generate inferred sequences and has only one block.

Version 0.2.7: June 12, 2017


  • Fixed a bug in readChangeoDb causing the select argument to do nothing.
  • Added progress package dependency.
  • Internal changes to support Rcpp 0.12.11.

Gene Usage:

  • Renamed the count/frequency columns output by countGenes when the clone argument is specified to CLONE_COUNT/CLONE_FREQ.
  • Added a vignette describing basic gene usage analysis.

Version 0.2.6: March 21, 2017


  • License changed to Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
  • Removed data.table dependency and added readr dependency.
  • Performance improvements in readChangeoDb and writeChangeoDb.

Version 0.2.5: August 5, 2016


  • Fixed a bug in seqDist() wherein distance was not properly calculated in some sequences containing gap characters.
  • Added stop and gap characters to getAAMatrix() return matrix.

Version 0.2.4: July 20, 2016


  • Added Rcpp and data.table dependencies.
  • Modified readChangeoDb() to wrap data.table::fread() instead of utils::read.table() if the input file is not compressed.
  • Ported testSeqEqual(), getSeqDistance() and getSeqMatrix() to C++ to improve performance of collapseDuplicates() and other dependent functions.
  • Renamed testSeqEqual(), getSeqDistance() and getSeqMatrix() to seqEqual(), seqDist() and pairwiseDist(), respectively.
  • Added pairwiseEqual() which creates a logical sequence distance matrix; TRUE if sequences are identical, FALSE if not, excluding Ns and gaps.
  • Added translation of ambiguous and gap characters to X in translateDNA().
  • Fixed bug in collapseDuplicates() wherein the input data type sanity check would cause the vignette to fail to build under R 3.3.
  • Replaced the ExampleDb.gz file with a larger, more clonal, ExampleDb data object.
  • Replaced ExampleTrees with a larger set of trees.
  • Renamed multiggplot() to gridPlot().

Amino Acid Analysis:

  • Set default to normalize=FALSE for charge calculations to be more consistent with previously published repertoire sequencing results.

Diversity Analysis:

  • Added a progress argument to rarefyDiversity() and testDiversity() to enable the (previously default) progress bar.
  • Fixed a bug in estimateAbundance() were the function would fail if there was only a single input sequence per group.
  • Changed column names in data and summary slots of DiversityTest to uppercase for consistency with other tools.
  • Added dispatching of plot to plotDiversityCurve for DiversityCurve objects.

Gene Usage:

  • Added sortGenes() function to sort V(D)J genes by name or locus position.
  • Added clone argument to countGenes() to allow restriction of gene abundance to one gene per clone.

Topology Analysis:

  • Added a set of functions for lineage tree topology analysis.
  • Added a vignette showing basic tree topology analysis.

Version 0.2.3: February 22, 2016


  • Fixed a bug wherein the package would not build on R < 3.2.0 due to changes in base::nchar().
  • Changed R dependency to R >= 3.1.2.

Version 0.2.2: January 29, 2016


  • Updated license from CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
  • Internal changes to conform to CRAN policies.

Amino Acid Analysis:

  • Fixed bug where arguments for the aliphatic() function were not being passed through the ellipsis argument of aminoAcidProperties().
  • Improved amino acid analysis vignette.
  • Added check for correctness of amino acids sequences to aminoAcidProperties().
  • Renamed AA_TRANS to ABBREV_AA.


  • Added evenness and bootstrap standard deviation to rarefyDiversity() output.


  • Added ExampleTrees data with example output from buildPhylipLineage().

Version 0.2.1: December 18, 2015


  • Removed plyr dependency.
  • Added dplyr, lazyeval and stringi dependencies.
  • Added strict requirement for igraph version >= 1.0.0.
  • Renamed getDNADistMatrix() and getAADistMatrix() to getDNAMatrix and getAAMatrix(), respectively.
  • Added getSeqMatrix() which calculates a pairwise distance matrix for a set of sequences.
  • Modified default plot sizing to be more appropriate for export to PDF figures with 7-8 inch width.
  • Added multiggplot() function for performing multiple panel plots.

Amino Acid Analysis:

  • Migrated amino acid property analysis from Change-O CTL to alakazam. Includes the new functions gravy(), bulk(), aliphatic(), polar(), charge(), countPatterns() and aminoAcidProperties().


  • Added support for unusual TCR gene names, such as 'TRGVA*01'.
  • Added removal of 'D' label (gene duplication) from gene names when parsed with getSegment(), getAllele(), getGene() and getFamily(). May be disabled by providing the argument strip_d=FALSE.
  • Added countGenes() to tabulate V(D)J allele, gene and family usage.


  • Added several functions related to analysis of clone size distributions, including countClones(), estimateAbundance() and plotAbundance().
  • Renamed resampleDiversity() to rarefyDiversity() and changed many of the internals. Bootstrapping is now performed on an inferred complete relative abundance distribution.
  • Added support for inclusion of copy number in clone size determination within rarefyDiversity() and testDiversity().
  • Diversity scores and confidence intervals within rarefyDiversity() and testDiversity() are now calculated using the mean and standard deviation of the bootstrap realizations, rather than the median and upper/lower quantiles.
  • Added ability to add counts to the legend in plotDiversityCurve().

Version 0.2.0: June 15, 2015

Initial public release.


  • Added citations for the citation("alakazam") command.

Version 0.2.0.beta-2015-05-30: May 30, 2015


  • Added more error checking to buildPhylipLineage().

Version 0.2.0.beta-2015-05-26: May 26, 2015


  • Fixed issue where buildPhylipLineage() would hang on R 3.2 due to R change request PR#15508.

Version 0.2.0.beta-2015-05-05: May 05, 2015

Prerelease for review.