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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 19, 2021. It is now read-only.

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530 lines (356 loc) · 20.8 KB

File metadata and controls

530 lines (356 loc) · 20.8 KB

To-do for production

  • update nginx caching

To-do for development

  • FIX issue with duplicates and redirects; fixed bc deleted dupes on prod

    • see work started on add-id-to-urls-with-redirect branch
  • write migration to create necessary user groups

    • name: change source and add related
    • perms: can change person
  • unless it breaks auto-setup of things in Django, rename DetailView to not conflict with the class it inherits

  • refactor to make code better

    • switch all URLs to use reverse()
  • update view for setting related user and emailing the user

    • wrap both calls in try/except
    • notify admin if either or both fail: single email for both
    • see commented out code for starting point
    • need to update thank-you template to handle more advanced messaging depending on fail_type
  • (in progress) Invite Sources: Link that sends emails to invite others to join

    • Use Facebook? Twitter? Just email?
    • store the information as a draft source object and pre-populate join form?
  • add a "Testimonials" style page with success stories instead of just on the about page

  • ??? add Patreon

  • social media display inspiration:

    • for our FB, Tw, IG accounts
  • finish Spanish translation of About page

  • fix? user is able to see a live page when clicking "view on site" on their person page using the magic link, even if that page doesn't exist

  • FIX: search on mobile bc it's out of whack with social icons and hidden in the hamburger menu

  • change redirect after social login

    • requires adding a step to the pipeline —- doesn't work just with logic in the template bc it doesn't know whether you're a superuser at that point
  • more detailed “about” on home page?

  • fix confirmation link issues

    • add fields?
      • confirmation_clicked
      • confirmation_user_agent ???
    • add confirm page instead of clicking link?
    • how do TinyLetter and Mailchimp get around this? bc they just have single confirm links
  • IN PROGRESS: because of post_save and view logic, it can take a few seconds to save, so might be best to trigger a saving screen to let user know it's processing and so they don't do anything they're not supposed

    • e.g. $().submit() load a screen overlay (using z-index?) so user can't do anything until it's done
    • both in admin and on front-end forms
    • NOTE: based on quick testing, it looks like we're ok because of logic to avoid duplicate emails; it just says your account is already created, check email (so not ideal but should be ok)
  • upgrade to Django 2.0

    • ran into some issues, so probably best to do this in a separate repo first
  • FIX: width of content well of person_detail template runs over horizontally on mobile

  • add ability for people to do links with brief comments and titles for their mentioned citations or things that they got because of the database

  • FIX: import issues (currently 4 remaining)

  • automatically send nudge message to user after X days to remind them they need to confirm their profile

  • BUG: required asterisk not appearing in join form for country although it's required

  • FIX BUG: hamburger menu doesn't collapse for responsive view results.html

    • work fine for all others, so probably a JS conflict
  • if someone has submitted and gets the "your profile already exists" prompt, give them a button to "Send me link to edit my profile"

  • move css to external file under static

    • also move all inlines styles there (e.g. image width for about)
  • fix order of fields displayed in email_user

  • !!! wrap user-facing ForeignKey, OneToOne and ManyToMany fields in _() for translation when/if activated !!!

  • use from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ for

    • docs say to use for forms, but idk if applicable give our setup (e.g. no hard-coded text in it)
  • translating URL patterns

  • Q: worth fixing edge case URL problems that break?

  • Q: add -e flag for import_csv command to indicate whether to trigger email_user?

    • DOESN'T MATTER bc mgmt cmds called in post_save for model
  • update admin index.html with logic to see if superuser and display all recent actions, else just those of the user

  • DataTables updates

    • setting column width percents to avoid line breaks
    • explore adding stacked view on mobile
  • abstract the column list in results.html, such as:

{% for field in field_list %}
    <th>{{ field }}</th>
{% endfor %}
  • add to base.html? but make sure you can override first (e.g. with specific pages titles)
{% block header %}

{% endblock %}
  • (v2?) add "report this profile" link to send message on person_detail page template that includes the URL when sent

    • inaccurate
    • imposter
    • offensive
    • other (explain)
  • (v2?) write error module to abstract error messages for except statements

    • send to G, M or both? or an admin email Google group
  • how to handle ratings?

    • require Journalist profile?
    • added directly on the person or added in their own model and then you choose a user to attach it to?
    • ManyToManyField? (only show ones added by that user)
    • use a mgmt cmd to calculate?
  • Q: add _raw CharFields for org, expertise, language, etc and then have admin update the related M2Mfields in admin based on that, which will be what's used for filtering?

