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This branch is 391 commits behind modflowpy/flopy:develop.



This document describes the utility scripts in this directory.

Processing benchmarks

The script converts one or more JSON files created by pytest-benchmark into a single CSV file containing benchmark results. The script takes 2 positional arguments:

  1. The path to the directory containing the JSON files.
  2. The path to the directory to create the results CSV.

Input JSON files are expected to be named according to the pytest-benchmark format used when the --benchmark-autosave is provided:


For instance, e689af57e7439b9005749d806248897ad550eab5_20150811_041632_uncommitted-changes.json.

Note: the script depends on seaborn, which is not included as a dependency in either etc/environment.yml or in any of the optional groups in pyproject.toml, since this is the only place it is used in this repository.

Preparing for PRs

The script lints Python source code files by running black and isort on the flopy subdirectory. This script should be run before opening a pull request, as CI will fail if the code is not properly formatted. For instance, from the project root:

python scripts/

Running notebooks

The script runs notebooks located in the .docs/Notebooks directory.

Notebooks are run using jupytext --from_ipynb --execute <notebook path>. Note that notebooks are under version control, and running them with this script will produce large changesets in your working tree as outputs and execution metadata are updated. See the developer docs for instructions to configure git to automatically strip notebook outputs before commits.

Updating version

The script can be used to update FloPy version numbers. Running the script first updates the version in version.txt, then propagates the change to various other places version strings or timestamps are embedded in the repository:

  • flopy/
  • flopy/
  • CITATION.cff
  • docs/

The script acquires a file lock before writing to files to make sure only one process edits the files at any given time and prevent desynchronization.

If the script is run with no arguments, the version number is not changed, but updated timestamps are written. To set the version number, use the --version (short -v) option, e.g.:

python scripts/ -v 3.3.6

To get the current version number, use the --get flag:

python scripts/

This simply returns the contents of version.txt and does not write any changes to the repository's files.

By default, the script assumes a local development version of FloPy. The --approve flag should be used prior to releasing a new FloPy version. This will alter the file, substituting wording to indicate the version is no longer preliminary but approved for official release. See the release docs for more information.