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This project is part of the Apalache ecosystem. Hence, we apply the same principles in Quint, see Contributing to Apalache.

Source code structure

  • quint is the package for the quint transpiler
  • vscode vscode plugin

Developer docs

Coordinating work

Development on Quint is distributed. As with any distributed system, establishing effective synchronization and consensus on key properties requires careful attention.

Project structure

Currently, the project consists of two npm packages:


For setting up the local build, you would have to install TypeScript and npm. This is usually done via your local package manager.

Nix for development dependencies

We provide a nix shell in case you want to use nix to manage your development environment and dependencies.

Make sure you have nix installed, then build and enter the clean development shell with:

$ nix develop

If you want to use direnv to setup your environment with nix (instead of using a shell), you will need to add use flake; to your .envrc, and then running direnv allow:

$ echo "use flake;" >> .envrc && direnv allow

You can also add a direnv extension/package to your IDE of choice to have those dependencies set up for the IDE to use.

Updating nix dependencies

To update one of the flake inputs you can run: nix flake lock --update-input <input-name>

To update all of the inputes you can run: nix flake update, it is recommended to update dependencies one by one though.


We use eslint to enforce the good coding practices of JavaScript and TypeScript. This is especially important in the context of these languages, as JavaScript has plenty of bad parts.


Build and run quint and the VSCode plugin from source

These steps are currently a bit complicated. Check the dedicated pages:


Unit tests for quint

In general, we are using the Mocha test framework to write and run unit tests. We are using Chai to write assertions, without going into BDD testing too much. For details, see quint unit tests.

Integration tests for quint

We are using the txm framework to write integration tests. For details, check quint integration tests.

End-to-end tests for the VSCode plugin

We do not have unit tests for the VSCode plugin. Instead we have end-to-end tests that run via VSCode:

cd vscode/quint
npm run test

Coding practices

This section is especially important for this project, as it is very easy to write very bad code in JavaScript and TypeScript. Hence, we pay special attention to the coding practices. We keep refining them, as we are learning the language in the process.

In general, we are trying to leverage good practices of functional programming (FP) in JavaScript/TypeScript. However, it is not always possible to write nice FP code in this language, so we keep the balance between readability and FPness. When the idiomatic JavaScript code is shorter and clearer than equivalent FP code, we write the idiomatic JavaScript code.

Ensure exhaustive matches

The type system should help us keep the code base maintainable. But when switch statements and conditionals are used purely for side effects, we can lose the advantage of exhaustivness checking. Here's an example:

Assume we have a type T

type T = 'a' | 'b' | 'c'

We should structure our program such that

  • we can be sure every alternative is considered (as needed), and
  • whenever a new alternative is added to this type, the type system will warn us about all the places we need to account for the new kind of data.

If we use T with a switch or if/then statement that returns values, this indispensable help is ensured. E.g., if we try to write the following:

function f(x:T): Number {
  switch x {
    case 'a':
      return 0
    case 'b':
      return 1

we will end up with a type error, because the annotation on f promises it will return a Number, but it might in fact return undefined since we are not handling c.

However, if we are only using side effects in the switch, we lose this check!

function f(x:T): Number {
  let n = -1
  switch x {
    case 'a':
      n = 0
    case 'b':
      n = 1
  return ret

Now the typechecker sees that we will be returning a number no matter what happens, even if none of our cases are hit, and we will not get a warning on the omitted check for c, or for any other data added to this type in the future.

Now, sometimes this kind of catch-all default is what we want, but we should be very careful in relying on it, because it creates blind spots. As a rule, we should only allow cath-all defaults when the computation we are performing must be invariant under any expansion of the domain we are computing from.

For all other cases, we can avoid these typechecking blind spots by following two guidelines:

  1. Prefer passing data by returning values whenever, and avoid needless mutable assignments.

  2. When switches need to be used for side effects, provide a default that calls unreachable on the expression to ensure all cases are handled:

    import { unreachable } from './util'
    function f(x:T): Number {
      let n = -1
      switch x {
        case 'a':
          n = 0
        case 'b':
          n = 1
      return ret

    Now the type checker will warn us that we aren't accounting for c (or any additional alternatives added down the line).

Using Either


Using Maybe

When there is too much undefinedness in the code, we are using the option type, which is implemented in the sweet-monads/maybe package.

Caveat: In contrast to the FP languages, equality in JS/TS is not structural. Hence, the following code always returns false:

> import { none, just } from '@sweet-monads/maybe'
> just(true) === just(true)
> none() === none()

For this reason, we are using isEqual provided by the lodash.isequal package:

> import { none, just } from '@sweet-monads/maybe'
> import isEqual from 'lodash.isequal'
> isEqual(just(true), just(true))
> isEqual(none(), none())

Using the VSCode plugin from source

There are many ways to use the VSCode plugin from source. You also may want to use it with an unpublished version of quint. This section is a suggestion on how to do it, and its also how we do it.

To build the vscode plugin, run the vscode make target from the root of this repo:

make vscode

To install the plugin for use, link the combined plugin into your vscode extensions. From the root of this repo, you can run:

ln -s $PWD/vscode/quint-vscode/ $HOME/.vscode/extensions/informal.quint-vscode

Using the VSCode plugin with an unpublished version of quint

We use yalc to manage unpublished packages. To install it, run

npm i yalc -g

Then use the local make target to replace the published version of quint with the local one and build the plugin:

make local

Make sure you have the folder linked to your vscode extensions as described above.


Between installing the plugin from different sources, you may end up with multiple versions and VSCode can get confused about which version to use. To fix this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to $HOME/.vscode/extensions and delete folders called informal.quint-vscode* except for the one you want to keep.
  2. rm $HOME/.vscode/extensions/extensions.json.
  3. rm $HOME/.vscode/extensions/.init-default-profile-extensions.
  4. Restart VSCode twice. The first time it will recreate the extensions.json file, the second time it will install the extensions. Reloading won't work, you need to actually close and reopen VSCode.


We manage releases for two components out of this repository: the quint executable and the VSCode plugin.

quint executable

  • Prepare a release by running ./quint/scripts/ with an argument to indicate the version increment: patch, minor, or major.

  • Get the release PR reviewed and merged

  • Checkout the release commit

  • Run the release script ./quint/scripts/

    This will trigger the release and publication of the package to npm and GitHub.

VSCode Plugin

