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+ ],
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+ "generator": "^DokuWiki( Release [\\d-]+)?\\;version:\\1"
+ },
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+ },
+ "Dotclear": {
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+ 1
+ ],
+ "cpe": "cpe:/a:dotclear:dotclear",
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+ },
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+ "implies": "PHP",
+ "website": "http://dotclear.org"
+ },
+ "Dotdigital": {
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+ 32,
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+ ],
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+ "dmPt": "\\;confidence:25",
+ "dm_insight_id": "",
+ "dmtrackingobjectname": "\\;confidence:75"
+ },
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+ "poa"
+ ],
+ "saas": true,
+ "scripts": "js/_dmptv([\\d.]+)\\.js\\;version:\\1",
+ "website": "https://dotdigital.com"
+ },
+ "DoubleClick Ad Exchange (AdX)": {
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+ 36
+ ],
+ "description": "DoubleClick Ad Exchange is a real-time marketplace to buy and sell display advertising space.",
+ "icon": "DoubleClick.svg",
+ "saas": true,
+ "scripts": [
+ "googlesyndication\\.com/pagead/show_ads\\.js",
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+ "googlesyndication\\.com.*abg\\.js"
+ ],
+ "website": "http://www.doubleclickbygoogle.com/solutions/digital-marketing/ad-exchange/"
+ },
+ "DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM)": {
+ "cats": [
+ 36
+ ],
+ "icon": "DoubleClick.svg",
+ "scripts": "2mdn\\.net",
+ "website": "http://www.doubleclickbygoogle.com/solutions/digital-marketing/campaign-manager/"
+ },
+ "DoubleClick Floodlight": {
+ "cats": [
+ 36
+ ],
+ "icon": "DoubleClick.svg",
+ "scripts": "https?://fls\\.doubleclick\\.net",
+ "website": "http://support.google.com/ds/answer/6029713?hl=en"
+ },
+ "DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP)": {
+ "cats": [
+ 36
+ ],
+ "description": "DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) is a hosted ad serving platform that streamlines your ad management.",
+ "icon": "DoubleClick.svg",
+ "pricing": [
+ "freemium"
+ ],
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+ "scripts": "googletagservices\\.com/tag/js/gpt(?:_mobile)?\\.js",
+ "website": "http://www.google.com/dfp"
+ },
+ "Doxygen": {
+ "cats": [
+ 4
+ ],
+ "cpe": "cpe:/a:doxygen:doxygen",
+ "description": "Doxygen is a documentation generator, a tool for writing software reference documentation.",
+ "html": "(?:|"
+ ],
+ "icon": "Google Tag Manager.svg",
+ "js": {
+ "google_tag_manager": "",
+ "googletag": ""
+ },
+ "saas": true,
+ "scripts": "googletagmanager\\.com/gtm\\.js",
+ "website": "http://www.google.com/tagmanager"
+ },
+ "Google Wallet": {
+ "cats": [
+ 41
+ ],
+ "icon": "Google Wallet.png",
+ "saas": true,
+ "scripts": [
+ "checkout\\.google\\.com",
+ "wallet\\.google\\.com"
+ ],
+ "website": "http://wallet.google.com"
+ },
+ "Google Web Server": {
+ "cats": [
+ 22
+ ],
+ "cpe": "cpe:/a:google:web_server",
+ "headers": {
+ "Server": "gws"
+ },
+ "icon": "Google.svg",
+ "website": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Web_Server"
+ },
+ "Google Web Toolkit": {
+ "cats": [
+ 18
+ ],
+ "cpe": "cpe:/a:google:web_toolkit",
+ "description": "Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open-source Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications.",
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+ "implies": "Java",
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+ "__gwt_activeModules": "",
+ "__gwt_getMetaProperty": "",
+ "__gwt_isKnownPropertyValue": "",
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+ "__gwtlistener": ""
+ },
+ "meta": {
+ "gwt:property": ""
+ },
+ "website": "http://developers.google.com/web-toolkit"
+ },
+ "Google Workspace": {
+ "cats": [
+ 30,
+ 75
+ ],
+ "description": "Google Workspace, formerly G Suite, is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools.",
+ "dns": {
+ "MX": [
+ "aspmx\\.l\\.google\\.com",
+ "googlemail\\.com"
+ ]
+ },
+ "icon": "Google Workspace.svg",
+ "website": "https://workspace.google.com/"
+ },
+ "Graffiti CMS": {
+ "cats": [
+ 1
+ ],
+ "cookies": {
+ "graffitibot": ""
+ },
+ "icon": "Graffiti CMS.png",
+ "implies": "Microsoft ASP.NET",
+ "meta": {
+ "generator": "Graffiti CMS ([^\"]+)\\;version:\\1"
+ },
+ "scripts": "/graffiti\\.js",
+ "website": "http://graffiticms.codeplex.com"
+ },
+ "GrandNode": {
+ "cats": [
+ 6
+ ],
+ "cookies": {
