This example provides a getting started guide, which shows how to use the Industrial Edge app Ethernet IP Connector.
This tutorial shows how to use the Industrial Edge applications Ethernet IP Connector to establish a connection between an Industrial Edge Device (IED) and a 3rd party PLC that supports EtherNet/IP. These PLC variants are supported:
- Allen-Bradley ControlLogix (Rockwell)
- Allen-Bradley CompactLogix (Rockwell)
- Allen-Bradley MicroLogix (Rockwell)
- Allen-Bradley SLC (Rockwell)
- Omron CJ1 Series PLCs
- Omron CJ2 Series PLCs
- Omron CS1 Series PLCs
The Ethernet IP Connector is an application that runs on the individual IED. Connections can be configured using the Common Configurator for Industrial Edge. The connector transfers the value series of selected data points from a PLC to the Databus. From there the data can be used within other Edge apps, e.g. the Flow Creator.
Here we configure a connection to a CompactLogix PLC using the Ethernet IP Connector. The data is published on the Databus. By using the application Flow Creator, we fetch the metadata of the Ethernet IP Connector, write some data on the configured tags and read out the new data.
- Access to an Industrial Edge Management (IEM) with onboarded Industrial Edge Device (IED)
- IEM: Installed system configurator for Databus
- IED: Installed system app Databus
- IED: Installed app Ethernet IP Connector
- IED: Installed app Common Configurator
- IED: Installed app Registry Service
- IED: Installed app Common Import Converter
- IED: Installed app IIH Semantics
- IED: Installed app Flow Creator
- IED: Installed app IIH Essentials (optional)
- IED is connected to the Rockwell PLC CompactLogix via Ethernet
- Studio 5000 project loaded on PLC
- Google Chrome (Version ≥ 72)
- Industrial Edge Management (IEM) V1.16.11
- Databus Configurator V3.0.0
- Industrial Edge Device (OS) V2.1.0-22
- Databus V3.0.0
- Common Configurator V1.11.1-0
- Registry Service V1.11.0-2
- Ethernet IP Connector V3.0.2-1
- Flow Creator V1.17.1-1
- IIH Essentials V1.11.0
- PLC: Allen-Bradley CompactLogix
- Studio 5000 Logix Designer V32.00
The used PLC project Test.ACD can be found in the src folder.
You can find further information about the following steps in the Configuration documentation:
- Overview
- Install Ethernet IP Connector
- Configure Databus
- Configure Ethernet IP via Common Configurator
As soon as the Ethernet IP Connector is configured, data can be transfered.
You can find further information about how to handle the data via the Flow Creator in the Usage documentation:
You can find further documentation and help in the following links
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