This example utilizes a publisher and a subscriber to show the pubsub pattern, it also shows PublishEvent
, OnTopicEvent
and GetTopicSubscriptions
It creates a publisher and calls the publish_event
method in the DaprClient
It will create a gRPC subscriber and bind the OnTopicEvent
method, which gets triggered after a message is published to the subscribed topic.
Note: Make sure to use the latest proto bindings
pip3 install dapr dapr-ext-grpc
Run the following command in a terminal/command prompt:
# 1. Start Subscriber (expose gRPC server receiver on port 50051)
dapr run --app-id python-subscriber --app-protocol grpc --app-port 50051 python3
In another terminal/command prompt run:
# 2. Start Publisher
dapr run --app-id python-publisher --app-protocol grpc --dapr-grpc-port=3500 python3
dapr stop --app-id python-publisher
dapr stop --app-id python-subscriber