    • or figure out a way for submissions to choose/add instead of just only choose (M2M displayed) or only add (CharField displayed)
    • or do those just not really matter bc will wants filters for TZ and then search whatever else?
  • front-end search should be additive, not start over

    • e.g. if already one or more params, just append to query string (need to get that with JS?)
  • UPDATE: front-end form

    • Q: include checkbox for "not this person?"
    • Q: let a user edit their info on that form instead of admin?
    • Q: pass updated workflow status to that form via URL and hide that field from displaying?
    • however that form is populated, make sure it's not just on things other people could guess; e.g. make sure it's...
      • a unique string different from system ID
      • is combined with user email?
  • consider switching set_related_user to look up based on the id of a Person rather than the email_address to avoid possible duplicates

    • altho that should be an issue bc there wouldn't be a duplicate User -- it would just update
    • and I could add validation to make sure email_address doesn't already exist
    • overall, might still be easier to just use id
  • for person_detail, find a way to loop thru the keys and values that have been limited by .values() and ordered a specific way

  • dynamically-generated xml sitemap

  • highlight current page in the navbar

  • add admin action to batch set approved_by_admin

  • add @ symbol Bootstrap add-on to imput for Twitter


  • save all the FK'ed fields on person model to flatten the data?

  • add ('Prof.', 'Prof.'), to PREFIX_CHOICES, but then do we need all variations?

  • sync IDs across User and Person?

  • Django bakery to make static files?

  • email analytics?

  • Q: show a source the Person or Source model to edit their info?

  • Q: add a role for submitter (e.g. PIO, PR person)

    • maybe, but not yet
  • Q: how to associate new Person if there are multiple Users for that person?

  • Q: should the username just be their email address? bc that's our unique ID

  • Q: create a model for proposed changes to a Person?

    • then the user or the admin could accept or decline these
    • use inheritance to just inherit the fields, but make it a separate table that doesn't push back to parent table (if possible)
  • Q: store what emails have been sent to a user?

    • Emails model? So we can track that?
  • Q: add new statuses if a Person has been updated or use existing flow?

  • Q: alternative setup

    • sources/submitters can submit/view their entry only on the front-end
    • journalists can only view role='source' in the admin for a model called Sources that mirrors Person but only shows certain fields (e.g. not status, etc)
  • Q: another alternative setup

    • same as above, but when you editing + re-submit an entry, it gets a new id and override the old one; options for override
      • make the other one inactive/unpublish
      • delete the old one so only the new one exists
  • Q: should org be m2m field? FK?

  • Q: contact form for site to track which journalists message which sources?

    • where did we end up on that during earlier discussion?
  • Q: how to handle special characters in names?

  • Q: switch email content from formatted string in a mgmt cmd to html template?

  • Q: add boolean to User list display view to indicate that they're tied to a Person?

    • also include editable dropdown to add/change the associated Person?
  • Q: add django-ckeditor?




  • add oauth

    • Google
    • Twitter
    • Facebook
  • setup auth for

    • Twitter
    • Google
  • how to how handle User and Person models?

    • tie them together by email?
    • SOLUTION: save_model for PersonAdmin will associate
  • addtl fields?

    • created_by (User who created the profile)
    • related_user (User the profile relates to)
  • status drop-down instead (or in addition to?) of approved boolean

    • added
    • confirmed by user
    • confirmed by admin
  • WONT ADD: add boolean for add form to indicate whether you're adding yourself or someone else

    • status handles
  • give new User necessary permissions

  • management command triggered post_save to send emails to user when added by self or another with ability to edit

  • fix User not associated with Person until second save_model bc they're created on first save_model

    • we need this so the auth token is generated for the related User
    • SOLUTION: it needed a .save() call on the association
  • hide foreign key admins from non-superusers

    • SOLUTION: done via only giving add perms and not change perms
  • add magiclink login option

  • limit emails sent to user

    • currently it's every post_save
    • SOLUTION: before calling mgmt cmd, check if instance.created == instance.updated
  • add logic to save_model for setting workflow to see if current user matches user being added

    • if not and not superuser, set to added by other
    • if not and is super, set to added by admin
  • show the info submitted in the email

  • add Bootsrap

  • add a front-end form for submitting new sources

  • write import script (mgmt cmd) for csv of existing sources

  • add views

    • submission form
    • about
  • update a User based on an update to a Person

    • code is written, but doesn't update
  • add type of scientist to all necessary places (admin, submission form, email sent to source, etc.)