+ "Grand.customer": ""
+ },
+ "html": "(?:"
+ ],
+ "icon": "inspectlet.png",
+ "js": {
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+ "__inspld": ""
+ },
+ "scripts": [
+ "cdn\\.inspectlet\\.com"
+ ],
+ "website": "https://www.inspectlet.com/"
+ },
+ "Instabot": {
+ "cats": [
+ 5,
+ 10,
+ 32,
+ 52,
+ 58
+ ],
+ "description": "Instabot is a conversion chatbot that understands your users, and curates information, answers questions, captures contacts, and books meetings instantly.",
+ "icon": "Instabot.png",
+ "js": {
+ "Instabot": ""
+ },
+ "scripts": "/rokoInstabot\\.js",
+ "website": "https://instabot.io/"
+ },
+ "Instana": {
+ "cats": [
+ 10,
+ 13
+ ],
+ "description": "Instana is a Kubernetes-native APM tool which is built for new-stack including Microservices and lately Serverless but also supports the existing VM based stacks including several supported technologies.",
+ "icon": "Instana.svg",
+ "js": {
+ "ineum": ""
+ },
+ "pricing": [
+ "low",
+ "recurring"
+ ],
+ "saas": true,
+ "scripts": "eum\\.instana\\.io",
+ "website": "https://www.instana.com"
+ },
+ "InstantCMS": {
+ "cats": [
+ 1
+ ],
+ "cookies": {
+ "InstantCMS[logdate]": ""
+ },
+ "cpe": "cpe:/a:instantcms:instantcms",
+ "icon": "InstantCMS.png",
+ "implies": "PHP",
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+ "generator": "InstantCMS"
+ },
+ "website": "http://www.instantcms.ru"
+ },
+ "Instapage": {
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+ 51,
+ 74,
+ 10
+ ],
+ "description": "Instapage is a cloud-based landing page platform designed for marketing teams and agencies.",
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+ "Lua",
+ "Node.js"
+ ],
+ "js": {
+ "_instapageSnowplow": "",
+ "instapageSp": ""
+ },
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+ "mid",
+ "recurring"
+ ],
+ "saas": true,
+ "scripts": [
+ "cdn\\.instapagemetrics\\.com",
+ "heatmap-events-collector\\.instapage\\.com"
+ ],
+ "website": "https://instapage.com"
+ },
+ "Intel Active Management Technology": {
+ "cats": [
+ 22,
+ 46
+ ],
+ "cpe": "cpe:/a:intel:active_management_technology",
+ "description": "Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) is a proprietary remote management and control system for personal computers with Intel CPUs.",
+ "headers": {
+ "Server": "Intel\\(R\\) Active Management Technology(?: ([\\d.]+))?\\;version:\\1"
+ },
+ "icon": "Intel Active Management Technology.png",
+ "website": "http://intel.com"
+ },
+ "IntenseDebate": {
+ "cats": [
+ 15
+ ],
+ "description": "IntenseDebate is a blog commenting system that supports Typepad, Blogger and Wordpress blogs. The system allows blog owners to track and moderate comments from one place with features like threading, comment analytics, user reputation, and comment aggregation.",
+ "icon": "IntenseDebate.png",
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+ "website": "http://intensedebate.com"
+ },
+ "Intercom": {
+ "cats": [
+ 10
+ ],
+ "description": "Intercom is a Conversational Relationship Platform that helps businesses build better customer relationships through personalised, messenger-based experiences.",
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+ },
+ "scripts": "(?:api\\.intercom\\.io/api|static\\.intercomcdn\\.com/intercom\\.v1)",
+ "website": "https://www.intercom.com"
+ },
+ "Intercom Articles": {
+ "cats": [
+ 4
+ ],
+ "description": "Intercom Articles is a tool to create, organise and publish help articles.",
+ "html": "]+>We run on Intercom",
+ "icon": "Intercom.svg",
+ "website": "https://www.intercom.com/articles"
+ },
+ "Intershop": {
+ "cats": [
+ 6
+ ],
+ "html": "(?:CDS )?Invenio\\s*v?([\\d\\.]+)?\\;version:\\1",
+ "icon": "Invenio.png",
+ "website": "http://invenio-software.org"
+ },
+ "Inveon": {
+ "cats": [
+ 6
+ ],
+ "cookies": {
+ "INV.Customer": "\\;confidence:50",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "scripts": "Scripts/_app/Inv(?:\\w+)\\.js\\?v=(.+)$\\;version:\\1",
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+ },
+ "Ionic": {
+ "cats": [
+ 18
+ ],
+ "icon": "ionic.png",
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+ "Ionic.version": "^(.+)$\\;version:\\1"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "cats": [
+ 17
+ ],
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]* href=[^>]+ionicons(?:\\.min)?\\.css",
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+ "website": "http://ionicons.com"
+ },
+ "Irroba": {
+ "cats": [
+ 6
+ ],
+ "html": "
+ "icon": "irroba.svg",
+ "website": "https://www.irroba.com.br/"
+ },
+ "Isotope": {
+ "cats": [
