This is a work in progress 🛠️
This infrastructure creates an ad hoc Mithril network on Google Cloud platform
Install Terraform
- Install terraform tools (latest stable version).
If you want to run this terraform automation for multiple environments from the same source, you need to create a new workspace:
- Create en env variable:
- Create the terraform worspace if needed:
terraform workspace new $DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT
- Switch to the terraform worspace if needed:
terraform workspace select $DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT
- Init terraform state for this workspace:
terraform init
- Create a terraform variable file (and then add the variable values that you want to set):
touch env.$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT.tfvars
-var "var_name=**THE_VALUE**"
- Lint terraform deployment (optional):
terraform fmt -check
- Plan terraform deployment:
terraform plan --var-file=env.$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT.tfvars
- Apply terraform deployment:
terraform apply --var-file=env.$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT.tfvars
You should see this output from terraform:
aggregator_endpoint = "https://aggregator.**"
api_subdomain = "**"
external-ip = ""
google_project = "mithril"
name_servers = tolist([
You will need to update the NS
records of the API sub domain given by api_subdomain
with the name servers listed in name_servers
- Destroy terraform deployment (optional):
terraform destroy --var-file=env.$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT.tfvars
Certificate Chain
The commands to run when bootstrapping is:
- Open a bash terminal on the VM and run the following command once connected:
docker exec mithril-aggregator /app/bin/mithril-aggregator -vvv genesis bootstrap
The Mithril infrastructure comes with some scripts that help handle common tasks.
This script is mainly used by the GitHub Actions workflows in the terraform deployments.
Script | Description | Usage |
---|---|---| |
Extract a public key from a GCP credentials file and adds it to an authorized ssh_keys file for a specific user. |
./ credentials.json ssh_keys username |
These scripts are used to create and maintain a Cardano Stake Pool Operator (SPO) on a Mithril network, for Tests only.
Connect to the VM and select the Cardano node and the Mithril signer node:
# Show debug output
export DEBUG=1
# Select Cardano network
export NETWORK=preview
# Select Cardano node
export CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-relay-signer-1
# Select Mithril signer node
export SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-1
In order to create a stake pool from scratch:
- Create keys with
- Register the stake address of the pool with
- Register the stake pool with
In order to query a stake pool information:
- Query the stake pool with
In order to maintain the stake pool:
- Renew the operational certificate of the stake pool with
In order to retire a stake pool:
- Retire a stake poool with
Script | Description | Usage |
---|---|---| |
Script for creating keys for a Cardano pool (SPO) | GENESIS_FILE=**YOUR_SHELLEY_GENESIS_FILE** ./tools/pool/ | |
Script for querying info about a Cardano pool (SPO) | ./tools/pool/ | |
Script for registering stake address of a Cardano pool (SPO) | TX_IN=**YOUR_TX_IN** ./tools/pool/ | |
Script for renewing Operational Certificate for a Cardano pool (SPO) | ./tools/pool/ | |
Script for retiring a Cardano pool (SPO) | TX_IN=**YOUR_TX_IN** VALUE_OUT=**YOUR_VALUE_OUT** ./tools/pool/ |
These scripts are used to fast bootstrap the genesis cerificates of a Mithril network, for Tests only. The principle is to antedate the databases of the signers and aggregators so that we can bootstrap then a valid genesis certificate.
Script | Description | Usage |
---|---|---| |
Script for antedating an aggregator database to run after the first signer registration (create fake 2 previous epochs with current epoch data for stake , verification_key and protocol_parameters ) |
./tools/genesis/ | |
Script for antedating a signer database to run after the first signer registration (create fake 2 previous epochs with current epoch data for stake , protocol_initializer ) |
./tools/genesis/ | |
Script for updating the content of the genesis certificate in the aggregator database | ./tools/genesis/ | |
Script for adding a Pool Id to an existing stake distribution in the aggregator database | ./tools/genesis/ | |
Script for adding a Pool Id to an existing stake distribution in the signer database | ./tools/genesis/ |
Here is an example process to fast bootstrap a Mithril network on preview with 2
signer nodes:
# Set env var
export NETWORK=preview
# Check that all cardano nodes are synced
docker exec mithril-aggregator /app/bin/cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic $NETWORK_MAGIC
docker exec mithril-signer-1 /app/bin/cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic $NETWORK_MAGIC
docker exec mithril-signer-2 /app/bin/cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic $NETWORK_MAGIC
## Clean signer db
sqlite3 data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-1/mithril/stores/signer.sqlite3 "DELETE FROM protocol_initializer; DELETE FROM stake;"
sqlite3 data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-2/mithril/stores/signer.sqlite3 "DELETE FROM protocol_initializer; DELETE FROM stake;"
## Clean aggregator db
sqlite3 data/$NETWORK/mithril-aggregator/mithril/stores/aggregator.sqlite3 "DELETE FROM certificate; DELETE FROM single_signature; DELETE FROM verification_key; DELETE FROM snapshot; DELETE FROM stake;"
## Restart nodes
docker restart mithril-aggregator
docker restart mithril-signer-1
docker restart mithril-signer-2
## If with certified signer
### Create certified signer and retrieve its pool id
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-1 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-1 POOL_TICKER=MSI01 ./tools/pool/
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-1 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-1 POOL_TICKER=MSI01 ./tools/pool/
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-1 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-1 POOL_TICKER=MSI01 ./tools/pool/
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-2 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-2 POOL_TICKER=MSI02 ./tools/pool/
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-2 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-2 POOL_TICKER=MSI02 ./tools/pool/
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-2 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-2 POOL_TICKER=MSI02 ./tools/pool/
## If with certified signer
### Update stake distribution with new pool ids
#### This is not completely working: you will have to wait for one epoch before going to the next step
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-aggregator $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-1/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-1 $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-1/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-2 $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-1/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-aggregator $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-2/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-1 $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-2/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-2 $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-2/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
## Wait until stake distribution is updated and signer is registered
docker logs -f --tail 250 mithril-aggregators
docker logs -f --tail 250 mithril-signer-1
docker logs -f --tail 250 mithril-signer-2
## Run fast genesis scripts
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-aggregator
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-1
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-2
## Bootstrap genesis certificate
docker exec mithril-aggregator /app/bin/mithril-aggregator -vvv genesis bootstrap
## Update genesis certificate to previous epoch
### Select current genesis certificate in the aggregator database
sqlite3 data/$NETWORK/mithril-aggregator/mithril/stores/aggregator.sqlite3 "SELECT * FROM certificate;"
### Recompute the genesis certificate hash
Run the following Rust snippet (see below)
### Update the current genesis certificate of the aggregator database
Snippet code to re-compute a valid genesis certificate:
### Add this test to the mithril-common/src/crypto_helper/ file and run the test
fn update_genesis_certificate() {
use crate::entities::Certificate;
let certificate_json = "**YOUR_GENESIS_CERTIFICATE**";
let mut certificate: Certificate = serde_json::from_str(certificate_json).unwrap();
certificate.beacon.epoch -= 1;
certificate.hash = certificate.compute_hash();