  • switch to postgres so we can utilize more advanced search options

  • include a confirmation link in email_user for user to approve

  • set source as the deafult role for a Person

  • add logic to Person model save method to check if one of the approved booleans is True, then set the status accordingly

  • update results.html template to output a table

  • use DataTables Bootstrap version for search/display

    • MABI is ok with that for v1
  • only display Person objects that have are both approved_by_user and approved_by_admin

    • filter the queryset in views
  • switch to class-based views, especially for join and contact

  • add link to the detail view in results.html

  • add detail view for sources

  • FIX: status not being set automatically, despite same (?) code in admin save_model for Person class

    • Solution: add new choice just called added and set it in Person save method if there's none
  • add way to handle if someone submits a duplicate

    • currently, it throws an exception from the email_user mgmt cmd bc get() only work with unique item
    • YES --> possible solution: add logic to see if the email address already exists
    • NO --> possible solution: override existing entry with new entry? but that could be problematic if a third-party is submitting and the info is incorrect
  • approve user on the part of the user

    • NOTE: if we can't have approval via email yet, then make them confirm in the admin (e.g. using existing approved_by_user boolean, which will need to trigger in the method an update of the status)
    • Q: or is this is a good reason to separate all the status options to their own booleans? not sure
  • include sources/ before slug for urls?

    • would help avoid potential issues with any main pages that look like slugs (e.g. /thank-you)
  • UPDATE: Bootstrap design

  • hide permissions and other fieldsets a non-superuser shouldn't have access to in the UserAdmin

  • finish detail view for sources

  • Q: use AWS or personal hosting space?

    • AWS
  • rename app in Google API console so it matches if people login with oauth

  • PROD: create auth groups for permissions (mimic local version)

  • add Google Analytics

  • PROD: Let's Encrypt certbot

    • requires non-AWS domain for EC2
    • requires workaround for personal hosting
  • disable all non-main allowed hosts after testing is done

  • starter, statically-generated xml sitemap

  • change Bootstrap and related files to CDN versions

    • or host them ourselves
  • add credits: Mollie, Greg, Nacin, Kevin

  • add return to database link on person_detail

  • 404 page

  • favicon

  • Q: add preferred_pronoun field?

  • FIX: timezone handling for import_csv and, after fixed locally, re-import those on prod

  • add ability to show "please confirm your profile in email" text if coming from join.html -- but not from contact.html

  • add fields and icons for text, audio and video media

    • are you comfortable with or have experience the following?
  • BUG: received email three times after submitting join form

  • resize width of input boxes for person note and contact message

  • PROD IMPORT: make sure everyone doesn't receive a message until we need them (for updating their info)

  • social media icons (in top-right of navbar? in footer?)

  • social metadata

  • add advisory board section to about page

  • abstract pages and all text that we want to change to be control by a Page model or something we can do that all via the admin and not the code each time

  • make website field required

  • add

    • terms of service (part of about?)
    • footer: started but mostly empty
  • we should add something that says we vet the sources, but journos should also do their due diligence

    • Q: where? about page?
  • UPDATE: email used to [email protected]

  • translate template text with HTML in it

    • use blocktrans template tag
  • translate text stored in the database (e.g. About page)

    • idea: since it's HTML, just use a hidden div and toggle?
    • solution: JS toggle w/ hidden div for About page
  • add pending, reviewed (redundant with approved_by_admin as True?) or rejected for admins

    • accomplished by adding a new declined_by_admin field
  • move video/audio/text icons to bottom of person_detail template

  • in results.html template, update to

  • SEARCH ENGINE: need to be able to search across all fields

  • add recaptcha to contact form

  • update contact form field based on selecting an option:

    • general contact
    • bug report
    • share your story (journalist)
    • share your story (source)
  • add a "Share Your Story" link to nav for testimonials and have a form -- either the contact form or something more specific

  • add plus sign to template person_detail.html for timezone

  • update "return to database" to be a "return to results" if coming from a search result page

  • update ConfirmView and add confirm.html template to improve the confirmation experience

  • WONT DO: send user a message with their profile and link to update if someone tries to submit a new version

    • would that be spamming? make them click a link to send that message?
    • have a better, more purposeful and less spammy solution above
  • add custom filter for emails addresses and phone numbers to convert special characters to HTML entities as a countermeasure to simple scrapers looking for those patterns

  • update Twitter help text

  • fix "back to results" button for pagination

    • solution: stateSave: true, uses local storage
  • fix datatables filter

  • upgrade Django

  • fix django-magic-link

    • removed django from reqs bc it was 1.10.x
    • didn't work properly with Django 2.1 until upgrading django-seasame from 2.1 to 2.4 in the sourcelist reqs
  • add ID to url to avoid duplicate or same name issues; with redirects for...

    • SOMEWHAT DONE: messed up name goes to canonical
    • DONE: old urls go to canonical
    • DONE: /sources goes to homepage
  • FIX: 500 error when trying to "view on site" in any model

    • update get_absolute_ur?
      • reverse('source', args=[self.slug,])
    • solution: change it to kwargs like in the recent view updates