+ 59
+ ],
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+ "icon": "Isotope.svg",
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+ },
+ "oss": true,
+ "pricing": [
+ "low",
+ "freemium",
+ "onetime"
+ ],
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+ },
+ "Izooto": {
+ "cats": [
+ 32,
+ 5
+ ],
+ "description": "iZooto is a user engagement and retention tool that leverages web push notifications to help business to drive repeat traffic, leads and sales.",
+ "icon": "Izooto.png",
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+ },
+ "pricing": [
+ "mid",
+ "recurring"
+ ],
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+ "scripts": "cdn\\.izooto\\.\\w+",
+ "website": "https://www.izooto.com"
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+ 6
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+ },
+ "website": "https://www.j2store.org/"
+ },
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+ 71
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+ "dom": "img[src*='.j-a-net.jp'],img[data-src*='.j-a-net.jp']",
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+ "website": "https://j-a-net.jp"
+ },
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+ "cats": [
+ 7
+ ],
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+ "implies": "Java",
+ "meta": {
+ "generator": "JAlbum( [\\d.]+)?\\;version:\\1"
+ },
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+ "cats": [
+ 22
+ ],
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+ "X-Powered-By": "JBoss(?:-([\\d.]+))?\\;version:\\1"
+ },
+ "icon": "JBoss Application Server.png",
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+ },
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+ "cats": [
+ 22
+ ],
+ "excludes": "Apache Tomcat",
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+ "X-Powered-By": "JBossWeb(?:-([\\d.]+))?\\;version:\\1"
+ },
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+ },
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+ 6
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "website": "http://www.jetecommerce.com.br/"
+ },
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+ 25
+ ],
+ "icon": "JS Charts.png",
+ "js": {
+ "JSChart": ""
+ },
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+ },
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+ 56
+ ],
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+ "jseMine": ""
+ },
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+ "JShop": {
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+ ],
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+ },
+ "website": "http://www.whorl.co.uk"
+ },
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+ 6
+ ],
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+ "JTLSHOP": ""
+ },
+ "html": "(?:]+name=\"JTLSHOP|",
+ "icon": "Java.png",
+ "website": "https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/windows/javadoc.html"
+ },
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+ ],
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+ "html": [
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+ "",
+ "icon": "Lightspeed.svg",
+ "pricing": [
+ "low"
+ ],
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+ "url": "seoshop.webshopapp.com",
+ "website": "http://www.lightspeedhq.com/products/ecommerce/"
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+ 36
+ ],
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+ 10
+ ],
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+ },
+ "scripts": "snap\\.licdn\\.com/li\\.lms-analytics/insight\\.min\\.js",
+ "website": "https://business.linkedin.com/marketing-solutions/insight-tag"
+ },
+ "Linkedin Sign-in": {
+ "cats": [
+ 69
+ ],
+ "description": "Linkedin Sign-In is an authentication system that reduces the burden of login for users, by enabling them to sign in with their Linkedin account.",
+ "icon": "Linkedin.svg",
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+ "OnLinkedInAuth": "",
+ "onLinkedInLoad": ""
+ },
+ "scripts": "platform\\.linkedin\\.com/(?:.*)?in\\.js(?:\\?version)?([\\d.]+)?\\;version:\\1",
+ "website": "https://www.linkedin.com/developers"
+ },
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+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
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+ 59
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "list\\.js/\\;confidence:50",
+ "@([\\d.]+)/(?:/dist)?list\\.(?:min\\.)?js\\;version:\\1"
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+ },
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+ 32
+ ],
