- Resize window
- should still center UI
- Clickable areas should correspond to new positions
- Resizing windows should not make any functionality disappear
- Power down should darken when hovering over
- Power down button should toggle (white/yellow) when player is powered down (power down by clicking it)
- Robot should move as specified by hand cards
- Cards should not be displayed locked down
- It should not be possible to change movement cards that are locked down
- Dragging cards should be precise, somewhat snappy and work as intended
- The correct tooltips should show for each card
- Pressing enter should make the round start
- Health (yellow) and lives (green) should correctly display the health and lives respectfully of the local player
- Flags should be colored when captured (only in correct order)
- Map should zoom when scrolling
- Map should zoom in when pressing +
- Map should zoom out when pressing -
- Map should move around when pressing and dragging
- At least half the screen should should be of the map at all times
- Resizing should not affect how many tiles shown vertically and horizontally when on a zoom level.
- Best way to test is zooming all the way in, then count the number of tiles vertically and horizontally.
- Note: It will change a tiny bit if the aspect ratio is way different, as the average between the height and width is used
- Robot should always face its direction and movement should be in that direction (remember backing up is legal)
- Main player robot should be distinguishable by color
(Due to difficulties with ConveyorStep class while testing, these tests will be manual temporarily. A good map to use for this testing is dizzy_dash.)
- Double step conveyor belt should move robot two steps between each move robot makes
- When being moved from a turning double step conveyor belt, robot's direction should be changed
- If robot is standing on the edge of a double step conveyor belt so that after being moved one step robot is no longer standing on the conveyor belt, robot should only be moved one step.
- This followed by choosing cards and playing the following round should put the robot in a power down mode the next round
- No movement cards used but robot is still interactive, but does not move nor shoot lasers, the player should also be fully healed.
- After the power down round the player should not be in a power down state anymore
- All sounds sound correct
- When robot power down
plays - When robots shoot each robot plays
- All tiles play correct sound
when hitting a robot with a laser