- DevOps features
- add prometheus metrics ala https://prometheus.io/docs/guides/go-application/
- chat (type) requests
- requests by server
- seconds connected to Discord
- API (type) requests to II
- success
- error
- service uptime
- list of connected servers
- logs to stdout
- build process
- add prometheus metrics ala https://prometheus.io/docs/guides/go-application/
- Create appropriate docker image
- Deploy to staging
- monitoring
- ansible playbook
- Scrape Burl, Submit to Infinite API
- See infinite-industries/infinite-scrapers for a jupiter notebook
- Algorithm:
- Fetch for all upcoming events from theburl.lex
- Fetch JSON from theburltickets.com for all events ->
- save state - pickle, etc- to avoid superfluous refetch
- Fetch JSON from theburltickets.com for all events ->
- Fetch all upcoming (verified and unverified) events from Infinite API:
- Filter for events at The Burl ->
- next if event exists for time in
: - retrieve image, upload to our S3 bucket
- if fail -> quit? error?
- submit event to infinite API:
- use our S3 image URL
- if fail -> quit? error?
- next if event exists for time in
- Fetch for all upcoming events from theburl.lex