Change owner and group recursively
chown -R root:stig <directory>
Set file permissions
chmod ugo[+-=]rwx <file>
|| chmod 644 <file>
Add additional user and set permissions recursively
setfacl -R -m u:stig:rwx <directory>
Remove facl entry for a user
setfacl -x u:stig <file>
Disk usage for directories, in GB, sorted.
-s=summarize total -BG=size to GB -h=human readable
du -shBG ./*/ | sort -n
Long list rules in chain 'INPUT'
iptables -L INPUT --line-numbers -v
Set chain policy
iptables --policy INPUT ACCEPT
New rule
iptables --append INPUT --in-interface eth0 --out-interface lo --source --destination --protocol tcp --dports 22 --match comment --comment "004 accept SSH connections" --jump ACCEPT
Delete by number
iptables --delete INPUT 3
Delete all in chain
iptables --flush INPUT
Delete all
iptables --flush
Move large files between computers.
-v=verbose -a=archive, keep file structure and properties -z=compress -P=Show progress and keep partial transfered files
rsync -vazP /data/backup/gitlab [email protected]:/data/dokcer/dockerfiles/gitlab/data/
Select field/column.
cut --delimiter ":" --fields 2
Remove specific characters.
Deletes whitespace, double quotes, and comma.
tr --delete [:blank:]\",
Replace string.
's' is the substitution command. Replaces 'foo' with 'bar', option 'g' for all occurrances.
sed "s|foo|bar|g"
To archive and compress a folder, keeping permissions
-c=create archive -v=verbose -z=compress with gzip -f=file name type -p=preserve-permissions
tar cvzfp myArchive.tar.gz /myFolder-to-archive
To uncompress tar.gz
tar -xvzf myArchive.tar.gz
cat << EOF > /etc/apt/apt.conf
Aquire::http::proxy "";
Aquire::https::proxy "";
touch myFile{1..10}.txt
head -c 5M </dev/urandom > myFile10.txt
List all listening TCP sockets, resolv IP, show port a numeric, and display PID
ss --listen --tcp --resolv --numeric --process
ss -ltrnp
List the kernels routing table.
ip route
or route
or netstat -r
Delete a route entry.
ip route del via
Add new default route.
ip route add default via
Add a a route with a netmask.
ip route add via
List NIC's.
ip addr
Disabel/Enable NIC.
ip link set eth0 down
ip link set eth0 up
Configure NIC with IP, broadcast, and netmask.
ip addr add broadcast dev eth0
List all processes with full format.
ps -ef
List all processes for current user.
ps -af
List only process with PID 2020 with full format and 'word-wrap'.
ps -fwwp 2020
New Certificate Signing Request
openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout privateKey.key
Inspect CRT-file
openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -text -noout
Convert .crt/.cer/.der to .pem
openssl x509 -inform der -in certificate.crt -out certificate.pem
Convert .pem to .crt
openssl x509 -outform der -in certificate.pem -out certificate.crt
If the client don't have keys, generate them.
ssh-keygen -b 4096
On the target, paste the clients public key here;
vim /home/user/.ssh/authorized-keys
On some old RHEL images you might need this.
+ : root : <client-IP>
To list block devices and mountpoints;
If the device have been formated, you need to make a file system on the disk first.
mkfs --type xfs /dev/sdb
Create a dir to mount into and then mount.
mkdir /data
mount /dev/sdb /data
Consider adding to fstab.
To get UUID of all devices;
Edit /etc/fstab
UUID=41c22818-fbad-4da6-8196-c816df0b7aa8 /data xfs defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
udisksctl unlock -b /dev/sdb1
udisksctl mount -b /dev/dm-3
The disk will be mounted to something like /media/stig/mydisk
New named session
tmux new -s mysession
Detach from session
Ctrl+b d
List sessions
tmux ls
Attach to last session
tmux a
Attach to named session
tmux a -t mysession
System to manage physical volumes, logical volumes, and volume groups.
Add new Physical Volume to a LVM system
pvcreate /dev/<device_name>
Create new Volume Group
vgcreate volume_group01 /dev/disk01 /dev/disk02
Extend Volume Group
vgextend volume_group01 /dev/disk03
Create Logical Volume in Volume Group. -L=Size bytes -l=Size %
lvcreate -n myDiskName -l 100%VG (-L50G) volume_group01
Extend or Reduce Logical Volume. -r=Resize filesystem -L=(+||set)
lvextend(reduce) /dev/volume_group01/logical_volume01 -L+50G -r
for pool administration, zfs
for filesystem administration.
NB: Do not create/update pools by device name (sda, sdb). Use device ID(/dev/disk/by-id).
Get disk ids with ls -lh /dev/disk/by-id
Create pool named "tank" with mirror on sda1 and sdb2, sdc3 as cache and mount point "/data"
zpool create tank mirror sda1 sdb2 cache sdc3 -m /data
Extend pool
zpool add tank sdd4
List pool information
zpool status
zpool list
zpool iostat
List, get, and set properties
zfs get all tank
zfs get compression tank
zfs set compression=on tank
Create snapshot
zfs snapshot tank@snapname
List Snapshots
zfs list -t snapshot -o name,used,creation
Rollback to snapshot
zfs rollback tank@snapname
Destroy snapshot
zfs destroy tank@snapname