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+ "_LTKSubscriber": ""
+ },
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+ "poa"
+ ],
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+ "scripts": [
+ "(?:cdn|s1)\\.listrakbi\\.com",
+ "services\\.listrak\\.com"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ 22
+ ],
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+ "Server": "^LiteSpeed$"
+ },
+ "icon": "LiteSpeed.svg",
+ "website": "http://litespeedtech.com"
+ },
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+ 23
+ ],
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+ "website": "https://wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/"
+ },
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+ 1
+ ],
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+ "LithiumVisitor": ""
+ },
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+ "js": {
+ "LITHIUM": ""
+ },
+ "website": "https://www.lithium.com"
+ },
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+ 1
+ ],
+ "icon": "LiveStory.png",
+ "js": {
+ "LSHelpers": "",
+ "LiveStory": ""
+ },
+ "website": "https://www.livestory.nyc/"
+ },
+ "LiveAgent": {
+ "cats": [
+ 52
+ ],
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+ "js": {
+ "LiveAgent": ""
+ },
+ "pricing": [
+ "payg"
+ ],
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+ },
+ "LiveChat": {
+ "cats": [
+ 52
+ ],
+ "description": "LiveChat is an online customer service software with online chat, help desk software, and web analytics capabilities.",
+ "icon": "LiveChat.png",
+ "pricing": [
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+ "scripts": "cdn\\.livechatinc\\.com/.*tracking\\.js",
+ "website": "http://livechatinc.com"
+ },
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+ 52,
+ 53
+ ],
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+ "icon": "LiveHelp.png",
+ "js": {
+ "LHready": ""
+ },
+ "pricing": [
+ "low"
+ ],
+ "saas": true,
+ "website": "http://www.livehelp.it"
+ },
+ "LiveIntent": {
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+ 75,
+ 36
+ ],
+ "description": "LiveIntent is an email ad monetization platform.",
+ "icon": "LiveIntent.svg",
+ "js": {
+ "LI.advertiserId": "\\d+"
+ },
+ "pricing": [
+ "poa"
+ ],
+ "saas": true,
+ "scripts": "\\.liadm\\.com",
+ "website": "https://www.liveintent.com",
+ "xhr": "\\.liadm\\.com"
+ },
+ "LiveJournal": {
+ "cats": [
+ 11
+ ],
+ "description": "LiveJournal is a social networking service where users can keep a blog, journal or diary.",
+ "icon": "LiveJournal.png",
+ "url": "\\.livejournal\\.com",
+ "website": "http://www.livejournal.com"
+ },
+ "LivePerson": {
+ "cats": [
+ 52
+ ],
+ "description": "LivePerson is a tool for conversational chatbots and messaging.",
+ "icon": "LivePerson.png",
+ "pricing": [
+ "poa"
+ ],
+ "saas": true,
+ "scripts": "^https?://lptag\\.liveperson\\.net/tag/tag\\.js",
+ "website": "https://www.liveperson.com/"
+ },
+ "LiveRamp PCM": {
+ "cats": [
+ 67
+ ],
+ "description": "LiveRamp PCM is a preference and consent management platform that enables comply with the ePrivacy Directive, GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection and privacy laws and regulations.",
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+ "icon": "LiveRamp.svg",
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+ "wpJsonpLiverampGdprCmp": ""
+ },
+ "scripts": "gdpr\\.privacymanager\\.io",
+ "website": "https://liveramp.com/our-platform/preference-consent-management"
+ },
+ "LiveStreet CMS": {
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+ 1
+ ],
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+ },
+ "icon": "LiveStreet CMS.png",
+ "implies": "PHP",
+ "js": {
+ },
+ "website": "http://livestreetcms.com"
+ },
+ "LiveZilla": {
+ "cats": [
+ 52
+ ],
+ "description": "LiveZilla is a web-based live support platform.",
+ "dom": "#lz_overlay_chat",
+ "icon": "LiveZilla.png",
+ "js": {
+ "lz_chat_execute": "",
+ "lz_code_id": "(?:[\\w\\d]+)",
+ "lz_tracking_set_widget_visibility": ""
+ },
+ "pricing": [
+ "onetime",
+ "mid"
+ ],
+ "saas": false,
+ "website": "https://www.livezilla.net"
+ },
+ "Livefyre": {
+ "cats": [
+ 15
+ ],
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+ "icon": "Livefyre.png",
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+ "L.version": "^(.+)$\\;confidence:0\\;version:\\1",
+ "LF.CommentCount": "",
+ "fyre": ""
+ },
+ "scripts": "livefyre_init\\.js",
+ "website": "http://livefyre.com"
+ },
+ "Liveinternet": {
+ "cats": [
+ 10
+ ],
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